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So is Carson lying about being a thug as a youth?
1 posted on 11/05/2015 5:39:41 AM PST by jimbo123
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To: jimbo123

He is quite the low-talking storyteller...

2 posted on 11/05/2015 5:41:02 AM PST by petercooper (And I was born in the back seat of a Greyhound bus... Rollin' down Highway 41.)
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To: jimbo123

Herman Cain, meet Ben Carson.

3 posted on 11/05/2015 5:43:12 AM PST by chajin ("There is no other name under heaven given among people by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12)
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To: jimbo123

It is not uncommon for Christians to exaggerate the depths of sin from which they came in order to exalt themselves.

4 posted on 11/05/2015 5:45:46 AM PST by jimbo807
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To: jimbo123

yeah - a youthful temper disqualifies him (sarc) - how many women have accused him of rape, boorish behavior, molesting them with cigars or jacking off in the oval office sink

5 posted on 11/05/2015 5:48:43 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: jimbo123

No surprise the media would be suspicious of these childhood stories. Why, they were just as eager to investigate all the tales Obama told about his youth, weren’t they?

6 posted on 11/05/2015 5:49:28 AM PST by madprof98
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To: jimbo123

CNN did not make Ben Carson. I doubt they can break him.

The premise of this piece is weak as water. It states that “everybody would have known.” That assumption cannot be proven.

8 posted on 11/05/2015 5:52:36 AM PST by don-o (I am Kenneth Carlisle - Waco 5/17/15)
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To: jimbo123

If I had a child with a brain tumor there is nobody in this world I’d rather have operating on them than Ben Carson. But there is no way I want him as president of the United States.

10 posted on 11/05/2015 5:55:28 AM PST by DoodleDawg
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To: jimbo123

“.....attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes....”

Wonder if hammer control would be more appropriate in cities or in rural areas? Perhaps only rubber or rawhide mallets should be allowed in those areas where regular hammers are banned.

12 posted on 11/05/2015 6:02:02 AM PST by Carthego delenda est
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To: jimbo123

What I find interesting is the “media” think Carson is exaggerating his own personal darkness. Meanwhile, they twist themselves into the wildest contortions to paint the Clintons and Obamas as sainted beings.

13 posted on 11/05/2015 6:04:36 AM PST by ScottinVA (If you're not enraged...why?)
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To: jimbo123
nine friends, classmates and neighbors who grew up with Carson told CNN they have no memory of the anger or violence the candidate has described.

Oh, please... we've read countless stories in which the acts of even the most violent among us are met with complete surprise by friends and family who "never had any idea" such acts would happen. People deal with personal demons all the time, out of sight of those who believe they know them.

18 posted on 11/05/2015 6:09:08 AM PST by ScottinVA (If you're not enraged...why?)
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To: jimbo123

Somehow it wouldn’t surprise me if I learned that CNN only used the interviews that ripped Carson. Most of these people only say they went to the same schools or they ‘knew’ him. They don’t say they were his friends.

19 posted on 11/05/2015 6:09:21 AM PST by originalbuckeye ("In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell)
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To: jimbo123
A tale of...


I stopped reading there.

27 posted on 11/05/2015 6:29:56 AM PST by C210N (When people fear government there is tyranny; when government fears people there is libertye)
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To: jimbo123

When will Carson fire and repudiate that lunatic Armstrong Williams who has written that he wants tax payers to pay Nation of Islam thugs to patrol Chicago?

Not saying Carson said this, but allowing Williams to stay on show very questionable managerial skills.

29 posted on 11/05/2015 6:34:24 AM PST by jmaroneps37 (Conservatism is truth. Liberalism is lies.)
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To: jimbo123

And 60% of Americans think Carson is more trust worthy.

Makes sense, too many trust worthy idiots out there.

31 posted on 11/05/2015 6:37:25 AM PST by Daniel Ramsey (Trump to win! He wins, we win, the nation wins!)
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To: jimbo123

Ben Carson: Black, Brilliant, and Intolerable

By: Jeffrey Lord | May 6th, 2015

This is a circus. It’s a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree. - Federal Judge Clarence Thomas on the events surrounding his confirmation hearings to the U.S. Supreme Court (1991)

Here we go again. The rope is out. The word is out. It’s official.

