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Rush Limbaugh: Unmanly Men Fear Bush ^ | 3/16/06 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 03/16/2006 6:21:43 PM PST by wagglebee

RUSH: A couple more delights from the White House press briefing today. David Gregory. Did you happen to see earlier this week the Washington Post ran a big puff piece on Gregory. He's the new Sam Donaldson. He is the Sam Donaldson to George Bush. You know, Donaldson, among many things that led to his fame, was a provocateur with Ronald Reagan throughout much of Reagan's administration. So they're having this White House press briefing today, and they're talking about this offensive that's going on in Iraq.

GREGORY: Does the president think that an offensive like this high-profile is necessary in part to turn public opinion around in this country about the war?

McCLELLAN: Our commanders in the theater have the authorization to make tactical decisions about the operations that they undertake, and there have been a number of operations that have been undertaken over the course of the last several months to really go after the terrorists and the Saddam loyalists who want to return to the past of oppression and tyranny.

RUSH: Okay, now, Gregory takes that and asks this question.

GREGORY: Are you saying that the president did not specifically authorize this?

McCLELLAN: No. He knows about the operation; he's been briefed on it, but this was a decision that is made by commanders who are in the best position to make the tactical decisions.

RUSH: Well, wait 'til this gets some legs this afternoon. So Bush didn't know about the ports deal. (laughing) Bush doesn't know about this initiative! You just know what they're going to do with this or what they're going to try to do with it and that is portray Bush as a wandering, aimless fool in the White House bubble with a staff that can't stay awake, a staff that can't read the tea leaves, a staff that's tone deaf. "Why, don't they know this is the last time -- this is the worst time -- to launch an offensive like this? Haven't they seen the polls? The American people want us out of there!" We played sound bites all over the first hour in case you missed it, of various members of the media saying this is unbelievable.

"The polls say the American people don't want us in Iraq. They don't trust it. They want to get out of there, while the president says he's now saying we're going to have more preemptive strikes! He's rattling his saber against Iran, and now he's got this major offensive on Iraq. This is crazy. Is he not listening to the polls?" So we get from these people that they are insistent that leaders govern by polls because it's their poll. You see, they consider themselves the fourth branch of government. They're trying to influence policy here, and they think they've succeeded with their constant negotiate barrage of news over the last number of years about Iraq, that they've convinced the American people that Iraq is bad, a mistake, shouldn't go, shouldn't have gone and ought to get out.
They pretty much admit this and are very happy about it. They've been trying to prove for the last ten years that they still have that old monopoly power that used to exist before that damn new media came along. Now the new media's come along and busted up their monopoly, so they've been working hard for five years to create an anti-war majority in this country, and now that they've done it they can't believe the president is ignoring it! They just can't believe it. It doesn't compute with them. Well, let me explain it to you as I did right as the previous hour ended. One of the reasons -- and I think it's the reason that the left, the media, the Democrats -- want Bush to be driven by polls, is that they, the left and the media, the Democrats, are not manly.

I know that they're not manly. They've been feminized. They live inside the Beltway. They've been feminized by the radical feminist movement for who knows how many years now. They are not manly, and that makes them uncomfortable with Bush's manliness. They're threatened by it because manly men lead. (They may not ask for directions all the time, but they lead.) They need to go someplace even if they don't bother to ask where (laughing). They're going to go. They are confident in their own beliefs. They take risks to assert those beliefs. If I may throw myself in this category, like I courageously and bravely, against amazing opposition and odds, stuck to my position on the ports deal.

See, unmanly men -- wimps, men that have been cowed, men that have been feminized -- wait for the safety of consensus, and that's what a poll is, because a poll that shows us a majority of something, a consensus gives you an escape hatch. "Well, I was only doing what the poll said! I was only doing what the American people wanted.: You know, when all thing falls apart. I'll give you an example. Jack Bauer doesn't give a hoot in the world about polls but this new wimp president on "24" is totally driven by them. Now, who's manly and who's not? This new president on "24", he's totally cowed and he's cracking up now and it isn't going to be long before the vice president and the secretary of homeland defense actually conduct a coup to take over the government and CTU.

But it's a great example. Jack Bauer wouldn't lead by polls. Hell, Jack Bauer doesn't even follow the rules! He just leads, and that's what Bush is doing. He's just leading, and it threatens them. It threatens them. They want him to be more like them, consensus builders, consensus followers because when it all blows up, you've got an excuse. "Well, I was only doing what the American people wanted me to do," blah, blah, blah. That's why in private, so you find aside from, you know, whatever policy differences people have, Bush is envied, I think, and I think he's greatly admired in at least that one characteristic, and probably many more.


RUSH: Virginia Beach, this is Tim, glad you called, sir.

