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German Newspaper Publishes Top Nazi's Letters (Audio of Himmler Speech Glorifying Holocaust)

Posted on 01/26/2014 1:21:54 PM PST by lbryce

One black-and white photo shows Heinrich Himmler on an idyllic family outing, holding his wife's hand while his blond, pigtailed daughter is picking flowers. Others show the SS Nazi leader feeding a little fawn or taking a bath at Lake Tegernsee near his home in Bavaria.

The family-friendly, intimate scenes are part of a previously unseen collection of photos, recipe books and about 700 letters and notes believed to be written by Himmler, one of the Nazis most responsible for the Holocaust.

Excerpts from the collection appeared in seven full pages of the German paper Welt am Sonntag on Sunday. They contain large-sized images of Himmler surrounded by his family and excerpts from his love letters to wife Marga, calling her "my sweet, beloved little woman."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Germany; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: bavaria; germany; gestapo; heinrichhimmler; himmler; holocaust; laketegernsee; nazi; theholocaust; weltamsonntag; worldwareleven; wwii
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To: lbryce

No one doubts the top Nazi leaders loved their families.

So what? It doesn’t excuse them from the responsibility of their crimes.

We have a duty to ensure their victims are not forgotten and resolutely set our face against ANY revival of fascism.

Heinrich Himmler and the rest were depraved monsters responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people! This fact - not their personal lives - is the only thing we need to know about them as far as history is concerned.

41 posted on 01/26/2014 3:55:24 PM PST by goldstategop (In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
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To: goldstategop
No one doubts the top Nazi leaders loved their families.

Guess that's why Frau Goebbels had to kill her children.

Those scenes in the movie "Downfall" were tough to take.

42 posted on 01/26/2014 3:56:45 PM PST by dfwgator
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To: batterycommander

The Nazis weren’t some thing that fell out of the clouds one day into Germany. They were Germans. “The Hun is either at your throat or at your feet’’—Winston Churchill.

43 posted on 01/26/2014 3:58:59 PM PST by jmacusa ("Chasing God out of the classroom didn't usher in The Age of Reason''.)
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To: jmacusa

All Americans aren’t bad, either, just the ones on the East and West Coasts.

44 posted on 01/26/2014 4:08:54 PM PST by batterycommander (a little more rubble, a lot less trouble)
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To: jmacusa
This little blond girl is his daughter Gudrun. She’s still alive.

and still a nazi and part of STILLE HILFE a support group for 3rd reich nazis.

45 posted on 01/26/2014 4:22:27 PM PST by bravo whiskey (We should not fear our government. Our government should fear us.)
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To: jmacusa

I will always love the moment I enraged a naturalized U.S. citizen who came here from Germany & began going off about the Jews controlling world finance, media, etc.

I said, “Oh yes, the Nazis were actually Martians (Marsleute) who landed in Germany in 1933, took over the nation and led it into war & catastrophic defeat, then on May 7, 1945, boarded their spaceships and fled from Earth, leaving millions of dazed Germans asking, Nazis? What Nazis? I didn’t know any Nazis. Don’t know where they came from.”

To give credit where it is due, Churchill later said, “My hatred died with their surrender”.

46 posted on 01/26/2014 4:24:10 PM PST by elcid1970 ("In the modern world, Muslims are living fossils.")
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To: lbryce

“one of the Nazis most responsible for the Holocaust”
He was THE Nazi responsible for the holocaust says Germans who believe in Hitler. What would be interesting would be to find Hitler’s signature on any of the Final Solution documents

47 posted on 01/26/2014 4:27:21 PM PST by griswold3 (Post-Christian America is living on borrowed moral heritage)
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To: Count of Monte Fisto

This is a great book on Bormann. Read the reviews on Amazon.

Read it free:

After reading it start connecting the dots and it will explain why Germany is where it is today.

There is far too much detail in this book for it to be considered a kook conspiracy theory book.

48 posted on 01/26/2014 4:37:55 PM PST by 2right
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To: onyx

Wow. For Himmler, he says it with the detachment of, hey, kids. Guess what? I’m going to Disneyland. Kisses.
Completely detached. Complete sociopath. Completely evil.<<

The lesson of the Third Reich is that most Nazis were NOT sociopaths, but ordinary men who reverted to their most base level because for a few years they lived in a state where the normal rules of morality were lifted. Nearly all of us would have done the same thing. Like it or not, it’s human nature. Civilization is but a thin veneer that disguises our evil side. See “Lord of the Flies.”

49 posted on 01/26/2014 4:52:17 PM PST by KAESNO2
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To: yarddog

You’re thinking of Canaris, who was the head of the 3rd Reich’s equivalent of the CIA, and an anti-Nazi from the start.

50 posted on 01/26/2014 4:53:36 PM PST by warchild9
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To: jmacusa

Actually, I’ve met several members of the Nazi Party.

Just like most Communists, they joined the party to social climb. Nobody really believed that crap.

/After nearly forty years of studying these people, I’ve concluded (and teach my students):
1. Hitler was insane as a sh!thouse rat;
2. Himmler and Heydrich were personifications of evil.

