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8 Reasons Homeschooling Is Superior to Public Education (Most of Founding Fathers were Homeschooled)
Pajamas Media ^ | 11/17/2012 | Megan Fox

Posted on 11/18/2012 5:16:50 PM PST by SeekAndFind

This cartoon was drawn by a 16-year-old homeschooler.

The title of this article is polarizing and I expect to get in trouble for writing it. As a homeschooling parent, I’m not supposed to think homeschooling superior to institutionalized education. I’m supposed to take the stance that all choices are equal in the effort not to offend anyone who prefers public schooling. It’s a hot topic in the mommy circles and one that most homeschooling moms want to avoid. We all encounter the same comments and exclamations like, “How do you do it? When are you going to put them in real school? You must be crazy! How long do you plan to do this?” My personal favorite: “I could never do that!” This article is a response to all the times I’ve wanted to answer truthfully but held my tongue in order to preserve peace.

Disclaimer: Let it be understood that I believe in the freedom of every individual to choose how to raise their own children how they see fit. This does not prevent me from having an opinion as to the nature of public school and what state-run education inflicts on American children. This is based on personal experience and years of study and research. Further, many of you will argue that none of the examples in this article have ever happened to your child in your school. My answer is, not yet. I warn you, if you are a public schooling advocate and you continue to read this article you may become unhappy with your current choices and find yourself at a homeschooling conference and facing disapproval from your social circle. Read at your own risk.

8. Social Programming for Dummies.

Most people worry that homeschoolers aren’t properly “socialized,” whatever that means. As if uncivilized children should socialize each other (bad idea). Anyone who has read Lord of the Flies knows how that ends. And if the teachers are supposed to do the socializing, why can’t parents? Every homeschooling family I know (and that’s quite a few) has as many, if not more, extracurricular activities for their kids as everyone else. There are 4-H, Girl/Boy Scouts, Jiu Jitsu (that’s us), music lessons, art lessons, metal working, speech and debate, sports and more.

But the most important difference in home-school socialization is that the social values taught come from the parents instead of the state. During our lessons we learn about reading, writing, math, science, history, Bible, Christian character, and art. We spend absolutely zero time on fictional, apocalyptic “global warming.” We don’t preach at them about marriage “equality” or teach them how to put condoms on bananas. We do, however, teach them the nutritional value of bananas and how to be a good steward of the earth by composting the banana peel after we eat it. The state’s values have no effect on our children. When we teach history, we teach them the values of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. We do not blather on endlessly about the supposed heroics of mass murderers like Che Guevara. Because of this difference, homeschooling parents produce inherently American children.

A person isn’t American simply because he was born here and exists here, but rather because he has internalized and embraced American values. Home-teachers have the freedom to teach the real history of America that includes the Bible and its influence in American government and in the lives of our Founders. Without this knowledge (whitewashed from public curriculum), a child will learn a false history of his country and never truly understand the concept of rights that come from the Creator and not men. This one idea is so important, so vital, yet it is left out of context. As a result, these children grow up to attend colleges where “speech codes” punish free-thinkers and no one thinks it’s odd, not to mention illegal.

Publicly educated kids grow up too susceptible to the idea that “hate speech” should actually be silenced instead of balanced with more speech. They sit at the feet of the progeny of Marxist professors who fill their heads with ideas as old as civilization, ideas of madness and tyranny disguised as “fairness” and “equality.” This kind of education does not create Americans. Our children are being robbed of their rightful inheritance. Gone is academic excellence and here to stay is social programming.

My home is a happy vacation from such wrong-headed and stupid ideas. (And my children’s teacher wouldn’t be caught dead on strike in a Che shirt.)

7. Free Thinking Allowed and Encouraged.

School focuses on training children to obey like dogs. Sit, stay, line up, eat now, go to the bathroom now, play now, be quiet, ask permission, don’t wiggle, don’t giggle, don’t talk, don’t run, line up, etc. School teaches children to conform.

At home we have rules, too! Children need them. But when my kids have to go to the bathroom, they go! When they’re hungry, they eat; when they want to laugh or wiggle, they do. Sometimes we have school in the tub with watercolors to paint letters on the tiles just because we can. We are free to go down rabbit trails any time we like if the mood strikes. During kindergarten we read a book about a Weaver bird that builds an incredible nest by weaving a basket out of grass. When my daughter heard that, she had to know more. We found a video on YouTube and watched it, which led to another video on a Tailorbird that actually sews its nest together by poking holes in two huge leaves and sewing them together with bits of grass or straw or string it finds. That day we were totally absorbed in these amazing birds and we spent hours reading everything we could on them. We even tried to make our own nests!

