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rightosphere ^ | July 27, 2010 | techno

Posted on 07/27/2010 3:25:02 PM PDT by techno

Yesterday at Rightosphere, AKReport laid out her blueprint of How Palin Will Win the Presidency in a very succinct but comprehensive manner. Today I would like to address several points that she made in my usual iconoclastic style to perhaps give a different slant of how I see the political landscape unfolding for Sarah Palin in 2011 and 2012 on her way to winning the presidency.


AKReport: "Don't expect any cheesy negative ad's coming from the Palin 12 campaign...Palin has high favorables with the party, so there is no real point for her to get into the dirt against other 2012 challengers. Palin already has high negatives with independents (fair weather voters) so going negative will only turn them off more. A positive campaign will be one of the keys to boosting her numbers with independents."

I do not look at the advertising or marketing world in terms of positive and negative. For example, have you ever heard of the expression one man's meat is not another man's poison? In other words people are always going to interpret messaging differently than their neighbors. One person might see the sun's rays as POSITIVE for him/her to obtain needed Vitamin D and an attractive tan and the next person may see the sun's rays as a NEGATIVE, and the reason his/her relative died of skin cancer.

Instead for politicians, messaging is either EFFECTIVE or INEFFECTIVE in terms of attracting voters into your tent regardless if they are in the primaries or in the general election. Any wise person will tell you that is all you influence if that, that the interpretation of your message will seen through millions of different eyes seeing it from a different point of view or through biased lens, that your ultimate goal in messaging is to IDENTIFY who is most likely to vote for you (age, gender, ethnicity, occupation, income, education, marital status, church attendance etc.), to TARGET your audience (potential supporters) and then to deliver your message in such an interesting, enchanting, or EFFECTIVE manner that it registers with them (rhythm and style of the message) and provokes them through finding rational or emotional sympathy or approval with the content of the message to either make a decision to support them, cause them to want to get more information (poke a nose into your tent) or to at least remain in the undecided category and not instead vote for your opponent.

And if linking the radical nature of Obama's czars and their lack of business experience to the continuing recession and the mounting debt that threatens America's solvency can be delivered in this manner it may be seen as POSITIVE by many "fair weather" INDEPENDENTS but NEGATIVE by quite a few indies as well but the bottom line must be, does the ad or series of ads arouse enough targeted recipients to ultimately to cause them to go down to the polling place to vote for you. As to the folks who are NOT targets of your messaging, why should Palin care how a pro-choice single woman under 30, a tenured Ivy League academic, an African-American woman on welfare, or a Hispanic male who favors amnesty receives her messaging--they are NOT the targeted audience and they would never vote for her anyways regardless of her message.

Imho, proper political messaging for Palin must include what she want to communicate (oonservative message) or what values she represents, that it not be contradictory but consistent, one ad not working against another, and above all the messaging not arise from sentimentality or from a sense of political correctness, RINO BS, or MSM intimidation to cater to identity politics (appealing to Hispanics) but again be specifically targeted to maximize Palin's vote, regardless of what their skin color is. After that it is up to Palin to motivate these folks to vote and the ground game to get them transported to the polling station.


"This is her big chance to erase the many 2008 inductive fallacies propagated in the media vacuum. PALIN WILL BE UNDERESTIMATED COMING INTO HER FIRST DEBATE, which will work to her advantage. This is when the 'not qualified' myth will be busted in front of millions of viewers across the country...finally if Palin is the only woman running it will naturally pull more attention to her debate performance..."

The first GOP debate will occur sometime in the summer of 2011, a year from now if 2008 is any indication. By then Sarah Palin should be a known quantity and the "2008 fallacies" should be mostly erased, if the success that Palin has had between July 2009 and July 2010 can be used as a measuring stick.

I see the overwhelming success that Palin will have in the midterms in electing her "mama grizzlies" to office and being highly instrumental in orchestrating a GOP takeover of the House (or even the Senate) as going a long way to torpedo the "not qualified myth" with the GOP conservative base but I do agree with AKReport there will always be some doubting Thomases who will view Palin as too young or inexperienced or by virtue of her gender not qualified to be CIC.

But contrary to AKReport I see the first GOP debate as a great chance for Palin to impose her imprint on the entire election cycle from the get-go, to establish certain dominant themes that she wants to emphasize or bring to the table, and to demonstrate her ability and self-confidence to clarify the issues and to communicate her worldview and specifically how she would approach tackling each issue. Marketing people would call it establishing or imposing your POLITICAL BRAND in the marketplace and that I believe should be Palin's main goal in her first debate regardless of the fanfare surrounding Palin as a female candidate and the undue attention she will get because of it. The bromide "you only get one chance to make a good first impression" applies here as well. Demonstrate vision; communicate hope.


"Call it "gerrymandering" or being the only woman in the 2012 field, it should provide Palin with a split of the men's vote and a win in Iowa. This is why the 'mama grizzly' ad is key. ALSO: Huckabee not running will make it easier for her to just camp out in western Iowa."

In the 2008 Iowa caucuses, 60% of all caucus attendees identified themselves as evangelical voters (EV). That is the one abiding fact that Sarah Palin or any other GOP candidate cannot ignore or dismiss. It is also the primary reason imho why John McCain skipped Iowa in 2008 and despite pouring millions of dollars into Iowa to schmooze EV's, Mitt Romney only got 19% of the EV and finished second to Mike Huckabee garnering 46% of the EV and finishing first with 34.4% of the caucus voters.

