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Bush is the Ring Leader of Plot to Grant Amnesty
American Chronicle ^ | May 26, 2007 | Tony Dolz

Posted on 05/27/2007 12:51:45 AM PDT by Politicalmom

On Monday, May 21 st the acrid air of a back room plot to deliver amnesty for up to 20 million illegal aliens on the eleventh hour leaked out the “Grand Bargain” nest at the Whitehouse and into the Senate Gallery for an unveiling followed by a rushed vote. Neither the dismaying secretiveness nor the slight-of-hand haste with which it was presented was designed to allow the majority of Senators to know the hidden elements of the amnesty bill much less to give the American public a chance to weigh in with opinions. The plotters, lead by Republicans Senator John Kyle, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Saxby Chamblis, speaking to the body of the Senate vowed to muzzle amendments that would dilute the main trust of the bill: (1) to offer amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens and having accomplished that, (2) to increase the number of cheap foreign workers with increased legal immigration and guest worker schemes. These goals are designed to benefit transnational and domestic employers of illegal aliens some of whom stand out as generous political contributors to seemingly outstanding Senators.

On Tuesday the plotters blocked an amendment offered by North Dakota Democrat Sen. Byron Dorgan, Democrat of North Dakota who is a friend of the American worker and organized labor. Sen. Dorgan’s amendment would have removed 600,000 annual guest workers that the labor unions shout depress wages. The labor union’s concerns are well documented by research by Harvard University world renowned economist George Borjas and from U.S. Labor Department statistics that show that, for example, cheap foreign workers depressed the salaries of meat packers from approximately $19 per hour in the 1980’s to about $9 today. The labor unions rebuke South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (up for re-election in November of 2008), who insists millions of cheap guest workers will not depress the wages of union members. Senator Graham holds the disingenuous view that the amnesty bill (SB 1348) does not threaten the American worker because the employer lobbyists (Essential Workers Coalition and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) promise that the same (low) wage will be offered to all applicants in an over-saturated labor market. This is rather unrealistic because it would require the government to monitor compliance by the employers of 145 million workers. The unions point out, to the apparently naïve Sen. Graham, that monitoring 145 million workers is impossible and besides that there are so many loop holes on how job openings will be advertised that fudging with the system is a given. On the Hannity and Colmes TV program on Tuesday, May 22, 2007, Sen. Graham brushed off the union’s concerns. The labor unions pledge to continue fighting guest worker schemes and Senator Lindsey Graham and his co-conspirators. For an eye opening report from the United States Government Accountability Office (GOA is a Congressional agency entrusted with bipartisan economic impact studies) go to this link:

This report illustrates the impossibility of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ever catching up with all the corruption and the backlog of immigration cases which currently are running about 7 years behind with the current case load. Just imagine if DHS had to keep track of millions more cases and keeping the employers of 145 million workers honest?

I had the opportunity to visit many Senator offices beginning on Monday May 21 st in order to poll them on calls their offices received regarding opposition to the amnesty bill. I was able to confirm what has been reported in the Washington Post and the Washington Times. The phones are overwhelming the senator’s staffs. Senator Diane Feinstein conceded that in three days her office had received 8000 callers urging a no vote on amnesty bill SB 1348. That works out to about one call about every three waking minutes. This level of grassroots opposition should have a chilling effect on those Senators who are facing re-election in 2008 and who are being forcefully tugged by the employers of illegal aliens and their lobbyist; the Essential Workers Alliance and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, to vote for the amnesty bill.

The polls have been very consistent for a year or more: Mr. Bush is abysmally unpopular and sadly the voters trust Congress and the core group of Senators behind the secret negotiations even less.

Almost to a Senator, all agree that Senator Ted Kennedy’s inspired 1986 Comprehensive Immigration Bill has made it highly unlikely that the current amnesty bill gain traction. Why? Because the 1986 immigration made three promises of which it only kept one – Amnesty.

The 1986 immigration bill (1) gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens (to “permanently” end illegal immigration); and (2) promised that our border would thereafter be secured and (3) that employers of illegal aliens would be severely prosecuted. The result was predictable: The government gave amnesty to 3 million law-breaking aliens but it neither secured the border nor enforced employer sanctions.

