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God's Word Will Be "An Anchor in the Storm" 1st of 5 Dreams PRAYER--DEVOTIONAL--FOR OUR NATION
Michael Boldea's website: HAND OF HELP MINISTRIES ^ | 30 APR 2004 | Michael Boleda, Jr

Posted on 09/11/2007 8:37:50 PM PDT by Quix

In the past three years, Michael Boldea, Jr., has received the following five dreams:

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One of Five [1/5]

April 30, 2004

God’s word will be “An Anchor In The Storm”

John 7:37-38, “On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

It had been a busy four months. Geno and myself had been on the road since the beginning of January, and the weekend of April 30, we were scheduled to speak in North Dakota. This however, was a special meeting. It was to be held on an Indian reservation, plagued with countless vices, and in recent weeks with the spirit of suicide as well. It was an open meeting, where Christians and non-Christians had been invited. For the past two weeks I had been praying for direction as to what I should speak. It was a new forum for me, and I knew I needed guidance and direction. As the day drew nearer, I prayed even more, but had received no answer.

I had worked third shift the previous night, and had only had enough time to take a shower, and put on some fresh clothes before we were scheduled to make the long drive. Since I was thoroughly tired, I let Geno drive, and I went to sleep in the passenger seat, still troubled in my mind over what I was to speak.

As I slept, I had a dream. I dreamt I was at the base of a tall mountain, with a beautiful waterfall running down its center. As the water fell down the mountain, at certain intervals there were gathering pools, where the water would accumulate, then spill over to continue its trek down the mountainside. A great number of people were at the bottom of the mountain kneeling beside the lowest gathering pool sipping the water. As I looked up the mountainside more people were at the other gathering pools as well, but as the elevation grew, less and less people could be seen. As I was taking in the scene, and wondering what it meant, I noticed a man dressed in white standing beside me, his hands clasped behind his back. It was the same man I had dreamt in previous dreams. He was looking at the mountain, and the running water as intently as I was.

Finally, I looked at him, and asked: “What does this mean. I do not understand.”

“It is the answer to your question,” he answered. Before I could say anything else, he began to walk, turned his head and said, “Walk with me.”

We walked to the first pool of water, and made our way through the crowd until we were standing on the edge, people were still scooping up the water and drinking hungrily. “Taste it,” the man said pointing to the water. It looked clean, but as I scooped a handful and put it to my lips, I noticed it had an earthy taste. I winced, the man smiled, and he continued walking up the mountainside. It was a rough and rocky path, and although the man seemed to have no difficulty climbing, I stumbled a few times, slipped on a few stones, but managed to keep up with his pace. Halfway up the mountain, we stopped at another pool. There were fewer people there than at the bottom, so it was easier for us to make our way to the edge. “Taste it,” the man said. I did as before, and scooped some water with my cupped hand, brought it to my lips, and tasted it. Although it tasted much better than the previous pool, there was still a tinge of a sour taste.

We continued to walk up the mountain, until finally, we reached the top. What had been obscured by distance before was now very clear to me. At the top, there was no gathering pool, but a constant torrent of water that came right out of the mountain itself. The rush of water was so powerful that as it came out of the mountain, one could not help but get sprayed if they stood close to it. Those standing at the top, much fewer in number than those at the bottom, were already wet, and in a few minute’s time I was thoroughly soaked as well. “Taste it”, the man finally said after we stood and watched the beauty of the spring for some time. The water was unlike anything I’d ever tasted. It was cool and crisp, and my thirst was quenched after a few sips.

Although it was a beautiful sight to behold, I was still confused, and after some time I asked the man, “what does it mean?”

“You prayed to the Father, and asked what you should speak. It is the answer to your prayer. This spring is the word of God. When at its source it is pure, and gives life, but as men continue to twist it and interpret and dilute it, it loses its essence, it becomes bitter. Speak the truth of His word, and the thirst of those listening will be quenched.”

“What was the meaning of those at the bottom of the mountain?” I asked.

“They are those who are content with half truths, many know cleaner water is found on the mountaintop, but choose not to exert themselves. It is a hard climb, and to know truth one must be diligent in knowing the Word. For now the difference between those at the base of the mountain, and those who stand here, nourishing themselves with the pure word of God is negligible to the human eye. While the day abides, in the eyes of men they are all the same, but the day will not abide forever.”

As the man spoke those words, what had just an instant before been blue and sunny skies, turned pale, then pitch black. In an instant there was darkness as far as the eye could see.

“Now behold the difference”, the man said. As I looked I understood what he meant. The base of the mountain was engulfed in darkness. Not one flicker of light was visible, but those standing on the mountaintop began to shine with an inner glow that allowed them to see the path before them clearly. The man who had been standing next to me shone brighter than us all.

