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The Rosicrucian Museum ^ | Prof. Manu Ampim

Posted on 06/13/2003 6:13:35 PM PDT by restornu

In August/September 1995, I undertook my 3rd season of field research in Egypt and Nubia. I conducted primary (first-hand) research at 15 sites in 1994 and 27 sites in 1995. As I indicated in part I of this series, my work of documenting modern forgeries and studying ancient African social organization and spiritual culture was superseded by the overwhelming problem of the rapid decay and deliberate destruction of many temple and tomb carvings.

The vanishing evidence of classical African civilizations is more apparent from the temple evidence than from the tombs because the temple “conservation” work is obvious from the scaffolding, which is visible from different locations within a temple. Not only does the scaffolding draw attention but the workmen’s equipment and the broken up pieces of temple wall surface lying on the ground are also easily noticed. Whereas, when a tomb is under “conservation,” the structure is usually closed to the public until the repair work and secret behind-the-scene alterations are complete.

The altering of African facial features and the lightening of the skin colors of painted reliefs inside the tombs are central aspects of the conspiracy to destroy the memory of classical African civilizations. The two main conspirator groups carrying out these acts are European and American research teams, and local Arab government workers. Throughout Kemet (ancient Egypt) and Nubia, the tomb images have suffered different levels decay and destruction. In places such as Giza the tombs are closed as there is nothing left to see; in Tell Amarna the tomb carvings are in an advanced state of decay; in El Kab and Aswan many of the images have been systematically defaced; and in Beni Hassan only 4 of the 39 tombs are open because the rest are badly damaged. The only location which has escaped serious tomb damage is Sakkara, but this may not be the case for long because the conspirators’ work is not complete until they have destroyed or defaced all the evidence of classical African civilizations.

In the tombs, not only have the faces of many wall images been altered or destroyed, but the crimes against African mummies are almost beyond description. There is a tradition dating back to at least 1000 A.D. in which Arabs and later Europeans engaged in the practice of “eating mummy.” This practice was widespread in Egypt and Western Europe and it consisted of countless ancient African mummies being burned, ground up, and made into a kind of powder in order to be eaten. This incredible act of cannibalism was considered an effective medical practice and folk remedy. The belief became widely prevalent that cures could be obtained by eating ground-up preserved bodies. “Eating mummy” was considered effective in treating contusions, coughs, epilepsy, migraines, ulcers, cases of poison, and as a general panacea.

Mummies or fragments of mummies were taken from their tombs and sent to Cairo and Alexandria, where merchants sent the ground-up parts all over Western Europe. In the European Middle Ages and Renaissance mummy trafficking was widespread. Egyptian mummies were so sought after that the chaplain to Queen Catherine de Medici of France made a special trip to Egypt in 1549 and, together with some physicians from Italy, broke into a number of tombs around Sakkara in a quest for mummies to use in various medicines. Catherine’s father-in-law, King Francis I of France, also carried ground-up mummy in a pouch around his waist at all times in case of an emergency.

The mummy madness was such that if a genuine ancient Egyptian mummy was not available, local Arabs would use the corpses of executed criminals or those who had died from disease. They used these modern substitutes to meet the high demand for mummy powder, despite the protest against this barbaric practice by some physicians, among them the French surgeon Ambroise Paré, who stated, “It causes great pain in their stomachs, gives them evil smelling breath and brings about serious vomiting.”

“Eating Mummy” had a long and respectable tradition as a medicinal remedy. This uncivilized European and Arab tradition of eating mummified human flesh was part of a flourishing trade and thus did not die out until last century. It is impossible to calculate the many thousands of African mummies that ended up in the stomachs of Europeans and Arabs.

The violation of African mummies has continued without hesitation in the form of local Arab citizens and tomb “guardians” who hide mummies in a secluded location until they can find an adventurist tourist who willing to pay and be taken to see a mummy or skeletal remains. I have seen extreme violations being carried out by Arabs at various tomb sites. In one of the Khokka tombs on the West Bank of Waset (Luxor) I witnessed two Arabs go in a tomb and take out the mummified parts of an 18th dynasty African official. They took him out of his burial place and savagely began assembling the various parts: the lower legs, the upper legs, the torso, the head, and finally they took out the mummy’s heart and asked me if I wanted to photograph it before they placed it inside of the chest area. All of this was done for “baksheesh” (tip) with no regard for the African ancestor.

In many other cases, human bones have been scattered throughout the tomb, as well as broken into small pieces and thrown about in the cemetery as the robbers are making off with the loot. The Arab villagers continue to loot ancient tombs and sell the African artifacts in the illicit underground antiquities market.

The destruction of African mummies has led to a gross distortion of the historical facts. For example, Dr. Wilfred Griggs and his colleagues of Brigham Young University (BYU) are in possession of an unparalleled thousands of human DNA samples, many of them from Kemetians (ancient Egyptians). Dr. Griggs recently gave a presentation in San Jose, California in which he discussed the joint BYU and Rosicrucian Museum mummy project. Griggs stated that the DNA tests that were run on the Rosicrucian mummies indicated that of the 4 tested “not one of the four showed the African [genetic] marker. Now that doesn’t surprise me,” he added, “because...there [were] many different races” in Egypt.

The main tomb work of the modern European and Arab conspirators has been on the West Bank of Waset (Luxor), and in particular the Valley of the Kings, because this is the most popular tourist location within Egypt where people go to see the ancient African tombs. The Valley of the Kings is well-known to travelers and Egyptologists as the principle burial ground of the pharaohs of dynasties 18-20, and it is one of the most significant archaeological sites in the world. The Kings Valley was intended as a quiet and secure resting place for African kings, but the artifacts in the area have suffered greatly at the hands of plunderers, treasure hunters, antiquity dealers, Egyptologists, archeologists, and tourists. Of the 62 tombs in the Kings Valley, there is usually only about 9 tombs open. The rest of the tombs are closed for “conservation.” Since many of these Kings Valley tombs were relocated in the 19th and early part of this century they have fallen into disrepair and have permanently suffered from the steady pressure of thousands of tourists each day, local Arab tomb-robbing villages such as Qurna, and from the destructive acts of archeologists and Egyptologists, who are more concerned with gaining recognition in academic circles than with the welfare of the tombs. The result of all this has been the African mummies being violated and destroyed, burial goods being sold or shipped off to museums, paints chipping off, and the accumulation of salt crystals which have put the brilliantly colored reliefs in a very fragile state.

The problem of deterioration of the Kings Valley (KV) tombs has led to a growing international movement to build replica tombs and close the original structures. The tomb replication project, will probably be implemented in several years. The popular tombs which have suffered irreparable damage, such as the tomb of Tutankhamen, will be permanently closed to the public. Once they are closed, the only persons who will have access to the original KV tombs will be Egyptian government officials and “qualified” researchers. The completion of this tomb replication project will be a major step in further erasing the memory of a Black Egypt. These replica tombs, with the lightened colors and remade facial features, will graphically demonstrate that the evidence of classical African civilizations is vanishing.

The tomb publications by Western scholars are currently a main source of information on tomb decorations and details, and when some of the KV tombs are permanently closed these often inaccurate and unreliable publications will unfortunately be the exclusive source of our information.

See part I of this series for recommendations on how you can help stop the vanishing evidence of classical African civilizations.

