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The Battle of Midway
Various | December 1, 2019 | Self

Posted on 12/01/2019 3:22:05 PM PST by Retain Mike

On Christmas Day 1941 Admiral Chester Nimitz arrived by Catalina flying boat to take command. He did not bring any staff with him. When the door opened, he was assailed by a poisonous atmosphere from black oil, charred wood, burned paint, and rotting flesh. The boat ride to shore engulfed the party in the panorama of sunken hulls and floating wreckage, punctuated by the bodies of dead sailors still surfacing from the blasted ships.

He spent the first days learning everything he could about his new assignment and confirmed the public’s perception was wrong. The dry-docks, repair shops, and fuel tank farm were intact. The carriers with their escorts, and the submarines stood ready to take the offensive. He immediately sent submarines into Japanese waters, and conducted carrier operations disrupting Japanese Initiatives. Admiral Raymond Spruance said of Nimitz, “The one big thing about him was that he was always ready to fight….And he wanted officers who would push the fight to the Japanese”.

Nimitz decided some very good men had taken a terrible beating and were now suffering terrible reminders and apprehensions. When he officially took command December 31, he told the assembled staffs he had complete and unlimited confidence in every one of them. He related that as head of officer personnel in Washington, he knew they had been selected for their competence. But if any wanted to leave, he would individually discuss their futures and do all he could to get them the assignments they wanted.

However, there were a few key staff members he wanted to stay with him. They included Commander Joe Rochefort, Jr. and Captain Edwin T. Layton. There intelligence unit had not unscrambled the new Japanese call signs or broken into the revised naval code to warn of the Pearl Harbor attack. However, these men later provided the key intelligence convincing Nimitz to hazard all his carriers at Midway.

For the Japanese the battle for Midway was part of their strategy for establishing the next line of their Pacific Ocean defensive parameter. They intended to conquer Port Moresby in New Guinea, Samoa, Fiji, New Caledonia, and the Western Aleutians. Thereby, Australia would be severed as a base for an American counter-offensive and the northern flank of the Home Islands would be protected. Specifically, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto considered this initiative would provide the opportunity to draw out Nimitz for the decisive naval battle contemplated by American naval strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan.

This sea fight began with Chester Nimitz determined to meet the enemy in a major battle, but he faced long odds. Solid intelligence had discerned a complex plan disbursing Japanese forces, but Nimitz still had to consider the information could be a ruse, because the basic principle of U.S. intelligence that an enemy will act according to the best use of their capabilities. For Nimitz that meant giving weight to concentration as the best option. He was also troubled by the uncertainty of locating enemy dispositions expected because of storms west and northwest of Midway. In fact, weather was to play an important part in hiding Japanese carriers from detection. Both sides experienced Horatio Nelson’s admonition that “something must be left to chance; nothing is certain in a sea fight”.

His final instructions to admirals Raymond Spruance and Frank Fletcher were, “In carrying out the task assigned in Op Plan 29-42, you will be governed by the principle of calculated risk, which you will interpret to mean the avoidance of exposure of your force to attack by superior enemy forces without the prospect of inflicting, as a result of such exposure, greater damage to the enemy”. To understand Nimitz’s and the flyers tenuous position consider that gathering every available U.S. Navy ship achieved an order of battle for Midway, where they might be outnumbered more than three to one.

Author Gordon W. Prange compiled the order of battle for the navies. The Japanese had 4 heavy carriers, 2 light carriers, 11 battleships, 10 heavy cruisers, 6 light cruisers, and 53 destroyers for a total of 86 ships. The United States had 3 carriers no light carriers or battleships, 6 heavy cruisers, one light cruiser, and seventeen destroyers or a total of 27 ships.

To balance the odds somewhat Nimitz had decided to make Midway Island his fourth aircraft carrier. He crowded the island with 115 aircraft, including the untried (B-17 & B-26) and obsolete (Vindicator & Brewster Buffalo).

