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The Chandra Levy Chronology (Update #11)
Published News | May 27. 2002 | NetValue

Posted on 05/27/2002 1:30:30 PM PDT by NetValue

No matter how compelling the information may seem, Gary Condit is legally innocent until convicted in a court of law. The public however may draw its own conclusions from news reports and interviews. This information is for research and education purposes only.

Aug. 2000: Anne-Marie Smith first dates Condit. (She explained that Condit imposed dating "rules": The lady was not allowed to carry identification, driver's license, money, or cell phone when with the congressman. Secrecy was paramount. They were never allowed to be in a taxi together. Condit sometimes drove a little red car perhaps owned by one of his staff but not registered to him and without Congressional license plates (Plate was Washington DC AJ4901))

Oct. 23, 2000: Chandra Levy began her internship at the U.S. Bureau of Prisons to complete her master's degree at the University of Southern California.

(We do not know the date that the affair began between Condit and Chandra.)

Nov. 2000: Condit talked to Anne Marie Smith about a Palm Springs get-away vacation.

Nov. 23, 2000 Chandra spent Thanksgiving with her aunt, Linda Zamsky, on the Maryland Eastern Shore. She revealed the affair with Condit, the rules of the game, and her hopes to marry him. She talked of moving in with Condit. Chandra also mentioned that she might get away for a Palm Springs vacation with Condit.

Dec 13, 2000: Video of Chandra with family. The Levy's knew Chandra had a Congressman-boyfriend but they did not know who it was.

Dec. 2000: Condit gave gold bracelets to Anne Marie Smith and Chandra Levy. Vincent Flammini, Condit's driver, reported he was present when Condit bought the jewelry. (In his August 23, 2001 interview with Connie Chung, Condit refused to discuss the jewelry.)

Jan. 2001: Levy asks her landlord about breaking her lease to move in with her boyfriend.

Jan. 20, 2001: Chandra had a VIP seat at the inauguration and later attended the inaugural ball.

Early April, 2001 Aunt Linda Zamsky hosted Passover for the Levy family, including Chandra.

April 20, 2001: Chandra's supervisor (Traci Billingsly) told Levy that her internship at the Bureau of Prisons was over and that she would not be hired. The decision was described as bureaucratic and not personal.

April 23, 2001: Bureau of Prisons terminated Chandra's six-month internship early because it was limited by regulations to 120 days following the completion of course work. She was told she would not be hired.

Levy went to Condit's apartment to explain that her internship had abruptly ended and to seek his assistance. She was upset.

April 24, 2001: Condit said he last spoke to Chandra on this date. He could not recall whether they had sex.

April 27, 2001: Levy phoned her parents. It was the last time they talked with her.

Condit called Anne Marie Smith. She described his behavior on the phone as "normal and not unusual".

April 28, 2001: Condit's wife, Carolyn, flew into Washington and was met by Gary and a staff member at 7:30 PM. They all then went to a coffee shop together.

The alleged purpose of Carolyn Condit's trip to Washington was to attend a luncheon with the First Lady, Laura Bush.

According to her Aunt Linda Zamsky, Chandra Levy had been staying at the Condit apartment a lot recently.

Levy's landlord received two phone messages from Chandra Levy, as well as e-mail at 8:14 PM. It said, "It looks like my plans have suddenly changed. ... I was just informed this week that my job appointment is up, so I am out of work now. ... I would like to vacate the apartment on May 5 or 6 if possible."

Condit had a phone conversation with Anne Marie Smith.

April 29, 2001: A security tape in a Seven -Eleven Store in Arlington VA recorded Chandra buying juice and chatting with the clerk.

Linda Zamsky, Chandra Levy's aunt, found a recorded phone message from Chandra. Chandra said: My internship is over. I am packing my bags over the next ten days. I do not know what I am going to do this summer but I have some big news. Zamsky, to her regret, did not return the call.

Condit says he ended the affair. Chandra was obsessed. Condit said he last spoke with Chandra Levy on this date. (In his August 23 interview, Condit recalled a one-minute conversation in which Chandra was upbeat about returning to California.)

Condit had a phone conversation with Anne Marie Smith. There was nothing unusual about it.

April 30, 2001: Levy was last seen canceling her membership at the Washington Sports Club on Connecticut Avenue NW. She entered the gym at 7:26 p.m. and left about 8:30 p.m. The manager reports that she was "the same as always. Very upbeat, very friendly, always smiling." Chandra worked out faithfully but she was not a jogger.

