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To: My Favorite Headache

Currently, there is an ongoing debate in the scientific community as to of whether there can be “action at a distance” between physical bodies. For three hundred years, modern “science” has concerned itself with the study and description of mechanically connected events; using as its basic theory that; physical or chemical force, “A,” by acting upon object “B,” mechanically creates resultant, “C.” While this approach obviously has had utility, it is a convenient fiction because to describe nor explain the basic forces found everywhere in the universe such as electromagnetism, light and gravitation. However, evidence of the existence of “action at a distance” is everywhere around us. In truth, wherever we look, we see the effects of “action at a distance.”

“Action at a distance” is demonstrated in the repulsive force that makes it impossible to bring together the poles of two magnets of like signs. Observing this, the question must be asked: what is there “physically between these two objects forcing them apart? The answer seems to be nothing; nothing whatsoever is between them. Yet, as we know, this force of repulsion is quite real. In the opposite case, the attraction between magnetic poles of unlike signs is equally mysterious. What is the real nature of these repulsive and attractive forces? This is a question so fundamental its complete answer could reveal the underlying meaning of the universe.

ELECTRICITY To describe electricity, in laymen's terms, imagine that every electron in the atoms of a copper wire demands that it be spaced at a predetermined distance from every other electron. However, when a loop of this wire is rotated between permanent magnets, as within the armature of a direct-current electrical generator, the electrons in the atoms of copper “sense” from the electrons of the magnets that, intermittently, there appears to be an excess of electrons in their vicinity. Therefore, to reestablish their correct spacing, these electrons retreat; displacing themselves laterally along the wire. This shift of positions proceeds along the wire at about three-quarters the speed of light. The electrons, themselves, do not move at this speed, but rather, what proceeds along the wire at this speed is the “readjustment”of their spacings. Individual electrons, move only a short distance. An analogy might be to imagine a row of standing bowling balls resting together in a rack. When struck by a moving ball on one end of the row, the ball at the farther end of the row, immediately, is driven off at approximately the same speed as that of the first moving ball while the intervening balls are almost unaffected. The necessity that all electrons know they must remain spaced at a fixed distance from each other, the phenomena we call “electricity.” This phenomena explains, as well, induction, the workings of condensers, transformers, and other devices used to compress or drive electrons in electrical circuit, against their will, for useful purposes.

Unknowingly, what the early experimenters and application engineers, had discovered was a basic principle of atomic structure; that electrons, know their spatial position vis-a-vis each other and wish to maintain them; that they may be made to respond, within an electrical circuit, to the application of an external magnetic force. Essentially, electricity is action at a distance---the transfer of “knowledge” from one electron to another.

RADIO During the earliest demonstrations of the radio, an oscillator was utilized to charge a metal ring containing a small gap. When an oscillating current, at high voltage, was applied to the ring, it caused an arc to jump across the gap. If another ring, with a second gap was set up at some distance in the room, a smaller arc occurred across the gap of this second ring also. It was obvious to the experimenters that the energy for the second ring’s spark must have come from the first ring, i.e., from the transmitting ring, across the room. At that time, the existence of the second ring’s spark was explained by assuming the first ring’s electrical energy was transferred to the second ring through something, posited as “the ether,” because, it seemed obvious to them that energy could not, by itself, leap across absolutely empty space. While the existence of this “ether” has since been disproved not to exist, we still know that, something is transmitted across the empty space---but what is it? In the last 125 years since the discovery of the radio effect, transmitters and receivers have been so improved they may be set further and further apart and are able to detect extremely weak signals between each other, but the underlying principle remains the same. Information is transmitted and received while nothing whatsoever travels between the sending and receiving apparatus! As in the case of electricity and with electrical fields, what travels between them is pure “knowledge:” What occurs is the electrons of the receiving antenna “recognize” that, at a distance, there is a set of vibrating electrons in a transmitting antenna “attuned” to their frequency. The electrons in the receiver take up these vibrations, in harmony with those of the transmitter while nothing at all, physical, passes between them. The ability of electrons to communicate with each other over vast distances is limited only by the strength of the transmitters and the sensitivity of the receivers. The electrons in the antenna of a radio telescope recognizes and harmonize with the vibrating electrons in stars, light years distant, while at another extreme, we have received and understood the signal of the space probe, Mariner II, as it passed by the planet Saturn with its transmitter having only the strength of one watt!