No teacher in a school has the kind of freedom to encourage one student to follow her interests like that. There isn’t time with 25 kids. Even though the lesson on birds was last year, my daughter still remembers every detail because the experience was intense and directed to her interests. She was allowed to become absorbed by a topic that grabbed her imagination. Those moments of watching your child learn with so much enthusiasm are priceless. Learning is about a desire to investigate, not sitting still in a desk for six hours.

Noah Cyrus (Miley’s little sister) trying to be a 24-year-old strumpet

6. Justin Who?

One thing I love about watching my kids grow up is how individualistic they are. They are so unique. They like what they like and they don’t feel pressure to change that based on what’s “cool” at the moment. They have no idea what that means. We spend a lot of time listening to classical music, Broadway favorites, and Christian music. My daughter has no idea who Justin Bieber is and I hope to keep it that way.

Unbelievably, I’ve been told the kids in first grade are already coming home from school demanding pop star posters and iTunes. Perhaps worse, some are already gravitating toward too-short skirts and creepily grown-up Halloween costumes. My daughter is oblivious to all of that and it allows her to just be her six-year-old self. She loves dressing up her bear in silly outfits and having tea with her sister. She loves drawing and dressing up in princess costumes. Childhood is short enough. I feel my children have a firm hold on their childhood and will for quite a while because they aren’t involved in school, where their peers are already racing to grow up and be like the cooler, older kids.

Another bonus is not needing to buy school clothes and worry about fitting in and wearing the right thing. I remember the pressure of having to have the right shoes and the right look in school. It was exhausting and expensive. My oldest daughter loves nothing more than hand-me-downs. You’ve never seen a kid get so excited over someone’s old clothes. And our school doesn’t have a dress code. We can wear pajamas and bunny slippers if we feel like it. It rocks.

5. The World Is Your Oyster.

Have you ever felt like school couldn’t come fast enough but then when it does you are bogged down with more work than you signed up for? The constant flow of papers to sign, book fairs to chair, class projects, field trips, concerts, market days, fundraisers, practice, and so many dates to keep straight you wish it was summer again? When my daughter was in preschool, I began to suspect I would not be cut out for this school thing. I resented “snack day,” where I was responsible for bringing the class snack. I mean, why were we all paying over a hundred dollars a month which didn’t cover snacks? Call me a non-conformer, but I’m just not into it.

Then there was the fall program around Halloween at which all the children wore costumes. I was horrified when my 3-year-old daughter came home asking me what a vampire is. Seriously? She’s three. Who dresses their 3-year-old child up as a blood-sucking vampire at a Christian preschool? That led to an awkward conversation with the director about allowing scary costumes. I was the only one who complained. This did not bode well for future school experiences.

The school drama made me feel tied down to a schedule and filled me with anxiety when I had to explain why I was keeping my child home for whatever reason. When we started to home-school, we became truly free. That first year, my cousin was killed in Afghanistan and we were able to drop everything and drive to Oklahoma and stay for a month. While we were there, school started back home for everyone else, but we were on our own time. Family time. It was wonderful for my children to bond with their cousins and help alleviate some of the pain and confusion of the moment for little ones who had just lost their daddy. We would never have been able to be there for that extended amount of time if school monitors were watching our attendance. Home-school can go with you wherever you roam. It’s a beautiful thing. And while we drove across this great country, we learned about each state we passed through while also teaching our children that family comes first.

4. PTA Meetings Double as Date Night.

My principal happens to be in love with me. This is a plus when I’ve had a rough day and not much work got done and my children have gum in their hair or are on a TV high when Mr. Fox gets home. He’s a very patient man and I always look forward to parent-teacher conferences because they usually happen with a good dinner out and maybe even a movie. There was a time when he was skeptical of the whole thing, as many husbands are, but I think we’ve gotten over the anxiety part of it now because he has seen the progress we are making every day.

