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Clinton's Performance Was Great, But I'll Tell You the Real Story of Bill and Hillary
Rush ^ | July 27, 2016 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 07/27/2016 1:28:12 PM PDT by Kaslin


RUSH: And you heard a story last night, by the way, that I don't believe. I don't believe much of what he said. It was a great performance. That was a fabulous performance. It wasn't a speech. It was a performance.

And we would be fools to sit here and nitpick it and, you know, start asking questions about how effective it's gonna be. It was great. There was no question. It was a story, and I don't think very much of it actually happened the way he spelled it out. I think I know what happened here. I mean, for example, why in the world would you ever cheat on such a wonderful woman? Hillary is the most cheated-on woman in America, but why would you? After telling a story of her like that, why in the world would you ever cheat on her?

What could you be thinking? Why would you ever put at risk a relationship with such a dreamboat? I mean, that woman that he talked about, that's the answer to everybody's prayers last night. And he's out there, I mean, running around on her like you can't believe. Why didn't he mention that, by the way? Why didn't he mention all the philandering and say, "You know what? I've made some mistakes here, and I regret so much of it.

"Some of it I don't, actually. But I regret some of it." But he didn't go there. Somebody sent me a note last night. I figure this is going around Twitter. You want to hear the note? Just gotta tell you what the note is. The note was: "Tonight is the only time I would have believed it if Bill Clinton had actually said, 'I never had sex with that woman. Not a single time. Never.'" I about spit my Diet Coke out when I got that note. I said, "Ho-ho!"

And then I figured social media is not buying this. And I've done some research and I have found out that social media isn't buying it at all. One of the concerns that I had when I was watching... You know, I have said over the years that Millennial generation -- and it's just a generational thing. They don't know. They don't know the Democrat Party of the nineties 'cause they weren't alive or they weren't old enough to pay attention.

And they don't know the Clintons of the nineties, and it's always been speculated that once Millennial females learn the stories of the nineties, that they're not gonna have anything to do with Hillary. This generation -- maybe not the subsequent generation, but second generation since the Clinton nineties -- there's nothing that Bill Clinton did that was cool to them, nothing that Clinton did. Nothing was cool. Clinton was the epitome of cool for all of us. Well, I mean, to Democrats of our age.

Watch Bill Clinton's full speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention

But I wonder last night how many Millennials watching that speech who don't know Hillary and don't know the Bill of the nineties that we know, I wonder how many of them bought into it? They have to stop and consider this. Remember, we've gotta all watch these conventions differently now than we used to because we have to watch all these speeches with the sad, shocking reality that there is a sizable percentage of people watching are buying every word of it.

They're supporting every word of it, eating it up, and wanting more of it. That's a stark difference in the way I used to watch these guys 30 years ago and 35. I knew some people did, but I never worried there were anywhere near 50% of the country supporting this lunacy. But we're near that now, so we have to watch this stuff with a different perspective.


RUSH: Okay. Millennials. Millennial women in particular. I'm gonna give you people time to spread the word to them. Tell 'em I really want 'em to tune in during the next five minutes or so. I'm gonna tell 'em the real story of how Bill met Hillary. I'm gonna tell the real story of how Bill and Hillary ended up as they are. I don't know how they met. I think I have a pretty good idea, but how they met's not the deal. Going to Illinois, that's... None of that's important. None of that's important.

I want these Millennial women to hear it. It'll probably tick them off. You tell them it's gonna take a lot courage. If you know a Millennial female, call 'em and say, "Turn on Limbaugh. It may be painful, but you have to hear it." Telling them, "It may be painful," may actually entice them to tune in.


RUSH: I thought last night that Clinton's performance was superb. I know his voice was weak, or weaker than we are expected to hearing, used to hearing, but he's... You realize he's the same age as Trump? You realize they're the same age? That's interesting to note. I thought it was a masterful performance. I thought he had that audience in the palm of his hand.

I thought the premise was flawed. I thought much of the contents were exaggerated and filled with misdirection. But just as a performance, it was vintage Bill Clinton. The problem is the Democrat Party is not Bill Clinton's party anymore. That's not... The Democrat Party today is not enamored of Bill Clinton. They may not even be enamored of Hillary. But the things that jazzed Democrats back in the nineties are nowhere near the things that jazz the Democrats of today. This is... After all, Bill Clinton is the guy that signed welfare reform.