LIGHT The phenomena we call “light” is the reception of that portion of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum which the electrons of our visual senses, are able to harmonize. The whole spectrum of electromagnetic vibrations are alike in character. Radio frequencies are lower than our eyes apprehend, while ultraviolet and “X-rays” are above our visible spectrum.

An ongoing paradox still troubles physics as to what is the basic nature of light? Is it made up of waves of “energy” or does it arrive at our senses as discrete packets called quanta or photons? Does light have mass? Heretofore, this question has never been resolved because, depending on the situation and the devices used to test these hypotheses, light appears to be in one case wavelike, and in another quanta-like. This paradox continues because of a misunderstanding as to the basic nature of what is being observed. Heretofore, we have been unable to free ourselves from the notion that some physical material comes to us as light and, thus, we have necessarily deemed the pulsations of light to be waves within a medium or bundles of matter, intermittently, flying in our direction from the source. Is either of these ideas true? If so, why have we not been able to prove the material nature of light during two centuries of experimentation? Might the solution be that, because light is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, “light” is not material but, like “induction” or “radio” is “vibrational information” mutually shared by the electrons of both the transmitter and the receiver---by the electrons in the Sun with the electrons in the human eye?

To illustrate: Imagine are standing in the open air with our backs to the Sun facing a yellow painted wall to our front. The solar electrons are vibrating in a wide spectrum of frequencies from infrared through the visible frequencies and on into the ultraviolet. The electrons on our world, including those in our bodies and in the wall before us, “know” the electrons of the Sun are vibrating and they vibrate, in harmony, but only at the frequencies with which they are, individually, attuned. On the backs of our bodies, our skin electrons recognize the frequencies of the infrared and as, they vibrate at an increased rate, we feel the sensation of heat. To the front, the electrons in the wall’s painted surface recognize and reverberate with another solar frequency. Because of its composition, the electrons in the paint are attuned more strongly to the frequency we interpret as “yellow” and, because the solar electronic vibrations do contain this frequency, the electrons in the painted surface take up this “yellow” frequency as well.

Next, the electrons in the retinas of our eyes, which are, also, responsive to the frequency “yellow” take up these vibrations also. These vibrations in our eyes produce electrochemical, battery-like, currents in the rods and cones of our retinas and these currents pass along, by electron flow, along the optic nerve into our brains where this “information” is interpreted as its mental picture of an external world with a yellow wall in view. It is no exaggeration to say that, as we view an object, the “light” we see is not a substance reflected back from that object, like tennis balls bouncing back from a surface but, rather, it is the handing over of “knowledge” passed on from one set of electrons to another. Light I simply “information,” derived from the harmonic vibrations of the electrons within the object itself. Light is simply another example of “action at a distance.”

A PARADOX RESOLVED Normally, “Light Information” is randomly polarized, That is, the information that we receive from vibrating electrons indicates the electrons of the Sun vibrate in all possible planes. Polarizing filters block out most of these planes so that a single plane of information, polarized light, passes through the filter. In a classic experiment, Dr. Abner Simony of Boston University, made a study of light polarities and in his article published in Scientific American Magazine, in the January 1988 issue, entitled “The Reality of the Quantum World,” he reported a certain paradox resulting from his experimentation. His work involved the measurement and comparison of the polarities of individual, so-called, “light-photons.” After exhaustive tests, with the most advanced equipment, he found that two photons, which initially had varying polarities, when arriving at the test equipment, somehow reoriented themselves within the apparatus, and exhibited matched polarities when they exited the equipment. This surprising result, in the words of Dr. Simony, indicated that the two photons, somehow, had the ability to compare their planes of vibration and realign themselves into phase with each other. This led Dr. Simony to conclude that this is an example of “action at a distance” a thing declared to be impossible by the Theory of Relativity and the Laws of Quantum Mechanics.

