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“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

And Saul eyed David from that day and forward. 1 Samuel 18:9

The Fauci Flu has been a disaster from day one as far as the handling and its initial treatment until today with the must wear the mask if you are not vaxed and no mask if vaxed. America has been lied to from day one and are being lied to today where there is no science and only quackery and cult religion where Karens be Karen through mask virtue signaling.

Have people died from the China Flu, perhaps in China but it is likely most if not all the deaths attributed are mostly from other health issues and malpractice by the CCCD. Governor Cuomo refused to use the hospital beds Trump provided for strictly political reasons in his quest for a possible run at the presidency and another hot Social Justice Warriorette. He basically killed tens of thousands of elderlies by decrying laws without any medical basis and then outlawed treatments which likely would have saved their lives if tried.

The initial treatments of putting them on respirators was the worst things they could have done since the taking people off respirators was what killed half of them. If they would allow more organic cures such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin there would have likely been a reduction of fifty percent of deaths along with the isolation of the sick from the healthy, but Dem Govs put politics in front of medicine and tens of thousands died because of it. Unfortunately, some still are.

The mask is a symbol of submission and nothing else. There is no medical benefit from it while some studies have shown it to be a super spreader from touching it all day long. Most disease is spread from touching which if you watch studies of touching and spreading you will find rooms covered with spread material within a couple of hours as one person touches something like a faucet and that spreads across the room and the population of the room. The mask facilitates that spreading as it directly moves the virus from the faucet or doorknob to your mask and face where the virus enters the body. The mask is killing you and the elderly, Karen.

The latest proclamation is right out of Young Frankenstein. If you get the Vax, you can go outside without the mask. In some circumstances you may go inside without it. Great, if you take a vaccine which has a higher incidence of death and serious side effects than all vaccines combined for the last hundred years, you can walk your dog without a mask. If you do not get the Vax you must continue to wear the useless piece of paper on your face, keep that nose covered.

Never mind the fact the CCCD has been hiding the fact you have a zero percent chance of spreading it outdoors where the sun kills the virus and the wind dissipates the weakened ones left, you can now go outside without a mask if you have taken the shot. No, how about you go outside without it since outside is the safest place on the planet for avoiding the Fauci Flu. Turns out outdoor events like Trump rallies and outdoor football games were the safest place to be while Dr Fauci was calling them super spreaders to scare people. Its as if these people who are running this disease control worried more about getting rid of Trump than saving lives.

The final issue which is not being addressed is the weakening of the virus. Like any other virus it appears it is weakening as the death rate is down to around 500 per day. It has gotten so bad the CCCD has had to list cases as probable cases to count other deaths as covid which means anyone likely can be classified since the virus versions can be traced if you have cold symptoms. They need to change their names to the Keystone Cops although the Cops were not as corrupt.

As viruses go from person to person they become less and less powerful as the virus mutations become weaker and weaker. It is very possible the flu has basically run its course and next years version will be weaker still. Being a man-made virus, it may not behave the same way, but if it does it will mean the Covid is basically over and the gummit is simply milking it for what it can. A fearful people are a controllable people.

Once again America has seen what happens when you put your faith in man and not God. God has provided people with wonderful immune systems which kills viruses 24/7/365 and would have handled this one most likely if not turned into a political war. Every step man took magnified the disease and death while ignoring anything which could be attributed to President Trump. Fauci and his minions did everything wrong and still are when you can look back on it. From killing the elderly to the stay off the beach rules did everything they could to make a bad situation worse and continue on forcing people to wear masks which have no benefit to stopping a virus and most likely spread it faster to your nose and eyes.

Most likely the Fauci Flu was released on purpose by the Chinese with help from the DNC to overturn an obvious landslide election by Trump. Every one of these steps have been to scare the American people and damage his economy. This was an insurrection run by these two evil gummits to stop the one thing standing in the way of their One World communist utopia and that was America with Donald Trump making her stronger and more powerful. Desperate times called for desperate measures so now we are seeing their desperation and incompetence around the world. Welcome to China’s Soviet Union of America.

God does not want you to live your life in fear. Through Jesus and Salvation this is a temporary home which the best is yet to come. Live your life in faith and realize this disease is not a death sentence but a normal flu with normal to less than normal death percentages. Weigh and research the vax when you have less than a half percent chance of dying and a 90% chance of having moderate to no symptoms. Do your research and have faith, it will comfort you more than Saint Fauci the father of this disease and the son of Covid lies.

Pray for Revival

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 05/16/2021 4:42:04 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! ("You, the American people, are my only special interest." --President Donald J. Trump)
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To: All
• Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

• Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.

Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy.  We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail.  We shall, as always, end with a smile.
(another update)

Liz Cheney booted out

Liz Cheney has been in the dog house for quite a while now.  First, she voted to impeach President Trump.  Right there is a loss.  Who, even if they don't like who holds the position, would vote to remove a President representing their party to be impeached?  I would never want someone who would do that as any kind of Representative, especially chair of a big important congressional committee?

And after she gets the boot, she comes out in public and states that she is dedicated to keep President Trump from holding office ever again.

Seriously, she needs to go to the other party.  I sure don't want her in mine.  Does she really think Biden is any better?

(one more update)
Pipeline Cyber Attack

It is rumored that the Russians engineered a cyber attack on the fuel pipeline that services the east coast, the majority in the south.   The media shouted about a gasoline shortage the lines formed in front of the gas stations as people filled auto tanks and any container they could carry.

As of this writing it has been reported that the pipeline should be up and working by this weekend.
(social media explains so much)

Zebra born with dots instead of stripes

(since I watch so much TV, not for my descendants)
Update AFV host.
Alfonso Ribeiro Update

I want to take a moment and explain something to yon four or five readers.

I had no idea that Alfonso Ribeiro was once a character named Carlton on the TV series "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air".  First, I have never watched that show although I am vaguely familiar with it.  

I recently write a review of "America's Funniest Videos" and praise Ribeiro all over the place as one of the best, if not THE best, host of a non-fiction TV series.  A poster on a board where I'd placed the review made a funny comment about somebody named Carlton and another poster attempted to explain the association.

I will be exploring Netflix and see if I can find episodes of the Fresh Prince because I AM SO SURPRISED!
Review FBI show

CBS 9-10pm Tuesay nights
The series features an ensemble cast including Missy PeregrymZeeko ZakiJeremy Sisto, Ebonée Noel, Sela WardAlana de la GarzaJohn Boyd and Katherine Renee Turner. FBI received a straight-to-series commission for 13 episodes on September 20, 2017.[3] In May 2020, CBS renewed the series for a third season.[4] The third season premiered on November 17, 2020.[5][6] In March 2021, CBS renewed the series for a fourth season.[7]

Let us not be coy.  The FBI is the WORST police/investigative force on this planet.  If we have learned nothing from the fabulouso James Comey and the rest of those comedians in the FBI, it's that the consider their job to provide crime coverage for famous politicians, then lie all over the place about it, then write a book.

On Facebook recently a commenter posted a question that if the FBI were to announce who hacked the Colonial pipeline would we believe it?

Almost everyone answered NO!

So first, do not believe a single story line of this series unless it involves a very dishonest Secretary of State that has an FBI agent standing in front of the American public telling us how innocent he or she is.

Beyond that, the storylines are interesting if you can forget it's the lying FBI represented in the show.

The characters are not bad and to watch it can be entertaining for an hour once a week.

IF you can forget just who the lies on an episode represent.
(My opinion for my descendants)

Delaware's Sad Story

It's been lots of sirens and traffic jams, funeral parades, speeches and sadness.

Cpl. Heacook was beaten in the head so bad that it took him a few days but he eventually died from the wounds inflicted by his assailant.

Heacook was killed by Randon Wilkerson-a 30 year old black guy whose pain infliction didn't stop with the death of Heacook.

Wilkerson is black and under most circumstances that would not matter.  He is a murderer, white or black.  But as we all know, let a cop kill a black guy and we hear about it for days, sainthood is given, the cop shall be punished severely.

Further, Wilkerson beat up two other people so bad he almost killed them.  These were the people Cpl. Heacook was coming to save.

A picture of one of his victims is below.
As yon reader can see, this guy took a beating from the fine, fine Wilkerson.  His wife too was beat by Wilkerson.  Below is a copy of this victim's story.

The former Senator from Delaware, now the President of the United States, has yet to give Heacook a friendly call out for the sacrifice of his life.

The sirens blare, funeral processions fill the road in little Delaware.  All for a cop who was killed brutally by a black man who seriously harmed two other people.

And Joe Biden says not a word.

Delaware is one furious state.


Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog.  I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation.  Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear. Bear in mind my spelling.  I am, after all, only a fly.

Playing Catch Up

First I must elaborate that I chanced on this very important meeting with notice from my friend the spider.  Attendees included Valeria, of course, President Obama, Michelle Obama and Jillie Biden.  The meeting was held in a house in Washington D.C. and with directions from the spider, I flew over and assumed a place on the wall.

Yon readers, I am only a fly, but I am shocked.  I know yon humans will shake with some of the conversation but as chief fly communicator to humans everywhere, allow me to enlighten.

Valeria lit up a cigarette first thing, as she usually does.  There was a small plate of cookies, which made this fly happy, and that coffee liquid humans like to drink.

