People ask me every day how I can remain optimistic when everything around us is created by lies, deceit, manipulation and corruption. The answer is simple, truth is power.

The arguments of the liars are weak, constructed on fraud and dependent on the lack of knowledge by the average person. If you want to live in the light of truth, don’t be average – be extraordinary.  This is the nature of our Treehouse assembly, and it grows naturally larger every single day. The truth has no agenda.

There is a coordination in the background, we can all see and feel it. Inherently, instinctually we can sense it.  It is not coincidental that on the same day the DC aligned media begin pushing stories of Trump indictments – stories not coincidentally based on timed, purposeful leaks – we see the great deceiver, Mike Pence, stand with forked tongue and grand prose to push a narrative based on Machiavellian fraud. History will not look kindly upon Pence; his dark-shadowed eyes will deepen as his shallowed self diminishes.

President Trump did not ask, tell or instruct Mike Pence to violate the constitution, he simply wanted Pence to send a request for election review *back to the state* legislative bodies, where a determination of election accuracy could take place, before federal certification.  THAT state legislative process is exactly what the constitution outlines.  Pence is a fraud, a liar and a man corrupted deep within his soul to the dark elements of self-interest, financial benefit and corrupt enterprise. WATCH: