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Safeguarding Human Life: The Very Beginning
The forgotten embryo: Fertility clinics must store or destroy the surplus
Babies -- Bought, Sold and Traded
Assisted Reproductive Technologies are Anti-Woman (IVF has Serious Health Risks-Mother and Child)
Finnish Study finds IVF Increases Risk of Deformity
In-vitro new front in embryo war, Right-to life battle lines may be shifting to frozen embryos
Actress Brooke Shields aborted How Many of her own Children by undergoing 7 IVF Treatments
Stem cell research may be boon to fertility clinics  Folks, it's all about money
IVF embryos may be starved of a vital ingredient
USCCB - Stem Cell Research
Opinions on Stem Cell Research
IVF is evil and should never be done since it goes against God's moral and natural law.  Many children are created and then are discarded when their use is no longer needed, all those embryos are God's children, over 400,000 are in frozen prisons, in gulags, frozen in suspended animation only waiting to be used by "scientists" to harvest them for their body parts.  This is from where the embryos for embryonic stem cells come.   And countless children have been "miscarried" by this procedure and flushed down the toilet. Remember,  at least 3 or more "embryos" are implanted during each IVF procedure.

Children are a gift from God, all children belong to God--remember we are all children of God. When a married couple can't conceive it's not a right to relegate children as mere property and create them in a test tube. It's against God's natural and moral law.. They are not commodities. Adoption is the loving option, maybe these couples were not intended to conceive; God had other plans for them--to adopt.   Certainly it's not in God's plan to relegate his children as common property, create them in a test tubes and put the rest on ice for future cannibalistic research for their stem cells or flush the unimplantable down the toilet.

Many of the drugs used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) to overcome infertility put women's health and lives in jeopardy. Various drugs used to facilitate ovulation or regulate its timing have serious side effects. Thousands of women are taking these drugs annually, and many are unaware of the dangers they face.

Additionally, the risk for having a baby with birth defects is higher when children are conceived through IVF. Unfortunately, physicians are all too ready to turn to IVF as the means to address infertility. Women should be very cautious before taking this very serious step. Beyond the serious health risks posed by IVF, the procedure involves the killing of embryonic human beings in its attempts to create embryos suitable for implantation.

We need to be clear that the baby is not the problem. Babies are never problems, they are gifts. Rather, it is the procedure used to produce the baby that is the problem. Think of it: your children that were lucky enough to be born and to see the light of day were conceived in a Petri Dish!  And in case you are wondering: yes, God did give them a soul in the Petri dish. God's creative love is not limited by human immorality (the immorality of the doctors and couples who create many babies, grow one or two of the good embryos and "discarding" or throwing out the others like they were trash)   God just wishes that we would do it His way. In God's plan no human being should ever be created in a laboratory. He has given us the perfect environment in which to come into being; namely, marriage. The couples' cooperation in God's creative act is called "pro-creation" as if to emphasize that the one Creator has allowed human beings to participate in so sublime an act. The institution of marriage itself was intended by Him to be the perfect matrix of life, and all technological intrusion into this sacred space for reasons other than health is a sin.
Why is the fertilization procedure in itself immoral? Doctors "create" multiple embryos at one time in order to increase the chances of success of implantation. Normally dozens of embryos are created and never used. These littlest human beings are then frozen or destroyed. The success rate of the in vitro process is abysmally low: only 4 percent of all the embryos created ever see the light of day as a newborn baby. Human beings, no matter how small, should never be the subject of sloppy high school science projects.

Even when a child often does result from an IVF procedure, the travesty of having to create, freeze or destroy so many of that baby's brothers and sisters, your other children, your family,  is morally reprehensible.
One baby created at the expense of dozens of others is a macabre tradeoff. We must stand squarely on the side of the dignity of the human person, and we can be grateful that the many God-fearing Christians and other Church denominations do not hesitate to speak out-oftentimes in the face of fierce criticism, as you are doing in this thread,  in defense of the innocent from unprincipled actions.

The immorality of the IVF procedure consists primarily in the destruction of the multiple extra embryos that are created in a laboratory along with the one or two that successfully come to birth.  The moral principle violated by this procedure is the most fundamental of all moral tenets: one can never do an evil in order that good may come of it. Here, the sacrifice of the 24 babies in order to get one or two to grow into healthy children is so wrong that it overrides the infertile couple's right to have a child.
The worst effect of IVF, however, is its power to strip the embryonic child of dignity under the guise of really wanting children. If we do not recognize the intrinsic dignity of that several-cell human being, then we erode the very principle whereby we fight for the dignity of every other human being, born or unborn. This recognition of human dignity is what makes us so firm in our defense of the poor, the enslaved, the handicapped, the elderly, the unborn and the embryo. All are equal in dignity simply because all were created in the image and likeness of God.

