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AP ^ | 1.06.04 | Mia T

Posted on 01/06/2004 8:12:05 PM PST by Mia T

Edited on 01/09/2004 3:32:29 AM PST by Lead Moderator. [history]




by Mia T, 1.06.04




The mind of the bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

"She might have called him a bastard. I wouldn't rule that out. She's never claimed that she was pure on profanity. But I've never heard her tell a joke with an ethnic connotation. She's so fanatic about it. She can't tell an ethnic joke. It's not in her."

Bill Clinton, in a call to
the New York Daily News
17 July 2000



hen bill clinton offered up his "ethnic joke" non sequitur, unsolicited, to the New York Daily News, he doubtless never imagined that it would in fact be an ethnic joke by the wife that would ultimately do them in.

If the purpose of the call to the New York Daily News was single-minded -- to save the wife from certain defeat ("f---ing Jew bastard" was not going over well with the crucial Jewish vote), the purpose of the non sequitur was twofold -- (1) to recast the wife's vicious anti-Semitic slur as a (relatively) common, (relatively) benign "ethnic joke" and (2) to argue implicitly (if fallaciously) that if the wife is viscerally unable to tell an ethnic joke, then, according to clinton deconstructionist logic, it follows that the wife is viscerally unable to utter a vicious anti-Semitic slur. Casuistry in the service of clinton revisionism....


hillary talks: On Ethnic Slurs

(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)

missus clinton's REAL virtual office update


tesselations of the planet...

ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton apologized for joking that Mahatma Gandhi used to run a gas station in St. Louis, saying it was "a lame attempt at humor."

The New York Democrat made the remark at a fund-raiser Saturday. During an event here for Senate candidate Nancy Farmer, Clinton introduced a quote from Gandhi by saying, "He ran a gas station down in St. Louis."

After laughter from many in the crowd of at least 200 subsided, the former first lady continued, "No, Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader of the 20th century." In a nod to Farmer's underdog status against Republican Sen. Kit Bond, Clinton quoted the Indian independence leader as saying: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

The director of a U.S. center devoted to Gandhi's teachings said the remarks amounted to stereotyping and were insensitive.

After being approached by The Associated Press to clarify the remarks, Clinton suggested in a statement late Monday that she never meant to fuel the stereotype - often used as a comedic punch line - that certain ethnic groups run America's gas stations.

"I have admired the work and life of Mahatma Gandhi and have spoken publicly about that many times," Clinton said. "I truly regret if a lame attempt at humor suggested otherwise."

Michelle Naef, administrator of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, a Memphis, Tenn.-based organization founded in 1991 by a Gandhi grandson, credited Clinton and her husband, former President Clinton, with long having "supported the Gandhi message." But she said Saturday's remarks "could be incredibly harmful."

"I don't think she was, in any way, trying to demean Mahatma Gandhi," Naef said. "To be generous to her, I would say it was a poor attempt at humor. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive, but I find it offensive when people use stereotypes in that way."

WINS News | 1/6/04
Associated Press Writer

"I was there and [Hillary] never said it [*f---ing Jew bastard]. In 29 years, my wife has never, ever uttered an ethnic or racial slur against anybody, ever."

Bill Clinton,
in a call to the New York Daily News
17 July 2000

"She's so straight on this, she squeaks."

Bill Clinton,
in a call to the New York Daily News
17 July 2000

"She might have called him a bastard. I wouldn't rule that out. She's never claimed that she was pure on profanity. But I've never heard her tell a joke with an ethnic connotation. She's so fanatic about it. She can't tell an ethnic joke. It's not in her."

Bill Clinton,
in a call to the New York Daily News
17 July 2000

*"Hillary hit him between the eyes. She was angrier than Paul had ever seen her. 'You f---ing Jew bastard!' she screamed."

author Jerry Oppenheimer
quoting campaign aide Paul Fray
State of a Union
(New York: Harper-Collins, 2000) p. 153

clintonism and the theology of contempt

by Mia T, November 2000 (sometime before the-first-Tuesday-after-the-first-Monday)


"I view Hillary Clinton as a great danger to Jews if she is elected."

former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir
Jewish Press, July 2000

I... underestimated the propensity of my people for narrow-mindedness and self-destruction (the Jewish vote for Mrs. Clinton was about 70%)....

Some anti-Semitism is irrational, founded in ignorance, as in Hillary's case....

But other forms of anti-Semitism can be earned, giving folks legitimate grievances against a people because they do crazy things like EXTEND HILLARY CLINTON'S POLITICAL LIFE!

This is not to cast the entire blame on Jewish New Yorkers; they alone couldn't have elected her. In my initial optimism, I equally underestimated the urban pseudo-intellectual's high-mindedness, as well as the Everyman's yearning for celebrity in his midst.

