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1 posted on 07/03/2012 12:10:05 PM PDT by Perdogg
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To: Perdogg

From the article:

So is the Romney campaign, in fact, declaring a “cease-fire” on Obamacare? No, no, no, says Romney spokesman Ryan Williams. “From our perspective, Obamacare has been and will continue to be a central issue in the campaign,” says Williams. “It presents voters with a bright line that divides the two candidates. Gov. Romney is going to repeal Obamacare and President Obama is going to keep it. There is a clear choice in November.”

“It is something that [Romney] has been discussing on the campaign trail for the past year and that he will continue to discuss,” Williams adds. “It is bad law, it is bad policy, and it’s something that Gov. Romney is going to address on his first day in office. His commitment to repealing Obamacare is as strong as it was on the day Congress jammed it down the throat of the American public.”

2 posted on 07/03/2012 12:13:10 PM PDT by Alas Babylon!
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To: Perdogg

Myth ROmneyCARE is OBVIOUSLY for ObamaCARE/ROMNEYcare.

Heck, DEATH PANELS will be NAMED after him.



ROMNEYCARE should pull out. NOW. And save America.

4 posted on 07/03/2012 12:16:00 PM PDT by Diogenesis ("Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. " Pres. Ronald Reagan)
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To: Perdogg

Of course the Romney campaign has not declared a truce on Obamacare.

The claim that they had was never anything but transparently pro-Obama lies.

This is why it was so popular here on America’s premier “conservative” forum.

8 posted on 07/03/2012 12:20:23 PM PDT by rogue yam
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To: Perdogg

(From NR today)

Steve Hayes has a very good takeout on the Romney campaign’s bizarre decision to throwback the Obamacare-tax issue yesterday. Steve writes:

One of the few bright spots in last week’s Supreme Court ruling on President Obama’s health care overhaul was a political one: The opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts argues that Obamacare is constitutional under the taxing powers of Congress. The Obama administration’s advocate before the Court, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, made this case during oral arguments, and Roberts bought it. The decision, in a sense, formalized what many conservatives had long argued: The Obamacare tax is a tax.

The politics could have hardly been better: The Obama administration and other Democrats would not only have to defend an unpopular law, but they’d have to try explain that a mandate upheld because of the power of Congress to tax was not, in fact, a tax. Democrats tried unsuccessfully to make that case this weekend with White House chief of staff Jack Lew and House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, among others, struggling to deflect the obvious implications of the Court’s decisions.

Those struggles may have ended yesterday morning when the Romney campaign announced that their candidate does not consider the mandate a tax. Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom appeared on MSNBC’s Daily Rundown with Chuck Todd, where he agreed with the host’s assertion that Romney “believes that you should not call the penalty a tax.”Fehrnstrom explained: “The governor disagreed with the ruling of the Court. He agreed with the dissent written by Justice Scalia, which very clearly stated that the mandate is not a tax.” Later, Romney spokeswoman Amanda Hennenberg confirmed that Romney doesn’t consider the mandate a tax, telling ABC News: “Governor Romney thinks it is an unconstitutional penalty.”

Steve rightly notes that there are other responses — good, solid, American-made responses — Fehrnstrom could have gone with instead. For instance, states have more established police powers so a penalty in Massachusetts’s mandates may indeed be a penalty, but a tax masquerading as a penalty at the federal level may still be a tax. He could have simply hammered the fact that Obama’s own view of the law was repudiated by the Supreme Court and that’s all that matters (a point I make in USA Today today). Heck, he could have just shouted “squirrel!”

Indeed, Fehrnstrom need not give an impregnable, irrefutable, answer. He need only turn the question back on Obama. Instead the Romney campaign threw Obama a lifeline. The whole Hayes piece is worth reading, but what comes away from it for me is that Romney wants to go into a clinch, to borrow a phrase from boxing, and break out of it only to land haymakers on the economy. I think it is an incredibly dangerous, risk-averse, strategy.

12 posted on 07/03/2012 12:22:30 PM PDT by roses of sharon ("Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43)
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To: Perdogg

“some Democrats and commentators” say it, so AP prints it.