The more our culture blindly accepts killing, organ harvesting and treating other human beings as mere property, the further we slide into moral relativism, which I stated in a previous post to you, and it will be very difficult for us as a Christian, civilized nation, some day to make the argument that our own killers should respect our human dignity. IVF manipulates, destroys and dehumanizes the tiniest human beings and should be opposed on principle.
Stepping away from God’s law always introduces chaos into our lives. Nowhere is this truer than in the case of in vitro fertilization. The reproductive revolution has had the ability to separate genetic parenting from gestational parenting and from social parenting; and the agent who brings it all about, a biotechnician, will be still another person.
Marriage and its indissoluble unity are the only venue worthy of truly responsible procreation. Accordingly, any conception engineered with semen or ova donated by a third party would be opposed to the exclusivity that is demanded of a married couple. Such a procedure would be a violation of the bond of conjugal fidelity. It is also an anomaly for a donor to contribute to the conception of a child with the express intention of having nothing to do with that child’s upbringing.
“I formed you in the womb, I knew you and before you were born, I consecrated you” (Jer 1:5).
Human life is precious from the moment of conception; but, sadly enough, the biblical respect for human life is being eroded in our contemporary society. Without a deep reverence for the sacredness of human life, humanity places itself on the path of self-destruction.

When science and technology open doors that should not be opened, a Pandora’s box spews forth evils that menace humanity.  Scientists have opened a perilous door: they are manufacturing human life and using their product as an object of experimentation.

Science without the compass of ethical restraints is taking us on a path towards dehumanization in the name of progress. Modern scientific advances have so much to offer, but they must be guided by ethical principles which respect the inherent dignity of every human being. When science embarks on a Promethean quest, fueled by greed and commercialization, our own humanity is placed at risk.

In the IFV procedure,  a woman is given fertility drugs to ensure that she produces several ova which are collected to be fertilized in a petri dish creating several embryos. The healthiest ones are chosen for transfer to the woman’s womb. Many embryos are discarded or frozen. Freezing kills some more. Some embryos are later used for experimentation, which is always lethal.

Recent estimates project that there are 400,000 frozen embryos in the United States laboratories. These embryos are human lives that, given the chance to grow, would develop into a man or a woman. The fate and disposition of these embryos represents a serious moral dilemma which has contributed to a coarsening of the public’s attitude towards the sacredness of human life.

During recent debates before Congress, a couple gave compelling testimony against embryonic stem cell research. The main arguments that they presented were their two young sons who had been frozen embryos that the husband and his wife adopted. We cannot pretend that these embryos are tadpoles. They are human beings with their unique genetic code, full complement of chromosomes, and individual characteristics already in place. Every person alive today started out as an embryo.  These early-stage abortions are not morally acceptable.  Unfortunately, many people of good will have no notion of what is at stake and simply focus on the baby that results from in vitro fertilization, not adverting to the fact that the procedure involves creating many embryos, most of which will never be born because they will be frozen or discarded.

We do not have a “right to have a child.” Such a right would be “contrary to the child’s dignity and nature. The child is not an object to which one has a right, nor can he be considered an object of ownership; rather, a child is a gift, ‘the supreme gift,’ and the most gratuitous gift of marriage, and is a living testimony of the mutual giving of his parents. For this reason the child has the right to be the fruit of the specific act of conjugal love of his parents; and the child also has the right to be respected as a person from the moment of his conception”

For us, marriage and motherhood and fatherhood is a vocation, and children are a gift. However, even when procreation is not possible, married life does not for that reason lose its value. 

1 posted on 01/03/2006 5:19:22 PM PST by Coleus
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To: 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember; afraidfortherepublic; Alas; al_c; american colleen; annalex; ...

2 posted on 01/03/2006 5:20:07 PM PST by Coleus (Roe v. Wade and Endangered Species Act both passed in 1973, Murder Babies/save trees, birds, algae)
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To: Coleus

When we stop buggerizing around with nature, nature will stop buggerizing around with us.

