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0:00·good afternoon everybody and let me add my welcome to NSS week into Carlisle barracks and to the great state of
0:05·Pennsylvania my home state I'm gonna give this lecture today they've asked me to also let you know that this is going
0:11·to be put on the army war colleges YouTube channel in case you don't get enough of it once and you want to see it again you have that option what I want
0:18·to talk about is America's entry into the first world war in 1917 which happened just over a hundred years ago
0:24·this month and it's a subject that we as a community of historians I think have treated particularly badly there's not a
0:31·lot of research on it what does exist is mostly focused on Woodrow Wilson who as I hope to show you here is really not
0:37·all that relevant to the story and the tale that I like to tell folks my daughter came home a couple of years ago
0:42·with a homework she had to do for high school asking what event led to America entering the First World War and she was
0:48·so excited that she was studying something that I was interested in and she came to me and said dad what do I Circle and I said well they're all wrong
0:55·but circles see because that's the one your teacher wants which confuses a 10th
1:01·grader but for the record see was of course the sinking of the Lusitania which occurred in May of 1915 which
1:08·almost by definition therefore can't be a proximate cause of something that happens two years later now as I hope to
1:14·show you here the Lusitania is important but not because it led the United States into the first world war what I'd like
1:20·to do is take you on a little bit of a journey and the man that I want to use for this is a North Carolina newspaperman named Walter Hines Paige
1:26·who became Woodrow Wilson's ambassador to Great Britain in 1914 now Paige had
1:32·no background in diplomacy he had absolutely no background in foreign affairs he went there because he had
1:38·been one of the earliest supporters of Wilson in a critical State North Carolina when the war broke out in
1:44·August of 1914 Walter Hines page wrote a letter to Woodrow Wilson that ended like this now whenever I thank heaven for the
1:51·Atlantic Ocean thank God we are out of it in other words this is none of our concern it doesn't affect us in any way
1:57·we're gonna help the people who are disadvantaged by this war Walter Hines page is pro-british and pro-french when
2:04·the war begins in his mindset that is he wants Britain and France to win the war but it's not our fight just over a year
2:10·later he wrote another letter to Wilson which he said if Germany wins the Monroe
2:16·Doctrine will be shot through we shall have to have a great Army and Navy and I always pause here to remind folks he
2:22·meant this negatively he meant that the United States which had paid almost nothing for its Army and Navy had had
2:30·its security on the cheap was now gonna have to invest in a conscript army like the German and a modern Navy like the
2:36·British and he thought that was bad in another letter written about the same time he said we're going to have to make
2:41·a choice to build one battleship or one University per month and it was quite clear he preferred the University but
2:48·suppose that England wins we shall then have merely an academic dispute with her it is a matter of life or death for
2:56·english-speaking civilization and what I was really interested in in putting the book together that this talk is based on
3:01·is how the United States went for now and ever I think heaven for the Atlantic Ocean thank God we're out of it so now
3:07·it's a matter of life and death what's happened in those 1415 months now I
3:12·could have picked a lot of people that went through this similar arc Walter Hines page to me is the most interesting
3:18·both because of how vehement he is about this how early he is in this process and
3:24·what he did next he left London came to the United States hoping to get some
3:29·time with Woodrow Wilson to convince him that this war would eventually drag the United States in and that he as
3:35·president better start doing something about it he got to the White House to find out that Wilson was doing everything he
3:41·could to avoid him wouldn't meet with him so Walter Hines page went down to shadow Lawn which was Wilson's residence
3:47·on the Jersey Shore it's no longer there near Long Beach Island New Jersey and literally sat on the president's front
3:53·porch until Wilson showed up that's how convinced page was that something was going on here so what I want to do is
4:00·kind of take you through that arc and then carry it a little bit further now the first thing I want to do is dispel a couple of myths the most important of
4:06·which is the idea that still pops up in American history textbooks now and again that the American people were just
4:12·ignoring the First World War just weren't paying any attention to it when the first world war broke out in July
4:18·August of 1914 European government started selling their security started selling the stocks that they owned in
4:24·American companies converting that money dollar for dollar into gold which was legal in 1914 and then trying to get
4:31·that gold back to Europe the United States government recognizing that if that continued the US would quite
4:37·literally run out of gold took the extraordinary step of ordering the New York Stock Exchange the Chicago Stock
4:44·Exchange and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange all to be closed and they stayed closed until after Thanksgiving
4:50·1914 you can imagine what that did to Americans even those that don't own stocks what a shock that was and you
4:58·could also see this by taking just a simple look at American newspapers which are covering the First World War
5:03·covering the events in Europe constantly you're gonna see a lot of things here from Pittsburgh both because that's
5:09·where I'm from and because welcome that's the only reason really this is an ad from the Pittsburgh Gazette times a
5:15·newspaper that no longer exists it's now part of the Pittsburgh post-gazette I guess it does exist advertising that they had signed on with the New York Sun
5:22·to get the war reports of Richard Harding Davis who was then the most famous of the American war
5:27·correspondents somebody everybody in America would have known a good friend of Theodore Roosevelt's he's actually at
5:32·San Juan Hill with Theodore Roosevelt in the spanish-american war he covered the Russell Japanese war 1904-1905
5:39·and when this war breaks out he went to New York City he got on the first boat he could book passage on it turns out to
5:45·be the Lusitania to get to Europe as quickly as he possibly can and here is the Pittsburgh is at times telling its
5:52·readers we have Richard Harding Davis it's also the case that very early on in
5:57·the war most Americans are sympathetic to the British in the French and there are plenty of reasons for that that we
6:03·can talk about very few Americans want to do anything about it but their sympathies are clearly pro-british and
6:09·prevention that's going to continue and I'll show you a little bit of why that is so important as this goes on this is
6:15·even true among many communities that are pro-german that are German excuse me or are Irish and we'll talk a little bit
6:23·more about this as things go on but from the beginning there's a clear distinctive measurable obvious sympathy
6:28·with the two democracies of Britain and France against the military societies of Germany and austria-hungary russia
6:35·here's a little bit of a difficult exception because russia is one of the allies but it too is militarist and