LOL, it’s twue it’s twue

19 posted on 07/03/2012 12:32:24 PM PDT by TornadoAlley3 (Obama is everything Oklahoma is not.)
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To: Perdogg

No, you don’t need a cease fire when you pulled out and flew the white flag.

McRomney loses big in November.

30 posted on 07/03/2012 12:52:03 PM PDT by Fledermaus (Democrats are dangerous and evil. Republicans are useless and useful idiots.)
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To: All

36 posted on 07/03/2012 1:02:44 PM PDT by Hotlanta Mike (Resurrect the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)...before there is no America!)
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To: Perdogg

Well the idiot better make his position VERY clear and he better not hedge on it. I just don’t trust Romney.

74 posted on 07/03/2012 1:37:07 PM PDT by New Jersey Realist (America: home of the free because of the brave)
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To: Perdogg

Here’s what Romney needs to say and nothing else.

1) I don’t care if it’s a tax, mandate, or penalty. The people don’t want it. I will repeal it.

2)I dont’t care if it resembles Romneycare. I wouldn’t care if I wrote the damn bill. The people don’t want it. I will repeal it.

3) I don’t care if there are any “good parts”. The people don’t want it. I will repeal it.

77 posted on 07/03/2012 1:41:13 PM PDT by Kenny
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To: Perdogg

I’ve never watched an entire show of the oxmoronic reality tv show Survivor Island.
However, one thing I know, from what I have seen,that is similar to real life is.. the smart folks get voted off the island early.
Either, Obama and Romney wil be the “survivor” after their manly trial by fire. hahaha.


90 posted on 07/03/2012 2:01:02 PM PDT by Leep (Enemy of the StatistI)
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To: Perdogg

This campaign seems to be doing poorly in the messaging department.

It’s downright dumbfounding why Fehrnstrom would go on TV and step on a talking point that the GOP was raising millions over.

They should be fired. And yes, our candidate stinks too.

109 posted on 07/03/2012 2:36:22 PM PDT by CountryClassSF
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To: Perdogg

It’s a good thing we are going into a holiday so that this embarrassment over this message won’t be seen by many to make this campaign look as aloof as it is right now. Let’s get control of it, Mitt.

I understand they probably do want the narrative shifted back to the economy but they could have done that without also trying to downplay Obamacare.

116 posted on 07/03/2012 2:52:13 PM PDT by Republican Wildcat
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To: Perdogg
some Democrats and commentators in the press

That says it all.

We're being played by a well-timed and orchestrated divide-and-conquer disinformation campaign. And from the various threads on FR today a bunch of us fell for it. Rather than directing our anger at Obama and the Dems, we've been firing off in the wrong direction ... and on each other.

The Dems know that we don't have a lot of confidence in Mittens, and they've now shown that they know how to take advantage of it. As much as that lack of confidence may be deserved, that's between us and him/his campaign.

This sort of thing is going to happen again and again between now and November. Because it works. We have to figure out a way to hold Mittens feet to the fire, but without caving in to petty Dem manipulation tactics.
137 posted on 07/03/2012 3:35:59 PM PDT by tanknetter
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To: Perdogg

Mittens is a flip-flopping, liberal liar. He’s got the character and integrity of a worm. No deal.

147 posted on 07/03/2012 3:49:39 PM PDT by APatientMan (Pick a side)
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To: Perdogg

Romney Didn't Even Last a WEEK.

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - July 3, AD 2012 2:00 PM MST

As promised, Romney has folded on ObamaCare too, although had I wagered money on the timing, I would have thought that he would have lasted at least a week. But apparently the revenue curve from stupid, imbecilic suckers giving Romney money in the wake of the SCOTUS decision fell off hard enough that the Romney people felt that it served no more purpose to perpetuate the repeal charade.

Here's the link.