Bill Clinton is the guy that said, "The era of Big Government is over." Whether or not he meant it or not, he said it. Any number of other things: The crime bill, a hundred thousand new cops. He did everything in opposition to Black Lives Matter and the things that animate the existence of the Democrat Party today. Midnight basketball! Bill Clinton did midnight basketball. He is not looked at by this current generation of Democrats as anywhere near the hero he was back in the nineties.

And that brings me to another question: Why would he ever cheat on such a wonderful woman? In fact, how could such a wonderful woman...? A perfect 10, she was made out to be. How could that woman actually be the most cheated-on woman in America? Which she is. But, aside from that, why would he ever put at risk such a beautiful, wonderful, unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of a relationship like that?

Here's another thing: The Bill Clinton story of Hillary Clinton was 30 years of the past. The Democrats of today, they don't care about the past, other than look at aspects of it they hate. Politics is about moving forward, looking forward. Thirty years! Do you realize...? I've heard a lot of Democrats talk about how great the speech was 'cause there's even things about Hillary they didn't know until last night.

How in hell can that be? I mean, this woman has been in public, has been a nationally known figure for over 30 years. Why does anybody have to tell us who she is? And why does she need to be "humanized"? I mean, you talk about demeaning. They even allowed the media to express that one of the objectives last night was to humanize Hillary. Why? Well, because apparently it's necessary. Apparently Hillary doesn't come off as warm fuzzy.

Human? How could she not come off as human! I mean, even Nurse Ratched was human. I don't think people are interested in 30 years of the past, and I don't get this notion of change-maker. Why didn't he tell us about all the positive change? He just said that she's done it. What positive change? Why didn't we hear a word about all of her good works for the Clinton charitable foundation? I mean, you would think that's where it would all be.

But we didn't hear about it. We didn't hear one syllable about the Clinton Family Foundation. We didn't hear a word about the Clinton Global Initiative. We didn't hear a word about all the masterful, wonderful things they've done in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti. Why not? If you're extolling the virtues of the change, "She makes more change, she's done more change than anybody in my lifetime! I've never met somebody who is better change."

What is a change-maker? What has she changed? It is filled with all the cliches that New Agers and leftists glom on to, like "common sense gun control legislation." But it never was defined. Clinton glossed over a lot of things, left a lot of things out that people are gonna be filling in the blanks today, like Trump. "I kept waiting on the one chapter I wanted to hear," he said, "and I didn't hear it. I kept waiting."

"Other than that it was all boring," Trump said. "I wanted to hear the one chapter." He didn't define it. "What chapter, Mr. Trump? What chapter?" the press kept asking him. But Hillary Clinton's been around for 30 years. Why do these stories need to be told? It isn't all of this widely known? Why hasn't Hillary Clinton already been humanized? Why is it still possible to demonize her? As Maude Behar even said on The View today...

Maude Behar said, "Now finally, finally there's an alternative to all the stories of what a witch she is that Rush Limbaugh's been telling." Finally? It took 30 years and a speech -- sorry, performance -- of Bill Clinton to provide counterbalance to the theory that she's a witch? Not my term; Maude Behar's. I've never used that word. Well, I can't say that. We've had parodies of her on a broom; I admit that. But as long as we're gonna speak of the past, what did Hillary help? Who did Hillary help?

What did she do?

We were just told that she did. We were just told that she loves to do it. Children? Okay. Don't have to say anymore. She worked with Marian Wright Edelman in Children's Defense Fund. That's all you need to do know. Don't ask! If you ask, you're a boor. Just accept it. She loves children! She helped children! She village'd children. She raised children. She wrote a book about it. Is there anybody out there...? I'm telling you, this my reaction as I'm listening to the speech -- the performance.

Is there anybody out there that will point to Hillary Clinton and say, "Gosh, my life is so much better because of her"? Why aren't they on stage? I mean, if that's a big deal, why aren't they on stage? And again, I still don't understand why you don't mention the family charitable foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative. The Clinton Global Initiative is actually like a Morning Call for women all over the world. When the Clinton Global Initiative comes, that's a signal to women all over the world to come to New York.

It's a variation on the Morning Call to prayer. This is the Clinton... I mean, that's what it is. It's what it is. It's why it exists. I mean, I think it would humanize Hillary incredibly to detail how she was involved in the family charitable organization. We got crickets. We're not hearing any Hollywood people talk about the Crime Family Foundation. We're not talking about any specific details about her work on the foundation. But you know what they did last night, I thought? I thought they really, really cemented the notion -- I mean, they made it clear -- this is a 30-year insider.

