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SAPD: Man Tasered while attempting to save infant son from a house fire
KENS 5 ^ | June 2, 2013 | Staff

Posted on 06/04/2013 8:43:47 PM PDT by Altariel

SAN ANTONIO -- A father was tazed by San Antonio police while trying to save his infant boy from a house fire.

The incident occurred at around 2:30 a.m. Sunday during a house fire in the 100 block of Morningview Drive.

Investigators said the parents of the eight-month-old boy had dropped off their children at their grandparents' house. Somehow, a fire got started inside the home shortly thereafter.

The grandparents managed to grab one boy and rush to safety. That's when they realized one boy was still trapped inside.

Emergency crews and the children's parents arrived on the scene at around that time.

The boy's father tried several times to enter the burning home, but police held him back and ended up tazing him. SAPD said it was for his own safety.

The infant died from injuries sustained during the blaze.

Arson is under investigation. Police said the stories just don't add up.

No criminal charges have been filed.

The family is now looking for a new place to stay.

TOPICS: Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: donttasemebro; fire; housefire; sanantonio; taser; texas
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To: Jeff Head
I have to agree. What they have done is condemned a man to 30+ years of anger, loss, and bitter doubts. If the man had attempted the rescue, become injured and turned back he may have been able to live with the knowledge that he DID everything humanly possible. Even burn scars would be something he could live with. But what if... he could have saved his child. He will wonder that every day of his life. There are some things worth dying for.
61 posted on 06/05/2013 12:10:28 AM PDT by Casie (democrats destroy)
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To: APFel

nope but dragnet2 did:

“That lady might have never made it out, if I had not ran in and grabbed her. I just happened by on my Harley at 20 years old,....So stop with your first responder BS script”

I’m sorry it’s uncool to follow rules, but I guess that’s why we are all conservatives because following rules are bad.

62 posted on 06/05/2013 12:13:17 AM PDT by JCBreckenridge (Texas is a state of mind - Steinbeck)
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To: JCBreckenridge

**** “I will match my Firefighting History to yours ANY DAY, ya moron.”****

Challenge still stands... and your “RULES” are still complete BS.


63 posted on 06/05/2013 12:43:13 AM PDT by TexasTransplant (Idiocracy used to just be a Movie... Live every day as your day you will be right)
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To: Altariel

As a father, the man had every right to attempt to save his son. The cop us guilty of murder and needs to face justice.

64 posted on 06/05/2013 4:16:54 AM PDT by Caipirabob (Communists... Socialists... Democrats...Traitors... Who can tell the difference?)
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To: Jonty30
First rule of first aid, don’t create a second person needing rescue
Sounds like a cop-out rule created by gutless, self-centered wussies. It sounds like a rule easily abused by cowards to conceal their uselessness.

It was the father's decision and it was his life on the line. All the cowardly "rescuers" needed to say was, "we're too pathetic and scared to risk our own hides saving you too, so if you go in there, you're on your own." After saying that, all they needed to do was move their useless, unionized, vomit-inducing cowardice out of the father's way and let him do the "hard work" that they themselves couldn't dig deep enough to find the sense of duty and honor to perform.

Maybe they could have loaned him some bunker gear and kept water on him as much as they could. But no, they tasered him -- I would surmise partly due to the fear that he would succeed while they only stood around and watched, making them look bad as much as "saving him from himself". "Saving him from himself" is their cover now. They will tote that lie to their graves.

Every last one of those "rescuers" should have "coward" engraved on their tombstone when they are thankfully gone.

Rescuers used to be made of much sterner stuff.

Apologies to all if I'm a bit too blunt, but this just has me torqued off.

Opinions may vary.

65 posted on 06/05/2013 5:12:58 AM PDT by jaydee770
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To: Altariel

After following this all the way through the many emotional comments it comes down to two simple yet devastating truths. First, the father, for the rest of his life, is being forced to live with the FACT that he will NEVER know if he COULD have saved his son’s life. Secondly, the knuckle dragging badge monkey who tasered the father will live the rest of his miserable life knowing FOR A FACT that he ALONE sentenced an infant to death!! Have a good life Officer !!!!!!

66 posted on 06/05/2013 5:45:49 AM PDT by OHPatriot (I WILL NOT COMPLY !!!!!)
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To: piytar

That said, they should have let him try. Rock...hard place. If they let him, they would get sued by surviving family members. No possible win here.

