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Joseph Smith 'gave us everything' & XMAS vs. LMOS (Local Manifestations of 'Smithmas') [Vanity]
Colofornian | Dec. 22, 2013 | Colofornian

Posted on 12/22/2013 7:55:11 AM PST by Colofornian

It’s three days to Christmas, 2008. And the Mormon Church-owned Deseret News is at it yet once again:

”In 1844, there were approximately 26,000 members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yet, when W.W. Phelps penned a song of tribute to his beloved, fallen Prophet, he promised that ‘millions shall know Brother Joseph again’” [My note: The ‘song of tribute’ is an actual praise song directed TO Joseph Smith, ‘Praise to the Man’...for more on this, see Mormon Tabernacle Choir conductor: 'Praise to the Man'...hymn praises Joseph Smith [Smithmas vanity]]

The DesNews article continues:

"...Now known not only to the millions of members of the LDS Church, but also by countless more around the world, Joseph Smith has taken a unique and respected place in American and religious history...An advance copy of the CD was presented to President Thomas S. Monson...He reminisced about serving as a mission president in Toronto, ‘the only area outside his own, where Joseph Smith taught.’ He also noted that he's always appreciated the fact that Joseph Smith was born in the season in which we celebrate the birth of Christ...And at this season, he's happy that our thoughts can be drawn to Joseph Smith. ‘He gave us everything.’"

So the current Mormon "prophet" – three days before Christmas and one day before Joseph Smith's birthday – pronounces that Joseph Smith "gave us everything?"

What does that look like to the average non-Mormon?

Yup, that's right: Merry Smithmas!

Morpologist Daniel C. Peterson vs. Mormon Aristotle Smith

In the previous two years, Lds "apologist" Daniel C. Peterson has tried – in vain – to develop a "we don't celebrate 'Smithmas'" apologetic.

This was his blog effort in 2012: Merry Smithmas!

And two years ago today--Dec. 22, 2011-- Peterson jumpstarted a forum at jon the same subject: "Celebration of Smithmas." In this forum, Peterson eventually declares that "Oh, Smithmas is definitely an invention of our apostate critics..." Another poster, a writer with the Deseret News (Scott Lloyd), stated on Jan. 3, 2012 on this same forum thread that: "It is clear from discussion in this thread that the 'Smithmas' notion is a fantasy invented from whole cloth by antagonists for political purposes."

Yet the ironic aspect is that Peterson himself – on Dec. 22, 2011 -- acknowledged how he personally celebrates "Smithmas" in the original forum post on "Smithmas":

"In my house we actually do celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday on 23 December. We've done it roughly for ten years now, maybe fifteen. We'll do it tomorrow night. We invite friends over, have a potluck meal and a White Elephant party, maybe tell a story about Joseph Smith..."

Peterson didn't hold back in declaring the same thing on his Nov. 30, 2012 blog on the topic.

Well, at another Mormon forum – – Mormon poster "Aristotle Smith" couldn't but help note the extreme irony, quoting Peterson's blog twice [Note: "DCP" = Daniel C. Peterson]:

"...after denying vehemently that Mormons worship Joseph Smith and celebrate Smithmas, DCP then talks about what he and his family do every December 23rd: Quote: So far from the truth is it that my wife and I, ten or so years back, decided to host a small birthday party for Joseph Smith at our home every 23 December. We thought it sad that, amidst all the busyness and commercialism of Christmas, his signal contribution to our lives and faith usually went altogether unmentioned. We may have missed a year or two since then — though I’m not sure of that — and we’ll be out of state this year, but, for the most part, we’ve continued this newly-invented custom annually. Our birthday party typically involves a potluck dinner, something about Joseph Smith, and then . . . Christmas carols and Christmas hymns. (We include among those we’ve usually invited some good and exceptionally musical friends — e.g., a composer with a doctorate in musicology, a former professional opera singer, a music teacher and member of the Tabernacle Choir with a master’s degree in choral conducting, and several members of recorded choral groups — so it’s a real treat for us.) [Aristotle Smith then adds]: So the proof that Mormons don't celebrate Smithmas is...the fact that DCP is the biggest purveyor of Smithmas. My irony meter exploded when in the very next paragraph after the quoted paragraph above was this: Quote: If anybody out there can point to specific examples of “Smithmas” in his or her experience, I would appreciate hearing about them. [Aristotle Smith finishes his Dec. 2, 2012 post with]: "Um, yeah, try your own blog post."

In the 2011 discussion two years ago today, Mormon poster Cobalt -70 reacted to Peterson's announcement about his personal "Smithmas" parties:

"...I hope it doesn't catch on. If Smith were born some time other than two days before Christmas, then that would be great. But anything that celebrates both Joseph Smith with Jesus in the same context is not a good thing for Mormon PR."

In the same forum, Jan. 2, 2012, Mormon poster Sethbag noted: "...I think that IMHO an inordinate amount of attention is paid to Joseph Smith. He's been succeeded as Prophet, Seer, and Revelator what, fifteen times now? And yet Joseph Smith probably gets more airtime in LDS circles than all of his successors put together, probably by some large multiple. Whether Smithmas is real or not, the amount of attention paid to the founder of the religion sure is pretty freaking high." Sources of above two quotes: See: See second "hit" on this google search for who posted in "Celebration Of Smithmas" See:


"Xmas" is an abbreviated version of "Christmas." What's LMOS? It's an acronym for Local Manifestations of Smithmas!