This woman is as steeped and deep inside the establishment as anybody in this campaign.


RUSH: No, I have not forgotten my story I want to tell Millennial women. I'm still waiting for them all to gather out there. I sent out a request for people to call Millennial that they know. I know a lot of Millennial women who don't listen to the program, anyway, when you mention my name -- they've heard so much gunk and so many things that are not true -- they say, "I never listen to that!" Say, "You've got to." They're being told today. "You must hear this," and so forth. So I'm just waiting for all that recruitment here to work. Probably get to it in the next hour as we select a few sound bites from Bill Clinton's performance last night.

Here is George. George is in Dartmouth in Massachusetts. Great to have you on the program. You are next. Hello.

CALLER: Thanks, Rush, and mega dittos. And so I think the Millennials did learn something last night. Because I've been watching Bill Clinton, right? And he's describing how he met Hillary and the classroom the first time he saw her with the glasses and the hair, like you mentioned. And, you know, you sort of get this weird feeling he's checking her out and then all of a sudden he talks about he followed her out of class and he walked and followed her, and he almost touched her and put his hand on her and then he pulled back. And then he saw... So you start to get this feeling like, "Wow, this guy is really slick. He's kind of like stalking this woman." And, you know, you could put Monica Lewinsky or Gennifer Flowers in that scene. You start to get, like, a really eerie feeling of how slick this guy is and, "Hey, Hillary..."

RUSH: Well, that's an interesting taking take you've got out there, George. I'm starting to hear the song Smooth Operator by Sade in my mind. Mike, see if you can find that song in the Prophet System: Sade, Smooth Operator. Just a few bars from it. But you've got a good point. I mean, Bill Clinton described himself as he's "the big dog." He's out hunting, and he found something. Some woman was emitting some, you know, come-to-me smell or whatever, and he was picking up on the scent.

He was all... What did he say? "I felt myself almost put her hand on my back; I said, 'No, better not right now. Wait for it. Do that just a little bit later out there,'" and he kept stalking her, following her around to the art museum. Did you hear that, folks? That was a laugher. "Yeah, I finally talked her into meeting me. We went down the art museum." What an absolute crock that was. (music) Smooth Operator, here. Sade.

Is this the bumper rotation version or do we actually have any...? (interruption) Oh, you had...? Well, the lyric line is what's important. I thought we were eventually... I was trying to talk up the post. I thought we were gonna get "Smooth Operator." That song was big in the '90s. Okay, well, here. We got time to squeeze it in here before the break, so go ahead and let it...

SADE: (Smooth Operator)

RUSH: Here we go. Now, this is the broadcast version Smooth Operator by Sade. Seriously, I think Clinton said after she agreed to spend some time with him, they went to the art museum. I mean, that's... That only happens in, like, Cosmo, right? Guys don't really... Well, maybe some do.

SADE: He's laughing with another girl, and playing with another heart.

RUSH: Art museum?

SADE: Placing high stakes, making hearts ache. He's loved in seven languages.

RUSH: Yeah, after that let's bop off to a history museum and look at the Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals there.

SADE: Jewel box life diamond nights and ruby lights, high in the sky.

RUSH: See how they did it.

SADE: Heaven help him, when he falls.

RUSH: Think of now here Bill Clinton chasing Coke-bottle glasses, white print, flowery dress, stringy hair.

SADE: Diamond life, lover boy.

RUSH: That's his own admission. That's what he said, not me.

SADE: He move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy.

RUSH: I've got a cocktail in my right hand, cigarette in my left, and I am --

SADE: City liiiiights --

RUSH: -- smoothing.

SADE: -- and business nights. When you require streetcar desire for higher heights.

RUSH: Smooth Operator.

SADE: No place for beginners or sensitive hearts. When sentiment is left to chance

No place to be ending but somewhere to start. No need to ask.

RUSH: Here we go. To the art museum, they gotta go.

SADE: He's a smooth operator. Smooth operator. Smooth operator.

RUSH: (Clinton impression) "Yeah, I followed her. I followed her to Illinois."

SADE: Smooth operator.

RUSH: "I went to meet her family, her crusty old conservative dad and there was her mom. And, man, I could barely keep my pants up! I am so ready to go."


