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Utah Baby Names (That distinctive name that says, "I'm Mormon.")
The Utah Baby Namer ^ | Wes and Cari Clark

Posted on 01/24/2003 4:41:20 PM PST by A.J.Armitage

What's In a (Utah) Name?

by Cari Bilyeu Clark

When my husband and I moved from Utah to the Washington, D.C. area seventeen years ago, we knew nothing of the inadvertent legacy we carried from our four years in Utah. Shortly after we arrived in our new home, we saw a television commercial for a local grocery store chain. The spokeswoman's name was the unusual "Odonna." "She's gotta be from Utah," I said to my husband. "That's a Utah name if I ever heard one."

We eventually learned that Odonna was, indeed, Utah born and bred.

It dawned on us that many names we'd heard during our college careers, and found only mildly remarkable, were indeed unique to the Utah Mormon culture. Thus began our quest to define what makes some names singularly Utahn, and what sets them apart from ethnic names with roots in other cultures, such as Juanita or Shoshanna; or African-American names such as Tawanda and Shaquille; or the newly common, soap-operaesque handles such as Skylar, Tiffany, Raven, and Adrienne. There's a difference, and it's not just the obviously Mormon scriptural names like Mahonri or Nephi or Moroni. Often identifying a Utah name is a gut feeling akin to Justice Potter Stewart's definition of pornography: you know it when you see it.

The quintessential Utah name often has a French-sounding prefix such as Le-, La-, Ne-, or Va-. Often names appear to have genesis in the combined names of the parents--Veradeane or GlenDora, for example. Related is the practice of feminizing the father's name--as in Vonda (dad is Vaughan) or Danetta. Others, such as Snell or Houser, appear to be surnames called into service as first names.

Related is the curious tendency, more common in Utah than elsewhere, for men (women do not seem to do this) to use the first initial, then the full middle name as the given name, such as L. Flake Roberts, who ran for office in Utah County when we lived there. (Come on, you've noticed this habit among the general authorities of the LDS church!) Besides puzzling over why someone would want to be known as "Flake," it makes one wonder just what the "L" stands for.

[Hmmmm. Where have we heard about that before? --A.J.]

So my husband and I entertained ourselves by collecting the often bizarre names we found in Utah publications (including the obituaries, which indicates that this is not a recent fad) and of Utah natives we met. We compiled a list and shared it with our friends, who often as not had a few more to add. We really hit a bonanza when one woman shared our observations with her mother, who worked at a Utah bank and had access to lots of names. She started her own list and began sending the names to us. (My personal favorite, LaNondus, came from this source.) Another friend told us of a set of sisters, all of whose names began with "Ja."

Once my husband had Internet access, he collected more names and corresponded with another couple who amused themselves the same way. They made cleverly categorized lists: "The ward choir director's daughters: LaVoice, Choral, Audia."

It makes you wonder what some parents were thinking when, for instance, they named their baby girl Lanae (la-nay)--and she unfortunately ended up with a big nose (le nez [la-nay] in French means "the nose"). Or the girl named M'Lu--are clever wags endlessly asking her to skip to it? And how the heck do people with apostrophes in their names fill out computerized forms? There's no apostrophe space. The guy I really pity, though, is the one saddled with the unfortunate moniker, Rube.

Of course, parents cannot predict what new interpretations the marketplace will bring to the names they lovingly bestow on their offspring. I once worked at a company which had dealings with a woman named LaPriel (pronounced la-prell). When I told my former roommate about this inexplicable first name, she sardonically replied, "What's her sister's name--LaTegrin?"

With the generally larger-than-average family, often saddled with the very ordinary surnames Smith, Johnson, or Young, it's not surprising that many Utah parents look for unique given names for their children. When you throw in the reverence for family and ancestors forwarded by the LDS Church, it seems inevitable that someone would end up with LaEarl, KDell, Arnolene or Hariella.