6:40·autocrat so that's a little bit of a complicating factor and as I'll talk about in a little bit America's entry into the war
6:46·comes shortly after the Russian Revolution that takes the tsar out of the picture it's that event that allows
6:53·Woodrow Wilson to make the claim that this is a war to make the world safe for democracy he can't use those words until
6:59·the Tsar is deposed and I want to tell you a story about another Pittsburgh person she's from Sewickley Pennsylvania just outside Pittsburgh this is Mary
7:06·Roberts Rinehart in her day she was known for writing mysteries like this one the circular staircase probably her
7:12·best-known book as a good historian I read it it's not very good she was also a muckraking progressive political
7:19·reporter and very very very well known in her day the story goes in as soon as
7:25·the war had broken out right about September of 1914 The Saturday Evening Post invited her to come to New York
7:31·City for a big dinner and the editors surprised her by saying I have arranged for you to go to the great capitals of
7:39·Europe to meet the president and his wife and Paris the Kaiser and his wife in Germany the Emperor and his wife in
7:46·Vienna and the king and queen in London I've also arranged for you Mary Roberts Rinehart to be the first female
7:52·correspondent allowed into the trenches and I'll pay you $1,000 per dispatch if
7:57·you'll do it which is an enormous sum of money it's not bad even today for a journalist to get the story goes that
8:04·her husband stood up and said my wife isn't going I forbid it and Mary Roberts Rinehart then stood up
8:10·looked her husband right in the eye and said the greatest thing in the history of my life is not going by without me
8:15·being a part of it then the husband said to the editor of The Saturday Evening Post give me a $10,000 insurance policy on
8:22·her life and I'll let her go be that as it may be that as it may
8:28·Mary Roberts Rinehart went to Europe in the fall and early spring of 1914 and
8:33·1915 and the things that she saw and the things that she did are really important
8:38·in the dispatches that she wrote back to Europe and what I want to do is cover really four themes in her writing that
8:44·are important and again she comes back just before the sinking of the Lusitania just literally weeks before first she
8:52·wrote in The Saturday Evening Post as did Richard Harding Davis and any other of the great reporters that
8:57·they were gonna go to Europe and condemn both sides but this war was an idiocy perpetuated by everybody nevertheless
9:04·the more Mary Roberts Rinehart was there the more Richard Harding Davis was there
9:09·the more they started writing about how the Allies were in fact in the right that France was in the war for the most
9:16·just reason of all another army had crossed its border that Britain was in
9:21·the war to defend the international rule of law to defend the borders of Belgium to
9:26·defend the principles that the international system was built upon the second thing she argued is that the
9:33·British media was nevertheless lying to the American people they were telling
9:38·atrocity tales that weren't true they were trying to inflate the bad things
9:43·that the Germans were doing so she said as did Richard Harding Davis don't believe them believe what we Americans
9:50·have seen with our own eyes Richard Harding Davis was in the belgian university city of Leuven when the
9:55·Germans burned it they locked him in a railway car to try to prevent him from seeing what was going on nevertheless he
10:01·manages to kind of push the boards apart and pierce through and whatever and can see what's happening then they release
10:07·him and he can walk through the town he can talk to German officers who say yeah we torched this town to teach these Belgians a lesson notice we didn't touch
10:14·the American consulate see we're okay we're good right American reporters are telling Americans what we've seen what
10:20·we can prove is bad enough don't believe the British atrocity stories third she
10:27·argued that if the United States had to get involved in the war Americans should fight for American goals the United
10:34·States should under no circumstances be tricked into fighting this war merely to rescue the British and the French from
10:40·their own mistakes if however this war were to affect American interests the
10:46·United States should fight it and forth she argued again this is right before the Lusitania America should start
10:53·thinking about this problem now it is not a good idea to wait and hope that as
10:59·she described it the fire in your neighbor's house won't reach your roof it's time to start thinking about this
11:05·now and those are themes from Mary Roberts Rinehart they're all so themes from Richard Harding Davis a
11:10·bunch of others there were even a couple of American war correspondents who tried to sign up and join the French army
11:15·while they were over there only to be talked out of it by their editors that's how strongly they come to feel for the
11:21·British and French side the more that they see it this is a page from her diary as you can see there it's kind of
11:28·had difficult handwriting to read but that's another great challenge of the historian to read that kind of stuff
11:33·this sense the first face of America's involvement with the First World War for the purposes of this lecture ii happens
11:39·when she comes back and then the Lusitania is sunk by the Germans and we can talk much more about it if anybody
11:44·is interested the bottom line is that 128 Americans are killed on a cruise liner that no German sea captain could
11:52·have mistaken for any other ship the Lusitania is one of a kind the question
11:57·is how do you want to respond as Americans the recently Lusitania
12:02·appeared as see on my daughter's homework is because the sinking of the Lusitania now raises this question now
12:10·you can't just sit on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean and pretend that this won't affect you now you have to make a
12:16·decision and there are at least three schools of thought one is the former American President Theodore Roosevelt
12:22·who says now is the time to cut diplomatic relations with Germany now is the time to internationally define them
12:29·as an outlaw and now is the time to start getting ready to send an American army and navy into this war if we have
12:35·to do it to protect American interests at the other end of the spectrum is the American Secretary of State William
12:41·Jennings Bryan who says no the way to approach this is to ban Americans from traveling into a war zone the way to
12:48·keep Americans safe is to keep us as far away from this as we possibly can Woodrow Wilson is going to try to chart
12:55·a middle ground as he's going to try to do for about three years make the Germans admit that they did something
13:00·wrong but don't risk war and it appears that his was the most popular course of
13:06·action in 1915 there's no enthusiasm if you scan American newspaper editorials look at members of Congress look at what
13:13·even Mary Roberts Rinehart is saying there's no enthusiasm for going to war however there is every desire for the
13:21·United States to make point that Germany can't get away with this that's what Wilson's trying to do
13:26·and that's the original line of debate that starts to get set up William Jennings Bryan at the one end resigned
13:32·as Secretary of State because he couldn't stomach Wilson's policy he thought it was too aggressive on the other end of the spectrum Theodore
13:38·Roosevelt and a bunch of his friends in the Republican Party started criticizing Wilson openly for having acted to tame