This abbreviated narrative now excludes the contribution of thousands, whose combined efforts provided the vital margin needed for victory. Preparing Midway for invasion and assembling the carrier task forces at point “Luck” to attack the Japanese required prodigious achievements in logistics, ship repair, and inspired assessments of naval intelligence. This narrative also does not describe how paying the more bitter price for mistakes in strategic planning, tactical execution, and operational doctrines contributed heavily to the Japanese defeat. Instead the narrative relates the fearful sacrifice of a few brave men, who in close combat attacked the four heavy carriers of the First Carrier Striking Force on June 4, 1942.

The Japanese transport group was discovered on June 3, but the next morning the curtain rose for the carrier battle. At 5:30AM the PBY patrol by Lieutenant Howard Ady radioed discovery of the Japanese carriers. Fifteen minutes later the PBY patrol by Lieutenant William Chase radioed in the clear, “Many planes headed Midway. Bearing 320 degrees distance 150 miles. These warnings enabled the remaining 66 aircraft crammed onto Midway to get into the air. The updates provided by Ady enabled Admirals Raymond Spruance and Frank Fletcher to launch carrier attacks. All Midway aircraft made attacks against the Japanese carriers except for 21 Marine Brewster Buffalos and 7 Wildcat fighters dedicated to repelling the attackers.

In the ensuing Japanese attack on Midway beginning at 6:16AM, 14 of the 21 Brewster fighter pilots died prompting Captain Philip R. White to say, “It is my belief that any commander that orders pilots out for combat in F2A-3’s (Brewster Buffalo) should consider them lost before leaving the ground”. Captain Francis McCarthy, flying one of the Wildcats, was also killed after shooting down one of eight Zeros attacking him and wingman Lt. Roy Corry Jr. Overall only 10 fighters survived the fight and only two were in shape to fly again.

The attacks by land-based planes on the Japanese carriers began at 7:48AM. First six TBF Avenger torpedo bombers lead by Navy Lieutenant Langdon K. Fieberling of Torpedo 8 made their attack. These were some of the new torpedo bombers that should have replaced the hopelessly outdated Devastators Lt. Cdr. John Waldron had onboard Hornet, but the Avengers were 24 hours late reaching Hawaii. The planes obtained no hits, but five of six aircraft were destroyed including Fieberling’s and only two of 18 men survived to return to Midway. Ens. Bert Earnest and Radioman Harry Ferrier thereby became with Ens. George Gay the other two “lone survivors” of Torpedo 8.

Next the Army Air Corps made its first appearance. Captain James Collins lead four Army B-26 medium bombers rigged to carry torpedoes in the first ever attempt to attack enemy ships. They had to launch at less than 1,000 yards to hit 30 knot aircraft carriers with 33 knot torpedoes. Also, most torpedoes failed when released at over 50 feet and at speeds exceeding 126 mph; a speed at which this aircraft often stalled and crashed when attempting to land. Two of four planes with their 7-man crews perished, and no hits were obtained.

Marine dive bombers closely followed the B-26’s. At 7:55AM Major Lofton Henderson (for whom Henderson Field at Guadalcanal was named) attacked with 16 Dauntless bombers of which 8 were lost with their two-man crews. Henderson’s crews were untrained in dive bombing tactics and again no hits were obtained.

Lieutenant Colonel Walter C. Sweeney at 8:39AM lead 13 long range Army B-17’s over Nagumo’s position in a level bombing attack from 20,000 feet and obtained no hits on the carriers or escorts. One aircraft was damaged by a Zero and one man was injured. The Japanese were reluctant to attack the heavily armed bombers, but had no trouble evading the bombs dropped nearly four miles above them.