Prof. Manu Ampim is a historian and primary researcher on African and African American culture & history. He is director of Advancing The Research and can be reached at PO Box 18623, Oakland, CA 94619, or

Part III: The Museum Evidence

Prof. Manu Ampim

In parts I and II of The Vanishing Evidence series, I examined the progressive decay and deliberate acts of destruction to temple and tomb carvings. An additional aspect of this problem is the systematic altering of images in museums throughout Egypt and the Western World. The vast majority of statues, paintings, and relief images have been subtlety, and in many cases drastically, altered by conspirators to give them a non-African appearance. The changing of the racial identity of the vast majority of the Kemetian (ancient Egyptian) images in museums is a international conspiracy which has been unaddressed. Through my primary research at nearly all of the major museums throughout Europe, America, Canada, and Egypt, I have been able to observe that there is an effective and systematic effort to destroy or eliminate the statue and painting images which demonstrate that the Kemetians were Black people.

Museum artifacts are often manipulated and altered by a number of groups having access to these materials before they are viewed by the public. The broad group of conspirators involved with this cunning behind-the-scenes work includes: archeologists, Egyptologists, and Arab government workers, who dig up, record, and decide the fate of the artifacts; restoration and conservation workers, who restore and piece the broken artifacts back together; and museum workers and officials who are the last group to handle the artifacts before they go on public display. The archaeologists/excavators and Egyptologists who dig up the artifacts have exclusive access to them until they are transported and turned over to a museum or other institution.

However, many private collections have been organized around the numerous artifacts that are never reported or recorded and are consequently stolen, and then sold or smuggled out of the country by members of the excavation team. Local Arab villagers not associated with an archaeological team are also heavily involved in tomb robbing and reshaping artifact images, before they are eventually found in a private collection or public museum.

Museum artifacts are therefore handled, repaired, worked on, and “restored” behind the scenes before they are put on public display. Thus, the time from the initial excavation of an artifact until it is displayed for public viewing can be several years. In this time period, incredible changes are usually made to the statues, paintings, and reliefs. In fact, a careful examination of the Kemetian (ancient Egyptian) artifacts bearing racial images in any museum or collection will demonstrate that the vast majority of items have been re-worked to change or obscure the racial identity. These museum images have been tampered with and often thoroughly de-Africanized, as they have been transformed from African to European.

The reconstruction methods of the conspirators range from crude to sophisticated, and each process has the intent of changing the African racial identity of the images. For example, paint colors are systematically lightened or completely erased; noses are broken off or sanded down on the sides to make then thinner; the length of the lips are shortened to make them appear smaller; chins are knocked off to distort the facial structure; and other images are completely fabricated, as the conspirators leave nothing to chance.

Museums around the world are filled with artifacts that have been thoroughly altered and de-Africanized by the conspirators. The following is a short list of these museums:

¨ The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose, California claims to have “the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts on exhibit in the western United States,” but much of its collection is actually made up of replicas and racist reconstructions, with images predictably resembling modern Europeans.

¨ The Metropolitan Museum in New York, among other problems, has an entire room dedicated to Queen Hapshepsut, and every image of her has undergone obvious nose reconstruction.

¨ The National Museum of Antiquities in Holland has a number of statues that has undergone careful facial reconstruction.

¨ The Cairo Museum in Egypt contains forgeries and dozens of statues with nose alterations, and lightened colors which now resemble the pale skin tone of Europeans.

¨ The Boston Museum of Fine Arts amazingly has unimportant “replacement statues” in the middle of the museum floor, while important statues of African officials and rulers are off to the side of the room, or in the basement safely away from the view of tourists.

¨ The Louvre Museum in France has some of the most stunning and powerful African images of important figures anywhere in the world, yet the museum has bold signs placed in strategic locations throughout the Egyptian gallery, directing tourists to one particular statue: the unknown (and unimportant) seated scribe who has undergone a thorough racial makeover and now appears European.

¨ The British Museum in England has re-worked statues that are so well executed by the conspirators that it is extremely difficult to detect their work. ¨ The Art History Museum in Austria is organized totally backward, as the foreign period of the Greeks, Romans and other invaders is placed in the front portion of the Egyptian gallery, so that this is the first impression that tourists get. Meanwhile, the real builders of Kemetian civilization are placed strategically in the back of the gallery.