13:46·Lee Wilson stuck in the middle of this the Germans also get blamed in the
13:53·United States for a rash of other things besides the Lusitania they get blamed
13:58·for the Armenian Genocide this is a cartoon from the New York Herald which shows the gudgeon york tribune
14:03·excuse me which shows Kaiser Wilhelm wearing an ottoman Fez and carrying an ottoman scimitar which is dripping with
14:09·blood and the caption reads alum it tunes a take-off on the German belt buckles got mittens God is with us
14:15·American newspapers argued that the Ottoman Empire would never have been
14:20·able to massacre that many Armenian Christians without at least the German saying that it was okay now we know now
14:27·that there were many German officers who are thoroughly appalled by what the Ottomans were doing but what actually happened matters less than what people
14:33·believe is happening right there was a sabotage campaign here in the United
14:38·States run by German agents we know about it although we've largely forgotten it today if you go to New York City to Liberty State Park in New Jersey
14:44·that used to be the black Tom railway depot where all the munitions and all the steel and all the everything made in
14:51·Cleveland and Pittsburgh in Chicago all came to Jersey City to be shipped overseas in July 1916 while the German
14:58·army was fighting the Battle of the Somme against the British where most of those weapons were destined to end up to
15:03·German agents blew it up and then managed to get to Mexico before they could find out deadliest act of
15:09·terrorism in American history before 9/11 you can still go to Liberty State Park beautiful view of Manhattan but if
15:15·you go to the back of the park you can still see the piers where the Germans did this there was a railway bridge between Vance borough Maine and Nova
15:21·Scotia that the Germans tried to blow up before police caught them there's a series of these things there were two German officials one as a naval attache
15:29·one's a commercial attache that Wilson finally had to declare persona non grata and expel them from the United States
15:35·one of them is a man by the name of Franz von Papen who was the last Chancellor of Germany before the rise of Adolf Hitler right a major sabotage
15:42·campaign that's going on the first year I was here at the War College I went down to the New York City trip we went we all the whole class goes to New York
15:48·for a couple of days and I had the address of the building the Germans ran the spy operation out of and I thought
15:54·well I'm gonna be in downtown New York let's see what it is today it is the international headquarters of Deutsche Bank today so there you go
16:03·the question again is what should the United States do about this what should the United States do and
16:10·that cartoon I had at the beginning of the dogs than neutral dogs now the image
16:16·that Americans start to use it's a curious image is that what the United States ought to do instead of being a neutral dog what the United States ought
16:23·to become as a porcupine an animals strong enough to defend itself but of no
16:28·threat to anybody else that can't hurt the other animals in the jungle there are other Americans who are starting to
16:33·use this phrase of preparedness they are arguing that the United States has to
16:39·build what they sometimes call a peace army build something strong enough so
16:45·that the Germans the French the British the Russians anybody out there has to take the United States seriously have a
16:52·military strong enough that nobody would dare sink a ship that has 128 Americans sitting on it and this begins this
16:59·program called preparedness and for lots of reasons that I'd be happy to talk about in QA it's a fascinating
17:04·fascinating thing the US government is happy to spend money on ships navies are
17:10·easier to spend money on than armies are the argument can be that they're out there projecting American power and
17:16·they're protecting the coastlines if on the other hand you want to build a very large army the question that then comes
17:22·is what are you going to do with it and some of you may know some of the things that come out of this Theodore
17:28·Roosevelt and his friend General Leonard Wood and the United States Army General decide that if the United States
17:33·government isn't gonna do this we'll do it and they create these things called the Plattsburgh camps in upstate New
17:39·York in 1915 and 1916 where young men most of them college students at elite universities spend their own money go up
17:47·to Plattsburgh New York and get yelled by retired army officers voluntarily they do this now again Theodore
17:53·Roosevelt doesn't think this is going to create the basis of a wartime army what he thinks it will do is shame Woodrow
17:59·Wilson into doing something about it the United States Army comes up with a plan
18:05·called the Continental Army plan very famous at least in its day the Continental Army plan begins from the
18:11·presumption that the United States Army as currently organized is a mess in 1916
18:18·the United States Army was basically one central army the US Army and 48 State
18:23·National Guard's meaning that if the US Army had to go to war it would technically have 49 commanders-in-chief
18:30·49 systems of training 49 standards of weaponry 49 different ways of doing
18:36·business the Secretary of War a New Jersey Presbyterian minister named
18:42·William Lindley garrison no military experience at all a progressive reformer took a look at that and said that's
18:47·ridiculous what we have to do is replace all those National Guard's get rid of all of them and replace them with one
18:54·Continental Army of 500,000 men the initial work is done by the US Army War
18:59·College on how you would do this so I have a headline somewhere if it slides somewhere with a headline that says Army War College wants 500,000 man army right
19:08·just so you know right you guys were doing this even then even a hundred years ago garrison pitches the plan to Wilson he
19:15·probably leaked it to the media as well and 48 governors and most of the House
19:20·of Representatives lose their minds you can't have one central army we want this
19:26·done through the National Guard garrison went to Wilson and said you got to do something about this you're the President of the United States we can't
19:33·fight the German army with 49 different systems Wilson said I can't support the Continental Army plan there isn't enough
19:39·political support and I'm not putting my political capital behind it garrison and his Assistant Secretary of War Henry
19:44·Breckinridge both resigned in protest in the middle of a presidential election the result is something called the 1916
19:52·National Defense Act which says that the National Guard stays in place but can be federalized in the event of an emergency
19:58·it ends the Plattsburgh program in favor of something that becomes called Reserve Officer Training Corps program
20:04·to educate young men at the American universities and campuses and to
20:09·Garrison's absolute fury it took the money he wanted for the modernization of
20:14·the United States Army and gave it to the state National Guard's to modernize them as a result the United States Army
20:22·is not prepared for this war when it began in 1917 there's also a very nasty end of this to garrison believed if the
20:30·US Army was going to get to 500 or 600 thousand men it had to recruit those men
20:35·irrespective of race it had to recruit African Americans and white soldiers and
20:40·immigrants on an equal basis this is at a time when only two states in the united states allowed african-americans