I hope every single one of you who gave that forked-tongued jackass money feel the full shame and embarrassment of your own gullibility and obtuseness. This slackjawed sentimentalism WILL BE THE DEATH OF ALL OF US. Your rah-rah loyalty to con-artists who wrap themselves in platitudes so that you can have a "team" that makes you feel good about yourself isn't noble or admirable. It is nauseating and disgusting. It is truly sickening to see people elevate false sentiment over truth - all for the sake of a truly shallow SOCIAL EXPERIENCE.

Ignorance is one thing. Abject stupidity in the face of mountains of pounding evidence is another.

-Romney wrote and implemented ObamaCare's template in Massachusetts.

-RomneyCare destroyed the Massachusetts economy. Romney refuses to this day to acknowledge that there is anything wrong with RomneyCare, or the economic damage it had done and continues to do to Massachusetts.

-Romney's top aides and inner circle were frequent visitors to the White House and were instrumental in the drafting of ObamaCare in 2009.

-Romney has VOCIFERICOUSLY defended the concept of the mandate that people must, as a condition of their very existence, purchase a specific commodity.

-RomneyCare funds abortion with a mere $50 co-pay and forces all people under its control to pay for contraception and sterilization, including the Church in Massachusetts. The reason you never heard anything about this is because Archbishop Sean O'Malley is a slack-jawed idiot who is a Marxist and, like most bishops today, doesn't actually believe in Catholicism. He's just a narcissistic, politicking little shell of a man who is desperate for worldly approval - particularly from other men. Sad but true. Someone needs to say this.

So, not only has O'Malley not complained about the horrors of RomneyCare, but he embraces it and supports ObamaCare. And, as a result, he still gets invited to all of the fancy parties with all of the rich, powerful men whose approval his entire existence revolves around and self-esteem depends upon. And I'm sure that he also lives in complete terror of having some rich, powerful man like Mitt Romney come up to him at a party, smile, lean in, and ask, "You don't really believe that a piece of bread turns into God, do you?" The vast majority of bishops today are embarrassed and humiliated by the Eucharist. Hence the entire problem. It all really does come down to that, whether you understand that or not. Someone has to say it.

-Mitt Romney will never, ever repeal ObamaCare. The Congress will never, ever repeal ObamaCare. The only way to get rid of ObamaCare is a junta or civil war and the establishment of the Second American Republic. The First American Republic is dead, and it is never, ever coming back.

I will not be celebrating Independence Day tomorrow, because to do so would be utterly hypocritical and a lie. The First Republic is dead, and to pretend that it isn't only feeds and enables the usurpers and tyrants who are desecrating its corpse in order to give themselves the appearance of legitimacy. If I live to see the establishment of the Second American Republic, THAT date will I observe.

The Black American Flag, flown in distress, is my flag now.

197 posted on 07/03/2012 5:21:36 PM PDT by Errant
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To: Perdogg
Feel free to pass this along.

258 posted on 07/03/2012 6:33:09 PM PDT by Travis McGee (
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To: Perdogg

Can’t Team Mitt make up their minds? Sheesh!

281 posted on 07/03/2012 7:17:14 PM PDT by sarah palin rocks
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To: Perdogg; All

Reality Check: Obama and Romney, No Real Opposing Views On Healthcare?

{read em and weep}

370 posted on 07/04/2012 8:12:23 AM PDT by ATOMIC_PUNK (Any man may make a mistake ; none but a fool will persist in it . { Latin proverb })
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To: Perdogg

Romney should say: “Yes, I believe the mandate is a penalty, but the Supreme Court said otherwise, so we deal with it on THAT basis, and get the new congress to pass legislation to repeal this bad thing as a `tax`, which I will happily sign.

374 posted on 07/04/2012 8:50:24 AM PDT by BigEdLB (Now there ARE 1,000,000 regrets - but it may be too late.)
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To: Perdogg

When Romney wins the election and is in office next year. Will he prosecute Eric Holder and Obama for breaking the law (fast and the furious) and then covering it up behind executive privilege?

500 posted on 07/05/2012 10:06:59 PM PDT by ColdSteelTalon (Light is fading to shadow, and casting its shroud over all we have known...)
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