¨ The Manchester Museum in Britain uses skull remains to do facial reconstructions, which almost always resembles Europeans or have no particular ethnic identity.

These and many other museums around the world are collectively eliminating the African identity of the Kemetian (ancient Egyptian) and Nubian civilizations. The obvious goal of these institutions is to destroy the memory of an African Kemet and Nubia. Unfortunately, they have been quite successful in this long range project, as each month millions of tourists visit these museums and get a totally false impression of the identity of the Kemetians and Nubians.


In addition to the facial and racial makeovers that have been performed on the vast majority of artifacts, the museum gallery organization and layout is another effective method of distortion. The Art History Museum in Austria is one of many museums that use gallery layout and orientation strategies to deceive the public by confusing the racial identity of the indigenous people of Kemet. For example, along with placing the Greek and Roman statues in prominent locations, museums also disregard dates and time periods, and instead lump artifacts together in general categories (such as statues, pottery, papyri, coffins, mummies, etc.), eventhough these artifacts may have been made several thousand years apart. Thus, one finds African statues from the early pyramid age next to those from the foreign period of Greek and Roman rulers at the very end of Kemetian civilization 2,500 years later!


A large number of Kemetian forgeries have been discovered over the years, and perhaps the greatest of them all are the statues of prince Ra-Hotep and his wife Nofret. These two statues in room 32 of the Cairo Museum are among the most famous ancient Kemetian statues, as they have been featured and written about in a long list of publications. Their popularity is also due to the fact that they are totally unique and they look European.

Elsewhere in a preliminary essay, I have outlined 21 major problems with these unique statues that put them in direct contradiction to the strict artistic rules by which all Kemetian royal sculptors were bound. In the future, I will be publishing my full research exposing these forgeries in a forthcoming book entitled, Modern Fraud: The Forged Ancient Egyptian Statues of Ra-Hotep and Nofret.1

While ancient African culture and history continues to vanish, the African American community is doing little to stop this process. The Africentric Movement could be in the forefront of protecting and preserving the records and remains of classical African civilizations, but the movement lacks direction and leadership. If the current rate of destruction, distortion, and theft of temple, tomb, and museum evidence continues, then little primary evidence will remain by early next century, and thus the falsification of classical African culture and history will be easier and more effective.

Anyone interested in joining the national campaign to stop the vanishing evidence of classical African civilizations, should refer to the recommendations in part I of The Vanishing Evidence series (Gaither Reporter, November 1995, vol. 2, no.12).

TOPICS: Education; History
KEYWORDS: blackathena; blackpharaoh; blackpharaohs; blacksparkwhitefire

by Charles Pope

In the Mar/Apr 2002 issue of Archaeology magazine, Mark Rose reports that DNA testing of Tutankhamun was recently canceled by the Egyptian government for reasons of "national security." More specifically, he writes that it was due to concern that the results might strengthen an association between the family of Tutankhamun and the Biblical Moses. However, Mark Rose fails to mention in the article "Who's in Tomb 55?" that this was not the first time DNA testing of Tut had been canceled. In fact, just last year Mark Rose reported that planned DNA testing of Tutankhamun by Brigham Young University was later denied by the Egyptian government. This saga was detailed in Part I of a three-part PBS documentary titled "Secrets of the Pharaohs." ( The video aired in February of 2001 and was reviewed by Archaeology magazine ( Part I is called "Tut's Family Curse." It explains the collaboration of two BYU professors and Nasry Iskander of the Cairo Museum to extract DNA samples from the many extant Egyptian New Kingdom royal mummies.

