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1 posted on 08/27/2003 3:29:10 AM PDT by MeekOneGOP
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To: yall
Terrell Bolton
Richard Michael Pruitt / DMN
Terrell Bolton had led the Dallas Police Department since 1999.

2 posted on 08/27/2003 3:30:49 AM PDT by MeekOneGOP (Check out the Texas Chicken D 'RATS!:
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To: MeeknMing
Four years, wow that's as good a gig as President of the U.S.A. Here in Detroit, MI we've had three police cheifs in the last four years! What's this guy complaining about?
3 posted on 08/27/2003 3:37:16 AM PDT by jaykay
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To: MeeknMing
How about we hold an individual to the same standards as everyone else? If this guy were white he would have lost his job long ago because Dallas has a very high and climbing
crime and murder rate.
If his 1st public comments after his firing were about it being about race, perhaps that is the attitude he is allowing to permiate his former dept.
Sort of like Ms. Oliphant in Fort Lauderdale, the elections commish. She is utterly incompetant. Has overspent by more then double her annual budget and needed help from the feds to just get an election accomplished. Yet she won't get fired because she is black.
Lower the standards and look the other way so as to appear
multicultural? I don't think so, I think it is simply quotas.

5 posted on 08/27/2003 3:48:07 AM PDT by Joe Boucher
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To: MeeknMing
"If Terrell Bolton were white, he would still be police chief."

If Terrell Bolton were white, he probably wouldn't have been hired as Police Chief.

7 posted on 08/27/2003 4:13:04 AM PDT by searchandrecovery (America will not exist in 25 years.)
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To: MeeknMing
It's a shame I could not find the pix on the web version of the DMN about this, the pix in the hardcopy version are priceless!

here is one...

I have the comments section on this issue. It is running about . . . .

75% pro ,

5% "Laura Miller's fault"

5% "the rest of the gang's fault",

5% raceism

5% look out for the riots

5% Boohoo for the city of Dallas.


here ya go, non freepers comments on the issue


What's your reaction to the firing of Dallas Police Chief Terrell Bolton?

Here's what other people are saying:

Thank Goodness!!!

Now maybe we can get someone in there that can make something happen instead of making excuses.

Now only if we could fire the Mayor just as easily the city would really turn around!

Long over due. If he had been white he would have been cut loose at least a year ago.

Good Ridddance.

The problem with the city is not the chief of police, but the city manager, mayor and the council. If Dallas needs a change then the change must come from those who make the decision on how our city is to operate. Benavides run cities before this one, the question to Miller and council is why does he stay

I think Bolton was set up for failure from the very beginning when he was appointed Chief. Was he ready for this position to begin with? Did he have the needed experience and credentials to take the helm of a major law enforcement agency such as Dallas? Let's be honest and objective about this issue because a lot of what I have seen and heard seems to bypass the real issues no one seems to want to hear about. Rather, it seems to be more convenient to play the race card surrounding Bolton's firing by a number of his supporters. In my book, especially since the Dallas Police Chief earns a salary in the 6 figure range, I think honest hardowrking taxpayers expect results from someone who is in that position. Folks, this isn't about race, it's about "results."


Think he should have been fired much sooner.His not looking into his drug informant closer should have been reason enough.

I don't think he did anything worthy of firing him.

positive, city crime rate is out of control. we need a change

I'd imagine the city manager did Mr. Bolton a favor. I pity anyone foolhearted enough to want to think they can withstand the pressure of the corrupt politics played in the city of Dallas. Like someone else said, he was set up for failure.

Finally, an act of common sense from the council. How many bad marks must the Dallas community endure at the hands of this inept official. The buck stopped at his desk and rightly he lost his job.

More house-cleaning is due and hopefully will be coming shortly.

YEA!!!!!!! Finally! Now, maybe the city of Dallas will be protected by a unified, well-led police force.

It's about time. The city has had to make pay offs due to illegal firings and demotions. More pay offs are coming due to the drug scandal. To be honest, since Bolton has been chief when i see DPD, my gut reaction is are these guys gonna harrass me?
Before Bolton, i never had these feelings..
I say:
Good Riddence, i just hope the city hires somebody that has STRONG public realtions skills

Excellent. When you lead the nation in crime, leadership needs to be held accountable.

