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To: All; Quix

Shabbat Year 2007 Series


“He makes me to lie down in green pastures” Psalms 23:2

Shabbat shalom and Shnat Shabbaton dearly beloved:

This week we shall continue studying Psalms 23 for this Shabbat Year of 2007.

When I read the above scripture, (and especially in Hebrew,) it becomes very obvious to me that unless He makes us to lie down long enough in order to get our attention; the 21st Century hyperactivity will get the best out of us and we will have no time for Him. But let me explain this verse to you:

He makes me to lie down in green pastures:

Al neot deshe yarbitseni.

I will actually begin the way the Hebrew sentence begins. It begins with the GREEN PASTURES and later on we will see why it begins this way. He first gives us the vision and the purpose for His insistence that we lie down. He desires us to rest and be restored. There is no way that we can be restored, or that we can rest in a field of thorns, or in the midst of gravel. He must get us to a place of GREEN PASTURES for our own good and for the sake of His Kingdom.

Sheep eat green grass in order to grow healthy and grow lots of wool. As we said in the previous letter, the sheep’s wool is the reward of the shepherd for his hard work. In the green pastures both the food and the rest will be plentiful. Though this sounds wonderful most sheep do not lie down on their own. They have to be forced into the resting. They have to be humbled unto that place! What does green pastures mean to us Y’shua’s disciples? Most of us do not eat grass!

The word of YAH says: “For man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of YAH (God)….” In other words though we need physical food to survive, we need His Word even more! Abba brings us to a place where we can feed on His luscious Word, on His Torah instructions, and on His promises, so we can be made whole and we can bear fruit!

Most people are content with some crumbs from His Word and many times they are actually quite happy eating spiritual gravel and straw. However they fail to bring the reward to the Shepherd, they fail to grow the “wool” that is needed by the Shepherd. Their spiritual food has been deficient! For the most part, His Body has been eating quite a lot of gravel and straw when it is divorced from the original Gospel made in Zion and the Jewish Roots of the Faith. So, this year He wants you to both REST and FEAST on GREEN PASTURES. He will not accept His sheep to eat any more gravel! It is time to bear fruit for the Master! Sheep are not created for themselves they are created for the Shepherd. It is time for His sheep to hear the Call to lie down in green pastures!

There is no better place to get the riches of His Word and to learn His ways than Jerusalem . Jerusalem is the GREEN PASTURES where Yahveh wants His sheep to come to this year. He wants them to rest and to be restored through eating green grass and refusing the gravel of Replacement Theology and the shallow Western Christian Gospel. Great riches are awaiting His sheep in Zion this year!

“And in that day you will say: “ O Yahveh, I will praise You; Though You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me. Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘ For YAH, Yahveh, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’” Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:1-3

He makes me to lie down in green pastures:

Al neot deshe yarbitseni

This portion of this scripture is amazingly revealing! He makes me to lie down means that He does something FORCEFUL to bring me down, even against my own will. In Hebrew the word YARBITSENI means: “He beats me up until I obey Him and I lie down to learn His Torah and His ways!” Among the Orthodox Jews to teach Torah, (the laws and Commandments of the Creator,) to little children it is called LEHARBITS TORAH, which means to “BEAT THE TORAH INTO YOU”. When you see a shepherd making his sheep to lie down you will see him/her pushing the sheep down forcefully and or beating them with a stick until they LIE DOWN!

“If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it”. Hebrews 12:7-11

If you feel “beat up” and some strange things are happening to stop your plans and agendas; it is probably the Shepherd calling you to lie down in order to learn His ways. Of course “lie down” means to humble yourself, stop what you are doing and listen to Him. Give Him your time. No more business as usual this year!

2007 is a Year of Shabbat, a year of REPENTANCE, REST and RESTORATION. He is calling all of His Bride to be restored to the original Jewish Roots of the Faith. Are you listening? He is also calling us to be trained in His ways and character as we rest.

