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My response to "What the world thinks of America"
June 22, 2003 | Arpege92

Posted on 06/22/2003 11:56:41 AM PDT by Arpege92

I have just read a post from June 20, 2003 called "What the world thinks of America" and I am a little upset to say the least. I just want to respond to some of those who have a problem with this great country.

1. James,India...It is scary how the country can become a dangerous weapon under a president with such limited and narrow bandwidth.

My answer - that's a little nervey considering that India and Pakistan are pointing WMD's at eachother. Learn to get along with Pakistan!!

2. Mark,Ireland...America has bombed 30 or more countries since World War II.

My answer - Is that right? I guess the violence in Ireland is a figment of my imaganination.

3. John,UK...We hate what your government has done.

My answer - So you hate the freedom we have provided to many nations. I guess coming to your country with thousands of American troops and fighting those who wanted to take over and rule England, are something you would not approve of.

4. Luc,France...The U.S.A. has nothing to do with the great tolerant democracy we used to know.

My answer - Do you even know what the word "tolerant" means? Probably not, because so many Jews in France are leaving and moving to Israel. Does it have anything to do with the attacks on Jews by Muslims? The Muslims in your country are gaining in huge numbers and it wont be long before you are being oppressed.....Don't call us, just like you did back in World War II. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER!!!!

5. John,UK...Americans are nice people who are ruled by greedy individuals.

My answer - Uh John, I think you are confused. The UN members are the greedy individuals....sort of like the way your Queen didn't pay taxes until just recently.

6. Rahul,UK...Americans have too many people in power who think too similarly to others in power. e.g. only one person voted against the war in Afghanastan in the senate.

My answer - How quickly anti-Americans can forget about the terrorist attack on my country, September 11, 2001. They brought this onto themselves when they chose to kill thousands of Americans. It's a shame that you don't understand or support this....and quite frankly, I don't give a damn that you don't.

7. Steve,UK...America is not the worlds only super power. China has been a super power for many years and will over take America in the next decade.

My answer - When pigs fly! Envy is an ugly thing and so is Camilla Parker Bowles!

8. Martin,UK...It's a pity that the American dream isn't still a reality.

My answer - What's not a reality, is your wishful thinking. Take a look around Martin, the American dream in thriving and spreading all over god's creation. Your just mad because you know you didn't have anything to do with the spreading of the American dream.

9. Abdul,Egypt...America is a land of the brain washed public.

My answer - Please explain to me how foolish and brain washed people like yourself could fall for the "BS" that Al Jazeer put out during the second Gulf War. Baghdad Bob is a joke in this country and so are you!! By the way, do men in your country still beat the crap out of women? Lord knows, they must be brainwashed to stay around and allow you to get away with it!

10. Koko,Canada...85% of Americans do not have a registered passport. This means 85% of Americans have never left the "Homeland".

My answer - Wow, aren't you smart....not alot of folks could have done the math. Why would we even leave the "Homeland" when so many from other countries are trying to get in?

11. JC,Brazil...It is time the USA stops and thinks what they want for the future, because all empires in the past suddenly disappear with a trace. Wake up North America.

My anwer - Is this a threat? We are not a empire, we are a nation! Iraq was an empire and now that Saddam is gone, they are working on becoming a nation! Keep your eyes on Iran as well....GO IRAN!!!

12. Gonzalo,Finland...What behaviour can you expect of a country who sought independence because it didn't want to pay taxes.

My answer - It's not sought independence, we fought for our independence. The so called taxes you mentioned were nothing more than a robbery and we did something about it. That's what this country is all about....freedom has or never will be free. Something Iraq had to learn the hard way!

13. Wayne,Canada...Even their national bird is just a good looking vulture.

My answer - Canada is a safe country because of the United States. Should our country fall, so will Canada! It is the United States whom people turn to when they need help....this is something you can't provide. Your contributions would be an endless supply of marijuana and a license for gay marriages!

