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The Band of Mothers Stand in Support Of Troops, Cannon Bldg Corner, Washington, DC
Beverly Perlson - The Band Of Mothers ^ | August 20, 2011 | SeekTheTruth

Posted on 08/20/2011 5:21:48 PM PDT by seekthetruth

Edited on 08/21/2011 8:06:48 AM PDT by Sidebar Moderator. [history]

The Band of Mothers Stand in Support Of Troops, Cannon Bldg Corner, Washington, DC The Band of Mothers After Action Report:

When I formed The Band of Mothers back in 2007, it was the raw and protective instincts of a mother for her Son and his Brothers that fueled my passion to establish The Band of Mothers. Someone once said the most dangerous place in all the world is between a mother and her children. I concur. As it is the nature of the lioness to protect and defend her cubs, so is the way of The Band of Mothers.

(Note: Click on images for larger view)

From the Mission Statement on The Band of Mothers website, established 2007:

"As our Soldiers fight to preserve our way of life in a far off land, some “politicians” have undermined their mission and their efforts. This behavior is intolerable and unacceptable to The Band of Mothers. In the interests and welfare of our Noble Heroes, it is necessary and essential that these “politicians” allow our Generals and those trained in warfare to conduct this war. We propose that the careless ranting by these reckless politicians is aiding and abetting the enemy and undermining the morale of our troops. The Band of Mothers takes issue with this behavior. We believe warriors do come from warriors and it is the role of warriors to protect and defend those they care about. So is the way of The Band of Brothers and so is the way of The Band of Mothers."

When this President announced the recent draw down of our troops in the heat of the battle season, at a time when the enemy fights most ferociously, the protective instincts of this mother arose and engaged! When General Allen stated "The option of this President was NOT the option of his Generals" my most primitive instincts were fully engaged. Adding insult to injury, this President not only announced his draw down of troop levels but brazenly announced to the whole world when the draw down would take place and exactly how many troops he would withdraw! I actually had a soon to be deployed Soldier comment to me that he wondered if President Obama gave the GPS coordinates of the untis he was withdrawing. What a troubling mindset to have as you go off to war!

So, once again, The Band of Mothers secured a permit and headed to the Cannon Bldg corner in DC the end of July. The reckless and dangerous course this President has taken endangers and seriously puts in jeopardy the lives of our troops left behind. War is not community organizing, Mr President, precious lives are at stake, and your ear should be tilted to the Generals, not your campaign advisers!!! These noble and brave Americans who willingly and stoically risk their lives everyday to protect us and our way of life deserve better than this! Their lives are precious and they believe, obviously, that our lives are precious too, because they are willing to die to protect us and keep us safe. AND that they have done! It is not coincidence that we sleep safely in our beds at night, it is not coincidence that we walk the streets freely and without fear of stepping on IED's! It is not coincidence, Mr President, that we have been safe on this soil since 9/11!!!

It is because of the Bravery of the most noble among us, it is solely because of the gutsy and determined noble Warriors of the United States Military, that we bask in the glory of freedom, everyday!

Now, many Americans are engulfed in the complacency of safety our Warriors have provided. Now, as these Heroes continue their extremely successful mission to keep us all safe, this Community Organizer -in- Chief pulls the rug out from under them and seriously endangers their lives! It is with this sentiment that The Band of Mothers proudly stood, once again, on the Cannon Bldg corner in Washington, DC on July 25th, 26th and 27th.

It was a most successful stand, in more ways than one. I am extremely proud to relate that The Band of Mothers were available to provide cover for Ambassador John Bolton from the vile circus act of Code Pink! My special thanks to Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit and my dear friend and comrade-in-arms, Katie O'Malley, for the on line coverage of this most memorable event!

The signs we carried provided a nice little blockade for Ambassador Bolton as he waited for his ride. He really enjoyed the support and the blockade! I can assure you our signs made old Suzi Benjamin's blood boil! As The Band of Mothers carried a permit for the corner, the Capitol Police stepped in and chased the varmints away! As always, thank you Dan, and all the Capitol Police! You are our Heroes too. You keep our nation's Capitol safe and I honestly don't know how you keep your hands to yourselves. The restraint you practice daily is worthy of a Medal!