Julia Gorin, Getting used to Hillary
Jewish World Review
Nov. 27, 2000 / 29 Mar-Cheshvan, 5761


Let us hope that the rabbi's question was merely rhetorical. . . Let us hope that Rabbi Potasnik, and by extension, New York Jews, are not as credulous and obsequious and passive as they appear. . .

The simple answer to the rabbi's question is that the corrupt, self-serving, anti-Semitic, power-hungry harpy cannot be trusted.

Weren't we to never forget?

The Holocaust must remain, for Jew and Gentile alike, a constant reminder that mass credulity and obsequiousness and passivity are necessary for the demagogue to prevail.

To remember that six million Jews died in the Holocaust is to understand that centuries of anti-Semitic attitudes made this horror possible. We must ask ourselves what role our society played through the centuries that in any way contributed to the atmosphere that made such a genocide even thinkable.

Which brings me to the clintons and clintonism. . .

Senator Patrick Moynihan proffered one of the more incisive operant definitions of clintonism -- "defining deviancy down."

Defining deviancy down, indeed.

clintonism has made personal and public perversions, personal and public predations, not merely thinkable, not merely acceptable, but de rigueur. Watch us spin.

clintonism is the theology of contempt. Not only toward "f***ing Jew-bastards," or "dumb n***ers" or "extra-chromosome right-wingers" but toward any of us whose ideas are different from those of the clintons, Gore, and their acolytes.

So the real question to be answered is this:

"What fair-minded, clear-thinking person would want to continue

with its theology of contempt?

What fair-minded, clear-thinking person would vote for hillary clinton or Al Gore?" 

EPILOGUE: November 2003

One has to wonder how much longer
the Democrats
--both the leaders of the party and the rank and file--
will tolerate the clintons,
their corruption,
their ineptitude,
their utter failure to protect America from terrorism,
their hatespin
(the ugly parroting of which is on democrat display today),
their party-decimating, country-decimating self-serving agenda,
their suffocating sense of entitlement,
their rube arrogance rooted in stupidity.

The dysfunctional twofer
has plainly destroyed the Democrat Party;
it has arrogated the Democrat Party as its own
and is now remaking it in its ugly image.
How can there not be multiple coups in the works?


a senator to Henry Hyde


 It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope.
We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth,
and listen to the song of that siren
till she transforms us into beasts.
Is this the part of wise men,
engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty?
Are we disposed to be the number of those
who, having eyes, see not,
and having ears, hear not,
the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?
For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost,
I am willing to know the whole truth;
to know the worst, and to provide for it.

Patrick Henry


In a dark time, the eye begins to see.
Theodore Roethke


But even as Clinton fails to grasp the scandal's metabolism
he understands all too well its most significant byproduct.
You can see it in his eyes.

 Once reflecting a Machiavellian confidence,
they now dart back and forth reflexively,
searching futilely for approval,
attempting desperately to dispel his own certain knowledge
that his moral authority is gone. . .
Mia T




The Curious Candidacy of Carol Moseley Braun:
an Extension of clinton drag and drop and legacy of lynching


by Mia T, 2.20.03

If a white person was walking down the sidewalk, a black person had to get off the sidewalk so the white person could walk by. There were laws which prohibited Blacks to look at white people in the eye, and a black person could be sent to jail for "assault (reckless eyeballing)."

... Blacks who dared to challenge the rules were lynched by the thousands. Men and women were lynched. Lynchings were public events and white men, women and children went to watch Blacks being tortured and burned or hanged... Whites literally got away with murder for killing "uppity" Blacks.

Historical Backdrop to FREEDOM SONG


"When 'Queen Hillary' walks down the hall, you're not supposed to look at her. You're actually supposed to go into an office if there is one nearby. She doesn't want staff 'seeing' her. And I know she sure as hell doesn't want to meet you or any other staffer!" "You have to be kidding me!" John replied. "No, we got the word at a staff meeting. It's true. Look around. Do you see anyone else in the hall?" John looked around and sure enough people were starting to emerge, like prarie dogs peeking out of their burrows after a hawk had flown past.

Gary Aldrich, "Unlimited Access"


"I'm doing my chores for Hillary Clinton."



"I will not go down alone."



"It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important." 

Ironically, the logic of this pronouncement by Martin Luther King would, in short order, be refuted by the fact of his own lynching. King's hope was misplaced and his reasoning was circular. The resultant rule of law relied on by King presumed an adherence to the rule of law in the first instance.