14. Laurent,France...I certainly do not envy Americans. I mean who would like to be fat?

My answer - I didn't know "Slugs" were low in fat and calories. One question slugs taste like chicken?

15. Oscar,Norway...Great country. Grand food. Ignorant population. horrible politics. Savage judicial system.

My answer - It's quite obvious that Oscar is incapable writing a complete sentence. Must be the public fool system they have. I guess it would just be wishful thinking on my part, if I said "GO WAY...NORWAY!!!

That's about only regret is that Americans will never get the chance to tell people from other nations how we feel about them. It's not politically correct in our country to do this, so I will just have to vent my anger and frustration here on Freerepublic.

Reading crap like this, sure makes me thankful for FREEPERS. :-}

TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions

1 posted on 06/22/2003 11:56:41 AM PDT by Arpege92
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To: Arpege92
Aw, don't worry about it. The thing that frustrates them most is that we don't care what they have to say. They live in failed empires that contribute nothing to the modern world. Why on earth would we care what they think?
2 posted on 06/22/2003 12:09:13 PM PDT by McGavin999
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To: Arpege92

Thanks for your post.

I read everywhere literally. I see these same ignorant knobs suggesting that the USA is some form of evil. It's quite sickenening. These idiots fail to understand that because Uncle Sam is around, they are free to state what they wish.

Think about it....No USA...Islamic intolerant states would be put in place all over. Imagine an Islamic USA.

However that will never happen and here is why.

Islam is a 7th century artifact. It is based on stupidity. I'm not being flippant here. Only stupid people think that "Paradise on Earth may be achieved with Sharia laws". This is stated in the Koran. These are the terrorists we as an enlightend people are dealing with.

Terrorists and Islamists as a rule are stupid. I know it sounds silly, but it's true. We are dealing with people who are clueless and stupid. The "WEST" will win and ultimately these stupid people will all die. They cannot impose their seventh century version of life because smarter folks will simply out maneuver them. Just the facts of it.

3 posted on 06/22/2003 12:13:36 PM PDT by Malsua
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To: Arpege92
So the rest of the world thinks we are "arrogant".


Being humble gets you ZIP. Nobody respects humble. Rodney Dangerfield we ain't.
4 posted on 06/22/2003 12:14:59 PM PDT by alloysteel
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To: Arpege92
My answer: You whining useless third world monkey people. Be thankful to your gods that I'm not president. I'd give you something to snivel and cry about you spoiled brat losers.

5 posted on 06/22/2003 12:16:53 PM PDT by the (Free Nutkin! Bring Ol' Nutty home!)
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To: Arpege92

2. Mark,Ireland...America has bombed 30 or more countries since World War II."

And what is amazing is that most ignorant leftist, socialist pigs assign Bush as this incedible warmonger when it was Clinton who bombed and intervened in more countries than any other president since WWII. In fact, if I remember correctly, I recall a comment by Inhofe in which he accused Clinton of bombing more countries than all the presidents "combined" since WWII (prior to 2000).
6 posted on 06/22/2003 12:18:23 PM PDT by cwb
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To: cwboelter
I should revise this, as he may have been talking about military deployments. However, the other point "may" also stand.
7 posted on 06/22/2003 12:21:22 PM PDT by cwb
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To: Arpege92
An older article but worth reading:

You Say You Want a Resolution
Date: Wednesday, December 18 @ 19:50:50
Topic Diversity

You Say You Want a Resolution
Larry Miller
The Daily Standard

Since the (September 11) attack, I have seen, heard, and read thoughts of such surpassing stupidity that they must be addressed. You've heard them too. Here they are: 1) "We're not good, they're not evil, everything is relative." Listen carefully: We're good, they're evil, nothing is relative. Say it with me now and free yourselves.

1) "We're not good, they're not evil, everything is relative."

Listen carefully: We're good, they're evil, nothing is relative. Say it with me now and free yourselves.