“Only the pure truth of God’s word will be as an anchor in the storm, and as a lamp in the darkness,” the man said. “All else will fade away into nothingness. For the days to come are dark days filled with turmoil and great anguish. Even upon this land toward which the Father has shown such great mercy, the day is soon coming when its fate will stun the world. Be bold in the truth servant, and work while you still may that your reward will be complete.”

I woke up, thinking it had only been a short while since I’d fallen asleep. I was surprised to hear Geno tell me we were only minutes away from our destination. That night, the meeting was held in the ballroom of a casino, and as instructed I preached the truth of God’s word. It was a simple message on Jesus being the truth, the way, and the life, yet this simple message stirred the hearts of those listening. It was one of the most powerful meetings we’ve had on this tour, with people being saved, delivered, and rededicating their lives to the Lord Jesus. Since then, I have prayed much concerning whether or not to share this dream, and I felt in my heart it was time to do so. God prepares His children in advance, and offers them sufficient time to cling to Him, and trust in Him, that they may weather the storm, and see His victory through it all.

Revelation 22:17, “And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. And whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

+* +* +*

Two of Five [2/5]

October 15, 2004

The Eagle and the Serpents (The Angel said, “this has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction.”)

Psalm 34:7-8, “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him.”

Upon my return to the United States in late August 2004, I had a very vivid and troubling dream. I shared it with the staff here in Wisconsin, and with a few other brothers, but continued to pray and seek direction from God as to whether or not I should include it in the newsletter.

At the staff’s urging, and feeling a release from the Lord, I have included this dream.

I dreamt I was walking through a sparsely wooded forest, and suddenly my attention was drawn to an eagle flying high above the tree line. It was a beautiful sight to behold as the eagle rode the thermals, flying in slow lazy arks across the blue sky. I began to quicken my pace, and keep up with the eagle’s flight, all the while keeping an eye on it, noticing that it was slowly descending toward the earth. I followed it for a long time, its descend not being sudden but very gradual.

Finally I came upon a small clearing, where there were no trees, just some bushes on the edges of the green grass. The eagle landed in the clearing, and began to look around not seeming to notice me.

As I began to wonder what the relevance of this was, a man dressed in white, hands clasped in front of him, appeared beside me, and said, “Be patient, in due time you will see the purpose.”

I was silent as I watched the eagle, and was beginning to grow somewhat impatient, when suddenly, it seemed out of nowhere, a brown snake lunged at the eagle, and bit down on its left wing. The snake’s strike was very quick and very precise. The eagle reacted without delay, clawing and pecking at the snake cutting deep wounds in its underbelly, trying to defend itself and ward off the serpent. Just as it seemed the eagle was winning the battle, and the serpent was retreating, another serpent appeared, red and black diagonal stripes covering its body, and without hesitation struck out at the eagle’s right wing, biting down, and refusing to release. After a momentary tug of war the serpent tore off flesh and feathers, leaving a large wound on the eagle’s right wing. The second bite was much worse then the first, and for an instant the eagle was stunned. Then a serpent much larger than the previous two, made up of many colors, slithered toward the eagle, opened its jaws, and lunged, taking the whole of the eagle’s head in its mouth before biting down.

The serpents retreated and the man who had been standing beside me, walked to the eagle, knelt down, picked it up, and held it in his cupped hands. The look of grief on his face was beyond any I have seen in my life. Just seeing the look on the man’s face broke your heart.

The man continued to look down at the eagle, and with a pained voice said, “The true tragedy, is that at any moment it could have sought the safety of the above, it could have soared toward the heavens and would have found its protection. This has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction.”

I watched for a long time as the man held the eagle in the palms of his hands, the pained expression never leaving his features. I was too stunned to speak, or ask any questions, what I had seen having seemed so real. The feeling followed me into my waking hours as well, and each time I closed my eyes I saw the entire scene play before my eyes throughout the day.

One thing that I feel I need to share with you is that the second bite seemed to come from an unexpected place. Although I have my own opinion concerning this, I choose to keep it to myself, because expounding on personal opinion is a dangerous thing when it comes to things that God reveals.

I was hesitant in sharing this dream, because I know some will perceive it as a reason to fear. It is not a reason to fear, but a reason to be stirred, and emboldened for the kingdom of God. The reality, is that these are the times we are living in, and I for one am thankful to God for his forewarnings, knowing that His children will never be unaware of what the future holds. All I can do is urge you to be watchful, and diligent in your prayers to the Father.

