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Exorcists warn involvement in Freemasonry exposes the soul to the demonic
LifeSite News ^ | February 29, 2024 | Raymund Maria

Posted on 02/29/2024 3:19:21 PM PST by ebb tide

Exorcists warn involvement in Freemasonry exposes the soul to the demonic

Msgr. Charles Pope, a seasoned priest in exorcism and deliverance ministry, criticized public dialogue among prelates and Freemasons, emphasizing the grave sin and spiritual danger of Freemasonry, which he says invites demonic influence.

While Italian cardinals “dialogue” with Freemasons, exorcists say they regularly cast out demons that plague families due to Masonic curses invoked upon multiple generations, warning that any involvement in Freemasonry is inviting the demonic into one’s life and that of one’s children. 

READ: Vatican cardinal calls for ‘permanent’ Catholic-Freemason dialogue at ‘historic’ joint event 

Earlier this month several Italian bishops and cardinals made headlines over a closed-door meeting in Milan with Grand Master Masons from the principal Lodges of Italian Freemasonry. Calls were issued for a more open “dialogue” between the Church and Freemasons, and inclusion of the latter within the Church, after the model of Pope Francis’ increasingly open stance toward homosexual and transgender lifestyles. 

Scandal-plagued Vatican Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio called for “permanent” discussions between Catholics and Freemasons at the event. The cardinal’s speech, segments of which were reported by IlMessagero, was delivered during a meeting organized in Milan with the head of Italy’s leading Masonic lodge, Grand Orient Grand Master Stefano Bisi, joining Coccopalmerio and Milan Archbishop Mario Delpini. 

READ: Is Masonic infiltration responsible for the widespread apostasy among Catholic clergy?  

Foolishness of public dialogue with the Freemasons 

Commenting on the proposal to open up “dialogue” between the Church and Freemasonry, Monsignor Charles Pope, who has been involved in deliverance ministry for decades at the St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal based in Washington, D.C., told LifeSiteNews that it was “utterly foolish” for the Church to try to “dialogue” with Freemasonry.  

He said this was for two reasons. First, it “gives the impression” that being involved in Freemasonry “is no big deal,” undermining Catholic teaching that being part of Masonry is gravely sinful and spiritually dangerous, incurring the penalty of an automatic excommunication. Msgr. Pope affirmed that involvement in Freemasonry exposes the soul to the demonic. 

Second, Msgr. Pope said that if any dialogue is engaged in with sinners, “it should be private, not a public conversion.” Public discussions only create “confusion” and “scandal,” he insisted. 

READ: Church leaders jettisoned doctrine in favor of ‘dialogue’ at meeting with Freemasons  

Pope explained that in exorcisms and deliverance ministry, Masonic possessions and obsessions are extremely serious, involving generational curses stemming from vows pronounced by a man during Masonic rituals. Pope said that Masonic curses sometimes remain for up to seven generations, and that in deliverance ministry, such curses were discovered to be far more frequent than at first imagined. 

He added that, given the frequency of Masonic curses and the near impossibility of tracing Masonic involvement back seven generations, at the St. Michael Center, prayers of deliverance for demonic obsession and possession include “as a matter of course” the renunciation of Masonic vows and the breaking of Masonic curses, which is accomplished after three days of intense prayer. 

Exorcists’ stories of Masonic curses 

Corroborating Msgr. Pope’s testimony, Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, the founder of the St. Michael Center and himself an exorcist, has published several stories of demonic possession and obsession resulting from Masonic curses. The incidents are related in a blogpost series titled, “Diary of an Exorcist.” 

Detailing the struggle of a man facing demonic activity related to an alcohol addiction, and the obstacles the exorcist ran into when trying to expel the demon, Rossetti writes in the entry titled, Exorcist Diary #233: 

However, it seemed to the Exorcist that there was something blocking full liberation. The sessions were not being fully effective. On an inspiration, the Exorcist asked James, ‘Is there any freemasonry or other cult involvement in your family background?’ James responded, ‘My grandfather was a 33rd degree mason.’

So, the Exorcist took James through the prayers to lift any curses related to freemasonry plus any other generational curses. In the next session, James experienced great relief. He said it was almost like ‘a switch turned’ and he was liberated. It has been several years now and the demons have not returned. He is happily married and practicing the faith.

