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To: Quix

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Quix, here's the letter from Dutch Sheets.

March 2, 2007

Dear Praying Friends,

Greetings and blessings.

God is leading me to share a monthly report of what I am hearing from Him for America. Each report will come as close to the middle of the month as possible, though I chose not to wait until then to release this one. God has taken the prayer movement to a more decentralized apostolic paradigm; this is allowing more ownership to be taken on local levels. This is as it should be—the purpose of my update will simply be to make you aware of national issues/developments/events, etc. that need our concerted prayer. The question I will address each month is simply, “What is the Holy Spirit saying to the praying church of America?” I’ll usually limit each month’s update to three or four major issues.

Prayer Point 1: Baal

Through a season of tremendous warfare in November and December, as well as confirmation from many key leaders, God has exposed the spirit of Baal as one of the strongmen—perhaps the strongman—over America.

Baal-hamon, one of Baal’s names, means “the lord of wealth or abundance.” Chuck Pierce believes, and I agree, that this is the principality warring against the great transfer of wealth to the church. You must war against this spirit to see your inheritance released. Claim Jeremiah 51:44 (Bel in this verse is Baal).

Baal-berith, another of his names, means “the lord of the covenant.” The Hebrew word baal actually means “husband” or “marriage.” This spirit always attempted to cause Israel to “divorce” or break covenant with God and “marry” or align with him. Consistent with this, in so many ways America has broken covenant with God and married Baal. This is, I believe, the strongman behind most covenant-breaking.

Baal is the strongman behind sexual perversion. Homosexuality was and is one of his big strongholds. I believe all of the sexual sin and perversion in America is, to one degree or another, under Baal’s orchestration. You will continue to see God expose leaders in the church who aligned themselves with this spirit. Pray for the church to be cleansed and for Baal’s hold on America in this area to be broken.

Baal always goes after the next generation, trying to cut off the extension of God’s covenantal purposes. He is a violent spirit and even required human sacrifice. Abortion is under Baal, as is the “cutting” of today’s young generation (see 1 Kings 18:28), the vampire and goth movement, and the death culture in general that has so invaded America. Baal is leading the fight to avert the great awakening planned for the young generation of Americans today. Pray against and bind these efforts.

Witchcraft and occult spirits in general operate under Baal. So does Jezebel.

Pray against this spirit’s influence in your area as the Lord leads you. Be wise and discerning, and learn as much as you can about it before you take action. I have barely scratched the surface in this writing.

Also, for those wanting more information on this subject, I will be doing an in-depth six hour teaching on Baal and Jezebel at Destiny Bible School, located in Middletown, OH, on March 22-24. We will expose their activities and teach how to overthrow them. This will be one of the most important teachings I have ever done. Come and learn how to break this spirit’s influence in your personal life and region. The class is only $65.00, including the syllabus; go to for more information.

Prayer Point 2: The Coming Youth Revival

I prophesied in January 2006 that the lid was coming off of the youth movement (teens and 20’s) that year. It happened. I recently heard Cindy Jacobs say at least 100 college campuses in America now have 24/7 prayer. Just last week I heard of three colleges that are experiencing many conversions and baptizing students in campus fountains! I was with my dear friends Karen Wheaton and Damon Thompson in Cleveland, TN, and Hamilton, AL, last week ministering to young people and youth pastors. I have never seen such passion. Karen’s ministry, The Ramp, is definitely one of the seeds—maybe the foremost seed—of this awakening. It is incredible.

Also, Lou Engle is resurrecting The Call this year in Nashville, TN, on 07/07/07. This was not an arbitrary date—God gave it to Lou. I heard a prophet in September, 2006, who knew nothing about Lou’s plans, prophesy to him that 07/07/07 is an important day to God and that God was speaking to him about an important event on that date. The Lord went on to say He was lowering a scepter into the earth on that day. It was an amazing word.

As I set myself to seek the Lord concerning this date and study Baal because of the warfare I was experiencing, the two issues began to dovetail. I found the number seven in most of the passages where Israel was coming out from under this spirit or warring against one of the Canaanite, Baal worshiping tribes. In seeking to understand the significance of this, the Lord reminded me that seven is a covenantal number.

In a covenant ceremony, an offering was repeated seven times or an oath was sworn seven times. The words “oath” and “swear” actually come from the number seven and mean literally “to seven one’s self.” I believe the Lord revealed to me that on 07/07/07, God is offering America the opportunity to end our covenant/marriage with Baal and re-establish our covenant with God as a nation. I am not implying that the full fruit of this will be seen immediately but that the stronghold can be broken and change will follow. This is explained in detail on the CDs and DVDs mentioned earlier. Pray for Lou Engle and this event and if at all possible, be in Nashville with us on 07/07/07. Go to The Call’s web site ( for details. We are asking for 100,000 people to come.