In order to provide you our beloved partners with the best of GREEN PASTURES we have designed by the help of The Holy Spirit some tours and trainings in His Land, in His Garden, His Green Pastures in Jerusalem, in Israel!

In His word it is written that from “Shabbat to Shabbat” all mankind shall come and worship Yahveh in Jerusalem (Isaiah 66:23). This is a SHABBAT YEAR and He is calling all those that have ears to hear to COME UP and worship Him in Jerusalem in order to lie down in green pastures and feed on His Torah and Ruach (Spirit) in Zion . Those that will join the coming MAP Revolution tours and trainings in His Land this year will be made HOLY, and WHOLE, and will grow the fruit it takes for the End Time Move of YAH. They will be able to be used of Him and even lead in His End Time Army!

“As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem .” Isaiah 66:13

We are waiting for you in His GREEN PASTURES IN ZION . Can you hear the Voice of the Shepherd?

Feasting in His Land
Your friends in Israel
Bishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman

253 posted on 01/11/2007 5:38:43 PM PST by JockoManning ( - - > listen online)
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To: All

Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Source: All That Was Ever Ours
Scripture: Colossians 3:15

The Day's Doings

Odd things turn up when you are moving. Last month when we packed up the things in the old house and came to this one, I found a slip of paper with my mother's handwriting on one side and Mrs. Kershaw's on the other. One day back in the fifties my parents were going for the day to Hartford, Connecticut (from New Jersey), to visit my aunt in the hospital. Mother wrote a note to leave for Mrs. Kershaw, the dear old lady who would be coming that day as usual to help with housework.

"Please get anything you want from the refrigerator to eat. If you have time perhaps you could roll out some brown sugar cookies. The house is clean so there is nothing to do in that line.... Thanks so much. Have a good day. Lovingly, K. H."

Mrs. Kershaw wrote on the other side, "The Day's Doings," and left it for my mother. Mother is pretty good at throwing things away (lots of people are poor at that), but she also knows what is worth saving. When I read over the scrap of paper I thought of our beloved Mrs. Kershaw. I have written about her before--a widow, stone-deaf, a godsend to our home, utterly without guile or self-pity, unfailingly cheerful, who quite as a matter of course gave herself to all of us all of the time. Her list seemed exactly the paradigm I had been looking for. I wanted to write about peace. Peace is one of those abstracts we refer to rather often, but seldom with much real comprehension. "The Day's Doings" helped me to get hold of what peace is.

The Day's Doings:

1. put my soiled clothes to soak

2. had my breakfast

3. washed clothes

4. prayed for all and Alice's recovery & home safe

5. washed up dishes

6. made a fruit cup good for all

7. wrote to (her son)

8. just opened my mail, came 10:30 A.M.

9. making cookies, rolling in paper

10. getting nuts ready for top of cookies

11. resting and prayer for all

12. fixing pie filling and crust

13. resting and lunch 2 P.M. I feel lost without you to eat with.

14. washing up

15. resting and reading

16. prayer

17. making Jell-O

18. washing up. No more eats.

19. baking cookies and pie

20. washing up kitchen floor last. 6 o'clock, not a soul here. I didn't even see a stray dog. Yet happy.

* * *
Here was a life without conflict. That is what peace is. It could be argued, of course, that she had it easy: a few little undemanding household tasks to perform, a nice house in which to perform them, people who cared about her, her basic needs met. Plenty of people in this world have that and more, but would give it all for five minutes of peace--the peace that characterized the life of our little old lady.

If she had wanted to look for causes for self-pity or depression, she wouldn't have had to go far. She was old and frail, slightly crippled with arthritis; she could not hear a single sound; she had a son who almost never called or visited her; she had lost her husband; she had very few of this world's goods. But she went through her daily routines with gladness, punctuating them with prayer. She had the peace of God, which is just as Jesus described it--"nothing like the peace of this world." It was his parting gift to the disciples and to any who will simply take it. "I give you my own peace" is what he said.

