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To: CodeToad; Jim Robinson; All
Exactly. Forked tounged devils. Lying is not Christian. Deception is lying and the Mormons lie knowingly.

This is NOT anti-Mormonism. This is an example of anti-Mormon bigotry that many say does not exist on this site.

With management sowing (as opposed to simply allowing) anti-Mormon posts I will have to bid FreeRepublic farewell

I have asked Jim Robinson to ban/suspended/deactivate/excommunicate...Whatever it takes to leave this site.

The ex-Mormons on this thread can appreciate why my request to leave FreeRepublic should not be made difficult right?

I make this decision with a heavy heart.

I love America. I love Freedom. I love my family and neighbors, but most of all I love Jesus Christ. He is my Savior and King.

Take care and God Bless.

596 posted on 12/26/2011 9:54:39 PM PST by GreyMountainReagan ("Pray for America")
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To: GreyMountainReagan; Jim Robinson

I love my family and neighbors, but most of all I love Jesus Christ. He is my Savior and King.

- - - - -
Then why are you LDS? That isn’t what your church teaches.

I’m sorry to see you go, but it is a misguided untruth for you to claim that the management sows ‘anti-mormon’ behavior.

I have many personal examples as do several other ex-mo’s and never mo’s of LDS lying.

No, you would rather opus out and frankly that is sad.

Courtesy ping to JR

597 posted on 12/26/2011 10:09:38 PM PST by reaganaut (Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
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To: GreyMountainReagan
If you were holding to something real your sacrifice would have merit and meaning. As it is you turn your back on friends for a known and proven lie.

Sad that...

As far as anti-Mormon/Mormonism, it is a fine line since it is a proven fact that the LDS encourages lying and there are those”operator” types in the LDS who keep the lies going for the masses knowing there is not a shred of truth in them. When there are those who practice to deceive by design and purpose they cease to be individuals and are mechanism of the movement itself.

598 posted on 12/26/2011 11:18:58 PM PST by ejonesie22 (8/30/10, the day Truth won.)
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To: GreyMountainReagan; CodeToad; reaganaut; Jim Robinson; Saundra Duffy; All
“Mormons use Christian vocabulary but have very different meanings. And, yes Mormons are aware that we mean different things but use the terms to make people think they are Christian, deception of the highest order and it is intentional.” [Reaganaut]

Exactly. Forked tounged devils. Lying is not Christian. Deception is lying and the Mormons lie knowingly. [CodeToad]

With management sowing (as opposed to simply allowing) anti-Mormon posts I will have to bid FreeRepublic farewell I have asked Jim Robinson to ban/suspended/deactivate/excommunicate...Whatever it takes to leave this site. The ex-Mormons on this thread can appreciate why my request to leave FreeRepublic should not be made difficult right? I make this decision with a heavy heart. [GreyMountainReagan, post #596]

Why not stick around at least for the duration of this thread, GMR? If you want to still jump the FR ship and go FR AWOL in '12; hey, it's a Free Republic.

At least be "poster enough" to explain yourself.

Otherwise, we have to speak for you. And I am left, therefore, to conclude that you seemed to be...
(a) ...suddenly bothered by a FREEPER's (CodeToad's) specific accusation;
(b) ...and most bothered that JR isn't censored according to your controlling tastes.

Those are really sad reasons to fall on your FREEPER sword, GMR.


#1...what CodeToad mentions seems to be somehow presented by you as "new" and "sudden" to 2011 FR threads. Here's a headline for you, GMR: "It's NOT!" Here, allow me to "educate" you:
* LDS Leaders, Their Ethics and Lying for the Lord
* Mormon Profits and Lying
* Mormon Lying
* Talk About Dishonest...[Mormon]
* Mormon Professors Confuse Doctrine and Rumor
* Mitt Romney's Lying Problem

Tell us, GMR, why didn't you fall on your sword on any of these above threads if these comments are supposedly so provocative to you? I mean, here we had entire themed threads on this subject -- vs. just a few comments.

You didn't. So it comes across to us that you are feigning overprovocation re: CodeToad's comment...Which, in turn, seemingly means that what really strikes at your Mormon craw is that you haven't been able to censor JR.

