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Dr. Hair-plugs...or How I learned to love John McCain!! VANITY) (VERY LONG..SORRY)

Posted on 09/10/2008 11:51:48 PM PDT by jakerobins

OK I'll go ahead and warn you this is VERY VERY LONG and may lose you somewhere around the middle. But I got to eat dinner with some special people tonight. Three men whom I didn't know and my GRANDFATHER. The reason I say this is because before dinner we passed a small sitting room where some SEASONED "SENIOR" Citizen was watching MSNBC. I couldn't stand it but stood their while the two basicly said George Bush has RUINED this country TOP TO BOTTOM. Then went onto discuss how they didn't like the fellow (I use their words) didn't even know his name. But were of course going to VOTE DEMOCRAT no matter who is on the ticket! (My Grandfather calls them YELLOW DOG DEMOCRATS as they would vote for the aformentioned animal if he.she had a D next to their name. To these ladies the People at MSNBC are telling the complete unblemished truth and practicing objective journalism. YEAH RIGHT! I wanted to go up to them and explain how G. BUSH was and decent man and a good president and John McCain was also and Sarah Palin a good Stateswoman(I call her that because from her guts and actions she is no ordinary politician.) My Grandfather must have been hearing the conversation and grabbed my arm and guided me with the rest of the group along the hallway to his Retirement Home's little cafeteria as if to say just let them be. I would have been very respectfull as I respect my elders, they are ladies, and I was with my Gradfather.(Whom I admire/respect so much). I would not have said I word to these ladies in our out of his presence to upset them or make him look bad. So I bit my tounge as the already loud TV was turned up by one of the ladies, to better hear OBAMA's speach or to try and ANGER my Grandfather. He loves Politics and loves to chat with anyone who will listen! But not to make this sound like a GRADE SCHOOL report on why I ADMIRE my GRANDFATHER(The only one still living). He not only is smart and will listen to your opinion even if he thinks your dead wrong, with great patience for his turn to tell you what he thinks. He Was in the NAVY during WWII and tells me stories about how hot the ship got below deck and how they would sleep outdoors to escape the heat, but also the Sea-Sickness. My Grandfather is tough and a Straight-talker some of the stories about getting Sea Sick and the food also being home-sick. He tells me the stories without embellishment and truthfully but, also with pride and some happiness about things he'd done women in the Ports in the Pacific how they were the prettiest women he'd seen and a rare day at the Beach he'd enjoyed. I could go on about the dinner talk we had mostly politics with the guys and I'd listen to them talk about the old days. But I was struck how these MEN were once young like me(Not so much anymore) and went to Volunteer for the NAVY because the NAVY STATION was the closest using a borrowed car forget what year ford they said it was. But I was struck how these men whom my Grandfather introduced me to were WWII and Korea veterens. These men gave up their small towns and some there GF"s to GO fight a WAR ...Half way around the world because of their LOVE for this COUNTRY. These men, in my opinion, had more right than anyone to yell at the TV Ladies for saying things about the WAR and the President of the United State than anyone. But they didn't not because they didn't have any valid points to make they could argue the issues well. It is my personal thoughts I didn't ask and he didn't tell me that these ladies enjoy getting "jabs" in at the old guys. But to me a hero doesn't have to do anything epic or historic. He/She can just be an ordinary Soilder who does there job to the best of their ability becuase they know that their fellow soilders are depending on them. Also we are depending on them back home, but mostly because of their selfless duty to a country they love. True hero's usually don't talk about the WAR stories or the pain, fear, or suffering they go through because they know their buddies are going thru the same things. So it just struck me about how I know so many people who take their Freedoms and Liberties for GRANTED. Sure they will say that WWII was a just war but the INVASION of IRAQ was EVIL and WRONG! They are quick to scream their rights are trampled FREEDOM OF SPEACH if you try to disagree. I was thankfull for these soilders and the ones thru out out history who are just ordinary people, working a job, out of high school or getting married to their sweetheart. Ordinary men who enlisted and did something Exceptional! When we were attacked we had broken no treaty or invaded another country and their country "called" them to service and everyone was involved. Just struck my that as a young naive early high school kid I was sort of the Sterotypical punk. You know hate the Establishment BS...Republicans are EVil. I remebmer vividly being let out of a class so we could watch the Clinton Inauguration. I thought neat a COOL YOUNG guy in the white house a DEMOCRAT who will finally fix things. But Now I can see how little I actually knew, and I was letting people's opinions be my own without question. That's when my Grandfather would turn on Rush Limbaugh in the car if we were going somewhere. Between Rush and my Gradfather I feel I recieved a LOVE OF COUNTRY, FREEDOM, and once I understood them conservative values. I just wanted to share my opion with those who haven't made up their mind about the Election. The Independents and People who just can't decide. So (SWITCHING OVER TO RANT MODE!)