Over the course of our 3 day stand we were greeted with so many thumbs up from Congressmen and Senators and passersby, I honestly lost track of the count! It is imperative that I impart to our noble Warriors in Iraq and Afghanistan that so many legislators support this mission you are on and know it is important that we get this mission right. Unfortunately, we have hit somewhat of a roadblock in that this President's priority seems to be his poll numbers and his re-election. It is my belief and my hope that he will hit a roadblock!

My very special thanks to Ron Kirby and Chad, of The Gathering of Eagles, who ALWAYS stands with The Band of Mothers. God Bless you both for your dedication and support of our Heroes, and for your service to this country! I am always honored by your presence! We were also joined and honored by the presence of Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee, who continues to take a stand and fight for her Brave Son's Brothers. She came a long way and we are very grateful! We celebrated Debbie's birthday while in DC and it was a lovely evening. A very special thank you to Chief (the best weatherman in this country, AND of course, he is a retired Navy Chief!), Ida, Joyce and Beth and her beautiful children! And last but not least, a most heartfelt thanks to Jeannie and James, who came all the way from Florida, and who helped me way beyond the call of duty! Count yourself super lucky if this awesome couple stand with you and support you because when they put their boots on the ground, they are firmly planted. I cannot thank you both enough for all your help! To all who came and offered support, encouragement and a thumbs up, thank you!

One of the most enjoyable and proud moments of the trip for all of us was our stand outside Water Reed. To join with the MOST dedicated Patriots of all, Troop Rally, Mrs Troop Rally, and all the great Patriots of Free Republic, this is a moment of my life that is frozen in time. No matter what happens from here on in, I hope I can always retain my memories of proudly standing with the most dedicated Americans of our time, and that would be the members of Free Republic. If you have never stood outside Walter Reed with these American Patriots, You missed one of the most important events of American history. We were able to join in on one of the last stands at Walter Reed before it's closing. It was an honor to stand in support of, and in protection of, the Heroes and Warriors of Walter Reed Army Medical Center. It is our hope that each and every one these Warriors finds superior care and comfort at Bethesda! A heartfelt and stealth Salute to you Warriors and the Patriots at Free Republic, who NEVER missed a Friday night out in front of Walter Reed supporting you, in rain, and sleet and snow! They provided each of you brave Warriors the honorable treatment you are so deserving of!

After our stand ended Friday evening, Gold Star mom Debbie Lee, Chad (this Great Army Soldier who NEVER stops looking out for his Brothers) and myself were able to visit with Sgt John Peck and his mother Lisa, at Mologne House. Sgt Peck is an amazing Marine and a two time Purple Heart Recipient! You can read about him at my website John hails from Antioch, Illinois. My husband and I were lucky enough to provide John a voice activated laptop through the GREAT program provided by The Gathering of Eagles, Laptops for Wounded Warriors Program." This program, which has become an essential element in the therapeutic recovery of our Wounded Warriors, was started by Vietnam Veteran and GOE member George Samek and now is under the excellent direction of Daw West! George and Dawn, my utmost respect and gratitude to you for all you have done for America's bravest! Now I have aged George a bit here but don't you ever underestimate him. If you haven't dealt with George, I challenge every one of you to do just that! It is an experience unto itself!

I must tell you that Sgt Peck is an amazing young American and his remarkable progress speaks to his Warrior heart! Congratulations Sgt Peck on your promotion and your progress! I will never know the hurdles you have overcome but I promise I will heed your words:

“Give a damn about your troops. Don’t just say it. Stop griping about the little crap in your life. There is so much being done by our military for your benefit, and nobody understands its extent unless they see it themselves or a loved one goes through it. Put your little differences aside and care about someone else besides yourself.”

Folks can send donations to Sgt Peck at Sgt Peck Fund, State Bank of the Lakes, 440 Lakes St. Antioch, IL 60002.

John is troubled that he had to send his beloved dog back home as Walter Reed would no longer allow his best friend to stay at Walter Reed with him. I am hoping Bethesda will see the light and see that his beautiful dog is his companion and Vitally important to the success and further progress of one of the bravest young men I have ever met. As I said before, Sgt Peck IS THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORP!