I do not agree. This is a sad day for Dallas.

Note: An earlier attempt may not have gone through because of bad weather.

I was surprised, but delighted. We own rental property in the Vickery Meadow section of Dallas. Almost to the day that Bolton was sworn in, crime has gone up in that area at an alarming rate. Our property values, as a result, have gone down at an alarming rate. Very few of the police in that area are motivated and I suspect a few might actually be paid off by the drug dealers.

If Californian can recall Governor Davis, Dallas residents should be able to recall Laura Miller. It is obvious that her agenda to divide this City and set race relations in Dallas back a 100 years is in full force. How long will we continue to let her run this City in the ground? Chief Bolton's firing is just another example of her personal agenda. My family has lived in Dallas for over a hundred years and she is the worst Mayor we have ever had. I say it's time to fire Mayor Miller!

Beverly Levine
North Dallas

Bolton was an insider when used his position to settle old scores. He did nothing outstanding in his tenure.

There is't an executive nor sports head who would have remained on the job with that poor a record as TB.

Not the head of TI, 7-11, Dallas Stars, Tx Rangers etc.

Not one of those would survive what TB survived till today.

Dallas is better off without him.

Good Riddance!

Good riddance. I hope that the City of Dallas can find a Chief who puts his officers above his politics.

Chief Bolton has taken Dallas from an all-time high and pride of Chief Click's legacy to downright shameful. His tenure is tainted with the inability to get FBI clearance, drug scandals, racism in the department and an endless list of poor performance. The rest of us would have been fired long ago if our job performance had such a history. What took City Manager Ted Banvides so long?

This guy couldn't be a dogcatcher or security guard anywhere else. Only in Dallas could he be a police chief.

It was time for a change..I do not think that Chief Bolton was as naive about his performance as he is portraying..If he was, a better reason for him to be gone.

A stronger leader is needed for such a demanding role..He was not made from the mold that is needed for this position.

Some sense is finally prevailing in Dallas city government. Now all we need is a new city manager and a new city council.

In the last 10 years, Dallas has gone from one of the best places to live, to one of the worst. It is indeed time to "go in a new direction."

I think it had a lot to do with his relationship with Laura Miller and the two of them not getting along.

I have been out of work for 1&1/2, so I guess its nice to see a job become available in Dallas :)

Great Move for the City of Dallas. I only hope they get the right person to fill the job

What a shame. A shame that crime was not reduced under Chief Bolton's watch, and a shame that he never seemed to get support from Dallas city hall.

What took so long? It has been clear from very early on in Chief Bolton's tenure that he simply wasn't the man for the job. Dallas is a major metropolitan area - not a small town or even a suburb. Dallas should step up to the plate and get a big league Chief who can do the job.


As usual there will always be problems when an African American is in a high profile position..I think that our "honorable" mayor Laura Miller did not like Chief Bolton from the beginning due to the fact that he was a black man in a position of authority and it was her personal agenda to fire him..It is sad in the year 2003 that a black man can not have a position such as the one Chief Bolton did, and I am sad to say that racism does exist. To the citizens of Dallas, Laura Miller, Ted Benavides and the City Council members I say do not blame Chief Bolton for the high crime rate and other problems blame the criminals, he has no power over a person committing a crime..Building more recreation centers, creating more jobs and after school programs might help the crime rate; perhaps the new caucasian chief can address that
Sign me a disgusted African American Woman

I do not live in Dallas and wouldn't want to. However, The firing of Chief Bolton smacks of petty politics and quite possibly racism. The goings-on in Dallas city hall are an indictment against Mayor Laura Miller and her micromanaging and powerlust. Everyday Dallas shows me why I'm glad I live in Tarrant County.

I approve. Mr. Bolton was a public embarrasment. He continued to deny he could have any affect on crime or police officer performance.

A police Chief that blames over crowded garages as an excuse for the rise in auto theft should be fired.