20:46·to serve in their National Guard's Illinois New York that's it both both in segregated companies I
20:52·might add right so there is a race too element to this that Wilson was also unwilling to accept what happens to me
20:59·is fascinating to me it's absolutely fascinating when it becomes obvious that preparedness is not gonna do what
21:06·American needs it to do when it becomes obvious that there's going to be a lot of parades but little else American
21:13·corporations step in this is an ad from AT&T
21:18·it has in the semi circle there Paul Revere making his midnight ride in 1775
21:24·and on the right it has hopefully an Army War College graduate 1916 in front
21:31·of a map of the Bell Telephone system and the ad says in it's wonderful preparedness to inform its citizens of a
21:37·national need the United States stands alone and unequaled it can command the entire Bell Telephone system which
21:43·completely covers our country with its network of wires individual American companies stepped up the Pennsylvania
21:51·Railroad then the largest corporation in the world its CEO said any employee of the Pennsylvania Railroad that wants to
21:57·take military training we will guarantee them their job will continue to pay their salary and will pay the cost of
22:03·the training Thomas Edison formed a committee for American scientific preparedness to get science organized
22:10·Charles Mayo of the Mayo Clinic formed a committee of American medical preparedness
22:16·it's all done to say to the US government why aren't you doing more why aren't you organizing it at the
22:22·federal level right and my favorite example of all Columbia University whose president was a pacifist sent a memo out
22:31·to the Columbia University faculty saying the army is organized by g1 g2 g3 put your name on this form which of
22:38·those G things you can help if the country finds itself in a national emergency and every member of the
22:45·Columbia faculty put their name on that form the history department the history department led daily calisthenics on the
22:52·green at Columbia hoping to inspire young men to work out and get in better shape right believe me the history
22:57·departments not the organization you want running that money of course plays
23:03·a role in this this is a fabulous cartoon I stumbled across almost by accident in Chicago in the Newberry
23:10·Library this is from John mcCutchan who won the first Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning in the United States this is called coming our way
23:16·April 1915 and if you look at it very closely you'll see the docks of New York
23:23·City are literally magnets pulling the hard currency of Europe over to the United States while the bankers in
23:30·Berlin in Paris and London look on exasperated Americans make an
23:36·unbelievable amount of money off of the first world war both because of the products that the u.s. can sell to the
23:43·Europeans and because certain products that Americans used to buy in Europe they now buy in the United States 1915
23:51·and 1916 are the two best years in the history of American Bible sales because
23:56·American families are no longer buying their Bibles in Europe the same thing is true of bicycles pencils eyeglasses
24:03·whatever you can manufacture lower the American trade balance when the war
24:09·breaks out we have a net negative trade balance with Europe look how fast that changes by December of 1914 there's one
24:16·study that connects America's attitudes towards the war in 1914 and argues that
24:22·the only parts of America that are not pro British and French are the parts of
24:28·America not getting in on this and that is mostly cotton communities in the American South because the British
24:34·blockade cotton shipments to Germany I could talk a little bit more about that if anybody wants this raises a moral
24:41·issue for a lot of Americans here's Mary Roberts Rinehart after Pittsburg Westinghouse corporation signed a major
24:46·contract right Pittsburgh's trying to get the new Amazon headquarters right now the rhetoric is similar when America
24:52·signs that cons when Pittsburgh signs that contract Mary Roberts Rinehart wonders that the her home town is fattening on catastrophe in Nashville I
24:59·found a series of lectures given by the sermons given by Tennessee ministers it's a common theme in 1916 what does it
25:07·say about America if we want Britain and France to win this war but our role is mostly just to make money what does that
25:13·make us who are we now of course some Americans did more than just sit back
25:19·this is an ad advertising serbian day at the amusement park that I went to
25:24·growing up Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh they still do Serbian day today it's people of Serbian descent who go and
25:29·have a day in 1916 it meant that all profits from Kennywood on that day went
25:35·to the relief of Serbia Americans gave enormous amounts of money my colleague
25:40·Julia Irwin at the University of South Florida estimates that one in three Americans gave money in the First World
25:47·War and 95 percent of that money goes to three countries France Belgium and
25:52·Serbia all members of the Allies John Wanamaker the great Philadelphia industrialist raised one hundred million
25:59·dollars for Belgium alone Philadelphia raised enough money in three hours to
26:04·fund two entire field hospitals for the French army right enormous amounts of money that are going from the United
26:11·States to Europe and they are going almost exclusively to the Allies some
26:17·people were willing to put their lives on the line delwyn star one of the great American football heroes a Harvard star
26:23·in 1916 killed on the Western Front fighting in the British Army these men are members of an American air squadron
26:30·the Lafayette Escadrille another Pittsburgh guy Billy thaw thats him right there son of one of the executives
26:36·of the Pennsylvania Railroad got the idea what we'll do is we Americans will volunteer to fly in a squadron for the
26:42·French Air Force we almost of them had their own planes Billy thoughts the first private pilot's license in the United States flew an
26:49·airplane underneath the Brooklyn Bridge in 1912 these guys get together and they
26:54·form a volunteer air squadron for the French army Theodore Roosevelt Cornelius Vanderbilt loved it so much that they
27:01·write checks to these guys and tell them here's some money do whatever you want with it so they throw lavish parties
27:07·they have whiskey and soda - lion cubs as their mascots everybody who's anybody
27:13·comes to a Lafayette Escadrille party I think this is the origin of the American fighter pilot culture I mean this I mean
27:20·this sincerely the American army doesn't want to discipline or cannot discipline these guys the French army doesn't want
27:26·to as long as the combat record is great which it is the PR record is
27:31·unbelievable the PR value is incredible why do anything to discipline them the
27:38·the nice side note of this is when the United States got involved in the war the US Army rejected many of these guys
27:43·on health grounds and wouldn't let them fly so they stayed inside the French army okay so a lot of Americans as you
27:51·know some very famous people are over there JP Morgan's daughter and Morgan is over there she builds a chateau rebuilds
27:57·a chateau for the care of women or orphans and widows it's still there it's now the museum at Blair incor dedicated
28:04·to Franco American friendship Ernest Hemingway goes over there as you know as an ambulance driver first in Italy later
28:10·on other places as well there are Americans fighting in the armies of the British and the French there's a new