Being the first state on the docket, Iowa is important, but as McCain showed in 2008 not crucial to one's eventual success to securing the GOP nomination. The composition of the electorate is simply not McCain's cup of tea but frankly neither is it Romney's either. But it is Palin's.

Yes, a second place showing was good for Romney but did it springboard him to a victory in New Hampshire, his own backyard in 2008? The answer is no. McCain beat Romney by 5.5% there in a state that Mitt had to win to provide him with enough political momentum or credibility to move on to SC, Florida and beyond in order to undermine the growing narrative that McCain was now the prohibitive favorite.

I do not expect Romney to employ the same strategy again in Iowa. Instead I expect him to adopt the same strategy that McCain did in 2008 and instead focus much more attention to winning NH, SC, and Florida. There are already stories leaking out in this election cycle that Romney's strategy is to SURRENDER THE EVANGELICAL VOTE and to instead pursue a "blue-state strategy" to secure the nomination.

But enough about Romney. What does this mean for Palin if Romney does not actively compete in Iowa? What it means is that Romney has no chance of finishing first and secondly he is NOT Palin's main competition there. So the $64,000 question becomes will Mike Huckabee run again in 2012? If he does Huck and Palin will be the two main competitors imho for the huge EV. There is no way that Huck will get 46% of the EV again but at this time I am not about to write Huck off either from winning Iowa if he runs.

Ultimately the results of the Iowa caucus are determined by your organization on the ground but by also how many candidates are in the field. The more candidates the better chance Huck has to prevail; the fewer candidates, the easier it will be for Palin to coalesce conservativs and evangelicals around her.

Am I therefore optimistic that Palin can take Iowa? You betcha! Endorsing Branstad was a great first step to introduce herself as a good Republican. From that point it will be up to her to leverage that endorsement to sell herself to prominent Republicans in the state and to penetrate deeply into the evangelical community. Is there any doubt that Palin is up to the task?

Finally, I don't see gender so much of an issue in Iowa in 2012 as opposed to electability (can you beat Obama) due to how much more loathed the Messiah will be in 18 months, a candidate's perceived economic and financial acumen to fix the economy and whether the candidate has conservative roots or boasts conservative principles, being more important to Iowans and all Americans by early 2012.


"Palin will be aiming for first place in New Hampshire, but expectations will be a strong second after a win in Iowa. As long as it's not a blowout win by Romney, Palin will be in good shape. If the margin is Romney +5 or less...then I consider it a victory in NH, and making it a 2-person race for the Republican nomination."

Refer back to what I think Romney's strategy will be in NH. I look at it as his stronghold, a home game and a state he must win. If he loses again in the words of Don Meredith, "The Party's over" may come true.

Romney will not be easy to beat in NH. It is situated next door to Massachusetts and Mitt is looked upon by many as a regional favorite son. Sarah Palin is not the odds-on favorite to win NH. But the New Orleans Saints were not either to prevail in last year's Super Bowl.

Here are a few considerations that may tip NH to Palin eventually:

1)Palin will be a lot better known after 18 months and will be seen as being instrumental to helping the GOP take back the House.

2) If her endorsee, Kelly Ayotte, becomes the next Senator from NH, Palin will call in that marker.

3)Obama's job approval/disapproval rating is now 42/57 (Rasmussen). If they stay that way the lingering disgust with Obama will supersede any regional loyalty that that folks in NH may feel towards Romney.

As to how solid Romney's support is now in NH, four state polls were taken in the last two months by PPP in comparison to polls taken in Colorado, Texas, Pennsylvnia and yesterday Florida earlier in the year all show Romney relinquishing double digit leads between the first and second poll.

4)Palin will be running as Reagan conservative and invoke Reagan's setback in Iowa in 1980 and his huge comeback win in NH which re-ignited his campaign on his way to the Presidency. She will ask for their support as well.

5) NH is known as a state where retail politicking is king, and as we all kmow Sarah Palin is the queen of retail politicking.

So unlike AKReport I am not so willing to concede the NH battleground to Romney and with the 'Cuda anything is possible.

South Carolina knockout and the Floodgates open

"If Huckabee is not in the race, then I see this as a blowout win for Palin, and then the Palin Power Phenomena will be an unstoppable flow of momentum going into the general election."

First I see Palin winning SC even if Huck is a player then. The Haley endorsement and Palin's standing with SC evangelicals will seal the deal. She will also probably have the blessing of the Graham family (Billy and Franklin).

But I don't see the road as rosily as AKReport does. Yes no GOP candidate since 1980 who has won the GOP primary in SC has been denied the GOP nomination, but there is always a first time for everything. We cannot forget that the GOP is proposing to make over its primary system for 2012 to ensure meaningful contests take place well into the spring, thus lengthening the process, and putting a premium on longevity and financial wherewithal rather than the early knockout punch in previous election cycles. In this new format it becomes easier for Romney to run with his "blue-state strategy" and his personal fortune and if Romney falters for Gingrich or someone else to have enough time to pick up the baton and run with it.

