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I came across this article last night at another forum. It really meant something to me since I, yes I confess, am a male Caucasian.

After living over 5 decades, I have seen many changes. Some are good, but the tendency in some segments of society to lower the image of the male Caucasian is not good. It is not fair. And, as the article indicates, gives no good lesson to the people around us or the upcoming generations.

Along with the beer remark at the end, the one thing I personally would change in the article is to use the the word "Caucasian" in the article. The reason being, it is my opinion that usage of stark, contrasting words sets the stage in too many minds for a realm of conflict. White - black sounds like a contest. We are all people with definite roots.

See what she has to say.

1 posted on 11/27/2007 5:27:17 AM PST by rwbusa50
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To: rwbusa50

Whine, whine, whine; you are a white male and have had the world handed to you on a silver platter. What do you have to complain about? Your life is easy. Try being a Mubabe tribeswoman on the plains of Dakratoa. Then you can complain.

. . . Now I have bashed a white male today! Whew. I feel better. But wait, there’s more! Since I am a white male I am going to bash myself . . .

2 posted on 11/27/2007 5:30:18 AM PST by Greg F (Duncan Hunter is a good man.)
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To: rwbusa50

I get so tired of the commercials on TV and radio that use the “white male idiot” as the comic part. Over and over again the Madison Avenue types use this to sell me stuff. Well, guess what? I make it a point to NOT BUY stuff from someone who calls me an idiot................

3 posted on 11/27/2007 5:31:47 AM PST by Red Badger ( We don't have science, but we do have consensus.......)
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To: rwbusa50
I bashed a young white male today who had his pants down below his butt in a store. I asked him if he knew where wearing your pants like that came from. He said, “Its a hip hop thang.” Actually I told him he was wrong, its a prison thing. I explained to him that when you go to jail they take you belt and shoe laces away from you. I also explained that while you are in prison if you walk around like that it is a sign that you are looking for gay sex. I then turned around and walked away with a huge smirk on my face.
5 posted on 11/27/2007 5:34:03 AM PST by badpacifist (They say your head can be a prison Then, these are just conjugal visits.)
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To: rwbusa50

not yet. Something else to add to the to-do list.

6 posted on 11/27/2007 5:34:49 AM PST by Hoodlum91 (I support global warming.)
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To: rwbusa50

The author fails to mention the ‘Unmentionables’ - the truly Untouchable Caste:

White Male Cigarette Smokers

(Can I say that without getting banned??)

8 posted on 11/27/2007 5:35:31 AM PST by Uncle Ike (We has met the enemy, and he is us........)
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To: rwbusa50

Here, let me say it, and the left can CHOKE on it for all I care:

What made America great and successful was the Western (who happens to be predominately causasion), Christian, Male being supported by and supporting a Traditional Family Unit with Traditional Western Cultural Values within a Free Market.

9 posted on 11/27/2007 5:35:59 AM PST by MrB (You can't reason people out of a position that they didn't use reason to get into in the first place)
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To: rwbusa50

I take the bashing good-naturedly. If it gets too rough, I can always flash my 401K statement. End of discussion. :-)

13 posted on 11/27/2007 5:40:04 AM PST by Thrownatbirth (.....when the sidewalks are safe for the little guy.)
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To: rwbusa50
I truly believed that we were heralding a new and better human nature. We were going to stamp out prejudice, discrimination, and every other foul practice in the hemisphere.

Now that was an ignorant thought.

15 posted on 11/27/2007 5:40:28 AM PST by DungeonMaster (WELL I SPEAK LOUD, AND I CARRY A BIGGER STICK, AND I USE IT TOO!)
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To: rwbusa50
I've been saying this for a while, the top pariah in the world right now is an over 40, white, straight, catholic male who smokes.

Every TV show has a fat stupid white guy married to a hot wife.  Every commercial has a stupid white guy who makes a fool out of himself and the hot girl usually is with an "ethnic" guy.