We agreed from the beginning that I would try it for one year and we would see how it went and if it went well, we’d continue for another year. I’m into year two now and it’s just getting better with each day. This is not to say that every day is a perfect day…far from it! But it’s getting easier and more fun. I still get a little weepy when I see the school bus go by, and there are days I want to run out and stop it and beg the driver to take my kids somewhere way far away. Believe me, we all feel this way sometimes. But when we have those good days, the great ones that light up the house with life and laughter, those are the ones that make it worthwhile.

Everyone always complains that the years go by so fast and older women will chide younger women to “enjoy it now” before it gets away from you, but I’m steeped in it! I’m living it every day and recording almost all of it for our yearbooks! I don’t feel like I’m missing anything because I’m there every step of the way. When I first began I felt I had no other choice and was a little resentful and wished I could send them to a private school. But now I am grateful to be learning every day how to enjoy my children more by teaching them about this fascinating world around us. It allows me to get down on their level and interact with them the way they so desperately want and need. Mr. Fox gets in on it too and gives wood shop, horticulture, and beer brewing courses. (My six-year-old child knows more about beer than I do.) We are in it as a family unit and it is making us a stronger team.

3. Bright Futures from the Past.

When people think of home-schoolers today, they think of nerdy, socially awkward kids with huge brains who build working roller coasters in their backyards. (Sounds fun, right?) What people don’t think of are presidents, the authors of freedom and American history. We forget in this world of modern conveniences and institutions that not too long ago there were one-room schoolhouses with one teacher teaching all ages. Before that, children were all taught in the home. Almost all of our Founding Fathers, the most brilliant authors and orators of all time, were home-schooled. George Washingon, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt were all educated at home by a parent or a tutor. George Washington was taught by his older brother for a while before embarking on a self-taught course that led him to become a surveyor by the age of 16 and eventually the greatest general and leader in the nation.

Claude Monet (impressionist), Leonardo da Vinci (inventor and artist), Daniel Boone, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark (explorers), Robert Frost (poet), Helen Keller, C.S. Lewis, Mark Twain, Laura Ingalls Wilder (authors and lecturers), and Bach and Mozart (composers)… were all home-educated. They are just my favorites from a very exhaustive list of home-educated human beings who not only turned out okay, but changed the world.

What used to be common, educating your children in your home, is now so foreign that people tend to look at you like you have two heads when you tell them you don’t send your kids to institutions. But the one-size-fits-all halls of education are the new and unusual form of education. I believe that one day, we will return to the natural state of education which happens in the home when the public systems crumble. It is happening already. Many people I’ve met recently have just started homeschooling or are contemplating trying it because the public system is failing to meet the needs of their children. These days everyone seems to know someone who is a home-educator. The long-held stereotype that homeschooling is bad for kids is finally starting to come unglued.

2. Ratios Are Never a Problem.

At every teachers’ strike I’ve ever seen (and there was just a huge one here in Chicago), the teachers complain about class sizes. Class sizes are too large! They can’t possibly teach all those kids at once, they say. I agree. I only have two children in my class. But if you were to ask a public school teacher what they think of homeschooling, you’re likely to hear very bad things! Most don’t like home-school as an option at all because they don’t like the idea of an average person without an education degree doing her job, sometimes better than they do and without demanding pensions and salaries. If class size were really a concern for teachers, they would admire an environment where the teacher gets to spend one-on-one time every day for several hours with the student. But they don’t, because it’s not really about class sizes, but about union power, job preservation, and money.

Even the best teacher, and there are many out there, cannot possibly see to the needs of each child in his class. There will always be those who are brighter and need more stimulation who don’t get it and those who are slower and need more attention who also don’t get it because the system is for a generic child, not an individual. Government solutions generally fail because they are based on collective needs instead of individual needs. Human beings are individuals with specific traits and likes and interests that a one-size-fits-all education cannot possibly address.

There are thousands of methods of home education available, so many it’s overwhelming! Go to any home-school convention and you will find school-in-a-box, online programs with accredited teachers, hands-on activity directed schooling, classical schooling, and unit studies, among countless others.

If the curriculum you choose doesn’t work for your child, you can try something else, in the middle of the year if necessary. There are so many options for creative learning. If a child shows an interest in planes, for instance, she can learn about flight, the scientific principles of flight, and the history of planes. She can write about famous pilots, learn to fly a flight simulator, learn about birds and hollow bones, study Icarus, build a flying machine, visit a plane museum, talk to Airforce pilots …and that can last all year. During that year she would still be reading, writing, doing math, and learning history, science and art, but she would be immersed in a subject she loves and wants to know about instead of glossing over a paragraph about the Wright brothers in a textbook. This is true learning. I wish I had been able to learn like this! But here’s the best part: I get to do it all over again, and this time I’m going to enjoy it!