3 posted on 01/03/2006 5:21:00 PM PST by Aussie Dasher (The Great Ronald Reagan & John Paul II - Heaven's Dream Team!)
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To: Coleus
As an long time infertility patient who has a child conceived with IVF technology, this is offensive to me. >:-( Let's tell people who use wheelchairs that God meant for them to be crippled. Let's tell people who use glasses and hearing aids that God meant for them to be blind and deaf. Let's tell people who die on the operating table we can't use the resusciation machines because intended them to die. God gave man the technology to help those who have the disease of infertility the chance to be parents. Yes, there should be better oversight as far as clinics and doctors go--BUT--IVF does NOT equal ABORTION!!!! >:-( This is my child blessed by God, conceived by me with the help of IVF technology. You tell me she's an abomination, and I'll slug you. I mean it. Her name is Maya ("God's Creative Power") Grace ("Gifts Received At Christ's Expense") and she is the best gift my husband and I have ever gotten from God. :*)
6 posted on 01/03/2006 5:41:16 PM PST by pillut48 (CJ in TX)
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To: Coleus

Upon re-reading this, I've seen several misstatements and out and out untruths. Someone needs to go back and do some serious research (like actually talking to IVF patients and doctors, etc.) before making statements like these and presenting them as FACTS, when they aren't.

9 posted on 01/03/2006 5:50:10 PM PST by pillut48 (CJ in TX)
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To: Coleus

Guess what, Coleus, you and your wife (or husband if you're a woman) created many "beautiful children" that never made it beyond the embryo stage, too. If a normal woman has sex during her fertile time, an embryo is produced almost every time. Less than 30% make it to delivery, with most failures due to early genetic errors.

And G-d help you if your wife uses/used birth control pills.

One final note, it is IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), not IFV.

37 posted on 01/03/2006 7:20:03 PM PST by mikegi
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To: Coleus
Spanish researchers have found that mice conceived using sperm exposed to E.coli bacteria before artificially inseminating a mouse egg, retain the genetic code of the bacteria in their DNA.

Now that is truly frightening.

51 posted on 01/03/2006 9:24:44 PM PST by Mike Darancette (Mesocons for Rice '08)
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To: Coleus


71 posted on 01/04/2006 9:31:22 AM PST by diamond6 (Everyone who is for abortion have been born. Ronald Reagan)
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To: Coleus
My problem with IVF is the number of 'extra' embryoes that are created, then either stored away for an indefinite period of time, or destroyed (or stored, then destroyed).

If the parents do not what them implanted, why not donate those embryoes to other couples who want a child?

Those who 'ooooh' and 'aaaaah' over the child they allowed to live, and give no thought at all to the ones they allowed to be frozen indefinitely or destroyed show that their desire for a child was completely selfish. . .just another piece of 'stuff' to show off.

78 posted on 01/04/2006 10:24:02 AM PST by MEGoody (Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.)
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To: Fasciitis


81 posted on 01/04/2006 10:31:15 AM PST by adam_az (It's the border, stupid!)
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To: Coleus

Yes, but what does this mean? They are saying the DNA is embedded with the bacteria but does that mean the person will die from it or will be immune to it or what? The article never got off the ground.

I always thought IVF was a bad thing mainly due to the discarding of the embryos the couple does not want. However, I'm not going to harass any childless couple about this, that's for sure.

136 posted on 01/04/2006 12:43:52 PM PST by Paved Paradise
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To: Coleus
VF is evil and should never be done since it goes against God's moral and natural law.


Give me chapter and verse that even mentions IVF or admit you lied.


139 posted on 01/04/2006 12:48:10 PM PST by Servant of the 9 (Trust Me)
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To: Coleus

I have heard of the code of viruses getting into the DNA where it remains more or less forever and forever useless.

176 posted on 01/04/2006 1:43:02 PM PST by RightWhale (pas de lieu, Rhone que nous)
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To: All
A gentle reminder...
270 posted on 01/05/2006 6:10:51 PM PST by Brad’s Gramma (Jesus is STILL the reason, and it's ALWAYS the Season!!!)
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To: Coleus
One more thing. The headline is extremely deceptive.

New In-Vitro Concern: Contamination May Lead to Bacterial DNA “Embedded” in SOME,/b> IVF Kids.

There, I fixed it. Because this is only a concern if ICSI was used. This a procedure where they inject a sperm into an egg. I have an extremely hard time believing that it is used in 50% of all IVF treatments. I'd really like to see exactly where they got those numbers from (and no, "a BBC report" is not a valid reference). The only time when this procedure would be used is if there is a problem with the man's sperm, in addition to whatever is causing the woman to be infertile. So, in order for this procedure to make sense is if both partners are infertile. Which is NOT 50% of IVF cases.

275 posted on 01/05/2006 8:59:06 PM PST by conservatrice
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