This nation, today, is more in need of prayer on its behalf than at any time in its history. It is the prayers of His children that compels God to relent, and tarry. Stand in the gap, you are precious in the eyes of God, and He hears your heartfelt supplications.

Joel 2:12-14, “Now, therefore, says the Lord, turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm.”

With love in Christ, Michael Boldea Jr.

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Three of Five [3/5]

April 19, 2005

A Word of Comfort

Dear Brethren

Isaiah 43:2-3, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”

God has blessed me with an understanding wife. If it were not so, I could not do what I do. I am on the road most of the time, and when I do get to spend a night in my own bed, I toss and turn thinking about the next trip we are about to embark on and how many hours it will take to get there.

The first week of March we were in California, and after preaching in a friend’s church that Sunday night, we returned to our hotel to pack for the flight the next morning. Throughout the day my wife had been on my heart, and I felt more than a little guilty knowing that I would get home that Monday night, pack, and Tuesday be off again for a ten day speaking tour.

That night as I went to bed I prayed for God to keep my wife safe, as I do every night, and fell into a restless sleep. As I slept, I had a dream.

I dreamt I was asleep when suddenly I felt a presence in my room. I opened my eyes, to see a man standing by my bedside, hands at his side, looking down at me. I was not scared, for I had seen the man in my dreams many times before. I sat up and waited for the man to speak.

“The Father has sent me to strengthen you,” he began. “You have said in your heart, ‘I know what is to come and do not fear it, but if it be your will, protect the one I love.’”

“Come, see, and be strengthened,” the man said extending his right hand. I took his hand, and instantly we were on a high plateau that was very large in size. As I looked and my eyes began to adjust to the dusk, I realized we were not alone. A great army was standing at attention, all dressed for battle, swords in hand, each one glowing it seemed from within. There were rows, upon rows of angels, in armor, in perfect formation. It was a stunning sight to behold. I was speechless as I scanned the great army, extending as far as the eye could see.

Suddenly the man standing next to me gave an almost imperceptible nod, and the entire army ascended toward the heavens, like a million fireflies, and began to disperse each one going his own way.

Still too stunned to speak I followed the lights with my eyes, until I could see them no more. Before I could ask any questions, the man looked at me and smiled.

“They are the guardians,” he said, “they are the protectors of the righteous. Soon all will see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those pure of heart and those in which darkness still resides. Soon it begins.”

As he spoke these words, the ground began to shake under my feet, and I heard a powerful explosion to my left, then another to my right. As I woke up, I could feel a searing heat on my face.

I share this dream today, in the hope that it will strengthen you as much as it has strengthened me. As children of God we should not fear that which is to come upon the earth. We are His beloved, and the angels of God have already been dispatched, to protect His Children.

Our duty remains what it has always been, to daily do the will of God, to daily crucify the flesh, and daily press in and desire to know more of Him.

Psalm 34:2-3, “My soul shall make its boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.”

Psalm 34:7, “The angel of he Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.”

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

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Four of Five [4/5]

A Great Earthquake coming

February 3, 2006

Dear Brethren

Isaiah 24: 19-20, “The earth is violently broken, the earth is split open, the earth is shaken exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall totter like a hut; Its transgression shall be heavy upon it, and it will fall, and not rise again.”

While I was in Romania, one night after my devotions I went to bed, exhausted and in need of much sleep having ridden in a truck all day delivering food to families. It had been a hard day, and we had to push the truck out of snow banks and ditches more than once. My body ached, and all I really wanted was to get some good rest.

As I fell into a deep sleep I had a dream. I dreamt I was in a hotel room, asleep, when the bed began to shake violently. I knew what was happening right away. Having lived in California in the 1980’s I was keenly aware of what an earthquake felt like.

Suddenly I was no longer in bed, but high above San Francisco bay, looking down on the golden gate bridge. As I watched it, it began to shudder, break apart, and fall into the waters below. I continued to watch the devastation, seeing buildings collapse, and masses of people trying to find shelter. Then a voice spoke out of the heavens, a voice I had never heard before, a voice of great authority. “I will shake this land from its foundations, such as the eyes of this generation has not seen. The world will stand in awe, and tremble in fear, as even the very geography of this nation will be transformed. My wrath is ready to be poured out, for sin has overrun My temple.”

In my dream I began to weep, not due to the devastation I was seeing, but due to the great power of the voice I was hearing. I woke up trembling, unable to breathe, and tired as I was I could not go to sleep again.

Shortly before sunrise, my phone began to ring, and when I answered it, it was my brother Daniel. “Are you awake?” he asked, “Yes”, I answered.

“I had a dream last night,” he continued, “it was a terrible dream. I dreamt of a big earthquake coming to America.”