But fortunately for Palin Jeb Bush ruled himself out today to making a presidential run in 2012. So she does not have to worry about Jeb, although the Bush family will be working behind the scenes to undermine Palin and to draw out the nomination so that the "anyone but Palin candidate" prevails in the end. The GOP establishemnt and Beltway elites are not about to abandon the presidential playing field to Palin without a fight even if that means causing internecine warfare to emerge and metastasize within the party or between the GOP and the Tea Party movement as the primary season moves along. A Palin victory will not be as easy or inevitable as AKReport suggests, although I wish it would be. And of course the MSM will do their part as well not to crown Palin as the GOP nominee either even if she wins SC.

Obama's poll numbers

"...if Obama's job approval numbers are below 45% then I see Palin winning in 2012."

No sitting POTUS since 1952 in the Gallup poll running for re-election has ever won a second term if his job approval number going into the fall campaign (Sept 2012) was below 47% and none have been denied a second term if their job approval was above 51%. Between 47% and 51% lies the zone of uncertainty or vulnerability for Obama whether he will be re-elected or not. Today the Gallup DTP has Obama's job approval at 45%.

A key factor in the 2012 is the WHITE vote. Right now several pollsters have Obama pegged at 38% job approval with WHITE voters. He got 43% in the 2008 election. If Palin were to get 60%-62% of the WHITE vote in 2012, Jay Cost of the RCP horserace blog predicts that Palin would beat Obama despite Obama holding onto his A/A (95% and Hispanic supporters (66%) from 2008 which is not a given. Under this scenario Palin would get around 50%-51% of the total vote and Obama around 47%-48% and could win the electoral college a la George Bush in 2004 by a 286-252 electoral vote margin.

Thus I do not agree that Obama has to be at a maximum at 45% job approval for Palin to be elected.

So look for George Soros and the Left to do everything possible to set up a viable 3rd party presidential candidate to bleed away potential WHITE voters from Palin if she secures the nomination. Will it work? Stay tuned. We'll have to see who the candidate is and how viable he or she becomes, how hated Obama will be in 2012, how successful Palin is to hold WHITE conservatives and independents in check and not splinter off, and finally whether other 3rd party candidates (eg Ralph Nader) emerge to perhaps bleed votes away from Obama. Regardless, the goal of a 3rd party movement is crystal-clear, to hand Obama a second term in office.


"...her charismatic sarcasm is something that cuts under Obama's skin so deep...I don't think Obama could survive a debate with her because of his huge ego, and high expectations to "Destroy Palin". It will be something to watch, as the house of cards comes falling down with a few common sense zingers from the Thrilla of Wasilla."

Again I think AKReport is too optimistic about Palin's apparent superiority over Obama in the debating arena and that it will resonate among the American public. Sure the folks on our side will know she took the Messiah to the woodshed (as she did to Biden), but will Obama's supporters and drones and undecided or swing voters know that after the debate? I think not as Obama's propaganda machine in the MSM (and later entertainment industry) swings into full gear and goes all out to defend Obama's stage performance and instead savages everything that Palin said during the debate or in their estimation what she should have said and then go on to mock her for her hairstyle, her wardrobe, her jewelry and the color of her shoes and course for being a woman. In contrast these so-called journalists and pundits, actually lackeys, will extol how well Obama carried himself on stage, how presidential he looked and sounded, that he was forthcoming and convincing (although he was lying through his teeth which they will not tell you) and that he put the upstart Palin in her place with his grace and with, implying Palin was not worthy to be on the same stage as the Messiah.

Don't expect Palin to have an easy ride to the WH with the MSM totally on Obama's proverbial corner and with RINO's continually sniping in the background to the MSM that Palin is not listening to them, as it will take every personal resource available to Palin, including her personal faith in God and daily prayer, to overcome the huge advantage Obama has at his disposal, despite his low poll numbers (hopefully as well in 2012) and how much more loathed he will become in the heartland compared to now (inevitable). And don't forget the potential of massive voter fraud in 2012.

What are best chances for Palin to prevail? She has to knock him out and in boxing terms not leave it to the boxing judges to render a verdict (voter recounts, Supreme Court)on a split decision and that means beating Obama decisively with no questions asked. And again for her to prevail in this mannner a third party candidate must not be allowed to bleed off WHITE voters that could have gone to Palin. Yes, Palin, as I have already said, could beat Obama in a close election but for obvious reasons that is not my first option.

So what are chances that Palin can knock Obama out and win in a landslide? Perhaps a better question to ask is how likely is it that Obama will only get 37%-38% of the WHITE vote in 2012, with Palin getting between 60%-62% of it and the WHITE voter turnout as a percentage of the electorate rises again to 75% or above? (A recent PPP poll showed Palin beating Obama 55% to 36% among WHITE voters.) The answer to these two questions I believe will determine the results of the next presidential election regardless if Obama's minority followers and Leftist allies really believe he is the Messiah or how unqualified many folks feel Palin to be or hate her guts. Your own Brices Crossroads said it best a couple of days ago, "If the voters decide to fire Obama, THEY WILL VOTE FOR PALIN EVEN IF THEY HATE HER."

In other words the voters will decide whether they want to return to the glory days of Reagan and Reaganomics or accustom themselves to living under Obamacare and his socialist Utopia. The choice is theirs.

TOPICS: Politics
KEYWORDS: palin; politics
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To: Clyde5445
SarahPAC is Gov. Palin’s leadership PAC. Gov. Palin has been very active in the primaries and her endorses have won just about every race.

That site perfectly illustrates what I'm talking about. There is a bio. That's it. No positions, no issues, just a bio and a appeal for money. Kinda reminds me of a lot of Obama's campaign.