While most of "Smithmas" flows from Utah cities like Salt Lake City, Provo (BYU), and Logan (Lds' Religion Institute at Utah State), this chart below shows LMOS – Local Manifestations of Smithmas – do occur.

For example, what do the years 2012, 2007, 2001, 1990, 1979 – or even a year going all the way back to 1894 -- all have in common?

Answer: The so-called "Christmas" service in Mormondom fell upon Joseph Smith's Dec. 23 birthday!

You see, Mormonism doesn't offer "special" Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services to celebrate that incarnational event unless it happens to fall on a Sunday -- Sabbath day.

So, over the past 187 years of the existence of the Mormon Church, that Sabbath has an equal chance of falling on either Jesus' birthday -- or Joseph Smith's. And as to which Historic person gets more attention that year could depend upon whose birthday falls closest to that fourth Sunday in December!

Well, in 1894, Joseph Smith's nephew, Joseph F. Smith, also a "living prophet" of the Mormon church, advocated that Mormons should celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday: This, too, was recommended on a Sabbath -- Dec. 23, 1894 – a day which could be sourced as the festive "jumpstart" of "Smithmas!" [See]

This very tension within Mormonism leads to some uncomfortable moments among Mormons come Dec. 23...Like the years 1979 and 2001.

Mormondialogue forum poster Rameumptom was reminiscing earlier this month about such a special "Smithmas" year, Dec. 23, 1979:

"I recall the one Christmas Sacrament meeting during my mission (1979), when a member of the stake presidency spoke and said he wasn't going to talk about Jesus, who he said was not born in December, but in April.  So he talked about Joseph Smith. He [mis]quoted D&C 135 by saying "Joseph Smith has done more for the benefit of man than any other man in history". Our Sunday School Gospel Doctrine teacher, who was a school principal, had about a dozen teachers from his school he invited so they could see Mormons believe in Christ..."(p. 4) (

And when Smith's birthday rose up again on Sabbath Day, 2001, Mormon poster "Backpew" at relayed his/her experience earlier that day:

"I promised myself to not even look at this bb this weekend so I could find my own Christmas spirit. But, something happened at sac meeting that I just KNEW would happen, but was hoping WOULDN'T happen....It actually started out very lovely. The narrator was one of my favorite men in the ward -- very soft spoken. His script read, 'A good shepherd does not drive his sheep with dogs and horses....' 'the sheep hear the good shepherd's voice, and they know it, and they follow it...' I felt all tingly because that felt like a very good start to a good Christmas program. Though our choir isn't the best I've ever heard, I was determined to soak it all in. We have some talented violinists, and some talented pianists, and the narration was so nice, and a girl in our ward sang with such an angelic voice. But the whole time I was thinking to myself, 'I'll bet they can't get through this program without conking me on the head with the Restoration, Joseph Smith, GBH is our prophet on earth today,' yadda yadda yadda. And guess what? It happened at the end when the Bishop spoke. ARRRRRRGGGGHHHH. I like our Bishop as a person, but... oh well. I guess I just don't belong. Merry Christmas to you all. May you find the peace that this time of year is supposed to bring." ( First time at church today in 10 months--Whew! [Lds posters comment on "SmithEmphasisMas" @ Lds Church on Dec. 23] Note: "GBH" = Gordon B. Hinckley

Indeed, many Mormons simply feel out of place in the Mormon Church.

XMAS vs. LMOS: Local Manifestations of 'Smithmas'

