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'Gay Conservative' Is an Oxymoron ^ | February 14, 2011 | Star Parker

Posted on 02/14/2011 7:51:47 AM PST by Kaslin

CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, has been an annual gig for me for years. But this year I concluded it was not my place and I declined to participate in the various venues at the event for which I was invited.

Yes, the reason I declined was the inclusion of GOProud, a group identifying itself as representing “gay conservatives and their allies,” as a sponsor of the event.

And it’s the reason why some of the nation’s most important conservative organizations – the Heritage Foundation, the American Family Association, Concerned Women of America, Family Research Council, Media Research Center, and the National Organization for Marriage - did not participate.

The founder and chairman of GOProud removed any doubt on my part that not participating was the correct decision by dismissing these groups as “losers,” “clowns,” and “not relevant.”

I, of course, have been accused of being worse than a clown. The barrage regularly comes in from the left. But this is a first that I’ve had to listen to this kind of stuff from a group that postures as “conservative.”

I became a conservative in church. I thought I was doing okay in my previous life - scamming the welfare system, going to the beach, soaking in my welfare subsidized hot tub, treating sex as a hobby, and abortion as birth control.

In our culture today that views material prosperity as the ultimate barometer of success, the truth is becoming unfortunately lost that the evil man can prosper. And if there is nothing more than what is before our eyes in this world, what does it matter?

When I understood how the culture of welfare state materialism was destroying not just my life, but all of black America, there was no dividing line in my mind between “social issues” and “economic issues.” The only dividing line I saw was between right and wrong, good and evil.

The idea of “gay conservative” is an oxymoron.

“Gay” is everything that “conservative” is not.

The foundation of the world view that so-called “gay conservatives” embrace has far more in common with liberalism than with conservatism.

It’s a world view that is man-centered rather than God-centered. It is a world view that rejects eternal truths passed on from the beginning of time. Although the world view that “gay conservatives” choose to invent may diverge from the world view of liberals, their common ground is they make it all up.

And it is here where “gay conservatives” and “liberals” fundamentally depart from conservatives.

Conservatives believe that there are objective and eternal truths, not of the product of any individual human mind, that are transmitted through the generations. Culture is not like HDTV or iPhones where the newest model is the best.

These eternal truths provide the light in the fog that keeps us from crashing on the rocky shores where our base instincts lead us.

“Gay” is liberal, not conservative, regardless of what their stand may be on government spending or taxes.

It’s why, like all liberals, they use language to create reality, rather than appreciate that words have meaning that reflect reality.

So they have re-invented the word “gay,” re-invented the word “marriage”, and now they want to re-invent the word “conservative.”

Finally, we will re-invent the word “freedom” and we’ll put the final stamp on the idea that a free society, rather than being the path to truth, is the path to meaninglessness.

What individuals choose in private, and for which they bear personal responsibility, is separate from what we sanction publicly for which we all must bear responsibility.

A value-neutral government is impossible. The central battle in our country today is about values and how we understand freedom. It is a battle for our very soul. And, as we learned from CPAC, it’s not a struggle that is just between Democrats and Republicans.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
KEYWORDS: cpac; gays4romney; homonaziagenda; homosexualagenda; parker; starparker
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To: allmendream
Telling them they are not conservative is de facto telling them to not vote conservative.

No one said that. GOProud is not Conservative and they push a homosexual agenda. THAT is not Conservative.

So can someone unmarried and cohabitating, or engaged in frequent premarital sex ALSO not be a conservative?

Do they have special groups pushing for "rights"?

121 posted on 02/14/2011 10:03:37 AM PST by DJ MacWoW (America! The wolves are at your door! How will you answer the knock?)
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To: fluffdaddy
Well that simple distinction was lost in the headline.

I am willing to accept the proposition that one cannot be a political activist for Gay issues AND be a conservative, because you are fighting against the values most conservatives wish to “conserve”.

I reject the idea that one cannot be Gay and conservative, just as much as I reject the idea that one cannot cohabitate or engage in premarital sex and be a conservative (or a frequent self abuser, etc).

We are all sinners and sin is sin.

Sinners should be welcome in the GOP or it is going to be one lonely election day.

Advocation of sin as a political philosophy is not conservative and should have no place in the GOP platform.

122 posted on 02/14/2011 10:03:47 AM PST by allmendream (Tea Party did not send the GOP to D.C. to negotiate the terms of our surrender to socialism.)
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To: Servant of the Cross
exactly We have people thinking that they can be liberal on social issues and then state they're conservatives, they are not. Conservatism is social and fiscal libertarian is liberal socially and they're actually more liberal and communist than most Dem I know. Liberals are liberal on social and fiscal why some conservatives let the other groups into pour platform or use our sites so it's not this site when JR reads their posts. Let them have their own convention
123 posted on 02/14/2011 10:03:47 AM PST by manc (Shame on all who voted for the repeal of DADT, who supported it or never tried to stop it. Traitors)
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To: DJ MacWoW

You keep saying they, they, they. You must mean ALL of them, which is ridiculous.

124 posted on 02/14/2011 10:04:47 AM PST by Daveinyork
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To: Daveinyork
No. The point in question is that GOProud has a homosexual agenda that they are pushing and some Conservatives don't get it.

Christopher Barron, GOProud Chairman of the Board: "We are a gay organization, we only work on gay issues, we have never claimed otherwise. My God people." Aug 4, 2010; 4:04pm

125 posted on 02/14/2011 10:05:28 AM PST by DJ MacWoW (America! The wolves are at your door! How will you answer the knock?)
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To: allmendream

Well said

126 posted on 02/14/2011 10:06:14 AM PST by Daveinyork
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To: Daveinyork

why bring religion into it.
Everyone nearly who I know is not religious but think two men poking each others turds is sick and disgusting.

