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FedGov Shutdown. So What? (Vanity)
Self ^ | March 23, 2018 | A Navy Vet

Posted on 03/23/2018 3:08:32 PM PDT by A Navy Vet

Now that President Trump didn't veto this monster spending bill, I believe it was more about the threat of Fedgov shutdown than the immediacy to re-build our military. He would be the target because of the MSM hating Trump, while those media outlets being a blatant supporter of all things Democrat/Liberal and even Socialism.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Editorial; Government; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: government; omnibusbill; shutdown
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Once I became more politically aware during the Clinton era, I've seen a number of these "devastating" Fegov shutdowns. I have never witnessed any detrimental long-term effects, and not even short-term.

Maybe I'm not as astute or aware as I think I am, but the only negative effects I remember is that "non-essential Fedgov employees" were given furloughs. That has always begged the same questions:

1. Why are there so many "non-essential" Fedgov employees?
2. With their above average pay, why were so many panicked if they didn't get a check for a few days, a week, two weeks when Congress is forced back in session?
3. They always have received their back pay, which amounts to extra paid vacation. Plus, they didn't lose their healthcare during the furlough.
4. What? The 50 States stopped functioning also? No, they didn't. They were not even effected.
5. Other than those on Fedgov payroll and DC Swamp Creatures, most didn't even notice that DC stopped operating for a short time.

Personally, I wanted all those shut-downs to last longer to prove DC is not as important as so many believe.

1 posted on 03/23/2018 3:08:33 PM PDT by A Navy Vet
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To: A Navy Vet

I have been informed by people who should know that our military is in sad shape, and that we are lagging behind the Russians in many key areas. Trump claimed he had to sign this bill because of the military component. I have no reason to think he is wrong here.

2 posted on 03/23/2018 3:11:30 PM PDT by theoilpainter
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To: A Navy Vet
I believe it was more about the threat of Fedgov shutdown than the immediacy to re-build our military.

No, it wasn't. The "re-build our military" crap is nothing more than political posturing -- and President Trump does that as much as any career politician does.

President Trump didn't veto the bill because his veto would be overridden by an embarrassing margin.

3 posted on 03/23/2018 3:12:39 PM PDT by Alberta's Child ("I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's.")
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To: A Navy Vet

It’s time for us to hate the MSM more than the MSM hates us.
The crash in Fakebook stock is a good start. NBC/Comcast should be boycotted till they bleed $$$.

4 posted on 03/23/2018 3:13:45 PM PDT by rfp1234 (I have already previewed this composition.)
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To: A Navy Vet
This is an old post from a few years ago.

Leviathan (Uncle Sam employs more people than you think)
National Review ^ | 02/03/2011 | Iain Murray
"...nearly 40 million Americans employed in some way by government."

And as accessed a long time ago,...

Heavy Hitters: Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2014
American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees $60,949,129 [Democrat] 81% [Republican] 1%”

That's what stops the President from cutting spending. If you want to see the solution have a look at the Debt Clock site. With a quick search, you can also find the Debt Clock for a state (real eye opener for many). The debt collapse will be the only solution.

5 posted on 03/23/2018 3:25:56 PM PDT by familyop ("Welcome to Costco. I love you." --Costco greeter in the movie, "Idiocracy")
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To: Alberta's Child

You nailed it. MSM has nothing to do with it, as Trump swims in media hatred like a dolphin. When the president is opposed by his own party in both houses of government, there’s not much he can do that requires their input.

6 posted on 03/23/2018 3:26:51 PM PDT by sparklite2 (See more at Sparklite Times)
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To: A Navy Vet; unkus; SkyPilot; HarleyLady27; ZULU; MamaDearest; bevperl; seekthetruth; NFHale; Liz; ..

I have nothing but total trust in President Trump. We don’t know why he signed the RAT/RINO treasonous garbage bill today, but I’m sure he had his reason(s). Why, we don’t know yet. Ryan and McConnell have their dirty RINO hands all over it. I believe Donald J. Trump was sent by God to rescue this nation and I still believe that firmly. President Trump can’t do this alone. It is up to us to rid the Congress of all the RATs and RINOs. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell together don’t have 1/20 of the nads of President Trump. 95% of the GOP are worthless bottom feeders just like 100% of the RATs in Congress. Those we can trust in Congress can be counted on two hands. The rest are spineless, gutless, self-serving, amoral leeches. They’re all traitors to this nation. They don’t give a damn about our Constitution, our security, our economy, our future. They sold their souls to Satan for power and money. They’re no better than any dictator in history.

In war, one has to crawl in the enemies gutter and fight them meaner. One has to always be one step ahead of their enemies as well. Thanks to President Trump, we now see and know who our enemies are.

Sitting home and crying over this bill isn’t an option. Get out there and vote the bottom-feeding scum out of office; all of them. Start digging their dirt and exposing them 24/7.

There is no one, I repeat, NO ONE, better to serve this nation than Donald J. Trump. And, there is no one who loves this nation any more than President Trump. He has stood up to all the back-stabbing Deep State and RATs. Could you? If you think otherwise, I suggest you do some really deep soul searching and come up with your ideal candidate. Only God would be that candidate!

7 posted on 03/23/2018 3:28:01 PM PDT by ExTexasRedhead
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To: Alberta's Child

[ President Trump didn’t veto the bill because his veto would be overridden by an embarrassing margin. ]

Could be. I wish it was all back on Congress though.

8 posted on 03/23/2018 3:28:17 PM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: ExTexasRedhead

Thank you. Well said. This is a lot bigger than 6 months of government funding.

9 posted on 03/23/2018 3:30:20 PM PDT by nesnah (Liberals - the petulant children of politics)
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To: A Navy Vet
Disclaimer: I am not giving up on Pres. Trump, but know the following before you attack.

Once he won the primaries, I re-thought my take on him. I was impressed, even though I still wish he were more articulate. I realized that his populist/strategic vision is why he won out against the MSM backed shoe-in Hillary machine. I knew then, America was having a real revolution back to what has worked since our founding.

Like another poster has repeatedly said on these threads, he has fulfilled many of his campaign promises and continues to try. President Trump has done a lot of good stuff in his short time. Some say even more than President Reagan.

That said, I still wish he would have stood firm on this pork-laden Omnibus bill. Although, there is no such thing as a line-veto, he could have insisted time for his staff to review it and line out items and send it back to Congress with the threat of a veto.

I agree with many here that the GOP leadership is feckless and needs to be replaced and is the main problem.

You folks who say you're not going to vote in November this year, are just building your own noose.

10 posted on 03/23/2018 3:33:59 PM PDT by A Navy Vet (I'm not Islamophobic - I'm Islamonauseous. Plus LGBTQxyz nauseous.)
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To: A Navy Vet

At least the President’s people are trying to strengthen our national defense—especially our nuclear defense. They’ve snuffed out quite a few anti-defense leaks, too.

One of the best surprises in recent years has been the increased interest in firearms and training. Anyone who really considers the magnitude of it knows that it’s our greatest defense against occupation by any foreign army. Attempts to invade and occupy will certainly follow nuclear exchanges.

11 posted on 03/23/2018 3:37:02 PM PDT by familyop ("Welcome to Costco. I love you." --Costco greeter in the movie, "Idiocracy")
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To: A Navy Vet
"You folks who say you're not going to vote in November this year, are just building your own noose."

I second that. From the negative chatter on some of these discussion boards, Democrats are more sure that they will easily pass laws to confiscate weapons for one. For another, with a simple majority in the House, they'll impeach the President.

12 posted on 03/23/2018 3:41:11 PM PDT by familyop ("Welcome to Costco. I love you." --Costco greeter in the movie, "Idiocracy")
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To: theoilpainter
"I have been informed by people who should know that our military is in sad shape, and that we are lagging behind the Russians in many key areas. Trump claimed he had to sign this bill because of the military component. I have no reason to think he is wrong here."