That's where the rubber hits the road here, isn't it? That Jim Robinson is a... man... in a Free Republic...
...unlike the Mormon "kingdom" where a man can't speak so freely.

Since I'm not sure if you'll further respond, it's at this point I take out my Glenn Beck-like "chalkboard" and provide all you FREEPERS with a lesson about Mormons that GMR and other Mormons have provided for us in 2011:

You see, Mormonism is all about "control."

Since GMR can't "control" Jim Robinson's keyboard,
he is picking up his Christmas toys
(which he earned and merited conditionally)
And he's either...
...sulkily slipping away into the night...
...Or storming off in a quiet rage...
...Or (fill in the blank)

Now, if you would, look @ my "chalkboard" screen to observe these 2011 posting patterns re: Mormonism...Click on these live links if you want to learn why Mormonism is so into "control."

Three areas of this coveting of control revealed itself over 2011...Mormons' desire to control...

Now, granted, Mormons aren't alone on this. The whole Marketing premise is that corporations can control your perceptions about their image. Yes, some marketers are more humble and realize they can only influence -- vs. control -- their image...but those marketers are becoming fewer in number and prestige.

But you see, the very hierarchical men who run Lds, Inc. are businessmen. Many of whom think exactly like marketers.

Now, what evidence that posted itself in 2011 undergirds these Mormon patterns?

#1 Mormon Sought-After Control of Designations:
* The Only True and Living Church [Mormon] (127 replies around the discussion that the Mormon Church wants to bill itself as "The Only True and Living Church"...I suppose knowing this, all the other Non-Mormon people should just pick up their toys and storm off when they find Lds people who believe D&C 1:30, eh GMR?)
* Mormon Official Equates Christianity with “a false cult” (124 replies around the discussion it's "A-OK" for Mormons to label Christians a "cult" -- but not vice-versa)
* Strains Within the Mormon Subculture. (Attitude of Superiority) (discussion around how Mormons are too elitist to have to put up with Gentile-ism)

#2 Mormon Sought-After Control of Content:
* Should one limit consideration of “Mormonism” to what minimalists deem “official” and “binding”? (144 replies around the discussion that Mormons consider it "unfair" for you to be "nosing around" in what their leaders have said outside of what they want to hand-feed you with...almost as if we're guilty of peaking inside Christmas gifts designated only for them)
* Wiki Wars: In battle to define beliefs, Mormons and foes wage battle on Wikipedia (discussion how Mormons want to patronize you as babes only in need of "milk" -- not Mormon meat)

And finally, #3 Mormon Sought-After Control of Perceptions:
* Journalists urged to allow Mormons to define themselves (164 replies on a thread started by a Mormon, Saundra Duffy, where an Lds, Inc. PR person labels the five things he has trouble controlling the most...that people think of Mormons as a "cult"; that they are not "Christians"; that they are weird, secretive, and still embrace eternal polygamy.
* Perceptions of Mormonism (Imagine that...a discussion around the obvious reality that Mormons apparently don't like...that, yes, Virginia, people really do have perceptions about MormonISM!

599 posted on 12/27/2011 4:01:41 AM PST by Colofornian (Mormon polygamy: It ain't just for time anymore...Lds tie the plural knot sequentially THESE days)
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To: GreyMountainReagan; CodeToad; reaganaut; Jim Robinson; ejonesie22; Saundra Duffy; restornu; ...
This is an example of anti-Mormon bigotry that many say does not exist on this site. With management sowing (as opposed to simply allowing) anti-Mormon posts

Yet Open Mormon bigotry of the Christian church -- claims that we Christians -- including Jim Robinson, Reaganaut, etc. -- are...
...spiritually unfaithful ("apostates"),
...members of the church of the devil,
...who are "corrupt"...
...& who believe creeds that are 100% putrid... to not only be allowed but sowed by your 10% tithing to Lds, Inc.

Why. How "nice" it is to be so "consistent." Eh, GMR?

ALL: Let's say, for a moment, that a new church sprung up. Let's call it Grey Mountain New Church.