The seriousness of this assertion provoked a firestorm of protest from other “scientifically correct” scientists who argued those results cannot be true because they violate the “laws” of quantum mechanics and the “laws” of relativity. Further, if these findings are true, they ought to be suppressed as heretical! What follows is from a letter to the editor by Professors, Oreste Piccioni, Werner Mehlhop and Brian Wright, of the Department of Physics at the University of California at San Diego, which appeared in the July 1988 issue of Scientific American.

“In the “Reality of the Quantum World” Abner Simony appears to assess the Rinstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, (the RPR), as a very important issue. We agree. (The most typical example of RPR is the proposition that two photons, distant from each other, and independent, unpolarized, show the same polarization along any arbitrary x or y axis when both of them are measured.)

We do not see, however, that quantum mechanics, in the context of R.P.R., or anywhere else, strongly suggests the existence of actions at a distance (AAAD) which is what explaining the R.P.R. in terms of “non-locality” essentially amounts to.

Such a fantastic phenomenon would be nothing short of a miracle, and it would push our science back hundreds of years! Among other unacceptable features, it would violate the Theory of Relativity, because it would imply that unpredictable information produced in one place, would have a clear effect at another, very distant place, with negligible delay.”

Yes, it is a miracle, indeed! But are these results are no more miraculous than the actions at a distance of electrons in the transmission of electricity and radio; examples of which have been available for interpretation for a century? The answer to the R.P.R. paradox is that it was not “photons” that were being measured as they exited Dr.Shimoney’s equipment but pure “information” which, as it arrived at the test equipment as randomly polarized information from two separate sources, merely energized the electrons of the first layer of glass in the test apparatus and was then handed off, atom by atom through the apparatus emerging, finally, as identically polarized information because the electrons of the apparatus, associated with each other in a crystalline structure were polarized in phase with each other. The observers did not detect “photons” entering and passing through the apparatus. They detected “information” given to them by the crystallized glass electrons at the output side of the lens. The paradox as to why light “photons” appear to be both wavelike and quantum-like is resolved by understanding that light is “informational” and not material. Such experiments indicate that “action at a distance” is the normal state of the universe. It is “Information” being passed-on continuously from one set of electrons to another. Speaking poetically, it is “The Music of the Spheres.”

NEWTON’S RINGS Understanding that light is nonmaterial, we come to an explanation of Newton’s Rings. These are the rainbow-like rings formed on a surface by light passing through a small pin hole, or about the edge of the shadows of small objects or in thin films, or soap bubbles or in oil spots on a wet pavement. They are of common occurrence but have baffled scientific observers for centuries. The fundamental question has been why when the total surface area appears to be equally exposed to a light source, are there some areas lighter and others darker? When “light” is viewed as pure information, the explanation becomes clear. What actually occurs in this situation is that, in the areas making up the darker bands, the surface electrons are receiving, not too little information, but too much! Because the vibrational information between the electrons moves through space at a fixed speed, and because some of the information passing through a pinhole is diffracted (i.e., it travels a slightly longer distance) it appears at the surface slightly later than the direct vibrational information. The darker bands result from the addition of two sets of information exactly out of phase with each other. Since they are receiving contradictory information, the electrons in that portion of the surface do not sympathetically vibrate. They remain at rest and we recognize them as motionless and dark. The brighter areas are those exposed to a single harmonic frequency and so they do vibrate and are recognized by our eyes as lighted. A similar phenomenon occurs within an oil drop on a wet pavement or in a glass prism that exhibit, to our eyes, the colors of a rainbow spectrum. When vibrational information is received by a thin film (which does have some thickness) or through a triangular prism, vibrational information is passed through the film or prism, electron by electron. However, because the oil or the glass slows the vibrational frequency slightly and because of the varying distances they travel within the medium, the information passed on to the surface, and thence to our eyes, causing us to see colors are, in fact, only variations in the frequency of the vibrations in the observed electrons in the receiving surface.

THE “SOLAR WIND” Within conventional science, one of the “proofs” that light must have material existence is the synthetic concept that, in space, light from the Sun exerts an apparently physical force upon on freely moving matter. (I.e. “The Solar Wind) However, experiments to replicate this material force of light in the laboratory have always led to inconclusive results.

