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1 posted on 02/21/2016 10:24:19 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Cruz was stupid to cozy up Trump the first time. If he didn’t learn anything and gets back together with Trump, he will prove he’s nothing more than RINO loser who needs to be primaried into the stone age.

2 posted on 02/21/2016 10:28:19 PM PST by nickcarraway
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

If Cruz makes a deal with Trump then everything that every Trumpeter has ever said about Cruz will be proven true.

3 posted on 02/21/2016 10:31:02 PM PST by Kartographer ("We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.")
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

I think Trump is a politician who is FINALLY for American jobs and industry.


Nobody else.. Trump is the right person.

5 posted on 02/21/2016 10:33:54 PM PST by cba123
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
This is utter drivel !

Trump is going to win, beating BOTH Cruz and Rubio...easily, and doesn't have to "make a deal" with either of them.

6 posted on 02/21/2016 10:35:24 PM PST by nopardons
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

I don’t think there will be a deal. I think there’s a 75% chance that Cruz will endorse or give a wink and nod to Rubio once he’s out.

7 posted on 02/21/2016 10:35:50 PM PST by 20yearsofinternet (Border: Close it. Illegals: Deport. Muslims: Ban 'em. Economy: Liberate it. PC: Kill it. Trump 2016)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Trump can make Cruz an offer that would be very hard not to take.

He could promise him that if he wins he guarantees that Cruz will become president!

He would be able to fulfill this promise by simply resigning before his term is up.

Now that is the deal of the century for Cruz!

I like the idea because I’d love to see Cruz in the White House and that may be the only way he can get there.

I don’t think Cruz can win the general election for president... BUT, I do think he could win an election for another term (a full term) if he is running as the incumbent with a string of conservative accomplishments behind him!

Trump loves the country and wants to save it! Once he sets that all in motion I think he would be happy to return to business and hand the keys to Cruz.

If he served 2 years and a day and resigned then Cruz could serve out that term and run for two more... a total of 10 years :-) The liberals heads would


19 posted on 02/21/2016 10:45:57 PM PST by Bobalu (I'm spitting on my hands, and hoisting the black flag!)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

So Trump is Reagan? Bull- and the maunderings of a 91 year old woman out of touch with the lack of a principled conservative in the personage of trump. Vs. “winning”. Winning what? Key elements in analysis are missing. Like trump’s supporting of McConnell and his “malleability” in Carter’s words (Jimmy Carter!!)— the premise being that the reverse psychology is they tell us who they want so we won’t want them— that kind of bilge water. The issues ARE the issues, and who will fight to keep out illegals. It sure won’t be Rubio. It would be wise and hugely strong for a certain pair to work together— but unlikely given one person’s obvious personality and ego flaws.

23 posted on 02/21/2016 10:50:39 PM PST by John S Mosby (Sic Semper Tyrannis)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
At this point, Cruz may not have any hope of winning the presidency, but he holds all the cards in his decision to hand the election to the establishment. An outsider victory lies solely in the hands of Ted Cruz. One way or another, his commitment to ousting the establishment will become obvious.

This is very true in my mind. We will soon know if Cruz is a true outsider or not, depending on his choices when he runs out of money. With all the Establishment donors jumping on the Rubiamnesty bandwagon, Cruz will have some important decisions to make -- decisions that will affect his entire future political career.

"Do I get behind Rubio The RINO and take this cabinet/SC/? position he's promising me?"

"Or do I get behind Trump and take this cabinet/SC/? position he's promising me?"

I'm betting he succumbs to the temptation, chooses Rubio, and then becomes that which he professes to hate -- a bonafide member of The Washington Cartel.

I hope I'm wrong and being overly pessimistic.

26 posted on 02/21/2016 10:53:44 PM PST by Nita Nupress
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Agree Trump and Cruz should call a cease fire and both attack Rubio to push the Establishment Rubio out of the way.

Then let Trump and Cruz battle it out in the end. The second place guy gets VP IMO.

52 posted on 02/21/2016 11:10:46 PM PST by Enlightened1
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Dear Phyllis:

Here's my question to you:

If Cruz picks up enough nominations to beat Trump on Super Tuesday, will Trump be the "Big Man" and step down to save our country from the GOPe?

Inquiring minds want to know.....