When I told him I’d had the same dream, he was silent for some time then said, “I’m coming over so we could pray.”

He had just arrived at my apartment, when my phone rang again. It was a Christian brother from 200 kilometers away, who is prophetically gifted, and has spoken many words over me that have come to pass.

“Is this Mike?” when I answered in the affirmative, he said, “I had a dream last night, and I felt I needed to call and tell you about it. I dreamt of a terrible earthquake in your country, I saw a big bridge that just collapsed I saw destruction as I have never seen before. Does this mean anything to you?”

It took me some time to find something to say. I was speechless, and could find no words. On the same night, three different people had the same dream, with the same vivid details. Knowing that he had a prayer group that met nightly, I asked him to remember America in their prayers whenever they prayed, and he said he would. Before he hung up he said, “Mike I’ve had many dreams in my life, the Lord willed it so, but none has scared me as the dream I had last night. Only God can protect someone through something like that, there is no other hope but to run to Him.”

No matter what may come upon this land, we know that God abides with His faithful, keeping them, guiding them, and protecting them. Events will begin to unfold upon this earth, that will make even the mightiest of men tremble in fear, but knowing that we have a shelter from the storm, a sovereign God who watches over us, fearlessly we press on faithful in all that He asks of us.

Psalm 91:7-11, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your habitation, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

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Five of Five [5/5]

April 6, 2007

A New War Is Coming

Dear Brethren

Jeremiah 50:22, “A sound of battle is in the land, and of great destruction.”

James 5:8, “You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”

One of the most important lessons I learned as a young man traveling with my grandfather, as being his interpreter, is that one must always prepare for battle, before he is faced with it. Just as a soldier must know the weapons of his warfare, train with them, and be comfortable with them, so must a servant of God know his weapons, and prepare himself before he ventures out into enemy territory. It was so ingrained in me, that a servant of God must be prayed up, and fasted up before he goes out to minister, that before every tour I begin, I take a couple weeks to simply fast and pray, and draw close to God, and see what He would have me share at the upcoming meetings.

I was still in Romania the first few days of February, about halfway through a two week fast, when after having spent some time in prayer, I went to bed, and fell into a restful sleep. Sometime during the night, I began to dream. I dreamt I was hearing what were at first faint hoof beats, but the closer they got, the louder they grew, until it was a thundering roar of not one or two horses but what seemed like hundreds.

I felt as though the ground beneath me was shaking from the onrushing horses, and the sound of them became so loud, that I suddenly awoke in my bed. As I blinked a few times, adjusting to the darkness in my room, I noticed a shadow at the foot of my bed. I blinked again, and there stood the same man I have seen on previous occasions, dressed in battle armor, his hands resting atop each other before him, on the hilt of his sword.

“What is the meaning of what I just dreamt?” I asked, somehow knowing he had come to give me the interpretation.

“What you heard,” he began, “were the chariots of war, and they are swiftly approaching. A new war is coming, but it will be unlike this present one. Speak as you have spoken, pray as you have prayed, and walk as you have walked for dark days will soon come upon the land to which you are returning. Even now their enemies plot, even now their enemies unite under one banner, and soon they will make their intentions known to the world. There is no refuge but in the Father, and He will guide and protect those who know His voice.”

I blinked again, and the man was gone, and I was left to ponder the words I had heard. I struggled with whether I should make this dream public, for I know the reaction that some will have to it, and the last thing I desire is to stir fear in the heart of any man.

After much prayer I felt I was supposed to publish the dream, and though some may receive it as a reason to fear, the true children of God will receive it for what it was, the forewarning of a loving Father, preparing His children for what is to come. God’s desire for us is not ignorance, but rather knowledge, that we may prepare our hearts, in prayer and fasting, that we may draw closer to Him, that we make Him our place of refuge long before hardship forces us to seek one. The wise man prepares, while the foolhardy is caught unaware.

As always my prayers continue to be with you and yours, and with a grateful heart I thank you for all that you do on behalf of those less fortunate.

Jeremiah 19:15, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Behold, I will bring on this city and on all her towns all the doom that I have pronounced against it, because they have stiffened their necks that they might not hear My words.”

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

+* +* +*

TOPICS: Charismatic Christian; Prayer; Religion & Culture
KEYWORDS: dreams; dudumansgrandson; prayer; usa
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QUIX: I believe the following excerpts are particularly worth prayerful pondering and perhaps intercession. We all need to be confessed up; repented up; prayed up; fasted up as led; . . . ready for whatever God allows to come our way day by day.

