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Electoral College Breakdown 2004, June 30th Update
ECB 2004 ^ | 6/30/04

Posted on 06/30/2004 7:52:15 PM PDT by Dales

I Wouldn't Touch It With a 10 Foot Poll

Yeah, But...

Ed Goeas is a Republican pollster with The Tarrance Group. Celinda Lake is a Democrat pollster with Lake, Snell, Perry & Associates. In election years, they collaborate on the Battleground Poll, which is now sponsored by George Washington University. The Battleground Poll is my personal favorite. In 1992 and 1996, it was the most accurate poll on the Presidential election. In 2000, they had a bit of an off year, coming up 3.5 points off-- still well within the margin of error (and since tracking polls that continued after the final Battleground 2000 Poll was released showed movement towards Gore, this is understandable; a poll is going to have a hard time measuring movement that occurs after it is taken). It is an impressive record.

That the poll has a respected expert associated with each party gives an extra level of confidence that nothing in the poll, from the script used to the sampling method to the likely voter model, is clouded by partisan bias. Further, the entire calling script and all of the collected data are made available for analysis. Simply put, there is a lot with the poll to like.

But the real treat with the Battleground Poll releases is the Republican strategic analysis by Ed Goeas and the Democratic Strategic Analysis by Celinda Lake. This year, each has done a bang-up job covering most of the interesting and truly revealing numbers in the poll. And as always, each has done so served with a healthy dose of spin. However, not all spin is equal, and theirs is the best kind; they use the truth honestly to paint an optimistic but realistic picture for their side. One does not find dishonesty in their essays.

That does not mean that either side's analysis should be taken at face value. As I read their work, a single phrase kept popping into my head repeatedly. As the title of this article may have given away, that phrase was "Yeah, but..."

Ed Goeas starts by looking at three indicators that over time have proven to be good predictors of which party will emerge victorious. The first is "Presidential job approval". He writes, "in modern presidential politics every incumbent president who had a job approval rating of fifty percent (50%) or better at this point of the campaign went on to win re-election in November." He presents a chart showing the last Gallup release for June in the previous four re-election campaigns:

Name Date Approval Disapproval
Jimmy Carter 6/27-30/80 31% 58%
Ronald Reagan 6/30-7/2/84 53% 37%
George H.W. Bush 6/26-7/1/92 38% 55%
Bill Clinton 6/27-30/96 52% 42%

He then presents Battleground's numbers for this year, which show President Bush having a 51% approval rating (and a 48% disapproval rating). Yeah, but... that was in a Battleground poll, and it is being benchmarked to Gallup polls. The 6/21-23/04 Gallup poll has Bush's approval number at 48% (and a 49% disapproval). The two defeated Presidents had an average disapproval rating of 56.5%, and the two successfully re-elected had an average disapproval of 37.5%. George W. Bush's is right in between. However, it is true that the two defeated incumbents had significantly lower approval ratings.

The second indicator Mr. Goeas examines is the results to the question, "who would do a better job keeping America prosperous?" According to Mr. Goeas, the Democrats have never taken the White House unless they had a lead of seven-points or better on this measurement; currently President Bush has a one-point advantage over Senator Kerry. Yeah, but... Mr. Kerry did have that 7 point lead back in March, so it is very possible that come election day he will have recovered whatever ground he has lost if the perception of the economy sours.

The third indicator is the unaided ballot question; which candidate is named by a greater percentage of voters when no names are offered (so the interviewee must know the candidate's name). Bush holds a 1.8% lead in this measure. Yeah, but... that is well within the margin of error, and less than the advantage Bush had in March over Kerry, and over Gore almost all the way up to Election Day.