Let's say...
...they added "Revelation 23" to their Bible.
...and some unnamed entities appeared unto their leader, and he reported as part of "Revelation 23":
My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)—and which I should join.I was answered that I must join NONE of them, for they were ALL wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that ALL their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were ALL corrupt; [NOTE: This, in fact, is literal "Mormon scripture" -- Joseph Smith 1, vv. 18-19 in the Pearl of Great Price]

Furthermore, let's say the leader of this "newbie church" claimed he was lay[ing] the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity and out of darkness, the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth [this is in fact "Mormon scripture" -- Doctrine & Covenants 1:30]

Furthermore, let's say the leader of this "newbie church" claimed that this "Only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" was the "church of the Lamb of God" -- and he translated an ancient document which said:
"Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth." [this is in face "Mormon scripture" - 1 Nephi 14:10 from the Book of Mormon]

Now let's say that this church grew to 14 million around the world -- and that about 5-6 of million of them tithed to spread the above message into over 100 different languages.

Fact: Mormon "scriptures" bash Christians 24/7 in all kinds of languages every hour of every day. Yet not a complaint from you, GMR. Why not?

Unlike GreyMountainReagan, who accuses (labels of "bigotry"), yet provides no evidence...I'll provide evidence:

I have the Lds Church published Topical Guide of the Bible (1979). When you look under "Apostasy of the Early Christian Church" -- p. 13 -- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints lists 1 Nephi 13:26 of the Book of Mormon as applicable to our history: ...thou seest the formation of a great and abominable church, which is most abominable above all other churches; for behold, they have taken away from the gospel of the Lamb many parts which are plain and most precious; and also many covenants of the Lord have they taken away.

So. They accuse our spiritual forefathers of being...
..."a great and abominable church"
...It's supposedly "most abominable above all other churches"
...And that we removed most of the Gospel of Jesus Christ;
...and finally, removed covenants as well.

ALL: The lesson that GreyMountainReagan, the Mormon, wants you to know is that it's "A-OK" for these kinds of accusations about Christians to be plastered around the globe by 52,000 missionaries and 24/7 and Lds books & curricula...but, if a few FREEPERS dare to make a perceived overly negative comment about Mormons, the thin skin is bared and it's time for the Mormon toys to go home.

BTW...that same 1979 Topical Guide of the Bible published by the Mormon Church...check out p. 101 under the entry of "Devil, Church of"...When we see Book of Mormon verses listed like 1 Nephi 13:6, 32 and leaves absolutely no doubt that "true believing Mormons" -- including some FREEPERS -- deem us Christians as part of the "Church of the devil."

The LDS church proclaims to be the "one true church" (see Doctrines & Covenants 1:30 coupled with Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 14:9-10); in fact, theologically, according to this latter passage Mormons only recognize two churches -- the true one and the Satanic counterfeit. (Guess who LDS label as the true "Lamb of God" church and who by default thereby falls under the broad Satanic umbrella?)

So, GreyMountainReagan apparently has no qualms with concluding that we are...
...spiritually unfaithful...
...Heart wanderers...
...Creedally abominable...
...But mention the word "lying" around him in conjunction with Mormons, and his dander and dithers become tizzified.

600 posted on 12/27/2011 4:38:31 AM PST by Colofornian (Mormon polygamy: It ain't just for time anymore...Lds tie the plural knot sequentially THESE days)
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To: GreyMountainReagan

“... but most of all I love Jesus Christ. He is my Savior and King.”

Sure, but which Christ???

The fake, created mormonic Christ, who later became a mormon god?
Or the eternal Jesus Christ of the Bible, neither created, nor made, but eternally God.

If it is the first, your love is meaningless and cannot save.
If it is the second, I am truly happy for you. You should come out from among them and be holy.

605 posted on 12/27/2011 7:05:36 AM PST by aMorePerfectUnion (You know, 99.99999965% of the lawyers give all of them a bad name)
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To: GreyMountainReagan
I love my family and neighbors, but most of all I love Jesus Christ.

I'll go out on a limb and say it appears that you love the MORMON religious organization even MORE than it's Christ.

612 posted on 12/27/2011 7:39:09 AM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
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To: GreyMountainReagan
I have asked Jim Robinson to ban/suspended/deactivate/excommunicate...Whatever it takes to leave this site.