2013 A Mormon thread overseer attempts to engage in Morpologetics, yet manages to stir up either wonderment that such a "Smithmas" recognition "out there" exists (at times, the discussion takes on a "Does Santa Claus exist?" flavor re: the existence of "Smithmas"). One Mormon poster recalls the 2005 BYU Joseph Smith nativity scene: "JKWilliams: As I recall, BYU had a sort of 'Joseph Smith Manger' scene set up that Christmas season, which to me was a bit unseemly" On page one of this forum, one poster discusses Lds Morpologist Daniel Peterson's 2012 attempt to dismiss the "Smithmas" trend: "Dan makes the obvious point that among the Latter-day Saints, there is scarcely ever a mention of the birth of Joseph Smith at this time of year, let alone an observance of it that overshadows Christmas." Smithmas... This despite the fact that Daniel C. Peterson himself has blogged that his family has friends-over for Joseph Smith birthday parties for the past 10-15 years!
2012 (Nov. 30) Poster Aristotle Smith: "I just realized that Christmas falls on a Tuesday this year, so December 23 is on a Sunday. This of course provides a great opportunity for the LDS church to prove its Christian roots by using that day to talk about Joseph Smith, it is his birthday after all. So, will the average LDS ward celebrate Smithmas or Christmas on December 23 this year? I'm guessing my wife's ward will split the difference and dedicate part to Joseph Smith and part to Jesus. Aristotle Smith's "irony meter" also exploded in commenting upon Lds apologist's comments from a then-recently released blog about "Smithmas" Will Smithmas return this year? Beyond the excerpt above, ya gotta read some of the humor of this on the above link
2011 (Dec. 22) Lds morpologist jumpstarts thread in which he concedes his family personally celebrates Joseph Smith's birthday on an annual basis. It has all the "pine tree" scent of "Smithmas" – though Peterson doesn't like that name. Peterson writes: "In my house we actually do celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday on 23 December. We've done it roughly for ten years now, maybe fifteen. We'll do it tomorrow night. We invite friends over, have a potluck meal and a White Elephant party, maybe tell a story about Joseph Smith..." See second "hit" on this google search for who posted in "Celebration Of Smithmas" See: See comments in above article
2010 (March 4) Pam, head moderator: "Who, then, is the 'root of Jesse'? It appears that the Prophet Joseph Smith is both the 'rod' and the 'root' that will come from Jesse…" 2 Nephi 21 For more on this, see: D&c 325 Test #2 [Merry 'SMITHMAS!' BYU class says Joseph Smith is both 'Rod' and 'Root' of Jesse]
2009 (Dec. 24) Mormon columnist Doug Gibson: "...every December around Christmastime, sacrament turns into a bummer, at least for me. Almost every year, Jesus Christ seems to be a bit player. I don’t know who is to blame. Maybe bishoprics are instructed to have “Christmas Sunday” appear as just another Sabbath in the ward house, with a couple of religious carols thrown in the mix as a nod to the holiday...Every year I convince myself we’re going to have a real Christmas Sunday with talks on the Lord’s birth and the congregation singing Christmas carols along with the ward choir, and, well  There are not-too-subtle conflicts...the prophet’s birthday is Dec. 23.Although Joseph Smith, for all his recognition, is not the same as Jesus Christ,there have been occasions where “Praise to the Man” is sung more often than “Away in the Manger” on Christmastime Sunday. But most of the time there’s just a maddeningly frustrating neutrality about Christmas, Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ. Take the most recent sacrament meeting. The opening song was “The First Vision,” and then the bishop reminded us that  during this season we should remember the birth of the Prophet Joseph Smith. That seemed an appropriate nod to the man and I was encouraged that there were two Christmas carols and three talks left on the program. But the talks, which bookended a ward choir Christmas carol, were not about Christ’s birth, although they did capture His spirit. They were well-prepared, informative and spiritual talks that would have been appropriate for any sacrament meeting, but why can’t we have had talks about the birth of Christ? Is there some edict against it? ... Christ shouldn’t get the bump like a diet book author waiting his turn on a Letterman show that runs too long. Doug Gibson, Utah Mormon columnist: The dreaded Christmastime ward sacrament meeting; see also: The dreaded Christmastime ward sacrament meeting [Mormon Merry Smithmas!] Mormons, isn't it time to have a "real Christmas Sunday?" Come worship in a church this season that truly honors the birth of the Lord Jesus. Christmas is for Jesus Christ. Honoring Him. Don't 'bump' him 'like a diet book author waiting his turn' on an over-extended Letterman show.  
2008 (Dec. 1) Blog: "The two hundredth anniversary of Joseph Smith’s birth is three years past, and the hand wringing of Smith-centric sacrament meetings in December (Christmas infringement!) is mostly abated. Still, it shouldn’t be a surprise that commemorating the birth and life of the Prophet of the Restoration is part of our liturgical calendar, ad hoc and informal though it may be." 'Joseph and Jesus' Call it what you will: Smith-centricism; Christmas infringement; the eclipse of Christmas; or, just plain "Smithmas"
2007 (Dec. 21) Don, BYU business management grad and former Lds missionary to Guatamala: "Regardless, the 'root of Jesse' is almost surely the Prophet Joseph Smith. He holds the keys of this kingdom in both time and eternity and is the president of the last and greatest of all dispensations, the dispensation of the fulness of times. (See D&C 27:12-13; 90:1-3;112:30-32; 128:18-21) He is the living ensign to which the present generation must gather. We cannot, in reality, come to Christ if we do not accept his servant, Joseph Smith. "The Lord's works are first spiritual and then temporal, or physical. (See D&C 29:31-32) All of the spiritual keys, powers, doctrines, and ordinances revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith must be honored and implemented before Zion, the second ensign, can be literally established in fullness and glory. (See D&C 64:41-43; 105:3-5) That day is not far off (Witness of Jesus Christ: The 1989 Sperry Symposium on the Old Testament, Richard D. Draper. See ch. 14 "The Two Davids"). So any hope I had of finding a definitive answer on who the rod and branch is or are, is lost in a sea of opinions. It could be Christ or Joseph Smith or a powerful Jewish leader named David." Isaiah 11 & 12: The Rod, Stem of Jesse, the Branch and the Roots "Oh come, Oh come, EmmanSMITHuel? See D&c 325 Test #2 [Merry 'SMITHMAS!' BYU class says Joseph Smith is both 'Rod' and 'Root' of Jesse]
