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Palestine Mickey Mouse, Rachel Corrie Parents Incite Violence Against Israel
Israel News Agency / Google News ^ | May 13, 2007 | Joel Leyden

Posted on 05/13/2007 11:49:10 AM PDT by IsraelBeach

Palestine Mickey Mouse, Rachel Corrie Parents Incite Violence Against Israel

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

Jerusalem, Israel ---- May 13, 2007 ...... Perhaps not since the days of Nazi Youth, Hitler Youth has the Western world witnessed the systematic teaching of racist hatred to children.

In the 1920's, 30's and early 40's the Hitler-Jugend had enlisted over 25,000 boys aged fourteen and upwards. It also set up a junior branch, the Deutsches Jungvolk, for boys aged ten to fourteen. Girls from ten to eighteen were given their own organization, the Bund Deutscher Ma"del (or BDM), the League of German Girls. They were all brain washed in learning that Nazi Germans were "Aryan supermen" and that Jews had no reason to live.

Today, the same dogma, the same child abuse rises not from Berlin but rather from Ramallah in the West Bank of Israel. Hamas terrorists have created a TV program that features a Mickey Mouse lookalike urging Palestinian children to fight Israel and work for global Islamic domination.

Responding to global condemnation of teaching children racist hatred, Palestine Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti said the character - a giant black-and-white rodent with a high-pitched voice - represented a "mistaken approach" to the Palestinian struggle against Israel.

He said that the program was pulled from Hamas-affiliated Al Aqsa TV at his ministry's request and "placed under review."

The character, named "Farfour," or "butterfly," but unmistakably a copy of the Disney character, preached for the destruction of the US and Israel each Friday on the show called "Tomorrow's Pioneers."

"Farfour" and his co-host, a young girl, talk about global Islam ruling the world as well as the need to annihilate the Jews and be victorious over America. An Israel watchdog group, Palestinian Media Watch, monitored and reported on the program.

In another April episode, captured by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the child host and Mickey Mouse-like character speak to an off-screen child caller named "Sanabel."

"How will you sacrifice your soul for the sake of Al-Aqsa?" the girl is asked, according to the MEMRI translation.

"I will shoot," the girl answers. "We want to fight."

"We are defending Al-Aqsa with our souls and our blood, aren't we, Sanabel?" the host asks the caller, who replies, "I will commit martyrdom."

"You and I are laying the foundation for a world led by Islamists," Farfour squeaked on a recent episode. "We will return the Islamic community to its former greatness, and liberate Jerusalem, God willing, liberate Iraq, God willing, and liberate all the countries of the Muslims invaded by the murderers."

Children called in to the show, many singing Hamas anthems about fighting Israel.

A spokeswoman for Burbank, Calif.-based Walt Disney Co. did not return phone calls seeking comment, and the Gaza TV station had no comment. Although the Walt Disney Company has not made any public comment on the use of a Mickey Mouse look-alike to spread Hamas propaganda, Walt Disney's daughter is calling Hamas "pure evil" for "indoctrinating children like this."

Diane Disney Miller, 73, told the New York Daily News that the children's program on Hamas television is teaching children to be evil.

The program was opposed by the Palestinian Broadcasting Corp., which is controlled by the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a Hamas rival that shares power with the terrorists in the Palestinian government.

Barghouti is an independent aligned with neither Hamas nor Fatah.

Loyalists of Hamas, which is sworn to the destruction of Israel, launched the Al Aqsa satellite channel last year. Bearded young men read the news and Islamic music is layered over footage of masked militants firing rockets into Israel. The channel also broadcasts talk shows, programs about the disabled and cartoons.

Hamas loyalists also run at least five news Web sites, a newspaper and a radio station.

The Palestine Authority Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti said last Wednesday that he had spoken to officials at Hamas television, and they had agreed to revise the program.

"They were very cooperative," Barghouti told Cybercast News Service by telephone. He did not elaborate on the changes being planned.

The program was a "primitive act done out of ignorance," Barghouti said, adding that Hamas television officials agreed they should not politicize programs for children.

But now there appears to be a fracture among the Palestinians. Although Barghouti (an independent) said that the show reflects a "mistaken approach" to the Palestinian struggle for independence and would be suspended immediately to allow for a review, the show was still aired as usual on Friday.

The station's manager, Hazem al-Sharawi, said the show called "Tomorrow's Pioneers" has an educational message and refused to cancel it. In previous shows, Farfur called for Israel to be vanquished and Islam to "lead the world".