At 8:30AM Marine Major Benjamin Norris led eleven Vindicator dive bombers to the Japanese fleet. The aircraft were considered so ancient pilots called them “wind indicators”. These planes displayed such fragility their fabric fuselage was reinforced with 4” hospital masking tape. They never reached the carriers and unsuccessfully attacked a battleship. Amazingly only two fell to enemy attacks, but two more were lost at sea with their two-man crews because of low fuel. By June 6 only three were flyable. The Battle of Midway was this aircraft’s only combat use. The plane was pulled from service in 1943.

Next into the battle from 9:18AM to10:15AM came Torpedo 3, Torpedo 6, and Torpedo 8 from the USS Yorktown, USS Enterprise, and USS Hornet respectively. In all Lt. Commander Lance E. Massey, Lt. Commander Gene Lindsey, and Lt. Commander John Waldron lead 42 Devastator torpedo bombers. The squadrons had become separated from their dive bombers and fighters that were intended to accompany them for coordinated attacks. Waldron left the other Hornet aircraft deliberately replying to Lt. Commander Stanhope C. Ring’s order to follow him, “I know where the damn Jap fleet is. The hell with you”. Now alone these 100 mph torpedo bombers had to evade 300 mph Zero fighters, and withstand concentrated task force anti-aircraft fire before launching at less than 1,000 yards.

In pressing home their attacks, 35 aircraft with their two-man crews were lost. Ens. George H. Gay, Jr., who crashed in the midst of the Japanese carriers, was the lone survivor of this Torpedo 8 attack and was rescued by a PBY the next day. The only fighters about were six from Fighting 3 lead by Lt. Commander “Jimmy” Thach that tangled with a horde of Zero fighters and lost one aircraft. Those from Fighting 6 lead by Lieutenant Jim Gray lost track of their torpedo bombers and kept circling at 20,000 feet to protect the dive bombers they never found. Eventually these fighters returned to the Enterprise in total frustration.

The USS Hornet fighters and dive bombers spent a fruitless morning. Lt. Commander Ring led Bombing 8, Scouting 8, and Fighting 8 exactly as ordered by Captain Marc Mitscher and then searched to the south until fuel was critical and each squadron proceeded independently. Lt. Commander Robert R. Johnson leading Bombing 8 was unable to find the Hornet and landed on Midway, but 3 of the 14 aircraft had to ditch on the way for lack of fuel. Lieutenant Stan Ruehlow leading Fighting 8 remained determined to find the Hornet, but all ten aircraft had to ditch, and Ens. Mark Kelly and Ens. George R. Hill were never found. That morning there were 29 empty seats in the Hornet ready room. Fifteen seats belonged to Torpedo 8 pilots slaughtered that morning by the Japanese. The 11 were for Bombing 8 that refueled at Midway and later returned to the Hornet.

The Japanese carrier task force had withstood eight separate attacks over nearly three hours without a single hit. Not counting the B-17’s that stayed at 20,000 feet, Navy, Marine, and Army flyers pressed home attacks with 79 aircraft. Of those 58 were destroyed, 126 of 174 men perished, and no hits were obtained. While the Japanese found satisfaction in thwarting the attacks, they faced complete frustration in efforts to re-arm and spot aircraft from the hanger decks to strike the American carriers.

Now at 10:20AM Bombing 3, Scouting 6 and Bombing 6 from the USS Yorktown and USS Enterprise respectively found the carriers. They arrived over the carriers while most Zero fighters were still at low altitude finishing off the last American torpedo bombers. The 18 planes of Commander Max Leslie’s Bombing 3 delivered three fatal hits to one carrier, probably the Soryu. For Bombing 6 and Scouting 6, Lieutenant Wade McClusky as group commander, and Lieutenants Earl Gallaher and Richard Best as section leaders attacked the Akagi and Kaga. Most of Best’s section incorrectly followed McClusky and Gallaher in attacks that inflicted five hits and five near misses on the Kaga. Best and his two wingmen attacked the Akagi. The two wingmen obtained near misses, but Best’s 1,000 lb bomb exploded amongst aircraft on the hanger deck to start an uncontrollable fire.