For those of you that are viewing this as a racial issue...shame on you.

I think this firing is a blatant REACTION to cover up the real problems. There are certainly many questions that need to be answered. A full, top-down investigation needs to occur within the Police Department as well as City Government. The City Manager needs to be held accountable for ,if not fired, for the mess that the city is experiencing.

It probably is a good decision giving a new beginning to the City of Dallas. Dallas has become an area where people are very unsure about
their safety when they are out and about.

Jay Dallas
The Chief was ineffective from day one. The city gave him ample time to prove himself and he could not. He might do well in a smaller city but he was not the right man for Dallas Police Chief. The fake drugs were not his fault but the way he handled it made it worse.

It's about time! Any other organization would have fired its leader long ago when faced with such scandals and poor performance. Massive reforms are needed to turn things around, and this must begin at the top of the DPD.

The new police chief does not inherit an easy job. Dallas rates among the worst cities in the country when it comes to violent crime, and the recent scandals have shaken the public's trust in the department. However, it is vital to the city's growth that things change immediately.

We also need the mayor, city manager, and city council to unanimously line up behind the new police chief to inact reforms. Playing politics as usual will only serve to prolong this period of scandals and lackluster performance, and the voters are sure to remember in the next election.

Terrell Bolton's tenure was a mistake from the very beginning, with him demoting his fellow police officers who were being considered for Dallas Police Chief, many who were excellent candidates and would have served our city well. Let's hope Dallas doesn't make this mistake again and will appoint a Chief based on the experience, leadership capabilities and quality of person he or she is, not the underhanded politics which has marked Bolton's tenure. He has tainted the police department's reputation and, more importantly, has disappointed the people of Dallas. Finally, justice has been served.

Let's hire an experienced police chief from a major city with the lowest crime rate in the country.

It's about time! This guy had no business being a police chief of Dallas, much less police chief of Podunk, USA.

It is a very sad day for Dallas. Chief Bolton was leading our City in the right direction. He was a true leader. The mayor and the city council need to concentrate on the real problems.

This was a very good man that gave his all.
This firing is troubling in many ways as Dallas
continues to die as a city.

I think that letting Chief Bolton go is a mistake. His behavior reflects no legit reason for his release. He has served the community very, very well. I hate to see him go.

Needed to be done. This isnt a racial issue, but a competency issue!

I am very sad to hear of Chief Bolton’s firing. He is a hard working and compassionate man. I believe his remarks to the press after the announcement speak volumes of his professionalism. I met Chief Bolton through the Chamber’s Leadership Dallas program. Through the year of class, I got to know a great example of our Police Department and a friendly, caring person to his colleagues. Nothing can prepare us for the trials of a position like police chief of a major city. He has made his best effort for the city. I sure he will move on to grander things where his talent will be appreciated.

Terrell Bolton is a fine man. I have known him a long time and am proud to call him my friend and neighbor.

When Mr. Bolton was hired there was various disarray in the department already. I think he has done a very good job, considering some of the tough decisions he had to make regarding specific issues. I mean, was he reprimanded before he was just straight out fired and if not why?

The firing of Terrell Bolton was way over due. Hopefully the Dallas Police Department will get back to serving the community with integrity, dignity and a sense of commitment.

I was surprised, but I think the firing was justified. Bolton always struck me as only marginally competent for the job.

Crime stats alone should have been enough to seal Bolton's fate. No race card here, with Dallas' dismal record any Chief Black, White or Poka-Dot should have been fired.....

I don't think Chief Bolton was a bad person, but I do think he failed to take responsibility and to take a tough stand when needed. He tended to blame others and avoid taking responsibility for anything bad in his department.

Glad to hear he is being replaced. I have nothing against him, but the crime rate demanded a change.

As an African American Police Executive myself (in another jurisdiction), I was disappointed in the comments made by City Councilman Fantroy regarding the possible rioting by the African American community. It seemed to me that Councilman Fantroy was calling for a riot, rather than giving his opinion. I say to Councilman Fantroy that he should not seek to divide the city by making what I feel is racist comment. Randy Hampton is an African American who I feel will be an excellent candidate for the Chief's position if the City of Dallas so chooses him. I think Hampton's selection as interm Chief will be good for the city and more importantly for the morale of the Dallas Police Department.