The Band of Mothers had several missions while in DC and attending the Military Voting Rights Conference hosted by Military Families United and The Heritage Foundation on July 19 in Washington DC, was one of them. I am grateful to Eric Eversole, Executive Director of Military Voter Protection Project (MVP) and his team, for their excellent and "scathing" report, "Military Voting in 2010." You can read the report here and please be sure to take a good look at Appendix A:

You can view the entire conference here:

It is clear that much more work needs to be done! Of all the Americans who should most certainly have their votes counted, it is the very Brave Men and Women of the United States Military! Senator Cornyn's remarks should be noted. Please pick up the phone and thank this Senator, who is clearly dedicated to ensuring our military get their votes counted! Further, WE NEED YOUR HELP! The DOD will be issuing their own report on Military Voting 2010, in September, and based on the rosy picture Bob Carey of the DOD painted at this conference, it is expected their report will be quite different from MVPP's. Please send this report around to everyone on your list and be familiar with it. The comparison to the DOD's report should be, well, is should be interesting. As Senator Cornyn points out, if Secretary Gates can ask for progress reports every two weeks on how sensitivity training was progressing on the new Don't Ask Don't Tell law, then it stands to reason the DOD can do better on ensuring our men and women are provided better opportunities to register an absentee ballot!

I want to thank Carol Davis of West Suburban Patriots, Wheaton, Illinois, for making the trip from Illinois and attending the Heritage Conference on the Military vote. We in Illinois know how important the military vote was in the last election. I firmly believe that we would not be saddled with Gov Quinn if the MOVE Act had been complied with in St. Clair County! Special thanks to Denise Cattoni, National Coordinator of, and Dana, who helped make it possible for Carol to make the trip. AND Carol, thank you for making the trip and thank you for your resolve to make a difference for our Heroes and their right to have their votes counted.

Lastly, Michael Behenna continues to sit in Leavenworth, along with the Leavenworth 10. The Band of Mothers stand in support of the release of our Soldiers incarcerated at Leavenworth. Why, you ask? When this military releases terrorists, as they are now doing according to the testimony by Vice Admiral William McRaven to the Senate Armed Services Committee in late June:,

I ask, Why Not? Why are terrorists shown more consideration and kindness than our American Sons?! Why are terrorists captured right off the battlefield shown more forgiveness than our America's Sons?!!!! Why did we ever give the enemy we fight a Pledge to sign, stating they won't return to the battlefield, and then release them and turn them over to their village elder?!!! What is good enough for the terrorists darn sure should be good enough for our Sons!

Read the article, dated May 23, 2010:


The doors of Leavenworth should open retroactive May 23, 2010! Since we are releasing terrorists, we should release our Sons!

I accompanied Michael Behenna's mother, Vickie Behenna, on several appointments with legislators. Michael Behenna continues to sit in Leavenworth as the recent Appeals court upheld his conviction. His case now goes to a civilian court, if they agree to hear his case. He also has a clemency hearing in December. Please pray for positive outcomes for this lst Lieutenant! I believe the appointments on the hill may yield good results.

There are several Congressman who have been extremely helpful and supportive of Michael Behenna and the devastating effects the "catch and release" policy has had on our brave men and women. Congressmen Steve King, Duncan Hunter, Trent Franks, Tom Cole, and Joe Wilson have all been so very supportive in more ways than one. Col West has been working hard on Michael's behalf and hopefully his efforts will reap results soon. Please pick up the phone, call these legislators and thank them. AND please call your Senators and Congressmen on behalf of Michael Behenna and the Leavenworth 10. It is clear that the best hope these Warriors have is your voice!

One of the things we have asked for when meeting with legislators are Congressional hearings on the insane and dangerous catch and release policy and the rules of engagement. Please call your Senators and Congressmen and request these hearings! The number of terrorists who are released and who return to the battlefield are outrageous. This policy has devastating effects on our troops. It is time this administration started worrying about the hearts and minds of our brave men and women on the battlefield! I am reminded of the words of one of my personal Heroes, Marcus Luttrell, from his book "Lone Survivor," who lost his beloved Brothers because they all feared murder charges and convictions from the liberal left in the country who they died fighting to keep safe:

"Look at me, right now in my story. Helpless, tortured, shot, blown up, my best buddies all dead, and all because we were afraid of the liberals back home, afraid to do what was necessary to save our own lives. Afraid of American civilian lawyers. I have only one piece of advice for what it's worth: if you don't want to get into a war where things go wrong, where the wrong people sometimes get killed, where innocent people sometimes have to die, then stay the hell out of it in the first place.