The Japanese task forces that had been impervious to harm from 7:48AM to 10:23AM saw three of their heavy carriers turned into burning wreckage in six minutes. However, a price had to be paid. Max Leslie’s planes returned safely, but Scouting 6 and Bombing6 lost 16 aircraft and 11 of 38 two man crews.

The Japanese turn came at 11:52AM when Yorktown radar plot reported, “Bogeys 32 miles and closing”. In spite of fearful losses, the Japanese scored hits with three bombs at noon and at 2:42PM their torpedo plane attacks scored two hits and forced the Yorktown to abandon ship. The defending Combat Air Patrol lost one Wildcat compared to 22 of 30 Japanese aircraft lost to fighters and anti-aircraft fire.

There was still one heavy carrier unaccounted for, and at 2:45PM Lieutenant Sam Adams of Scouting 6 radioed Admiral Spruance its location. The Admiral had no fighters or torpedo bombers, but ordered Lieutenant William E. Gallaher aloft at 3:30PM to lead 24 planes from three dive bombers squadrons. A half hour later the Hornet launched 16 dive bombers lead by reserve Lieutenant Edgar Stebbins. These 40 aircraft encountered anti-aircraft fire, lighting attacks from Zeros, and superb evasive ship handling. However, there were just too many planes and bombs. At least four hits and many near misses transformed the Hiryu into the fourth blazing funeral pyre of the day. All three dive bombing squadrons got hits and three aircraft with crews were lost.

There were attacks before and after June 4 during the Battle of Midway costing the Japanese Combined Fleet other ships. However, the loss of these four heavy carriers and the many superbly trained aircrews and technicians proved fatal to Japanese plans.

This splendid victory by Navy, Marine and Army Air Corps flyers over the First Carrier Striking Force permanently seized the initiative from the Japanese. One could easily paraphrase Winston Churchill to say never have so many who fought in the Pacific owed so much to so few. Not counting the B-17’s that stayed aloft, about 550 flyers closely engaged the Japanese and suffered nearly 300 deaths. Walter Lord and Gordon W. Prange considered this accomplishment incredible and miraculous. For Mitsuo Fuchida and Masatake Okumiya, it was the battle that doomed Japan.

Midway: The Battle That Doomed Japan by Mitsuo Fuchida and Masatake Okumiya

Coral Sea, Midway and Submarine Actions by Samuel Eliot Morison

Miracle at Midway by Gordon W. Prange

Incredible Victory by Walter Lord

Shattered Sword by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully

Nimitz by E.B. Potter

Vought SB2U Vindicator by Steve Ginter with Joe Weathers Jr.

A Dawn Like Thunder by Robert J. Mrazek

The Last Flight of Ensign C. Markland Kelly, Junior USNR by Bowen P. Weisheit

The Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy by Paul S. Dull U.S. NAVAL BASE, PEARL HARBOR, DRY DOCK NO. 2

USNI Blog:

Action Report: USS Hornet (CV-8) Midway

Battle of Midway, Commanding Officer, USS Yorktown, report of 18 June 1942

Battle of Midway: 4-7 June 1942, Online Action Reports: Commanding Officer, USS Enterprise, Serial 0133 of 8 June 1942

MK XIII Aerial Torpedo

Martin B-26 Marauder

Vindicator SB2U Dive Bomber

Douglas TBD Devastator I find no evidence the planes flew with bombardiers on June 4 or had Norden bombsights.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

B-17 Crew Requirements and Standard Operating Procedures

Midway Film by John ford

Valor: Marauders at Midway

The Nimitz Graybook

Japanese aircraft carrier Hiryū Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga Japanese aircraft carrier Sōryū Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi (Therefore average top speed 30.6 knots) Japanese aircraft carrier Shōkaku“8 May 1942 by dive bombers from USS Yorktown and Lexington which scored three bomb hits: one on the carrier’s port bow, one to starboard at the forward end of the flight deck and one just abaft the island. Fires broke out but were eventually contained and extinguished. The resulting damage required Shōkaku to return to Japan for major repairs. On the journey back, the carrier shipped so much water through her damaged bow she nearly capsized in heavy seas, maintaining a high rate of speed in order to avoid a cordon of American submarines out hunting for her.