I don't quite know what to make of the one about San Francisco. I've often felt very similarly about San Francisco. Yet, I also read the last few days (via a different source I'm not as familiar with as I am Duduman's grandson) about God going to overwhelmingly visit San Francisco and turn it around for His Glory. I can IMAGINE God doing that--FOR HIS GLORY. I can also imagine that SF has crossed over a line that will mean only judgment is slated. Perhaps both are potential contingencies which will be decided by the prayers of believers--perhaps particulalry those believers in that area.

It appears that we have survived 9/11's anniversary without another Al-Qaeda attack on our homeland. However, I do not at all feel that we are out of the woods on that score. I personally believe that there is a high likelihood of nukes being lit off in various USA cities in the not too distant future. Too many government type sources; strategic research organizations; investigative journalist sources etc. as well as prophetic sources seem to indicate such a thing.

But I think the key issure, regardless of the quality of the sources and the potential hazard, risk, devastation, potential etc. THE KEY ISSUE IS WALKING RIGHT WITH GOD AS INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES AND INTERCEDING IN PRAYER FOR OURSELVES, OUR FAMILIES, OUR NEIGHBORHOODS, VILLAGES, TOWNS, CITIES AND OUR NATION. . . . as well as for our leaders and certainly for the Peace of Jerusalem as Scripture instructs.

So--I post this primarily as a PRAYER DEVOTIONAL THREAD. If folks wish to discuss such issues in any kind of dialogue sort of way I'm willing to start another thread or engage in private dialogue by FREEPMAIL. If you want another thread for dialogue on PROPHETIC POTENTIALS IN THESE END TIMES, please let me know.

ON THE WHOLE, I ask that you merely post prayers on this thread. If you wish to add some discernment about this or that portion of the posted doc above AS A HIGHLIGHT--A FOCUS FOR YOUR PARTICULAR PRAYER--fine. BUT THIS IS NOT TO BE A CONTENTIOUS THREAD AT ALL. IT IS REALLY NOT EVEN TO BE MUCH OF A DIALOGUE BACK AND FORTH--BUT, PLEASE--A PRAYER THREAD.

It may be that most prayers will be silent as far as the thread is concerned. That's fine. Though I think it would be a benefit for folks to realize how many were praying about such things. The important thing is--TO PRAY.

NEXT ARE THE EXCERPTS I believe are particularly worthy prayer.

He had just arrived at my apartment, when my phone rang again. It was a Christian brother from 200 kilometers away, who is prophetically gifted, and has spoken many words over me that have come to pass.

“Is this Mike?” when I answered in the affirmative, he said, “I had a dream last night, and I felt I needed to call and tell you about it. I dreamt of a terrible earthquake in your country, I saw a big bridge that just collapsed I saw destruction as I have never seen before. Does this mean anything to you?”

It took me some time to find something to say. I was speechless, and could find no words. On the same night, three different people had the same dream, with the same vivid details. Knowing that he had a prayer group that met nightly, I asked him to remember America in their prayers whenever they prayed, and he said he would. Before he hung up he said, “Mike I’ve had many dreams in my life, the Lord willed it so, but none has scared me as the dream I had last night. Only God can protect someone through something like that, there is no other hope but to run to Him.”

No matter what may come upon this land, we know that God abides with His faithful, keeping them, guiding them, and protecting them. Events will begin to unfold upon this earth, that will make even the mightiest of men tremble in fear, but knowing that we have a shelter from the storm, a sovereign God who watches over us, fearlessly we press on faithful in all that He asks of us.

Psalm 91:7-11, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your habitation, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”

. . .

One of the most important lessons I learned as a young man traveling with my grandfather, as being his interpreter, is that one must always prepare for battle, before he is faced with it. Just as a soldier must know the weapons of his warfare, train with them, and be comfortable with them, so must a servant of God know his weapons, and prepare himself before he ventures out into enemy territory. It was so ingrained in me, that a servant of God must be prayed up, and fasted up before he goes out to minister, that before every tour I begin, I take a couple weeks to simply fast and pray, and draw close to God, and see what He would have me share at the upcoming meetings.

“What you heard,” he began, “were the chariots of war, and they are swiftly approaching. A new war is coming, but it will be unlike this present one. Speak as you have spoken, pray as you have prayed, and walk as you have walked for dark days will soon come upon the land to which you are returning. Even now their enemies plot, even now their enemies unite under one banner, and soon they will make their intentions known to the world. There is no refuge but in the Father, and He will guide and protect those who know His voice.”

1 posted on 09/11/2007 8:37:59 PM PDT by Quix
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To: Alamo-Girl; airborne; American in Israel; AnimalLover; auggy; backhoe; backslacker; Baraonda; ...