In order to pass with popular support the 2007 Amnesty Bill would require that the people trust that the senate will not lie nor sell their votes as many suspect they did on the 1986 amnesty bill.

On the basis of TRUST in GOVERNMENT alone, this 2007 amnesty bill does not have a prayer of a chance to fool the American people. Do Americans trust the government?

The Ring Leader of the secret maneuvers in the Senate (the Grand Bargain) is the free-fall unpopular strongman George W. Bush. Mr. Bush’s war-time ruling style is increasingly characterized by arrogance and arbitrariness in dealing with domestic issues.

The secret negotiations’ tyrannical tale-tale signs include (1) restricting details of the plan on a “need-to-know” basis, (2) demanding an immediate vote in the Senate without a fair opportunity to read and analyze the bill and (3) chocking amendments that threaten the “Grand Bargain”, such as the rejection of Senator’s Byron Dorgan’s amendment to scrap the guest worker scheme. These bruising tactics are best reserved for dealing with the enemy in war entanglements.

The highest law enforcement official in the land, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, has taken an oath to abide by the Constitution of the United States and enforce the law. The most critical responsibility of Alberto Gonzales, especially since the terror attack of 9/11, is to protect our borders. Several MILLION illegal aliens have entered our country illegally since Attorney General Alberto Gonzales took his oath of office in February of 2005. Any number of those clandestine illegal border crossers could or are terrorists according to a House Committee on Homeland Security, see the report here: (

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reports that “Other than Mexicans” (OTMs) known to originate from countries that harbor terrorist has steadily increased (see the numbers below). The chilling fact is that Alberto Gonzales has released these thousands of dangerous illegal aliens on their own recognizance – a sign of madness or worse a sign of how our government yields to the transnational and domestic illegal alien employers that today employ 1 in 5 workers in America! As you can expect, these illegal aliens benefiting from the government’s “catch and release” policy are fugitives at large and there are over 150,000 of them.

1. 30,147 OTMS apprehended in FY2003, 44,614 in FY2004, 165,178 in FY2005 and 108,025 in FY2006. The implication of double, triple or up to nine times the number who slipped through.

2. DHS has reported a 41% increase in apprehensions of Special Interest Aliens (aliens from countries such as Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Pakistan, Cuba, Brazil, Ecuador, China, Russia, Yemen, Albania, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan)

While we slept last night approximately 5000 violated our southern border as they did the night before and the night before that. Mr. Bush has complicated Attorney General Alberto Gonzales job by giving Gonzales two competing responsibilities; one as a law enforcer and another as a lobbyist for the Mr. Bush’s failed border security policy.

Michael Chertoff is the Secretary of Homeland Security. Chertoff controls a budget of $44.6 billion and has 185,500 tax-paid employees at this disposal to secure our borders. Mr. Chertoff has also been given two jobs by Mr. Bush. Chertoff is increasingly playing a public relations role to justify Mr. Bush’s open-borders, pro-amnesty, pro-guest worker schemes. This put Mr. Chertoff in the difficult position of both managing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and at the same time given a role in putting a spin on why our borders have been surrendered to the control of drug cartels; traffickers in drugs, arms and humans. Why? In order to maintain the low level enforcement needed to keep a steady supply of cheap and docile illegal alien workers flowing to the meat packers, the carpet manufacturers, the hospitality industry, the restaurant owners associations, the construction industry and many other profiteers.

The secret negotiations for an amnesty bill excluded every senator except the handful that brokered the deal for the Whitehouse over a four months period. Essentially Mr. Bush kicked off his amnesty offensive immediately following the defeat of SB 2611, the amnesty bill that was defeated in 2006. Mr. Bush’s self concept does not allow him to accept the immense unpopularity of amnesty for foreigners who have jumped over the fence to get in front of the line – aliens who commit identity and tax fraud every day of their unlawful stay in the United States.

Whereas the small number of senators that were allowed in the secret negotiations game were few and some of them jumped off temporarily because they were facing election and the wrath of the voters, Alberto Gonzales and Michael Chertoff held fast and loyal to their boss, the strongman Mr. Bush.