"Tut's Family Curse" also documents the trip made to the Cairo Museum by anthropologist Joyce Filer in order to examine the mummy from KV 55. This is one of the most fascinating aspects of the video as it shows how both the mummy and x-rays were analyzed in order to determine the sex and age at death. A written summary of this work is provided as a supplement in the current (Mar/Apr 2002) issue of Archaeology magazine. Microbiologist Scott Woodward and archaeologist C. Wilfred Griggs of Brigham Young University were also allowed to inspect this mummy from KV 55. Presumably, they were allowed to take DNA samples, however this is not made explicit in the documentary. Extracting DNA from King Tut proved to be even more challenging. He is the only New Kingdom pharaoh who remains in his Valley of the Kings tomb, and authorities were unwilling at the time of BYU's visit to follow through on earlier plans for testing. With some persistence, the professors were able to locate the two fetuses from the tomb of Tut and take DNA samples back to their laboratory in the United States.

In 1999, Scott Woodward ( of Brigham Young University was featured in a Discovery Channel special. This documentary was also titled "Secrets of the Pharaohs." Dr. Woodward was identified as the first scientist to successfully extract DNA from a dinosaur bone. He also claimed that he had been granted the "exclusive right to sample the pharaohs." This included 27 royal mummies of the New Kingdom and 500 other mummies from the Cairo Museum. According to Woodward, analysis of mummies spanning an 8-generation period in the 18th Dynasty revealed a "very narrow gene pool," and that there was no intermarriage outside of the royal family. Woodward stated, "already we have tremendous amount of information about the pharaohs of ancient Egypt." Because of the successful analysis of the two fetuses from the tomb of King Tut, he conveyed great confidence in the documentary that he would be able to "reconstruct the entire genealogy of the 18th Dynasty."

The 1999 video is no longer available from the Discovery Channel web site. In the second version of the documentary, which was broadcast by PBS in 2001, Woodward qualifies the optimism of the 1999 feature. For example, a "minute" variation was found between a DNA sequence of Amenhotep I and his presumed successor Thutmose I in the early 18th Dynasty. Based on this finding, Woodward stated that intermarriage with a second family could have occurred. We are not told in either video exactly when the samples were taken from the Cairo Museum and brought to the United States for testing. Judging from a press release made by the Rosicrucian Museum in San Jose California, it could have been in 1995 or even earlier ( This article also mentions that DNA testing of Tutankhamun and the two fetuses in Tut's tomb was planned.

Scott Woodward wrote an article for Archaeology magazine in 1996. The abstract is published on the Archaeology magazine website ( Click on the navigation bar under "Back Issues" and then look for the Sept/Oct '96 Issue. The feature is under "The Great DNA Hunt." Woodward's abstract is at the very bottom of that page. Woodward's 1996 article stated that he only expected to be able to analyze mitochondrial DNA. However, the Rosicrucian Museum page indicated that he had sequenced nuclear DNA for three pharaohs, viz., Tao II, Amenhotep II, and Thutmose IV. In an E-mail correspondence, Scott Woodward also mentioned that he had analyzed DNA from the mummy of Yuya, whom Ahmed Osman has identified as the Biblical Joseph. Although Woodward has made no endorsement of this association, the Mormon Church is obviously quite interested in finding evidence of Joseph in Egypt. According to the Book of Mormon, a descendant of Joseph through his son Manasseh came to America prior to the Fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC. Brigham Young University has done extensive DNA testing of American Indians, and is now greatly expanding the scope of the "molecular genealogy" project.

According to the Mormon publication Meridian (, Scott Woodward is collecting DNA samples from all over the world in order to compare modern and ancient populations. Another unexpected application of ancient DNA extraction technology has been in analyzing Dead Sea Scroll parchments in Israel (