Y’all have already been privately pinged with this doc . . .

however, HERE, NOW, is the thread to offer your prayers up within . . . as was wisely suggested might be the best way to respond to such exhortations.

Please let us show that we can stand up and be counted in behalf of such issues with meaningful and potent PRAYERS IN AGREEMENT.

I am thankful that we have passed through 9/11 without additional Jihadi attacks.

However, all the various sources pontificating on the topic insist that we are not out of the woods by a long shot on the probabilities of such attacks even in the short term.

In any case, there’s plenty to pray about mentioned in the OP (Original Post).

Let us show that those of us on this ping list are concerned enough to pray openly; prayed up privately enough to pray openly in very directed, meaningful, heart-felt prayers . . . and where possible . . . in prayers of agreement.

God’s best to each of you in provision, safety, direction, intimacy with God and those you love.


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To: Quix

I pray that the Eagle kicks the serpents’ asses.

3 posted on 09/11/2007 9:15:30 PM PDT by Momaw Nadon ("...with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.")
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To: Quix; Alamo-Girl; Joya; .30Carbine; Marysecretary; DarthVader; editor-surveyor

Lord, God Almighty—Our Precious Savior—Holy Spirit

We are mere grass before you except for Your Love and creating us as your children; saving us as your children.

Our Nation is divided so horribly on values. So many leaders and citizens behave so horribly in violation of and rebellion against your priorities; your laws; your standards for living overcoming and abundant lives full of joy unspeakable and full of glory.

Lord, we confess that we are a people who have neglected our first love as a nation and far too often even as believers called by your name.

Forgive us, Oh, Lord and lead us ever closer to you; to your heart; to your will; to your priorities.

Give us your Passion for Your Priorities, Oh, God.

May those leaders who are rebels against you and traitors against this land fall in the pit they have dug ASAP. May all their evil schemes be hindered and come to naught or as much to naught as possible. Where that’s not possible, may they be delayed as long as possible.

May those called by your name, Oh, Lord be led to pray and fast as never before in behalf of the safety of this land and in behalf of the relative peace and economic functioning of our land. Please prolong such as long as possible, Oh Lord.

Lord, please preserve the tortured peace of Jerusalem as long as possible. And, please cause our leaders to avoid forsaking Israel. Cause them to avoid pressuring Israel in any UNBiblical ways, Oh, Lord.

As family members; members of households and neighborhoods—give us wisdom to order our days aright, Oh, Lord. May we daily walk confessed up; repented up; prayed up and as led, fasted up—that we might walk in humility before you as well as in tune with your heart-strings and with your priorities for us as individuals and members of Your Body, Oh, Lord.

Lord, please delivers us of all our fears and anxieties. You have said we are to be anxious for nothing. You know, Oh, Lord, how difficult that is for those of us without adequate fathering on the numan level the first years of our lives. Please, Lord, do whatever spiritual, emotional, psychodynamic surgery that is necessary to place within us utter and total trust upon You regardless of circumstances; noise; news; situations within or without, Oh, Lord.

Give us utter confidence in you—as a secure baby has in the arms of a model mother, Oh, Lord—as a young son on daddy’s lap, Oh, Lord—give us utter confidence in You REGARDLESS.

Lead those to us who you would have us introduce to your Kingdom in time. Give us words to say in all the contacts you bring our way each day, Oh, Lord.

May we speak with your wisdom, knowledge, understanding and anointing or be silent.

May we find favor with all those we have to do with.

May the weapons formed against us on the human and/or spiritual levels come to naught. Indeed, may all such efforts on the part of the enemy bounce back and cause him 10 times the trouble he sought to cause us. And may all such efforts on his part result in 100 fold blessings on our part as we prayerfully walk each day and overcome by the renewing of our minds; by the power of The Blood and by the word of our testimony in you, Oh, Lord.

Lead us ever closer in intimate communication and fellowship with you, Oh, Lord.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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To: Momaw Nadon

Amen! Amen! Amen! I join in that prayer.

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To: Momaw Nadon

And may all eagles of The Lord and even this nation return; or renew their focus on God—SEEKING HIM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS FIRST, FOREMOST AND ALWAYS.

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To: Momaw Nadon
I pray that the Eagle kicks the serpents’ asses.

I know who the Eagles are, but the only "serpents" in professional sports are the Diamondbacks, and they're a baseball team.

7 posted on 09/11/2007 9:33:34 PM PDT by Jeff Chandler ("A person's a person no matter how small." -Dr. Seuss)
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To: Quix

I join in prayer for our country and our leaders - and our heroes standing in harm’s way!

8 posted on 09/11/2007 9:34:13 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl



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To: Jeff Chandler

Perhaps you forgot to add a prayer before hitting post?