28:16·study out of Canada that estimates that as many as 70,000 7-0 thousand members
28:22·of the Canadian Army might have been Americans the easiest way to join the British Army is to walk across the
28:27·border in Canada claim that you were born in Ontario and put your name and sign the thing right there's a research
28:33·team in Canada that's actually going back and finding the birth certificates of these guys 70,000 they estimate were
28:39·in fact born in the United States the French consulate in New Orleans opens up an office specifically for Americans who
28:45·want to fight for France right at first the US government threatens to take away citizenship and all this stuff right
28:51·then they realize they can't do it they can't stop it so I've explained to you why the United States is sympathetic to
28:56·the Allies what I have yet done is explain why we enter the war and that's what I'd like to do in the 15 minutes or so that is left and that'll
29:02·be happy to take your questions sometimes when you're doing research you come across something and it just stops you in your tracks this is it this is
29:11·the cover of Life magazine On February 10th 1916 I'd like you to note the date please
29:17·February 10th 1916 this is early on I
29:22·hope it's not too hard to see in the back there the the publisher of my book would not let me use this image as the
29:28·cover image because they said it was too busy right I think it's actually beautiful this is the cover of the of the magazine
29:33·most of the United States has labeled as new Prussia von papen and boy ed city
29:40·the two diplomats that Wilson had expelled get cities named for them out in the West New Berlin is right there
29:47·Krupps burg slaughterhouse Florida is turqu onea the west coast is japonica
29:55·Baja California is Austria Anna my personal favorite I'll explain this in
30:03·just a minute I don't think this is a reference to Canadians I don't think this is a reference to Canadians they're
30:08·generally lovely people I don't think that's what this is the province of Mexico with Bill Helms Berg as its
30:14·capital okay this is a fear that is running through American culture in
30:19·early 1916 and here's what it is by doing nothing the United States can put
30:26·itself in an absolutely untenable strategic position let's say in 1916 the
30:32·Germans put enough pressure on the British and French that it looks like they can win the war one way Britain and France can get out
30:39·of that dilemma is by doing what the Europeans have always done with the Americas they can trade parts of their
30:46·American empire for gains in Europe that's how this part of the world went from being French to being English
30:53·here's the fear it is not that the barbarians are that the Canadians are barbarians the fear is that the British
31:01·might give to the Germans in order to get out of the war the base in Esquimalt
31:06·out here Halifax out here maybe Toronto right there the French have two bases two islands up
31:14·here sent Pierre and Miquelon they also have possessions in the Caribbean as do the British the Panama Canal opened in
31:20·1914 the fear that Americans have is one that the British and French might
31:26·sacrifice all of this stuff in order to give it give them a way out of the war
31:31·in in the East and then Europe excuse me that's one fear it's for this reason that in 1916 the United States bought
31:39·the Danish Virgin Islands from Denmark and renamed them the United States Virgin Islands the fear was that Germany
31:45·would invade Denmark or blackmail Denmark and take the Virgin Islands and create a base right there from his
31:52·retirement William Jennings Bryan proposed buying Canada from the British the British need money we don't want
31:59·them to give Canada to the Germans give them a hundred million dollars for Canada it's a safe secure investment
32:05·it'll protect our northern flank this is the fear that's running around you can see here my favorite there's a little
32:12·American reservation right there with goose-step as its capital right there are also fears in the
32:19·American body politic that what Germany might do is try to ally with Japan and Mexico in an anti-american alliance and
32:27·all of this could happen because the United States did not prepare on my bookshelf at home is a
32:35·wonderful teen fiction book it's the Red Dawn of 1916 called the defense of Pittsburg it's one of three books the
32:41·defence of Washington defense of Pittsburgh defense of Cincinnati aimed at a teenaged audience and at the end of
32:47·the book when they're holding down the line in Cincinnati one teenager says to the other at least we know that we
32:54·didn't start this war and the other teenager says yes we did because we weren't prepared right their
33:01·preparedness arguments right again I don't think most Americans were afraid that the Germans were going to come
33:06·marching down st. Louis but this kind of a scenario where Halifax Esquimalt
33:11·Martinique with Mexico joining the Germans doesn't look quite so far-fetched Ryan's here from New Zealand
33:18·New Zealand sends the highest proportion of people to the Western Front with no conscription something like seventeen
33:24·percent of eligible men the new theory in New Zealand is the reason that is is not
33:29·because New Zealanders really cared so much about England they knew that if Germany won the war New Zealand could
33:35·become a German colony they're not fighting for London which is thousands of miles away they're fighting for their
33:41·own communities now you could quite reasonably in America look at somebody who believed
33:48·this stuff and say you're out of your mind you could reasonably do that then things
33:53·like this start happening Pancho Villa raids New Mexico he brought along with
33:58·him an American woman named Maude Hawkes who he then released Maude Fox when she
34:04·was interviewed by American newspapers said quote via bragged about his plans to kill everybody in the United States
34:11·and said that he would be helped by the Germans and the Japanese James Gerard the American ambassador in Germany
34:17·reported back to the United States quote most Germans think that America's Mexico troubles are to their advantage I am
34:24·sure that Pancho Villa's attacks are made in Germany every night fifty million Germans cry themselves to sleep
34:29·because Mexico has not risen against us a belief that all of these things are
34:35·linked together right and the Americans know for sure for a fact that those
34:40·German spies who committed this a Batoche act in New Jersey who committed the sabotage act in New Brunswick they
34:47·on they end up in Mexico right Mexico is then what we would today call a failed state going through a revolution the
34:53·Germans have picked a different side than the United States has picked right it's starting to look like this stuff isn't quite so far-fetched then things
35:01·start to accelerate in late February of 1917 Great Britain intercepted this
35:08·document the so-called Zimmermann telegram it's a very famous story there's a great story behind it the
35:14·technical details of it it's a wonderful story what's important about it it's what it says it says we intend we the
35:22·Germans intend to begin on the 1st of February unrestricted submarine warfare we shall endeavour in spite of this to
35:28·keep the United States of America neutral in the event of this not succeeding we make Mexico a proposal of
35:34·Alliance on the following basis make war together make peace together generous financial
35:40·support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to read conquer the lost territories of Texas New Mexico and