Great news! I believe he was suffocating the department and not doing anything to keep morale of officers up. Hopefully this change will be good for the department and the city.

Hope this does not become a race factor. Everyone should realize fools come in all colors. We need a police chief that is not a joke.

I think it's a low down dirty shame. They need to get rid of the real garbage. Was he given a good reason for his firing? How will this affect his future as a Dallas leader?

It deeply bothers me that the termination was carried out the way it was. I don't want to believe that this had anything to do with race. I commend Chief Bolton on his press conference and bringing out points that Mayor Miller has never shared with us.

It's about time, I can't believe it has taken this long, normal employees don't stand a chance if they screw up in their employment. Upper management get too many chances before something is done. And, it's usually because it's brought out in the open for everyone/public to see, thus, forcing other upper management to do the right thing. He should have been fired after the fake drug scandal!
Diane (Frisco, Tx)

It was about time. This guy never was a leader. He never took responsibility for any problems. A true leader leads and does not point fingers.

Any executive will tell you "It's about results and accountabilty." Chief Bolton (at least publicly) always blamed our crime problems and turmoil in the department on something or someone else.

He was justly fired because of this arrogance. I don't care what race, sex, religion or sexual orientation you long as you do the job right. When you don't accept accountabilty and always deflect blame, you aren't ready for such leadership roles. Leading is about moving forward not wallowing around.

Let's get a leader!

i really feel that cheif Bolton didn't have fair chance here in dallas, This is still the good ole' boy city. He was doomed from the start. Despite what dallas has accomplish it still after 40 years take a step back that a black man can not succeed in this city. Chief you weren't my favorite but i stood behind you because you were black man.

As in any position, a great leader always sorrounds himself with expertise. His first mistake was letting the people in top positions that knew the system go or demoted. Secondly, you do not go before the media and say that the people of Dallas have to do something about the high crime also, what are we suppose to start carrying guns and be our own cops? Whenever I saw him out in public he always had a smile and friendly hello, but that is not enough to hold that job. As in anything, nice guys finish last.

About time. Now Ted Benavides needs to go!

BRAVO! At issue is his incompetence not his ethnicity. And yes, Mayor Laura Miller has an agenda. She is supposed to have an agenda. She is cleaning up city hall one department at a time. BRAVO!

I think it was a good move! Bolton was a good chief, but could not get the job done!It has nothing to do with his race!It has to do with keeping Dallas streets safe! The crime has to be done away with! People cannot live scared in their own neiborhoods! We need someone who can step up to the plate!

He deserved to go. The recent crime numbers are evidence of that. I'm sure that a chunk of our African-American population will cry racism, but evidence shows that the man did not get the job done, period. Color does not matter. Performance does.

You can not put the blame of the problems of the entire city onto one man.

I think this decision to fire Police Cheif Bolton is a reflection of the lack of unity within the Dallas Police Department as well as with various City and Governmental Institutions that are more concerned with Power than with Justice.

I think the firing is racially motivated. I also believe that the mayor had somthing to do with his firing.

I think it was a long time coming. Now that Chief Bolton is out of the picture, I hope the person that is hired will take responsibility for the crime in Dallas and put the police department to work on that issue and stop worrying about giving tickets for everything under the sun. Come on, when there are burglaries and cars being stolen and other types of criminal activity we need our policemen to take control of the crime and stop worrying about someone going 5 miles over the speed limit.

I feeel that while Chief Bolton was in office, the people of Dallas treated him unfairly. The deck was stacked against him from his first day in office. The problems he faced was already set in stone from the previous Chief who he had replaced. Some of the problems that the previous Chief faced was overlooked or sweep under the rug, until Chief Bolton too his placed. How can you do your job when someone is steady looking over your shoulder, just waiting until mess up. Mayor Laura Miller stabbed Mr. Bolton in the back, by having a meeting with him last week, knowing that they were going to fire him today. I know it is a tough job to do, but you cannot do your job when you have road blocks in your path enabling you to complete that job. The city of Dallas has been trying to remove Chief Bolton from office everyday since he replaced Chief Ben Click. I guess they finally got what they wanted.