You see, folks, saying 'We're good' doesn't mean, 'We're perfect.' Okay? The only perfect being is the bearded guy on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The plain fact is that our country has, with all our mistakes and blunders, always been and always will be, the greatest beacon of freedom, charity, opportunity, and affection in history.

If you need proof, open all the borders on Earth and see what happens. In about half a day, the entire world would be a ghost town, and the United States would look like one giant line to see 'The Producers.'

2) "Violence only leads to more violence."

"This one is so stupid you usually have to be the president of an Ivy League university to say it. Here's the truth, which you know in your heads and hearts already:

Ineffective, unfocused violence leads to more violence. Limp, panicky, half-measures lead to more violence. However, complete, fully thought through, professional, well-executed violence never leads to more violence because, you see, afterwards, the other guys are all dead.

That's right, dead. Not 'on trial,' not 'reeducated,' not 'nurtured back into the bosom of love.' Dead. D-E-Well, you get the idea.

3) "The CIA and the rest of our intelligence community has failed us."

"For 25 years we have chained our spies like dogs to a stake in the ground, and now that the house has been robbed, we yell at them for not protecting us.

Starting in the late seventies, under Carter appointee Stansfield Turner, the giant brains who get these giant ideas decided that the best way to gather international intelligence was to use spy satellites.

'After all,' they reasoned, 'you can see a license plate from 200 miles away.' This is very helpful if you've been attacked by a license plate.

Unfortunately, we were attacked by humans. Finding humans is not possible with satellites. You have to use other humans. When we bought all our satellites, we fired all our humans, and here's the really stupid part. It takes years, decades to infiltrate new humans into the worst places of the world. You can't just have a guy who looks like Gary Busey in a Spring Break '93 sweatshirt plop himself down in a coffee shop in Kabul and say 'Hi ya, boys. Gee, I sure would like to meet that bin Laden fella.'

Well, you can, but all you'd be doing is giving the bad guys a story they'll be telling for years.

4) "These people are poor and helpless, and that's why they're angry at us."

"Uh-huh, and Jeffrey Dahmer's frozen head collection was just a desperate cry for help.

The terrorists and their backers are richer than Elton John and, ironically, a good deal less annoying. The poor helpless people, you see, are the villagers they tortured and murdered to stay in power. Mohamed Atta, one of the evil scumbags who steered those planes into the killing grounds (I'm sorry, one of the 'alleged hijackers,' according to CNN. They stopped using the word 'terrorist,' you know), is the son of a Cairo surgeon.

But you knew this, too. In the sixties and seventies, all the pinheads marching against the war were upper-middle-class college kids who grabbed any cause they could think of to get out of their final papers and spend more time drinking. At least, that was my excuse.

It's the same today. Take the Anti-Global-Warming (or is it World Trade? Oh-who-knows-what-the-hell-they-want) demonstrators. They all charged their black outfits and plane tickets on dad's credit card(!) before driving to the airport in their SUV's."

5) "Any profiling is racial profiling."

Who's killing us here, the Norwegians? Just days after the attack, the New York Times had an article saying dozens of extended members of the gazillionaire bin Laden family living in America were afraid of reprisals and left in a huff, never to return to studying at Harvard and using too much Drakkar.

I'm crushed. I think we're all crushed. Please come back. With a cherry on top? Why don't they just change their names, anyway? It's happened in the past. Think about it. How many Adolfs do you run into these days?

Shortly after that, I remember watching TV with my jaw on the floor as a government official actually said, 'That little old grandmother from Sioux City could be carrying something.

'Okay, how about this: No, she couldn't. It would never be the grandmother from Sioux City. Is it even possible? What are the odds? Winning a hundred Powerball lotteries in a row? A thousand? A million?