2007 (Sept. 16) This blog addresses some Mormons dismissals that they celebrate "Smithmas": "Of course, there are a few problems with that characterization, aren’t there? Chief among them — if Joseph Smith is really just like John the Baptist, then why don’t we treat the two similarly? And despite doctrinal protests, we really don’t. In the current hymnal, there are no hymns about Moses. None about John the Baptist (though Jesus’s baptism is referenced a few times). A few cursory mentions of Peter, in places like What Was Witnessed (#11), and implied mention in #105, Master the Tempest is Raging. There are some mentions of Adam — more than any other Biblical prophet, probably — as well as Enoch. In contrast, we get two very well-known, oft-sung hymns focusing directly on Joseph Smith: Praise to the Man, and Oh How Lovely was the Morning. Prior hymnals contained many more: The Seer; Blest was the Day when the Prophet and Seer; O Give me Back my Prophet; and so on...The same goes for church art. The average church building might have pictures of Joseph Smith alone; of the First Vision; of the priesthood restoration; of translation. The Gospel Art kit reflects this. It contains ten pictures of Joseph Smith. There are six pictures of Jesus’ apostles, four pictures of Moses, Lehi, and Nephi, and three each of Adam and Daniel..." Praising the man; see also: Praising the man [Mormon Merry Smithmas!] Iconic adoration of Joseph Smith – and a previous hymnal edition that had even more praise songs to Joseph Smith
2005 (Dec. 19) A grassroots Mormon makes mention of Joseph Smith-centrism, 'Praise to the Man,' and the Joseph Smith Nativity creche at BYU that month "Dealing with Smithmas"; see also: "Dealing with “Smithmas” [Mormon worship of Joseph Smith] See: Joseph Smith Nativity [A Virtual 'Merry Smithmas' 'Greeting Card' circa 2005]
2005 (Feb. 10) These are original quotes from Mormon leaders that insert Joseph Smith in place of Jesus Christ as the way to heaven Reasons Joseph Smith is More Important Than Jesus; see also: Reasons Joseph Smith Is More Important Than Jesus [Mormon Merry Smithmas!] See How would YOU score on this 26-question quiz about 'Smithmas?' [Vanity, Part A] and Chart entitled: "Mormon leader proclamations where the 'confession' is about Joseph Smith – and usually mentions/implies Smith as the 'Way' -- the 'consent'[er] or passport" in Mormon Tabernacle Choir conductor: 'Praise to the Man'...hymn praises Joseph Smith [Smithmas vanity]
Previous Sample Years: 2001 – a year in which the "Christmas" Sunday fell upon "Smithmas" – Joseph Smith's Dec. 23rd birthday Poster "January" comments: "Thanks for the opportunity to vent.
I went to church today, too, and yes, lots of very dull, ill-prepared music and minimal decoration. I went with a pretty bad attitude, but it is lame that one of the two most important holidays in all Christendom just is like any other Sunday at our church. It would help if our chapels at least looked like churches, the stained glass alone at other churches gets me in a worshipful mood. I am looking forward to going a Protestant Christmas eve ceremony tomorrow."
Poster "backpew" then described his Dec. 23 experience: "I promised myself to not even look at this bb this weekend so I could find my own Christmas spirit. But, something happened at sac meeting that I just KNEW would happen, but was hoping WOULDN'T happen..... It actually started out very lovely. The narrator was one of my favorite men in the ward -- very soft spoken. His script read, "A good shepherd does not drive his sheep with dogs and horses...." "the sheep hear the good shepherd's voice, and they know it, and they follow it..." I felt all tingly because that felt like a very good start to a good Christmas program. Though our choir isn't the best I've ever heard, I was determined to soak it all in. We have some talented violinists, and some talented pianists, and the narration was so nice, and a girl in our ward sang with such an angelic voice. But the whole time I was thinking to myself, "I'll bet they can't get through this program without conking me on the head with the Restoration, Joseph Smith, GBH is our prophet on earth today," yadda yadda yadda. And guess what? It happened at the end when the Bishop spoke. ARRRRRRGGGGHHHH. I like our Bishop as a person, but... oh well. I guess I just don't belong. Merry Christmas to you all. May you find the peace that this time of year is supposed to bring." First time at church today in 10 months--Whew! [Lds posters comment on "SmithEmphasisMas" @ Lds Church on Dec. 23] Years like 2001 and 1979 intensify the tension between Mormons who want to focus on Joseph Smith vs. those who want to focus on Jesus Christ. Because no Christmas Day or Christmas Eve services are held in the Mormon Church unless those calendar days fall on a Sunday, then that fourth Sunday de facto becomes "the Christmas service." Tension then builds when that fourth Sunday of the month balls on Joseph Smith's birthday—Dec. 23.
Previous Sample Years: 1979 – a year in which the "Christmas" Sunday fell upon "Smithmas" – Joseph Smith's Dec. 23rd birthday Rameumptom, 2013 about 1979: "I recall the one Christmas Sacrament meeting during my mission (1979), when a member of the stake presidency spoke and said he wasn't going to talk about Jesus, who he said was not born in December, but in April.  So he talked about Joseph Smith. He [mis]quoted D&C 135 by saying "Joseph Smith has done more for the benefit of man than any other man in history". Our Sunday School Gospel Doctrine teacher, who was a school principal, had about a dozen teachers from his school he invited so they could see Mormons believe in Christ..."(p. 4) Years like 2001 and 1979 intensify the tension between Mormons who want to focus on Joseph Smith vs. those who want to focus on Jesus Christ. Because no Christmas Day or Christmas Eve services are held in the Mormon Church unless those calendar days fall on a Sunday, then that fourth Sunday de facto becomes "the Christmas service." Tension then builds when that fourth Sunday of the month balls on Joseph Smith's birthday—Dec. 23.