72 posted on 02/21/2016 11:29:34 PM PST by TXSearcher (If it walks like a liberal, talks like a IS a LIBERAL.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet; Kartographer; nickcarraway; 20yearsofinternet; JennysCool; Bobalu; ...
My thoughts, which I have to point out are worth exactly what you paid for them, are as follows. I see three scenarios:

1. Trump and Cruz bury the hatchet, with Trump being a one-term president and Cruz taking the baton from there. If this happened then a Trump/Cruz Presidency would be virtually guaranteed. It would be a veritable maelstrom for the Democrats and GOPe, and the GOPe would also find themselves in a situation where they would have no other choice but to support the two. After all, they couldn't be able to pull off a brokered convention.

What's the problem with this scenario: Well, first of all Trump and Cruz have both hit out hard at each other, second their supporters have taken that diatribe up (many) notches, and third I doubt that their natures are compatible. They are both high Alpha males (or high Beta males functioning as Alphas, as at times it is difficult to tell the difference) and are not afraid to make their point forcefully. They'd immediately start grating on one another, and they would probably erode whatever relationship they got started quickly. Compare those two with Reagan and Bush sr. Very different personalities, and also Alpha (or Alpha-functioning Betas), but their frequencies were different enough that although they never always agreed they did not erode each other. Thus, the first scenario is not a strong one.

2. Rubio becomes the sole establishment candidate, and he basically starts (barely) eking out victories in the same way Romney did against Gingrich and Santorum (being stand-ins for Trump and Cruz).

What's the problem with this scenario: Well, Rubio is a bit of a glass cannon. What's a glass cannon? It's basically someone who can be able to assault extremely effectively (the cannon part), but cannot take hits (the glass part). Its like saying a boxer has heavy hands but has a glass jaw. Rubio, at his best, is quite formidable, but as we saw when Christie turned his sights on him, he can be hit. So far no one has really attacked Rubio apart from Jeb and Christie, and Christie only in the last debate before he dropped out (the attacks by Cruz were honestly love pats). He will rapidly come under Trump's sights, and more importantly should Rubio win, he will come under Hilalry's sights. The Democrats do fear Rubio the most (primarily due to projection - he comes across to them as a Hispanic medley of JFK and Obama, and since that's what they know that's what they fear), and thus must already be doing proper research on him just in case he makes it through. The big question for Rubio is this - is there anything in his past that he is hiding that he needs to bring to light now? Because if there is, he will be blasted by the Clinton campaign right out of the water! He is a glass cannon (unlike someone like Reagan, the teflon don himself, and lately Trump, who seem to be adamantine cannons), and if there's any scandal steaming in some closet somewhere, he better drop out now.

3. Trump becomes a split establishment candidate, with some of the establishment supporting Rubio and some supporting Trump.

What am I smoking to say this? Now now now, I'm sure some people by now think I am high on some Kenyan weed (actually more like altitude effects since us Kenyans live at a rather high altitude), but play along for a moment or two. The GOPe is not stupid. It may be foolish, but it is not stupid. They can read the tea leaves better than any soothsayer, and they know things are not good for them. Rubio, as there only hope, is actually a defeat (in more than one way - for one he is not as 'establishment' as they may like, and secondly that 'glass cannon' question I asked earlier). Look at Trump - the GOPe hates (nay, absolutely abhors) Trump, BUT they hate Ted Cruz even more. They absolutely cannot stand Ted Cruz. Secondly, Trump is really anti-establishment, BUT he is someone they can work with. He can negotiate (as opposed to Ted, who seems absolutely willing to not-give-a-single-bleeding-inch-up). Trump is also not as 'extreme' as Ted is, and the GOPe can get behind stronger borders and bringing jobs back. None of the issues of Trump are anathema to the GOPe, its just that they don't like the man and he's pushing them too far ...but none of his issues are unpalatable. Let me give an example - and since you are a vet let me use a military one - it would be like me saying that every pistol in the US Armed Services will be replaced with a Glock 19. Now, chances are that you are a fan of the 1911, in .45, and you were already quite unhappy when the Army went with the 9mm Beretta decades back. Now I am advocating we go to a 'plastic pistol' in the same 'weak' 9mm loading. It may make you unhappy, but it would not be a deal breaker. Get it? That, in a way, is how Trump comes across to the GOPe. He infuriates them, but they can live with it. (As an aside, I love the G19 and as a licensed Kenyan firearm holder, that's the item I carry, and anyways from what I understand Delta Force and the MARSOC use Glocks, and the US Navy Seals just gave up their SIGs for Glock 19s, so it was just an example to make a point).