35:47·Arizona you will inform the president of Mexico of the above as soon as the outbreak of
35:53·war with the United States is certain and add the suggestion that he should on his own initiative invite Japan to
36:00·immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and Germany now
36:05·that document seems quite clearly to prove this right very famously
36:13·zimmerman's at a press conference in Berlin hey the Americans in British claim they have this telegram that says
36:19·that you're gonna do an alliance with Mexico and Japan aimed at the United States and that you're gonna take away three states from the United States and
36:25·give it to Mexico you didn't write that did you and simmerman says yeah I did I
36:30·did they got me there's no point denying it they have it right three events that
36:36·happen back to back to back Germans announced on restricted submarine warfare which leads the United States to break diplomatic relations the
36:43·revelation of the Zimmermann telegram which is by far the most important of the three events and then the revolution
36:49·in Russia which occurred the first revolution in Russia which occurs at roughly the same time late February early March which takes the tsar out it
36:56·doesn't yet put the Communists in it puts in place a government by name mminton by a man named alexander
37:01·kerensky this allows Wilson and most Americans most Americans to argue that maybe this
37:09·war will destroy autocratic governments and leave Europe a society only of democracies and if that happens then
37:17·maybe this war actually is worth fighting maybe something positive will come out even many German Americans make this
37:23·argument they're all non prescience or mostly non Prussians they're Bavarians they're vertibirds they're Hanoverians
37:29·their argument is if this is a war that will take the Prussian government out and give Germany a representative
37:36·democracy then there's no conflict between America's goals and Germany's goals these are men like John Pershing
37:43·Dwight Eisenhower Eddie Rickenbacker all of whom are German Americans all the former German Americans
37:49·all right why do I think this matters I think it matters for a couple of reasons one we have misunderstood why the United
37:55·States went to war in 1917 I would argue I did argue the American people believe
38:01·that they're going to war to prevent that Life magazine map that I showed you earlier they're going to war to prevent
38:07·this this war is for the United States not about Belgium it is not about the
38:15·security of France although those are nice to haves it is about protecting the threat they're fighting against the
38:21·threat that is made to the United States it is about the threat to America's borders this is why when President
38:29·Wilson entered the first world war he was careful to say that we are not a member of the Alliance we are an
38:34·Associated power to that alliance because our goals are not their goals it
38:39·is also why as I'll show you in just a bit when the war ends they would want
38:45·the American people think that the war ends much earlier than do the Europeans much differently and then do the
38:52·Europeans what the Americans want is an end to the threat what the Americans want is an end to the possibility that
39:00·by having done nothing they can find themselves in a much worse position than when they went in last slide moreover
39:07·with that great German with his hands up what I'd like you to note and I know you can't see it from back there is the date
39:13·on this this is the New York Evening world November 7th 1918 November 7th 1918 nothing's been
39:21·signed yet all that happened on November 7th is that the news broke in the West
39:26·that the Germans had asked for an armistice that's it to the Americans
39:32·that means the war is over and if the war is over that means the United States should start demobilizing its army and start
39:39·bringing our boys back home our sons our husbands our lovers our brothers whatever and bring them back home this
39:46·is why we commemorate the end of the first world war on November 11th 1918 the date that the Armistice gets signed
39:53·but the Armistice didn't end anything the war doesn't end until the peace
39:58·conference the Paris Peace Conference produces the Treaty of Versailles On June 28 1919
40:03·five treaties that it produces right for my view the way I think of this the
40:09·image that I've been using when the first world war broke out it's like an hourglass there's a lot of diversity of
40:15·opinion in the United States in 1914 about what the United States ought to do by the spring of 1917 all of those
40:21·options have gone away except for litzler belligerence that doesn't mean the American people were enthusiastic about going to war it means that they
40:28·understood that they had just one choice remaining then starting on November 7th
40:34·four days before the Armistice in 1911 now they start diverging again about what they ought to do in the post-war
40:40·period that's why the fight over the Treaty of Versailles is as bitter as it is in the United States and as most of
40:46·you know that's a treaty that the United States never did sign the United States Senate never did ratify right what the
40:52·Americans agree on is ending this nightmare what they do not agree on is
40:58·what ought to come next thank you for your attention I'll be happy to take any questions I think we're about ten
41:04·minutes or so for questions don't we Scott yeah if you please you microphone
41:14·yeah you said previously that almost exclusively the investment and American
41:20·money will go into the allies what percentage of investment from us was going to support Germany so we think
41:26·it's a little hard to tell we think it's less than ten we think it's about eight and the reason I say that it's hard to
41:31·tell is that what the Germans were doing is using the neutral States on their border Holland Norway Denmark to try to
41:37·disguise some of that trade that's coming through so what the British did in the United States kind of followed its lead the British Board of Trade did
41:44·they actually had these very sophisticated economic models if Holland took in 10,000 tons of coal in 1905 and
41:52·now they're taking in 12,000 tons of coal the presumption is those extra two thousand are actually intended for
41:58·Germany right so the British blockade of Holland of a neutral state blockades anything above what the
42:03·British estimate they had in the last line of data extrapolated out we think the numbers around 8 percent what that
42:10·tells me is that America's money and its sympathies are actually headed in the same direction
42:17·any other questions sir all the way in the back well that's Jim that's not sir hey Mike Jim to Krakow yeah hey question
42:23·I've got about this maps very very interesting and you mentioned Californians the west coast's
42:30·essentially being according to Life magazine being occupied by Japan now I
42:35·know that Japan was an ally in World War one so why why would they have this they're not an ally of the United States
42:42·they're an ally of Great Britain which is a very important distinction when this map is being done the United States
42:47·is neutral the United States has no relationship with Japan what I think is happening here it is a reflection of
42:53·course of the West Coast's own anti-asian racism this is the era of the Chinese Exclusion Act when Chinese
42:58·weren't allowed to come to the US or buy property this is the era of the so-called gentleman's agreement which is negotiated renegotiated by the American
43:05·Secretary of State in 1915 by which the Japanese will prevent Japanese from leaving Japan to come to the United