TOPICS: Religion
KEYWORDS: josephsmith; lds; mormonism; smithmas
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To: driftdiver

I believe you have mischaracterized the methods of the SBC - though in the end, the SBC is NOT the standard of Christian truth. It is the Bible.

Let me rephrase your post to be more clear in words you understand...

“Apparently you also disagree with the methods of the Apostle Paul, the Apostle John, the Apostle Peter, God the Father and the Savior Jesus Christ then. Its about bringing people to Christ and clearly opposing error that perverts the nature of God and the Gospel of Grace, not about your personal preferences about which parts of the Bible you like best.”

I also wish you a Merry Christmas.

41 posted on 12/22/2013 1:02:40 PM PST by aMorePerfectUnion (Truth is hate to those who hate Truth)
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To: Nifster; aMorePerfectUnion; All
read about Paul and his travels in a polytheistic world… read his letters and advice about being a stumbling block as well as how to spread the gospel

Yes, read it...Read passages like Acts 17:16: 16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols.

Tell us Nifster...Since the Mormons are polytheistic...are you, too, "greatly distressed" about Mormonism's polytheism -- like Paul was about the polytheistic people he encountered on Mars Hill?

Or are you lethargic? Apathetic? Lukewarm? "Tolerant?" Pluralistic? Spiritually libertarian?

42 posted on 12/22/2013 1:15:30 PM PST by Colofornian
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans; Rebel_Ace; All

Yes...see also 3 John 9-10

43 posted on 12/22/2013 1:16:34 PM PST by Colofornian
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

” If you’re a Christian, why doesn’t it bother you that the members of the LDS are being deceived by a destructive religious cult?”

Maybe they aren’t being deceived. Maybe they know nothing about the wacked-out stuff. I had a Mormon uncle-in-law and he was only vaguely familiar with the rituals. Of course, he didn’t live closely enough to a LDS ward to attend.
Remember, most of you know vastly more than the average Mormon. They only hear what they are told.

44 posted on 12/22/2013 1:24:34 PM PST by AppyPappy (Obama: What did I not know and when did I not know it?)
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To: AppyPappy; Greetings_Puny_Humans; All
Remember, most of you know vastly more than the average Mormon. They only hear what they are told.

Good point

45 posted on 12/22/2013 1:27:24 PM PST by Colofornian
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To: Colofornian

Joseph Smith ‘gave us everything’

but Joseph Smith never loved us so anything he might have given was mere dross and useless and brought death...

God on the other hand LOVED us and GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that whosoever believed in Him would not perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE John 3:16

Joseph Smith V God

46 posted on 12/22/2013 1:36:27 PM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: driftdiver

This kind of garbage only pushes people away from our Savior Jesus.

The Mormons have nothing to do with the LORD Jesus Christ or Christianity...

Mormonism is based on Mohammad and Islam, not Christianity...

In 1838 Joseph Smith wanted to be a second Mohammad, not a Paul..

Smith even dissed the LORD Jesus Christ as lass than he was...

That’s not calling Him Lord..

BTW Hinckley himself said Mormons don’t worship the Jesus Christ of the Christians...

and the other day in a thread one of the converted Mormons informed us that he didn’t believe in Christianity...

So there you have it little grasshopper...

right from the Mormons themselves...

one a dead Mormon so called “prophet” and one a present day Joseph Smith devotee...

47 posted on 12/22/2013 1:51:35 PM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: Tennessee Nana; All
Joseph Smith ‘gave us everything’
but Joseph Smith never loved us so anything he might have given was mere dross and useless and brought death... God on the other hand LOVED us and GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that whosoever believed in Him would not perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE John 3:16

Indeed. Praise His Holy Name!

(This is what happens tho when Joseph Smith is presented by a cult as being THE filter...THE mousetrap...thru which all flows...For more on this insight, see:
* 'First vision visitation' of LdsIsm trumps Jesus' incarnational visitation via Bethlehem [Vanity])

48 posted on 12/22/2013 2:00:56 PM PST by Colofornian
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To: svcw

did you know that the only time someone hated me and my belief in the LORD Jesus Christ enough to demand that my boss fire me was the time I met up with a mormon for the first time ???

Why do mormons hate us Christians ???

BTW after 6 weeks of Hell from that mormon who acted like she hated me on sight she was the one to leave not me..

She had destroyed my personal belongings, and turned other workers against me and done other evil..

I was 19 and had never met up with anyone like her before ...apparently its a Mormon behavior..

All I could do was cry and asked God for help it was so bewildering...

She had been attempting to proselytize our boss and after she was gone my boss showed me all the books and pamphlets and info about the cult Mormonism and urged me never to join them..that Mormonism was a cult..

she explained all the mormon had devolved to my boss over the 6 weeks she had been working there and I saw the book of mormon for the first time and heard the story of Joseph Smith..which was strange and unbiblical..

Having been a Christian since I was 8 and brought up in a Bible believing Christian family and read the Bible for myself, I recognized that mormonism was not aligned with the LORD Jesus Christ or the Bible or Christianity but was something alien and false..