In Exorcist Diary #142, Rossetti detailed the situations of several persons who each became involved in some occult practice forbidden by the Church.  

He writes that in one such situation: 

A family of four with symptoms of a demonic oppression came for help. Trying to find out the cause, I finally asked, ‘Did you or any member of your family ever belong to the Masons?’ They had some symptoms which were typical of Masonic-related curses. ‘Yes,’ the father said, ‘I joined but it was just for social purposes.’

In each of these cases, and many others, the people were well-intentioned. Yet all of them made their situations worse by engaging in forbidden practices. Regarding these, the Catholic Church has given explicit public warnings: The Holy See has forbidden membership in the Masonic associations and, as recent as 1983, went so far as to state: ‘The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin.’

Rossetti continues: 

While some might view these documents as examples of ecclesiastical heavy-handedness and/or an over-reaction, our direct experience suggests that they are timely warnings for our protection. At root, the commandments of God and the teachings of the Church are designed to keep us safe and are guideposts for a successful journey to the Kingdom… Humble obedience is a great protection and a powerful weapon in casting out evil.

READ: Three reasons Catholic Popes have repeatedly condemned Freemasonry  

Rosetti also explained how, since the desire to advance financially is often a motive for men to join Freemasonry, Masonic curses are sometimes effected in the form of a financial curse.  

In Exorcist Diary, #226, the priest writes: 

Some people are not good with money and overspend. They might benefit from help in financial management. But I am running into more and more cases of what appears to be a financial curse. The first step in overcoming a financial curse is, of course, to live in a state of grace. For Catholics, this includes frequent confession, Mass and Eucharist plus avoiding serious sin.

Second, one needs to close any possible portals to the demonic. In one case, a financially cursed individual had a strong family history of freemasonry. It is not surprising that someone’s involvement in freemasonry would lead to financial curses, since many join in hopes of financial gain and social success. The afflicted individual was led through the ritual of renouncing freemasonic curses.

READ: Freemasonry: Men of honesty or a brotherhood of crime?  

One powerful prayer against financial curses that exorcists use is adapted from St. Louis de Montfort’s consecration to Mary. It begins: 

I invoke my natural law rights over my own property and finances. I lift any curses sent against me or my property or finances. I reject any sins that may have led to these curses coming against me and ask for God’s forgiveness. I break any unholy bonds that allowed such curses to come upon me. I command the demons related to these curses to leave permanently and not be replaced by any other evil spirits. I ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to receive now the entire and full right of disposing of these goods according to God’s holy will. May she cast out any and all evil spirits, sanctify our goods, protect them from any future evil action, and use them for the glory of God.

READ: A saint who fought the Freemasons has the battle plan against today’s dictatorship 

In a video on the demonic effects of Freemasonic curses, published on the LiberChristo website and titled Freemasonry, Kyle Clement, who works in deliverance ministry with exorcist Father Chad Ripperger, explained that such curses can also be manifested in demonic opposition to a person’s religious vocation.  

He said that the Masonic curses attach a demon to one’s bloodline and are often only manifested when a man or his descendants begin to become more religious, for example, by converting to Catholicism, or giving up a life of sin, or entering the seminary or religious life. Then, he said, the curse is “triggered,” and demonic oppression begins to be manifested outwardly. 

Clement detailed a case in which a young man with no prior health issues mysteriously fell ill each time he entered the seminary, only to have all health problems disappear as soon as he left. After this occurred at three different seminaries, he was finally freed of his health afflictions after the prayers of deliverance from a Masonic curse were prayed over him by an exorcist. 

How to break Masonic curses  

In attempting to break a Masonic curse, exorcists insist that the prayers of deliverance must be made by one with authority, whether natural or ecclesiastical. The LiberChristo deliverance ministry notes that, “The freemasonry curse passes away after the 4th generation if the curse is not affirmed. Common ways a curse is affirmed include abortion, contraception, fornication, rape, especially involving virginity. The demon sees all of these as blood and human sacrifice.” 