By employing Gonzales and Chertoff as lobbyist for his amnesty plan, Mr. Bush has demolished the credibility of the two lawmen and added to the growing suspicion that Mr. Bush likes to surround himself with cheerfully agreeable appointees and to stonewall opposition to his unpopular projects.

A number of Federal Attorneys have recently felt the knive in the back for being less than cheerfully agreeable to the political demands of their jobs. All of them except the notorious Federal Attorney Johnny Sutton a long time acquaintance and the hammer that intimidates border patrol agents (i.e. Compean, Ramos) who are selected for prosecution by the Mexican government.

For five years we have waited for Mr. Bush to implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and secure our borders. He has failed to do so or perhaps more accurately, he has refused to do so. When citizens have pointed out his failures he has called them vigilantes. When the House and Senate passed a bill authorizing the building of a 700 mile fence along the border, he signed the bill which made it the law of the land and yet he has refused to build the fence. Mr. Bush will not give up. When the House of Representatives refused to consider the Senate’s 2006 amnesty bill, he launched the plot and lead the choreography of a new amnesty bill from the Oval Office without losing a step.

I am a Cuban-born Hispanic legal immigrant and my wife is also a foreign-born immigrant. Many of our business associates and friends are legal immigrants. We have friends who dream of completing their legal admission to the United States as law-abiding immigrants. As true immigrants and law abiding people we DO NOT need amnesty or guest worker programs; only scofflaws and foreigners committing identity theft and identity and tax fraud need amnesty. Mr. Bush’s scheme granting the privilege to live and work in the United States indefinitely, whether with a path to citizenship or not is a slap on the face of true immigrants.

THE REPUBLICAN PARTY RANK AND FILE is mad as hell with Amnestistas.

According to reports from the Washington Times and the Washington Post the amnesty bill is dividing the Republican Party. Saturday, May 19 th, at GOP conventions the delegates booed Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia for their roles in plotting the amnesty bill.

A Number of Other Patriotic and labor Representatives Chime in Against Amnesty

The 2.7 million members of the American Legion, America’s oldest and largest veteran’s group went on record as opposing the amnesty bill. The American Federation of Labor has come out on record as opposing the guest worker provision of the amnesty bill. The 11,000 member National Border Patrol Council, representing the men and women who risk their lives to protect our borders and our lives have passed a resolution of NO CONFIDENCE against their political boss, Chief David Aguilar (who works for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security who in turn work for Mr. Bush.

The opposition to the amnesty bill is big and furious and it is being felt from many quarters representing a diversity of interests and opinions.

Mr. Bush will not listen. He would rather go down in flames that change his mind. We need a plan. This is what I suggest. For the next two weeks, keep faxing, calling and visiting the Senator’s offices. Calling is the most important. Since the Republican National Committee (RNC) rubber stamp’s Mr. Bush’s wishes (and the President wishes Amnesty), it is imperative that you contribute generously to your favorite border security ONLY candidate; while at the same time DENY the Republican National Committee any contributions whatsoever. Some Republicans that feel betrayed beyond repair have suggested changing party affiliation to Independent. This last suggestion has its risks; you will have to be the judge.

Senator Ted Kennedy strategy for keeping the dead 2006 Amnesty Bill afloat in 2007 will sink the Republican Party in the treacherous political waters of the 2008 election. Deep divisions over immigration and bobbing support for the Iraq war punched the air out of Republican Party’s hope to survive the 2006 election with control of the House and the Senate. Jumping on Kennedy’s boat on amnesty will be the death of many a Republican seeking re-election while millions of illegal aliens and guest workers seeking a social services life-lines will get roped by the Democrats and in so doing Democrats will ensure that the Republican Party will never resurface as a majority party for decades into the future.

We Now Know Which Senators Want Amnesty. How and When did it Happen?