The man is the brand is the campaign is the issue.

Hopefully she'll start sharing her views with us before too long. Until then I interpret it as she either isn't running, isn't sure she's running, or is still trying to figure out her positions. Or, has some very outside the box strategy. The last person to try "outside the box" was Rudy. He finished fifth (skipping New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina).

As exciting as Sarah is to many at some point she has to go eat fried twinkees in Iowa and hotdogs in New Hampshire just like every other successful nominee. Pawlenty seems to be the one who gets that, today, along with Mitt.

81 posted on 07/27/2010 7:04:29 PM PDT by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: Jack Black

Yeah, the biggest politician in America that is dominating the campaign news, and the 2010 campaigns themselves, and is the dominate figure of the 2012 presidential election is not doing anything particular, while a couple of guys that no one has heard of, are more advanced in the positioning for 2012.

You really have a different take on reality than most of us, evidently you create your own.

82 posted on 07/27/2010 7:05:38 PM PDT by ansel12 (Mitt: "I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush")
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To: Jack Black

Gov. Palin’s positions on issues are well known. She has stated her position on issues in interviews, in her many speeches, OP-ED’s and on Facebook.

There is no need for a campaign style web site at this time.

83 posted on 07/27/2010 7:11:52 PM PDT by Clyde5445 (Gov. Sarah Palin: :"You have to sacrifice to win. That's my philosophy in 6 words.")
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To: Jack Black

With all due respect, you’re drowning yourself in labels, names and dates.

Your post really says nothing. If you have to be dependent on a label, just go with “constitutionalist.” It will clear up the confusion and the distraction.

84 posted on 07/27/2010 8:29:26 PM PDT by reasonisfaith (Rules will never work for radicals because they seek chaos. And don't even know it.)
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To: Jack Black
Pawlenty saying he's for universal healthcare might not be that bad.


85 posted on 07/27/2010 8:33:45 PM PDT by FreeReign
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To: onyx; techno
That was a good and insightful article, thanks.

I'm confident that if Sarah decides to run she will win the GOP nomination, not because of support by the party bigwigs (she won't get that in any event), but because of the conservative base that is by and large motivated and is very supportive of her. As the polls of late demonstrate, her support among independents is growing as well.

By the time Obama's 4 years of destruction and devastation is over, America will be more than ready and anxious for real change, a change we can be proud of... yes, we can!

86 posted on 07/27/2010 8:44:53 PM PDT by Victoria Delsoul
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To: joelt; techno; Jack Black

Open primaries and the caucuses allowed Soros to sabatoge Hitlery. They also allowed the dims to affect the Repub process and give us McCain

I hope the Repubs have abolished open primaries. If not the dims will use it against them...again

87 posted on 07/28/2010 5:46:28 AM PDT by John Galt's cousin (Principled Conservatism in 2010 and 2012 * * * * * * * * * * Repeal the 17th Amendment!)
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To: CAluvdubya
The rules are indeed our friends.

As of yet, no prizes have been decided upon, but hope springs eternal.

JouroList members fall into the leftist troll category, so would not be eligible even if so declared.

88 posted on 07/28/2010 5:55:05 AM PDT by alarm rider (The left will always tell you who they fear the most. What are they telling you now?)
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To: Jack Black
Is her brain big enough to connect those two rather obvious points...

Seems like I've heard that line of attack used before.

Moreover, at the time, Reagan's optimism was deemed pejorative. It was the cockeyed optimism of the simpleton, a man too shallow, unsophisticated, unschooled and unthinking — in short, too stupid — to know better. An “amiable dunce,” as Clark Clifford, wisest of the Washington wise men, dubbed him. Justin Kaplan’s 1992 edition of Bartlett's has only three quotes from Reagan — all trivial, all designed to make him look silly. It was only under pressure that the next edition added “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” and other historic lines.

89 posted on 07/28/2010 6:13:06 AM PDT by McGruff (How's that Hopey Changey thingy workin for ya?)
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To: McGruff
Nice historic analogy, and nice quote.

I certainly hope it proves to be accurate, and Palin is the type of towering political figure that Reagan was, and that her "aw-shucks" demeanor hides a true intellect.

But I seriously doubt it. Her tortured interveiws alone offer scant hope of that.

Reagan, as we now know, spent thousands of hours writing and researching while on the radio. He came through his deep understanding of politics, history and ideology the old fashioned way, through hard work.

Search in vain for any similar period in Palin's life, you won't find it. Maybe that's what she's doing now between book signings and such?

But I feel it's more likely she's "cramming for the final", as was described in the book about the campaign published a while back.

90 posted on 07/28/2010 8:16:34 AM PDT by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: John Galt's cousin
I hope the Repubs have abolished open primaries. If not the dims will use it against them...again

It's a tough situation, and in general nothing as happened or things are getting worse.

Michael Steel has not spent on iota of energy fixing our primary system, which would be a legitimate and valuable thing for the RNC to work on.

Many states are in the process of adopting new "open-primary" laws. Here in Washington we have a "top two" primary system that essentially removes the Party from any role in determining who the nominee for most offices will be. (Individuals are free to identify with any party preference when registering to run for office.) Ballots say mere candidate Joe Blow "prefers Republican". Voters may vote for whoever they like. Top two finishers go to the general election.