In the LiberChristo Protocol for Praying to Break the Freemasonic Curse, exorcists instruct that: 

In the case of a descendant whose father, grandfather and or earlier generation of grandfathers were practicing members of freemasonry, the oldest living patriarch should pray the prayers for the family line. Should this oldest living patriarch be unwilling or unable to pray these prayers then the next oldest son could do so. If there is no living patriarch, then the oldest living daughter can pray these prayers.

WATCH: Resisting communism, freemasonry, and globalist disorientation 

Exorcists also note that when praying the prayers of deliverance from a Masonic curse, “the male spouse of a descendant daughter would not have the authority to pray the prayers on behalf of his wife and her family. In kind, a woman would not have the authority to pray these prayers on behalf of her husband and his family line. Again, the prayers follow the blood through the male line. They (husband and wife) pray the prayers together in the case of a wife descendant of Lodge member with non-compliant or deceased male’s superior in the line to her.” 

“We are finding that the husband’s prayers on her behalf are not effective,” the exorcists state. “If she prays the prayers herself, with her husband’s assistance and participation, the curse is severed in her and coming through her, and the renunciation is effective in stopping the effects in her and her minor children.”  

They continue: 

When determining the bloodline, consider this in the same way as a legal claim to inheritance. Example: If a man (being the FM member) were to die without a will, who would be his ‘blood’ descendant to inherit his estate? First, the living sons and daughters, (not stepchildren), then, the grandchildren would be the order for inheritance. If all sons and daughters of the FM father or grandfather were deceased, it would be the living grandson or granddaughter who would pray the renunciation prayers.

READ: Fr. Ripperger’s exorcist assistant Dr. Dan Schneider breaks down his manual for spiritual combat  

Below are excerpts from deliverance prayers that may be recited by the laity to renounce and break Masonic curses, taken from the St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal. 

Prayers of Deliverance for the Laity 

God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, I come to Thee in the name of Jesus Christ Thy Son. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against Thee, and others made in Thy image. 

I honor my earthly father and mother and all of my ancestors of flesh and blood, and of the spirit by adoption, and godparents, but I utterly turn away from and renounce all their sins. I forgive all my ancestors for the effects of their sins on me and my children. I confess and renounce all of my own sins. I renounce and rebuke Satan and every spiritual power of his affecting me and my family. I renounce and forsake all involvement in Freemasonry or any other lodge or craft by my ancestors and myself. 

In the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I renounce and cut off Witchcraft, the principal spirit behind Freemasonry, and I renounce and cut off BAPHOMET, the Spirit of Antichrist and the spirits of Death, and Deception. I renounce the insecurity, the love of position and power, the love of money, avarice or greed, and the pride which would have led my ancestors into Masonry. I renounce all the fears which held them in Masonry, especially the fears of death, fears of men, and fears of trusting, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  

I renounce every position held in the lodge by any of my ancestors or myself, including “Master,” “Worshipful Master,” or any other. I renounce the calling of any man “Master,” for Jesus Christ is my only Lord and master, and He forbids anyone else having that title. I renounce the entrapping of others into Masonry, and observing the helplessness of others during the rituals. I renounce the effects of Masonry passed on to me through any female ancestor who may or may not have felt distrusted and rejected by her husband as he entered and attended any lodge and refused to tell her of his secret activities. I also renounce all obligations, oaths and curses enacted by every female member of my family through any direct membership of all Women’s Orders of Freemasonry, the Order of the Eastern Star, or any other Masonic or occultic organization…  

I renounce all the other oaths taken, the rituals of every other degree and the curses involved… 

Lord Jesus, because Thou desirest that I be totally free from all occult bondages, I will burn all objects in my possession which connect me with all lodges and occultic organizations, including Masonry, Witchcraft and Mormonism, and all regalia, aprons, books of rituals, rings and other jewelry. I renounce the effects these or other objects of Masonry, including the compass and the square, have had on me or my family, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  

I renounce every evil spirit associated with Masonry and Witchcraft and all other sins, and I command in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Satan and every evil spirit to be bound and to leave me now, touching or harming no one, and go to the place appointed for you by the Lord Jesus, never to return to me or my family. 