Mr. Goeas then turns his attention to the economy, and points to several measures indicating how the President's standing on these questions has started to improve. Mr. Goeas notes, "public perception about the economy is very slow to move-- generally it is assumed that both good economic news and bad economic news takes about six months to be factored into the people's vote equation." Yeah, but... what generally happens does not always happen. The economy really started picking up steam 8 months ago, and it has yet to factor into people's vote equation at the topline; already the impact that generally happens is two months behind schedule. It is possible that that this means that for 8 months hence, the numbers will move in the President's favor. It is also possible that the Democrats will find a way to forestall the impact, either by keeping the focus on Iraq or Abu Grahib.

Celinda Lake starts her analysis talking about how turnout is going to be key, and suggests that Kerry has an edge because 80% of Kerry's supporters are extremely likely to vote, as compared to 77% of President Bush's, according to the Battleground Poll. Yeah, but... given the margin of error, that is a statistically insignificant difference, and at this point in 2000 Bush had a significant advantage over Gore yet lost the popular vote. Further, the Democrats' lead in voter self-identification has disappeared, which suggests that the idea of a turnout-primed Democratic machine may be a bit of a stretch.

Ms. Lake then proceeds to talk about how no Presidential incumbent with a job approval rating so low has gone on to win re-election. Yeah, but... the very same point she makes can be said in the exact opposite direction. No President with a job approval rating so high has gone on to lose re-election. Those who have lost have had a lower approval rating by 10 points at this stage.

Ms. Lake also makes several points about independents, which is the group she claims will decide the election ("independent voters... will determine the outcome of this election). Yeah, but... earlier she claimed that turnout would be the key. But that is a minor quibble. She stresses many metrics involving these independent voters, mentioning how in the survey Kerry leads among them by 8 points, how his net job approval rating is slightly negative among them, and how by a 15% margin they want to see someone new get a chance to be President. Yeah, but... the poll shows that only 15% of the sample self-identifies as independents. In a sample of 1000 likely voters, that means a sub sample of independents of about 150. That works out to an approximate margin of error of +/-8%, meaning that all of the margins and gaps she mentions for independents are well within the margin of error for that sub sample.

Ms. Lake mentions how Republicans seem out of step with Democrats and independents on the state of the economy. "In fact, aside from Republicans, a solid majority of every subgroup of voters is negative about the state of the economy." She notes that voters who rate the economy as "fair" support Kerry by a margin of 27 points, and those who rate it as "poor" support him by a margin of 72%. Yeah, but... despite that, Kerry is just running even with the President. More importantly, the percentage of voters who rate the economy as poor dropped 8 points from the March Battleground poll, as did the percentage of voters who rate it as fair. If that trend continues it will be hard for Kerry to keep his standing.

Ms. Lake points out that the number one economic concern for voters is jobs, with 62% of voters saying jobs and unemployment are their top concerns about the economy. Mr. Goeas points out that this is in line with the percentage that said last November that jobs would be their main criteria for judging the economy. Yeah, but... the economy has been adding jobs at an impressive rate. Is it really good news for Kerry that voters say their primary economic concern is something that is improving?

As would be expected for a poll showing the race tied, conducted by a bipartisan tandem, and accompanied by dueling partisan write-ups, there is something for everyone in the Battleground Poll. It is ironic that the party associated with conservatism, the Republicans, would benefit from change (in voters' perception of the state of the economy), while the party identified with progressivism, the Democrats, needs to fight against such change and maintain the status quo, and then some. Either way, the Democrats remain in the unenviable position of having to hope for bad things to happen- things that are out of their control.

This Week's Polling Updates Overview

Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Indiana, Connecticut, and Florida all produced results that were similar to what one would expect for them. Arizona, Oklahoma, Maine, and Wisconsin all showed some better results for the President. This could be an indication that the race is starting to move, but it is too soon to tell. Despite this, in the ECB Classic view this week benefitted Kerry as some of the more Bush-favorable Zogby Interactive polls were superceded. In an interesting development, the calculated popular result declined for both candidates, continuing a three week trend; could it be that more people are becoming undecided?