CALLER: Thank you. I'm on?

RUSH: You're on. It's your big show biz break.

CALLER: He it is an honor and a blessing to talk to you, Mr. Limbaugh.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I was talking to the screener. Basically... I'm only 19 years old, and I was a Democrat. I mean, even before I could register, I mean, I called myself a Democrat and a liberal, and --

RUSH: Was that because you grew up in a Democrat home?

CALLER: I think it was actually quite the opposite. I was being a little rebellious. My parents are very conservative. My father is. I mean, he listens to you every day, is probably listening right now. So...

RUSH: Ah, that makes total sense. I understand. I didn't rebel in that way, but I understand that.
CALLER: So I went to college. I went to a small private school in North Carolina, and I went, and I joined like campaign for Kerry, and I'm very sad to say I voted for Kerry and '04, and after that -- I mean, very shortly; I'm talking like even a month after that -- I started to study. Somebody said Ronald Reagan was just the crappiest president ever so I actually studied and looked at some of his numbers and the things that he said, and it's exactly like you're talking about. I mean, it's emasculating how the Democratic Party is, just because, I mean, Reagan and Bush, they have that in common. They see something and they know it's right, they're going to do it no matter what and that's what a man does, and the Democratic Party, I mean, that's the reason I left is because --

RUSH: Tim, this is fascinating. You're a very interesting guy. I want to know how this process happened, because the way you tell the story, here you are, this lifelong Democrat; you're even part of this group Catawba for Kerry, and you're out there rallying, and then you said a month after you voted for Kerry you felt emasculated. You started studying Reagan who everybody told you was the crappiest president. This is one of the quickest transition... Something had to happen. You had to have this in the back of your mind. You had to have guilt about being a Democrat for a long time. What triggered this reversal?

CALLER: Honestly it was my roommate. He's a Libertarian. He was very conservative, and he said, "Man just stop talking about it and stop putting up a wall and being defensive, and just read." So when I actually studied went out on my own and stopped listening to what everyone was telling me and media was telling me and polls were telling me when I actually read for myself and gained a little bit of wisdom I realized that the side that I was on was not right in any way whatsoever. And so, I mean, it was a huge transition, and a very quick one -- and a lot of my friends, you know, turned their back on me. A lot of them wouldn't talk to me.

RUSH: I'm sure they're telling you you've been brainwashed and, "How did it happen?" What was it that made you feel emasculated?

CALLER: Well, I was going to a lot of different groups and like support things and rallies for like, you know, women's rights first of all I had that guilt in the back of my head. I'm going. :I'm not a woman, why am I here?:

RUSH: Well, why were you there? Why were you going to women's rights rallies?

CALLER: I think honestly because everyone else was. It was just something that we all did.

RUSH: It was the thing to do to show that you were sensitive and open-minded and understanding, right?

CALLER: Right, and it's okay to be sensitive. I have a girlfriend. I'm very sensitive to her but if she does something wrong no longer will I say, "Oh, she's a woman. I have to respect that." No. If it's wrong, you tell her it's wrong. If anybody on earth is doing something wrong, you have to tell them it's wrong.

RUSH: Wait a second. Was she going to the women's rights rallies, too?


RUSH: (laughs) Now, I can understand if you're going to go to the women's rights rallies just to be with her. I've done stuff like that.

CALLER: Ha-ha-ha.

RUSH: But you went without her!

CALLER: Right, yeah.

RUSH: Was she a liberal Democrat or a conservative?

CALLER: She was actually apolitical until she started listening to your show with me.

RUSH: A-ha.


RUSH: Well, this is fascinating. You felt emasculated after voting for Kerry because you had to go to these women's rights rallies at...

CALLER: (laughs)

RUSH: Go ahead, I didn't mean to interrupt you.

CALLER: Oh, no, no, no. I was just going to say it's just wimpy. I just felt extremely wimpy. You know, "Terrorists attack their country? Oh, let's hug them." There's no common sense behind it.

RUSH: No, there was no common sense, you're right about it. It was just nothing but a bunch of raw emotion. No common sense.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: Common sense is what it destroys it. Application of common sense will destroy liberalism like a nuclear weapon did to Nagasaki.

CALLER: Say that again?
RUSH: I said, "Common sense will do to liberalism what a nuclear bomb will do to Nagasaki."

CALLER: Absolutely. Absolutely. But it definitely is lacking. There is no common sense there. That's the other thing that got it, is the emasculation and the common sense -- lack thereof, anyway.

RUSH: So I'm assuming now that you feel happier and you feel much better about yourself?

CALLER: Oh, yes.

RUSH: Because you're being who you are. You're not doing what you think other people expect you to do in order to have them think of you in certain ways. You're just being who you are. You're being a man now.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: All right. The only thing I would advise you, the only thing I would advise you further is if you don't know where you're going, and a woman is in the car, ask directions. You will save yourself a lifetime of grief.