91 posted on 07/28/2010 8:20:40 AM PDT by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: ansel12
Yeah, the biggest politician in America that is dominating the campaign news, and the 2010 campaigns themselves, and is the dominate figure of the 2012 presidential election is not doing anything particular,

I never said she's not doing anything in particular. I've only said that it's not clear to me that she is running in 2012 yet, and that we don't know her stand on the issues.

She has been involved in the 2010 elections; it's too early to say if her endorsements worked. The one in New York did not, the Democrat won the open seat. Did she endorse Scott Brown?

92 posted on 07/28/2010 8:24:09 AM PDT by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: Jack Black

Actually you don’t say much of anything, you just muse and muff your way through thread real estate. Palin’s endorsements have already proved very effective going back to 2008, her endorsements are the most effective in the land.

93 posted on 07/28/2010 8:38:59 AM PDT by ansel12 (Mitt: "I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush")
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To: reasonisfaith

Someone asked a question. I tried to answer it. Sorry if you didn’t find my answer enlightening. I do my best.

Words have meaning, unless you belong to the “it depends on what your definition of is is” camp.

Neoconservatism has been a powerful force in our politics and government for a generation. Neoconservatives are not “Constitutionalists”.

Conservatives who fail to differentiate between “labels, names and dates” and think anyone who says nice things about Reagan and is a Republican therefore supports the Constitution and will roll back the liberal state are simpletons. They are the uneducated dupes that keep giving us the Republicans who don’t do anything once elected.

They are likely to give us more McCains and Bushes in 2012, and no real return to the Constitution.

Therefore, I think it’s good for people to understand the “labels, names and dates” and what it means when people are aligned with the different factions within the Conservative movement.

94 posted on 07/28/2010 8:42:08 AM PDT by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: ansel12
Palin’s endorsements have already proved very effective going back to 2008, her endorsements are the most effective in the land.

Really? Please specify what politicians are holding office today that Palin endorsed. She endorsed McCain and ran as his VP. That one obviously failed. Her second most famous endorsement was of independent Doug Hoffman in the special election in NY-23. The GOP nominee, who was a RINO dropped out, however Hoffman lost the seat to Owens, the Democrat. That endorsement failed. Her third most famous endorsement was of Rand Paul in the GOP primary. He won the primary. The general election has not yet taken place, so it's too early to say if she succeeds in that one. If all Palin is capable of doing is directing her followers to vote for candidates who lose in the general I would not consider that proof of the "effectiveness of her endorsements". Please show me how it's done and provide the examples of her success.

95 posted on 07/28/2010 8:49:05 AM PDT by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: FreeReign
Pawlenty saying he's for universal healthcare might not be that bad. What?

Let's see: the libertarian postition is that government should have no role in healthcare, it should be 100% private.

The Constitutionalist position is: the Federal Government is not permitted to run health-care systems (or retirement systems). Thus Medicare and Medicaid (as well as Social Security) are all illegal programs and should be disbanded as soon as possible. In a humane a way as possible, of course.

The apocryphal Tea Party slogan is "Keep your government hands off my Medicare", seems to show the ambivilence and lack of clarity of thinking on the subject among many Conservatives.

We could (and I'd support) repealing Obama care, but that still leaves us with a system with very, very serious problems. Those include (as I pointed out above) the fact that they are the largest, fastest growing component of the Federal insolvency.

Obama made it worse, but merely gettting back to the status quo (health care system as it was when Bush left office) isn't an answer.

I suppose that any future attempt to further reform the (now even more broken) health care system will have "universal coverage" as a goal.

As a practical matter, as a person earning a decent wage, I'm already paying more in taxes percentage wise for Health Care than many citizens in countries with full socialized medicine pay.

I get NOTHING for that. Lot's of other people get A LOT from my dollars. Everyone who is over 65 gets health insurance. And subsidized prescriptoin medicine. Every welfare mom and her kids get coverage. Lazy derilicts get coverage through disability programs.

In France I'd pay 9% of my income and get something for it. In the USA I pay 9% of my income as YET ANOTHER TRANSFER PROGRAM, recieve no coverage of benefits, and then pay another few hundred a month to a private company for coverage for myself and family.

I look forward to the first GOP candidate who makes the case for "Constitutional Medicine"- and speaks up on the need to abolish Medicare and Medicaid.

If Sarah Palin comes out and says that I will take back every not-nice thing I've said about her and send her $100 a month from now until Nov. 2012. I'll even stop posting pictures that imply she is the sock puppet of William Kristol!

I suspect it's a lot more likely that the words that we will hear fall from her lips between now and 2012 are "universal coverage" not "abolish Medicare", though.

96 posted on 07/28/2010 9:11:39 AM PDT by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: ansel12

Tim Pawlenty’s web site has a handy list of who his PAC has contributed money and endorsements to. Here is the complete list:

Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley is running for Governor of South Carolina. Nikki has one of the strongest fiscal conservative records in state government where she fought wasteful spending, pushed for smaller, more efficient government, and accountability and transparency in the State Legislature.

Click to Support Nikki Haley

Jim DeMint
Jim DeMint has represented South Carolina in the U.S. Senate since 2004 where he has advocated smaller government, individual liberty, a strong national defense and traditional values. Jim has fought tirelessly to end earmarks in Congress to protect taxpayers hard-earned dollars.