The show, which airs Fridays, features a young girl in head covering and an adult moderator who instructs young viewers on Hamas's brand of Muslim piety.

Hazin al-Sharawi, the adult moderator, said during Friday's show that "the Jews, the Jews don't like Palestinians."

Al-Aqsa Television is part of Hamas's media campaign for political dominance over Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's secular Fatah faction.

Fathi Hammad, chairman of Al-Aqsa Television, defended the show: "It does not violate any moral or professional standard," he told a Hamas Web site, adding it would not be withdrawn, nor will its content be modified.

Palestinian political analyst Hani Habib said the Al-Aqsa show was a Hamas recruitment tool.

"This program markets death when a child is supposed to have a long future to come."

But 10-year-old fan Hanin, said the show was mostly educational. "The show teaches us to recite the Quran, to pray and to speak in formal Arabic. We want the show to continue."

What may ultimately quiet the Hamas Mickey Mouse mouthpiece is the issue of financial assistance. A report yesterday from Reuters says that the United States is close to approving a workaround arrangement so that funds from Arab nations can flow to an independent minister in the Palestinian Authority. But none of that money will go to Hamas because it is unwilling to recognize Israel’s right to exist or to forswear the use of violence.

With the Hamas government struggling as employees suffer without pay, Hamas will have to decide how much Mickey Mouse is worth to a people starving from high unemployment and continued isolation from Western nations.

"The "Farfur" character and child actors on the program taunt Western leaders and urge children to take up AK-47 assault rifles to defeat Israel and the United States," says the The Anti-Defamation League. "Farfur, a mouse in tuxedo with tails and red bow tie, first appeared last month on Al-Aqsa TV, the official television station of the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza City, according to Palestinian Media Watch (, which was the first to report on and translate the program. Palestinian Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti announced today that the program had been pulled off the air "for review" and said it was "wrong to use a program directed at children to convey political messages."

An ADL statement continued: "Hamas has long used programs aimed at young children to raise a new generation of terrorists. Other Palestinian children's programs inciting hate have used the Mickey Mouse image. An infamous 1998 episode of the program the Children's Club on official Palestinian Authority television had a Mickey Mouse-type figure amidst children praising suicide terrorist attacks against Israelis."

"When you take a Mickey Mouse-like character and deliberately use it to promote an ideology of hatred, obviously its going to have an impact on children and their thinking," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "The apparent message to children is, 'drink milk everyday, and defeat the Jews.'

"For all of their attempts to appear more moderate, Hamas is still willing to indoctrinate children into their culture of hate," added Mr. Foxman.

Hamas has been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US State Department and is responsible for dozens of suicide attacks against Israeli civilians.

The ADL wrote to Robert A. Iger, President and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, urging him to use his company's influence to put a stop "to this egregious and outrageous abuse of your intellectual property, which certainly stands in stark contrast to everything the Walt Disney Company represents."

“Whether it is a Mickey Mouse-like character, or games for toddlers, the goal (of Hamas) is to appeal to young minds and indoctrinate them into their culture of hate," the ADL said.

But it appears that a Nazi type Mickey Mouse is not the only show in town. asks the global media: "Why do you ignore another equally abhorrent video, which is still running on Hamas TV? Why has the media turned a blind eye to this latest appalling example of Hamas's incitement of children into becoming terrorists and suicide bombers?"

As documented by PMW, the four-year-old daughter of female suicide bomber Reem Riyashi sings to her dead mother and vows to follow in her footsteps. The video clip ends as the little girl picks up sticks of explosives from her mother's drawer.

The Al Aqsa TV children's program shows a child actress playing the daughter, watching Riyashi preparing the bomb and asking her mother, "Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms instead of me? A toy or a present for me?" She later sees a TV news story about her mother's suicide mission and death, and realizes her mother had been carrying a bomb.

"Only now, I know what was more precious than us..." she sings of the bomb.

Although she misses her mother, she vows to follow in her footsteps. The video ends as she opens her mother's drawer and picks up the sticks of explosives her mother had left there.

Some 10,000 miles away another set of parents, the American parents of terror abiding ISM member Rachel Corrie continue to praise the anti-Israel efforts of their daughter. Rachel Corrie was filmed burning American flags and died in an accident as she tried to prevent the Israel Defense Forces from closing tunnels built by Islamic terrorists to smuggle weapons into Israel for the murder of Israel civilians.