Basicly why I am Voting for John McCain/Sarah Palin. Not because it is the Popular thing to do or something the GOP canidates said or promised. It's what type of people I want in charge of our Government and the type of GOOD people McCain/Palin are showing themselves to be. Also the total ego maniacal, dumb, easy way out, life isn't fair, whiney liberals Obama/Biden have revealed themselves to be. Also... Ego-Maniacal people with a (GOD-COMPLEX)..OBAMA, and ignorant view that you have to lie to cover up have a BAD track record as RULERS. Oh I don't know Napoleon, Hitler, Kim Jong name a few. I'm not saying OBAMA is as bad as them but given enough power he is STUPID/NAIVE enough to give some future LIBERAL president power to do so! Mabey he thinks he will make the USA a better place well his lack of Morals,Character,Judgment,Experience, and Decency tell me other wise. He lacks a Moral compass, has not been in a leadership role long enough to gain EXPERIENCE or good Judgement sounds like an bad leader to me. Would you put the "Greenest"(most unexperienced/untested not Enviromentalist...hmmm on second thought might be the same thing!) as the Head of an Platoon of men/women and expect them to perform showing no prior knowledge? NO. Not in the Army...heck not even the "kid" resident right out of Medical school that is sure he had diagnosed you correctly because he knows more than you and gotten more A's. Same for the Military a person who is WISE and INTELLIGENT would require experience to fill a Leadership position. Even a ROOKIE out of Annapolis leading some NAVY SEAL's probably could take a few tips on how to "survive" a war IRAQ from a couple of "Chief's"..( a rank "Chief Petty Officer"..Enlisted). A Chief ranks below an Ensign(lowest Officer Rank) but has learned more about war through living it than someone who just got thru Annpolis and then B.U.D.S(Simply put basic training times 1000,HELL,Anvil of Pain/Stress/Fear most people men/women could handle.) (NO offense to Annapolis grads that's a tough doub't") How many A's you got in College,that you went to Harvard, Have a Million Dollars, or a famous last name doesn't matter in IRAQ or AFGANISTAN or any WARZONE for that matter. Dealing with Terrorists/Dictators/Despot's and the like is grueling, sometimes(too often)-Thank LESS job. I would want to be in the "fox hole" or on Patrol with someone who knew what they were doing and been through worse and was leading me from the Front. Not the Wuss/Know it all who is going to sit behind drinking coffee and giving dumb orders straight out of a book that are going to get troops killed. Then if a mission goes right or Patrol snatched a REAL TOP ECHELON terrorist takes all the credit, but if it fails takes none of the blame! Rather, "Dressing down" men for leadership failures or "Fouled up" plans and passing the buck. The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED states should have EXPERIENCE..absolutely no BS on that one! I think the Constitution spells it out when it states that the President should have reached the age of 35. IN the days when the Constitution was written that was old enough to have some EXPERIENCE. Either making a success of a buisness and yourself, fighting Indians(No it's called the French-Indian WAR and that's what I will call it! Until the revisionists get thru with the HISTORY book pointoed headed, Psuedo-intellectual, Liberals/MARXISTISTS like WIlliam Ayerys and Ward Churchill! I get angry when kids go to College to learn to "think" objectively and just end up PROGRAMED/INDOCTRINATED! If any of these kids learned to think they would stand up and argue with the Professor about things like calling Victims of 911 little Eichman's. They would speak the TRUTH(always annoys Liberals)!! (Have to rebut with more lies and so one the circle goes) Ask the Professor who, he/she these days it, Eichamn was and why he did what he did. Likely the answer will be some LIBERAL BS about USA strating the WAR and poor old Hitler defending Himself like Saddam Hussein. Then he will tell you about the misguided policies of the RIGHT! Argue that the NAZI's were the NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY..and they put leftist views into place with ABSOLUTE POWER. The arguements go back and forth, as you can tell I peeved quite a few LIBERAL "SELF-PROCLAIMED.. KNOW IT ALL" PROFESSORS OFF! Thank GOD for RUSH LIMBAUGH and my other CONSERVATIVE mentors!! I am lucky to have an UNCLE who was CONSERVATIVE and in the MARINES that gave me some books to read and his real life "VIETNAM" stories to learn from.(ALWAYS wanted to PUKE MY GUTS OUT!) when he told about coming home. Getting people screaming at him hystericly that he was a "BABY KILLER"..and trying to attack him(bad move to attack a MARINE(PAST,PRESENT, or even FUTURE MARINES). Men who went to unimaginable conditions and fought bravely people who were Savage, Cunning, and Well Armed. (North Vietmienes and COMMIES)Only to have to come home and see the WAR protesters and LEFTY MEDIA making them all out to be Psycho Killers and RIGHT WING nutcases. I will still say with ABSOLUTE honesty in my heart that we won the VIETNAM conflict.(Temporarily) We may have lost according to the MEDIA stupid/ Walter Chronkite. But the men/women of the ARMED services fought valiently,honarably, and while may be privately afraid still did their jobs WELL! However up on PROPAGANDA the left say it is(I have no doub't as the USE enough of it!) people can't seem to recognize it. Ask someone it they think Micheal Moore(UGHH)or FOX NEWS is more PROPAGANDA driven information. PEOPLE (in GENERAL) TRUELY SCRARE ME! Just think for yourselves check sources put in a little effort for your EDUCATION. Just because it's the "POPULAR" VIEW or ACCEPTED ONE that it's CORRECT. The LIBERALS are the ONE's who LOVE to scream it's not UNPATRIOTIC to question authority(then quietly Republican/Conservative) Authority! If your going to question it do it EQUALLY. Don't accept an answer with a STUPID answer make them explain it. It they can't they didn't come up with it on their own they were Indoctrinated! Example Global Warming is caused by man made polution/going to destroy the earth!) SCarey thought(Shocking)as all propaganda is but is full of half truths and assumptions like all "GOOD" lies. Look up some informantion not written by AL "CHICKEN LITTLE" GORE and think, DARN IT! I would stamp that into a STUDENTS head everyday if I was a Professor or Teacher. To bad I can't stand that many Liberals and wouldn't get thru the door when they found out I'm A CONSERVATIVE! Plus I don't drive a PRIUS with save the EARTH stickers and piece signs. Come to think of it I may..Just think of it as an EXTREME Challenge(Like trying to dig a tunnel across the USA with a tiny pickaxe!(SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION) Great Movie and better message no one can make you a PRISONER if your mind is FREE! And with enough determination you can accomplish what the NEGATIVE people say you could't accomplish!(IRAQ..AFTER THE SURGE). What? You can go into BAGHDAD without the fear of a bomb going off every 10 seconds. Thank that MARINE standing beside you sweating and keeping his eyes peeled while you apply your makeup! Not the IRANIANS/SYRIANS/RUSSIANS/UN ie: THE ENEMY! I have no problems with someeone saying whatever STUPID half-truth they want legally, I just hate it when they want to take away my free-speech.(Politicial Correctness) And not saying A HUGE THANK YOU to those who SACRIFICED their lives, time with families, freedom, comforts of home to PROVIDE THAT FOR YOU!! Number 1. GOD for allowing this great nation to prosper and be the BASTION OF HOPE AND FREEDOM! Secondly, for GOD Allowing us to have the GREATEST ARMED FORCES in the WORLD. PERHAPS China or RUSIA may have numbers bet these people do not serve the GREATEST cause the DEMONSTRATION of FREEDOM by FORCE/WAR. WE ARE PRIVLAGED to live in this nation and should EARN our RIGHT to ENJOY OUR FREEDOMS! You don't have to serve in the MILITARY or even like the MILITARY. WAR IS a HORRIBLE THING! BUT, Exceptions have to be made to DEAL with people who want nothing more than to kill you or strip away your RIGHTS! I'll say one last thing then SHUT UP. LOL I can't remember the person(FOUNDING FATHER) who said it but to paraphrase "I MAY HATE WHAT YOUR SAYING, BUT I WOULD DIE TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT!) That should be the quote on the back/front of some of the new One Dollar coins with the FOUNDING FATHERS ON THEM. Sometimes I wonder if they would say along side some of THE FOUNDERS OF SOME RELIGIONS. "HOW COULD YOU TAKE A GREAT IDEA AND GET IT SO WRONG?" We need to GET BACK to the CONSTITUTION trying to revise guess what the founding fathers would think or say today. NOTHING, THEY ARE DEAD! BUT THEY GAVE US A GREAT COUNTRY WITH WONDERFULL AND REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS ON FREEDOM/GOVERNEMNT. THEY WERE SOME OF THE GREATEST THINKERS OF THEIR TIME...IF NOT THE GREATEST TO TRY AND DEVISE A GOVERNEMENT FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE. THEY ALSO LEFT US THEIR SPEECHES, THEIR DOCUMENTS, HISTORY OF THEIR LIVES, and THE CONSTITUTION. You are not SMARTER than the FOUNDING FATHERS despite having the benefits of LVING LONGER, DEVELOPMENTS IN SCIENCE, or TECHNOLOGY. NOR ARE YOU SMARTER THAN GOD, WHO STILL LOVES YOU, EVEN THOUGH YOU REFUSE TO ACCEPT HIS EXISTANCE. AND LOVES YOU DESPITE YOUR IGNORANCE, HUBRIS,and EGO DESPITE THE FACT THAT YOU MAKE FUN OF HIS FOLLOWERS AND HIS SON THE TRUE ONE AND ONLY MESSIAH JESUS CHRIST! THE FOUNDING FATHERS KNEW THIS AND ACCCEPTED THE WISODM OF THE BIBLE TO GUIDE THEIR NEW COUNTRY. GOD GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO believe or not, to love and enjoy life or not, to accept JESUS and be saved from your sins payed for by his blood..or not. The FOUNDING FATHERS and EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS STOOD UP FOR FREEDOM THAT ISN'T THEIR OWN AND PAID FOR IT WITH THEIR LIVES and/or FREEDOM. So THINK I'M CRAZY or not trust me it doesn't bother me one bit..(THATS WHY THEY CALL IT SELF-ESTEEM) LOL I HAVE BEEN CALLED WORSE NAMES. I WOULD GLADY GO TO WAR AND KILL FOR THE FREEDOM OF EVEN THOSE I HATE ON THE LEFT. THOSE I KNOW WOULDN'T THANK ME, BUT SPIT ON MY UNIFORM AND CALL ME A NAZI!! CALL ME A RW, COOK-FRINGE-NUTCASE. I will still think the same way as I DO NOW! I WOULD PITY THEM AS A GOOD CHRISTIAN WOULD AND FORGIVE THEM. THAT IS WHAT I THINK THE FOUNDING FATHERS THOUGHT AND ITS WRITTEN DOWN IN PLAIN ENGLISH!! I WOULD STILL DIE FOR ANY OF MY NEIGHBORS OR FELLOW US CITIZENS FREEDOM. WHEN YOU USE YOUR FREEDOM IT WARMS MY HEART AND PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE SACRIFICES THAT WERE MADE. I WILL DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS BUT RESERVE MY RIGHT TO CALL YOU A BRAIN_WASHED COMMIE OR CLOSED EYED APOLOGIST FOR TRUE WAR CRIMINALS. SOME SACRIFICES HAVE TO BE MADE AND SOME MEN/WOMEN ARE WILLING TO MAKE THEM FOR THE FREEDOMS OF ALL US CITIZENS. A SAD CLICHE BUT TRUE IS THAT FREEDOM ISN"T FREE! You can NOT NEGOTIATE WITH EVIL! YOU WILL LOSE. A GOOD QUOTE "IF YOU THINK YOU MADE A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL FIRST COUNT YOUR FINGERS THEN TOES!" THIS IS WHY I AM PERSONALLY GOING TO BE THE FIRST PERSON DOWN AT MY POLLING PLACE TO EXERCISE MY FREEDOM THAT I AM PRIVLAGED TO HAVE MY GOD GIVEN RIGHTS! PAID FOR BY THE BLOOD AND SWEAT OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS and THE ARMED FORCES of THE USA. ENUMERATED IN THE CONSTITUTION....RIGHTS GOD GAVE...AND PATRIOTS/STATESMEN WHO MADE SURE I COULD FREELY WITHOUT FORCE SPEAK MY MIND AND VOTE FOR WHOM EVER I CHOOSE. PLEASE DON'T SAY..."DON"T WASTE YOUR VOTE" to someone WHO TRUELY BELIEVES IN A "THIRD" PARTY CANIDATE. THE ONLY WASTED VOTE IS AN UNUSED ONE!! KIND OF LIKE OUR FREEDOMS AND GUNS. BOTH OF WHICH ARE GETTING FEWER AND FEWER. EXPLAIN TO SOMEONE WHY YOU WAN"T TO VOTE FOR McCAIN/PALIN or OBAMA/BIDEN let them hear your PASSION AND YOUR REAL REASONS. THAT MAY PERSUDE THEM. I will gladly listen to anyone who will explain their views coherently, non threatningly, and open mindedly. I would just ask some ULTRA LIBERALS to open their MINDS up a little a listen to what the CONSERVATIVES have to say. You don't have to like a person to respect them. You're THOUGHTS THAT YOUR SAVING THE WORLD... BY ANY MEANS does not give you the right to SCREAM,THREATEN, or HARASS people. If you've got something to say well spit it out Coherently and if you speak the TRUTH then people will listen without the THREAT OF FORCE. If we are going to change Governent we should elect leaders who use common sense and agree with "CONSERVATIVE" values. So that if A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE seat comes available HILLARY or ANY OF THE CLOWNS FROM THE 9TH "CIRCUS" CIRCUIT COURT get that seat! The ability to "INTERPRET" the LAW by the highest court in the land is CRUCIAL to returning this COUNTRY TO CIVILITY And COMMON SENSE. WHAT GOOD IS A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SOME WOULD ASK? IT"S JUST ANOTHER PERSON IN A BLACK ROBE. WELL IF THAT PERSON CAN SAY THE "RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS" is UNCONSTITUTIONAL or PUT limits to YOUR FREEDOMS THEN THEY ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. YOU CAN BASICLY SHRED THE CONSTITUTION IF YOU CAN "STACK THE DECK" OF THE SUPREME COURT BENCH. Look at some rulings the Liberal 9th court has made and see if JUDGEMENT isn't a factor in keeping your FREEDOMS! So BASICLY I'm SAYING PUT THE "ADULTS" in CHARGE!! COMPARE AND CONTRAST.. VOTE FOR McCAIN who has shown Courage under unimaginable duress and torute. Had the FORTITUDE and DETERMINATION to make it out of a SOUTH ASIAN HELL HELL..only based on his FAITH. LASTLY JOHN McCAIN HAS THE EXPERIENCE LIFE EXPERIENCE. To me he has the wisdom of life long service to country and his BELIEFE"S AND VALUES can BRING! SARAH PALIN AS VP is not only a GOOD PICK by JOHN McCAIN(SHOWS HIS EXPERIENCE) knows who can hack it and who is just another Washington DC HACK. She also has life experience raising a family knowing how tough it is for a working family. She is tough taking on MEMBERS of your own PARTY. That my friends takes BRASS one's in my book. Doing something that will make you a PARIAH, HATED, and VILLIFIED by the PRESS/MEDIA is VERY TOUGH and shows many good qualities for a VP DETERMINATION,COURAGE,STRENGHTH OF CHARACTER TO DO WHAT"S RIGHT VS WHAT"S POPULAR. LOOK WHAT HAPPENED WHEN RUSSIA SENT TROOPS INTO GEORGIA! WE SAT BY AND DID VERY.. LITTLE.. CONDEMING THEM. The equivelent of whispering that's not right as a WOMAN or OLD MAN IS ATTACKED by mutliple large attackers and looking the other way. Or knowing a child is getting molested or tortured and doing nothing because of FEAR. YOU KNOW IN YOUR HEART.... IF YOUR A DECENT HUMAN BEING. That these things are wrong how many would risk self injury, ridicule, and worse to stop them? How many brutal Dictators could have been stoped while they were grasping for power if someone had STOOD UP for the neighbors rights and said THIS ISN"T RIGHT!! APPEASMENT AND NEGOTIATIONS only go so far. BULLIES physical and psychological depend on one thing silence. NO ONE CAN STAND UP TO THEM OR EVERYONE WILL NOTICE AND DO THE SAME! Well NOW"S OUR GENERATIONS MISSION will we STAND UP? For our neighbors freedoms and thus our own or just remain silent and capitulate? McCAIN/PALIN may not be the MOST PERFECT CANIDATES as people no one is absolutely perfect. But I do know what my MIND, HEART, and SOUL tell me that to ELECT OBAMBA/BIDEN would be to stab the America that I grew up to believe in TO LOVE, IN THE BACK. Obama with NO experience would NEGOTIATE with DICTATORS with no DEMANDS OF HIS OWN. He would be dead bring nothing to the table except Sanctions? Minimal Use of Force? Allowing our own MEDIA to paint our SOILDERS/HERO"S as RUTHLESS THUGS AND HORRIBLE STORMTROOPERS. IT Won't WORK FORCE IS THE ONLY THING THAT THEY(DICTATOR'S AND BULLIES) understand. AMERICA HAS A TOUGH JOB SOMETIMES A WAR IS VERY UNPOPULAR AND STRETCHES THE MILITARY, THE US IS CRITISIZED BE MOST OF THE "WORLD COMMUNITY" and PAINTED AS A HORRIBLE COUNTRY. But WE know it's the ONLY HOPE for FREEDOM for people of our Country and COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD! THE UN only talks and would appease and negotiate any way it could to avoid war. It will whine and argue while we do nothing Countries Stockpile weapons who say they want to wipe ISRAEL of the MAP. We don't need a PERFECT President or VP just one who LOVES america understands it's pricnciples and the need for sacrifice. We do need change in this COUNTRY but not OBAMA's LIBERAL "IDEAS" that have been programed into his stream of conciousnous by people like WILLIAM AYERS,PROFESSORS AT HARVARD, other ULTRA LIBERAL friends. THESE are no friends of AMERICA or FREEDOM. OBAMA didn't stand up for anything in the SENATE just happy to be a POPULAR TROPHY for THE LIBERALS a Black Man who speaks very eloquently, is Ivy League "Educated" Indoctronated. He has faced very few TRUE OBSTACLES in his young life true being a BLACK MAN in this world isn't easy but TRUTH and DETERMINATION are the ways to fix this. NOT to be GIVEN A HAND-UP or OUT by the Govenment. I'm not saying OBAMA is not SMART or didn't WORK hard to get into HARVARD he DID. But GOING to any IVY LEAUGE SCHOOL as a MINORITY is not a way to TEST character. We've come along way as a country that should make you proud! But Government gets in the way of people's aspirations/freedoms. OBAMA seems to think taxing PEOPLE who WORK HARD and become rich is a good idea. Or that more Government PROGRAMS to spends more and more of your money with NOTHING to shown for a RETURN is a good idea. HE is an LEFTIST probably been tought that..all his life. This saddens me deeply. If he would open his eyes and mind a "little" bit he may see what a GREAT COUNTRY we live in. Not a country where a BLACK man CAN'T but CAN DO ANYTHING HE PUT's HIS MIND TO! Calling a Black Person an "Uncle Tom" because they are Successfull, Black, Speak Well, EDUCATED, and don't hold the same views as LIBERALS I find EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE. If you are Black you may face OBSTACLES in life none of us "WHITE PEOPLE" UNDERSTAND but you can overcome it if you WORK HARD AND DON'T BY INTO THE LIBERAL BS. "WHITEY" is a myth one created by a DEMOCRAT PARTY that wants to be in power and relies on your votes. But what have your votes gotten you for the last 25 plus years? Better schools, less crime by black youth, or getting along with people better? NO>>ABSOLUTELY NOT. WORSE DEMOCRATS HAVE FOOLED YOU..I DON"T BLAME THEM THEY ARE TRICKY AND CONTROL SCHOOLS(of Indoctrination and MEDIA) outlets. Not saying anyone has to trash their views but look at what your vote is "getting" you. If your VOTE was as PRECIOUS to you as say MONEY would you be so quick as to give it away to the first SLICK, FLATTERING, QUICK TALKING< AND POPULAR SALESMAN? NO? I wouldn't either. But that's what DEMOCRATS DO EVERY ELECTION YEAR SCARE YOU WITH SOME MYTHS ABOUT EVIL REPUBLICANS (RICH/WHITEY) coming to take your money? Every year listen to the other side get more than one OPINION, listen to more than one salesman and ASK some SERIOUS TOUGH questions. SORRY this went on wayyyyy to long and kind of got into rant mode. Just want people who are on the fence about McCAIN mabey a FIRST Time VOTER OR INDEPENDENT to seriously weigh the people and not just listen to the media talking heads. Get two or more opinons from different people Republicans,Democrats, or WHOMEVER views you admire and trust. AS I have said Wasington, DC does need some "Fresh AIR" or "CHANGE" but REALLY listen to the kinds of CHANGE they would bring. Also think about the people you admire and why how they got to where they were going. Change will come to Washington, DC when people start really thinking about issues and start changing things locally first! But for NOW Washington, and AMERICA need John McCain's EXPERIENCE, GUIDENCE, MORALITY, and CHARACTER!! Not another LEFTIST who has little EXPERIENCE running anything but a campign for the last 2 years. Who may or may not love this country I won't question anyone's Patriotism here. But I will question OBAMA"S character and choice of associates and friends. (OFF RANT)