Click to Support Jim DeMint

Tim Scott
Tim Scott’s experience in the public and private sector make him the best candidate to represent South Carolina’s First Congressional District. In 1995, Tim was elected to Charleston County Council, becoming the first black Republican elected to county-wide office in South Carolina since Reconstruction. In 2008, Tim was elected to the SC House of Representatives. During his 15 years of public service, Tim never voted for a tax increase.

Click to Support Tim Scott

Jeff Duncan
Jeff Duncan is the best candidate to represent South Carolina’s Third Congressional District. Jeff has served in the South Carolina House of Representatives since 2002 where he was named Chairman of the House Agriculture, National Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee. Jeff has a record of cutting taxes to help spur economic growth. He also is a known advocate of energy independence.

Click to Support Jeff Duncan

Trey Gowdy
Trey Gowdy is running to represent South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District. Previously, Trey worked as a federal prosecutor in Greenville, SC where he prosecuted crimes including narcotics trafficking, bank robberies, and child pornography cases. In 2000, he was elected as the 7th Circuit Solicitor where he leads of office of 25 attorneys and has been recognized statewide for his commitment to victim’s rights, and drunken driving enforcement.

Click to Support Trey Gowdy

Joe Wilson
Joe Wilson has served in Congress since 2001. He currently serves on the House Armed Services Committee. Joe has a proven record of fighting for lower taxes for all Americans, limiting the size of the federal government, and promoting a strong national defense.

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Mary Fallin
Mary Fallin currently represents the 5th District of Oklahoma in Congress. Overwhelmingly elected in November 2006 and 2008, Fallin is the first woman to represent Oklahoma since 1920. In Congress, Fallin has consistently promoted a pro-economic growth agenda and has a proven record of fighting for lower taxes and limited government. Her experience in both the public and private sectors make her the best candidate for Governor of Oklahoma.

Click to Support Mary Fallin

Rick Crawford
Rick Crawford served in the U.S. Army where he was awarded numerous medals for service. After completing his term of service in the Army, Rick launched a career focused on agriculture in both agri-communications and general agri-business. Rick’s public and private service experience make him the best candidate to represent Arkansas’ First Congressional District.

Click to Support Rick Crawford

Jim Renacci
Jim Renacci is a small business owner, served two terms as President of Wadsworth’s City Council, and then served as Mayor of Wadsworth from 2004 - 2008. During his time as Mayor, Jim brought his vast business experience to his role in government, converting the city’s multi-million dollar deficit into a surplus and balancing Wadsworth’s $80 million budget— all without raising taxes. Over the course of his career in both the public and private sector, Jim has created over 1,500 jobs in the area and has established a strong record as a sound steward of the economy. Jim is the best candidate to represent Ohioans in the 16th Congressional District.

Click to Support Jim Renacci

John Boozman
John Boozman is currently represents northwest Arkansas in Congress where he serves on House committees: Veterans Affairs, Transportation & Infrastructure and Foreign Affairs. Boozman’s experience as a successful businessman and life-long resident of Arkansas make him the best candidate for Arkansas Senate.

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John Kasich
John Kasich has represented Ohioans for nine terms in Congress, where he served as Chairman of the House Budget Committee. John also chaired the historic congressional Conference Committee that overhauled the welfare system. With this proven record of results, John is the best candidate for Governor who will bring commonsense conservative solutions to Ohio.

Click to Support John Kasich

Marco Rubio
Marco Rubio is running for Senate in Florida. From 2000-2008, Rubio served in the Florida House of Representatives. During this period, he served as Majority Whip, Majority Leader and Speaker of the House, effectively promoting an agenda of lower taxes, better schools, a leaner and more efficient government and free market empowerment. Marco is a rising star in the Republican Party because of his principled, energetic and idea-driven leadership.

Click to Support Marco Rubio

Mick Mulvaney
Mick Mulvaney’s professional career spans law, business, real estate, and public service. In 2006, Mick was first elected to the South Carolina House where he has earned A+ ratings and endorsements from the NFIB and the South Carolina Club for Growth for his voting record of fiscal responsibility. Mick is dedicated to bringing pro-growth, job creating, and commonsense policy solutions to Washington.

Click to Support Mick Mulvaney

Joe Heck
Joe Heck has served residents of Nevada as a physician, Army Reservist, small business owner and lifelong community volunteer. From 2004 through 2008, Joe represented the 5th District in Nevada’s State Senate. Joe’s unique background combining military, business and healthcare experience and his platform promoting fiscal responsibility, jobs, and strong national security make him the best candidate to represent Nevadans of the 3rd District.

Click to Support Joe Heck

Adam Kinzinger
Adam Kinzinger has a proven record of public service. In 2003, Adam joined the United States Air Force and served as a Captain in the Air Force Special Ops, Air Combat and Command, Air Mobility Command, and Air National Guard. At the age of 20, he was elected as one of the youngest county board members in McLean County history, where he championed fiscal responsibility, the free market, and greater public participation in the political process. Adam has served his country throughout his life and will be the best voice for the citizens the Illinois’ 11th district.

Click to Support Adam Kinzinger

Mark Kirk
Mark Kirk is currently serving his fifth term in Congress representing Illinois’ 10th district where he is a member of the Appropriations Committee. While in Congress, Mark has worked to advance pro-defense, pro-personal responsibility, and pro-economic growth policies. Mark is also a Naval Reserve intelligence officer and has served during conflicts with Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti and Bosnia. Mark’s demonstrated record and public service exhibited while he has been in Congress make him the best choice to represent the citizens of Illinois in the Senate.