Some names, though, seem to defy description--if not pronunciation. While pride of place may have spawned Utahna, how did somebody come up with Wealtha? And while Lloydine's genesis seems plausible, how on earth were Printha or Noy coined? And I have no idea what constitutes the correct pronunciation for Kairle or Tawhnye. (I suspect they may be wildly creative spellings of Carol and Tonya.)

Perhaps the following list (by no means comprehensive) will amuse you. Perhaps it will offend you. Perhaps you will find your name, or the name of a relative, on it. Or perhaps you will be so enchanted by a particular name that you'll want to bestow it upon one of your own offspring. If that is your plan, first do this: go to the back door, fling it open and yell the name at the top of your lungs six or eight times, because that's how it's going to be heard for the next eighteen years. And remember, when little Wynante (boy or girl, you choose) grows up, you'll have to live with the consequences.

The Cream of the Crop

The Clarks' Favorite Utah Names

Updated 24 January 2003

The new parents couldn't be happier: Gladell & Delightra (sisters), Luvit, Delecta, Delite, Joyette, Joi, Joyia, Joyellen, Joycell, Hallah Lujah [How about Hallah Back Y'all? --A.J.], Bliss, Joyanne

Cleanliness is next to Godliness: Zestpoole, Sparkle

The Ward Choir Director's Daughters: Aria, Audia, Aurel, Choral, LaVoice, Tonilee, Capella, Chime, Rocksan Violin

Jewels every one: Amulet, Pearlette, Pearlene, Emerald, JewlyAnn, Ahmre Jade, Treasure Tonya, Turquoise Nova, Sequin, Amethist.

Girls you just know have big, floofy hair: Blondeen, Rayette, Faundaree, Shazette, Shasheena, Honilynn, Najestica, Teasa, Shazzanna, Pluma, Bobbette, Blonda, Breezy, Wenderella, Aquanetta, Brinderella, Dazzlyn

Maybe they're in the Klingon Ward: Tchae, Xko, Corx, G'ni, Vvhs, Garn, Ka, Deauxti, Xymoya, Sha'Kira [Her older sister is called Macare'na.], Zy, Xela, Tscharna, Nivek, Zon'tl, Zagg, Xan, Judziah Datz (a female, named after a character in Star Trek), K'lar (ditto), Jarna Nazhalena, Chod, Xarek, Grik, Stod, T'Shara, Tral, Sherik, Curg

[I am Krang the Merciless!! And I'm a Mormon!]

The Worth of a Soul: Cashley

Astronomical: LeVoid, Sunan, Moonyene, Starlene, Sunelly, Luna, Lunia, Solinda, Sunirae, Staryl, Marandastarr, Season, Aries, Starlyn, Cressent, Celestial Starr, Summerlyn, Astrolena

Could only be LDS: Cumorah Hill, Liahonna, Ensign, Nauvoo, Kirtland, Templa, Templer, Tempella, Tempalia, Ziona, Deseret (and Desereta), Tabernacle, Woodruff, Pratt, Tithing, Quorum, Helamans Warrior, Iron Rod, Morona, Manti, Stripling, Nephi Courage, Celestial Glory, Celestian, Brighaminie, Zion, Xione (pronounced "zion")

Parents were BYU math majors: Alpha Mae, Seven, Seavenly, Twenty, Prime, Omega Lee, Jennyfivetina, Tenna [Mormon porn star: Tenna Tameson.], Elevena, Ninea, Eighta

[How would you like to be named after your birth order?]

You can name a kid this, but you shouldn't ingest it: Cola, Vinyl, Orlon, Chlorine, Clorene, Florene, Florine, Lexann, Dow, Tide, Downy, Codiene, Daquari, DeCon, Starbuck, Crayon, Treasure Cocaine

[Classy. Real classy.]

Names inspired by the family car: Audi, Fairlene, Celecta, Pontiac, Vonda, Vonza, Auto, Cherokee, Lexus, Porsche, Skylark, Truckston, Avis, Chevrollette, Chevonne, Caprice, Dodge

["Honey, nothing says class like Lexus. Now go make some jello."]