She arrived at Kure on 17 May 1942 and entered dry dock on 16 June 1942. Repairs were completed within ten days and, a little over two weeks later on 14 July, she was formally reassigned to Striking Force, 3rd Fleet, Carrier Division 1”.

At the Battle of the Coral Sea on May 8 dive bombers from USS Yorktown and Lexington scored three bomb hits on the Shokaku. The resulting damage required her to return to Japan for major repairs. She arrived at Kure on 17 May 1942 and did not enter dry dock until a month later on 16 June 1942.

In comparison the damage the Yorktown sustained after Coral Sea led to the Navy Yard inspectors estimating that she would need at least two weeks of repairs. However, Admiral Nimitz ordered that she be made ready to sail alongside TF 16. Yard workers at Pearl Harbor, laboring around the clock, made enough repairs to enable the ship to put to sea again in 48 hours.

TOPICS: History; Military/Veterans
KEYWORDS: 19420603; battleofmidway; japan; johnparshall; midway; navy; ww2; wwii
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To: AU72

The heroes’ list at Midway should include every yardbird at Pearl Habors name. A truely great story.

41 posted on 12/01/2019 5:47:55 PM PST by Equine1952 (Get yourself a ticket on a common mans train of thought))
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To: Retain Mike

Excellent write up!

42 posted on 12/01/2019 5:52:00 PM PST by TADSLOS (You know why you can enjoy a day at the Zoo? Because walls work.)
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To: Equine1952
Yeah, that was in my thoughts - and prayers - when I wrote that.

43 posted on 12/01/2019 5:53:15 PM PST by lapsus calami (What's that stink? Code Pink ! ! And their buddy Murtha, too!)
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To: Calvin Locke

Very nice. Thank you!

44 posted on 12/01/2019 5:58:42 PM PST by dhs12345
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The same pilot also wrote

Oops. Author.

45 posted on 12/01/2019 6:04:12 PM PST by ETCM
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To: samtheman

The concluding words of the video: the Japanese in a single day had lost the Pacific War.

46 posted on 12/01/2019 6:05:41 PM PST by samtheman (IsnÂ’t diplomacy all about Quid Pro Quo? IsnÂ’t the Executive tasked with fighting corruption?)
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Thank you. When I realized what had taken place, I wrote the essay about June 4 of the battle and what these men had sacrificed and what they achieved.

47 posted on 12/01/2019 6:09:20 PM PST by Retain Mike ( Sat Cong)
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To: dhs12345

When I realized what had taken place, I wrote the essay about June 4 of the battle and what these men had sacrificed and what they achieved.

48 posted on 12/01/2019 6:11:01 PM PST by Retain Mike ( Sat Cong)
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To: samtheman

Thank You!

great footage, comprehensive

49 posted on 12/01/2019 6:27:13 PM PST by 867V309 (Lock Her Up)
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To: Equine1952

“The torpedos still sucked for them and our subs.”

The Mark 14 and Mark 15 torpedoes.

1. Ran 10 feet below settings
2. Magnetic exploder caused premature firing of the torpedo.
3. Contact exploder often failed to fire the torpedo.
4. Dreaded circular run causing the torpedo to circle back to the ship firing it.
4. Naval Torpedo Station, Rhode Island spent the early part of the war blaming everyone but themselves for the torpedo problems.

Things did get straightened out but by wars end the Mark 16 with it’s hydrogen-peroxide propulsion system was much preferred.