Click to Support Mark Kirk

Tom Coburn
Since his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Tom Coburn has become a leader in the fight to reduce wasteful spending, to increase accountability and transparency for all taxpayers, and to restore Constitutional government. As a practicing physician, Dr. Coburn returns home to Oklahoma each weekend and continues to care for his patients as the Senate schedule permits.

Click to Support Tom Coburn

Steve Chabot
Steve Chabot has served as Congressman representing Ohio’s 1st Congressional District for 14 years. Steve is known as one of Congress’ leading advocates for fiscal responsibility because of his consistent voting record to eliminate wasteful spending and reduce the excessive tax burden on Americans. Steve’s pro-growth economic voting record make him the best candidate to represent Ohioans of the 1st District.

Click to Support Steve Chabot

Susana Martinez
Susan Martinez is the District Attorney for the 3rd Judicial District in New Mexico, a position she has held for 13 years. Susana has pledged to cut wasteful spending, lower taxes to create more jobs, and end “pay-to-play” practices and other corruption in government and fight to reform education. Susana is a strong voice who will make an outstanding governor.

Click to Support Susana Martinez

Randy Demmer
As a business owner and state legislator, Randy Demmer has the sort of common-sense, fiscally responsible approach to issues that we need in Washington. After working with Randy to pass innovative reforms and balanced budgets without raising taxes, I know he will fight out-of-control spending in Washington on behalf of Minnesotans in the 1st Congressional District.

Click to Support Randy Demmer

Pat Toomey
Pat Toomey is one of America’s leading advocates for limited government and personal freedom. After nearly 10 years as a small business owner, Pat served in Congress where he led efforts to expand tax cuts and reduce wasteful spending. His proven leadership on economic and fiscal issues will be an important voice representing Pennsylvanians in the U.S. Senate.

Click to Support Pat Toomey

Pat Meehan
While serving as a US Attorney, Pat Meehan made his name as a crusader against corruption by taking a stand against “Pay-to-Play” politics in Philadelphia. Pat took on corruption in Philadelphia because he knew the public’s faith in government was at stake. The situation was dire and it required someone to stand up on behalf of the taxpayers and say, “Business as usual must stop.” Pat believes being a public servant means representing those who feel voiceless and vulnerable. As US Attorney, Pat has been recognized nationally for his work on terrorism, gang prevention, protecting seniors, and fighting corruption in government.

Click to Support Pat Meehan

Charles Djou
Republicans have an opportunity to once again shock the political world with a special election victory in Hawaii’s 1st district, where Barack Obama grew up. Charles Djou currently serves as a member of the Honolulu city council, and was Minority Floor Leader of the Hawaii State House. Outside of the City Council, Charles serves as an officer in the U.S. Army Reserve. Charles also practices as an attorney specializing in business law and teaches at the University of Hawaii’s William S. Richardson School of Law.

Click to Support Charles Djou

Sean Duffy
Sean P. Duffy is the District Attorney for Ashland County Wisconsin. Sean is currently serving his fourth term as Ashland County’s District Attorney and is recognized as an aggressive prosecutor with a better than 90% trial success rate. He is most proud of his dedication to prosecuting child sex crimes. Working together with law enforcement, Sean helped make Ashland County one of the first counties in the state to investigate and prosecute child internet sex crimes. Sean was born and raised in rural Wisconsin, and is a nationally-recognized professional lumberjack athlete. Sean is running for the House seat held by David Obey, author of the disastrous Stimulus bill, and is fighting to return accountability to Washington.

Click to Support Sean Duffy

Robert Dold
Robert Dold is a successful business owner in the 10th District, running the oldest pest-management company in the United States. Prior to his campaign for Congress, Bob gathered extensive and diverse experience both in Washington and business. He served as an investigative counsel for the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee and worked for the Vice President in the first Bush administration. Bob has been active in local Republican Party activities for more than 20 years. As the 10th District’s Representative to Congress, Bob will fight for the people of the 10th District with the same integrity, passion, determination, and common sense that he brings to everything he does.

Click to Support Robert Dold

John Hoeven
Since 2000, John Hoeven has served as Governor of North Dakota working to build North Dakota’s future by focusing on six pillars of growth: education, economic development, agriculture, energy, technology, and quality of life. While much of the nation is struggling during these difficult economic times, North Dakota has balanced its budget, cut taxes, set aside a $700 million reserve for the future, while investing in health care, law enforcement, education, and quality infrastructure. John’s proven results will make him an effective voice for commonsense solutions in Washington.

Click to Support John Hoeven

Tim Burns
Tim Burns’ commitment to conservative values, smaller government, lower taxes, an end to wasteful spending and restoring an ethical standard in public service, makes him the best choice to be the Republican nominee for Congress in the 12th Congressional District. Tim’s life experience growing up and attending school in the 12th Congressional District as well as being a father, entrepreneur, successful businessman and community leader, make him uniquely qualified to serve as the next Congressman from Pennsylvania’s 12th District.

Click to Support Tim Burns

John McCain
Senator John McCain’s record embodies an unwavering lifetime commitment to public service. Since his election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982, John has led the fight to reform Washington, eliminate wasteful government spending, and strengthen our nation’s armed forces. In the Senate, John has championed tax relief, support for our troops and veterans, and strengthening America’s national security.