I was fortunate and blessed that God revealed the ugliness and falsity of mormonism to me that one afternoon..

I learnt more that day in 1968 about mormonism than the average mormon is taught in years of indoctrination..

It always pays to read the Bible for yourself so that you can be armed and protected with the truth and recognize the lies of the devil when they are presented..

and condemn them as enmity with the Living God...

Mormonism is evil and a false religion...

Mormonism is not Christianity..

and has nothing to do with the LORD Jesus Christ..

49 posted on 12/22/2013 2:14:21 PM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: aMorePerfectUnion

No I have not “mischaracterized the methods of the SBC”.

When they teach Christians to evangelize they teach us to speak the truth of the Bible, God and of course Jesus with love.

Speaking with love softens hearts. Speak with anger or a heavy hand hardens hearts. Of course its not a simple exercise when faced with non-believers or people with lots of anger in their hearts.

50 posted on 12/22/2013 2:27:18 PM PST by driftdiver (I could eat it raw, but why do that when I have a fire.)
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To: Tennessee Nana

“The Mormons have nothing to do with the LORD Jesus Christ or Christianity...”

I never said they did.

51 posted on 12/22/2013 2:28:17 PM PST by driftdiver (I could eat it raw, but why do that when I have a fire.)
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To: Jack Hydrazine
There’s so much hate here and I don’t understand why!/s

Then it appears you are quite dense...

Questions put to Joseph Smith: "'Do you believe the Bible?' [Smith:]'If we do, we are the only people under heaven that does, for there are none of the religious sects of the day that do'. When asked 'Will everybody be damned, but Mormons'? [Smith replied] 'Yes, and a great portion of them, unless they repent, and work righteousness." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 119).
Joseph Smith: "for the teachers of religion of the different sects understood the same passages of scripture so differently as to destroy all confidence in settling the question by an appeal to the Bible" (from Pearl of Great Price 1:12). "What is it that inspires professors of Christianity generally with a hope of salvation? It is that smooth, sophisticated influence of the devil, by which he deceives the whole world" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p.270).
Brigham Young stated this repeatedly: "When the light came to me I saw that all the so-called Christian world was grovelling in darkness" (Journal of Discourses 5:73); "The Christian world, so-called, are heathens as to the knowledge of the salvation of God" (Journal of Discourses 8:171); "With a regard to true theology, a more ignorant people never lived than the present so-called Christian world" (Journal of Discourses 8:199); "And who is there that acknowledges [God's] hand? ...You may wander east, west, north, and south, and you cannot find it in any church or government on the earth, except the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" (Journal of Discourses , vol. 6, p.24); "Should you ask why we differ from other Christians, as they are called, it is simply because they are not Christians as the New Testament defines Christianity" (Journal of Discourses 10:230).
Orson Pratt proclaimed: "Both Catholics and Protestants are nothing less than the 'whore of Babylon' whom the Lord denounces by the mouth of John the Revelator as having corrupted all the earth by their fornications and wickedness. Any person who shall be so corrupt as to receive a holy ordinance of the Gospel from the ministers of any of these apostate churches will be sent down to hell with them, unless they repent" (The Seer, p. 255).
Orson Pratt also said: "This great apostasy commenced about the close of the first century of the Christian era, and it has been waxing worse and worse from then until now" (Journal of Discourses
, vol.18, p.44) and: "But as there has been no Christian Church on the earth for a great many centuries past, until the present century, the people have lost sight of the pattern that God has given according to which the Christian Church should be established, and they have denominated a great variety of people Christian Churches, because they profess to be ...But there has been a long apostasy, during which the nations have been cursed with apostate churches in great abundance" (Journal of Discourses , 18:172).
President John Taylor stated: " a perfect pack of nonsense...the devil could not invent a better engine to spread his work than the Christianity of the nineteenth century." (Journal of Discourses , vol. 6, p.167); "Where shall we look for the true order or authority of God? It cannot be found in any nation of Christendom." (Journal of Discourses , 10:127).
James Talmage said: "A self-suggesting interpretation of history indicates that there has been a great departure from the way of salvation as laid down by the Savior, a universal apostasy from the Church of Christ". (A Study of the Articles of Faith, p.182).
President Joseph Fielding Smith said: "Doctrines were corrupted, authority lost, and a false order of religion took the place of the gospel of Jesus Christ, just as it had been the case in former dispensations, and the people were left in spiritual darkness." (Doctrines of Salvation, p.266). "For hundreds of years the world was wrapped in a veil of spiritual darkness, until there was not one fundamental truth belonging to the place of salvation ...Joseph Smith declared that in the year 1820 the Lord revealed to him that all the 'Christian' churches were in error, teaching for commandments the doctrines of men" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, p.282).
More recent statements by apostle Bruce McConkie are also very clear: "Apostasy was universal...And this darkness still prevails except among those who have come to a knowledge of the restored gospel" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol 3, p.265); "Thus the signs of the times include the prevailing apostate darkness in the sects of Christendom and in the religious world in general" (The Millennial Messiah, p.403); "a perverted Christianity holds sway among the so-called Christians of apostate Christendom" (Mormon Doctrine, p.132); "virtually all the millions of apostate Christendom have abased themselves before the mythical throne of a mythical Christ whom they vainly suppose to be a spirit essence who is incorporeal uncreated, immaterial and three-in-one with the Father and Holy Spirit" (Mormon Doctrine, p.269); "Gnosticism is one of the great pagan philosophies which antedated Christ and the Christian Era and which was later commingled with pure Christianity to form the apostate religion that has prevailed in the world since the early days of that era." (Mormon Doctrine, p.316).
President George Q. Cannon said: "After the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized, there were only two churches upon the earth. They were known respectively as the Church of the Lamb of God and Babylon. The various organizations which are called churches throughout Christendom, though differing in their creeds and organizations, have one common origin. They all belong to Babylon" (Gospel Truth, p.324).
President Wilford Woodruff stated: "the Gospel of modern Christendom shuts up the Lord, and stops all communication with Him. I want nothing to do with such a Gospel, I would rather prefer the Gospel of the dark ages, so called" (Journal of Discourses , vol. 2, p.196).