I Feel like he was a scaprgoat,and it was more personal than professional.

Should the man be given a chance to resign first?

I believe this was the correct thing to do. There have been too many questionable things happen and Bolton did not always have a good answer.

Long Overdue!! The sad thing is, is that some will see this as a racial issue and ignore that he was not competent to do the job.

I, as a black man, am very, very, happey that this
has happened. There has been too much controversy
with many of the day to day operation of the dept.

He has not conveyed the image of a police chief to
the people of dallas. I have never heard good things about him when his name or position have come up in conversation. From the day that he was
appointed there has been negativeness attached to him what ever the subject, and where ever he goes. I have lived in Dallas since 1995, and have never heard of the kind of problems from the previous Police Chief. The first major problem was when he was promoted over and above many of the other people that were ahead of him. He jumped several positions, I believe, Lt, Captain, etc. This was not what you call going thru the ranks.

What took you so long Mr.Benavides? I've always thought Chief Bolton was ineffective and was more detrimental to the DPD and the city of Dallas than any other police chief we've had.

I'm kind of shocked. You can't blame the problems of a whole city on one person.

I think it is long overdue. He should have resigned over the fake drug scandal.

I think it is something that was needed. He has seemed to stir up controversy since he was hired in '99. The shifting he did in personnel when he first became police chief had me wondering.

Long overdue. His remarks and actions made him an embarassment as a Dallas figurehead and a poor leader for our police department.

Thank goodness they finally made this decision. Just from his statements today basically saying he doesn't know why he has been fired should provide the public with enough information as to why he was.

Chief Bolton is a class act...Dallas is sending some other city a great chief of police.

As for Bolton, the problems of the world are bigger than Dallas, TX, we are just a small part of it.Laura Miller has an agenda. I recall the Police Association was not happy with her because they felt she lied in her campaign promises. Yeah, DPD is maybe happy for the moment.... A few months ago the issue of changing the way the city is run from a City Council to a strong mayoral. Look out Dallas, you wanted her, you got her!!!!!

I think that the mayor has been out to get the police chief since she has been on the council. I also think that the chief was not given a fair chance. He has been criticized since he was appointed to the position up into he fired today. Firstly you can't blame all the cities problems on one man and that is what the mayor has tried to do. These problems are collective and was not made by the makings of one individual! I have worked in police departments in several large cities in the past and I have never seen a mayor, a government and a newspaper do to a police chief what this government has done to Chief Bolton! Chief Bolton will show up in another department or another position and will succeed with the help of the city and his community. I think the city will regret this decision further down the line. One word of advice to the city, regardless of whom the next chief is he or she will have the same problems if this current administration doesn't work with them or support them because this administration headed by the mayor never supported Chief Bolton.

Having worked for both Terrell Bolton and Randy Hampton a number of years ago, DPD is better off with Chief Hampton. He is much fairer, less vindictive, and listens to his people. And, before I am accused of being racist, he is also African-American.

I don't think this is a solution. I've never been a great fan of Chief Bolton, but I do realize the tremendous amount of pressure and problems already inherent in the DPD...

Bill B. , Farmers Branch, Texas

This action of firing Bolton should have been taken a long time ago. I believe that Bolton was very ineffective because he was such a NON LEADER.

Maybe we can get someone in there who is a leader and strong enough to stand the heat that will always be present in that job. Thanks to the City Manager.

I personally disagree with the firing of Chief Bolton. He did a great job for the City of Dallas. He made a mistake and I think he's not the sole person responsible for the problems in Dallas. Start with the mayor. She needs to be fired. I just don't understand why he was fired???!!!




THE MAN HAS GAMES...........

This is a positive move by the city manager. They must be careful to choose a better leader next time.

This was a knee-jerked reaction to statistically manilupated data regarding the crime rate in Dallas. The next one to go should be Benevedies. Let's all prey for Dallas.

