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Save America! Say NO to subjugation, Fake News, Fake 'vaccines', lockdowns and mask shaming. Ghandi had it right - we don't need more numbers. We need to stop cooperating!
6/21/2021 | vanity

Posted on 06/21/2021 12:43:11 PM PDT by ransomnote

The World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc. – have a long history of wanting to drastically reduce the world’s population. Their promotion of eugenics under various names is very well known. Why would they be in favor of vaccinations for everyone? They could fall silent and pretend to let ‘nature take its course’ (i.e., allow bioweapons to maim and kill as intended). Why wouldn’t they promote harmful treatments and suppress effective ones in order to obtain their depopulation goals that much faster?

Prior efforts to rule the world have failed throughout history because there are too many people in too many countries to control. Our would-be masters plan to succeed where others have failed by reducing the ‘slave-class’ to a number manageable with technology (e.g., ‘vaccine’ passports, social credit scores, self-driving vehicles, surveillance networks like Amazon ‘ring’). They plan to use us to encourage each other into the abattoir or gulag through fear. Many in our lives continue to urge us to barter with our oppressors.

That which our enemies have been working on for decades, the end of freedom around the world, cannot be bartered for.

They have been planning this for decades, installing social divisions to break down resistance, methodically dumbing down education and glorifying the servitude of Communism, subverting faith & family, ceding Human Rights and Constitutional Rights to the state, capturing world governments and medical infrastructure.

Why would our collaborating enemies invest trillions and decades in warping the perceived reality and social conditioning world-wide through television and social media ‘programming’ and then never act the vulnerabilities they cultivated? Their actions have a highly coordinated objective; world dominion. Recognize the name of the ‘voting’ software for 2020. Still think it’s a coincidence?

Those who work to enslave us have been meeting for decades in international collaborations dressed up as ‘public service.’ Long ago they determined that fear would bring them the compliance needed for a smaller occupying force (i.e., the elites) to capture, kill and enslave a far, far larger force (i.e., the public).  Therefore, the elites have focused to an unusual degree on planning for pandemics. But their plans were really international collaboration to make war on us. They pretended to create realistic pandemic scenarios to protect us. In reality, they were meeting in order to design, test and practice their strategic communications and medical attacks to ensure the public would be culled and captured without rising to resist and defeat them. We outnumber them and for this reason they fear us. ‘Divide and frighten’ is their strategy for killing most of us and enslaving the useful remainders.

Covid is the key to their plan for population reduction. They have tried to foment panic in the past; many recall what seemed like overreaction and propaganda about prior flu outbreaks and illnesses like SARS1 (2003) and H1N1. The captured medical structure and complicit MSM and world governments were not over-reacting, they were attacking. Each time they failed to fan public demand for mandatory ‘vaccinations,’ they retooled their battle plans and resumed international meetings to refine strategies and plug loop holes through which the public had escaped.

They realized that the public had access to medical resources and communications (social media) which pierced the veil of lies they drew over us in their prior attacks. H1N1 happened and the public was concerned and went back to living their normal lives. Further international coordination to capture communication and increase capture of medical resources were then targeted.

Corrupt divisions of our government developed AI and other programs to shape human will and topple governments around the world, and at home. DARPA is the classified wing of weaponized tax dollars and has methodically purchased and cultivated assets like Silicon Valley to craft the tools of cyberwarfare and psyops enacted against us.

The CIA was aware that citizens would be unlikely to willingly log their daily activities and communications in their DOD/DARPA crafted program called LifeLog, which was, by the way, paid for with your tax dollars.


The wealth of the United States created upon the backs of the American worker has been captured to give the ‘elites’ luxurious lifestyles and the endless ability to fund their weapons of war, both foreign and domestic (i.e., ‘black budget’ projects) . That’s what President Trump means when he speaks of the unrecognized wealth created by the American worker.