43:11·States so the US doesn't have to exclude them the way they excluded the Chinese so I would be careful with the
43:17·distributive property that the US has allied to Britain Britain is allowed to Japan therefore the US is allied to
43:22·Japan that's not the case right and many Americans are already talking in 1915
43:27·1916 about a post-war world in which Japan emerges as the greatest threat to the United States Billy Mitchell
43:34·believed this that that's what's going to come out of this Japan will be the problem so be careful what else is on
43:41·your mind yes sir hey sir Brian Kirk so along the lines that you just spoke about was feelings toward Japan tied to
43:49·this sort of the domestic terrorism he started off with and the leadership that remain in power elite going into World
43:55·War two was that sort of what led to some of the internment of japanese-americans and things did we
44:00·learn a lot wrong lesson from the domestic terrorism you know in World War one were those things connected so
44:05·there's never any allegation against Japanese living in the United States of domestic terrorism there's never any allegation the interesting point you're
44:12·raising of course in my view and anybody that's had me in class for five seconds probably heard me say this to me it's
44:17·the same war it's a thirty years war right with anti Asian racism being a
44:22·dimension of American policy not the only one certainly but a dimension so you may know japanese-americans in
44:29·Hawaii are never put during tournament right where you would think the threat would be greatest they're put under internment in Oregon
44:36·chip in Washington California places where there's an economic incentive to inter them and where the anti Asian bias
44:43·is deepest so I don't know that you can draw a direct line between the specific events of World War one though there are
44:49·some specific tensions between the u.s. and Japan at the end of World War one but you can see a consistent thread of
44:55·anti Asian policy that's running through that is accumulating here we talked at least in a couple of the tws seminars
45:01·about enabling factors right that Wars enable certain conditions to happen that don't happen in others this is an
45:06·enabling condition World War two is an enabling condition how would you how
45:16·would you classify the German escalation of the submarine warfare effect on
45:21·Wilson entering the war so it goes in kind of waves so the German decision in February 1917 to resume unrestricted
45:28·submarine warfare Wilson gives a very gives a speech in Philadelphia which he gets blasted for in which he says look I
45:34·know what the Germans have said but I'm gonna await their overt act in other words I don't believe they're actually
45:40·gonna sink anything and then the Germans keep sinking ships and Wilson has to say it's like the Obama red line comment in
45:46·a way right he gets criticized well you said this now what are you gonna do right there's a very famous American reporter named Floyd Gibbons who's
45:53·actually on one of the ships that gets torpedoed the Laconia and he's in a lifeboat and a British guy rose up to
45:58·him knows who he is rose up to him and says hey is this your presidents bleeding over and act or not like what
46:03·are you guys doing about this right and Gibbons looks at him Gibbons fully wants the United States involved in this war
46:09·now and Gibbons says I don't have any idea what the president will do he's a weak character and I don't know what
46:14·he'll do Theodore Roosevelt's daughter Alice says the same thing like how many overt acts is he gonna wait for so in my view Wilson is hoping
46:21·beyond hope for some deus ex machina he's hoping for some solution that will fall down from the skies and solve this
46:27·problem for him I don't think he's pushing the United States into this war at all I think he's looking for whatever he can find his own son-in-law and
46:34·another member of the American cabinet come to him and say if you don't go before Congress and ask for a declaration of war they're gonna ask
46:40·they're gonna pass one without you and if that happens you're presidency is done you have to do this
46:45·so he's still hoping that there's a way out of this what that's gonna be nobody knows Hank you showed your head
46:53·that's get the British perspective in here that's very kind I'm just curious actually about the impact socially back in in the u.s.
47:01·given the number of European immigrants that were in the u.s. at that time and given the fact that the u.s. entered the
47:07·war not long after the uprising the Easter uprising in Ireland and Irish
47:13·sympathies what sort of impact it did the did that dynamic in the US have on decisions to enter the war yeah thank
47:19·you for that question it's a big topic so I didn't want to put it into this lecture there's a whole chapter in the book if anybody's really interested I look at three groups in particular
47:25·German Americans Jewish Americans and Irish Americans all of whom are at strongly neutral or even pro central
47:32·powers when the war begins what I argue is four reasons both because they're Americans and because of their ethnic
47:38·identity that view changes to a pro allied one so let me take the Irish one since you mentioned it Easter Rising is
47:44·when the Germans encouraged the Easter Revels to rise up against the British government the British come in and put
47:49·it down with incredible viciousness so that even American Anglo files are opposed to British policy what happens
47:56·in the Irish American community is that they they actually come to the the logical flow this way Germany is not
48:01·gonna help Ireland become independent they showed that by their ham-fisted nature in the rising the only way that
48:08·Ireland gets something out of this the only way is if the United States wins
48:14·Britain wins the war with the United States having a dominating voice in the post-war peace if Wilson really believes
48:20·what he says about national self-determination then if the Allies win with the Americans having a dominant seat at the
48:27·peace table Wilson can enforce national self-determination over the British which will then be okay for Ireland so
48:34·what I argue in the book the same thing happens for Jews i arguing Italians to sand stefanos hear that right what happens is Italian Americans Irish
48:40·Americans Jewish Americans their identities both as ethnics quote-unquote and as Americans come into alignment
48:46·now what Irish American leaders didn't know is that Woodrow Wilson has decided that the Irish aren't a nation since
48:52·they're represented through a democratic Great Britain right but they don't know that yet so something similar happens Italy
48:58·enters World War one at almost the same time as the Lusitania sinking right so that there's no contradiction now
49:03·between Italian American identity and a pro war or Pro intervention standpoint so I actually looked into the papers
49:10·Philadelphia used to have these in Philadelphia New York Boston they all used to have these enormous fraternal
49:16·orders where you know Italians arriving from Ischia a Capri they could find food and networks in America when Italy
49:24·enters World War one they all changed their mission so that the hundred and fifty thousand italians living in the united states with military papers can
49:30·get back to fight for italy right there's no contradiction in those two things anymore right which there had
49:36·been at the beginning so I could talk much more about this you probably don't want me to it's in the book but what I
49:41·argue is again that all of those things are coming into alignment in the same direction yeah right what were the
