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To: BlackElk

A couple of problems with this post to my mind.
Trump’s Mom did become an American citizen several years before his birth and the documentation is posted online. NBC= two citizen parents born on American soil.

Ideology is certainly important in a candidate but has no bearing on qualification to run. I disagree with you on Trump’s ideology and that’s neither here nor there.

We don’t know Cruz’s Mom’s citizenship at the time of Cruz’s birth which is why its relevant that the paperwork has been hidden since the paperwork would establish that fact as well as others.

All children born abroad with a citizen parent are not eligible to be recognized as American citizens, that’s why we have Statutes and the Statutes in effect at the time of birth are defining for any particular birth circumstances.

I think that it is inaccurate and disingenuous to blame Trump for the discord and fracturing of Free Republic. Debate is often contentious and angry but it is still the only way to have an open discourse. People in America are very worried, disheartened and frightened about our Country and her future. Of course there is going to be anger. Trump, in exposing the charade of current American Government, is serving as a lightning rod but without the exposure the rot would have continued to spread.

For that service alone, for taking the heat of 100’s of million $ of attack ads, Donald Trump has stood up for America and American at great personal cost, and deserves our thanks. Without Trump there would have been business as usual in Washington, fiddle players change but the country burns.

Perfect candidate no, but Donald has enunciated the concerns of millions of Americans and many of us believe that he is the only one who even wants to attempt to build the wall, take care of the vets, get NATO & the UN working fairly, restore American sovereignty and support our true allies, restore our infrastructure, get down the debt, balance the budget, remove Obamacare and open the Health Insurance marketplace across State lines, champion HSA accounts and remove Common Core.

So pardon me if I stand with Trump because in my opinion Cruz by his actions has shown he is just one more politician, in bed with the snakes and owned by them because of the money he has accepted and the secrets he needs hidden.

291 posted on 04/10/2016 9:22:53 AM PDT by JayGalt
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To: JayGalt

IF Cruz were eligible then there is no reason why Mitch the Senate would not pass a resolution for Cruz like the Senate did for lord McCain... Occasionally Mitch the Senate does get somethings correct.

“Mitch McConnell: Why no, the Senate won’t pass a resolution affirming Cruz’s eligibility like it did for McCain”

292 posted on 04/10/2016 9:27:32 AM PDT by Just mythoughts (Jesus said Luke 17:32 Remember Lot's wife.)
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To: JayGalt; MIA_eccl1212; Ladysforest
Good luck to you three and to America if you succeed. You and it will need it. The Wall Almighty is no substitute for the rich tapestry of conservatism on any and all issues. I am not going to stoop to Trump's level by pouring dump trucks of mud on him. I'll leave that to him and enjoy the rank embarrassment and anger of his zombies at leisure as our country swirls down the drain if y'all succeed in electing The Donald.

You can repeat your eccentric definition of NBC a million more times and it STILL won't be correct. If it were, it would be time to get such an embarrassment out of the constitution. This is NOT globalism. "Globalism," JayGalt, is wanting to see the United Nations "working fairly" rather than getting the hell out of the UN, cutting off its allowance and expelling it from the United States, and unilaterally abrogating any and all "treaty obligations" to it and most foreign nations. NATO's time has probably come and gone. Fortunately that definition of NBC is not valid and therefore we can live with the constitutional provision as is.

It was Hillary who invented this Birther nonsense out of whole cloth in her failed attempt to stop Obozo, whom I believe was born in Kenya because I believe his paternal and non-political grandma who claims to have been present at the birth there.

I knew Paul Manafort in Connecticut. He is enough of a talent to re-organize Trump's disaster of delegate management, maybe even to get Trump nominated, but he ought to be ashamed to associate himself with such a totally tawdry campaign. Of course, what is shame where megabucks and influence are involved?

Roger Stone, likewise. Stone is the sleaziest whore in American politics, on marriage #3 or more, formerly married to Anne Bitsy Weschke Stone who ran "Republicans for "Choice" with Roger's fund-raising assistance and there is a ton more where that came from.

All the mudslinging, all the lies, all the character assassination, all the evil on all sides will amount to little positive in the end. It sure is looking like midnight or worse in America.

When the convention meets in Cleveland, watch the following four individuals with whom I am acquainted. Three of them may be our last best hope and I only really admire one.

Paul Manafort who will run Trump's convention operations as best they can be run. He comes on board late when many blunders are already history. He is quite competent and grinds it out three yards at a time. Trump has chosen well in hiring him. A hunger for power and money are his Achilles' heel and are inconsistent with Trump's chosen image. He is very likely to perform well nonetheless.

Charlie Black who will run Kasich's convention efforts and will serve as the undertaker to Kasich's ambitions but maybe cut Kasich the best deal he can. Charlie is very capable but lacks adequate self-discipline to be all that his considerable talents would allow him to be. The Kasich campaign is a small stage on which Charlie may be able to surprise folks. I expect that Kasich is doomed in spite of having Charlie on board.

Roger Stone, in charge of disinformation and running the dancing bears and distractions in the streets to keep the public's attention far, far from reality. If Trump has two living brain cells to rub together, he will keep Roger a continent away from his campaign since Roger is an automatic embarrassment of Biblical proportions.

Finally, there is long-time Virginia Republican National Committeeman Morton Blackwell, the most experienced and principled and capable of the four. He is with Cruz.

Those four (or three if Stone is excluded or two if Black is also excluded) will sit down in any crisis, recognize reality and act accordingly. If, for any reason, they do not, you can kiss The Don and the Wall Almighty and the nation goodbye.