CALLER: Thank you, sir.

RUSH: All right, Tim, I'm glad you called. Happy to have you in the audience out there. Jason in San Antonio. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, greetings from San Antonio, Texas.

RUSH: Thank you very much. Great to have you with us.

CALLER: Fifteenth year of the show. That call you just had from the gentleman in North Carolina is why the Democrats are going to get their heads handed to them again in November. He said it. He had a girlfriend, didn't care about politics, but the media and the Democrats didn't convert her into an apathetic voter or a Democrat voter. They've converted her into a Republican -- and I wanted to ask you, "If the Democrats get creamed again in November,: and I believe they will, "where do they go from there?" They've got nothing to point at. They can't say it was the president's popularity. They can't say it was the proximity of September 11th, and do you think that will change the fundamental leadership of the Democratic Party? And I do mean media when I say the Democratic Party leadership.

RUSH: Oh, no, it won't change the media. In fact, I've already addressed this. I addressed this in 2002, and I addressed it in 2004, and I'll be happy to address it now because it's a great question. In 2002, when the Democrats thought they were going to take back the House with the Wellstone memorial, I said that when they lose, the last thing they're going to do is examine what they are doing wrong. They are going to get mad, and they're going to think they "didn't get their message out," and they're going to start sounding even more outrageous and extreme -- and by gosh, they're doing it. After 2004, I said the same thing.
Folks, these are not the people that are going to admit their own mistakes. They're going to say it was stolen from them again or they were cheated out of it. They're not going to examine themselves, and they're going to get even more bellicose. They're going to get even more outrageous, and they're going to think they didn't get their message out. Now, they did do lip service for two or three days on, "Gee, we've gotta get a message here on values." They got caught up in the red state, blue state thing but it lasted two or three days. Now what are they doing? I said the other day that emotional satisfaction has become a substitute to victory to these people.

You can't take a look at these far left-wing blogs, these kook sites like has just sent out a mailing. They claim to have three million people on their mailing list, and they are ecstatic. You know why they're ecstatic? Because they claim that they've got 200,000 signatures on a censure petition based on what Russ Feingold did. They've got three million members. They've got 200,000 signatures. They are ecstatic! This is going nowhere, but they're ecstatic. They're finally happy; they are showing how much they hate Bush. Not going to get 'em anything. They're not winning anything, the people that run may collect some more money in this, do some more fund-raising, but they're not going to win anything.

Let's move forward to '06. Let's just hypothetically say that your blowout scenario actually comes to pass. Let's say they are blown out. Let's say not only do they not pick up any seats, they lose some. Because the conventional wisdom right now is they may pick up as many as eight in the House, and they've got an outside chance of winning the Senate, and they've got an outside chance of taking back the House. All right, let's say they lose. Let's say they lose seats. My prediction is that Pelosi and Reid might be in trouble, but as far as the kook base is concerned, it depends on how the campaign was run. If the campaigns are run and a bunch of people who were really out there trashing Bush and saying he's Hitler and he's the worst guy out there and if they come close in these races what the kook-fringe base will say is, "We're making process."

It's like when this guy Hackett lost they called it a victory. They called it a victory because Hackett showed them. "Hackett showed them! Hackett said the right things about Bush. He was out there telling the truth; he came within four or five points in a heavy Republican district. This is a victory," and they were all celebrating, and they had lost. So if they convince themselves that whatever happens in their loss is accompanied by enough hate-filled, rage-filled rhetoric, they'll feel good and they'll think they've just gotta keep working at it, just keep plugging away and they'll be on to 2008 to take over the White House and they'll get the House then, but do not expect them to admit that, "You know what? We've got trouble. We had better really examine ourselves." They won't do it because they're elitists, arrogant and they condescend, and nothing that could going on is their fault. They're entitled to power. It's their birthright, and somebody is denying them, and those people will pay.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: aliens; amnesty; badjudgment; borderslanguage; bush; culture; dittoheads; fearfuldems; illegals; males; metrosexuals; rush; rushlimbaugh; talkradio; transcript
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To: pollyannaish

Let the woman ask.

21 posted on 03/16/2006 7:07:29 PM PST by Cannoneer No. 4 (Our enemies act on ecstatic revelations from their god. We act on the advice of lawyers.)
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To: wagglebee
Try searching the news for "unmanly men" The wimps are panning this insult.
22 posted on 03/16/2006 7:09:59 PM PST by Fielding (Sans Dieu Rien)
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To: CheyennePress
Then I took a macroeconomics course.

Both our kids took a lot of Economics classes.

Even though they both live in San Fran, they are both ultra-conservative.