When Obama sent pallets of cash overseas to places like Iran, it wasn’t the first time our domestic enemies did so. Enemies within and without the US harvest and share the wealth of the American worker.

Our enemies have developed countless ways to siphon off funds when pallets of cash on military aircraft would otherwise be too conspicuous and ‘black budget’ funds might be exposed. Foundations like the ones the created to fund the CDC, FDA, Clintons etc. receive donations which originate from you, the tax payer, and are then sent out of the country in the form of foreign aid. Foreign enemies take their cut and send ‘donations’ to corrupt foundations.
CDC is a Private Organization - Not Government! [Donors include Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, three separate PFizer foundations, Merck, Bloomberg, George Soros' Open Society Foundation, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Sanofi, Merck etc.]

Book deals (e.g., Bill & Hillary, Obama and Michelle) are just another way to launder funds. President Trump seemed to identify and turn off the spigot to other war funds, like human trafficking, drug trafficking, and oceanic levels of medical fraud among others. The president labored to sever the CIA driven human/drug trafficking trades along our border(s) in part to cut their ability to replenish their war chest. This is what really appalled people like Nancy Pelosi.

Many have wondered how otherwise odd and unimpressive jerks like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg every succeeded in building tech empires given their lack of management skills, imagination and general social capacity to pass for normal. They and others are merely figure heads for DARPA developed technology.

However, plans to end freedom around the world required sifting through individualized levels of communication to defeat the much larger occupying force (i.e., the unwitting public). So the CIA ended  DARPA-created ‘LifeLog’ application the same day FaceBook was formed. Head staff in DARPA moved over the FaceBook and the rest is history. The ‘right sort of people’ in media, sports and entertainment were used to cultivate Facebook’s image and the world soon turned to the effort of willingly providing necessary intel to the CIA and international enemies who then funnel the information through AI to manipulate the will of the people. Note the date of Facebook and Lifelog images below.

A few additional links:

Pentagon Kills LifeLog Project | WIRED

A Spy Machine of DARPA's Dreams | WIRED

Technology once used to combat ISIS propaganda is enlisted by Democratic group to counter Trump’s coronavirus messaging - The Washington Post


 ‘Shadow banning’ and censorship among Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others is not an abuse of the technology; it’s the deployment of a cyber weapon. Many have heard of China’s social credit score; fewer realize that the US has such a system which has not yet been publicly deployed. Remember the ‘mysterious’ Google barge in San Francisco? Brand recognition, like ‘Google’ is used to mask the CIA’s activities to defeat Americans and citizens around the world. There’s a reason why tech giants, MSM, and politicians seem to intermarry to a surprising degree; it’s not coincidence.

Many are unaware that we are living our lives upon a battlefield and the insertion of technology and social manipulation in every aspect of daily life is actually hostile infiltration. Obama required ISP’s to provide the federal government with the names and addresses of every customer; some were concerned. But to many it seemed like one more ‘papercut’ to privacy and freedom.

Our enemies are maneuvering to deplete our strength, our wealth, our health, our freedom and they are doing so largely unopposed because they have enacted significant psyops to hypnotize and brainwash the public to ‘fit in’ and ‘play along’ and guard their reputation by complying with the dictates of MSM/CIA/Social Media and government masters. The public is now so concerned about its ‘public reputation’ that it is willingly complying with demands that it submit and serve, never to be free again.

FaceBook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and any other popularized social media tool coordinate in the suppression of free speech BY DESIGN. The work together, with the MSM (i.e., CIA) to create the world they want us to see. What they did to falsely portray President Trump, they do to every other message they want to suppress, and it often works.

The social construct of a hectoring woman named ‘Karen’ was initially used to point to social controls being deployed against free Americans. But with its 24/7 communications grip (MSM, Social Media) the CIA repurposed it to identify those who do not comply with toxic medical dictates.

Plenty of reports and compelling evidence prove that wearing masks to stop viruses is a harmful, useless practice, but ‘minders’ have succeeded in shaming and threatening those who do not comply.