Pray concerning this great youth awakening in general. It will be historical, breaking all records. God is on a mission! He won’t be stopped. Nothing is more important to Him at this time.

Prayer Point 3: Government

1) Begin now to pray for the elections of ’08. Just when it seems the stakes can’t get higher, they do. There are some of the frontrunners running for president who, if they were to win, it would set America back 40 years. We are now coming to the end of a 40 year wilderness cycle that began in the 60’s. We cannot afford another. Call forth the purposes of God in 2008.

2) Pray for a completion of what God has begun on the Supreme Court. I sense great lethargy and complacency concerning this at the present time. If we don’t get a third “right” Justice onto the bench, we will not cross over into a new season. Winning this war is imperative! Please pick up this assignment again.

3) Pray against terrorism and concerning the situation in the Middle East. It is absolute deception for us to believe radical Islam can be defeated through natural forces only. We must do a better job of picking up this burden. It is one of the callings of our time and a billion souls are hanging in the balance. I sense another shift is coming soon to this region. Please pray for our President, military, advisors, and all who are involved in this. Bind the prince of Persia and Babylon from prevailing.

Praise Report

The state of Virginia has become the first state (according to them) to formally apologize for the sin of slavery and for exploiting Native Americans. (Go to our web site to see the article.) This is huge! And it is very timely for the nation as we celebrate the 400 year anniversary of our covenant with God at Plymouth Rock April 29 of this year. On the 50 State Tour, the Holy Spirit called Virginia the “covenant root of the nation.” Can you see how God is preparing the ground for us to re-establish our covenant with Him and break our alliance with Baal?


As you continue to war for your personal regions and territories, please don’t forget the nation as a whole. Pray with us. We are winning this war. Thank you for all you do!

Dutch Sheets

255 posted on 03/02/2007 8:12:38 PM PST by JockoManning (
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To: JockoManning

The “Burning Bush” at His Second Term

by Lou Engle

When God launched “The Cause,” on this prophetic journey to pray for the ending of abortion, we received a dream that Bob Jones would meet with us, and thrust us forth on our mission. Our company of 70 spent two days with this prophet before embarking on the prayer journey, “The Trail of Tears.”

He gave us a defining word. He said, “We need to have the eagles (the prophets), who see the vision in the spirit, but we have to have the honkers (the wild geese intercessors), who fly in ‘V’ formation, to breakthrough in the second heaven, and pray the vision of the eagles into being.” Intercessors are the stewards of the prophetic promises of the church, and we made a commitment as a ministry to pray through Bob Jones’ visions and dreams.

Bob Jones received a vision in 1999, that the “Burning Bush” would come out of Texas, and in the second half of his second term, if the church would pray, he would do much to end abortion, restrain homosexual marriage, and bring prayer back to the schools in America. We believe that we are in a decisive moment of the fulfilling of that dream/vision right now. The favor of President George Bush is at the lowest point ever at this moment. Maybe not with God, but in the view of the American people. We just met with a U.S. Senator, who confirms to us, that almost everything positive seems to be retained and held back on Capitol Hill right now.

The 2006 elections may hinge on the perspective that the people of America hold for President George Bush. And the results of the 2006 elections may either help or hinder President George Bush from fulfilling God’s intention for his presidency. Wherever I go, I can feel the attitude of resignation, criticism, and despair, but the second half of George Bush’s second term is not yet here. The question is, will the church give up and yield to opinion polls, criticism, and acquiescence, or will the church pray according to the vision, and believe the prophets and succeed? Bob Jones’ word was, “...if the church would pray....”

Praying Prepares Us For Battle

Right now, we could be in a moment like the battle for Dunkirk in World War II where, “...everything looked like certain disaster for England and the allied troops.” In his journal entry on May 22, Rees Howells said, “The world is in a panic today and certainly we would be too, unless we were sure the Lord has spoken to us. The destiny of England will be at stake today and tomorrow. In a battle such as we are in today, you cannot trust in a meeting or in feelings. We must go back to what God has told us. There is an enemy that we must keep in check until God does the big thing.” Then on May 30, Rees Howells wrote, “From a worldly standpoint, there is no hope of victory, but God has said it. Instead of bad news about our soldiers, if He is on the field of battle, He can change that and make it very good news.”

Again on May 17, Rees Howells said to his intercessors, “God will not do a bit more through you than you have faith for. You are more responsible for this victory today than the men on that battlefield. You must be dead to everything else but this fight. Because you have committed yourself, you are responsible.” Then on May 18, he declares, “I want to fight with this enemy again this weekend, as if it were the end of civilization. You don’t leave anything to chance. Don’t allow these men at the front to do more than you do here.” Norman Grubb, author of Rees Howells Intercessor, then writes, “How thankful we are that God had this company of hidden intercessors, whose lives were on the altar day after day, as they stood in the gap for the deliverance of Britain.”