Please do so now, if you are willing and up to it.

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To: Quix

Thank you, brother.

11 posted on 09/12/2007 1:56:42 AM PDT by .30Carbine
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To: .30Carbine

And you dear Sister in The Lord.

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To: Quix

Father, God. We don’t deserve your mercy. We’ve spit in your face and turned away from you as a nation. We’re full of sin and treachery; we talk a good game and then refuse to walk it. Lord, you know my prayers regarding America. This country is one of the most generous in the world and we ask that you not send your wrath on us even though we deserve it at times. We need you, we’re desperate for you. We’ve lost our way and we need you to help us find it again. America is the best country in the world but we’re lost and need you more than ever. Our government has certainly lost its way and thinks more of agenda than America or YOU. Please help us, Holy Father, to find our way back to you. Stay your hand of judgement upon us.

13 posted on 09/14/2007 5:21:00 PM PDT by Marysecretary (GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL.)
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To: Quix; All

Word from the Lord through Marsha Burns

September 24, 2007: You have felt like you are in over your head, doing things that you have little knowledge of or experience in accomplishing. And, I say to you that it IS true that you are in over your head, but you are NOT in over My head, says the Lord. If you will ask for wisdom, I will give it, and I will empower you to do all that is set before you. Refuse to allow fear to paralyze you or keep you from moving forward. Remember that you “can do all things through Christ who strengthens you”.

Old things and old ways of doing things will no longer facilitate you in accomplishing what is set before you. You are living in new times that will require you to embrace more efficient ways of carrying out My plans and purposes. Do not be afraid to learn new things (perhaps even technical processes) that will equip you to deal more effectively with your challenges. I will provide the necessary instruction as you yield to this transition, says the Lord. Isaiah 42:9 Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.”

Prepare for a course correction. You have come to a point of decision where you can go no further until you find resolution in your current situation. You will either have to make adjustments and come to a new level of understanding and commitment or abandon it altogether. The choice is yours, but you will not be able to maintain status quo.

You are about to awaken out of a slumber of idolatry that was brought about by fear of man and a desire to please people. This has been a great hindrance in your life and has resulted in compromise. Your loyalties are being tested, and your devotion will be redefined as you are elevated to the level of fearing and pleasing the Lord only.

You are coming to a level of spiritual maturity that will be astounding in contrast to your past religious experience. If you are willing, I will bring you out of carnal, social Christianity into the reality of life in the Spirit. But, you must stir up your desire to really know Me, says the Lord.

In an effort to forget past offenses you have buried some things that need to be reviewed and forgiven. I am shining the light on bondages from the past, and I will reveal every hidden work of darkness against you. It is time for you to be truly free. And, in the process of this spiritual emancipation you will find that you have been miraculously healed and delivered. It’s time!

You have tried desperately to find your niche as you struggle to know where you belong. If you will stop striving to find acceptance and camaraderie among your peers and instead seek to abide in Me, then you will find a people of like mind who dwell together in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace. However, as long as your focus is on you and your desires to be accepted, even if you are among like- minded people you will still feel like an outcast.

You have entered the River of God, and the power of that flow will carry you to places beyond your wildest expectations. Continue to yield to the moving of My Spirit as I show you things that you “know not of.” The flowing of this river will bring revelation of the progression of destiny in every aspect. Be at rest and let Me take you where I will, says the Lord.

14 posted on 09/26/2007 1:59:15 AM PDT by Joya
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To: Quix; All; Alamo-Girl; Amityschild; AngieGal; AnimalLover; Ann de IL; annieokie; aragorn; auggy; ...

(To End Times pinglist level one)

Three Strange Dreams
Mar/31/10 12:04 PM
(From Winkie Pratney)

What a great blessing you have been to me and my family over the past few months!

Some of you have sent very lovely notes or e-mails to encourage me or help provide for us in practical and gracious ways during this second strange bout with life-threatening illness. It is amazing to me to see that such an unexpected attack could come right after a simple time with loved relatives in the heart of Christmas.

Three years ago I came out of hovering death right after Easter and now right in the middle of a time we most think about Jesus not dying for the sin of the world but entering it to save it strikes again.

The haemorrhagic stroke that blew open an access point deep in my brain could have killed me in days; the hope for repair will be supposedly more than the two whole months endured in Korea, and the year that followed at home in New Zealand to patch up my body. Yet in both of these, God’s grace has been strong and wonderful. As one of the doctors said after seeing the walnut-size of the torn connection that bled into my brain yet my rapid path to recovery even in hospital in so many areas: “It’s a miracle.”