Thus, Trump could very well be the establishment candidate. They hate Cruz since he is insoluble and there's too much bad blood, and Rubio just has 'something' that makes it seem like he's a glass cannon (kind of like how Herman Cain had a lot of fire, but then something popped up from the past and folded him like a weak suit). There is a chance(maybe small, but still a chance) that you'll see part of the establishment supporting Trump over Rubio. Not all of it, but enough that Rubio and Cruz still end up having no chance.

My thoughts, and as I started off, they are worth exactly what you paid for them. Bottomline - Trump has a very good start, and he is constantly building momentum. Additionally, he has proved to NOT be a glass cannon, and so far no one has come up with a way to stop him. Third, his supporters genuinely see him as the only person who can pull American from the morass it has found itself in, and it is impossible to dissuade them as they see Trump as America's (maybe last) hope. Fourth, many see the fact that the GOPe are unable to unlodge him as being a strong indicator that the Democrats will also be unable to do the same, and this is an important point as Hillary will be a formidable threat (once she kicks Bernie out, all of the Dems will go behind her). Trump's teflon seems to be even stronger than Reagan's was. Fifth, turnout at the primaries has been amazing, and that may party be due to Trump (and it should be something that should worry the Democrats as their turnout has been 'meh'). Sixth, Trump is winning without spending much money - in the last three contests, he was not even in the top three of money spenders among the Republicans. That says something! And finally, seventh, the laws of political gravity do not seem to work for Trump. The man managed to garner all delegates from SC, a state that has one of the highest evangelical concentrations! Trump was not supposed to do well in a place like South Carolina, but he did! The man has been constantly blowing through 'laws of physics' for the past 6 months, and that is something that has never been seen before (not even for Reagan).

74 posted on 02/21/2016 11:32:05 PM PST by spetznaz (Nuclear-tipped Ballistic Missiles: The Ultimate Phallic Symbol)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

I think it is illegal for Trump to offer anything specific to Cruz.

OTOH, the reality of politics may produce an implicit deal...

89 posted on 02/21/2016 11:49:46 PM PST by CurlyDave
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
And now for an Intermission:

Reagan versus Bush 1980 (debate)

Notice: Bush accuses Reagan of over promising to the American people.

96 posted on 02/22/2016 12:01:57 AM PST by Ymani Cricket (Pressure makes diamonds - General Patton)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Bush was a bad product on the one hand.

On the other, he is Betamax and lost to a better idea.

98 posted on 02/22/2016 12:03:37 AM PST by Vendome (Don't take life so seriously-you won't live through it anyway - "Enjoy Yourself" ala Louis Prima)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

There is no path to victory for Cruz. All he can do is help Rubio win and ironically prove that Rubio was right when he said the anti-establishment stance of Cruz is a sham.

121 posted on 02/22/2016 1:08:47 AM PST by samtheman (Elect Trump, Build Wall. End Censorship.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Jeb amply demonstrated his ability to spend the money of others for losing causes.

124 posted on 02/22/2016 1:32:01 AM PST by monocle
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Newt had a chance to pull out and stop Romney. Instead, he and his supporters took it till the end and it was too late. Hopefully Cruz will not make same mistake.

133 posted on 02/22/2016 3:35:44 AM PST by icwhatudo (Low taxes and less spending in Sodom and Gomorrah is not my idea of a conservative victory)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet


See my tagline.

143 posted on 02/22/2016 4:53:59 AM PST by McGruff (Ted Cruz has peaked. Time to get out before Rubio becomes our nominee.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Unless Cruz pulls into first place soon, he would be wise to take Trump's deal. Whether it is an offer to be Trump's running mate, or some other promise, Cruz will either need to step down, or he will hand the election to Marco Rubio.

I've been for the Cruz Missile since he threw his hat in this ring. However, I do believe that South Carolina was the bell-weather state for Ted Cruz. Since Trump won South Carolina, the best chance for the Nation to fight back against the Socialists and drive the stake into the gOpE is to team up now, end this primary immediately and send Establishment Plan B Rubio back to the consoling arms of McQueeg, McConnell and Schumer.

152 posted on 02/22/2016 7:27:55 AM PST by Servant of the Cross (the Truth will set you free)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Trump to Cruz: “So I knock you around a bit then you become the VP All right?”

169 posted on 02/22/2016 1:01:34 PM PST by minnesota_bound
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