Returning to the issue at hand, what can reasonably be accomplished through the DNA testing of King Tut? First of all, his relationship with the mummy thought to be Amenhotep III can be determined. There is some doubt whether Amenhotep III was correctly labeled by the priests who restored the pharaohs after their tombs and mummies had been plundered. Woodward states in "Tut's Family Curse" that of all the 18th Dynasty mummies, only Thutmose III is identified with a high degree of certainty. Presumably, this is because the mummy had not been fully unwrapped by his despoilers. The article "Royal Mummies Musical Chairs" ( in the Spring '99 Issue of KMT Magazine captures some of the confusion over the 18th Dynasty mummies. Another article "Who Was Who Among the Royal Mummies" ( on the University of Chicago Egyptology Site is also very helpful. A second purpose of testing Tut would be to compare his mitochondrial DNA to that of the "Elder Lady." The Elder Lady was previously identified as Queen Tiye based on a comparison of her hair to a lock of Queen Tiye's hair found in the tomb of Tut. However, there is presently a proposal to re-identify the Elder Lady as Nefertiti. Assuming that the Elder Lady proves to be the biological mother of Tut, then Tut was either the son of Queen Tiye or of Nefertiti. If Nefertiti was the mother of Tut, then one would assume that Akhenaten was the father. If Queen Tiye was the mother, then Amenhotep III would be the expected father. However, ancient family affairs were more complicated. Although scholars and the media refuse to acknowledge it, there is considerable archaeological and textual evidence indicating that Tut was the son of Akhenaten by Queen Tiye ( Herein lies a dilemma for those who wish to reconstruct the New Kingdom genealogy. There is a natural tendency to believe that incest was kept to a bare minimum within the royal family. Yet there is growing evidence that they strove to do just the opposite. Will we hide from the truth of their reproductive model, or seek to understand it? The choice is a difficult one, because these royal mummies very well may turn out to be skeletons in the closet of mankind. They are being jealously guarded as if they are. However, ancient people must not be judged by modern standards, only by their own. Let us hope that those who follow will show us the same consideration, and forgive our equally ignorant ways.

Readers may contact Archaeology magazine at Further commentary on this topic is posted at Please share your comments through the The Daily Grail or at the Domain of Man discussion group.

Charles Pope

1 posted on 06/13/2003 6:13:35 PM PDT by restornu
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To: restornu
'Nu, your posted link doesn't work, and you should watch out for anything dealing with Rosicrucians, anyway. That's getting into the occult.

The Elder Lady was previously identified as Queen Tiye based on a comparison of her hair to a lock of Queen Tiye's hair found in the tomb of Tut. However, there is presently a proposal to re-identify the Elder Lady as Nefertiti. Assuming that the Elder Lady proves to be the biological mother of Tut, then Tut was either the son of Queen Tiye or of Nefertiti. If Nefertiti was the mother of Tut, then one would assume that Akhenaten was the father. If Queen Tiye was the mother, then Amenhotep III would be the expected father. However, ancient family affairs were more complicated. Although scholars and the media refuse to acknowledge it, there is considerable archaeological and textual evidence indicating that Tut was the son of Akhenaten by Queen Tiye.

Granted that some Egyptian rulers interbred quite badly and some like Amenhotep turned out really slack-jawed, but what is your point?

2 posted on 06/13/2003 7:25:10 PM PDT by xJones
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To: restornu
I've been to the Rosicrucian museum in San Jose. It is beautiful in a secret-society, faux Egyptian, musty display case, hidden mystery sort of way.
3 posted on 06/13/2003 7:55:24 PM PDT by gcruse (Superstition is a mind in chains.)
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To: xJones
This Rosicrucian museum just happen to be the curator of these articfacts!

I asure you they have no control over molecular DNA of those Mummies!

4 posted on 06/13/2003 8:08:20 PM PDT by restornu (When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.)
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To: restornu
Ampim is described as an "activist" who is promoting "Afrocentric" ideas. As such he publishes articles accusing well respected archaeologists and historians of DELIBERATELY defacing, destroying, and otherwise obscuring evidence of black Egyptian history. He has proclaimed many ancient artifacts to be frauds because they depict Egyptians as being too light skinned. He maintains that Egyptians were black Africans and that their is a widespread racist conspiracy by Arabs and Eurpopeans to hide this fact going back centuries.

I have some questions about Professor Ampim. Exactly where is Professor Manu Ampim a professor? Which college granted him the title? Since none of his webpages list who granted him his degrees, where did he get them?