Early attempts to measure the pressure of light led to the invention of the radiometer by Sir William Crookes. In this instrument, freely moving vanes on a pinwheel were coated with black paint on one side and were polished on the other. The black sides were expected to absorb radiation while the reflecting sides would reflect it back; thus there would be more energy (a greater pressure) in the space in front of the reflecting side. However, when the radiometer is illuminated it does turn, but in the wrong way! The explanation given for this effect by Sir Richard and conventional scientists is that “This is the result of a rather complicated effect depending on the heating of the residual gas in the vessel, and in order to observe the pressure of radiation much more delicate means are required.”

Here is an amusing illustration of an experiment which, when it fails to produce the desired result, is re-jiggered until it does! On a larger scale, another asserted proof of the pressure of light, is the “solar wind.” Its existence is “proven” by observing interplanetary comets which always have tails pointed exactly away from the direction of the Sun. This occurs without regard to the comet’s relative motion. This perception requires that we assume “light” has mass, a fact never scientifically demonstrated. In reality, the behavior of these comets’ tails may correctly be understood by accepting light as information and knowledge, only. What actually may be occurring is that, as a comet approaches an active body such as the Sun, the free electrons in the comet’s gasses recognize the Sun’s electronic vibrations and, harmonically, vibrate in synchrony thereby becoming “visible.” At the same time, the molecules of gas comprising the comet’s tail, by induction, take up an identical positive or negative electrical charge and, as we know, because like charges repel, the tail of the comet flows outward away from the Sun's direction. This, again, demonstrates “action at a distance,” as the electrical charges in the molecules of the Sun, and those in the comet’s tail, recognize and repel each other over a distance of one hundreds of million miles.

ORGANISM The activity of electrons within organic molecules impart an electromagnetic charge to all living cells. The processes of life such as osmosis, sight, reproductive muscular and nervous functions, all involve the transfer of electrons across a potential gradient. Each cell has an electrical charge, either positive or negative; a quality utilized in the laboratory process called electrophoresis by which cells in solution may be separated into positive or negative types by passing them over slanted metal plates conducting a weak direct electrical current. This same process is utilized in the testing and analysis of serum DNA. The charges of cells are maintained by a battery-like effect between the salt and potassium in solution within all cells. Collectively, these charges maintain a strong electrical potential within the body that might be considered as the permanent “life force.” Our living bodies are, literally, are held together by the body’s cellular electrical attractions---by the mutual attraction of the positively and negatively charged cells. These vital opposing polarities bind our bodies within an intense electrical field which is dissipated only by death.

In studying the development of embryonic life, biologists, often, observe the growth of chicken embryos through transparent windows placed into the shell of fertilized eggs. Within hours after fertilization, what they observe is not simply the division of the identical original cells but the spectacle of thousands of now specialized cells racing in every direction along paths which, eventually, will become the arteries and veins of the future chicken. These cells work feverishly, according to some “known” plan and purpose. What can this purpose be which these cells “know?” Obviously, what they “know” is that their mission is to create a chicken,--- and that a chicken it must be ---or they must die in the attempt. The accepted explanation for this knowledge is that the plan of each life is encoded within the original cell’s DNA which then automatically reproduces itself thereafter. But, while DNA may be the matrix, it does not explain life. A cell with its chemical DNA would remain an inanimate object without the “drive” the “energy” and the “knowledge” which each cell in an organism possesses. From whence comes such “knowledge?” Certainly, in the case of the chicken, it cannot have come from the brain which has not yet been developed. But we must ask: If this “knowledge” has not been developed internally, from where does it originate? If not internally, this “knowledge” must be implanted from outside the organism at conception. Could it be that each embryo, whether plant animal or human, is implanted with its own “soul” by means of “action at a distance?” each given its own electromagnetic life force, its “program” and its guide, for the remainder of its life? Unbelievable? Perhaps. But this is the direction in which the evidence leads. Let skeptics rail, but, I ask them: “provide a better answer.”

Why is the possibility of “action at a distance” dismissed as fanciful by these professors who write articles to oppose those lines of inquiry they describe as “scientific fallacies?” Is it done for some higher purpose? The idea that electrons seem to have the ability to sense information, at a distance, is opposed precisely because this line of reasoning opens up a “Pandora’s Box” of ideas leading toward “superstitions,”--- superstitions such as the existence of God as the “Force” underlying the basis of all living matter! Once accepted, “action at a distance” might explain how God communicates with Man and how Man may communicate with God. It might, “scientifically,” explain the power of prayer!