Good riddance! He had no clue and was way in over his head. Hopefully we can get it right this time around.

In companies, there is a thing called job evaluation. If you do a bad job, you are fired. It should work everywhere.

It is unfortunate to end careers in such a way but it seems to be the way it is done these days. Bolton may not have deserved to be fired from that position but his tenure was severely damaged with the events that transpired while on his watch. Hopefully there are enough quality leaders coming up the ranks who can assume these important posts and deal with them with integrety and enthusiasm. God bless them all for its a devils task that challenges them.

This change in police management was long overdue. Besides the millions of dollars Bolton cost the city( with the loss of some fine officers at his appointment reorganization), police morale was at an all time low. Unfortunately the City Manager forgot to fire himself for appointing Bolton in the first place, who was severely underqualified from the very beginning. Benavides desire for more minority representation superceded the choice for a QUALIFIED candidate.

Sad thing is, you just never know what we will get in his place :-(

Excellent, it's about time. Since he taken the position, the police dept. has really declined. Hopefully Dallas can now find a great police chief REGARDLESS of race.

It's probably best for the police department - if for no other reason, moral. The Chief never seemed to be an effective leader.

It's about time. Now let's clean up the Plano Police department, they harass our youth over and over bullying them around with false charges and dare them to take them to court! Enough is enough with our law enforcement, let's show them we can and will make things right again.







i'm an african american so my comment is not racial i think it was time to clean up Dallas and with the chief the first its okay we had too much scandal i know he wasn't able to control all the crime that was here when Chief Click left but he should have made better choices and not wait until the city is in an uproar to try to recover it he was just not the man for Dallas we need someone with a lot knowledge to know how to deal with high crime and be willing to work with all

That is the first good thing Ted Benevides has done to earn that pie in the sky salary. Good going. Now can we get a police chief that can do the job without playing racial politics?

It's about time. Dallas has been the laughing stock of big cities with the antics of an unqualified police chief regardless of race.

Well, he had a LOT of controversy around him over the last several years...that's normally a "bad sign" for continued employment (no matter what you're occupation is).

I think it's unfair and the whole problem didn't just start with Chief Bolton's tenure.

I am not surprised by this action. There have been alot of questionable incidents during Chief Bolton's tenure. I think that Dallas is becoming more like Los Angeles with the increased number of police shootings that have occurred. Something has to be done about this current situation and public distrust of police officers.

Finally!!! It doesn't matter what ethnicity Bolton is. Dallas deserves the best chief we can get not based upon quota but accomplishments. Now Dallas has a chance to improve morale within ranks, and become a safer city than Houston.

A new day has come...

I hate to see a black person fail in this high position, but if the job is not been doing right, then regardless of the race, that person needs to go. Dallas needs to get a chief that will be fair, dealing with the citzens and being fair overall regardless of race.

This man shouldn't have been Chief to begin with. Chief Click recommended against his promotion and with Chief Clicks record, his opinion should have counted more. This was a horrible hiring and a great firing.

I think it's great. I've been interested in working for the Dallas Police Department for sometime. I have been reluctanct to apply because of the incompetent administration.

In my opinion, Chief Bolton was not performing up to expectations. City government has to be run like any business. Any employee in any profitable company today who does not perform up to expectations loses their job.

What took so long for this to happen. From day one, he has been a failure, starting with the firing of the staff that had been developed by the previous chief. He has cost the City of Dallas too much money for his inept decisions.

I hope this is a positive step and this will put our city on the road to a better and safer place to live

It's about time - He had the chance to redeem himself many times over, and proceeded to just dig himself in deeper. I'm sure he started out as a good cop, but he was not ready for the stress imposed by that much power in one go.

This is definitely a step in the right direction. Bolton's practices have been questionable for some time now.

I cannot believe it. No warning, no indication. What is going on? What was the cause of this firing? We need more information. Everything has been so quiet regarding the City's business lately, or so we thought. It will be interesting to see who replaces Bolton. Ted better pick very carefully or the city is going to be in an uproar.

It is about time the city came to their senses about Mr. Bolton. It seems from day one that he was not the best fit for the position. There always seemed to be some sort of controversy surrounding him or the police force.