I was thinking of all this as I sat in the living room of the house we have just moved into. My books and notes were spread around me on the sofa, my clipboard was in my lap. In front of me was a vast expanse of Atlantic Ocean, framed to left and right by the fading colors of autumn woods and, at the foot of the slope between them, the raw and ragged edge of New England--a great jumble of giant rocks, bleached by the sun, clean-scoured by wind and tide. The sea itself, miles and miles of it, danced, glittered, and flashed. (''Coruscated is the word," my brother Tom Howard said on the phone when I tried to describe to him what I could see. He's been my thesaurus since he was about five.)

There was nearly perfect silence all day long. I could hear no traffic on the road. Occasionally I heard a plane, circling northeast to land at Boston's Logan Airport, or the soft thub-thub of a lobster boat's idling motor. I heard the lonely cry of seagulls and the thunder and sigh as waves broke and retreated, but it was a day full of peace. I reveled in it. I thanked God in every way I could think of.

But someone I love is in the hospital today, waiting for a diagnosis which, judging by the symptoms we know of so far, could be a grave illness. The kind of peace afforded by the quiet house set in such matchless beauty is not really enough. It is not enough for my heart.

In the same talk in which Jesus spoke of his peace, just before he left his disciples to return to the Father, he said, ''You must not be distressed and you must not be daunted. " How, Lord, can I possibly obey a command like that when trouble--serious trouble--stares me in the face? What does peace mean now? Is it merely a feeling of calm? Does it mean to be soothed or comfortable? Is it a vague sense of well-being?

I don't know anywhere to look for answers but in the same old Book. The Old Testament sense of the word peace is, among other things, perpetual prosperity, security of tenure, health, and freedom from annoyance. The list almost seemed a mockery. It would certainly be a mockery if we could see no further than natural things. The man who sees only those has a "carnal" attitude, Paul says, "and that means, bluntly, death.'' A spiritual attitude, on the other hand, means life and inward peace. The New Testament explains much more about this inward kind. It comes from God. It is a gift, the fruit of faith. It passes understanding. It is Christ himself. "He is our peace."

The peace of God means the absence of conflict with the will of God. It means harmony within, concord with his purpose for our lives.

Mrs. Kershaw was not merely adjusted to herself or her circumstances. She was, in the deepest place of her being, reconciled to God. She never took a sedative or a tonic in her life. Like the weaned child spoken of by the psalmist, no longer frantic for satisfaction, she was at rest. If you had asked her her secret, she would no doubt have given a little shrug and a little chuckle. The sweet old wrinkled face would have looked up quizzically. She would not have known what to say. She simply did what the Christians of Philippi were told to do: "Don't worry over anything whatever; tell God every detail of your needs in earnest and thankful prayer, and the peace of God, which transcends human understanding, will keep constant guard over your hearts and minds as they rest in Christ Jesus."

To make peace with a country or a person or God requires a transaction. To have peace, as people sometimes say, unless it is merely the sense of well-being that commonly goes with getting what you want, must mean that a transaction has taken place. One's will, along with everything else, has been offered up. Peace is the divine answer to our Yes, Lord.

Colossians 3:15 suggests that the peace of Christ is the "arbiter" of our hearts, ruling out all faithless response to trouble, all distress, anxiety, fretfulness, frustration, and resentment. It establishes order. Those who accept the grace of this gift know tranquillity which can withstand all assaults, a stillness unbroken by the world's noise, and a repose in the midst of intense activity--repose which a nerve-racked world cannot possibly give. For only Christ himself, who slept in the boat in the storm and then spoke calm to the wind and waves, can stand beside us when we are in a panic and say to us Peace. It will not be explainable. It transcends human understanding. And there is nothing else like it in the whole wide world.

254 posted on 01/16/2007 2:35:43 AM PST by JockoManning ( - - > listen online)
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