I have a bit of good news regarding Michael Behenna. There is a song written about Michael, called "The Ballad of Michael Behenna". I conceived the idea as a way to get his story out to the public. A wonderful singer/songwriter liked my title and wrote a moving song, soon to be recorded. That's all I can tell you right now but you can bet the minute it is recorded, you will know. We'll need your help getting it out there and played on every radio station in this country. We are convinced it is YOU, the American people, who will make a difference for our Warriors in Leavenworth.

All who know me know I support our troops and their mission, all day, everyday. A dear friend and excellent writer, Marinka Peschmann, summed up my feelings on this war when she said "National Security Trumps the Economy Everytime." I ask you, what price do you put on the security and safety of your children, your family? Isn't their safety priceless? Our Troops have done such a remarkable job that unfortunately for them, many Americans are now lulled by the safety and security they provide and many now complain about the cost of this war. Wrong thinking! What you are paying for is the safety and security our Troops provide your family everyday. Please support our Troops and support their mission. Continue to enjoy your beautiful freedom and safe and peaceful life, it is paid for daily by the grit, guts and sacrifice of the Greatest Military on the face of this earth, The United States Military!

Please keep our Military in your prayers. Thank Them and Hug Them, Every Chance You Get!

I sign off with this beautiful song called "Lucky Me", it speaks to how lucky I am to have the protection of all those who wear the uniform of The United States Military!

Thank You and God Bless And Watch Over Our Brave Warriors!

Beverly Perlson The Band of Mothers thebandofmothers

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: bandofmothers; military; troops; waronterror
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To: seekthetruth; Jim Robinson; Syncro; credo 2; trooprally; TheConservativeGuy; porkchopexpress; ...

It is public knowledge that the final move of our Wounded Warriors from Walter Reed to Bethesda Naval Hospital and Ft. Belvour will be Sunday, August 28,2011. Best intel we have is that the ambulances will start transporting our Wounded Warriors out of the main at Georgia Avenue and Elder Street, NW, gate at 7AM. This is the same gate as our Friday night support the troop rallies.

We do not know the exact end time. From some deduction it is expected to be around 1-2PM.

THE DC CHAPTER OF FREEREPUBLIC WILL BE THERE, rain or shine or hurricane. All patriots are invited to help show our Wounded Warriors and their families that they are loved and that we support them no matter where they are. The DC Chapter will have drinks and coffee for the real early birds. We will have munchies but lunch is on your own.

We will be asking patriots to help out in 2 hour shifts, 7-9AM, 9-11AM, 11AM til ?? - Just in case the ambulances run a little later than expected, hopefully you can stay. With some coordination we can be assured there are sufficient numbers showing our support through out the move. Contact Phil, aka Trooprally on, at

Being the last official Walter Reed event, intel says to expect some media coverage.
Feel free to post this notice on blogs and inform other patriotic groups to join us. Please contact us at

GATHERING OF EAGLES - Please post on you Daily Updates. Thanks

Freepers, If you have friends and/or family in the DC area, please let them know how they can join other patriots from FreeRepublic in support of our wounded warriors at Walter Reed. God Bless our troops! And God Bless all the patriots who supported our wounded warriors at Walter Reed for over 6 1/2 years of Friday evenings! This stand on Sunday, August 28th in support of our Military will be the DC Chapter of FreeRepublic stand #633.

