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If Democrats Take Congress, Bush Will Get His Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
Human Events ^ | October 31 2006 | Mac Johnson

Posted on 10/31/2006 6:41:38 AM PST by Reagan Man

Although the basic philosophy of conservatism is optimistic (a belief in the individual’s ability to succeed if left alone by government is at the core of the movement, after all), conservatives tend to be chronically depressed when it comes to politics and elections.

Not only does government seem to grow ad nauseum with each passing year (especially under Democrats or George Bush), but a healthy touch of pessimism is a natural consequence of responsibility. Imagining what can go wrong is how responsible adults plan for the future. And conservatives are, disproportionately, among the responsible part of the population—responsible for paying the taxes, fighting the wars, raising the children, and running the businesses.

So it is not surprising that conservatives have a tendency to see the worst in every political event. This means that oftentimes conservatives completely overlook when they have actually won a major victory—concentrating instead on spotting the next potential defeat. This is what has occurred regarding the battle over illegal immigration and amnesty this past year.

At the beginning of 2006, the constellations were in perfect alignment for the forces of open borders and amnesty. Ready to push for amnesty—and the next flood of illegal alien interlopers it would bring- was the mainstream media, nearly all Congressional Democrats, President Bush and Karl Rove, John McCain and much of the Senate leadership of the GOP, the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page and its disciples, sellout union “leaders,” corrupt corporations, every ethnic grievance group in the country, a number of imbecile bishops, academia, the rabid moonbat left, 20 million street-storming illegal aliens, and every weenie in America afraid of being called a racist.

All amnesty opponents had going for them was the wishes of a majority of the American people and the rank-and-file Republicans in Congress. And yet amnesty was defeated in a spectacular fashion. Many conservatives, who were angry that the victory had to be achieved over the political carcasses of our own President and Senate leaders, did not appreciate the scale and significance of this victory at the time. An army that has to mutiny just to be able to fight the enemy is inherently demoralized by that fact.

Given such circumstances, it’s easy to resort to jaded and safe clichés such as “there’s no difference between the two parties.” But the simple fact is there’s a huge difference between the parties on the amnesty issue: Republicans are divided over it, with most opposing amnesty. For Democrats there is no such division—they wholeheartedly support amnesty.

H.R. 4437, the bill establishing increased border security efforts and rejecting amnesty, was supported by 203 of 231 (88%) Republicans in the House—only 17 voted against it. By contrast, only 36 Democrats (18%) voted for the bill, 164 voted against it, hoping to pass an amnesty instead. In the Senate, the only opposition to amnesty came from Republicans—60% of them opposed it. 93% of Senate Democrats supported amnesty.

That’s the choice this election presents for opponents of open borders: support the Republicans that rose up against their leadership to oppose amnesty, or support the Democrats who will gleefully pass an amnesty just as soon as they are sworn in and able.

And here’s the real kicker: booting Republicans from control of the House to punish George Bush and John McCain for their ludicrous border policies will have the ironic effect of ensuring they finally get the amnesty they want. If Democrats win big next week, the Senate will resurrect their amnesty bill, a Democrat controlled House will pass it, and there can be no doubt that President George W. Bush will sign it with far more fanfare and enthusiasm than he displayed when he signed the bill initiating construction of 700 miles of border fence—a bill that Republican Congressman forced on him in response to voter pressure.

In short, voting Democrat, or not voting at all, merely amounts to cutting off our Tancredo to spite our Bush. It would be throwing away the tremendous victory we have won this year and, worse, set in motion a tsunami of increased illegal immigration.

Today’s illegal immigration problem is a direct result of the 1986 amnesty. Far from “solving” the relatively small illegal alien problem America had then (3 million), it made the problem far, far worse by sending the message out to all the world that the secret to a better life in America was to just get here: sneak in, lie your way in, buy your way in, but just get here and we will let you stay, forgive you, and eventually make you a citizen.

And the world heard the message. Today the population of immigration criminals hiding in America waiting for the next amnesty is 12 million to 20 million. We cannot afford another such amnesty solution. The only way to undo the damage of the 1986 amnesty is to put aside talk of new amnesties or guest worker scams and begin to vigorously enforce the laws on immigration.

In the long term, illegal immigration may be the biggest threat facing the United States. Americans are only 5% of the world’s population. If the borders are thrown completely open by another amnesty, we face the very real prospect of being made a minority in what used to be our country.

If, as a voter, you are concerned about illegal immigration and border security, then a Republican Congress is currently the best insurance policy you can buy—not just against Democrats in Congress, but against the Republican in the White House as well.

The next battle for our borders occurs Tuesday, November 7, at a polling place near you. Vote. Or you can spend the day in Spanish class.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: immigrantlist; pretzellogic
If, as a voter, you are concerned about illegal immigration and border security, then a Republican Congress is currently the best insurance policy you can buy—not just against Democrats in Congress, but against the Republican in the White House as well.
1 posted on 10/31/2006 6:41:40 AM PST by Reagan Man
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To: Reagan Man

OMG, you are right.

Maybe that's why Rove & Bush are pretending - and hoping the Democrats will win.

OMG this would be sooo bad!