52 posted on 12/22/2013 3:01:59 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Jack Hydrazine
There’s so much hate here and I don’t understand why!/s

Then it appears you are as well informed as the folks at A&E

53 posted on 12/22/2013 3:02:39 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Jack Hydrazine
There’s so much hate here and I don’t understand why!

Then SURELY you'll address just WHY them MORMON leaders say such HATEFUL things about Christians; RIGHT?

54 posted on 12/22/2013 3:03:33 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Rebel_Ace
Hey, here’s an idea for this holiday season of love and joy: How about YOU go to your church and worship as YOU see fit, and let others go to THEIR church and let them worship as THEY see fit.

Thanks for the advice, Satan.

Romans 15:4
 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
Romans 16:17
   I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
1 Corinthians 4:17
   For this reason I am sending to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church.
1 Corinthians 11:2
 2.  I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the teachings,  just as I passed them on to you.
Ephesians 4:14-15
 14.  Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.
 15.  Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.
2 Thessalonians 2:15
   So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings  we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
2 Thessalonians 3:6
  In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching  you received from us.
1 Timothy 1:3-4
 3.  As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer
 4.  nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work--which is by faith.
1 Timothy 1:7
  They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.
1 Timothy 2:7
   And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle--I am telling the truth, I am not lying--and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.
1 Timothy 4:1-2
 1.  The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
 2.  Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.
1 Timothy 4:6
   If you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.
1 Timothy 4:11
  Command and teach these things.
1 Timothy 6:3-5
 3.  If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching,
 4.  he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 
 5.  and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
2 Timothy 1:13
  What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.
 2 Timothy 2:15-17
 15.  Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
 16.  Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
 17.  Their teaching will spread like gangrene.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
 16.  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
 17.  so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
 2 Timothy 4:3-4
  3.  For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
  4.  They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Titus 1:11
   They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach--and that for the sake of dishonest gain.
Titus 2:1
  You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.
Titus 2:15
  These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.
 Hebrews 13:9
 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings.
 2 Peter 2:1-3
 1.  But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves.
 2.  Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.
 3.  In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
2 John 1:10
  If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him.

55 posted on 12/22/2013 3:04:33 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: icwhatudo
Agreed. Why not spend the time and effort exposing crazy muslim beliefs instead of those who share most of our values.


'Tis the season for KNOWLEDGE!!!

“I Will Be a Second Mohammed”

In the heat of the Missouri “Mormon War” of 1838, Joseph Smith made the following claim, “I will be to this generation a second Mohammed, whose motto in treating for peace was ‘the Alcoran [Koran] or the Sword.’ So shall it eventually be with us—‘Joseph Smith or the Sword!’ ”[1]

It is most interesting that a self-proclaimed Christian prophet would liken himself to Mohammed, the founder of Islam. His own comparison invites us to take a closer look as well. And when we do, we find some striking—and troubling—parallels. Consider the following.

  • Mohammed and Joseph Smith both had humble beginnings. Neither had formal religious connections or upbringing, and both were relatively uneducated. Both founded new religions by creating their own scriptures. In fact, followers of both prophets claim these scriptures are miracles since their authors were the most simple and uneducated of men.[2]

  • Both prophets claim of having angel visitations, and of receiving divine revelation to restore pure religion to the earth again. Mohammed was told that both Jews and Christians had long since corrupted their scriptures and religion. In like manner, Joseph Smith was told that all of Christianity had become corrupt, and that consequently the Bible itself was no longer reliable. In both cases, this corruption required a complete restoration of both scripture and religion. Nothing which preceded either prophet could be relied upon any longer. Both prophets claim they were used of God to restore eternal truths which once existed on earth, but had been lost due to human corruption.

  • Both prophets created new scripture which borrowed heavily from the Bible, but with a substantially new “spin.” In his Koran, Mohammed appropriates a number of Biblical themes and characters—but he changes the complete sense of many passages, claiming to “correct” the Bible. In so doing he changes many doctrines, introducing his own in their place. In like manner, Joseph Smith created the Book of Mormon, much of which is plagiarized directly from the King James Bible. Interestingly, the Book of Mormon claims that this same Bible has been substantially corrupted and is therefore unreliable. In addition, Joseph Smith went so far as to actually create his own version of the Bible itself, the “Inspired Version,” in which he both adds and deletes significant portions of text, claiming he is “correcting” it. In so doing he also changes many doctrines, introducing his own in their place.