Conservatism will survive even if forced underground. One cannot say the same for Trump and his Amateur Hour. Manafort will survive no matter what. Unless he succeeds in making a very attractive deal, details to be determined, Trump will prove as lasting an historical force as The Barefoot Boy from Wall Street, another liberal amateur, Wendell Willke who was nominated and shellacked in 1940. When November rolls around, Trump will HEAR the magic words: You're Fired! Even if he takes fellow celebrity lightweight Kim Kardashian as his running mate.

You guys have not listened yet and you are quite unlikely to listen now or in the future.

Statutes are relevant only if they are enacted pursuant to the constitution. It seems that one's constitutional right to be regarded as an NBC is not a creature of statute. If Congress MUST pass a law conferring citizenship, it would be naturalized (after birth) citizenship.

As to those BORN as American citizens as was Cruz, Barry Goldwater, possibly George Romney, possibly Mitt Romney depending on whether his father was a citizen at all but his mother seemed to be a citizen, Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., Barack Insane Obozo, Congress lacks jurisdiction to "naturalize" those already citizens, i.e. born in the United States of parents not foreign diplomats, and/or at least ONE parent an American citizen. Chester Arthur was apparently born in Canada of Canadian citizens, not just accused of it by sleazy operators like Trump. The nation survived.

Lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit is filed against Cruz as against Obozo. None have substance. None succeed. Democrat judges throw them out. Republican judges dismiss them. Liberal judges, conservative judges. Either they are right or this is a conspiracy sooooo vast that the mind doth boggle.

Maybe if another 197,415,999 time and money-wasting lawsuits are filed, one, just one judge SOMEWHERE will agree with the Birthers before being overturned on appeal and then, by damn, Birtherism will have been VINDICATED AT LAST!!!!!!

When some sterling pristine NBC (according to strictest Birther fantasies) like Comrade Grandma or Comrade Grandpa is sworn in as POTUS next January, when the nation collapses on all of our heads, when SCOTUS is cemented permanently in the hands of baby-killing, marriage-destroying, gun-grabbing constitution destroying phonies, when a wall is built to keep us in rather than to keep THEM out, when the military is led by nothing but lavender queens, transgenders and snowflakes, when the re-education camps are opened for bikini-clad actual Americans in pup tents near Barrow, Alaska in the dead (and I do mean dead) of winter, when New York is re-named New Mecca and Houston, New Mexico City, you will at least rest smugly on your insistence on that all-important, world-beating, utterly vital NBC crap and know that Hillary or Bernie are, according to you and the others in fantasyland QUALIFIED to be POTUS. Putin and Muhammed el Kaboomski X several million will like totally agree, before the anti-personnel boms go off in a shopping mall near each of us.

My strong preference was Scott Walker whom you could not question on this NBC nonsense: born in Iowa of two American citizen parents but he was driven out by the usual Trumpster character assassination squad claiming that Scott Walker, of all people, was "GOP-E" when he is absolutely nothing of the sort and the very finest public office holder this country has seen in decades.

Your false god's campaign has left us with no candidate other than Cruz and, of course, The Don has left no slime unhurled to destroy Cruz, as before Cruz was perpetrated against Dr. Carson (accused of child molesting), against Marco Rubio (accused of not paying his bills, of being a teenaged lavender queen if not prostitute), against Carly Fiorina (look at that face!), and against any rival who has enjoyed significant support. Isn't it a joy to watch The Donald in automatic slime mode? Are you proud of his, ummmmm, standards? His manners? His courtesy? Isn't he just a guy you would be proud to have in the White House? Even more than Charles Manson?

With Trump, it is all meganegative all the time. There are virtually no reasons both desirable and credible for electing the Manhattan billionaire. Other than that Melania seems like a class act, presents a dignified persona, avoids political specifics and knows how to behave.

Cruz hid his mom's paperwork? Really? That's all you got? Two of you today are the first, at least to address that red herring about Trump's mother that I have regularly thrown out as bait for months now. As to both moms, WHO CARES?????

OK, Trump may win the nomination with his despicable tactics and more despicable track record. If the polls mean that he will win the nomination, they also mean he gets his ass kicked in November by such lowlifes as Hillary or Bernie. Satisfied? Well, of course, The Don is apparently now also an NBC at least just like Hillary and Bernie and only a smidgeon more qualified ideologically.

I also don't obsess over the false god of The Wall Almighty. We need it after the last eight years but it is fool's gold to trust The Donald to actually get it done and you can bet your bottom dollar that the Mexicans are not paying for it.

I don't like the trade deals but I also don't much care for trade wars such as the one that triggered The Great Depression. A modest promise to abrogate NAFTA, WTO, TPP and such will suffice and will help restore American sovereignty.

If Trump is all that is left in November other than Comrade Grandma or Comrade Grandpa, I will apply a vise to my nose and likely vote for him and feel an instant sense of profound shame. This is not yet a permanent decision. If against all odds, he is elected, and against even steeper odds, governs decently, I will be the first to admit I was wrong. I cannot realistically foresee having to do so. Far too many IFS between here and there.

Anything The Donald might do that is worthwhile is more than I expect of him. The best that can be said of him is that even he is not Moral Monster Mitt Romney. I do not want any part of sacrificing the conservative movement and therefore my nation on the altar of the false gods Donald Trump and the Wall Almighty.

How many Republicans will walk away in November unless Trump and his loveslaves clean up their acts? We shall see. Ask President McCain and President Romney how it works out when such realities are ignored.

The nut fudge is cooking up through the cracks in Comrade Grandma's skull as we speak. Hear her cackle. Hear her roar. She is the Demonrat Mitt Romney.

America was a great country while it lasted.

309 posted on 04/10/2016 3:37:02 PM PDT by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society: Rack 'em Danno!)
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