The shows my youngest daughter watches on Disney even has every minority in them and the idiot of the group is usually the "caucasian" ... be them male or female.

I don't even watch TV anymore because I am sick of how people like me and my family are portrayed.

18 posted on 11/27/2007 5:42:59 AM PST by softwarecreator
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To: rwbusa50
It's not just white males, it's males. I don't recall the entire commercial now, but it was shown during one of the NFL games this weekend and it features a black couple. Of course the guy is portrayed as helpless and confused about some financial matter or other and the wife is like the reincarnation of Bernard Baruch.


19 posted on 11/27/2007 5:43:27 AM PST by ml/nj
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To: rwbusa50
"So we haven't gotten any better as human beings. We simply changed targets."

Make no mistake, human nature plays a big part in this but there are other forces afoot. There are those that want to turn this country into a socialist haven and to do that all organizations have to go, including religious organizations and the majority (Us 70% Christian) need to be made to feel unworthy.

The divide between the races, genders and classes have to be magnified to create the illusion of chaos. Then and only then will the conditions be right for a new political order.

More info on conditions to create political change....

10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto

Nikita Kruschev’s Commie edict, “We will take you over without firing a shot.”.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

According to the Communist Manifesto, all these were prior conditions for a transition from capitalism to communism

20 posted on 11/27/2007 5:44:47 AM PST by Earthdweller (All reality is based on faith in something.)
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To: rwbusa50


Thats like using the word negro - outdated and racist.

23 posted on 11/27/2007 5:48:24 AM PST by glorgau
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To: rwbusa50
Have You Bashed a White Male Today?

No, but I did touch myself this morning.

24 posted on 11/27/2007 5:49:13 AM PST by CholeraJoe (Cobbing freely on FR since 1999.)
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To: rwbusa50

The trouble with trying to suppress an innate human tendency is that it will sprout anyway, like seeds beneath concrete, and it will break up all that nice smooth concrete.

Humans are basically predator animals, and this predatory nature has to be expressed somehow. Wars are handy escape valves for this excess display of virility and ingenious interpretation of dominance versus submission. All this “equality” shinola kind of goes out the window, when one stereotype or another is demolished and replaced with new, equally distorted stereotypes.

Someone will always be “up”, and someone will always be “down”. The great American experiment showed that the layers of “up” or “down” are not static or permanently striated into immutable levels. Individuals break from one level to another all the time.

White males of western European origin are, for the moment, “down”. But keep in mind, these are the most bloodthirsty, rapacious, unrelenting pirates that have ever evolved on this planet, and once they have shed their largely self-imposed limitations on their actions, the balance of things will return.

With a vengeance. “Being fair” is not an option.

26 posted on 11/27/2007 5:49:53 AM PST by alloysteel (Ignorance is no handicap for some people in a debate. They just get more shrill.)
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To: rwbusa50
Dad is an idiot.

Have you watched any commercials in the past five years where he wasn't? He can't cook, usually can't make anything successfully without his wife or kids help, and is gennerally a fool. It's even worse in actual programming; the last competant dad I can recall was Cliff Huxtable.

And don't get me started on how Christians are portrayed. If I see somebody wearing a cross or praying in the first act, you know who is going to be the murderer/pederast/zelot by the third act.

29 posted on 11/27/2007 5:51:14 AM PST by 50sDad (Liberals: Never Happy, Never Grateful, Never Right.)
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To: rwbusa50

I have an appointment to slap myself about the head and shoulders this afternoon. (It gets me sympathy from Mrs. MortMan ;-)

35 posted on 11/27/2007 5:57:41 AM PST by MortMan (Have a pheasant plucking day!)
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To: rwbusa50