67 posted on 06/05/2013 5:51:23 AM PDT by Safetgiver ( Islam makes barbarism look genteel.)
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To: Safetgiver

I would consider a living infant a “possible win”. Your mileage may vary.

68 posted on 06/05/2013 6:04:40 AM PDT by Altariel ("Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!")
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To: OHPatriot

Yep, “We did everything possible to save the child” is one thing.

“We prevented the boy’s father from saving his son” is a whole other proposition to live with.

69 posted on 06/05/2013 6:17:45 AM PDT by Altariel ("Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!")
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To: JCBreckenridge
Haven’t saved anyone’s life yet. I think there’s more to being cool than taking stupid, unnecessary risks

Then if you lack the spine to take the heat, it's probably best you stick to a safer job like digging stumps or shining a chair with your butt.

If that father decided to risk his life to attempt to save his child while the rest of you "safety first" rescuers were standing around examining their navels and hiding behind inflexible rules, policy & procedure, then all you need do is tell the father he's crazy to go in there and your cowardly butt will NOT come in after him. Then get your useless, gutless, pathetic carcass out of the way and be respectful while the father tries his damndest, whether futile or not.

If you lacked the spine and sense of selfless duty to go in after the child, you've already proven your cowardice and uselessness. You can't be branded a bigger coward by refusing to go in after the father as well. Your position can't get any worse.

All you weasling rule-mongers need do is just get out of the way! Let a father with purpose, honor and selflessness do the hard work you won't do. Just dig down deep and show a bit of respect and take whatever pathetic comfort you can while you hide your true colors behind your rules.

You can keep yapping trying to dig yourself out of the pit of shame, but you aren't fooling anyone. You argue that because *you* wouldn't go in after the child, no-one else should be allowed to either. From what I've read of your position, you merely seek to drag anyone who would dare down to your level of "quit" and "cowardice".

70 posted on 06/05/2013 6:18:59 AM PDT by jaydee770
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To: JCBreckenridge
I would have tazed the guy myself. Don’t care how he thought of me afterwards.

And had you prevented me from attempting to save my son, no matter how long the odds, I would hunt you down afterwards. That is not your decision to make. And if I were on the jury if the father kills the idiot that tazed him, I would acquit the father on day one or hang the jury.

71 posted on 06/05/2013 6:20:35 AM PDT by tnlibertarian
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To: tnlibertarian

My Mother was in a similar situation. On her way to work one morning she was going by my cousin ‘s house and saw smoke. She stopped and found my cousin, who was in a wheel chair with TWO of her children. My cousin begged my Mother to go into the house to get her young son. My Mother was afraid and couldn’t do it. The firemen found his young body next to a window, the window right next to the garage. My Mother had a complete breakdown and suffered for many years before eventually taking her own life.

72 posted on 06/05/2013 6:35:26 AM PDT by heylady (“Sometimes I wish I could be a Democrat and then I remember I have a soul.”( Deb))
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To: Jeff Head

I agree with you. Cops are abusing the use of tasers like they are abusing a lot of unconstitutional power these days. Tasing a man is punishment and that father did nothing to deserve punishment. They just cruely abused and added to the trauma of a family in crisis.

73 posted on 06/05/2013 7:01:09 AM PDT by SaraJohnson
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To: JCBreckenridge


It’s a good thing they punished this schoolboy from saving the life of another kid too.

We can’t have heroes running around in defiance of The Agents of the State’s expectations that mundanes act like sheep.

(Do I really need a sarc tag?)

74 posted on 06/05/2013 7:03:51 AM PDT by Altariel ("Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!")
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To: Waryone

>> “Truly ironic considering the ending of Star Trek II.”
> I thought it was a bit strange myself. But maybe the person posting this only saw the JJ Abrams version, not the real, original Wrath of Khan.

Something came up the other day in a thread about the acting abilities of the old Trek actors vs. new actors — and someone mentioned that they were [re]watching Babylon 5, and that he noticed how Bester (Walter Koenig) was acting circles around all the others... and posited that is the reason that the reason why “Into Darkness” is so much worse compared to “Wrath of Khan”.