This is what these pseudo-scientists fear and why they turn their faces away. This is why Professors Piccione, Mehlhop and Wright, state in their letter to the editor of Scientific American Magazine: “that the acceptance of the idea of “action at a distance” would set science, (in their view), back for hundreds of years?” Do they sense only too well what these ideas infer? Are there classes of evidence these pseudo-scientists must not consider?

Any final understanding of reality must take the “knowledge” of the electrons into account. Electrons do “sense” each other and do exchange “information”---“acting at distance.” Accepting the idea that electrons interrelate with one another, at a distance, does not signal “the end of science as we know it.” Quite the reverse. It means an extension of human knowledge---a broader view of reality. Responsible science is coming to realize that a science based only upon mechanism is bound by a self-imposed limitation.

Unbiased investigators are moving toward a realization that the universe is material only in gross. At the atomic level and beyond, what is found is not material; but electromagnetic charges, gravity and perhaps other, yet to be discovered, factors. Learning to understand “action at a distance”---seeking the method by which it operates, will dramatically advance the frontiers of our knowledge. As in the time of Galileo, disturbing discoveries may, for a time, be suppressed as politically inconvenient, but the reality of “action at a distance” cannot be denied. Its existence is suspected in too many quarters. Truly, the “thought is on the wind.” Acceptance of this concept will not imply a retreat from rationality, or that “our science will be set back for hundreds of years.” On the contrary, it will release us from the shackles of materialism and open new vistas for scientific inquiry.

49 posted on 01/14/2002 9:17:16 PM PST by VERITAS25
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Very pedantic, yet very thought provocing article in post 49.
56 posted on 01/14/2002 9:29:40 PM PST by week 71
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I liked your article. I have some thought about how you could verify this.

We know that light imparts a certain amount of energy in it interaction. For example solar cells exhibit this phenomena. So if we assume that there is no real particle to light, which in Einstein terms means no rest mass, then light could only have a mass associated with its frequency. In this is the case we should see light of higher frequencies bend from a gravitational lens proportional to the frequency. We should be able to show that as the frequency approaches zero the bending of the light should also approach zero.

Are you aware on any studies that show the effects of an embryo development in an electric or magnetic fields? If the electric field plays a significant role in fetal development then a large or better yet an oscillating electric field should cause havoc in the embryo.

I once took a course on Applied Information Theory and the interesting thing I recall is that we applied principles of entropy and Fourier analysis to information. I was used to thinking of these things as in more classical physics terms. But now I see a correlation between light and information. It appears that you cannot exchange information without some transfer of energy and that energy is in effect information. I know the universe exists because the Universe tells me so.

62 posted on 01/14/2002 10:43:05 PM PST by LaFontaine
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action at a distance makes distance itself a singularity... hence the capability to do things drastic to reality, even fold what we perceive as space, into singular points and variously blink in and out of existience at two very very distant points in the perceived universe. Instantly.

How can God claim to be bigger than the universe and smaller than a human heart, simultaneously? Such claims were not just some metaphysical rant by a cross dragging lunatic. It may just be His explanation of the nature of reality, in terms we could barely understand at that time.

I think hologram is a crude term for a concept that supercedes current models. I suspect it is truer than we care or dare to admit. How can God simultaneously be IN you and IN me, even if WE don't agree on who HE is, without us both being wrong or right? Maybe the way we see our universe is based only on what we can see hear and touch. The scientific method is loathe to admit there might be things beyond our taste touch sight and hearing, even though they KNOW it has progressively been true... only by finding it with a tool that shows it to them can they acknowlege what they refused yesterday to admit as a possibility.

We may yet extend life for centuries and travel to the stars... if we fail maybe it was our ideas and false assumptions that held us back... as has always been the case. The world they say, is FLAT.

70 posted on 01/15/2002 12:33:15 AM PST by Robert_Paulson2
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a huge BUMP!
77 posted on 01/15/2002 7:56:29 AM PST by My Favorite Headache
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