AGAIN SORRY I'm VERY VERBOSE AND KEYED UP ON CAFFEINE DRINKS(TO quote A WILL FARRELL MOVIE Don't try me MAN I'm all KEYED UP ON MT DEW!!)and sleep deprivation! SO these are just my stream of conciousness thoughts that were swirling in my head. Feel free to comment or completely disreguard. Thank you

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: bloggersandpersonal; failedcomp100; offtochat; vanity
So WOW....I just realized this is WAY to long winded and NOBODY is going to read the whole thing. Just will state basic premise here that I'm Voting for McCain/Palin because they are the people out of this whole election debacle left standing baring third-part canidates. Not bashing third-party voters I say not vote is wasted it it us used(As an INFORMED DECISION). Voting because someone tells you too is just as dumb as not voting at all in my opinion. (ROCK THE VOTE, VOTE OR DIE.) VOTING is an privalge(SP)People have shed lots of blood and gone up against all ODDS to give you that RIGHT! We should be informed voters either way no matter which party you choose. I consider it a GREAT DAY on NOVEMBER that I can get up early and go vote. Not just vote but knowing that the ARMY won't be beating down my door because of my VOTE. That their aren't AMRED MEN with MACHINE GUNS INSIDE my POLLING PLACE. Despite what some on the LEFT will tell you G. Bush is not a dictator. Those that say that I really whish could see a REAL dictatorship for what it is and live under it to understand what AMAZING FREEDOMS we have. And as BAD as the FLORIDA ballots were and the vote counters worse. (THE SYSTEM WORKED). You are still free and can say many things about your LEADERS people in other countries can not. For instance you will notice that people who hold dispicable views of the President can/and do make movies out right lying in some some with half truths and yet others just portray an puppet/idiot. You will notice the number of these Books,Movies,and Websites or TV Channels can be read, viewed,and made in the USA. A DICTATOR wouuld not allow this only one opinion can exist theirs. These people if they lived in a place like CUBA,RUSSIA, or CHINA could be harrassed by the Government beaten/killed or sent to a Work Camp for expressing an Opinion opposing the Governement or LEADER. AS Much as I like to think of that FAT KNOW-IT-ALL MOORE at a work camp or people who disrespect the military and call BUSH a Nazi being frog marched to a police station. I wuoldn't want to live in a country that had no abilty to speak freely about your LEADERS. So you can feel free to make a million anti-iraq films, or anti-bush films because although I hate them and their lies I can say the same thing about the other Parties LEADERS freely. Although it would be braver I think to call OBAMA a baffoon as you would be up-popular with alot of in crowd. But I would risk UnPOpularity to Exercise MY Right To FREE SPEACH>I can vote however I choose for the reasons I choose and answer only to myself. Abstaing for MORAL Reasons I respect more but wuold still get the same outcome. While you do get the pleasure of saying I didn't vote for that guy. But the world is very DANGEROUS and needs the US TO lead from the front someone with COurage,COnviction, and honor. That is all
1 posted on 09/10/2008 11:51:48 PM PDT by jakerobins
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To: jakerobins