50 posted on 12/01/2019 6:30:06 PM PST by oldvirginian (Punishment, to be effective, must be both cruel and unusual. Otherwise it is not feared.)
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To: oldvirginian

All that lends a little credibility to tonnage sunk, for our pig boat sailors. A great bunch to party with I might add. Smokin chokin diesel boatin.

51 posted on 12/01/2019 6:36:05 PM PST by Equine1952 (Get yourself a ticket on a common mans train of thought))
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To: lapsus calami
>>But after more support & supply was authorized it was hell on wheels for the Japs after that.

Also once the U.S. shipbuilding program really kicked in. Task Force 58 / Task Force 38 was just incredible for the last year, year-and-a-half of the war. 17 fleet carriers at the end.

52 posted on 12/01/2019 6:42:35 PM PST by FreedomPoster (Islam delenda est)
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To: oldvirginian
Ugh. That was a low point for the Navy right there. If I recall they had ONE full live fire test before deploying them to the fleet. It amounted to theory as to how they were supposed to work versus real world R&D complete with strenuous field testing of the design. Terrible amount of malfeasance occurred at that time.

53 posted on 12/01/2019 6:42:51 PM PST by lapsus calami (What's that stink? Code Pink ! ! And their buddy Murtha, too!)
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To: FreedomPoster
Had to have the lift capacity to make things happen. That figured prominently in the logistics strategies more than people know. Planners where restricted by how much could be taken where needed, and when. The European theater had priority on shipping capacity which consequently delayed or caused a lot of planning to be scaled back until it was eventually released.

54 posted on 12/01/2019 6:49:54 PM PST by lapsus calami (What's that stink? Code Pink ! ! And their buddy Murtha, too!)
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To: blueunicorn6

An interesting thing that I saw in the book “Shattered Sword“ was something I didn’t know… The Japanese did not have radio control for combat air patrol in the way that we had it. They vectored planes in their CAP by having ships in the screen firing their guns to alert the planes in the air.

I thought that was extremely odd, but apparently that’s the way it was.

55 posted on 12/01/2019 6:53:48 PM PST by rlmorel (Finding middle ground with tyranny or evil makes you either a tyrant or evil. Often both.)
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To: rlmorel

I think that the Japanese fighter pilots were too eager to get kills and forgot their mission was to protect the fleet.

I read a book written by a British naval pilot in the Pacific during WWII.

I was shocked at how many planes and pilots they lost in non-combat operations.

If the Japanese had similar losses?

We forget that these Japanese carriers took a cruise into the Indian Ocean after Pearl Harbor trying to destroy the British Fleet.

We also forget that we had an agreement with the British where we took the lead in the Atlantic and they took the lead in the Pacific.

56 posted on 12/01/2019 7:04:46 PM PST by blueunicorn6 ("A crack shot and a good dancer")
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To: rlmorel

First time I’ve ever heard that. Might explain fighter cover all coming down for the torpedo planes. It fried their arse if that’s what happened.

57 posted on 12/01/2019 7:06:23 PM PST by Equine1952 (Get yourself a ticket on a common mans train of thought))
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To: 867V309

You are welcome.

58 posted on 12/01/2019 7:07:11 PM PST by samtheman (IsnÂ’t diplomacy all about Quid Pro Quo? IsnÂ’t the Executive tasked with fighting corruption?)
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To: Retain Mike
my gosh what a narrative. Thank you for this. It took forever to read, as I ran across aircraft, I hooked into wiki to read about it.

Had I only first peeked at the end...(sigh)
59 posted on 12/01/2019 7:11:32 PM PST by stylin19a ((2016 - Best.Election.Of.All.Times.Ever.In.The.History.Of.Ever))
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To: Retain Mike

What I take away from the battle was the fact that Americans were very brave and very determined. These characteristics were what allowed the Americans to come from a position of losing to one where they prevailed and won. As Americans we should take this to heart and act according if the time ever comes for us to do the same.

60 posted on 12/01/2019 7:21:01 PM PST by dhs12345
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