Should he have been fired? Probably. Is this going
to solve problems in the police department and lower the crime rate? Probably not. Again Dallas is taking the approach that the problems exist with an individual and not the city as a whole.
When we (citizens & politicians alike) realize this then we can truly start to address our problems.

I think this is the best thing that could happen in Dallas. The crime in Dallas is out of control and it is time to start making changes that benefit every citizen in Dallas.

It was a ridicolous decision. Chief Bolton was a scapegoat. I guess, now, Benavides will get the Hispanic Chief he wants. Someone needs to fire Benavides.

Another scapegoat for an incompetent City Manager! Fire Benavides and Keep Bolton.

The timing caught me by suprise, but I think it was a needed move. What suprised me most is that he was ever hired at all for the top job.

What the???? I have lived in Dallas all my life, and I'm actually surprised he lasted this long. We all know the deck was stacked against him from the beginning. I see that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

He was setup for failure.

The time for change was long overdue. The final straw for me was when Terrell Bolton tried to put spin the the fact that Dallas has a higher crime rate than New York City. I expect the new Chief to do something about the crime rate. Surely he will listen with an open mind to the team from NYC that tried to give Chief Bolton suggestions.

THIS IS AN AWFUL DECISION. IT'S NOT THE CHIEF'S FAULT. If he is getting fired for these indiscretions I guess we need to get rid of Laura Miller as well, as not as if the business of the city is going well.


In my opinion, Chief Bolton was not performing up to expectations.

Mr Bolton's firing has been a long time coming. He's been an embarrassment to the City of Dallas, it citizens, and most importantly to those who risk their lives everyday to protect us.

He may have done some Good, but he let the Bad get away from him - and then tried to excuse himself from it.



It is about time. Considering the amount of money he has cost the taxpayers of Dallas through his incompetent leadership, he should have been gone a long time ago.

Bolton's firing is just one more indicator of what's screwed up with schools and government in Dallas. It's not a coincidence that the suburbs are growing like weeds while the city is more concerned about special interests. Never any good news down at city hall!

Great news and very overdue - maybe now Dallas can be the great city it should be. Hopefully, we can lower crime statistics here as has been done in New York City so we can be proud of Dallas once again. Hurray for new beginnings!

Let's pray it didn't happen too late for all the damage done to the city and to the department to be repaired.

It's about time they got rid of him. I was disgusted by his remarks that people are trying to hold him accountable for the nation's leading crime rate because he is black. I am black, and I hold him accountable because he was the chief of police.

The man tried hard but did not have the ability for the position. Too many grave errors in judgement which cost the city dearly, monetarily and professionally.

I don't think this was a fair decision. I believe that if Laura Miller would have allowed Chief Bolton to do his job, Dallas would have been better off.

Wonderful change at the top.

I feel sorry for him and his family but this is best for the department.

Well i totally disagree with some of the other veiwers i feel as though he was on the right track and trying to make dallas a better place. His job duties was very tough.

I feel this was more of a 'political' move on the Mayor's part. I feel it has nothing to do with the way he ran Bolton department. Watch out Ted...

It is about time. How many millions of tax payer dollars had to be lost before this decision was reached?


I am only saddened that it has taken this long to deal with the obvious. Since Terrell Bolton took office, our police department has been plagued with serious problems that effect the safety of our citizens and has been one of the chief causes of the city's budget crisis. The total lack of leadership at the top has been a major embarrassment. If problems occur in the future, hopefully they will not be allowed to fester before action is taken. Thank you Mr. Benavides.

I think it is about time. The city needs to move forward in controlling crime and Chief Bolton's administration was stuck in defending past bad decisions.

The firing of Chief Bolton is long overdue. He didn't provide the leadership required of his position as evidenced by the recurring problems on his watch. Further, he failed to communicate with the City Manager, the City Council, and the community at large. He's not a bad guy, the job is bigger than his capabilities.

And to speak to the race issue which will undoubtedly be raised by some, I support the hire of a minority - Hispanic or African American - for the job but first must come the ability to do the job.