"Jillie, you've got to exert more control on Joe," Valeria began.  "First thing, you've got to make him stop answering questions from the press after his press conferences.  I don't want to hurt your feelings but we are a nervous wreck about how he will respond."

Jillie clenched her fists which I am to understand is how humans express anger.

"He did very well, Valeria, and you know it.  BUT.....I will talk to Joe.  He did comment that he liked the media questions.  I'm working on him."

President Obama waved the smoke away from his face and poured some coffee.  "Joe is to do what we tell him to do, Jillie," he said, quietly but with a firmness.

"We already have him sliding down the steps of Air Force 1." Michelle Obama inserted.  "He tends to mumble his words, he forgets things.  You need to control him, Jillie."

With this Jillie jumped up and headed toward the door.  "You guys want this guy to run this country when he has no control over the legislature and cannot even pick his own assistants!  You're giving more money to Iran, we got wars going on in Israel.  We've got pipelines being hacked!  All of this caused by this group to get lots of money and power.  If you want to keep Joe in a cage, than put him in one!  Don't expect him to control the world and people he does not even know."

With that Jillie walked out the door, slamming it on her way.

This fly wants to ask yon humans reading this.....why do you elect a president then keep him in a cage while other humans take control of it all?



6 posted on 05/16/2021 4:43:09 AM PDT by Fishtalk (@patfish1 is my Parler user name)
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To: bray
Brilliant assessment of what is going on.

Yesterday I was lucky enough to interview,chat with,a doctor from Miami who sees over 100 covid type patients a week and has for some time.

His summations of what is going on are very revealing and they are not rehearsed, are first hand, sincere and well sourced.

One of my questions was about the vaccine, his opinion and how he handles it in his practice:

Basically he does "not" recommend it for those under 50. My guess is over 50, he is probably coerced to parse it a little.

He realizes its a mRNA wiki: In molecular biology, messenger ribonucleic acid is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, and is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein. Transcription is the process of copying a gene from the DNA into mRNA.Wikipedia

I don't see anywhere in that description that it's a vaccine but something else.

Anyway the doctor was not impressed with what is happening to those who take it including death,blood clots,miscarriages,radical changes in women's cycles,and on and on it goes.

He described covid as 90% harmless with some not even knowing that they have it but the other 10% completely unpredictable from death to minor illness,all over the place.

I asked him if he was able to differentiate between H1N1 and covid and he said he was not. He said it takes two weeks to get back the info from the lab.

Bearing that in mind how can anyone call what people are getting anything other than the flu,either covid of H1N1? Finally I asked him about Ivermectin and he said it's a solid treatment he uses all the time.Not only as an immediate treatment but later on and long term if necessary since its a proven drug and no one should be afraid of it. Along with oxychlroquine,zinc,Vitamins C and D,antibiotics when necessary,z-pak and the usual drugs and pills mentioned here on FR constantly.

All in all I learned a lot and look forward to learning even more.

21 posted on 05/16/2021 5:52:23 AM PDT by rodguy911 ((FreeRepublic home of the free because of the Brave---Where we go One))
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To: bray

Fauci will skate through this propped up by the MSM who will never lay it out like you have.

The Dems won’t condemn him as they got what they wanted bailouts for ill run states, freebies for mindless voters, and pork to feed on through Biden like scams laundered through relatives.

Wake up America.. We are being boiled like the proverbial frog

26 posted on 05/16/2021 6:01:59 AM PDT by patriotspride (Third generation Vet. Never forget the true cost of freedom)
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To: bray
Once again America has seen what happens when you put your faith in man and not God. God has provided people with wonderful immune systems which kills viruses 24/7/365 and would have handled this one most likely if not turned into a political war

That's true but there are a couple caveats. Immune systems are not perfect. Sometimes they go haywire and kill more good cells. It's in those cases where HCQ works well. Quinine worked well protecting healthy people from overactive immune systems in 1918. God expects us to take care of ourselves in those circumstances. Also God does not look kindly upon tinkering with viruses as was likely the case in Wuhan.

Once again America has seen what happens when you put your faith in man and not God

Yes. But I've done my research and will get the J&J next week. I was procrastinating and letting essential employees get theirs first. But now there's plenty. I can tell you this much, I do not have any "faith" in the vaccine but I believe it is better than nothing in my case. I got an antibody test a few weeks ago and it was negative. I don't think my case applies to anyone else.

29 posted on 05/16/2021 6:08:55 AM PDT by palmer (Democracy Dies Six Ways from Sunday)
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray

Criminal what they are doing to children forcing them to wear masks. I went to the grocery store yesterday maskless. No longer mandatory in SC. Optional. I was one of about 10% in the store without a mask. Liberating. Thumbs up from others without masks, fear from those with them. Thoroughly enjoyable.

69 posted on 05/16/2021 7:10:15 AM PDT by kabar
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