  • As a part of their new scriptural “spin,” both prophets saw themselves as prophesied in scripture, and both saw themselves as a continuation of a long line of Biblical prophets. Mohammed saw himself as a continuation of the ministry of Moses and Jesus. Joseph Smith saw himself as a successor to Enoch, Melchizedek, Joseph and Moses. Joseph Smith actually wrote himself into his own version of the Bible—by name.

  • Both prophets held up their own scripture as superior to the Bible. Mohammed claimed that the Koran was a perfect copy of the original which was in heaven. The Koran is therefore held to be absolutely perfect, far superior to the Bible and superceding it. In like manner, Joseph Smith also made the following claim. “I told the Brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding its precepts, than by any other book.”[3]

  • Despite their claim that the Bible was corrupt, both prophets admonished their followers to adhere to its teachings. An obvious contradiction, this led to selective acceptance of some portions and wholesale rejection of others. As a result, the Bible is accepted by both groups of followers only to the extent that it agrees with their prophet’s own superior revelation.

  • Both Mohammed and Joseph Smith taught that true salvation was to be found only in their respective religions. Those who would not accept their message were considered “infidels,” pagans or Gentiles. In so doing, both prophets became the enemy of genuine Christianity, and have led many people away from the Christ of the Bible.

  • Both prophets encountered fierce opposition to their new religions and had to flee from town to town because of threats on their lives. Both retaliated to this opposition by forming their own militias. Both ultimately set up their own towns as model societies.

  • Both Mohammed and Joseph Smith left unclear instructions about their successors. The majority of Mohammed’s followers, Sunni Muslims, believe they were to elect their new leader, whereas the minority, Shiite Muslims, look to Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib, whom they consider Divinely appointed, as the rightful successor to Muhammad, and the first imam. (Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad). Similarly, the majority of Joseph Smith's followers, Mormons, believed their next prophet should have been the existing leader of their quorum of twelve apostles, whereas the minority, RLDS, believed Joseph Smith's own son should have been their next prophet. Differences on this issue, and many others, have created substantial tension between these rival groups of each prophet.

  • Mohammed taught that Jesus was just another of a long line of human prophets, of which he was the last. He taught that he was superior to Christ and superceded Him. In comparison, Joseph Smith also made the following claim.

“I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him, but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet.”[4] In light of these parallels, perhaps Joseph Smith's claim to be a second Mohammed unwittingly became his most genuine prophecy of all.

[1] Joseph Smith made this statement at the conclusion of a speech in the public square at Far West, Missouri on October 14, 1838. This particular quote is documented in Fawn M. Brodie, No Man Knows My History, second edition, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1971), p. 230–231. Fawn Brodie’s footnote regarding this speech contains valuable information, and follows. “Except where noted, all the details of this chapter [16] are taken from the History of the [Mormon] Church. This speech, however, was not recorded there, and the report given here is based upon the accounts of seven men. See the affidavits of T.B. Marsh, Orson Hyde, George M. Hinkle, John Corrill, W.W. Phelps, Samson Avard, and Reed Peck in Correspondence, Orders, etc., pp. 57–9, 97–129. The Marsh and Hyde account, which was made on October 24, is particularly important. Part of it was reproduced in History of the [Mormon] Church, Vol. III, p. 167. See also the Peck manuscript, p. 80. Joseph himself barely mentioned the speech in his history; see Vol. III, p. 162.”

[2] John Ankerberg & John Weldon, The Facts on Islam, (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1998), pp.8–9. Eric Johnson, Joseph Smith & Muhammed, (El Cajon, CA: Mormonism Research Ministry, 1998), pp. 6–7.

[3] Documentary History of the [Mormon] Church, vol.4, pp.461.

[4] Documentary History of the [Mormon] Church, vol.6, pp.408–409.

56 posted on 12/22/2013 3:05:40 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Elsie

Give me some great examples!

57 posted on 12/22/2013 3:05:44 PM PST by Jack Hydrazine (Pubbies = national collectivists; Dems = international collectivists; me = independent conservative)
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To: Elsie

Did you see the /s at the end?

58 posted on 12/22/2013 3:06:09 PM PST by Jack Hydrazine (Pubbies = national collectivists; Dems = international collectivists; me = independent conservative)
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To: driftdiver
The response will be that the mormons are working with the muslims.


We have a PROPHET in our midst!

I don’t believe the Mormon religion is Christian but there are far better ways to evangelize.


I am NOT 'evangelizing, per se; but pointing out FALSE doctrine.

Is THAT permissible at A&E these days?

59 posted on 12/22/2013 3:07:33 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: skyman
Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men to Colornian and the other Mormon haters here on FR

Skyman; if you are a MORMON: tremble!!!

"Now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives, and continue to do so, I promise that you will be damned;

and I will go still further and say, take this revelation, or any other revelation that the Lord has given,

and deny it in your feelings, and I promise that you will be damned.

Brigham Young - JoD 3:266 (July 14, 1855)

60 posted on 12/22/2013 3:09:00 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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