1. Public School Can Literally Kill Your Child.

Rachel Ehmke was a beautiful 13-year-old girl in 7th grade in Minnesota. Her parents found her hanging in her bedroom along with a heartbreaking suicide note in which she wished she could tell them how she really felt. It turned out Rachel was terrorized at school by bullies who repeatedly called her a “slut” even though she had never had a boyfriend. They smeared gum on her locker and texted the entire student body with lies about her. Not able to handle the pain and having no real intervention by school officials, Rachel took her own life, devastating her family.

Joel Morales, 12-years-old boy, took his own life after bullies at school mercilessly taunted him about his dead father. The list of children who have committed suicide because of bullies and negligent school administrations is staggering. Suicide is one of the leading killers of school-age children.

In surveys, private schools fare better with less violence but report similar bullying statistics. Private schools seem more capable of handling bullies, as many of them still use the paddle and expel trouble-makers much quicker than their public counterparts.

One thing a homeschooling parent will never have to worry about is her child being mistreated by other students. And when they are taunted by a sibling, Mom or Dad is on hand to mete out the proper punishments immediately and ensure the kiss and make-up portion of the apology happens. Within minutes, the squabbling siblings have worked it out and good will is restored. There is no chance for Mom not to hear about it until the moment it’s too late and her precious baby is hanging in the closet.

Lots of parents today say bullying is a necessary part of learning to survive in this world. After all, there are nasty people in all walks of life. This is true, but bullying when we were kids was a lot different than it is today. With cyber bullying, the victim can’t even find refuge at home. The bullies can stalk their prey every moment of the day and night. Too many parents who thought their child told them everything found out on the worst day of their lives that they never knew the truth.

If your child is having problems with bullying, it’s not quitting to pull him out of that situation and give him a chance to concentrate on learning something other than basic survival. It is a lesson that parents love their child more than anyone in the world and there is a safe place at home where he will be protected. That is our job as parents. We should fiercely protect our young no less ferociously than a bear protecting her cubs from poachers. In the adult world, no one stuffs you into a locker or gives you a swirly after an office meeting. There may be difficult personalities, but the fierceness of juvenile aggression has worn off by the time we enter the workforce. If your child is suffering at the hands of bullies, I implore you to not wait one more day. Your child’s life could depend on it.

TOPICS: Education; History; Society
KEYWORDS: arth; frhf; homeschooling
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To: CodeToad

>>College is not required.

Depends what you are doing. I would submit that it would be hard to homeschool things like engineering, physics, chemistry, etc.

That said, there are quite a lot of degrees these days that are a joke.

41 posted on 11/18/2012 10:41:35 PM PST by FreedomPoster (Islam delenda est.)
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To: memyselfandi59

Most of my kids Jr college courses have been online. And if they needed on campus classes, they arranged them on the same day, such as T, Th. I dropped off the kiddo, went to work, picked them up on the way home.

42 posted on 11/18/2012 10:51:48 PM PST by ican'tbelieveit (School is prison for children who have commited the crime of being born. (attr: St_Thomas_Aquinas))
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To: wrench
And none of the founding fathers had indoor plumbing, electricity, or computers. We should dump those as well

There's a reason why government schools dropped teaching logic.

43 posted on 11/18/2012 10:53:17 PM PST by St_Thomas_Aquinas (Viva Christo Rey!)
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To: Liberty Wins
An interesting statistic: About 40% of public school teachers enroll their own children in private schools.

I heard 20%. But it's at least twice the rate of the general population.

Yeah, that should tell you something.

44 posted on 11/18/2012 10:59:21 PM PST by St_Thomas_Aquinas (Viva Christo Rey!)
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To: turn_to; wrench; SeekAndFind
“Most of Founding Fathers were Homeschooled”

Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. And to render even them safe, their minds must be improved to a certain degree. . . . An amendment to our constitution must here come in aid of the public education. The influence over government must be shared among all people. Thomas Jefferson State of the Union Address December 2 1806

Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish & improve the law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know that the people alone can protect us against these evils, and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests, & nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance.Thomas Jefferson To George Wythe, from Paris, August 13, 1786

The North Carolina Constitution of 1776 provided that "a school or schools shall be established by the Legislature, for the convenient instruction of youth, with such salaries to the masters, paid by the public, as may enable them to instruct at low prices; and all useful learning shall be duly encouraged, and promoted, in one or more universities."