Wishful thinking: Darlin', Courage, Winsome, Justan Tru, Pictorianna, Paradise Sunrise, Sage, Angelic, Breed, Godlove, Myrth, LaVirgin, DeFonda Virtue, Chastice, Normalene, Lovie Angel, Precious Blessing, Heavenly Melanie, Glee, Mormon Beauty, Pledger, Jentill, Devota, Coy, Fondd, Bridella, Verna Noall, Vervine, Viva, Golden Noble, MarVel, MemRee, Brunette, Merrily, Merry Ann, Celestial, Cherrish, Kash, Cashelle, Teton, Forever, Luvit, Mystiq, Worthy, Truly, Pleasant, Speedy, Hereditary, Shrudilee, Halo, Gentry, Truthanne, Finita, Mavryck, Amen, Merrijane, Marvelous Man.

Dad's hobby is obvious: Justa Cowgirl, Rode O, Hazer, Durango, Rifle, Laker, Jazz, Truck. Granite, Garnet, Gneiss (and other sisters with rock names beginning with “G.”)

Conversational: Whisper, Chat

Indications of possible birthplace: Arizonia, Floria, Montania, Utah, Utahna, Idahana, Idaho, Mauntana [Flunk spelling, name you kid Mauntana. Study hard!], Michigan, Nevadna, Okla, Vermont, Wyoming, Wyoma, Cache, Jordana, Payson, Vernal, Boise, Brookelynn, Lexington, Demoyn, Fredonia, Leremy, Platte, Salina, Seattle, Takoma, Tulsa, Tustin, Vail, Lundyn, Londyn, Irelynd, Irelan, Madrid, Manila, Cairo, Damascus, Tyre, Desert, Shahara, Trinidad, Houston, Cachelyn, D'Asia, Edon, Takoda, Orem, Shannon doah, Davenport Shore

No man (or woman) is an island - exceptions: Oahu, Irlanda, Tonga, SeaBreaze, Tiki Lou

Possible conception placenames: Hilton, Nafeteria, Bridges, Castle

Indications of possible birthdates: Juneth, Junola, LaJune, Julyn, Halloween, Novella, Summerisa, Winnter, Christmas Holiday, Merrienoel, Kris Miss, Tuesdee, Aprella

The day dawn is breaking: Dawnae, Dawnia, Dawnel, Dawnelle, Dawnene, Dawnalyn, Dawnette, Karadawn, RaDawn, Keturah Dawn, SheriDawn, LuDawn, LaDawn, Le Dawn, El Dawn, Dawnetta, Dawnese, Mistidawn, Berva Dawn, Celestial Dawn, Bodawn, Honey Dawn, Sunrise, Dawny, Yodawn, Dawnika, Dawnray, Denverly Dawn, Sunni Dawn, Dusty Dawn, Taradawn, Twyla Dawn, Georgia Dawn, Iva Dawn, Marva Dawn

Dad was a plumber: Valva, BeDae, Latrina, La Jonne, Digger

Dad worked for the postal service: Mailene

Dad's a lawyer: Justicia

Dad had a hernia: Truss

Less is more: La, Oa, NB, T, M, Q, JJ

I hope the computer will accept apostrophes in the name fields: D'Ann, D'Aun, D'Bora, D'Dee, D'Elise, D'Loaf, D'Shara, E'all, L'Deane, L'orL, Ja'mon, J'Costa, J'dean, J'Leen, J'net, J'Shara, J'Vonna, La'Donis, Me'shell, M'Jean, M'Kaaylie, M'Kenna, Mi'Lara, M'Lisa, M'Liss, M'Lu, M'Recia, O'lea, R'dell, R'lene, Shan'l, Young'n, B'andra, De'lys, D'Dree

["And the called her... O'Lestra. She had the runs a lot."]