Condit says Chandra called him several times but he did not answer or reply.

May 1, 2001: Police generally agree that Chandra Levy probably disappeared on this date.

(At 4:15 a.m., a neighbor heard screams outside Levy's apartment building and called 911 at 4:37 a.m. Police responded but found nothing. There is no reason to believe this is related to the case since police seem pretty certain Chandra was in her apartment using her computer later that morning.)

Levy, in the morning, may have ordered copies of keys at a hardware store across the street from the health club. If so, she picked them up in the afternoon. Police discount this report.

From 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Levy's computer was connected to the Internet from her third floor studio apartment above 21st Street, surfing the Web. She accessed the web site for Rock Creek Park, which includes the Klingle Mansion. She also e-mailed her friends and her mother.

Condit met with Vice President Cheney at 12:30 PM for a private meeting lasting about 20 minutes. The meeting was over by 1:00 PM.

Condit returned to his office at 3:30 PM for meetings and phone conversations with constituents.

Condit (in explaining his whereabouts at a later date) claimed that he had coffee that afternoon with Rebecca Cooper (ABC News) at the Tryst Restaurant. This was later found to be a misstatement of fact by Condit.

Condit left his office for a 5:00 PM doctor's appointment.

At 6:25 PM and 6:35 PM, Condit participated in two roll call votes on Capitol Hill.

Newsweek reports that Condit was driven to his Adams Morgan apartment by a staff member about 7 p.m. There he spent the evening with his wife.

May 2, 2001: Condit voted five times between 11:39 AM and 4:02 PM.

The manager of Chandra's building called her apartment to check on her expected move-out date. There was no answer or reply.

Late in the afternoon, Condit had coffee with ABC News' Rebecca Cooper at the Tryst Coffee Shop in his Adams Morgan neighborhood.

May 3, 2001: Condit voted twice between 10:28 AM and 11:56AM. He was in congressional hearings and meetings for the rest of the day.

At 1 PM, a Condit staffer took Carolyn Condit to the airport and she flew back to California. Apparently, she flew back alone.

Susan Levy called Condit and asked him if he knew where Chandra was. He said he did not know where she was. He may have proposed offering a reward for anyone finding her.

Levy's parents called the apartment building manager and asked him to open Chandra's apartment, but he refused, telling them it would be against the law. The building manager phoned and e-mailed Chandra asking what day she intended to vacate her apartment. Neither the phone call nor the e-mail was answered.

May 4, 2001: Condit was present in congress to vote at 12:08AM (just after midnight of May 3).

May 5, 2001: After several days of leaving messages on Levy's answering machine, her parents called police to report her as a missing person.

Dr. Levy called the Condit home in California and spoke to Mrs. Condit asking to be put in touch with the Congressman. The Congressman returned the call possibly from home but probably from Washington. Dr Levy told Condit that Chandra was missing. The response was that he (Condit) is a good friend of Chandra and he would help to find her. Dr levy was not suspicious of Condit at this time.

May 5 or 6, 2001: Anne-Marie Smith says her affair with Condit ended on this date.

May 6, 2001: Mrs. Levy called Condit at home and asked for his help in the search for Chandra. He did not tell her that Chandra might be on the train coming across country. Instead he offered to put up $10,000 reward for finding her. Mrs. Levy asked him point blank, "Are you having an affair with my daughter?" He denied an affair. According to Mrs. Levy, he said, "I am only professionally involved with your daughter. I regard her highly. I respect her as a personal friend and I only have a professional relationship." Mrs. levy told him she had noticed from the phone bills that Chandra had called him late at night and often. He assured her that this was common practice in Washington due to the late hours that Congress is in session and the long hours that Congressmen work.

As she searched for Chandra, Mrs. Levy called a number that had appeared on Chandra's cell phone bill. It was an odd number; there was no greeting message, just "romantic elevator music". She left a message asking to be called. Condit (!) returned the call. Mrs. Levy was surprised because this was not the Congressman's known number. In the discussion she asked him "point blank" and he denied a romantic relationship saying that it was "a professional relationship only". The denial was very matter-of-fact. At this time, Mrs. Levy knew that Condit was lying about the relationship. She reported this information to the police but it was not released to the public.