75 posted on 06/05/2013 7:10:29 AM PDT by OneWingedShark (Q: Why am I here? A: To do Justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.)
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To: tnlibertarian

“That is not your decision to make.”

Yeah, it is my decision to make to try to keep someone from running into a burning building. It’s my job and my duty to try just as much as you believe it is your duty to try to save your son.

Do you not understand this? I can no more let you go and die than you can go and let your son die. I understand it’s hard, but I have a duty to you and your life.

If I let you in and you die I would be negligent for failing to do my job. And they would be right because I let you go into a burning building and I would be responsible for your death because I did not stop you.

76 posted on 06/05/2013 7:14:15 AM PDT by JCBreckenridge (Texas is a state of mind - Steinbeck)
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To: Rusty0604


77 posted on 06/05/2013 7:14:31 AM PDT by Rusty0604
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To: Ronaldus Magnus

Lethal force indeed!

78 posted on 06/05/2013 7:23:51 AM PDT by Bshaw (,A nefarious deceit is upon us all!)
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To: JCBreckenridge

Tasers were not designed for compliance. They were designed as an alternative to deadly force alone. To say you would tase him is to say without the taser you would shoot him dead.

79 posted on 06/05/2013 7:24:38 AM PDT by andyk (I have sworn...eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.)
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To: jaydee770

“Then if you lack the spine to take the heat”

Nonsense. I’m perfectly willing to stand and take the heat for this decision. What I am not willing to do is throw someone’s life away in the hopes of saving another person when we already have them safe and sound.

What you are angry about is that I don’t see eye to eye with you which is why you’re attacking my character. That’s ok. I don’t think you’re a bad person at all. It’s a hard case. I am just saying what I would do if I were the cop and I had a father who was safe and was out of the fire. Would I do my damndest to keep him from charging back in? Absolutely. Why? Because I believe that his life is important and that I have a responsibility to him to keep him safe.

“If that father decided to risk his life to attempt to save his child while the rest of you “safety first” rescuers were standing around examining their navels and hiding behind inflexible rules, policy & procedure”

One, this isn’t true. You’re making a boatload of assumptions here - the job of the rescuers is to do what they can with what they have. How do you know what the fire was like? What evidence do you have that they did nothing? how do you know they didn’t show up and realize that the fire and the building was too far gone to have a hope in hell of saving anyone in it?

You don’t. You have the testimony of the angry father who is upset with the whole situation - but we do not have the pertinent facts.

Jumping on and attacking the cops for saving this man’s life is simply par for the course. What would you say if this man did rush in, and die in the fire? Would you blame the rescuers?

“all you need do is tell the father he’s crazy to go in there and your cowardly butt will NOT come in after him.”

It’s easy enough to let him die in the fire. Just let him go and do nothing. That’s not what this cop did. This cop did what he had to do to save this man’s life.

“Then get your useless, gutless, pathetic carcass out of the way and be respectful while the father tries his damndest, whether futile or not.”

Again, I would have an obligation to protect that man from committing suicide by rushing into a burning building.

“If you lacked the spine and sense of selfless duty to go in after the child”

How do you know what the building was like at the time? Were you there? What evidence do you have that there was a chance for the child to be saved? The father would have gone in anyways even if there was no chance at all because he sees it as his duty to try.

I understand that, but it would be my duty to try to save his life, rather than sitting there like a coward and doing nothing.

“You can’t be branded a bigger coward by refusing to go in after the father as well.”

Right. I’m the coward by preventing the father from getting into a building that is on fire, and from risking his life.

“Let a father with purpose, honor and selflessness do the hard work you won’t do.”

Honor has a purpose. Letting someone die in order to fulfill his honor to his son is senseless. I have a duty as well, and that is to keep the man who is safe out of the damn building. He would have killed himself rather than sit. I understand that but that’s precisely why I have to step in and keep him on this side of the line.

“You argue that because *you* wouldn’t go in after the child, no-one else should be allowed to either.”

“your level of “quit” and “cowardice”.”

Right, it’s cowardice because the rescuers failed to get to his son in time. I’m sorry, but at least I have honor enough not to attack the good men who did their damndest. Just because they failed, did not mean they didn’t try.

80 posted on 06/05/2013 7:28:28 AM PDT by JCBreckenridge (Texas is a state of mind - Steinbeck)
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