You ain't prophet material; as one of THEM would have CONFOUNDED us - not the other way around!





Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at Hiram, Ohio, December 1, 1831. HC 1: 238–239. The Prophet had continued to translate the Bible with Sidney Rigdon as his scribe until this revelation was received, at which time it was temporarily laid aside so as to enable them to fulfill the instruction given herein. The brethren were to go forth to preach in order to allay the unfriendly feelings that had developed against the Church as a result of the publication of some newspaper articles by Ezra Booth, who had apostatized.

1–4, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon are sent forth to proclaim the gospel; 5–11, Enemies of the saints shall be confounded.

1 Behold, thus saith the Lord unto you my servants Joseph Smith, Jun., and Sidney Rigdon, that the time has verily come that it is necessary and expedient in me that you should open your mouths in proclaiming my gospel, the things of the kingdom, expounding the mysteries thereof out of the scriptures, according to that portion of Spirit and power which shall be given unto you, even as I will.

2 Verily I say unto you, proclaim unto the world in the regions round about, and in the church also, for the space of a season, even until it shall be made known unto you.

3 Verily this is a mission for a season, which I give unto you.

4 Wherefore, labor ye in my vineyard. Call upon the inhabitants of the earth, and bear record, and prepare the way for the commandments and revelations which are to come.

5 Now, behold this is wisdom; whoso readeth, let him understand and receive also;

6 For unto him that receiveth it shall be given more abundantly, even power.

7 Wherefore, confound your enemies; call upon them to meet you both in public and in private; and inasmuch as ye are faithful their shame shall be made manifest.

8 Wherefore, let them bring forth their strong reasons against the Lord.

9 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you—there is no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper;

10 And if any man lift his voice against you he shall be confounded in mine own due time.

11 Wherefore, keep my commandments; they are true and faithful. Even so. Amen.


613 posted on 12/27/2011 7:41:20 AM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
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To: GreyMountainReagan

“bigotry “? We have shown the proof of Mormons using words but attributing strange and different meanings to them in order to deceive, which is lying, and you call that bigotry?

We have left Mormons alone in a live and let live fashion, but the Mormons have started a national advertising campaign of deception and lying and so we simply called them out on it and you get upset? Big deal. If you don’t like the reality change it, but don’t continue to say we must accept the lies. We won’t.

621 posted on 12/27/2011 9:10:23 AM PST by CodeToad (Islam needs to be banned in the US and treated as a criminal enterprise.)
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To: GreyMountainReagan; Saundra Duffy; Jim Robinson; restornu; pennyfarmer; Colofornian; CodeToad

Sandy, because you haven’t gotten your way you are not resorting to insulting our host?

NOTE TO ALL: This is actually a very Mormon pattern of behavior that we have seen a lot of lately, sadly...

1) Tell people all about how wonderful the Mormon church (notice CHURCH not Christ) is.

2) Spoon feed them spiritual milk and deny or change the subject or refuse to answer questions about LDS ‘meat’ doctrines. Dodging questions hoping they will go away is SOP.

3) If they start to get uncomfortable, they ‘bear their testimony’ using words that sound Christian but have different meanings (and yes they know LDS have their own meanings).

4) If challenged further, they start attacking those who speak out against them, leveling all kinds of charges (couldn’t live the gospel, didn’t want to tithe, in it for money, lying, bigotry, hatred, wanting to bring back the inquisition, wanting to kill them).

5) If that goes nowhere, they play the ‘victim card’ and go on about how they are hated and persecuted and there is a history of that in Mormonism, and it just proves Mormonism is ‘true’...

6) Finally, they get angry, pick up their toys, and go home (like GMR). They still haven’t answered the questions or dealt with the issues, they just claim to be offended and shut down rather than really try to work through the issues with Mormonism.

Now, if somewhere along those lines (which happens all the time) you can pique the Mormon’s interest, get them to question it themselves, or why they don’t have a good answer to the question, then over half the battle is won.

Sandy, Resty, GMR, we don’t hate you, we love you enough to want better for you that what Mormonism can give.

622 posted on 12/27/2011 9:12:44 AM PST by reaganaut (Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
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