The Plandemic was known from the start. Branco had an outstanding cartoon featuring Bill Gates’ plans for depopulation via ‘vaccines’. Many enjoyed it and said it was powerfully true. Many seemed to forget it and more deny it. The indoctrination is working and our enemies are closing in.

Branco: The Plannedemic – Grrr Graphics

Note that digital vaccine passports are tantamount to Branco's road map to martial law.

Israel was attacked while the world slept. One day they woke up to discover employment and attending school was a privilege given only to those who were ‘vaccinated’. Their leaders sold the entire population to Pfizer for the company’s Phase III trial without telling, let alone asking the public for permission. The terms of the financial agreement with Pfizer are classified for many years – the public is not permitted to know the price for which they were sold. Does anyone here believe that Pfizer or those paid by Pfizer in Israel’s government are going to admit to the harm caused by the vaccine? Or, do you think they will lie and say Israel is a showcase for the world to admire?

Conservatives know that the MSM and governments of the world are lying about the plandemic, the masks, the lockdowns.

Plandemic Indoctrination [watch movie free, free to download] Includes notes on 7 minute sample excerpt of the movie: Clip 03 Turning CoronaVirus from a pathogen to a profit

But when the propaganda machinery begin telling the world that Israel was now a shining example of the safety and success of the ‘vaccines’,  the sheep bleated their support in unison . How else to say it? How could those attacking us with constant lies, surveillance and lockdowns be trusted to provide us with escape from their snares? They don’t want us free; they want us culled.

Proof that Fauci, the CDC, the NIH and NC ChapellHill are complicit is emerging.

Citizens in Israel organized to circumvent the public press about the ‘vaccines’ and the news was not good.

The Israeli People`s Committee Report of Adverse Events Related to the Corona Vaccine, April 2021: Never has a vaccine injured so many.

This information is compatible with reports escaping censorship around the world. I’ve yet to hear a suitable explanation for the skyrocketing rate of deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Database (VAERS).

The line on the chart (reports of deaths) is becoming steeper as it rises. Vaccinated Covid deaths are adding to the skyrocketing rise and it’s going to get worse, if people continue to get ‘vaccinated’.

In updates slipping past the censors, Israeli’s parsed their government’s released data and discovered that deaths among the elderly increased by a factor of 40 during their 5 week ‘vaccination’ push. Worse still, deaths among the other age groups increased 240 times during that same ‘vaccination’ window.

It’s macabre to see shills claiming we should all be like Israel when they  are unwilling ‘vaccine trial conscripts’.

Excellent physicians and researchers are speaking up against the establishment and warning the public the ‘vaccines’ are harmful.

Ex-Pfizer VP Yeadon Warns: Children 50 Times More Likely to Die From Vaccine Than Virus (3 minute RUMBLE video)

COVID Vaccine Killing Huge Numbers, Warns Leading Doctor – Liberty Sentinel [32 minute video]

They do so at great personal risk,  only to be dismissed as ‘quacks’ by anonymous posers, on FR and the Internet, who risk nothing and have no reputation or livelihood to damage. Why trust the accusations of anonymous persons of unknown reputation, qualifications and motives when faced with physicians and researchers putting themselves and their reputations on the line, facing persecution and threats for telling the truth?

I still hear the calls for conservatives to go back to sleep, nothing’s wrong, after all, look at how well Israel is doing, no matter how many Israeli’s suffer and die. These people can't get the MSM to cover the story, so they post on Twitter or other alternatives where they are dismissed by shills who say, it’s ‘only Twitter’ or ‘Only Youtube’ or ‘Just a blog…’.

LISTEN: Fauci Lets Slip That Mark Zuckerberg Offered Him ‘Resources & Money’ In Redacted E-mails. (

What else do those working to overthrow freedom and kill/enslave us have in mind next? Certainly vaccine passports are in progress, even though Biden is pretending they are not. Every incentive or limit placed on vaccination status is proof the way is being paved for the implementation of ‘vaccine passports’ to which the tech giants can connect China’s social credit score system, wages, medical access, travel, fuel and food purchases, housing etc.