A very clever amendment introduced by Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) on Thursday, March 24 th, unmasked those Senators that have been playing both sides of the Amnesty charade. Sen. Vitter offered an amendment that would have stripped out all provisions to reward nearly all the 20 million illegal aliens with permanent legal status. The amendment sent the normally sedate and elderly Senators clumsily scrambling for cover. Senator Lamar Alexander tried his best to help his Republican colleagues dodge having to show their true color as Amnestistas by attacking the amendment, but to no avail. So here are the Senators that are now known to support Amnesty while feigning to oppose it.

If your state is on this list, you have your work cut out for you. Please do not let any of the Senators off the hook. They voted NO on the Vitter amendment. Go to and start calling them.

Alaska: Murkowski (R-AK), Nay Stevens (R-AK), Nay

Arizona: Kyl (R-AZ), Nay McCain (R-AZ), Nay

Arkansas: Lincoln (D-AR), Nay

California: Boxer (D-CA), Nay Feinstein (D-CA), Nay

Colorado: Yea Salazar (D-CO), Nay

Connecticut: Dodd (D-CT), Nay Lieberman (ID-CT), Nay

Delaware: Biden (D-DE), Nay Carper (D-DE), Nay

Florida: Martinez (R-FL), Nay Nelson (D-FL), Nay

Georgia: Chambliss (R-GA), Nay Isakson (R-GA), Nay

Hawaii: Akaka (D-HI), Nay Inouye (D-HI), Nay

Idaho: Craig (R-ID), Nay

Illinois: Durbin (D-IL), Nay Obama (D-IL), Nay

Indiana: Bayh (D-IN), Nay Lugar (R-IN), Nay

Iowa: Harkin (D-IA), Nay

Maine: Collins (R-ME), Nay Snowe (R-ME), Nay

Maryland: Cardin (D-MD), Nay Mikulski (D-MD), Nay

Massachusetts: Kennedy (D-MA), Nay Kerry (D-MA), Nay

Michigan: Levin (D-MI), Nay Stabenow (D-MI), Nay

Mi nnesota: Coleman (R-MN), Nay Klobuchar (D-MN), Nay

Mississippi: Lott (R-MS), Nay

Nebraska: Hagel (R-NB) Nay

Nevada: Ensign (R-NV), Nay Reid (D-NV), Nay

New Hampshire: Gregg (R-NH), Nay

New Jersey: Lautenberg (D-NJ), Nay Menendez (D-NJ), Nay

New Mexico: Bingaman (D-NM), Nay Domenici (R-NM), Nay

New York: Clinton (D-NY), Nay

North Carolina: Burr (R-NC), Nay

North Dakota: Conrad (D-ND), Nay

Ohio: Brown (D-OH), Nay Voinovich (R-OH), Nay

Oregon: Smith (R-OR), Nay Wyden (D-OR), Nay

Pennsylvania: Casey (D-PA), Nay Specter (R-PA), Nay

Rhode Island: Reed (D-RI), Nay Whitehouse (D-RI), Nay

South Carolina: Graham (R-SC), Nay

Texas: Cornyn (R-TX), Nay Hutchison (R-TX), Nay

Utah: Bennett (R-UT), Nay

Vermont: Leahy (D-VT), Nay Sanders (I-VT), Nay

Virginia: Warner (R-VA), Nay Webb (D-VA), Nay

Washington: Cantwell (D-WA), Nay Murray (D-WA), Nay

You can tell that many Senators believe that you represent a major bloc of voters because 3 of the Democrats who voted for the amnesty last year but voted against it today are up for re-election next year:DEMOCRAT HEROS

Senators Pryor (D-Ark.), Landrieu (D-La.), Baucus (D-Mont.).

WHAT CAN YOU DO? What Must You Do?

The most important action you can take is CALL these senators. Call every time there is an amendment for consideration. Since there will be many amendments considered daily you are justified in calling many, many times per day. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you know your City and Zip Code when you call. The absolute best place to find the right telephone number for the senators and the committees is here:

For more information on how to wage “citizenship” in defeating this amnesty bill, contact the following websites for information and tools.

The amnesty bill will be voted on Monday, June 4 th. Immediately after reading this article, get on the phone. Call, call and call again. Call on the weekend; call during office hours and outside of office hours. Call from your car, call from the commuter train, call from where you are on vacation. If the cell numbers are listed in then call the senators cell numbers. Call the staffers at the office and at their cell numbers. Call the committees where these senators serve. Call them at home. Call, Call and Call. We will not be able to UNDO amnesty. You have to stop it now.