His bio lists:

Professor Manu Ampim is an historian and primary (first-hand) researcher specializing in African and African American history and culture . He has a B.S. in Business Management and M.A. in History/African American Studies. His master thesis, "The Revolutionary Martin Luther King, Jr." (1989) is being expanded into a two-volume work entitled, "Martin Luther King: The Evolution of a Revolutionary."

He has taught in the Department of History at Morgan State University (Baltimore, MD), and at Merritt College (Oakland, CA) in the Dept. of African American Studies. Also, Ampim has studied at Oxford University in England, and collaborated on a NASA-sponsored research project, which examined the ancient climate and migration patterns in Africa. Currently, Prof. Ampim is teaching in the Dept. of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University, and he is teaching a 7 Step primary Research methodology Course at Advancing The Research.

However, Merritt College in Oakland has no listing for him, nor does San Francisco State University... and his "7 Step primary Research methodology Course" is presented on his own website:





Taught by Prof. Manu Ampim

The demand for our 7-Step Course in Historical Primary Research Methods has continued to increase with each class, and courses will soon be taught in Fairfield and Los Angeles, CA.

In the meantime, in the Oakland-San Francisco area, there will be an upcoming Spring 2003 Course. The course will begin on April 27, 2003.

Call or email to sign up for a required orientation session. Seating is limited.

The 7-Step Primary Research Course is designed to:
  • Train you in the highest level of analysis
  • Assist you in answering your own questions about the world
  • Teach you to evaluate the quality and value of information about any historical subject
  • Guide you through skill and capacity building exercises
  • Empower you while engaging in critical dialogue about historical matters and issues, and
  • Give you the analytical tools to distinguish between email rumors and facts. NEW!

In this 7-Step Course you will learn the first-hand research tools and techniques of the top scholars, and you will never again look at books, documentaries, or presentations on Black culture in the same way. At the end of the course, your faculties of analysis will be finely tuned, as I will teach you many of the fundamental primary research techniques that I have been using for the past 15 years. You will receive personalized training, and I share insight from my global primary research experience.

Location: Office Building, 580 Grand Ave., Oakland, CA
(across from Lake Merritt - 3 buildings down from Gold's Gym)

Directions: Hwy. 580 and take the Grand Ave. exit, and make right on Grand Ave.
Go down to the first stop light and look for parking.


If you are interesting in building your skills and learning powerful primary research techniques, and you are not in the Northern California area, no problem. You can take the classes through the 7-Step Primary Research Correspondence Course. The Correspondence Course allows you to develop your skills from the comfort and convenience of your own home or office, and it is designed to fit into your schedule. You will receive a course booklet, companion audio tape, and personalized training with Prof. Ampim. With each lesson you submit, you will receive comments, corrections, and insight from Prof. Ampim. Call or email to find out more details.

Advancing the work,

Prof. Manu Ampim

Prof. Manu Ampim is a historian and leading primary researcher on African and African American culture & history. He has conducted extensive first-hand research in 16 countries in Africana Studies. He is a professor at Merritt College, and the Director of Advancing The Research, Oakland, CA.

Telephone: (510) 482-5791.


Groundbreaking New Book
2001 Update

Part I - The Temple Evidence
Part II - The Tomb Evidence
Part III -The Museum Evidence


His 7 step course is taught "three buildings down from Gold's Gym..."

On his bio page he claims:

Ampim's most influential work will be his long-awaited book, Modern Fraud, which is the documentation of the Ra-Hotep and Nofret statutes as among the greatest forgeries in the history of ancient African archaeology.

"...most influential work will be..."??? Its influence is being felt already... in his own mind.

Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary proof.

Sad that some people will swallow this bilge masquerading as "scholarship."

5 posted on 06/15/2003 3:39:13 PM PDT by Swordmaker (Tagline Extermination Services, franchises available, small investment, big profit)
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