23 posted on 03/16/2006 7:12:27 PM PST by Cobra64
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To: zbigreddogz
"does this headline just sound wrong? "

No - it's absolutely right, in both senses.

24 posted on 03/16/2006 7:14:10 PM PST by the anti-liberal (Hey, Al Qaeda: Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent)
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To: wagglebee
I'm not worried about the off-year election in 2006. They'll get smashed again. Their little Stalinist media construction will get smashed again, too.

Through it all, though, the leftist lunatics will never, ever reflect on where they went wrong. They're paternalistic idiots. We're set for a hundred years of political power due to bottomless self-satisfaction the leftist dolts cultivate amongst themselves.

25 posted on 03/16/2006 7:15:07 PM PST by Reactionary (The Moonbats Need an Enema)
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To: wagglebee; DrDeb; onyx
Any surprise that the girlie man leftists hate these three? None at all.....

Manly men.

Rush was STELLAR today!!

26 posted on 03/16/2006 7:15:37 PM PST by ohioWfan (I don't apologize for supporting and defending our Commander in Chief in a time of war.)
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To: zbigreddogz
Is it just me, or does this headline just sound wrong?

It would make a great bumpersticker.

27 posted on 03/16/2006 7:16:16 PM PST by JPJones (First and foremost: I'm a Freeper.)
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To: Cannoneer No. 4
Ok. Ten extra testosterone points for you buddy.

28 posted on 03/16/2006 7:16:23 PM PST by pollyannaish
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To: ohioWfan

Three Men --- wish I were the "baby."

29 posted on 03/16/2006 7:17:42 PM PST by onyx (IF ONLY 10% of Muslims are radical, that's still 120 MILLION who want to kill us.)
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To: Caveman Lawyer

Well, pretty much ALL of my youthful liberalism was embarrassing and I'm a GIRL. Boy liberals have a whole lot farther to travel. There are many cringe-producing moments on that trip, let me tell you!

(And some of them the pitfalls of the newly converted, over eager conservative missionary...shudder.)

30 posted on 03/16/2006 7:18:26 PM PST by pollyannaish
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To: onyx

ROFLOL! (Haven't thought of that movie in years, onyx!)

31 posted on 03/16/2006 7:19:49 PM PST by ohioWfan (I don't apologize for supporting and defending our Commander in Chief in a time of war.)
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To: JPJones

Never put a bumper sticker on any of my cars in my life - but that baby would get slapped on pronto. It's perfect!

32 posted on 03/16/2006 7:21:56 PM PST by the anti-liberal (Hey, Al Qaeda: Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent)
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To: ohioWfan

Me neither until you posted THREE MEN.

33 posted on 03/16/2006 7:22:00 PM PST by onyx (IF ONLY 10% of Muslims are radical, that's still 120 MILLION who want to kill us.)
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To: JPJones
Unmanly Men Fear Bush

Awesome bumper sticker!

34 posted on 03/16/2006 7:32:58 PM PST by TheLion
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To: JPJones; the anti-liberal

I mean it sounds wrong in a frat boy sense.

Think about it for a second.

Sorry, I guess my sense of humor is too juvinile.

35 posted on 03/16/2006 7:39:14 PM PST by zbigreddogz
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To: zbigreddogz

And I'm saying it sounds exactly right, even in the crude sense.

36 posted on 03/16/2006 7:41:21 PM PST by the anti-liberal (Hey, Al Qaeda: Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent)
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To: wagglebee
They're threatened by it because manly men lead. (They may not ask for directions all the time, but they lead.)


37 posted on 03/16/2006 7:44:04 PM PST by wizardoz
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To: the anti-liberal

I guess you are right when you put it that way. I meant more 'wrong' in the sense that it was crude but obviously unintended, but stupidly overlooked in it's implication.

Or, as you said, maybe not. :)

38 posted on 03/16/2006 7:54:58 PM PST by zbigreddogz
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To: JPJones

In 2004, I actually tried to sell some College Republicans on the idea of a frat-like shirt that said:


With a Bush/Cheney 2004 logo on the other side.

Unfortunately, they didn't bite. Oh well. It was a good idea anyway.

39 posted on 03/16/2006 7:58:10 PM PST by zbigreddogz
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To: Cannoneer No. 4

I don't know where you get off, but I spent 10 years as a mortar in a light infantry unit! Earning a CIB, EIB, Air assault, and many other honors before I broke my damn back for this Country! You want to start some, bring it on brother! I got more testoterone in my pinky than 90% of the "men" in this country. I know what a week kneed sissy faggot is, and it aint me.

40 posted on 03/16/2006 7:58:42 PM PST by vpintheak (Liberal = The antithesis of Freedom and Patriotism)
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