KEYWORDS: 2016dncconvention; crookedhillary; rushtranscript; x42

1 posted on 07/27/2016 1:28:12 PM PDT by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin

No real story is necessary...... Bill Clinton appearing as a Character Witness for anyone is laughable....

2 posted on 07/27/2016 1:42:23 PM PDT by nevergore
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To: Kaslin

How about the time BILL climbed the tree on Dickson Street in Fayetteville when he was buck naked to protest the Vietnam war!

A friend of mine interviewed him for a local radio news (remember those?) program, and had the tapes many years later. I tried to get him to release them back in 1992 but he did not.

I was just up the hill at the UofA trying to get a date with a girl. If I could have seen into the future I would have gone down to the protest and knocked that naked monkey out of the tree with a hard Arkansas chert rock!

The girl never showed.

3 posted on 07/27/2016 1:45:39 PM PDT by Ruy Dias de Bivar
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To: Ruy Dias de Bivar
-- BUMP --

Funny anecdotes!

4 posted on 07/27/2016 1:47:38 PM PDT by Cboldt
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To: Ruy Dias de Bivar

I guess the tapes are long gone?

It would be worth a few laughs at most now.

5 posted on 07/27/2016 2:14:16 PM PDT by wally_bert (I didn't get where I am today by selling ice cream tasting of bookends, pumice stone & West Germany)
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To: Kaslin

I thought he was boring as hell!

6 posted on 07/27/2016 2:18:45 PM PDT by hsmomx3 (TRUMP 2016)
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To: nevergore

That is true.

7 posted on 07/27/2016 2:20:05 PM PDT by Kaslin (He needed the ignorant to reelect him. He got them and now we have to pay the consequences)
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To: Kaslin

Love this line, “Hillary is the most cheated-on woman in America.”

8 posted on 07/27/2016 2:20:15 PM PDT by Repealthe17thAmendment
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To: hsmomx3

I didn’t even watch the video or listen to it. As a matter of fact I didn’t even watch the rat’s convention and the news about it. I have not watched Fox News or any other news, and won’t until the rat’s convention is at least one day over. I did watch the Republican convention via C-SPAN

9 posted on 07/27/2016 2:27:57 PM PDT by Kaslin (He needed the ignorant to reelect him. He got them and now we have to pay the consequences)
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To: Repealthe17thAmendment

Roger L. Simon has an article about that in PJ Media

10 posted on 07/27/2016 2:33:35 PM PDT by Kaslin (He needed the ignorant to reelect him. He got them and now we have to pay the consequences)
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To: Kaslin

I can’t blame you. It’s been a big bore in my opinion.

11 posted on 07/27/2016 2:37:15 PM PDT by hsmomx3 (TRUMP 2016)
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To: Kaslin

Having bill clinton as a character witness is like having jeffrey damler as a sous chef.

12 posted on 07/27/2016 2:43:47 PM PDT by bravo whiskey (Never bring a liberal gun law to a gun fight.)
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To: Kaslin

“Tonight is the only time I would have believed it if Bill Clinton had actually said, ‘I never had sex with that woman. Not a single time. Never.’”


I just snorted out a bit of my Diet Coke...

13 posted on 07/27/2016 3:39:49 PM PDT by Vendome (Don't take life so seriously-you won't live through it anyway - "Enjoy Yourself" ala Louis Prima)
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To: Kaslin

Bill was a rapist, cheater, and hound before they met; he hasn’t changed bit. If Hillary is the “greatest change agent in the world” how come she didn’t change Bill?

14 posted on 07/27/2016 3:42:26 PM PDT by Chewbarkah (o)
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To: Kaslin

I took a girl to the Philadelphia Art Museum once, then down to this ice cream parlor on 2nd Street for dusty road sundaes. It was a good time.

15 posted on 07/27/2016 4:22:39 PM PDT by dsc (Any attempt to move a government to the left is a crime against humanity.)
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To: Kaslin
Watch "Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal" on YouTube (19.46 min)

16 posted on 07/27/2016 4:54:58 PM PDT by Stand Watch Listen ((NOT indicted, is perhaps Hillary's one accomplishment))
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To: Kaslin

Klintoon was waggin his crooked fingah again. He’s still still a
Iiah! ...

17 posted on 07/27/2016 4:58:49 PM PDT by VRWC For Truth (FUBO & FUHRC too ...)
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