51 posted on 01/26/2014 4:56:58 PM PST by warchild9
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To: elcid1970

The Holocaust began the moment Adolph Hitler opened his mouth and the German people shut theirs. I think Churchill’s comment was more an whimsical observation than hatred.

52 posted on 01/26/2014 5:04:32 PM PST by jmacusa ("Chasing God out of the classroom didn't usher in The Age of Reason''.)
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To: batterycommander

I live on the East Coast and you’re an idiot.

53 posted on 01/26/2014 5:05:36 PM PST by jmacusa ("Chasing God out of the classroom didn't usher in The Age of Reason''.)
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The lesson of the Third Reich is that most Nazis were NOT sociopaths, but ordinary men who reverted to their most base level because for a few years they lived in a state where the normal rules of morality were lifted. Nearly all of us would have done the same thing. Like it or not, it’s human nature. Civilization is but a thin veneer that disguises our evil side. See “Lord of the Flies.”

What you wrote is so damn foolish, it really doesn't merit a reply. It's bilge.

54 posted on 01/26/2014 5:25:16 PM PST by onyx (Please Support Free Republic - Donate Monthly! If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, Let Me know!)
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To: SunkenCiv

You’re welcome!

55 posted on 01/26/2014 5:36:35 PM PST by lbryce (Obama:The Worst is Yet To Come)
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To: warchild9

I’m currently reading ‘’Hitlers Furies. German Women In The Nazi Killing Fields’’ by Wendy Lower. Have you read it? I recommend it. I’ve studied Nazi Germany and WW2 history since I was fourteen. I’m currently fifty-seven. While some Germans joined the movement to better their socio/economic status, the Third Reich had millions of true believers without whom it never would have been the power it was. Many have denounced Daniel Goldhagens book ‘’Hitlers Willing Executioners ,’’Ordinary Germans And The Holocaust’’as unscholarly, but he is correct in pointing out that the Germans, and he emphasizes that that is who the Nazis were, were ordinary people who readily embraced Hitler and National Socialism and are directly responsible for provoking a six-year cataclysm humanity barely survived and perpetrated perhaps history’s most monstrous crime, The Holocaust.The German people did this, not ‘’The Nazis’’ Hitler was an egomaniac and a military dilettante but he was not ‘’insane’’. Any man who could become the sole leader of the most populous, most industrialized and cultured nation in Western Europe and compel them to unleash hell on the world is not ‘’insane’’. Diabolical but certainly not insane. Himmler, Heydrich, Goering, Goebbels and the rest of them were evil enough. It was the German people and their willingness to do the bidding of these criminals that is the real personification of evil. There is nothing more terrifying than ignorance in motion. And if this isn’t what you’re really imparting to your students you’re doing them a great disservice. The Nazis aren’t dead entirely. Evil never goes away and war, like evil, slumbers but keeps one eye open. Teach them that. And I’ve met a few Germans from that era. They’re all such liars.

56 posted on 01/26/2014 5:39:54 PM PST by jmacusa ("Chasing God out of the classroom didn't usher in The Age of Reason''.)
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To: jmacusa

I have lived on the East Coast (born and raised) and I had enough sense to move away from there after going to an Ivy League school and suffering under the Dims for my beliefs. Thank God for Texas.

57 posted on 01/26/2014 5:40:34 PM PST by batterycommander (a little more rubble, a lot less trouble)
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I’m currently reading Wendy Lowers “Hitlers Furies. German Women In The Nazi Killing Fields’’. It’s an eye-opener. They weren’t just all men who did the killing.

58 posted on 01/26/2014 5:43:56 PM PST by jmacusa ("Chasing God out of the classroom didn't usher in The Age of Reason''.)
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To: jmacusa

I just finished Hitler’s Furies, in addition to just about any other book about the 3rd Reich and WWII you you can name...two or three a week. It’s my profession.

What I teach my students is that these profoundly evil people rarely harm anyone.

It’s the willingness of individuals to kill for “leaders” that causes ALL the collective human evil in the world.

Until THEY (my students) take responsibility for their actions, we’ll never progress as a species.

That’s the lesson I hope they take away from my classes.

/BTW: visit Auschwitz. It’ll change you forever.

59 posted on 01/26/2014 5:45:29 PM PST by warchild9
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To: elcid1970

My FRiend , I’ll tell you, I’ve known many American veterans of WW2, including the last uncle of my childhood who passed away last year(he served with the 84th. Inf Div. in the ETO) and they all told me, many with anger in their voice and clenched fists how, five minutes before having just tried to kill them the Germans would throw their hands up and yell “Kamerade!’’ and start asking for cigarettes. And then start saying how much all of this wasn’t their fault, how it was all Hitlers fault and they had been lied to. Everyone of these vets including my late uncle all took great pride in saying how after hearing this bs they let’’those Kraut son’s of bitches have right in the teeth with my rifle butt’’. My late uncle’s parents were Polish so he really hated the Krauts. I remember reading a British woman journalist, can’t remember her name, who upon hearing so many times from so many Germans how much they had opposed Hitler she wondered aloud that ‘’If so many Germans had opposed Hitler then how in the world did he come to power?’’.

60 posted on 01/26/2014 5:54:38 PM PST by jmacusa ("Chasing God out of the classroom didn't usher in The Age of Reason''.)
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