Prof. Steven Plaut of the University of Haifa recently wrote an open letter to the parents of Rachel Corrie. It stated: Your daughter was in a war zone as a belligerent. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Corrie, you are continuing with your campaign of demonization and delegitimization against Israel, a campaign that now manifests itself in a shallow anti-Israel propaganda play being staged in Seattle. All this, of course, came after your earlier open letter to the world, "A Call to Action; Rachel's Words Live," which was reprinted in many different media outfits, including the viciously anti-Semitic Counterpunch magazine, and the Guardian of the UK.

Your daughter conscripted herself as an aid for those seeking to murder my children.

In that letter, you begin by recalling that your daughter was "killed by an Israeli bulldozer," but you neglect to mention the circumstances under which she was so killed (and the fact that she died from her injuries while under Palestinian medical care). You then add, "She had been working in Rafah with a nonviolent resistance organization, the International Solidarity Movement, trying to stop the demolition of Palestinian homes and wells."

No, she was not. She was trying to prevent the demolition of tunnels used to smuggle weapons for Palestinian terrorists seeking to murder Jewish civilians. The International Solidarity Movement, or ISM, to which she belonged openly endorses Palestinian "armed struggle" against Jewish children and civilians and openly collaborates with terrorists . It has hidden wanted terrorists and their weapons in its offices. It is an accomplice in murder. Two Arabs who entered Israel under ISM auspices blew up a Tel Aviv pub and murdered Jews. Lying is not the best way to drum up sympathy for your dead daughter.

Your daughter was in Rafiah in the Gaza Strip to serve as a human shield to defend and promote Palestinian terrorism. When you yourselves were nearly kidnapped in Gaza last year, you were there for the same reason. You pretend that your daughter died trying to protect an "innocent house." You are lying again. That "innocent house" she was protecting was camouflage for a not-so-innocent terrorist smuggling tunnel, and the residents of that "innocent house" knew all about the tunnel. Explosives and arms were being smuggled by terrorists through that tunnel to commit mass murder.

Your daughter was in a war zone as a belligerent, as one who had - perhaps wittingly and perhaps not - recruited herself on behalf of a genocidal movement of Arab fascists seeking to destroy Israel and murder as many Jews as possible. Your daughter died while interfering with an anti-terror operation carried out by an army in a land in which she had no business being at all. You demand that we in Israel feel your pain at the loss of your daughter, yet your daughter conscripted herself as an aid for those seeking to murder my children. No harm would have fallen her had she not decided to "play chicken" with the machine.

The raison d'etre of the ISM is to assist Palestinian terrorists murder Jewish children, and to prevent all Israeli efforts to fight that campaign of murder. Your daughter foolishly put herself in harm's way by challenging a large bulldozer and placing herself in a position where the operator could not see her. You know quite well that the bulldozer operator was not seeking to harm your daughter. And you know very well that no harm would have fallen her had she not decided to "play chicken" with the machine - about as responsible a form of behavior as running across unlit segments of LA freeways at midnight.

In that earlier open letter of yours you write, "We had not understood the devastating nature of the Palestinians' situation." Of course, you have never expressed any interest in the devastating nature of the Jews' situation. The Jews have been battling Arab fascism and terrorism for a hundred years, before, during, and after the Nazi Holocaust of six million Jews. Your daughter was allied with those seeking to continue the perpetration of Nazi-like atrocities against randomly selected Jews. You smugly praise the propaganda play about your daughter in London, which ignored all the other Rachels, the Jewish women victims of terror in Israel, who were murdered by the genocidal terrorists with whom your daughter's ISM friends collaborate.

Your daughter, and apparently you as well, never had any understanding of the Middle East conflict. The Middle East conflict is not about the right of self-determination of Palestinian Arabs, but rather, it is about the right to self-determination of Israeli Jews. For a century, the Arabs have attempted to block any expression of Jewish self-determination, using violence, armed aggression and terrorism. The Arabs today control 22 countries and territory nearly twice the size of the United States. They refuse to share even a fraction of one percent of the Middle East with Jews, even in a territory smaller than New Jersey. You do not have a single word of sympathy for the families of the thousands of innocent victims.

The Arab countries invented the imaginary Palestinian "people" and their imaginary "plight" after 1967 as a propaganda ploy, in imitation of the German campaign on behalf of Sudeten self-determination in the 1930s. Just as the struggle for "Sudeten liberation" was nothing more than a fig leaf for the German aggression aimed at annihilating Czechoslovakia, so the struggle for "Palestinian liberation" is nothing more than a jihad to destroy Israel and its population. And it is in support of that goal that the ISM operates, even taking its operational orders from terror leaders.