What a relief. He was an embarrassment to our city and our police force. Our city leadership needs to be applauded for having the courage to do the right thing.

It's about time. Let's try to get one that could do the job regardless of color!

YEAH! His response of indifference to the news that Dallas was first in per capita crime was irresponsible and demoralizing. Let's get an ethical leader for this important job.

It is about time our City Leaders came to thier senses. Unfortunetly, Cheif Bolton was a small part of the problem. This City has several issues that will keep it from ever being a great metropolitan like Chicago or New York City.

That is welcome news - it's past time. Chief Bolton did not represent the city or the department in a professional manner, and he seemed in over his head from the start. Good luck to Mr. Bolton and to the department.

I agree that a change is needed, but having lived and participated in civic affairs in Denver, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and Houston - I have come to realize that Dallas and its citizens are not aware (or do not care) about investing in safety nor its police force. As #1 in crime rate nationally, Dallas has (whether we now it or not) a new urgent priority. Dismissing Bolton may be a sauve and not a cure.

Dallas needs to look deeper and invest in what is truly important. I have never seen such lack of police visibility, as here in Dallas. I feel as if the thugs run the alleys, streets and highways. When I was in Houston, I saw a radical change in that paradigm and things improved - no it's not perfect but a lot better place than Dallas right now. The Dallas police department is dangerously low in morale and "manpower," thus rendering the citizen at a huge risk to continue to be victims of crime (and not just Oak Cliff). Get with it it Dallas, wake up and smell the coffee!!

I think the Dallas Police dept. is still going to be crooked as it has always been, no one person can come in and straighten up a mess like that.

It's about time he was fired...what an embarassment he was. He was totally unqualified to have had that position in the first place.

....about time. Mr. Bolton said much and accoplished little.

This is a good move for our city. The chief is a nice guy, but nice guys don't always get things done.

All races black, white, and hispanic will benefit from someone new.

It's about time. When there are "lowlights" and no "highlights", it's time to go.

It's about time! If I cost the company I work for as much money as he cost the City of Dallas, I would have been fired a long, long time ago.

DeSoto, TX

It sure took them long enough. It was about time.

He never should have been hired in the first place.

Bolton seems like a nice guy, but he was above his head. It's a tough job. Maybe no one can do it well. James, Dallas

Its about time.

About time. He never struck me as being a competent leader.

You can be certain that the police officers of Dallas are jumping for joy! Don't believe me - ask them yourself.

It's about time. Maybe now we can start to get things together and get our city on the right track.

The city did what it felt it needed to do to benefit the police dept and officers morale. I hate to see the first african american chief fail but he just was not a good fit for the job. Example, just look at his command staff, a complete JOKE!!!

GREAT! GREAT NEWS FOR DALLAS! It is about time. This has been an embarrassment for Dallas since he was put there.

All I can say is it's about time. I am a police officer in a neighboring city and I can tell you the rank and file are very happy today. Bolton cared about himself and couldn't have cared less about his officers. DPD is in shambles and hopefully they will hire someone who can come in and straighten out Bolton's mess.

Outstanding! What the heck took so long? In fact, who in their right mind would have appointed Bolton in the first place?

i've thought for some time this should be done.i feel he hides things and is not completely honest himself.

I kinda liked the DPD under Bolton, they wouldn't pull you over for speeding!

He has never qualified to hold the position in the first place.

10 posted on 08/27/2003 5:35:30 AM PDT by TLI (...........ITINERIS IMPENDEO VALHALLA..........)
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To: MeeknMing
The Rev. Stephen Nash, head of a ministers' coalition, asked Mr. Benavides if he planned to reinstate Mr. Bolton. Mr. Benavides said no. Rev. Nash said his concerns were mostly with Ms. Miller, whom he and others said orchestrated Mr. Bolton's ouster. "My concern is not with you," he said. "It's with a mayor that would pimp you, however that was done. It was racist. I don't care how much you care to paint the picture. I'm leaving here today just as enraged as I was yesterday."
18 posted on 08/28/2003 4:15:02 PM PDT by Recourse
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