Future names of prescriptions: Lyravin, Monalaine, Nyleen, Merlaine, Monease, Naquel, Ronalene, Nylan, Rolayne, Tyron, Lexine, Lyrin, Mikatin, Artax, Xtrin, Tylene, Qedrin, Tamrin, Denilyn, Kevrin, Nicolin, Xylan, Tolex, Zylan, Daycal, Falycid, Zerin, Davon, Sydal

Wow! What a Babe!: Wavie, Zhalore, LaTanna, Tressa, LaDreama, Amourette

Fluid-related: Thermos, Soda, Logan River, Jordan River, Susquehannah, Canteen

When simple alphabetic characters aren't enough: K-8 (pronounced "Kate," I guess)

[Kids: that's happens when you're illiterate. Stay in school!]

Politically incorrect: Sambo, Aryion

[Maybe they weren't thinking "Aryan", but "Arian". Heretics gotta stick together!]

Heard chanted in the Salt Lake airport: Ara-Om

Has food connotations: Dianarea, Dicey, Vindalu, Blenda, Strawberry, Sugarlee, Beena, Pork Chop, Sesami, Jar, Karmel, Kresent, TaffiLyn, Chipo

Had breathing problems in the hospital nursery: Azure, Syrullean

You might find in a forest: Wrendie, Jilbear, Timber, Oaks, Pixie, LaFawnduh, Fawn-Dew, Ember, Bird, Magpie, Serenity Fawn, Paradi, L'Aire, Brookelle, Sylvan, Fawna, Lawn, Rain, Gazelle, El Fawn ["El" makes it masculine, "Fawn" makes it girly-poofy. El Fawn: expressing pride from Salt Lake City to San Francisco.], Aspen, Acacia, Panda, Briar, Rhodendra, Fernnola, Birdene, Hummingbird, Disney, Chinchilla Zest, Haven, Glade

No doubt about it, this kid's in charge: Rexina, Rexine, Queenola, Dominee, Ruger, Messiah Angel, Oden, RexDee, Navy, Jentry, Czar, LeeMaster, Quintessa, Marquessa, Leviathan, Captain.

Smells: Cachet, Reaka, Violeet, Avon, Budla

Faux ethnic: Laddie, Walkasheaqua, Bsjonet, Hishla, Chilnecha, Forthilda, Kaltighanna, Alainka, Chip-wa, Pawnece America, Zem Saxon, O'Ann, WaThene, Sheighlagh, Valliere

Commemorating something or another: Welcome Exile, Confederate American, Southern Justice, Liberty Lulu, Young Elizabeth, Genesis, MistiNoele, Imagine, Thankful Flood, Friends Forsaken, Joyous Noel, Tennyson, Knight Train, Miracles Precious One, Sunday's Hoseana, Disney, Blessing Ream, Stormy Shepherd, Denim Levi, Vernal Independence, Sincere Devotion, Mothers, Elvoid, Noah-Lot, Mormon Miracles, MyLae, Nightrain Lane, Zion Anakin, Jeopardee, Statehood, Denim Levi

Let's hope not: Rube, Sleeza, Nymphus, Golden P., Burns, Hydra, Non, Malis, Talon, Beefea, Patches, Storm, Slayer, Sterile, Slaughter, Jynx, Hyde, Prynne, StormiAnn, Sham, Apathy, DeRail, Dull, Gamble

In a class of their own (In fact, I'm not sure I believe these but we asked for details and a confirmation and got convincing replies, so here they are): NaLa'DeLuhRay, Phakelikaydenicia, Zaragrunudgeyon ("Zarg," for short), Jennyfivetina, Tiarrhea, Nudity, VulvaMae, DaLinda LaDale, Tugdick, Saunsceneyouray, and, yes... Clitoris.

["Well, it sounded pretty when the doctor said it, and my wife Placenta likes it."]