Ben Carson is set to become the new Clarence Thomas. Don’t believe me? Check it out here at the Washington Post, where the headline reads:

As Ben Carson bashes Obama, many blacks see a hero’s legacy fade

This liberal media’s Carson takedown begins like this:

The black man courting crowds of white conservatives doesn’t seem like the same guy that H. Westley Phillips once idolized. Phillips still relishes the day he heard Ben Carson inspire minority students at Yale University with his story of persistence. He can still feel the nervous anticipation he had while waiting in line to shake Carson’s hand. ...For many young African Americans who grew up seeing Carson as the embodiment of black achievement — a poor inner-city boy who became one of the world’s most accomplished neurosurgeons — his emergence as a conservative hero and unabashed critic of the United States’ first black president has been jarring.

Over in the New York Times, the Carson presidential candidacy story was portrayed as follows:

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ben Carson?

Dr. Carson is no longer a serious man; he’s a problem, said the Times:

In 2011, Carson’s politics took a strident turn, mirroring that of many in his party during the Obama years. America the Beautiful, his sixth book, which he wrote with Candy Carson, his wife of 39 years, included a get-tough-on-illegal-immigration message and offered anti-establishment praise for the Tea Party. It suggested that blacks who voted for Obama only because he was black were themselves practicing a form of racism. (Earlier this year he admitted to Buzzfeed that portions of the book were lifted directly from several sources without proper attribution.) His prayer-breakfast performance in 2013, and the extremity of his remarks in the months afterward (Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery; the United States is very much like Nazi Germany; allowing same-sex marriage could lead to allowing bestiality), left some of his old friends bewildered

Got that? So now the one-time icon of many African-Americans is nothing but an Obama-bashing, strident nut job. But wait! The New Yorker, that bastion of liberal elitism, has its own take. Their headline:

Ben Carson, Paranoid

This jewel of elitist thought, after labeling Carson guilty of crackpottery declared:

Carson is a black representative and standard-bearer, not for conservatives but for paranoid Americans.

By now this is the kind of treatment of conservatives who happen to be black – or female or Hispanics or any other minority escapee from the liberal plantation – that has become tiresomely familiar. Justice Thomas was, in retrospect, merely the first and most celebrated to get this treatment. African-Americans, you see, are supposed to be liberals. They are the field hands of the liberal plantation. If they’re not? If they have the audacity to escape the conceptual plantation and think for themselves? Then the deluge of personal insults and racial slurs begins. As is happening right now with Dr. Carson, who has as of this week officially declared his candidacy for president.

Imagine if Ben Carson were a liberal. It takes no imagination to realize the accolades that would be coming his way.

Imagine if Ben Carson were a liberal. It takes no imagination to realize the accolades that would be coming his way. If Carson was saying that to use the word thug is the same as using the n-word? If he wanted a huge stimulus like the Obama 2009 stimulus? If he believed in same-sex marriage? If, like Jay Z, he was a friend and supporter of Obama? If all that were added to his sterling career credentials he would be a lock for the 2016 Democratic ticket, either at the top or as Hillary’s running mate if he didn’t defeat her outright.

But Carson is a conservative. He believes in traditional marriage. He wants to cut the corporate tax rate. He is deeply opposed to political correctness. He asks whether we are Judeo-Christian or not? He mocks socialism. And stands for more – much more.

This from a Yale educated black neuro-surgeon? Ben Carson hasn’t just betrayed his race – he’s betrayed his class. And don’t think class has nothing to do with this.

Back in the 1930s, liberals of the day loved to say the reason the wealthy, Harvard-educated Franklin Roosevelt was so despised in some quarters was because he had betrayed his class. Notes historian H.W. Brands: The wealthy denounced him for having betrayed the class of his birth. Time magazine devoted a lead article to the burning bitterness the better-off felt for Roosevelt.

This type of sentiment has never vanished – except that now the shoe is on the other foot. If you are wealthy in America today, not to mention if you have benefitted from an Ivy League education, you are expected to be a liberal. Without question a reason for the fierce, bitter resentment the American Left has for George W. Bush is because he is from a deeply Eastern Establishment family of wealth and is a graduate not just of Yale but of Harvard as well. Had Bush been a liberal he would today be right up there in Bill Clinton territory with his popularity in the media and with liberal elites. But Bush went in the opposite direction – and when he ran for president in 2000 out tumbled tales of his contempt for the liberal elites who populated Yale when he was a student there. In short – like fellow Yalie Ben Carson – George Bush was a traitor to his class – the class of liberal elitism. And the betrayed Left would make it a point to see that he got what was coming to him.