Maybe President Bush’s legacy and the future of our nation hinge more on our prayers than the whole political debate that rages right now. Rees Howells understood it. It is all about, “...if the church will pray.” History belongs to the intercessors. We’ve been on a governmental prayer revolution for several years, and to drop the ball at any stage is suicide in the face of the raging powers of darkness that seek to destroy the inheritance of this land.

Prophetic Dream

One of our strong prophetic women had this dream:

I was outside. Then President Bush and his wife walked up to me and just started talking to me. When they started to leave, I told Laura Bush that she was beautiful. As they were walking away, she told President Bush that she felt like she had known me for years. (I believe this says that we are to comfort the Bush family with God’s vision for them, which is even yet a beautiful vision. Also, they need to continue to experience the intercessory strength and sustenance that the church has given them and they have known in the last six years.)

Then the scene changes, and I was watching a political debate on TV which would determine who would run for president. Al Gore is the only face that I recognized. (I believe this speaks of the present intense opposition and heated political vilification of George Bush’s presidency right now, and that the spiritual powers that were confronted six years ago in intercession over the elections are seeking to reassert themselves again and reclaim the ground taken.)

Then in the dream, the channel changed and a headline came across the screen. It read, “The rise and fall of President Bush!” I started to freak out because I knew that he just started the second part of his second term. I could not understand why they were trying to kick him out. (I believe this statement, “The rise and fall of President Bush,” is literally being spoken in the councils of hell right now. This is the strategy of the second heavens even now! I believe this could speak of the desire of his political opponents to derail the 2006 elections, and to impeach George Bush, or to make him a lame duck president in his second term. Even as I am writing this, the Lord just spoke powerfully to my heart that Satan is seeking to do everything he can do to thwart the fulfillment of Bob Jones’ prophetic word. Everything is raging against what God has promised to do in the second part President Bush’s second term-unless the church will pray!)

The screen changed again and this time a map of the United States appeared. The southern states were marked in red, then other states across America slowly turned red. I knew the momentum was changing for the better for President Bush. Then the scene changes, and I am in my car leaving D.C. But I realized I was not suppose to leave, so I did a U-turn and went back to D.C. (I believe that God is saying there will be a turning of the tide of this present negativism and even a shift in the 2006 elections, if the church does not give into a spirit of pessimism and acquiescence—to the present negative atmosphere. We are to do a U-Turn from that attitude, and turn our hearts back to D.C. with focused and fierce intercession.)

The dream continues

Then I was in a car talking about an interview I was about to do on the television talk show called, “The View.” (”The View” is a women’s television talk show, where women bring their political views, primarily with a liberal slant. I believe that the church, and particularly women in America with a Godly world view, must rise up with a public voice and concerted intercession. They must articulate God’s view for America to contend with the prevailing Jezebel assault on Godly authority and its corresponding ambition for the position of authority that will mark even the 2008 Presidential elections.)

Then in the dream, I was talking about my new job at the White House working for President Bush. I was asked, “What are you going to do at the White House?” I replied, “I am going to change history!” Then I saw myself with President Bush in his office. We were talking about America and this generation. At one point, we started praying. (We must have this attitude of faith right now that we are going to change history through our intercessions, and that our vocation is to influence the very office of the presidency of the United States. What we do now will change America and this generation, and we are at the point to start praying with a fresh infusion of faith.)

Pray Through Pentecost

Bob Jones has spoken a word that a corporate empowerment is coming to the Body of Christ on Pentecost Sunday. I believe this is an eagle-type word that needs to be carried by the honkers. If we launch prayer in the evening of Mother’s Day, May 14, it would be 21 days to Pentecost Sunday and 40 days to June 22 when Cindy Jacobs (a true Deborah in our nation) is holding a “Shift the Nation” prayer gathering in Washington, D.C.

On that same day, June 22, the court case Doe v. Bolton (the second court case of 1973 that sealed Roe v. Wade- the court case that legalized abortion), is slated to be heard in the U.S. Supreme Court. We are calling the church to pray for 21 days to and through Pentecost Sunday. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for a corporate empowerment of the Church, and pray for 40 days for a shifting of our nation, for the ending of abortion, the raising up of righteous judges, and the fulfillment of God’s plan for our president.

E.M. Bounds said, “The prayers of God’s saints are the capitol stock of Heaven, by which God carries on His great work upon the earth. The great throes and mighty convulsions in the world have come about as a result of these prayers. The earth is changed, revolutionized; angels move on more powerful, more rapid wings; and God’s policy is shaped when the prayers of His people are more numerous and more efficient.” -E.M. Bounds, E.M. Bounds on Prayer

I believe this word is true. Let these thoughts grip our mind, “...if the church would pray...” and “...the second half of his second term...”

Let’s not be negligent now. Let’s pray-let’s roll.

Lou Engle

256 posted on 04/29/2007 7:28:50 AM PDT by JockoManning (Listen Online
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