Bookmark for “never.”

2 posted on 09/10/2008 11:53:14 PM PDT by Silly (
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To: jakerobins

Paragraphs are your friends. This is unreadable as is.

3 posted on 09/10/2008 11:55:44 PM PDT by AlaskaErik (I served and protected my country for 31 years. Democrats spent that time trying to destroy it.)
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To: jakerobins


4 posted on 09/11/2008 12:00:24 AM PDT by P-Marlowe (LPFOKETT GAHCOEEP-w/o*)
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To: jakerobins
Jake, please, this is laughably unreadable. I share your feelings, but you need to get a grip on yourself.

Number one, paragraphs are your friends. Try to write in paragraphs of just two to five related, coherent sentences.

Number two, capital letters are not your friends. Do you see what I did there? Italics are much easier to read than all-caps words.

Number three, few people are interested in reading any vanity longer than a screenful of text. Keep it short. Use Anglo-Saxon words before French, and French before Latin, unless you have a very good reason.

Take some of that energy and call your local McCain office. They need volunteers.



5 posted on 09/11/2008 12:04:11 AM PDT by ccmay (Too much Law; not enough Order.)
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To: jakerobins


1) Lay off the Red Bull. That stuff’ll kill ya.
2) No more caps, please. We understand, you’re excited. But lay off the caps.
3) A normal paragraph should consist of between 3 to 5 sentences. If you are Steinbeck, consider breaking this rule. Otherwise, not.
4) I am dying to know if anyone actually read your unreadable screed. God knows I couldn’t.

6 posted on 09/11/2008 12:05:19 AM PDT by Hetty_Fauxvert (Marxist Obama will trash the USA for the next 30 years. Vote McCain!)
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To: jakerobins

what u say?

7 posted on 09/11/2008 12:06:09 AM PDT by Drango (A liberal's compassion is limited only by the size of someone else's wallet.)
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To: jakerobins

8 posted on 09/11/2008 12:06:44 AM PDT by Slings and Arrows (~ ~ FREE LAZAMATAZ! ~ ~ [Shipping and handling charges may apply.])
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To: jakerobins

just a little hard to read
9 posted on 09/11/2008 12:18:00 AM PDT by ari-freedom (We never hide from history. We make history!)
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To: jakerobins

I liked it. I’m going to email it to all of my liberal friends.

10 posted on 09/11/2008 12:55:24 AM PDT by Question Liberal Authority (Jesse Jackson talks about neutering Obama, but Sarah Palin actually delivers.)
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To: jakerobins

I think you need to seek professional help.

11 posted on 09/11/2008 1:00:42 AM PDT by CanaGuy (Go Harper!)
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To: Hetty_Fauxvert
I am dying to know if anyone actually read your unreadable screed.

Somebody's gotta do it or we'll all be wiped out. Cover me, I'm goin' in.

12 posted on 09/11/2008 1:08:05 AM PDT by MARTIAL MONK (I'm waiting for the POP! It's gonna be a BIG one.)
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To: Slings and Arrows

OOOPS.....SORRY to hurt your eyes everyone. A thousand pardons upon my many energy drink+too many thoughts running through my mind at once...lack of sleep for past 2 nights= JUNK POSTING...

Will fix it when this am goes to pm! Alot of thoughts but mainly why I don’t think someone who is Republican/Conservative should have to hold their nose and vote for McCain/Palin ticket. Even without a VP pick, I was going to VOTE for McCain “without holding my nose.” I feel you shouldn’t have to vote for someone because the “other” guy is so out there both Mentally and Politics wise.

But to be very succinct. John McCain, even though he has Crossed the aisle a few too many times and “Tweaked” republican noses is at heart what I would call “GOOD AMERICAN”. Someone I will VOTE for because of his actions and life tell me about the man and his Intergrity, Honor, Life Experience, and decency. I think he may not vote down the line conservative 100% of the time and may lean a little to far on some issues but all in all a GOOD MAN. He wouldn’t discrace the OFFICE of the PREIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He loves this Country and served it well. He coninued to love his country and not take the Easy way out of a VERY BAD situation. BASICLY he has Life Experience and got his Education at the “School of Hard Knocks”. He’s got scars and broken bones to provode his life lessons..dealing with Communists(RUSSIA).

That is much better than Barack Obama, whose nice Ivy League degree is probably framed nicely on the wall to a picture of him and Reverand Wright. You know doing that community organizing thing. His MAIN experience he has been running his campign for two years and is no better organized then this. You can tell alot about a Person in Power I think by the people they “BRING WITH THEM”.

Obama seems like the guy who has to be the SMARTEST person in the room. One reason why Hillary couldn’t be his VP nominess he would feel threatened by Hillary. SO good old Gaffe a minute Joe he has had some experience at least, but for all his blustering about his IQ. I really don’t think he is the smartest man in the world and seems not to threaten Obama. So a Bad VP pick for the Democrats all in all...not someone who brought anything new to the table. Someone who had experience but comfortable being a second bananna so to speak.

I would like a VP personally that is ready to LEAD if called upon and has their own ideas(not a yes man/woman).
Palin was a great pic that made even happier to VOTE for McCain. She’s been a GOV. she is a very tough lady who can and will get things done, will stand up to her own Party if she has to get things done. Mabey not ready for the Predsidency tommorow, but a rising star.

This is what scares the left a Man who LOVES his country has Life EXPERIENCE and is honorable. It was a major thing to watch the convention and hear complete silence when the Video about John McCain came on and his time in the Hanoi Hilton you could hear a pin drop!

Real hero’s don’t go around bragging about all the “KILLS” they have had or the medals they’ve gotten. They are just average men who are called upon by their counrty to do an exceptional and sometimes seemingly impossible task. But BY GOD get it done! Then go back to being who they are regular guys at the Police Station and Firehouses. They don’t go making careers out of their Service/or self proclaimed HEROISM. ..(COUGH> I have been to Vietnam John Kerry>COUGH

John McCain and Sara Palin are exactly that to me every day regular people. John McCain is Beltway Washington,DC as they come but seems like a “Down to earth guy”. Someone who wouldn’t pull out a Purle Heart or tell a War story just to make you say ohh-ahh. Or talk at you rather than to you like a person not trying to impress you with their intellect.

Sarah Palin is about as good as they come for a VP pick in my opinion she is tough..took on her own Party Bosses,Ran a State while being a MOM! WOW That impresses me VERY MUCH! I have no doubts she can handle the job of VP>..doubt Barry would have the guts to go against the DNC.