Qatar Says Only Vaccinated Fans Allowed at World Cup 2022 (

Oh but the elites have more plans for individualized control of our bodies.

This Implant Could One Day Control Your Sleep and Wake Cycles (

Won’t that be nice? They can put workers to sleep and wake them up. They can medicate the public as needed.

It's Happening In America. PATRIOTS! WAKE UP!

The plandemic, lockdowns, masks and vaccines are warfare conducted on the bodies of those resisting slavery. Why accept the attacks? Why assume that the plandemic/lockdowns/masks are bad but the ‘vaccines’ are being given to us by the same people because they want to protect us?

Everything we've witnessed in the past 10 years has been a shift toward less freedom and toward more centralized control to the point we have an unlected, Bill Gates funded CDC telling us whether we 'get' to leave our house today, or go to school and work. Biden is busy telling us whether we can see people, how many we can see, and how long we can see them. He's thought ahead and planned our Fourth of July for us. How will 'they' inforce their demands we not congrate?

AP Exclusive: Google tracks your movements, like it or not (

Do you really believe things will get better if you're vaccinated? Do you think they will reverse plans they've been working on for decades because you put on a mask when they told you to?

The people now reporting US morbidity and illness data are the same ones who counted the votes for Trump! The same MSM that ‘reported’ on Trump for 4 years are bringing us FAKE NEWS from around the world fabricated to stampede us into getting a vaccine and outsourcing our immune systems from this day forward while sending fake 'fact checkers' out to destroy evidence that people are suffering and dying from the 'vaccines.

YOU can join the WAR EFFORT and help  save America. Don’t be ‘vaccinated’! Use the safe, effective treatments available if you become ill. If you’ve already had Covid, you have long lasting immunity to Covid and the ‘variants’.

Early Treatment Protocols (Collection of Covid-19 resources, treatment and prophylactic protocols)

A few additional links:

Former Pfizer VP issues warning: ‘This is Israel now, UK in just a few weeks’

EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

It’s ‘entirely possible’ vaccine campaigns ‘will be used for massive-scale depopulation’: Former Pfizer VP and Chief Science Officer

Cutting through the propaganda with basic truths.

TOPICS: Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: freedom; ghandi; lockdown; pleasebebrief; tldr; vanity
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1 posted on 06/21/2021 12:43:11 PM PDT by ransomnote
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To: Cathi; Unrepentant VN Vet; metmom; Fractal Trader; SecAmndmt; bagster; doc maverick; ...


2 posted on 06/21/2021 12:43:40 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

The opposite of Courage is not Cowardice...its Conformance. -Earl Nightingale

3 posted on 06/21/2021 12:47:32 PM PDT by know.your.why (If you dont watch the MSM you are uninformed. If you do watch the MSM you are misinformed.)
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To: ransomnote

There’s good news coming in these days.

They’ve been lying about the number of soldiers in the Army who have been ‘vaccinated’ and they’ve been lying about the numbers of medical personnel who’ve been vaxxed. I mean, these are the same people who falsely report votes, polls and Ukrainian phone calls, so they are naturally lying about ‘vaccination’ numbers.

Please pray our country awakens. God has shed his grace on our country before. Please pray that He awaken the public and strip off the veil so we all recognize our enemy and call on His strength to resist overthrow. PRAYERS UP!

4 posted on 06/21/2021 12:48:39 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

Absolutely... But the reason it will not work is lifestyle. No one will make a minimal sacrifice of cramping their lifestyle even one little bit. Spoiled rotten selfishness and fetishes/addictions will never be sacrificed to make a true impact.