Special thanks also to both my dear beloved Fae who has again endured the day after day broken attempts to restore my lost perceptions and my special son William who has done all he could to both help me put right what can be repaired and to let others know as he did in Korea what is going on in our situation. ...

All in a couple of weeks, though not every night, I have had three strange dreams.

Though I do not know what they all mean and perhaps some of you may have a better clue than I do, I think they all were of the Lord, and share them with you.

= = =
In the first I was in a very large camp. It was as loaded as a major Festival with hundreds and hundreds of small groups of young people everywhere, perhaps thousands. Most of them seemed utterly uninvolved with anything Christian and though there was no obvious evidence of them doing wrong, most of them were just having fun in different activities unconnected with anyone else there and none showed any sign of spiritual purpose.

The place I had been put was right in the center of the camp.

Three things became obvious to me; first, although it was sponsored by a well-known major denomination and put on for the aim of facing the young crowd with the claims of Christ, there was no sign of spiritual activities I could see there anywhere.

Second, (it was clear that) though I had been invited specifically to share Jesus to them and was left by the leaders in some place of preparation, there was no known face or person near me or with me in the camp or in that place at all. No-one was there somehow to give me any sort of direction.

Third, (it was clear that) although I was also to speak very soon, it became increasingly difficult for me to properly prepare for that time, know where my participation was supposed to be held and even what it was they wanted.

= = =
The second was somewhat similar, but with a different group and different base. Here I was in a large, windowed building something like a holiday motel somewhere in the middle of the convention site. It was unusual in that it had two lots of open doors on each end with free and easy access by anyone to the place I was staying. The wide glass window looking out onto the area also had no blinds or curtains and it was almost impossible to have any privacy.

I was also about to speak soon and wanting to take a shower and change for the meeting. Yet from each door repeatedly came in one or two of a large number of both friends and casual visitors specifically to greet me and say hello. I knew some of them as long-term acquaintances perhaps from many years ago those and recognized them as people who had been part of my life and ministry in the past.

There were also those who knew of me; some individuals who just wanted to talk a bit and meet to say hello. Though all of them wanted to spend a short while there together and were looking forwards to some acquaintance, none seemed to have any sense of the time or how much I still had to do to carry out what I was invited there in that camp for.

Although I finally tried to explain the situation to some friends and even asked one to shepherd some kind of halt at the doors, others continued to come in from both sides making it almost impossible to get ready or spend time alone for what was needed.

= = =
The third dream was not at either a camp or convention, but an invitation to eat out at a nice restaurant from an older well-dressed church group of people who wanted to bless and join with me for a couple of hours. It seemed from the first decision to do this that more and more began to cram into the car headed there, though we all finally fitted in. Then just before we left, another pastor friend arrived with his family and so I asked if it was alright for them to join with us.

The place decided on was a newer restaurant that had just been opened and seemed large enough to set up a table for all of us. Yet as we went inside, there were two other families or groups of friends that had also arrived! Now we had four large parties all looking forwards to spending time together and made a single table situation impossible.

While the waiters and managers were delighted to have such a huge group there all at once, all the groups had to divide into separate tables to fit, so I had to say to each group that were somewhat sad we could not all mix, that the restaurant were experiencing their own version of revival with so many guests all at once.

= = =
I am deeply grateful to both the Lord and to those of you who have stood with us in so many ways for what you have done for us all. ...

Your brother in Jesus love -


15 posted on 04/23/2010 10:32:28 PM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: Joya

Thanks for the ping!

16 posted on 04/23/2010 10:32:53 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Joya



17 posted on 04/23/2010 10:38:13 PM PDT by Quix (BLOKES who got us where we R:
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To: Joya

Thanks. Has anyone interpereted?

18 posted on 04/24/2010 2:36:05 AM PDT by oprahstheantichrist (The MSM is a demonic stronghold, PLEASE pray accordingly - 2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
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To: oprahstheantichrist

Not that I know of. One thing for me the past couple days comes to mind ... but may or may not be related ... will find and paste here.

Love and prayers dear FRiend,

19 posted on 04/25/2010 4:12:31 AM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: oprahstheantichrist

This is on my heart and definitely a good word to me in all the busy-ness:

= = =
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns — April 22, 2010:

Beware of the enemy’s distractions as he tries to open doors of accusation and insult against you.

These are not the only places where he will try to come in, so be sensitive to everything that comes your way that will detract or take away from the purity of your walk in the Spirit.

Rise up against every demonic intrusion; resist, rebuke, and bind him.

I have given you the authority to stop these attacks and to walk in liberty, says the Lord.

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.



20 posted on 04/25/2010 4:18:59 AM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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