Adherence to the rule of law is not something normally associated with the clintons. Moreover, racial and ethnic disrespect, intimidation, exploitation and hate have always been a fundamental clinton tactic and the reflexive use the "N"-word and other racial and ethnic slurs, an essential element in the clinton lexicon. When the "first black president" and his wife ran Arkansas, the NAACP sued them for intimidating black voters at the polls.

But it is the clintons' refinement of the DNC drag and drop that is, arguably, the most insidious and repugnant application of their special brand of race-hate politics.

Drag and drop is a vote fraud technique by which unwitting, unwilling and/or illegal voters -- typically inner-city blacks and other minorities -- are literally dragged into the voting booth and told where to mark the "x" -- often multiple times per election. Drag and drop does not merely undermine and corrupt our system of government. Drag and drop is not merely illegal and exploitive.

Drag and drop is racist and dehumanizing.

Calculating a black man's worth to be 5/3 of a vote is no less racist, and arguably more so, than calculating his worth to be 3/5 of a white man; the latter is demeaning, but the former is dehumanizing.

In the senate race against Rick Lazio, it is widely understood that the drag and drop, (followed by the OLD ANGLE / NEW SQUARE / OVAL OFFICE SCHEME ) was clinton's vote fraud technique of choice used to overcome her low poll numbers, high personal negatives and consistent public failures.



The Ron Brown death and the clinton legacy of lynching represent the pernicious endpoint, but the history of clinton race-hate politics is replete with a reflexive 'disposal' of 'uppity' blacks from to Marian Wright Edelman to Lani Guanier to Jocelyn Elders to Carl McCall...

To former Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson. The clintons' anointment of their man, Terry McAuliffe, to the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee didn't merely force Maynard Jackson to the back of the bus. It pushed him off.


Two Degrees of Segregation: Al Sharpton, Donna Brazile, Carol Moseley Braun and the clintons

The announcement that intellectual and ethical lightweight, Carol Moseley Braun intends to run for president raises the same fundamental question that hillary clinton's looming presence does: "What the hell is this moribund loser doing in the political arena, anyway?"

In order to better understand the easy entry of Moseley Braun into democrat field, clinton-clinton precedent (president!) and the field's increasingly circus-like quality notwithstanding, one must consider the precipitating acts of Al Sharpton and Donna Brazile.

The Al Sharpton candidacy, by definition, disturbed both the clinton calculus and literati sensibilities, inspiring an immediate if ineffectual Tawana-Brawley deathblow attempt by leftist media. Sharpton's response was swift and sure. He warned that the next time the media asked him about Tawana Brawley, he would invoke the clinton scandals and the media's apparent lack of interest in same when questioning hillary clinton. (Surely the clintons' rapes and other predations would trump this quaint little hoax...)

Sharpton's Harlem office effectively burned to the ground the next day--an accident they say--but he was not deterred. The media, however, apparently were; they quickly buried Tawana Brawley beside Juanita Broaddrick, somewhere in that dark recess of expediency called access journalism.

If the clintons wanted Sharpton out because of the sheer embarrassment of him before his salvo, they now would be satisfied with no less than Sharpton's head. Donna Brazile was to neutralize (decolorize?) Sharpton by creating black favorite son candidates in every state of the union. It seems that Brazile ultimately thought the better of it, warning that dem dissing was demonstrably dumb, that Sharpton could, a la Jesse Jackson, lure crucial black voters back into the democrat fold.

So how then to siphon off the black votes that will go to Sharpton? Enter clinton lackey, Carol Moseley Braun, nothing more than a cynical extension of clinton drag and drop and legacy of lynching.

NEW virtual hillary talks movie!

hillary talks:
(Why it DOES matter...)

by Mia T, 01.08.04


(viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)

missus clinton's REAL virtual office update

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To: nopardons; doug from upland
21 posted on 01/06/2004 9:32:35 PM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: BCrago66
Actually, there was NOTHING " witty " about the joke and perhaps there's something about it, that only a liberal would think " witty ". Ya think ?
22 posted on 01/06/2004 9:33:04 PM PST by nopardons
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To: nopardons
Your unthinking hatred differs little from that of the Dean supporters who equate President Bush with Hitler. Some ethnic humour is funny, e.g., Apu, owner of the Kwicki-Mart in the Simpsons.
23 posted on 01/06/2004 9:52:56 PM PST by BCrago66
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To: Mia T
If you read "Dereliction of Duty" by Robert Patterson, he quotes Hillary calling somebody a "fu**ing kike". I've been around sailors and unfortunately racists alike, and I've only heard that kind of language from the latter.
24 posted on 01/06/2004 9:55:25 PM PST by Flightdeck
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To: BCrago66
Some " ethnic humor " IS funny. What Hitlery! said was not funny and your peculiar, vitriolic post to me, was out of line, off based, and reminiscent of a " sleeper " from DU.