49:49·Mexicans saying with respect to diplomacy around that the telegram and and the revelation and from that so
49:55·officially the Mexican government comes out and says we renounce this telegram we don't want anything to do with it we
50:00·didn't write this we didn't even mean to get it it's like we don't we don't want anything to do with this at all in
50:07·reality what they're hoping is that the United States will be tied down by a war in Europe though they don't want to do
50:12·anything to actually cause that because there's been this civil war in Mexico as I hope you all know the United States
50:18·sent troops in several occasions Veracruz a lot of the Marines who win medals of Honor at Bella Wood had also
50:24·won medals of Honor in Mexico so they are kind of hoping that this will take Wilson's mind away from Mexico which it
50:31·does but they don't want to be an active agent in that Wilson's the guy who famously said I'm gonna teach the
50:36·Mexicans to elect good men and the Mexicans would just assume that he stay away it's about this same time Porfirio
50:43·Diaz the Mexican president one of my favorite quotations from history he said Mexico was a poor Mexico so far from God
50:50·so close to the United States so technically they're trying to stay out of it maybe it's time for maybe one or two and
50:57·then I'm happy to stick around a little bit yes sir great presentation as far as a hundred
51:04·years or 100 years past this are there any inferences lessons that we
51:10·can apply from a hundred years ago to our national security posture to yes so I don't want to draw these soo tight
51:16·because every historical time period is its is distinct but it seems to me pretty clear that the American people
51:21·will rally and support a war if they understand the way it affects their national interests if they understand
51:28·the way that it affects their home communities it seems to me it's much more difficult to ask Americans to
51:33·engage in broad global reform projects that are disconnected from those
51:39·interests I think this helps to explain the difference in reaction to the 2001 operations in Afghanistan and the 2003
51:45·invasion in Iraq just to cite one example or Korea Vietnam if you want to draw that analogy I think that's one and
51:52·I personally believe as an historian this is a deeply held belief of mine as an historian if you try to understand
51:58·these periods of war in periods of conflict by going top down by starting with the elites and then trying to
52:04·figure out the rest you're gonna completely miss the point the way to understand what's happening in American society and the way to
52:10·predict what will happen next on the basis of the thesis is in fact to look bottom-up and look at what's happening
52:16·inside American communities as they're beginning to influence their leaders so I would I would go with those two
52:22·takeaways you could do geopolitically to the danger of alliances the dangers of over commitment to alliances the dangers
52:28·of imbalances all of that stuff but I think for the American case these are the two that I would that I'd been
52:34·telling people when people ask me that question that's been my answer one last
52:39·one maybe anybody else ma'am there could you further develop the two camps that
52:45·were at the Treaty of Versailles for the American perspective quickly they are two and they are still well alive in
52:51·America there is a group that believes that America will operate best as part
52:57·of international organizations that America will have a large voice in if we don't necessarily dominate them so
53:03·that's something like the World Trade Organization what becomes of course the United Nations these are in America's
53:08·best interest because it allows America to interact with the world on terms favorable to the United States there's
53:14·another group in 1919 they called themselves isolationist though the term is a little bit misleading who argued
53:20·that American interests are best served since we are a great power by operating as independently as
53:25·possible so the isolationists arguments against the League of Nations are in part because under the League of Nations
53:33·the US and say Ecuador no offense to Ecuador get the same vote that's one
53:39·reason that the League of Nations is so controversial the UN is not controversial because the u.s. gets a veto power in it so the debate
53:45·ideologically is really those people who believe that America should encourage the growth of international multilateral
53:52·institutions and those people who believe that America functions best when
53:57·it's left alone that's essentially the the core of the debate Wilson obviously
54:02·wants more international organizations with u.s. participation the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
54:07·Henry Cabot Lodge actually believes that most of those organizations are unconstitutional because it gives powers
54:14·that belong to the US Congress to an international body therefore they're unconstitutional therefore he won't even
54:21·take the Treaty of Versailles forward to be voted on in my own view that debate is one of course that we're still having
54:26·right how should the United States interact with international organizations should we interact with
54:32·the one international organizations and what's the best way to guarantee American Security and Prosperity and that's a debate that really begins in
54:37·earnest in 1918-1919 so once again welcome to Carlyle I'll be
54:42·around for a little bit if anybody's any other questions but I know you're due back up in seminar so thanks a lot

1 posted on 06/29/2023 11:56:58 AM PDT by SunkenCiv
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To: SunkenCiv
Another view of what led to WWI is Wilson's War: How Woodrow Wilson's Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and World War II (2005) by Jim Powell.
6 posted on 06/29/2023 12:16:07 PM PDT by Carl Vehse (Move the Overton window to the right with defenestration.)
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To: SunkenCiv

Ive often wondered if historians are actually even a tiny fraction as naive as they often seem to be. The Q&A was enlightening. I suppose when writing a book its good to come up with a new prism to craft your work to help it sell.

16 posted on 06/29/2023 3:51:01 PM PDT by gnarledmaw (Hive minded liberals worship leaders, sovereign conservatives elect servants.)
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To: SunkenCiv

America entered WWI because of the Spanish-American War, which started the imperialist project.

I hate to agree with William Jennings Bryan, but he was absolutely correct that forcing “liberty” on brown people would detract from liberty and democracy at home.

The US was going to use those badass boats across the Caribbean and the Pacific one way or another, but this war led directly to our involvement in Europe. Every other argument for why my grandfather, a nobody in nowheresville, Fort Colins, CO, lied about his age and was shipped off to France, must be built upon that contingency.

17 posted on 06/29/2023 4:24:12 PM PDT by nicollo ("I said no!")
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To: SunkenCiv

Aside from WW1 being on which the us govt cut its teeth in the origins of today’s deep state (propaganda)...

...the irony is that at the time the war precipitated a global pandemic...

...and that today a global plandemic originating from elements of said deep state precipitated a (looming) war.

18 posted on 06/29/2023 7:46:53 PM PDT by logi_cal869 (-cynicus the "concern troll" a/o 10/03/2018 /!i!! &@$%&*(@ -)
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