Click to Support John McCain

Chuck Grassley
Throughout his five terms in the U.S. Senate, Senator Chuck Grassley has worked to promote fiscal responsibility, government accountability, and constituent services. Chuck has used his position on the Senate Finance Committee to promote tax relief; develop renewable energy; increase college, retirement, and personal savings; investigate drug safety issues; and promote international trade. Chuck’s pragmatism, policy expertise and leadership positions have been valuable to Iowa taxpayers, farmers, senior citizens, veterans and small business owners.

Click to Support Chuck Grassley

Roy Blunt
Congressman Roy Blunt came to the United States House of Representatives in 1997 with a background as a public servant, university president and administrator. He became the Majority Whip earlier in his career than any Member of Congress in the last eight decades and also served as Majority Leader. Blunt championed the Combat Meth Act, the Charitable Giving expansion and legislation to enhance transparency in federal spending by establishing a searchable database of all federal grants and contracts. Blunt has become a recognized leader on energy issues and led the fight for more American-made energy in 2008. He also played a key role in helping negotiate an update of our nation’s foreign intelligence surveillance laws.

Click to Support Roy Blunt

Rob Portman
Rob Portman served as Director of the Office of Management and Budget, from May 2005 to May 2006. Rob made his mark by proposing a balanced budget, fighting irresponsible earmarks, and putting in place new transparency for all federal spending. The deficit was cut in half during his tenure to less than one tenth the size of this year’s deficit. Rob has spent a lot of time on the campaign trail talking with Ohio’s working families about how they’re weathering the economic storm and what Congress must do to save jobs and create new ones.

Click to Support Rob Portman

Richard Burr
Senator Richard Burr has established himself as a passionate legislator on health care issues and has worked to restore accountability to the federal government. Richard continues to focus on job growth across North Carolina by working to ensure a robust economic environment and strong public schools. He is dedicated to finding common-sense solutions to increase access to affordable, quality health care for all North Carolina families. He is a vocal advocate for our men and women in the military and their families, and for the growing population of veterans across North Carolina.

Click to Support Richard Burr

John Kline
Congressman John Kline has been proud to represent the men and women of Minnesota’s 2nd District in the U.S. House of Representatives since first being elected to Congress in 2002. During this time, John has established himself as one of Congress’s foremost experts on defense and veterans’ issues, a conservative voice on tax and budget policy, an advocate for education, and a champion for helping America become more energy independent.

Click to Support John Kline

Michele Bachmann
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is the first Republican woman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota. She is a leading advocate for bipartisan earmark reform and tax relief and is a staunch opponent of wasteful government spending. She is among the leaders in the U.S. House pushing for increased energy exploration in the U.S. to provide much needed relief at the pump for hard-working Americans and put our nation on the path to energy independence.

Click to Support Michele Bachmann

Erik Paulsen
Congressman Erik Paulsen is a member of the House Financial Services Committee where he has been a champion of fiscal responsibility with a focus on greater transparency and accountability of taxpayer dollars. During his first months in office he successfully passed legislation to create broad authority for a Special Inspector General to oversee bailout spending through the Troubled Asset Relief Program as well as a bill he authored to strengthen small businesses hampered by the recession. He is also co-sponsoring legislation that will provide reform for taxpayers and small business while creating a strong economic climate for job growth.

Click to Support Erik Paulsen

97 posted on 07/28/2010 9:18:22 AM PDT by Jack Black ( Whatever is left of American patriotism is now identical with counter-revolution.)
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To: Jack Black

Actually she started in December of 2008 when she was already engaged in rebuilding the demoralized Republican party.

Newly reelected Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) credited Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin with firing up his base and allowing him to cruise to a victory over Democrat Jim Martin.

“Sarah Palin came in on the last day, did a fly-around and, man, she was dynamite,” Chambliss told Fox News on Wednesday. “We packed the houses everywhere we went. And it really did allow us to peak and get our base fired up.”

Chambliss beat Martin by three points on Nov. 4 but did not reach 50 percent of the vote, making a runoff necessary. However, the incumbent easily beat his challenger Tuesday, more than quadrupling his margin of victory, and in the process kept Democrats from reaching a filibuster-proof Senate majority.

Chambliss heaped praise on Palin, saying she has a “great future” in the GOP.

“I can’t overstate the impact she had down here. All these folks did a great job coming in,” he said, referring to former presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Rudy Giuliani. “They allow you [to] add momentum to where we were in the campaign. But when she walks in a room, folks just explode.”

98 posted on 07/28/2010 10:03:57 AM PDT by ansel12 (Mitt: "I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush")
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To: Jack Black

But the label is only the packaging, which is easy to fake. So to focus on the label simply opens the door for more of the scamming and swindling.

Forget about “neocon” or “paleocon.” These terms and labels only allow the enemy to pick, polarize, politicize and personalize as taught by Alinsky. Forget the labels!

Look at a thing for what it is, not for the label. Refer to the Constitution—that will clear things up.

99 posted on 07/28/2010 10:42:54 AM PDT by reasonisfaith (Rules will never work for radicals because they seek chaos. And don't even know it.)
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To: Jack Black
The comment, "Pawlenty saying he's for universal healthcare might not be that bad", was your comment and not mine.

In your reply to me, you put that comment in italics, which would attribute that comment to me.

Please don't do that.

And again I ask you why YOU think "universal healthcare might not be a bad thing"?

100 posted on 07/28/2010 10:58:39 AM PDT by FreeReign
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