Teletubbies: Laalaa

Guaranteed to get last place on our list (or anyone else's): ZZkora

I can't think of anything clever to write but these must be mentioned: Barbeli, Revo Cram, Feramorz, Glint, LaNondus, Wynante, Camera, Lecoya, AureJudd, NaNon, Bimberly, DavidO, Leumas ("Samuel" backwards), Ralphene, Shimber, T-vive, Synthi, CoJane, Nona-rene, Gaylawn, Txanton, LaZello, Daycal, Sancie D'Wan, RaVoe, Zenus, Gatobon, LaEarl, Trystal, AndiOdette, Serenity-Tabitha-Ann, Alexavier, X Y Zella, Bonquisha, Musser Cenia, Jubeltine, Oryeon, Shlori, Danlonaga, Zedwain, Casualeen, Young'n, Shambertine Crille, Canon, Malique, LeeWitt, Jazzeri, DeRaunz, Teru, Aaro, Divid, Cimemthymia, LaDonnaJosephrania, LaDeeDee, deRalph, MaddLynAlain, Vyquetoriya, Falycid, Rophis, Mick BonScott, Kaysional Tempest, Darianlelo, DeLaVerne, BoChe', Minnet, Kandle, Seena Tawnya, Dwodger, J Thoral, Xanderrick, Abcde, KNikkol, Demeatrice, LLean Shanalyn, Scytha Solena, HiDee

TOPICS: Humor; Other non-Christian
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To: Utah Girl
I don't doubt that you had a Bible.I know that Mormons include the Bible among the books they read. They are very different though. The point I was trying to make was that I never really heard about Jesus.I honestly never heard that Jesus died on the cross for me.I never heard that "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" I knew all about Joseph Smith, and his vision. Had a picture on my wall of it. It was when I was born again that I understood, and wanted to read the Bible.

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again John 3.3-7

On another thread I answered Grid about you Mormons distancing yourself from the Journal of Discourses. He said there was a clear process to make new scripture, or doctrine. This was my answer, and a very important thing for you to pay attention too.

What is the clear process by which new doctrine and scripture is excepted into your religion? In the Christian faith there is no new doctrine, or scripture.We are warned many times in the Bible not to except any new, or different doctrine. Not to add to, or take from the Bible.We are being warned not to listen to even an angel from heaven, or Paul himself if he tried to change that Gospel. This is a very serious thing. Scriptures worth repeating:

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an ANGEL from heaven, preach ANY OTHER GOSPEL unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.Galatians 1,6-9

For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works@ Cor.11,13-15

No I am not trying to decieve. I honestly believe that what Joseph Smith, and Brigham Young and others taught is very relevant to your religion. How can you except this man made religion without excepting what the the very men that made it have to say about it. CRAZY!! You have to see through your own protest? You want to pick, and choose depending on how socially exceptable their teaching is today.

281 posted on 01/28/2003 10:28:00 PM PST by Delphinium
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To: Utah Girl
Hope you feel better soon. Just remember this: LaDell LaDean LaVell LaVerl (Ok silly but so was the person who said this to mock some of the funny Utah names) :-)
282 posted on 01/28/2003 10:28:07 PM PST by CARepubGal (Liberals: what are they good for? Absolutely NOTHING!)
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To: Elsie
Whatever. I suspect that your comparing Jesus Christ to Baal will be brought up in your final interview with Him come judgement day.

Glad not to be in your shoes.

283 posted on 01/29/2003 5:51:24 AM PST by Illbay
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To: drstevej
If you "Christians" would stop pretending to be Christians, the problem would be solved forever.
284 posted on 01/29/2003 5:52:01 AM PST by Illbay
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To: BibChr
Do you ever pretend to be a Methodist? A Catholic? A Presbyterian?
285 posted on 01/29/2003 5:52:55 AM PST by Illbay
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To: Delphinium
The questions are answered. The answers are ignored. They just like continuing to ask the questions.