Then because they like getting off like that they now say they should have civil rights.
Will those who have no problem with their homosexual pals getting married also have a problem with consenting incest, consenting incest marriage?

Strange as it seems the left does have a problem with that but not two of the same sex which is totally against nature and how we were made

127 posted on 02/14/2011 10:06:24 AM PST by manc (Shame on all who voted for the repeal of DADT, who supported it or never tried to stop it. Traitors)
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To: DJ MacWoW

Their platform does not reflect that.

128 posted on 02/14/2011 10:07:30 AM PST by Daveinyork
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To: OB1kNOb

it amazes me how many still come on here saying they have no problem with homosexuals and their agenda, they hide it behind the we want smaller Govt.

JR has banned loads and still does and yet they still ignore his banner stating that this site is for conservatives and that we stand for normal families marriage etc

129 posted on 02/14/2011 10:08:17 AM PST by manc (Shame on all who voted for the repeal of DADT, who supported it or never tried to stop it. Traitors)
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To: manc

Because the reason we reject homosexual behavior is because the Bible tells us it’s a sin.

130 posted on 02/14/2011 10:08:50 AM PST by Daveinyork
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To: allmendream
Can someone be unmarried and cohabitating and be a conservative?

Should we inform them to not vote for the GOP, even if they agree on lower taxes, and a smaller government of limited and enumerated powers?

Preposterous straw man. Did you see any "Unmarried and CohabitingProud" Group at CPAC? Don't fall for GOProud's false front. They are gay activists. Gays are welcome to vote their conservative minds if they wish. Don't identify and caucus as a voting block opposed to a fundamental plank in the conservative platform though. Right now the Conservative Movement has its own DADT policy with regard to homosexuals. GOProud wants to repeat this policy too. They want conservatives to affirm them and their lifestyle. Not happening.

131 posted on 02/14/2011 10:09:32 AM PST by Servant of the Cross (the Truth will set you free!)
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To: Daveinyork
You keep saying they, they, they. You must mean ALL of them, which is ridiculous.

The subject is GOProud. THEY have a homosexual agenda. THEY are a group and practice sexual identity politics. We are NOT discussing individuals. We are discussing a political group and what they stand for.

132 posted on 02/14/2011 10:10:03 AM PST by DJ MacWoW (America! The wolves are at your door! How will you answer the knock?)
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To: Daveinyork
“No, it should be a matter of agreement between employer and employee. Tha government should have no role in this.

Gay activists want the government to deprive employers of the choice to which you refer. That's what “gay marriage” “domestic partnerships” are all about. They want to keep us from treating a homosexual couple differently from a married couple which makes it impossible to express disapproval of the former in any concrete way. That's what the debate is about. Are you with the gay lobby and for making government larger and more coercive or are you against it? The choice is stark.

133 posted on 02/14/2011 10:10:09 AM PST by fluffdaddy (Is anyone else missing Fred Thompson about now?)
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To: murron

homosexuals stole the word gay in order to put a nicer word to their sick agenda

Why many on the right call them gay and pay the lefts name word game is beyond me.

134 posted on 02/14/2011 10:10:31 AM PST by manc (Shame on all who voted for the repeal of DADT, who supported it or never tried to stop it. Traitors)
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To: Daveinyork
Their platform does not reflect that.

Dude! That's the guy that WROTE that platform!

And yes it does. Their platform demands special rights for "domestic partners". That's the polite way of describing 2 shacked up homosexuals.

135 posted on 02/14/2011 10:13:09 AM PST by DJ MacWoW (America! The wolves are at your door! How will you answer the knock?)
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To: allmendream
I agree the distinction was lost in the headline and, to some extent, in the article as well. I wouldn't have written what Star Parker wrote and I won't try to defend every comma. Like her I have a problem with GOProud but not because its members are gay. You summarize that problem very well.
136 posted on 02/14/2011 10:17:13 AM PST by fluffdaddy (Is anyone else missing Fred Thompson about now?)
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To: DJ MacWoW; Daveinyork
Click on the link in this article to the "particular attack by GOProud against long time solid conservatives" in the MetroWeekly article. Their agenda and platform is clear. It is activist and NOT conservative.
137 posted on 02/14/2011 10:21:59 AM PST by Servant of the Cross (the Truth will set you free!)
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To: Servant of the Cross

same here

There is a banner stating that this site os not for pushing the queer agenda and still some do.

every time this subject comes up there is always one or two who has to say the usual of well I have homo friends and they’;re nice or we want smaller Govt.
Ask them if they want Govt to let mothers marry their daughters , man marry his dog etc and they either say no or don’t reply though I have had a couple over the years say they have no problem with that either

138 posted on 02/14/2011 10:23:18 AM PST by manc (Shame on all who voted for the repeal of DADT, who supported it or never tried to stop it. Traitors)
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To: manc; Religion Moderator; little jeremiah
Wow, that was quick. Now I got whiplash!

Little Jeremiah mentioned in the other thread that CPAC was a circus. Spot On!

American conservatism is comprised of three indissoluble principles; social values, national defense, and classic economic liberalism. A movement that includes those who categorically reject one of those ethos is not a big tent. It is a circus.

139 posted on 02/14/2011 10:57:17 AM PST by Servant of the Cross (the Truth will set you free!)
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To: manc; DJ MacWoW; fluffdaddy; Servant of the Cross; little jeremiah


140 posted on 02/14/2011 10:57:54 AM PST by trisham (Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
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