May7, 2001 Mrs. Levy called Condit's office number to see what the staff could do to help locate Chandra. She inquired about the other phone number and was told that was the Congressman's personal number. (At this point the Levy's both concluded that the Congressman involved with Chandra was Gary Condit and they first became suspicious that he could be involved with their not being able to locate her.) After talking with Chandra Levy's parents, Condit called the police to offer his help in the search. Condit said he was making the call on behalf of Susan Levy, a constituent.

May 8, 2001: Condit voted at 6:24 PM and 7:32 PM.

May 9, 2001: Condit voted at 10:27 AM and 2:02 PM. He did not vote again until May 15.

May 10, 2001: Chandra Levy's disappearance became public for the first time.

Condit and the Levys announced a $25,000 reward fund for information. Condit's news release called Chandra "a great person and a good friend" and said Condit had asked the FBI to assist in the search.

Police entered Chandra Levy's apartment. The door was locked. There was no sign of a struggle. Everything (cosmetics, partly packed luggage, wallet, driver's license, credit cards, money, laptop computer, and cell phone) appeared to be there except her keys and a ring. There was a comforter on the floor near the apartment's entry door.

May 11, 2001: Chandra did not attend her graduation ceremony. Her parents saw this as very ominous because they believe she would not have deliberately missed her graduation - it was too important to her and all her friends were there. She had told her parents that she planned to return to California, graduate with her friends, find a job, and either take the LSAT for law school or get employed with the FBI and help others.

Condit on the phone told Anne Marie Smith "I'm going to have to disappear for a while. I think I might be in some trouble." He asked her not to call him for a few days. He said he would explain at the first opportunity. She was shocked and deeply concerned.

May 12, 2001: Police confirmed to the Levy family that Chandra was "missing". They told the Levys that they had found her packed luggage, purse, cell phone, drivers license, lap top computer, cash, and credit cards in the apartment.

May 15, 2001: Condit voted five times starting at 6:25 PM into the night.

Condit met with the police. He "forgot" to tell the police during this first sit down interview that his wife was in town when Chandra vanished. He did not mention to the police the story that he related later, i.e. that Chandra had said on April 29th that she would be taking a four-day train ride home.

May 16, 2001: Dr. and Mrs. Levy met with and told all to the D.C. police, the U.S. Attorney's office, and the FBI in a 3½ hour meeting.

Police say they now have Chandra's diary.

Condit voted eight times between 10:35 AM and 6:48 PM.

Police used cadaver-sniffing dogs to search around Washington for Chandra. Chandra's trail ended at the curb in front of her apartment.

May 17, 2001: Condit's office issued a news release saying, "This is about Chandra Levy." It called on anyone with information to come forward and said the police should be fully supported in the investigation.

Condit voted at 10:27 AM but missed the next three votes that day. (Condit had not missed any votes in the preceding five months.)

Anne Marie Smith arrived in Washington DC. She learned of Chandra from the TV news coverage of the missing intern. She realized then that Condit had lied to her. He had told her his wife was an invalid and that he stayed with her because he had to take care of her. Smith called Condit, leaving a message on the phone recorder, asking for an explanation.

Around midnight, Condit called her cell phone. He reassured her that their relationship was okay. He denied involvement with Chandra. He said she would not believe what they are trying to do to him. Smith could see from her caller ID that this call came from the pay phone at (outside) the McDonalds (#4448) in Luray, VA. Condit did not tell her where he was or why he was in this location at this hour. Using Route 66 westward from Washington DC, Luray is about 90 minutes away.

Condit's whereabouts are unknown from midnight May 17th until May 21, 2001.

May 21, 2001: Condit was present for voting in Congress.

May 24, 2001: Police searched Chandra's neighborhood and Rock Creek Park.

June 7, 2001: Condit's office issued a news release announcing that he had retained Attorney Joseph Cotchett.

After The Washington Post published a story quoting law enforcement sources as saying "Condit told D.C. police that Chandra Levy had spent the night at his Adams Morgan apartment." Cotchett wrote a letter to the Post denying Condit made that statement.

June 14, 2001: Chandra's parents asked Condit to come forward and share what he knows.

June 16, 2001: Joleen Argentini-McKay contacted FBI investigators alleging she was pressed by Condit staffer Mike Dayton to not speak about the three year affair she had with Condit when she served on Condit's staff in 1994. After she left his staff the affair continued into 1996. She said Condit swore his love and promised to leave his wife for her. McKay said she now fears for her safety. When the affair ended in 1996 she gave Condit the Tag Hauer wristwatch in its watchcase.