2 posted on 10/31/2006 6:43:15 AM PST by musikman
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To: Reagan Man

Conservatives vote to honor those who died to give them that vote.

Un-American asses do not vote.

Since Conservatives are not un-American, we will win.

That is unless some people have been pretending to be conservatives.

3 posted on 10/31/2006 6:45:36 AM PST by new yorker 77 (FAKE POLLS DO NOT TRANSLATE INTO REAL VOTERS!)
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To: Reagan Man

LoL. I love it "Keep the Democrats Out to Thwart Bush". What a political genius Rove is. You can't even beat him be voting for the opposition. Hilarious.

4 posted on 10/31/2006 6:45:43 AM PST by justshutupandtakeit (If you believe ANYTHING in the Treason Media you are a fool.)
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To: Reagan Man

I've said over and over again that if nothing else, IMMIGRATION is the issue Republicans should be out there campaigning on. Remind voters that it was a Republican House that stopped the Senate and (sorry there Mr. President) Bush from granting a free ride to criminals. Forget dirty books, playboy parties and stem cell -- this is the issue that means a lot to voters. Democrats have completely ignored the polls on this - and that's where we nail them.

5 posted on 10/31/2006 6:46:28 AM PST by Right Cal Gal (I wouldn't believe liberals if their tongues came notarized!)
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To: Right Cal Gal

Almost NOTHING is more important to American-loving conservatives right now. I agree.

6 posted on 10/31/2006 6:49:48 AM PST by musikman
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To: Reagan Man

And the president listened to his base and bought off on the fence first thinking.

But just for your edification, the Prez is held in far higher esteem by most conservatives than either the House or Senate, despite his flaws.

7 posted on 10/31/2006 6:54:05 AM PST by pissant
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To: Reagan Man

Atlas really needs to start shrugging about now...

8 posted on 10/31/2006 7:01:52 AM PST by P-40 (Al Qaeda was working in Iraq. They were just undocumented.)
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To: Reagan Man
If Democrats Take Congress, Bush Will Get His Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

...sort of like he's gonna get with the liberals we're supposed to re-elect just because they have an 'R' by their name.

9 posted on 10/31/2006 7:06:11 AM PST by Prime Choice (True Conservatives don't vote for Liberals just because they have an 'R' by their name.)
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To: Reagan Man

I'm against fear politics as a whole, but this isn't fear just used for the sake of it but reality.

This President will want legislative "achievements" in his last two years. A Dem Congress would give him one. Amnesty.

Now I don't think the DEMS will take either Congress, but the margins of seats ARE important to bypass open border RINO's that would be inclined to flip.

I'm not so naive I necesarily trust they won't still attempt amnesty if Reps do control the House, but if they attribute enforcement as to the reason why the Majority of them survived this year I suspect many are going to dig in their heels further on this issue.

Vote for a Republican House.

10 posted on 10/31/2006 7:10:38 AM PST by Soul Seeker (Kobach: Amnesty is going from an illegal to a legal position, without imposing the original penalty.)
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To: Reagan Man

After sending in my two or three hundred bucks to the RNC for many years, I finally got fed up with our border security policy (or lack thereof) and filled out the multiple requests for donations with a strongly-worded statement: "You will never see another dime from me until you secure our borders."

While I strongly doubt that Karl Rove and George W. Bush sat down and read my little notes, it is not impossible that, having receive thousands just like it, they may have finally gotten the message.

11 posted on 10/31/2006 7:15:00 AM PST by TruthShallSetYouFree (Abortion is to family planning what bankruptcy is to financial planning.)
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To: Reagan Man

Not only will they pass amnesty, but the GOP will get the blame.

The Dems would be in heaven.

12 posted on 10/31/2006 7:17:30 AM PST by Brilliant
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To: Reagan Man

very true, and specifically a republican House - that's the only body stopping the senate amnesty bill from becoming law.

13 posted on 10/31/2006 7:20:31 AM PST by oceanview
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To: pissant

not on the immigration issue, no way.

14 posted on 10/31/2006 7:21:29 AM PST by oceanview
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To: Reagan Man

The elites selling America down the river BUMP!

15 posted on 10/31/2006 7:23:55 AM PST by conservativecorner
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To: oceanview

He just signed what the house wanted. In fact, it was the admin that insisted something get passed. But you are right, Bush is shaky on the illegal immigration issue. Congress is shaky on everything else.

16 posted on 10/31/2006 7:24:39 AM PST by pissant
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To: Reagan Man
"Many conservatives, who were angry that the victory had to be achieved over the political carcasses of our own President and Senate leaders, did not appreciate the scale and significance of this victory at the time. An army that has to mutiny just to be able to fight the enemy is inherently demoralized by that fact."

You are almost correct here. It is not the army that is mutineering.

17 posted on 10/31/2006 7:54:49 AM PST by Eastbound
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To: new yorker 77
That is unless some people have been pretending to be conservatives.

Exactly. Like Bush, McCain, half the 'republicans' in the Senate and the House, etc.

18 posted on 10/31/2006 8:09:06 AM PST by raybbr (You think it's bad now - wait till the anchor babies start to vote.)
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