I just don't understand the immediacy this week. May be he thinks we're going to war, we don't know. I'm just dismayed that he signed a last minute bill without ANYONE knowing what the details are. Remember Pelosi's Obamacare, "We need to pass it, so see what's in it"? I never thought Trump would do the same.

Plus, he could have used his political capital to insist on a separate Military Strength Act or something to that effect in a few months. This was bad move and weakens his position with the opposition.

13 posted on 03/23/2018 3:48:24 PM PDT by A Navy Vet (I'm not Islamophobic - I'm Islamonauseous. Plus LGBTQxyz nauseous.)
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To: Alberta's Child
"President Trump didn't veto the bill because his veto would be overridden by an embarrassing margin."

A lot of debate about that, so not sure. Even if so, the Dims and Pubs would have owned it. President Trump has weakened his future negotiating position, which is a surprise. The Dims can smell blood in the water.

14 posted on 03/23/2018 3:52:32 PM PDT by A Navy Vet (I'm not Islamophobic - I'm Islamonauseous. Plus LGBTQxyz nauseous.)
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To: A Navy Vet

I understand what you are saying, and my response is that Trump, who is no shrinking violet, must have his reasons.

Funny thing here is that during the campaign, I was sharply critical of Trump on this board and even was place on “posting probation” for some of my comments. Posters here were very harsh responding to my posts. I didn’t vote for him in the primary, and only voted for him in the general to save us from Clinton. My point then was that I am a conservative, and Trump was not.

Now, I’m actually warming up to him. Were the primary tomorrow, I’d vote for him in an instant. Oddly, those here who were most critical of me on FR are cooling towards Trump and seemingly want his scalp.

Will we ever be on the same page?

15 posted on 03/23/2018 4:11:56 PM PDT by theoilpainter
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To: theoilpainter

The way things are going in “The Swamp” these days, I had great hopes the murky waters would be somewhat drained.

If ever there was a “need” I would love to see Trump issue and EO demanding that EVERY federal department downsizes immediately by 5-7% without ANY EXCEPTIONS. I can wish can’t I?

16 posted on 03/23/2018 4:31:16 PM PDT by DaveA37
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To: DaveA37

A government shutdown wouldn’t be noticed for several days. It needs “testing” to determine the overall impact.

17 posted on 03/23/2018 4:33:24 PM PDT by DaveA37
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To: DaveA37

Yes, except for Defense and NASA.

18 posted on 03/23/2018 4:44:41 PM PDT by theoilpainter
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To: familyop
"The debt collapse will be the only solution."

"The way to destroy a nation is with debt"....a fact. The other way also on going is through Propaganda....reading many threads today on FR, the 'signing of that bill" I hear enormous whining, threats, disgust etc. all the emotions the Progressive, Resists'er, No Trumpe'rs, lead by the trumpting of Schumer and his merry band of lobbyists are hoping to hear...they want so badly to be back in power.....

President Trump has been since day one faced with abuses from the GOP elitests, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, Janus faced Americans doing government work .....when did this nation become so corrupt, it isn't just government it is our universities, colleges, the Pentagon, the VA, EPA, the list is truly long.....

Most Americans are still good, hard working, God fearing people...who have been ignored even lied about through the media and badly taught in our schools.

President Trump is the first President in a long time who is trying his best against all odds to lead the country into the future with a true semblance to the real USA.

Go Trump!

19 posted on 03/23/2018 5:20:52 PM PDT by yoe
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To: A Navy Vet

I suspect one of his unspoken reasons was that he did not want to perturb the forward motion of his snow-balling battle against the deep State — just as it’s actually starting to roll...

20 posted on 03/23/2018 5:29:51 PM PDT by TXnMA ("Allah": Satan's current alias; "0bama": Allah's stooge; "Moderate Muslims": Allah's useful idiots.)
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