June 21, 2001: Condit and his attorney met with Mrs. Levy and their attorney in the private dining room of the Jefferson Hotel in Washington, DC. The meeting was 30 to 40 minutes long. There were controls on what questions could be asked by Mrs. Levy. She asked him when and where Condit last saw Chandra, when Chandra was last in his home in Washington, and whether he would cooperate. Condit expressed sympathy and said he would do "everything possible" to help them find their daughter. They did not ask him if he was having an affair with Chandra although they knew that was a fact. Condit asked if he could hug Mrs. Levy. She refused.

June 23, 2001: Condit met with police for the second time, for less than an hour.

June 26, 2001: Police again searched Chandra's apartment. Billy Martin's investigators (Dwayne Stanton and Joseph McCann) assisted using their video camera.

June 28, 2001: Condit voted in Congress at about 6:28 PM.

July 2, 2001: United Air Lines flight attendant Anne Marie Smith told Fox News that Condit in several phone calls asked her to sign an affidavit provided to her by Condit's Attorney Joseph Cotchett. Smith says Condit knew the affidavit was false. She told him she could not sign it. He said, "So that's how you're gonna be…" He became tense and angry. He denied to her that he was having an affair with Chandra.

Anne Marie Smith revealed that Condit drove a red car. Since this was contrary to what Condit had implied during questioning by the police, the FBI called Smith within an hour and confirmed what she had said on the air.

Condit hired a new criminal defense attorney Abbe Lowell.

July 3, 2001: Condit's office issued a news release saying Condit did not ask anyone to refrain from discussing the matter with authorities. It included a copy of the statement Condit's lawyers asked Anne Marie Smith to sign. (As of 8/7/01 the California Bar was investigating Condit's attorney Joe Cotchett because a lawyer may not knowingly submit a false affidavit for signature.)

Condit was sighted in Fresno.

July 4, 2001: Condit canceled his scheduled appearances at Fourth of July parades in his Modesto CA district.

The FBI and D.C. police interviewed both Carolyn Condit and Gary Condit at the FBI Field Office at Tyson's Corner, VA.

July 6, 2001: The Washington Post published its July 5th interview with Chandra's aunt, Linda Zamsky. She told of Condit's secrecy rules and his penalty for revealing the relationship to anyone. She said Condit was at the center of Chandra's life with the gifts, tickets, and weekends together. She said Levy hoped Condit would marry her.

July 7, 2001: Condit met with police for the third time. Condit admitted his intimate relationship with Levy.

July 9, 2001: Condit's lawyer, announced that Condit would agree to the police search of his apartment, would give them access to his telephone and cell phone records, provide a DNA sample, and consider taking a polygraph.

July 10, 2001: Chief Ramsey announced that the police would search Condit's apartment, obtain a DNA sample, and administer a polygraph exam to Condit.

Condit was seen suspiciously placing something in a trashcan in Alexandria, VA. A report was made to the police. The investigation found a watchbox for a Tag Hauer watch they traced back to Joleen Argentini-McKay. The watchcase was packed inside a Big Mac container. Condit's senior staffer Mike Dayton drove the car. Police later confirmed with Bureau of Prisons co-workers that Chandra wore a man's Tag Hauer watch.

From 11:15 PM to 3 AM the next morning investigators searched Condit's apartment.

July 11, 2001: Anne Marie Smith testified for 12 hours (total) to the US Attorney, FBI, and DC Police about Condit's actions, style, and dating rules. Smith had seen possible signs of Chandra in Condit's apartment. Condit had fantasies of AMS with multiple partners. Smith saw evidence of bondage in Condit's apartment. Smith fears for her safety.

July 12, 2001: Condit took a "private" polygraph test administered by retired FBI agent Barry Colvert. It covered ten questions but only four questions were called "pertinent". It omitted the most important question: "Are you withholding any information about the disappearance of Chandra Levy?" which the police would ask. The police stated that they were disappointed that Condit would not take their polygraph examination.

July 13, 2001: Condit's attorney announced that the privately administered polygraph test showed Condit was not lying when he said he did not harm or cause harm to Chandra, and that he did not know where she is.

Condit submitted a DNA sample to police.