I call on the name of the Lord Jesus to be delivered of these spirits, in accordance with Our Lord’s many promises. I ask to be delivered of every spirit of sickness, infirmity, curse, affliction, addiction, disease or allergy associated with these sins I have confessed and renounced. I surrender to God the Holy Spirit and to no other spirit all the places in my life where these sins have been.  

Holy Spirit, I ask that Thou show me anything else which I need to do or to pray so that I and my family may be totally free from the consequences of the sins of Masonry, Witchcraft, Mormonism and all related Paganism and Occultism.  

God the Father, I ask humbly for the blood of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and my Savior, to cleanse me from all these sins I have confessed and renounced, to cleanse my spirit, my soul, my mind, my emotions and every part of my body which has been affected by these sins. 

I also ask that by the grace of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, every cell in my body to come into divine order now and to be healed and made whole as they were designed to be by my loving Creator, including restoring all chemical imbalances and neurological functions, controlling all cancerous cells, and reversing all degenerative diseases. 

I take to myself the whole armor of God in accordance with Ephesians, chapter six, and rejoice in its protection as Jesus surrounds me and fills me with His Holy Spirit. I enthrone Thee, Lord Jesus, in my heart, for Thou are my Lord and my Savior, the source of eternal life. Thank you, God the Father, for Thy mercy, Thy forgiveness and Thy love, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 


INFOGRAPHIC: Freemasonry – the mystical body of the Antichrist  

Vatican prelate’s mixed messages on Freemasonry are typical Francis-era ‘doublespeak’  

Cardinal of Vatican orgy fame takes part in ‘historic’ meeting with Italian Freemasons  

Freemasonry’s secret rituals exposed in viral video published by undercover Catholic journalist  

TOPICS: Apologetics; Religion & Culture; Theology
KEYWORDS: albertpike; apostatepope; baphomet; charlespope; conspiracies; desertatheist; desertnutjob; desertrhino; desertrino; frankenchurch; freemasonry; freemasons; karenlovessatan; luciferian; nutjobs; nutkarens; pikecofoundedkkk; satanism; stephenrossetti
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To: Jim W N; Nervous Tick

Last year I went to a funeral of a relative. I remarked that Grandpa’s grave was waaaay far away when other graves of his dying time were nearer. My sister said he is buried in the Masonic portion of the cemetery. That started a few stories. One I never heard. I knew my parents told us to avoid this organization and I just obeyed them. Well, my mom knew of the book her father had and was told to never touch it. One day she snuck it out and took it to the pasture and read it. She was found out by her daddy. Now, she LOVED her daddy and always told us so. Well, my sister said she got the lashing of her life from him, never seen him so mad. My sister found this out when her husband was applying. She died many years ago so we cannot ask her about this. Another story is my Grandfather died early and the Mason’s were supposed to help take care of his family. They received nothing. The older children pitched in as a loving family does.

81 posted on 02/29/2024 6:58:58 PM PST by YouGoTexasGirl ( )
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To: imabadboy99
OMG No one worships anything other than the one true God, who created us and the heavens.
82 posted on 02/29/2024 7:16:18 PM PST by Vendome (I've Gotta Be Me
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To: whitney69


PM, WM and SD everywhere they’ll let me...

83 posted on 02/29/2024 7:20:30 PM PST by Vendome (I've Gotta Be Me
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To: whitney69

Thank you, Sir, for testifying to the truth on this thread.

84 posted on 02/29/2024 7:42:32 PM PST by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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To: fr_freak

“You are the second person to misread what I posted. I suppose you guys are just so emotionally invested in Freemasonry, that anything other than deep praise for Freemasonry is taken as an attack? Is that it?”

If multiple people misinterpreted what you meant to say, maybe, just maybe, it’s your phrasing and not our comprehension that is the problem. You sure seemed to have a lot of confidence in your theory. But, okay. I misread. Let me clarify for you, as someone with first hand knowledge, your theory is wrong.

85 posted on 02/29/2024 7:53:27 PM PST by suthener ( )
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To: Jamestown1630

—> I personally hold that belief in stuff like ‘demons’ is backward and superstitious

Jesus Christ doesn’t share your view…

86 posted on 02/29/2024 8:09:45 PM PST by aMorePerfectUnion
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To: aMorePerfectUnion

Have you personally discussed the issue with Him?