I can’t wait for Barry Obama (the new guy) to debate John McCain! I think Barry is going to wet his pants when he insults John McCain and he gives him that stare a true “TOUGH GUY” staredown that tells your opponent your about to go down HARD..

So bring on the DEPENDS for Barry Obama, and the POPCORN FOR ME.

The Palin/Biden is going to be a worse blood-bath than a new “SAW” movie scene. I DARE..I DOUBLE DOG DARE BIDEN TO INSULT ONE HER KIDS TO HER FACE! Sarah is going to have biden crying blubering and saying sentence frangments. She is going to EAT HIS LUNCH. THEN MAKE HIM THANK HIM FOR THE PRIVILAGE! LOL

Last comment thought did anyone else think that OBAMA”S “Lipstick” on a Pig remark was as well as sexist kind of anti-cop? Refering to Sarah Palin’s so called “TROOPER-GATE” scandle? Calling cops PIGS for the Black Community? To show he hates cops also..

Crud I talk too much even when I summerize.

For any DU people out there who may stumble across this POST: YES I said “Hold my nose!” Which for anyone who has the Secret Decoder Ring from a certain cereal box knows is TOP SECRET:CODE WORD for the Start of the (VRW) Vast Right Wing Conspiricy to laumch part 2 of the Secret Campign to destroy DEMOCRAT...BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA

Using Right wing websites,Fox News anchors, and TAlk Radio..(RUSH LIMBAUGH) we will give you code words that will allow access to information we will use to INFORM the PUBLIC with the actual TRUTH about OBAMA! Using FACTS no less...LOL

LMAO...Time to don your tin foil hats boys...and cry on each others shoulders.
THIS IS NOT A TEST ....DU HAS JUST GONE TO SURR-CONN 4 thats surrender condition 4 for you in Rio LInda, you are under a code “Lavander” alert. IE: TURN TO MSNBC AND CRY WEEP INTO YOUR BLANKET AND WATCH KEITH OLBERMAN ON TIVO>

Just yankin you......Too many Red Bulls and Mt. Dews make me a little goofy. You do not want to see me post under the influence of the addictive “TIRAMISU”..not sure on spelling. Now crashing brain... not working so good....typing speed almost matching my falling heart rate

13 posted on 09/11/2008 1:12:18 AM PDT by jakerobins
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To: jakerobins

Go to bed, man. It’ll be better in the morning. Promise.

14 posted on 09/11/2008 1:27:21 AM PDT by Slings and Arrows (~ ~ FREE LAZAMATAZ! ~ ~ [Shipping and handling charges may apply.])
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To: jakerobins

Again sorry about that....Came off as a little Crazy their for a minute. OK so I went crazy from the Sleep Depro, too many thoughts, oh drinking RED BULL..yech. Tastes like well awfull anyways..yeah I should know when to say when. LOL

Who knew that much caffeine could make my fingers go so fast? Hey is that my heart baeting. Why is everything getting so slowww...or am I just typing to fast. Wow they didn’t need all that equipment to study space and time just a few hundred mg’s of CAFFEINE and poof time is slowing down things are going by more quickly.

Yes my RANT i’ll call it what it was was WAY TO LONG..Seriously go pick up WAR AND PEACE...READ it Twice and that’s not as long as my TOME or MANIFESTO. But man....caffeine/Too Many thoughts/TOO much energy/and patriotism are a heady brew.

Any way No no one could read my message..UNLESS you had the secret decoder ring from Cap’n Crunch cereal....Iit reveals secrets plans for The Vast Right Wing Conspiricy. And our code words to for Splinter Cells to start our Conservative Offensive against OBAMA! LOL Just yanking you..but seriously the CIA is going to kill me for writing this stuff. If you have the DECODER ring listen to “Rush Limbaugh’ tomorrow..the code word is HAIRPLUGS.


HAHHAHAHAHA I’m getting too weird.

Anyways decided to fix it so here goes.

OOOPS.....SORRY to hurt your eyes everyone. A thousand pardons upon my many energy drink+too many thoughts running through my mind at once...lack of sleep for past 2 nights= JUNK POSTING...

Will fix it when this am goes to pm! Alot of thoughts but mainly why I don’t think someone who is Republican/Conservative should have to hold their nose and vote for McCain/Palin ticket. Even without a VP pick, I was going to VOTE for McCain “without holding my nose.” I feel you shouldn’t have to vote for someone because the “other” guy is so out there both Mentally and Politics wise.

But to be very succinct. John McCain, even though he has Crossed the aisle a few too many times and “Tweaked” republican noses is at heart what I would call “GOOD AMERICAN”. Someone I will VOTE for because of his actions and life tell me about the man and his Intergrity, Honor, Life Experience, and decency.

I think he may not vote down the line conservative 100% of the time and may lean a little to far on some issues but all in all a GOOD MAN. He wouldn’t discrace the OFFICE of the PREIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

He loves this Country and served it well. He coninued to love his country and not take the Easy way out of a VERY BAD situation. BASICLY he has Life Experience and got his Education at the “School of Hard Knocks”.

He’s got scars and broken bones to provode his life lessons..dealing with Communists(RUSSIA).

That is much better than Barack Obama, whose nice Ivy League degree is probably framed nicely on the wall to a picture of him and Reverand Wright.

You know doing that community organizing thing.

His MAIN experience he has been running his campign for two years and is no better organized then this.

You can tell alot about a Person in Power I think by the people they “BRING WITH THEM”.

Obama seems like the guy who has to be the SMARTEST person in the room.

One reason why Hillary couldn’t be his VP nominess he would feel threatened by Hillary.

SO good old Gaffe a minute Joe he has had some experience at least, but for all his blustering about his IQ.

I really don’t think he is the smartest man in the world and seems not to threaten Obama.

So a Bad VP pick for the Democrats all in all...not someone who brought anything new to the table.

Someone who had experience but comfortable being a second bananna so to speak.

I would like a VP personally that is ready to LEAD if called upon and has their own ideas(not a yes man/woman).
Palin was a great pic that made even happier to VOTE for McCain. She’s been a GOV.

She is a very tough lady who can and will get things done, will stand up to her own Party if she has to get things done.