July 16, 2001: Police launched an intensive search of jogging trails in the parks and other public areas in the vicinity of Levy's apartment. They combed the jogging areas of Rock Creek Park including the area around the Klingle Mansion.

July 26, 2001: Former Condit staffer, Joleen Argentini-McKay, came forward to say she had an affair with Condit. She said Condit's aide Michael Dayton asked her to not tell that information to the police.

Condit had a fourth interview for 90 minutes with the police and FBI profiler Melissa Thomas.

Aug 3, 2001: Roll Call revealed that $35,000 is missing from Condit's campaign fund.

Condit flew to San Francisco.

Aug 4, 2001: Condit went into seclusion with family members.

Aug 7, 2001: In a TV interview, James Robinson, attorney for Anne Marie Smith, confirmed that he believes Condit is involved in the disappearance of Chandra Levy.

Aug 8, 2001: Billy Martin, attorney for the Levys, asked Condit to meet with his professional investigators to determine Chandra's state of mind when she disappeared.

Aug 9, 2001: The FBI is reported to be evaluating reports about Condit's ungovernable temper. FBI super-sleuth Bradley Garrett is now working full-time on the Levy case.

Aug 13, 2001: Modesto Bee and Fresno Bee called for Condit to resign.

Condit issued a statement in Modesto California. He decried the rush to judgement before he had a chance to speak.

Condit's Chief of Staff, Mike Lynch said Condit is innocent and actually has helped solve the case by bringing in the FBI.

Billy Martin confirmed he has investigators working on the case and they have developed leads. He said some leads point to Condit. Martin says Condit is a witness. He was the person who saw her last.

Aug 23, 2001: Connie Chung interviewed Condit. He denied affairs with Anne Marie Smith and Joleen McKay. He denied "dating rules". He would not admit to the affair with Chandra Levy. He denied killing Chandra. He referred to Chandra in the past tense, and never in the present tense. He explained the disposal of the watchcase as getting rid of office trash. He said he asked no one to lie. He claimed he had cooperated fully with the police and FBI. He said his last conversation with Chandra was April 24, 25, 26, or later and concerned her travel plans to California. He said she was excited about graduating and might travel by train. He said he called her once after May 1, 2001 and left a message but she never replied.

Aug 24, 2001: Congressman Gephardt said he would talk to his colleagues about disciplinary action such as removing Condit from his position on the Intelligence Committee.

Aug 25, 2001: Abbe Lowell, Condit's attorney, speaking of Anne Marie Smith said that what Condit meant in denying their affair (in the Aug 23 interview) was that whatever he shared with Anne Marie Smith, whatever they were to each other, it was not a "relationship".

Aug 28, 2001: James Robinson, attorney for Anne Marie Smith, filed a legal action against Condit in Modesto California. It went nowhere.

Aug 29, 2001: Representative Robert Barr, (Republican-Georgia) filed a misconduct complaint with the House Standards of Official Conduct Committee against Condit.

Aug 30, 2001: Five of Condit's staffers, including Mike Dayton, appeared on Larry King Live. They all said they hardly recognized the Gary Condit that Connie Chung interviewed. The Condit they know is a more warm and caring person. Dayton said he regrets the suspicion the watchcase incident caused and he has "talked to" the police. He also confirmed that his denials to the press about Condit's alleged behavior was done on his own, i.e., not checked with the congressman. He never asked Condit, "What happened?" He asserted that he did not call Joleen McKay. He said that she called him.

In the National Enquirer, Susie Borges Rossi claimed she had an affair with Condit between 1988 and 1991. She told the Enquirer that Condit had a "fix-it" team on his staff that was prepared to dispose of a dead body, should the need arise. The plan, Rossi said, was readied in case Condit expired during one of his secret trysts. She reportedly said, "If he knows how to get rid of his own body, clearly he knows how to get rid of Chandra's body."

Rossi is quoted as saying, "He gave me a set of instructions to follow," which included a secret number where she could reach the congressman's 'paid operative' - a woman - in case of just such an emergency.

"Don't phone anyone from the hotel room," Rossi said Condit told her. "Leave me where I lay, call a cab and go to a pay phone far away. Then call the woman at the private phone number. She will know what to do with my body before the police or press find out about me."

According to Rossi, the same female staffer had instructions on "which documents in his office to destroy." "I have no doubt that he made Chandra disappear," Rossi told the tabloid.