When this is over, we will concentrate on rewarding those senators that put our sovereignty, the American worker and the tax payer first and we will work acidulously to defeat those senators that have plotted to push the amnesty bill.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: aliens; amnesty; deafrino; deathofthewest; georgewbush; illegalaliens; invaders; treason
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To: Do Be
Do you understand what "The Rule of Law" is?

Yeah -- right -- like that disastrous Kelo vs New London decision by the Supremes that effectively overruled a 200+ year law embodied by the Constitution.

What rule of law? We have no rule of law. We have passion of the moment where the loudest voice wins.

81 posted on 05/27/2007 6:05:12 PM PDT by MrsEmmaPeel
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I, for one, an not given to panic or over reacting to the present situation. We are not powerless to address the situation, as some seem to be saying. We need to press Congress to reject any immigration reform until border security is acheived and sustainable. Then let’s discuss each point of immigration reform and see what can be worked out. I can tell you this, the likelyhood of every single illegal alien being booted out of the country isn’t realistic at all. It would be nice to be sure, but the logistics would be a nighmare. Instead, a great way to address the problem is to turn the heat up, way way up, on employers who hire illegals. Once the job marked for these guys dries up a bit, the flow of illegals into the US will slack off considerably Okay, so we pretty much agree.

Secure the borders, enforce the current laws.

. Do what works. What's important is preserving the future for our children

If this is not what you are saying, forgive me for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

And thanks for the answer. You sound like a great guy who has yet to discover that he is being betrayed.

God bless you and yours.

82 posted on 05/27/2007 6:11:18 PM PDT by Do Be (The heart is smarter than the head.)
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Then let’s discuss each point of immigration reform and see what can be worked out.

The only thing that needs 'reforming' is Kennedy's immigration act. It needs to be revoked pronto.
83 posted on 05/27/2007 6:12:45 PM PDT by hedgetrimmer (I'm a billionaire! Thanks WTO and the "free trade" system!--Hu Jintao top 10 worst dictators)
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To: MrsEmmaPeel
You sound a little crazy. I understand that, I'm a little crazy these days myself. Actually, I'm a lot crazy.

I can tell that you are intelligent enough to know that I was saying this country was founded upon the rule of law and it is the corruption of this which will lead to its destruction.

Instead you rant about Kelo vs New London as if it were important and everyone knew everything about it down to its finest nuance and, of course, was thus in agreement with you.

Are you black? Blacks reason thus alot.

Or are you just distraught? Consumed by the fire of injustice about that which is dear to your heart.

Send me your picture. If you are beautiful, I want you to have my baby.

If you are one of those homely girls that try to find fulfillment through hatred and discord, please understand that I love you anyway but don't want to spend any more time in your sphere.

I think the subject here was Bush and amnesty and the traitorous things which are becoming the norm. Would you care to join in?

84 posted on 05/27/2007 6:28:24 PM PDT by Do Be (The heart is smarter than the head.)
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To: MrsEmmaPeel

There is a huge diffference between the (R)’s and the (D)’s when it comes to combating terrorism...and while that is one single thread, it is a substantial one that must be given due regard. The Dims (and Ron Paul) would have us tuck tail and run from our enemies. Yes, things could be much worse for us, and for our children with the Dims running things....

85 posted on 05/27/2007 6:45:09 PM PDT by GLH3IL (This so called 're-deployment' is really a vote catching program. General Patton - 1944)
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To: dragnet2


How many calls did you get, Diane, that were FOR Amnesty?


86 posted on 05/27/2007 7:26:10 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: wardaddy

“they could be a plurality here in less than a generation”

Sadly, I have come to believe this is almost an inevitability. I live in Colorado, nowhere near the Mexican border, but at the mall near my house about 50% or more of the shoppers are Latin, and a good chunk of those don’t speak English. Tancredo isn’t so strongly against immigration without reason - if it’s happening here, how much more is it happening elsewhere?