Something about hearing themselves talk.

286 posted on 01/29/2003 5:53:52 AM PST by Illbay
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To: Illbay; Wrigley; BibChr; Elsie; P-Marlowe; RnMomof7; CARepubGal
***If you "Christians" would stop pretending to be Christians, the problem would be solved forever.***

So I have a choice of: [1] dropping dead - post #229; or [2] stop pretending to be what I am - post #284 ... and you will be a happy camper?

Have you ever considered the real problem might be itchy temple undergarments?

There is a product here in Lousiana that is great for rashes...

BOUDREAUX'S BUTT PASTE is indicated as a diaper rash ointment, but "It's not just for diaper rash anymore"

Abrasions, Heat Rashes, Poison Ivy, Acne, Hemorrhoids, Poison Oak, Chafed Skin, Incontinent Rashes, Psoriasis, Chapped Lips, Jock Itch, Razor Burn, Feminine Irritation, Minor Burns, Rectal Itching, Fever Blisters, Oral Lesions, Shingles, Mormon Whining.

287 posted on 01/29/2003 6:37:24 AM PST by drstevej
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To: Utah Girl; drstevej; Elsie
Responding in reverse....

Oh, you misunderstand: I totally leave it up to the Lord Jesus Christ! As a believer in Jesus, I read what He says, I believe it, I affirm it. I would be an arrogant fool to do otherwise.

And He Himself affirms OT teaching that Mormonism denies — that there is but one God, and He has no equal. And He says through the apostle Paul that anyone, angel or human, no matter how nice — and some of the nicest folks I know have been Mormons — who perverts the Gospel as Mormonism does will be damned.

For me to say other than that those who embrace the teachings of the charlatan Joseph Smith are still under God's damning sentence would be to be arrogant and disbelieving towards God, and indifferent and unloving towards my fellow men.

Secondly, as a Christian, I certainly do not believe that "others can just say 'I'm saved and believe in Jesus Christ' and all their sins are forgiven them, regardless of how they live after that." No Biblical Christian believes that! If it is a heresy to say that we are saved by works (as Mormons do), it is no less a heresy to say we are saved by words. The Bible is crystal-clear on that fact.

We are saved by grace alone through faith alone; and the faith through which we are saved never remains alone. It shows itself in works which are the result (and not the cause) of salvation (Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 2:8-10). Anything that denies either factor is a damning heresy, whether Mormonism or libertinistic antinomianism.

If you do not repent and believe in the true, living Jesus Christ, you will be damned for your sins. Sin includes refusing to do what God says, and refusing to believe what God says. In any of our case, if we do as you do, and trust to any degree to our works, we are lost. I would be no less than you.

How Can I Know God?

288 posted on 01/29/2003 6:37:48 AM PST by BibChr (Jesus -- not our feelings -- is the truth!)
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To: CARepubGal; drstevej
I am so hurt! I want to be on your list! :-)

LOL! Keep trying, I'm sure there's room for you!

But just think of the agony of being #2!! So near, yet so far! They say the worst prize in a beauty contest is second place!


289 posted on 01/29/2003 6:39:04 AM PST by BibChr (Jesus -- not our feelings -- is the truth!)
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To: Illbay; drstevej; Elsie; CARepubGal
Do you ever pretend to be a Methodist? A Catholic? A Presbyterian?

Are you a circus knife-thrower? You ought to be able to turn your skill at missing into something profitable.

In fact, I don't pretend to be a Roman Catholic any more than I pretend to be a Mormon, and for the same reason.

I affirm that I am a Christian as surely as any saved Methodist or Presbyterian, because we agree on the fundamental teachings of the Bible.

We don't deny and twist them, as Mormonism does.

It is only stupidity or dishonesty that would lead one to disgrace himself by suggesting that Mormonism is just another Christian denomination, like Presbyterianism or Methodism.

One God?

Salvation by grace alone through faith in Jesus alone?