87 posted on 02/29/2024 8:13:10 PM PST by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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To: Jamestown1630

I have His Word that records what he said and did, what the apostles wrote and did about demons.

88 posted on 02/29/2024 8:14:56 PM PST by aMorePerfectUnion
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To: aMorePerfectUnion

So, you *believe* it, based upon what other people wrote.

You don’t KNOW.

Got it.

89 posted on 02/29/2024 8:22:31 PM PST by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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To: Jamestown1630

I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

If you don’t, that’s on you.

90 posted on 02/29/2024 8:29:08 PM PST by aMorePerfectUnion
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To: aMorePerfectUnion

I have no problem with what you believe.

You’re the one who objected to what I think, by telling me that Jesus wouldn’t agree - which, again, is a matter of your opinion.

91 posted on 02/29/2024 8:34:09 PM PST by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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To: Nervous Tick
(Ref. Psalm 12:8:

... and vileness IS exalted today
... and the wicked DO walk on every side.)

Indeed it is and they do. It's shocking that so many people listened to this Manchurian Candidate false prophet:

92 posted on 02/29/2024 8:43:37 PM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: Nervous Tick
(Ref. Psalm 12:8:

... and vileness IS exalted today
... and the wicked DO walk on every side.)

Years ago, I looked for pictures suitable to meme. What I found is that throughout Canada, America (USA), South America and Europe and Israel (and elsewhere) this abomination and open rebellion against Almighty God in the streets is shocking 😱😨.

These delusions are making it easier for the coming Strong Delusion to occur.

93 posted on 02/29/2024 8:58:51 PM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: MayflowerMadam

Technically Mormonism uses the JSV - a hatchet job by Joseph Smith on the King James Bible.

Completely unsupported by traditional texts (other than his own picking and choosing)

Some of them have a “Triple” - JSV, D&C and Pearl of Great Price in one book

3x the error

94 posted on 02/29/2024 9:14:07 PM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: suthener
If multiple people misinterpreted what you meant to say, maybe, just maybe, it’s your phrasing and not our comprehension that is the problem.

Explain to me, if it's not too difficult for you, how a reasonable person misinterprets this due to "phrasing":

"I don't know whether the Freemasons are Satanic or not..."
95 posted on 02/29/2024 11:04:39 PM PST by fr_freak (So foul a sky clears not without a storm.)
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To: Jamestown1630
Using your own good sense and logic on all of those 'historical accounts' might help...

As difficult as it might be for someone like you to believe, there are quite a few people who apply their own good sense and logic to the same information you have and reach different conclusions. And, most incredibly, those people could be right.
96 posted on 02/29/2024 11:07:27 PM PST by fr_freak (So foul a sky clears not without a storm.)
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To: suthener
I believe there are lots of masons on fr because there is such an antiCatholic sentiment among many...

it's so easy to lump everyone in a bad all the priests are evil, not just the less than 1% who are actually guilty....

so yes, there are for sure bad masons....

97 posted on 02/29/2024 11:18:41 PM PST by cherry
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To: YouGoTexasGirl

you know my dear mother was ahead of her time and was an excellent observer of life....she always said the masons were not good....I have no idea why she believed it but some people have intuition into life events...

98 posted on 02/29/2024 11:26:29 PM PST by cherry
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To: ebb tide

Nothing good comes from secret societies.

99 posted on 02/29/2024 11:35:52 PM PST by CodeToad (Rule #1: The elites want you dead.)
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To: SaveFerris; All
The quote you provided says it all.
"Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Anyone foolish enough to believe this is open to interpretation or pertinent only to another time is venturing into dangerous territory and leading others astray.

In this vein, see my homepage for links to a great audio Bible (narrated by Sir David Suchet of "Hercule Poirot" fame). I listen to it every night and having it read (particularly by David Suchet) brings it alive in new ways.

The Bible is very clear about what is going on in our world. So one may believe it and follow Jesus...or ignore and/or misinterpret it to their peril.

100 posted on 03/01/2024 4:01:05 AM PST by RoosterRedux (A person who seeks the truth with a closed mind will never find it. He will only confirm his bias.)
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