Bush has already demonstrated he’s not going to do anything about this. If he won’t who will? Can we force him? Would maybe a real threat of actual impeachment for failure to enforce his oath of office move him to action? Would a President Cheney enforce our immigration laws?

I have a bad feeling about where this is going. I know a good amount of Spanish, and with many jobs already desiring (aka requiring) bilingual applicants, I think everything we’ve seen up til now (press 1 for English) is but a pale shadow of what’s coming.

87 posted on 05/27/2007 10:45:29 PM PDT by COgamer
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To: COgamer

this administration will do nothing but help the illegals given the chance

Bush has used plenty of mouthpieces in his hire to talk his worldview

I doubt Cheney would be any better

all we can hope for is to stave off the Dems and Bush till 11/08

now that is a helluva place for us to have to be isn’t it?

i will never forgive him or his ilk

i have threads here with pics of me marching for Bush...over and over

i feel like so much used chump

i will be very wary of anyone next time

88 posted on 05/27/2007 11:01:28 PM PDT by wardaddy (on parole)
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To: Kimberly GG
because from what I read, they aren’t in the shadows, American citizens are complaining that they’re urinating and defecating in broad daylight on public streets and private property from San Diego to NY.

The only thing in the shadow is our Constitution. Congress and the President are violating the Constitution and the precepts that created this once great Republic. I look out my window at work and see 30 illegals stroll by with the babies in strollers. I go to the local Home Depot or Lowes in the morning and there are hundreds of them standing outside. ALL that we loved our the American way of life is literally being destroyed because our leaders betray our Constitution and sell us out for the false notion of cheap labor. I have made my calls and wrote my senators. I guess we can always hope for a 5 mile meteor to reset everything. I have never been this upset and depressed over my governments action.

89 posted on 05/27/2007 11:02:07 PM PDT by sand88 (q)
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To: hedgetrimmer
The only thing that needs 'reforming' is Kennedy's immigration act. It needs to be revoked pronto.

your posts on this thread have been excellent. Bush and Congress are about to set in motion the utter destruction of our way of life. That is not hyperbole, but an almost certain outcome. I am surprised at how many Americans still don't understand or are even aware of the severity of about the treasonous acts our government is about to commit.

Something that would get the nations attention would be for Rush to start off his program by telling the American people that Bush and most of Congress should resign over this immigration fiasco. I doubt the MSM would even give Rush airtime.. They want this "Destroy American Way of Life Bill" passed too.

90 posted on 05/27/2007 11:09:28 PM PDT by sand88 (q)
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To: Do Be

Good grief, you sound drunk.

91 posted on 05/28/2007 6:50:13 AM PDT by MrsEmmaPeel
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There is a huge difference between the (R)’s and the (D)’s when it comes to combating terrorism

I grant you military tactics are totally different - but here's where I have a problem -- we go off to Afghanistan, Iraq with an excellent military, but then leave the immigration door wide open for anyone to come in. It makes no sense to me.

92 posted on 05/28/2007 6:53:07 AM PDT by MrsEmmaPeel
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To: Politicalmom

And to think there are still Freepers claiming Bush will go down as one of the greatest presidents ever. I don’t think he’ll rank even as average.

93 posted on 05/28/2007 6:57:48 AM PDT by gracesdad
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“He’s doing no such thing. He’s wrong to be sure, but being wrong about something is NOT akin to violating his oath of office. “

Actually, this isn’t true. There are two major oath violations. The first, was signing a bill into law he KNEW to be unconstitutional - CFR. The second was violating the part about “he shall see that the laws are enforced”.

“Shall” is a command. The President gives our money freely around the world, something he is not supposed to have the power to do, but he ignores the REQUIREMENT that he enforce the laws on the books to the BEST OF HIS ABILITY.

94 posted on 05/28/2007 9:40:11 AM PDT by FredHunter08 (Guiliani! Come and Take Them!)
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“Bush’s performance on the over all War on Terrorism issue since then has been nothing short of brilliant.”

That’s an interesting viewpoint. He’s been fighting it, at best, as a holding action, and at worst, a nation-building exercise he promised he wouldn’t do in 2000.