Mabey not ready for the Predsidency tommorow, but a rising star.

This is what scares the left a Man who LOVES his country has Life EXPERIENCE and is honorable.

It was a major thing to watch the convention and hear complete silence when the Video about John McCain came on and his time in the Hanoi Hilton you could hear a pin drop!

Real hero’s don’t go around bragging about all the “KILLS” they have had or the medals they’ve gotten.

They are just average men who are called upon by their counrty to do an exceptional and sometimes seemingly impossible task. But BY GOD get it done!

Then go back to being who they are regular guys at the Police Station and Firehouses.

They don’t go making careers out of their Service/or self proclaimed HEROISM. ..(COUGH> I have been to Vietnam John Kerry>COUGH

John McCain and Sara Palin are exactly that to me every day regular people. John McCain is Beltway Washington,DC as they come but seems like a “Down to earth guy”.

Someone who wouldn’t pull out a Purle Heart or tell a War story just to make you say ohh-ahh.

Or talk at you rather than to you like a person not trying to impress you with their intellect.

Sarah Palin is about as good as they come for a VP pick in my opinion she is tough..took on her own Party Bosses,Ran a State while being a MOM!

WOW That impresses me VERY MUCH! I have no doubts she can handle the job of VP>..doubt Barry would have the guts to go against the DNC.

I can’t wait for Barry Obama (the new guy) to debate John McCain!

I think Barry is going to wet his pants when he insults John McCain; and he gives him that stare a true “TOUGH GUY” staredown that tells your opponent your about to go down HARD..

So bring on the DEPENDS for Barry Obama, and the POPCORN FOR ME. Or does the song go “Whiskey for my men, Beer for my horses?”

Dang song stuck in my head all day.

The Palin/Biden is going to be a worse blood-bath than a new “SAW” movie scene.


Sarah is going to have biden crying blubering and saying sentence frangments.


Last comment thought did anyone else think that OBAMA”S “Lipstick” on a Pig remark was as well as sexist kind of anti-cop?

Refering to Sarah Palin’s so called “TROOPER-GATE” scandle? Calling cops PIGS for the Black Community? To show he hates cops also..

Crud I talk too much even when I summerize.

For any DU people out there who may stumble across this POST: YES I said “Hold my nose!”

Which for anyone who has the Secret Decoder Ring from a certain cereal box knows is TOP SECRET:CODE WORD for the Start of the (VRW) Vast Right Wing Conspiricy to laumch part 2 of the Secret Campign to destroy DEMOCRAT...BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA

Using Right wing websites,Fox News anchors, and TAlk Radio..(RUSH LIMBAUGH) we will give you code words that will allow access to information we will use to INFORM the PUBLIC with the actual TRUTH about OBAMA! Using FACTS no less...LOL

LMAO...Time to don your tin foil hats boys...and cry on each others shoulders.

THIS IS NOT A TEST ....DU HAS JUST GONE TO SURR-CONN 4 thats surrender condition 4 for you in Rio LInda, you are under a code “Lavander” alert. IE: TURN TO MSNBC AND CRY WEEP INTO YOUR BLANKET AND WATCH KEITH OLBERMAN ON TIVO>

Just yankin you......

Too many Red Bulls and Mt. Dews make me a little goofy.

You do not want to see me post under the influence of the addictive “TIRAMISU”..not sure on spelling.

Now crashing brain... not working so good....typing speed almost matching my falling heart rate.

WOW! now that I read back over that I should really put a monitering device on my computer. That would prevent me from PWOC..Posting while overly Caffeinated!

Sorry for all the mistakes, mispunctuation, over exclaimaition.

Basicly I just want to say I’m sorry for this whole Blame mess!!!

I blame the PuBlK SKhools and THe Reepublkans taht takes away my muny for Pravite skeewl Voiwchers.

That should cover no-one can read or decifer what I was thinking unless under the Influence of too much caffeine.

This post will self distruct and I will crash in


15 posted on 09/11/2008 1:36:23 AM PDT by jakerobins
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To: jakerobins

Try a little Lithium instead of Red Bulls and Mt. Dews.
send your rant back after some sleep and use a few paragraphs please.

16 posted on 09/11/2008 4:19:06 AM PDT by iopscusa (El Vaquero. (SC Lowcountry Cowboy))
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To: iopscusa

Yeah I can get wound up a little to much I have a low thresh-hold for Caffeine.

Some people can drink those super caffeinated drinks all day long and not be jitery.

I drink a couple of red-bulls and some Mt. Dews and I’m WIRED. I’m not manic/depressive or Bipolar whatever they call it these days.

I do get WEIRD and GOOFY when I have little sleep and too much caffeine. I tend to get a little strange...but I guess I should know my own limits.

I try and avoid Anti-depressant’s like the plauge!! They make me sick literaly and getting off them is even worse. So if they would help the side offects are far worse on me than than the benefits.

Won’t bad mouth them though..have had friends who have been helped alot by Anti-Depressants. But Dr’s hear your feeling run down, tired, or a little sad and want to write you a script for some Anti-Depressant.

I’ve tried many any told the DR these are not doing anything for me. If anything they make me feel sick and worse than before.

(DIDN”T say to DR but I would be better off with the Placebo Effects and the Mood Enhancement effect of M&M’s)
Chocalate is one the best Anti-depressants/Mood Enhancer there is in my oppinion.

So I don’t go thru mood swings but can get extremly well to be un (PC) RETARTED.

No I’m not making fun of handicapped people. But to quote Robert Downey, JR. the movie Tropic Thunder: “You never go full Retard” .....

So yeah I get hyper and teld to talk type too much but I was kind of going for Stream of Conciousness and give an idea to the reader the thoughts swirling in my caffeine addled-brain.

Mabey next time I’ll try writting in Sonnets or as a Haiku. I don’t know trying to make it interesting in content and the way you read it.

ALthough I think I”m just full of it.....YOU know what I’ll see what I can do about Changing my screen name to “SIMPLE JAKE”. LOL

17 posted on 09/11/2008 8:48:27 AM PDT by jakerobins
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