It’s certainly not news; the thing that absolutely amazes me is the extent to which (and I am one) U.S. American white males put up with this and have rolled over completely on the issue. In fact I think the biggest effect the bashing has had is the almost total withdrawl of the white male from active participation in the “commons” as it were. We don’t talk about being targets in public; I don’t joke about it with my white male friends; we don’t talk about it with our sons, though when asked why he didn’t have a date for the prom one year my son replied that “white guys aren’t very popular these days.” Part of this withdrawl from the commons is part of the bowling alone syndrome. My white male friends go hunting and fishing together, but you won’t find them at the malls or the grocery stores. And when we do go out, say to a restaurnant we’ve simply gotten used to being conspicuosly ignored by female waitstaff who regularly fawn on our wives. If forced to deal with a governmental agency, knowing full well that the desk, booth or window will be staffed by a minority, I stand back and let my wife do the talking because I’ve come to expect that I’ll be treated rudely. I expect to be eyed with suspicion and hassled by airport security; I don’t say anything when one of the government’s chosen people steps in front of me in line and when my wife and I went to a Mexican food restaurant and they essentially refused us service, we just quietly left and struck that one off the list. I guess all in all, there’s nothing we can do about it and I’ve waited for a backlash, but none has come, nor do I think one is coming. Part of the reason for that may be that being a Boomer and since most of my friends are Boomers we are all 50+. It’s too late for us; I refer to us as “Deaders”. Our futures are in the rear view mirror, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is a pine box and at the end of the day, death doesn’t discriminate.

44 posted on 11/27/2007 6:11:25 AM PST by glide625
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To: rwbusa50
At one of the lowest ebbs of my career, I worked for a Hilary Clone, even to having her hair done like her idol.

She once told me, "White males need to pay for their persecution of women and minorties...White Men do not "Get It".

"We don't "Get It" because we already HAVE it. Deal with it".

That was the closest I ever came to comitting murder in the workplace in my life.

At this particular time, the Boston Globe reported in glowing terms how a female Digital VP "Fired all the Men".

There was never a followup in the News about what hapened as a consequence.

47 posted on 11/27/2007 6:13:49 AM PST by Gorzaloon
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To: rwbusa50

“So we haven’t gotten any better as human beings. We simply changed targets.”


48 posted on 11/27/2007 6:14:51 AM PST by CodeToad
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To: rwbusa50

People who need to bash people are the luckiest people in the world, with the advent of the internet. And some people, including white men, just need bashing.

If you are in a bad mood and just feel the need to rant against the bashers, why not target the men and women who need it? You might educate someone in the process.

There’s the twits over on Scienceblogs who are all atheist, antilife, anti-establishment liberals. It’s fun to bash them, they don’t argue, they just rant and they don’t moderate their posts, so it’s pretty easy. Pick anyone - it’s hard to make a mistake,if you’re looking for a white male atheist who hates Christians, look here — from the “Last 24 Hours” page.

Then there’s the supposedly (big L) Libertarian, anti-”neocon,” Ron-Paul-lovin’ men and women who spend days discussing how universal - but specifically women’s - sufferage is the end of the Republic. The leader (Vox Day, “Featuring Vox Day, the Christian Libertarian and Forensic Ideologist”)has a few good ideas, is great at atheist-bashing, but doesn’t even live in the States, hates marriage and doesn’t seem to have any respect for women - maybe none for anyone - while claiming to be a “Christian Libertarian.” If you bash him, you might educate a couple of hundred fellow L’s and maybe 10 or so atheists, too!

Last, but not least, are the few men who post anti-family, anti-life, and so liberal it hurts rants on Women’s Bioethics Project Blog , and the Blog of the American Journal of Bioethics, These are the “ethicists” who love cloning and who rallied around to cheer Terri Schiavo to death. They’re not nearly so reliable as the scienceblogs for replies and arguments. And they moderate, so I have to wait to see whether anyone will even read my bashing.

On a really bad day, you can go “Feministing.” But prepare to be sickened at the men-bashing there.

But, no, I haven’t bashed a white male today, yet.

61 posted on 11/27/2007 6:42:27 AM PST by hocndoc ( (Ron Paul is not a Republican.))
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