Your cult forces you to embarrass yourself. Lose the date, lose the shame.


290 posted on 01/29/2003 6:45:58 AM PST by BibChr (Jesus -- not our feelings -- is the truth!)
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To: Illbay; BibChr
I really think Dan (Bib Chr) needs consideration for first place on your "I wish they were all dead" list.

***Are you a circus knife-thrower? You ought to be able to turn your skill at missing into something profitable.***

You gotta admit, he has a way with words. I will switch places with him on the list if it is OK with you. Otherwise, he will just be incessant in seeking to out do me, and I know how hard that will be on you.
291 posted on 01/29/2003 6:51:34 AM PST by drstevej (the compassionate Calvinist)
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To: drstevej
You honor me, far beyond my accomplishments.

If elected, however, I will serve.

292 posted on 01/29/2003 6:53:17 AM PST by BibChr (Jesus -- not our feelings -- is the truth!)
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To: Illbay; Jean Chauvin
I also think you have slighted Jean by leaving him off the gift list for a free copy of...

293 posted on 01/29/2003 7:03:35 AM PST by drstevej (the compassionate Calvinist)
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To: Wrigley; drstevej
Evidently, the Mormons forget that CCWoody is still around.
294 posted on 01/29/2003 7:07:48 AM PST by CCWoody
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To: Illbay; CCWoody
Illbay, now you've aroused CC Woody.

Don't think that was wise.
295 posted on 01/29/2003 7:11:09 AM PST by drstevej (the compassionate Calvinist)
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To: Utah Girl
Have I lived the way he taught in the New Testament? That is what counts.

UG, that sounds an awful lot like it depends on WHAT you are DOING will determine your fate, instead of what HE has ALREADY done.

NIV John 4:37-39
 37.  Thus the saying `One sows and another reaps' is true.
 38.  I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor."
 39.  Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me everything I ever did."
NIV John 5:39-40
 39.  You diligently study  the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me,
 40.  yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
NIV John 6:27-29
 27.  Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval."
 28.  Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?"
 29.  Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." (Simple!)

296 posted on 01/29/2003 7:21:37 AM PST by Elsie (I trust in Jesus.... THOUSANDS OF EXISTING MANUSCRIPTS speak of Him!)
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To: Illbay


This is the best you can come up with to a reasoned reply, Whatever?

I'm not TOO worried!

KJV Matthew 12:31-32
31. Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
32. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

I would REALLY worry if I attributed something to the Holy Ghost, and it turned out not to be Him at all.

297 posted on 01/29/2003 7:28:00 AM PST by Elsie (I trust in Jesus.... THOUSANDS OF EXISTING MANUSCRIPTS speak of Him!)
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To: Illbay
Whatever. I suspect that your comparing Jesus Christ to Baal will be brought up in your final interview with Him come judgement day.

(you need to re-read MY #238 to see to what I was responding. I think you'll find that I did NOT compare Jesus to Baal.)

298 posted on 01/29/2003 7:34:15 AM PST by Elsie (I trust in Jesus.... THOUSANDS OF EXISTING MANUSCRIPTS speak of Him!)
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To: drstevej
Actually, right now, I'm still quite busy with the pastors conference by day and the church conference at night. However, I'd be more than happy to see if I can get nominated for the "Mormon death wish list" just as soon as I'm done playing with the Pentecostal holy babblers (yes, there actually was a babbler) & Methodists & Baptists & Church of Christ & others.
299 posted on 01/29/2003 7:36:39 AM PST by CCWoody
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To: BibChr
BibChr and other Bible-thumpers, translation by Illbay:

As a believer in Jesus, I read what He says several hundred years' worth of pseudo-Christian demagogues say that Christ said, I believe conform to it like a good little minion, I affirm it (so they won't hurt me). I would be an arrogant fool show some actual guts and fortitude to do otherwise--and I just don't got what it takes.

300 posted on 01/29/2003 7:49:51 AM PST by Illbay
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