5 posted on 06/21/2021 12:55:58 PM PDT by Openurmind (The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children. ~ D. Bonhoeffer)
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To: Openurmind

Absolutely... But the reason it will not work is lifestyle. No one will make a minimal sacrifice of cramping their lifestyle even one little bit. Spoiled rotten selfishness and fetishes/addictions will never be sacrificed to make a true impact.
Prayers up! Father In Heaven, show us all what is at stake so that even the selfish concede they will have less than nothing if the ongoing coup strips of of freedom permanently.

6 posted on 06/21/2021 1:04:19 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

Excellent post. Thank you.

7 posted on 06/21/2021 1:10:32 PM PDT by upchuck (I am not afraid of the Chinese Virus or variants. I AM afraid of the unproven "vaccines.")
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To: ransomnote

Have a friend who’s a retired Army M.D. in her 70’s. She was a virologist.

She will not be getting these vaccines.

She said the reporting doesn’t mesh with the science.

8 posted on 06/21/2021 1:13:05 PM PDT by lizma2
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To: ransomnote


9 posted on 06/21/2021 1:20:02 PM PDT by joma89 (Buy weapons and ammo, folks, and have the will to use them.)
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To: ransomnote

In the end God wins.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming, Nothing

Well written and thought out. Thank you very much for this.

10 posted on 06/21/2021 1:21:59 PM PDT by stockpirate (Rebellion to tyranny is obedience to God., Where Justice Ends Tyranny Begins)
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To: ransomnote

Excellent essay!! Thanks much for posting it!

11 posted on 06/21/2021 1:25:43 PM PDT by zzeeman ("We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality." )
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Too many who 'voted with their feet' can't stay on their feet after getting 'vaccinated.'

They now regret that they were lied to and manipulated as grisly reports of adverse events, including still births, endless seizures, massive blood clots and other casualties of the biowarfare 'vaccines', slip past the censors.

Those 'voters' are reading that within 48 hours the toxic spike proteins spread into liver, spleen, and other organs with the highest concentrations in the bone marrow and ovaries.

From via data from an FOIA request made by Byram Bridle (data from Japan)

So mRNA is instructing cells in the ovaries to produce spike proteins. This, after trolls and their handlers sneered that only idiots think the 'vaccine' mRNA ever leaves the arm muscle into which it was injected.

Could this account for the 82% miscarriage rate in first 20 weeks (10% is the normal rate).

These casualties of biowarfare are just the tip of the iceberg. I encourage everyone to save the content at the following link. You may want to choose 'print' and then switch to the PDF option. This option will leave all the links 'live' in the resulting PDF.

Should you get vaccinated? (

12 posted on 06/21/2021 1:28:24 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote
The man who invented mRNA technology is warning the public not to get the 'vaccines'.

Spike protein is very dangerous, it's cytotoxic (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein) - YouTube

13 posted on 06/21/2021 1:30:45 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

He has warned and given signs for over ten years now, and we didn’t want to be bothered with it. Too busy watching the ballgame to care.

14 posted on 06/21/2021 1:31:01 PM PDT by Openurmind (The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children. ~ D. Bonhoeffer)
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15 posted on 06/21/2021 1:32:36 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

I don’t see anything about China in your essay. That’s missing a lot.

16 posted on 06/21/2021 1:32:41 PM PDT by Empire_of_Liberty
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To: ransomnote


17 posted on 06/21/2021 2:02:01 PM PDT by sauropod (The smartphone is the retina of the mind's eye.)
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To: ransomnote

I stand with you.

18 posted on 06/21/2021 2:23:52 PM PDT by exnavy
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To: ransomnote
Somebody's been studying their Q.,P> Oh noes!


Quick, errbody. Put your heads back in the sand!!!

19 posted on 06/21/2021 2:41:25 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: Empire_of_Liberty
I don’t see anything about China in your essay. That’s missing a lot.

China is in league with the derp state, with the derps calling the shots.

20 posted on 06/21/2021 2:47:17 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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