I don't watch " THE SIMPSONS " ; but, the old ethnic humor, from the ABBOT & COSTELLO show,for but one example, WAS both witty and funny; unlike Mrs. Clinton's " joke ".

25 posted on 01/06/2004 9:58:41 PM PST by nopardons
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To: nopardons
Hitlery can't tell a joke to save her life. What was so funny about what she said???
26 posted on 01/06/2004 10:00:34 PM PST by cyborg
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To: cyborg
The ONLY people who found her " joke " funny, were the dim-bulb Dems, who were in the audience and a poster, here, who thinks that I'm a nut case, on the same level as the deenie wheenies. LOL
27 posted on 01/06/2004 10:04:07 PM PST by nopardons
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To: raynearhood
The funniest Simpsons was Homer helping him to study for his citizenship test LOL
28 posted on 01/06/2004 10:06:00 PM PST by cyborg
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To: nopardons
admit it.

you went blind with irrational rage at being compared to Howard Dean :D
29 posted on 01/06/2004 10:07:26 PM PST by cyborg
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To: cyborg
I admit it, I admit it gladly ! LOL
30 posted on 01/06/2004 10:09:11 PM PST by nopardons
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To: nopardons
I like the joke for those offended Indians...WHO CARES. GET A LIFE. GET REAL. OR GO BACK.
31 posted on 01/06/2004 10:17:48 PM PST by Norse
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To: Mia T
Cartoon humor is completely different than what Hillary stated. Cartoon humor aims at taking a distance from our own ethnicities and prophets, not taking things too seriously, and realizing our sins in fun ways.

Hillary Clinton's "humor" clearly aims at aggrandising herself and making fun of both gas station workers and polite Indians. It is part of her village/plantation owner mentality. For her, someone making a vow of poverty and humility necessary in order to search the truth is obviously incomprehensible (or means mental retardation of sorts), and she relegates that to castigating professions and ethnicities. HAs Hillary ever worked? No, I did not think so.

She is despicable, illiterate and will use any fabricated alibi to justify her racism and Ghandi's legacy downgrading remarks... and of course her and Billy have no legacy of any kind except for their false currency an downgrading the worth of others.

It was not a joke, it was an attempt at justification of hate and bigotry.
32 posted on 01/06/2004 10:25:08 PM PST by JudgemAll
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To: Norse
I like the joke for those offended Indians...WHO CARES. GET A LIFE. GET REAL. OR GO BACK.

From the mouth of a politician, it is not a joke, because politicians use remarks as alibis for actions. Her remarks simply promoted an insult of anyone's wish of solidarity with Ghandi.

33 posted on 01/06/2004 10:29:45 PM PST by JudgemAll
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To: Norse
You missed the point entirely and I have to wonder at what you do and don't find funny; not to mention why you think that Hillary should be able to get away with this.

This isn't about Indians, PC, or hurt's about double standard and more.

34 posted on 01/06/2004 10:31:07 PM PST by nopardons
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To: nopardons
The ONLY people who found her " joke " funny, were the dim-bulb Dems, who were in the audience and a poster, here, who thinks that I'm a nut case, on the same level as the deenie wheenies. LOL

Yep, it's pathetic. Ghandi was compassionate and tolerant. Hillary is callous, illiterate and makes fun of the weak and shows little solidarity with people sacrificing themselves for others... typical of the roughshodding Clintons.

35 posted on 01/06/2004 10:36:12 PM PST by JudgemAll
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To: Mia T
The only thing it confirms is that Hillary Clinton is a poor comedian. Everybody ought to lighten up.
36 posted on 01/06/2004 10:41:06 PM PST by MattAMiller (Saddam has been brought to justice in my name. How about yours?)
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To: JudgemAll
Well, at least most of us " get it ". :-)
37 posted on 01/06/2004 11:06:40 PM PST by nopardons
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To: MattAMiller
What side, were YOU on, during the Trent Lott debacle ?
38 posted on 01/06/2004 11:07:45 PM PST by nopardons
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To: Mia T; Admin Moderator; All
Mia-nice job as usual.

Admin Moderator--please change thread title to correct spelling of "Gandhi."

Finally, I though all along that Gandhi ran a small chain of Days Inns. Glad Hillary straightened me out on that.
39 posted on 01/06/2004 11:38:04 PM PST by litany_of_lies
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To: Mia T
Nice juxtaposition of BJ's quote and Hillary!s admitted ethnic joke: emphasizes what each truly is. Hillary a) can't deliver a joke and b) doesn't know when to make a joke.
40 posted on 01/07/2004 12:11:13 AM PST by Ruth A.
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