For those who missed September 29th:
21 posted on 08/22/2011 6:28:51 AM PDT by seekthetruth (Florida and the Nation needs Colonel Mike McCalister in the US Senate!)
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To: seekthetruth
FROM Beverly Perlson of The Band Of Mothers:

Please call your Congressmen and Senators and ask them why our Sons continue to sit in Leavenworth while terrorists are being released! Please be polite but firm.
Prisoner At Large August 23, 2011Being the prisoner of a progressive disease is a daily fight for freedom, a war to never let the disease define you. Multiple Sclerosis means waking up every morning, attempting to get out of bed, and then being jerked to the floor and reminded that you are wearing an invisible ball and chain. Yes there are good days. On the good days, I behave like a sailor on 24 hour leave, but as always, I digress. The quandary is that at any part of the day, without warning, the ball can go from being a 5 pounder to a 100 pounder to a 1000 pounder at any given moment. The ball can also change places, it can be attached to your leg, your arms, your brain, your lips or all at the same time.

Its been 10 years since the diagnosis.

Its been 10 years since September 11, 2001.

The ball’s minimum weight is rarely 5 pounds any more, its more like 50. Yes it is a burden that can overcome your spirit and at times it wins. I confess to moments of weakness.

It is during one of those times of weakness that I received this letter. I received this letter from a young handsome man in prison who will be there for what most of us would consider the prime of his life. It is a letter from Michael Behenna, a prisoner at Leavenworth, convicted of murdering a known Al Queda killer, while serving in the military in the Middle East. He serves us as a result of the September 11 attacks and multiple terrorist attacks against innocent people. He serves us.

From Michael’s letter:
King Solomon had a dream in which God came to him and said “Ask me anything and I will give it to you.” King Solomon answered “I am but a little child. I know not how to go out or to come in, but I am a servant of thy people. Give me, therefore, an understanding heart that I may judge thy people wisely and fairly.” And God said “Because you did not ask for the lives of your enemies, did not ask for longevity, did not ask for riches, because you asked only for this one thing…understanding, I will give you understanding. There will be none wiser than you on this earth.”
So each day I strive to not focus on the bad, but to find the good. I immerse myself in books that take me a thousand miles from this place of concrete and steel. I push forward in my quest of self-discovery and self-observation seeking wisdom to call my own. From the small window in my prison cell I can see a cornfield where a farmer toils in the hot summer air and I find myself longing to walk that field and feel the earth beneath my feet and the sun against my face. My hopes are to someday have my own land upon which I will raise cattle and spend all my waking hours in that warm sun upon my horse whose name only I will know.
Gratitude is not something one would expect to find behind these walls, but it is here where I found it…waiting to teach me what really matters in this life. And while I sleep she gently reminds me how truly blessed my life is.
Read entire letter at
So this morning, waking up with my friend the ball and chain, I admit to being discouraged and vulnerable. That is until I read Michael’s letter.
A letter from a man in prison cheers ME up?
We all have our prisons, some are inflicted upon us, but many are built by our own hand, as is occasionally mine. Pray for Michael Behenna. Pray that although his prison may continue to hold his body, his spirit will remain free.

22 posted on 08/23/2011 9:18:48 AM PDT by seekthetruth (A President is sworn to uphold the Constitution. If he doesn't, IMPEACH him!)
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To: seekthetruth
Since the Iraqi government releases one of their Snipers who killed two of our Marines, and since our government is releasing terrorists, our government should release our Sons out of Leavenworth! Please call your Senators and Congressmen. This is WRONG!

Please ask for Congressional Hearings on the Catch and Release policies that are getting our Troops killed!!!

Thank You
Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers

23 posted on 08/23/2011 1:06:41 PM PDT by seekthetruth (A President is sworn to uphold the Constitution. If he doesn't, IMPEACH him!)
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To: mojo114
This from Beverly Perlson of The Band of Mothers:

Ron Paul Is Not A Conservative and his followers have infiltrated the Conservative Movement. Beware folks!

It is true that there are those of us who have been on the ground for a long time and we have seen Ron Paul in DC with his buddies, Code Pink and Adam Kokesh and the Iraq Veterans Against the War.

24 posted on 08/23/2011 2:46:03 PM PDT by seekthetruth (A President is sworn to uphold the Constitution. If he doesn't, IMPEACH him!)
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To: seekthetruth
77% of Democrats (and Ron Paul) Voted Against Rules Of Engagement That Protect Our Troops
25 posted on 08/25/2011 6:12:07 AM PDT by seekthetruth (A President is sworn to uphold the Constitution. If he doesn't, IMPEACH him!)
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