And now a Secret Service guy has been tossed off a plane and we're all supposed to cry about it because he's an Arab? Didn't it have the tiniest bit to do with the fact that he filled out his forms incorrectly three times? And then left an Arab history book on his seat as he strolled off the plane? And came back? Armed?

Let's please all stop singing 'We Are the World' for a minute and think practically. I don't want to be sitting on the floor in the back of a plane four seconds away from hitting Mt. Rushmore and turn, grinning, to the guy next to me to say, 'Well, at least we didn't offend them.'

SO HERE'S what I resolve for the New Year:

To never forget our murdered brothers and sisters. To never let the relativists get away with their immoral thinking. After all, no matter what your daughter's political science professor says, we didn't start this. Have you seen that bumper sticker that says, "No More Hiroshimas"? I wish I had one that says, "You First. No More Pearl Harbors."

I resolve to be more vigilant and watchful. A good warning sign that these mutts were nuts was when they started dressing their women in heavy-duty, baby-blue bubblewrap. Any man who doesn't want to glance at a woman is, by definition, already very easy to talk into killing himself. Then again, to be fair, we haven't seen their women.

To scream, "Keep going!" when everyone else says, "Stop."

The URL for this story is:

8 posted on 06/22/2003 12:35:58 PM PDT by steplock (
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To: Arpege92
2. Mark,Ireland...America has bombed 30 or more countries since World War II. My answer - Is that right? I guess the violence in Ireland is a figment of my imaganination.

Someone recently asked me if they celebrate Thanksgiving in Ireland. I said they don't because they have nothing to be thankful for.

9 posted on 06/22/2003 12:48:25 PM PDT by Rollee
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To: Malsua
Everything you said...absolutely true!!
10 posted on 06/22/2003 1:18:34 PM PDT by somedaysoon
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To: Arpege92
Koko,Canada...85% of Americans do not have a registered passport. This means 85% of Americans have never left the "Homeland".
. . . but then, at any given time of year large portions of the U.S. have congenial climatic conditions. Unlike some other nations you have perhaps heard of . . .

11 posted on 06/22/2003 1:19:14 PM PDT by conservatism_IS_compassion
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To: conservatism_IS_compassion
I don't go where I'm not welcome. Besides, this is a huge country and lots to see besides having representation of every culture in the world.

We don't care anymore and that is the whole key. The Eurosnits loved to throw the ~Ugly American~ label around. Well, good. I'll keep my ugly mug home!

12 posted on 06/22/2003 1:43:14 PM PDT by OpusatFR (Using pretentious arcane words to buttress your argument means you don't have one)
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To: conservatism_IS_compassion
"13. Wayne,Canada...Even their national bird is just a good looking vulture."

And so where does that place us in relation to a nation whose national emblem is an aquatic rodent?
13 posted on 06/22/2003 2:27:57 PM PDT by Blue Leader
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To: Arpege92
BUMP! Humor, irony AND truth..........what a combo!
14 posted on 06/22/2003 3:49:42 PM PDT by DoctorMichael (We don't need no stinking taglines!)
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To: Rollee
Someone recently asked me if they celebrate Thanksgiving in Ireland. I said they don't because they have nothing to be thankful for.

,,, what about all that funding for the IRA over the years out of Boston, Chicago and NY?

15 posted on 06/22/2003 3:56:01 PM PDT by shaggy eel
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To: Malsua
"Only stupid people think that "Paradise on Earth may be achieved with ..."

Sounds like the base of the DemocRAT Party.

They actually believe their Marxist leaders when they tell them that utopia is an option they can vote for. Hahahaha

Sooooooo many useful idiots in the Religious Left .... sooooooooo little time.

16 posted on 06/22/2003 5:27:52 PM PDT by Matchett-PI (Marxist DemocRATS, Nader-Greens, and Religious KOOKS = a clear and present danger to our Freedoms.)
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To: Arpege92
I do that all the time and I live in Canada...
17 posted on 06/22/2003 5:55:12 PM PDT by freeforall
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