Oh, and it’s not a “War on Terrorism”, but a war with Islam.

95 posted on 05/28/2007 9:44:32 AM PDT by FredHunter08 (Guiliani! Come and Take Them!)
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“The Dims (and Ron Paul) would have us tuck tail and run from our enemies”

The White House wants to invite them here and give them visas.

96 posted on 05/28/2007 9:46:26 AM PDT by FredHunter08 (Guiliani! Come and Take Them!)
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To: wardaddy

A lot of us are feeling like “used chump” nowadays, wardaddy.

97 posted on 05/28/2007 9:55:36 AM PDT by Guenevere (Duncan Hunter for President, 2008!!)
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To: Guenevere

98 posted on 05/28/2007 10:04:23 AM PDT by Wolverine (A Concerned Citizen)
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To: FredHunter08

CFR has passed court review has it not? I’m not saying i like support CFR in anyway, if if it was so glaringly unconstitutional I would have been a no brainer for the courts to shut down. That didn’t happen, so what you have is a difference of opinion, not a violation of the oath of office.

“The President gives our money freely around the world, something he is not supposed to have the power to do...”

The president doesn’t shuffle one penny anywhere unless Congress authorizes the money to be spent...did you just miss the whole debate about funding for our troops?

“...the REQUIREMENT that he enforce the laws on the books to the BEST OF HIS ABILITY.”

Ok. What laws are not being enforced? Why do you think they are not being enforced? How much of the our money do you think should be allocated to enforce, without respite, all the federal laws that are on the books? How is Bush supposed to accomplish this task when it’s well know that the entrenched bureaucracy in all the various executive departments have libs embedded that constantly work againt any conservative agenda. If you feel as you do whay don’t you encourage a vote for impeachment? Reagan made similar mistakes with immigration, shouldn’t, by your standards, he have been subject to impeachment? What about Bush Sr? Isn’t it true that every POTUS in the history of our nation could be accused of not enforcing all of the laws to the best of their ability?

I know you are not happy with Bush’s performance, neither am I based upon recent history. However it is nonsense to suggest that he is violated his oath of office...sheer, unadulterated nonsense. Get your head out of the clouds and focus on reality,this kind of hateful rhetoric is exactly the kind of thing the Dims want to see from us. WE are not liberals....we do not act like a pack of rabid wild dogs...keep your head, keep your common sense, and let’s work FOR something rather than trying to destroy.

99 posted on 05/28/2007 11:55:13 AM PDT by GLH3IL (This so called 're-deployment' is really a vote catching program. General Patton - 1944)
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“CFR has passed court review has it not?”

That doesn’t mean it isn’t unconstitutional.

“I’m not saying i like support CFR in anyway, if if it was so glaringly unconstitutional I would have been a no brainer for the courts to shut down. “

Have you been paying attention to the USSC for the past 40 years or so?

“That didn’t happen, so what you have is a difference of opinion, not a violation of the oath of office.”

He STATED it was unconstitutional and signed it anyway. All branches are required to protect and defend the Constitution.

“What laws are not being enforced? Why do you think they are not being enforced?”

You’ve really got to be kidding.

” Reagan made similar mistakes with immigration, shouldn’t, by your standards, he have been subject to impeachment?”

Reagan’s mistake at least was called what it was AND required enforcement. What does one call someone who is unable or unwilling to learn from our past mistakes?

“. However it is nonsense to suggest that he is violated his oath of office...sheer, unadulterated nonsense. “

I wish it was. Unfortunately, it isn’t.

“”Get your head out of the clouds and focus on reality,this kind of hateful rhetoric is exactly the kind of thing the Dims want to see from us.””

Hateful rhetoric like that coming from the Administration, you mean.

“WE are not liberals....we do not act like a pack of rabid wild dogs...keep your head, keep your common sense, and let’s work FOR something rather than trying to destroy.”

George W. Bush IS a liberal, therefore working against him on his terrible domestic policy is working FOR something. I will not be silent while this man destroys the country.

100 posted on 05/28/2007 12:01:00 PM PDT by FredHunter08 (Guiliani! Come and Take Them!)
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