The FBI interviewed Ms Rossi. A federal grand jury is preparing to hear from the many women Condit was involved with.

Sept. 13, 2001 To head off the House Ethics Committee investigation, Condit Camp issued conflicting statements and leaks saying he will/he won't retire at the end of this term.

Sept. 21, 2001 Rep. Gary Condit appointed to the House Subcommittee on Terrorism and Security. U.S. intelligence officials later lobbied to have Condit removed due to his notorious affair with the missing intern and his apparent attempts to cover up other illicit relationships. Condit continued on the Intelligence Committee.

Nov. 14, 2001 Condit received a subpoena from a Washington grand jury seeking documents related to the disappearance of Chandra Levy

Mar. 5, 2002 Condit lost his bid for re-election in Modesto California.

March 27, 2002 A Washington grand jury probing obstruction of justice subpoenaed Condit to answer questions about the disappearance of Chandra.

May 22, 2002 Chandra Levy's remains were found on a wooded hillside in Rock Creek Park 100 yards from a narrow walking trail not used for jogging. Because of its remoteness, Police did not search this area when they were initially looking for Chandra. The location is about four (walking) miles north of her apartment building. Police initiated a death investigation.

The body was identified from dental records. Investigation at the scene produced Chandra's ring bearing the initials "CL". Other items included a sports bra, tennis shoes, sweatshirt, portable radio, and headphones. Police found knotted stretch leggings and surmised that Chandra may have been restrained with the knotted clothing. The body was decomposed and not intact. The skull they found was "not pristine" and the bones were scattered.

May 24, 2002 Law enforcement personnel and others said Chandra was killed at different location from where her body was found.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: chandra; condit
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To: PJ-Comix
I think you've nailed the importance of May 1's timeline. Most Hill offices have a back door directly into the Rep's office so that they will not have to go through a public area--they can slip in or out at will. So his staff may not have been aware whether or not he was there at all--if that door between his office and the staff area is kept shut all the time--not an unusual thing. We don't know the mystery doctor, do we? So after 1:00, we really don't know his whereabouts. The evening is corroborated by Caroline--and how credible is she? When was he next seen--the following day?
61 posted on 05/29/2002 9:02:07 AM PDT by twigs
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To: twigs
I assume Condit gave Chandra the watch as she was seen wearing a man's Tag Heuer.

Condit had obsessive secrecy - his dating rules demanding that women go out with him carrying no ID and no money is very bizarre.

I think the Levy-Condit relationship was supposed to be secret. Remember, he denied it to the Levys and to the police for a couple of months after her disappearance.

Speculating about human nature, right before the police came over to search his apt., he dumped the watchcase that had a serial number that could be traced through McKay back to him. It is behavior that looks like he was trying to erase the connection between himself and Chandra. Why bother to do this, unless he knew Chandra had been murdered and the watch was missing, maybe somewhere in the bushes in the Park, pulled off in a scuffle? I think it likely he took both the watch and the gift-bracelet he gave Chandra, both of which are missing, because he didn't want anything traced back to him. This is in line with his general obsession with secrecy. Just my opinions.

62 posted on 05/29/2002 9:11:54 AM PDT by Old Lady
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To: Hoosiermama
63 posted on 05/29/2002 9:12:21 AM PDT by hoosiermama
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To: Old Lady
Good thoughts about Condit's obsession with secrecy. And he is just plain arrogant! I think, though, that his concern with the watch could point to his not being involved with the murder. I'm not sure what to think at this point, but I think it's possible that he had nothing to do with it, that the story is much bigger than their affair and that he is trying to hide something else. If that does turn out to be true, then I still think he knows who did it.
64 posted on 05/29/2002 9:23:10 AM PDT by twigs
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To: Araminta Vavasour
Thats right. And her computer shows she visited several sites. A couple of days ago I heard a cop on TV say that no on said she looked up the mansion. The mansion is on the homepage of the Park web pages. Thats all. I think all the focus on the park and the common knowledge that other crimes were committed there is what gave the killer the idea to dump the remains there. For the past few months I had been hearing statements like"if only the family could have chandras remains back" or something like that. And then all of a sudden they find Chandra and someone from Condits camp immediately says"this will completely exonerate Condit". Now how do they know that?
65 posted on 05/29/2002 9:25:07 AM PDT by dalebert
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To: hoosiermama
66 posted on 05/30/2002 8:46:45 AM PDT by hoosiermama
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