You write, "Clearly, our daughter has become a positive symbol for people." I am afraid you are mistaken. Your daughter has become a symbol for dangerous foolhardiness. She committed suicide as an empty gesture meant to assist murderers and terrorists."

Plaut's letter to the Corrie family concludes: "You want the world to mourn for your daughter, who died as part of her efforts to assist those trying to murder my children. You demand, on the pages of anti-Semitic propaganda web magazines, that the world mourn your daughter, but you do not have a single word of sympathy for the families of the thousands of innocent victims of the terrorists with whom your daughter chose to ally herself."

It pains this author, a children's rights activist, to ever get between the love of a parent for their children. But Rachel Corrie was no inspiration to other children. Rachel Corrie was no role model. In aiding and harboring Islamic terrorists, she herself became a terrorist.

From Hitler Youth to Hama's Mickey Mouse and an American born Rachel Corrie, one does not have to wonder long and hard as to why the Jews reestablished a modern, democratic Jewish state. The barbaric, genocidal European Holocaust which systematically murdered over 13 million civilians, 6 million Jews, 1.5 million children of 60 years ago merely provides inspiration today to those in Iran, Syria, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, al-Qaeda and a family in Seattle, Washington that the Jews do not deserve to live.

Never again?

KEYWORDS: flapjacks; flatasapancake; hamas; israel; mickeymouse; rachelcorrie; saintpancake

1 posted on 05/13/2007 11:49:14 AM PDT by IsraelBeach
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To: IsraelBeach
I despise the Corrie's, the whole family is the spawn of Satan.
2 posted on 05/13/2007 11:56:40 AM PDT by cmsgop ( "cmsgop" a Mark Goodson / Bill Todman Production)
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To: cmsgop

Disciples of evil.

3 posted on 05/13/2007 12:01:17 PM PDT by L98Fiero (A fool who'll waste his life, God rest his guts.)
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To: L98Fiero

Where is the pictures of the IHOP Rachel Corrie pancake special?

4 posted on 05/13/2007 12:07:00 PM PDT by 9422WMR ("This will make parents, students, faculty and visitors FEEL SAFE on our campus")
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To: IsraelBeach

5 posted on 05/13/2007 12:14:24 PM PDT by cmsgop ( "cmsgop" a Mark Goodson / Bill Todman Production)
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To: IsraelBeach

Why aren’t the Corrie’s doing the perp walk for aiding and abetting terrorism? Why is Sandy Berger still walking the streets? Hey, A. Gonzalez, how about making at least one attempt to do your job as the AG?

6 posted on 05/13/2007 12:23:24 PM PDT by TADSLOS (W.T. Sherman had it right.)
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To: IsraelBeach
Rachel, you're still dead!
7 posted on 05/13/2007 12:25:55 PM PDT by UnklGene
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To: IsraelBeach
Hazin al-Sharawi, the adult moderator, said during Friday's show that "the Jews, the Jews don't like Palestinians."

Um.... What's to like?

8 posted on 05/13/2007 12:30:53 PM PDT by Bullish ( Reality is the best cure for delusion.)
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To: IsraelBeach
Once again the world seems not to care that rabid antisemitism is being taught to children. It is all too reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s.
9 posted on 05/13/2007 12:32:38 PM PDT by The Great RJ ("Mir we bleiwen wat mir sin" or "We want to remain what we are." ..Luxembourg motto)
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To: cmsgop

Thanks for posting that pic of the Corrie family with Arafat.
I will now use it with this story.

Stay strong USA,

10 posted on 05/13/2007 1:02:17 PM PDT by IsraelBeach
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To: IsraelBeach

My Pleasure, you take care my friend.

11 posted on 05/13/2007 1:13:26 PM PDT by cmsgop ( "cmsgop" a Mark Goodson / Bill Todman Production)
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To: IsraelBeach
Diane Disney Miller, 73, told the New York Daily News that the children's program on Hamas television is teaching children to be evil.

Not only that, but also an infringement upon the Disney copyright.

12 posted on 05/13/2007 2:12:54 PM PDT by The_Media_never_lie
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To: cmsgop

LOL, I’d almost completely forgotten about the Corries as well.

They even look like a pair of elderly moonbats to me. Ally with a terrorist, get run over by a tank.

Do you have a pic of these two with Jimmuh?

13 posted on 05/13/2007 2:47:52 PM PDT by Baladas
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