Another factor in the Carson entry is that the media elites in the New York-Washington axis spend so much time talking and socializing with each other. Over at National Review, Jim Geraghty captured the problem exactly. Reporting from Nashville where he was covering the recent NRA convention that was attended by a flock of prospective GOP presidential candidates, Geraghty wrote:

A lot of members of the media who are covering the GOP presidential candidates have exceptionally little in common with the voters who will select the Republican nominee. Thus, when the Republican candidates make their pitch to grassroots conservatives, the hot-take instant analysis from the big media voices usually concludes that the pitch was a belly flop. But the GOP candidates aren’t trying to win votes in the New York and D.C. newsrooms, and in a spectacular failure of empathy and understanding, a lot of reporters simply can’t grasp the hopes, fears, and priorities of GOP-leaning voters in places like Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina . . . and Tennessee.

Geraghty is right. And his description helps explain the hostile media reaction to Carson’s announcement.

Decades ago, in the aftermath of the 1972 election in which Richard Nixon carried 49 states against uber-liberal Senator George McGovern, studies showed that 80% of the media had voted for McGovern while 60% of the country had voted for Nixon. Famously in the day was the story of the New Yorker’s powerful and celebrated film critic, the liberal Pauline Kael. Kael who, according to the New Yorker itself, said of those Nixon voters that were a distinct majority of her fellow Americans:

I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them.

Ben Carson, to these people, is not a candidate but an affront. A personal insult. After all, an educated black man is supposed to think like, well, Barack Obama.

A lot of the people writing these Carson stories are, in one form or another, precisely of the snot-nosed urban progressive type of which Geraghty speaks. They look at Carson and see what they know – black, Yale, professional superstar – then hear what he’s saying and are utterly unable to relate.

What Ben Carson sounds like to them is their imagined version of the eternal liberal bogeyman: the basic white, all-too-often Southern bigoted ignoramus. Ben Carson, to these people, is not a candidate but an affront. A personal insult. After all, an educated black man is supposed to think like, well, Barack Obama.

This problem is not limited to Ben Carson either. At the root of liberal criticisms of Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Donald Trump – just as it was with Ronald Reagan – is that each in their own fashion have offended the liberal notion of who these people should be. Fiorina is betraying the idea that all women are liberals. Cruz and Rubio are betraying their Hispanic heritage. And then there’s the Trump, he the TV celebrity Manhattan-ite billionaire with the degree from Wharton, who says everything conservative anybody from the heart of the elitist beast must never, ever say, much less believe. Each in their own way, like Ben Carson, is seen as a traitor to their gender, race and, as mentioned, their class.

There is a long way to go in the 2016 campaign. But even as the starting gun sounds and the candidates begin their long runs, the media is determined to paint portraits of these people – and the black Ben Carson is at the top of this list – as extremist wackos well outside the mainstream of America.

In the words of Justice Clarence Thomas, what lies in store for Ben Carson is nothing less than another high-tech lynching for an uppity black man who has the audacity to disagree with the masters and mistresses of the liberal plantation.

34 posted on 11/05/2015 6:47:26 AM PST by HarleyLady27 (I have such happy days, and hope you do too!!!)
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To: jimbo123
At the core of his narrative of spiritual redemption are his acts of violence as an angry young man - stabbing, rock throwing, brick hurling and baseball bat beating - that preceded Carson's sudden transformation into the composed figure who stands before voters today.

My primary concern about Ben Carson is that he doesn't have any of that left in him. Right about now I think the nation needs a President who has the gumption to give a baseball-bat-beating when it is needed.

Carson strikes me as too nice. What we need is a mean sonofab*tch. I'm worried that Carson won't be mean when he needs to be mean.

Finding the Lord and living a Christian life is all good and everything, but sometimes you need an Attila the Hun or a Genghis Khan.

39 posted on 11/05/2015 7:14:21 AM PST by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: jimbo123

Re: “So is Carson lying about being a thug as a youth?”

I take Dr Carson at his word until there is definitive evidence otherwise. When the source for questioning his account is CNN, color me skeptical of their version of events.

I heard several things lately about him that casts him in a negative light, and some of them are troubling, if true. But what occurs to me is all the crap said about every potential conservative candidate at every presidential political season since Reagan ran against Carter - namely that the message from the media is they are all idiots, liars, loose cannons, and have some strange ideas - in other words Reagan’s a wack job, Cruz, Carson, Trump, - all wack jobs. They do this all the time.

I DO know that CNN lies about people and events when it suits their purpose, and the same goes for all the other mainstream media.

So, I’m not saying Ben Carson is not a liar, and, everything being said against him may be true, but I haven’t seen that definitive evidence from reputable conservative sources yet - and remember, all this kind of scrutiny will be leveled at any GOP candidate when they begin to rise toward the top. Take it all with a grain of salt when the source is the mainstream media.

The mainstream media WANTS to create doubt on the conservative side - that’s their role as shills for the DNC.

40 posted on 11/05/2015 7:14:57 AM PST by rusty schucklefurd
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