Wrench and turn to you will find that some of the home schooling advocates are very reasonable people, you will also find that quite a few of them are part of the "kook fringe" element. They will employ every Saul Alinsky tactic that they have to belittle and demean you.

45 posted on 11/19/2012 3:21:19 AM PST by verga (A nation divided by Zero!)
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To: ican'tbelieveit

Yeah, online classes are the way to go. Unfortunately, at our CC there were very few online classes (but this was 8 years ago.) Once he turned 16 our troubles were over because he could drive himself.

46 posted on 11/19/2012 4:02:28 AM PST by memyselfandi59
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To: nevermorelenore; wrench
get the Federal Government out of school and kids will learn again -

It is more than the federal government. Perhaps, I can persuade you that all government owned and run K-12 schooling, on every level ( federal, state, and local) should be abolished. Why?

Answer: Government schooling is a freedom of conscience and First Amendment abomination no matter how big or small the districts.

1) It is impossible to have a religiously, politically, and culturally neutral education. All education has a worldview that his **not** neutral in its content or consequences. Therefore....When government owns and runs education it imposes a government sanctioned NON-neutral worldview on the children and forces the taxpayer to pay for it. This would be true even if districts were the size of a city block. One group of neighbors would be imposing their worldview on neighbors who were less politically powerful.

2) Government run schooling is socialist-funded schooling. It is a single-payer entitlement . Simply by attending children risk learning to be comfortable with socialism. They risk learning that any government powerful enough to give a child tuition-free schooling is powerful enough to give them **lots** of free stuff. ( Franklin D. Roosevelt wasn't an accident. All it took was one to three generations of socialist schooling.)

3) When the earliest modern government schools were formed in the mid-1800s), the worldview of these schools necessarily had to be generic and lukewarm in their Protestant worldview. What does Christ do with the lukewarm? He spits them out of His mouth. The pressure was constantly toward more and more secularism. By the 1950s and early 1960s government schools merely nodded in the direction of God. The curriculum was thoroughly secular. Children in these schools had to learn to think and reason secularly just to cooperate in the classroom.

4) Today's schools are utterly godless in their worldview. The children must think and reason godlessly to cooperate with the teacher and assignments. ( At least while in the school.)

5) Finally, no scientific study of the contributions of the parents has ever been measured. We do **not** know if institutionalized schooling actually teaches the child anything. No one has ever measured the private tutoring, the preschool work, the help with the homework, and the child's own hours spent studying **in the home**. It is possible that we, as Americans spend billions a year on institutionalized schooling, and the real work is being done in the home.

Anecdotally, when I question parents of successful institutionalized and homeschooled children, I find **NO** difference in the amount of work done by the parent or the child **in the HOME**.

If you can think of an exception I would welcome it, but the above applies to all of our nation's government run, socialist-funded, compulsory, and religiously NON-neutral schools. They are an abomination regardless of whether the children learn to read or not.

47 posted on 11/19/2012 4:05:06 AM PST by wintertime
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To: wrench; SeekAndFind
And none of the founding fathers had indoor plumbing, electricity, or computers. We should dump those as well

The above is a snarky sharp poke in the eye of homeschoolers and homeschooling and contributes nothing but disruption to the conversation. Do you get paid for doing this?

It is a quick talking point and would work well on MSNBC. Did you find this at the NEA website? ( Just wondering.)

48 posted on 11/19/2012 4:09:01 AM PST by wintertime
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To: SeekAndFind
The election is over. The trolls are back with their NEA talking points.

Most are professional disruptors and paid for their efforts. That's my conclusion.

49 posted on 11/19/2012 4:12:18 AM PST by wintertime
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To: SeekAndFind
True, most Founders were "homeschooled," but almost all (as I showed in "What Would the Founders Say") supported local and state supported elementary schools. This was ensconced even BEFORE the Constitution in the Land Ordinance of 1785 that provided one section of federal government land to each state for a public school.

The Founders who were educated beyond elementary school overwhelmingly ended up in the private, religious colleges, which were all that existed, and about half studied divinity at one point. Their ideas about education did not focus so much who provided the education but in what was taught. ALL believed elementary schools should teach math, grammar, religion, and (as they said) a "patriotic history."

Dr. Benjamin Rush was among the leading proponents of the public education model, as was Madison.

50 posted on 11/19/2012 4:13:02 AM PST by LS ('Castles made of sand, fall in the sea . . . eventually.' Hendrix)
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To: DustyMoment; nevermorelenore
So, if you want to know why Obama was elected and then re-elected, blame it on public indoctrination.
( nevermorelenore ....Another reason all socialist-funded education should be eliminated from every level of government, even local government)

All it took was one to three generations of socialist-funded and single payer school to get Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt elected.

Even if the socialist schools successfully teach reading and arithmetic and have teachers with a conservative philosophy just BEING IN a socialist-funded school teaches the child to be comfortable with accepting socialism.

Gee! If a powerful voting mob can give the child tuition-free school, why not use that power to grab for **lots** of free goodies?

51 posted on 11/19/2012 4:25:17 AM PST by wintertime
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To: Jude in WV

There are other testing options, besides the GED regime, for diplomas. They can be Googled.

Many home school associations in various states have umbrella setups for diploma testing.

Our home-schooled children have entered institutes and colleges, by testing, without standard high school diplomas.

On our part, the diploma itself has never been the issue. For the many benefits of home-schooling, we decided way back in 1982, when we began, that we would gladly undergo the difficulties with documentation at graduation time.

We have one son, without a high school diploma, graduate from a language institute in Texas, and go on to receive an accredited bachelors degree from a college in South Dakota. Another son is enrolled in an accredited college in the computer science program.

Testing got the boys in to these institutions, and they can go just as high in their fields as anyone who received a public school diploma.

52 posted on 11/19/2012 4:25:33 AM PST by John Leland 1789
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To: nevermorelenore

I call the school bus that stops at our corner each morning, the “big yellow indoctrination wagon.”

53 posted on 11/19/2012 4:27:28 AM PST by John Leland 1789
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To: CodeToad

There are testing options besides the GED. You can look for them on the Internet. We discovered that some colleges will take home-schooled children and give them entrance exams, and accept or refuse them on the results, with or without a diploma.

54 posted on 11/19/2012 4:31:14 AM PST by John Leland 1789
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To: SeekAndFind

Two things:

Someone once said that to “socialize: your home-schooled kids just take ‘em in the bathroom, beat ‘em up, and steal their lunch money.” Just like public scrool!

This pathetic excuse for a human being, jorno-list, and American sums up (for me) how totally vapid “liberals” are on the subject of education:

P.S. I went to a public scrool attached to a university schrool of education back in the early 1960s. I’m still bitter about the experience to this day...

55 posted on 11/19/2012 4:44:45 AM PST by Peet (Everything has an end -- only the sausage has two.)
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To: CodeToad

you wrote:

““Respected” and not being a joke are two different things.”

Are, not were.

“Harvard is respected, but Harvard is a joke.”

But no one thought thought that in the late 18th century.

56 posted on 11/19/2012 5:19:44 AM PST by vladimir998
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To: wintertime

Once again we are hearing from all talk and no action.
Does it bother you at all the the more rational members of your group do not support your methods/ attitude?

57 posted on 11/19/2012 5:21:22 AM PST by verga (A nation divided by Zero!)
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To: wintertime
Most are professional disruptors and paid for their efforts. That's my conclusion.

And of course no one would ever make such a statement with out definitive proof and sources to prove this. No that would never ever happen, especially by someone that claims to have an advanced degree.

58 posted on 11/19/2012 5:24:07 AM PST by verga (A nation divided by Zero!)
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To: wintertime
Most are professional disruptors and paid for their efforts. That's my conclusion.

And of course no one would ever make such a statement with out definitive proof and sources to prove this. No that would never ever happen, especially by someone that claims to have an advanced degree.

59 posted on 11/19/2012 5:28:09 AM PST by verga (A nation divided by Zero!)
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To: wintertime
All it took was one to three generations of socialist-funded and single payer school to get Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt elected.given that publicly funded education began even before our country was founded it seems that your "facts" are wrong once again.
60 posted on 11/19/2012 5:31:10 AM PST by verga (A nation divided by Zero!)
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