The battlegrounds:

State 2000 Result Media Battleground Current Status
New Jersey Gore +16 No Kerry, Lean
Iowa Gore +0.3 Yes Kerry, Lean
Oregon Gore +0.4 Yes Kerry, Slight
New Hampshire Bush +1 Yes Kerry, Slight
Minnesota Gore +2 Yes Kerry, Slight
West Virginia Bush +6 Yes Kerry, Slight
Michigan Gore +5 Yes Tossup
Ohio Bush +4 Yes Tossup
Pennsylvania Gore +4 Yes Tossup
Wisconsin Gore +0.2 Yes Tossup
New Mexico Gore +0.06 Yes Tossup
Florida Bush +0.01 Yes Bush, Slight
Arkansas Bush +5 Yes Bush, Slight
Virginia Bush +8 No Bush, Slight
Nevada Bush +4 Yes Bush, Lean
Arizona Bush +6 Yes Bush, Lean
Missouri Bush +3 Yes Bush, Lean

The scoreboard:

Result With Tossups
ECB Bush 203, Kerry 200 Bush 259, Kerry 209
ECB Classic Kerry 221, Bush 188 Bush 269, Kerry 269
ECB Classic Sans Zogby Interactive Bush 230, Kerry 220 Bush 282, Kerry 252
Calculated National Result Bush 44.9%, Kerry 43.8%

For the trends, the changes in each are as follows:

ECB Bush unchanged, Kerry unchanged Bush +10, Kerry -17
ECB Classic Bush -26, Kerry -15 Bush -16, Kerry +16
ECB Classic Sans Zogby Interactive Bush +4, Kerry +16 With tossups: Bush +11, Kerry -11
Calculated National Result Bush -0.3%, Kerry -0.4%

F Ohio
Electoral Votes: 20
2000 Result
Bush 50%
Gore 46%

Background: Since Truman, Ohio has gone Democrat three times. Carter edged Ford by an extremely slim margin, and Clinton won twice, both times relying on Perot heavily.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
2/7/03 Ohio Poll Link RV 4% Bush 59% Unnamed Democrat 36% Bush +23
9/19/03 Ohio Poll Link RV 4% Bush 57% Kerry 38% Bush +19
3/16/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 41% Kerry 45% Kerry +4
3/24/04 Ohio Poll Link 632 RV 3.9% Bush 44% Kerry 46% Kerry +2
4/2/04 Columbus Dispatch Link 3,344 RV 2% Bush 46% Kerry 45% Bush +1
5/13/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
5/24/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 4.1% Bush 44.8% Kerry 49.4% Kerry +4.6
5/25/04 Mason-Dixon Link 1500 RV 3% Bush 47% Kerry 41% Bush +6
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 44% Bush +2
6/6/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 2.1% Bush 49.1% Kerry 46.3% Kerry +2.8
6/8/04 LA Times Link 722 RV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 45% Kerry +3
6/21/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 2.5% Bush 50.5% Kerry 45.1% Bush +5.4%
6/23/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 49% Kerry +6
6/23/04 Fox Opinion Dynamics Link 750 RV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 41% Bush +4
* Zogby Interactive polls involve a self-selected group of respondants, and as such are highly suspect. They are considered extremely little (if at all) within the ECB.

Punditry: Right back to Tossup with the conflicting polls.

F Oklahoma
Electoral Votes: 7
2000 Result
Bush 60%
Gore 38%

Background: Republicans have won every election here since LBJ.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
3/1/04 Wilson Research NA 300 RV 5.7% Bush 50% Kerry 40% Bush +10
4/1/04 Insider Advantage Link 400 Residents 5% Bush 47% Kerry 35% Bush +12
5/20/04 Wilson Research Link 500 RV 4% Bush 53% Kerry 34% Bush +19
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 58% Kerry 34% Bush +24
6/23/04 SurveyUSA Link 651 LV 4% Bush 60% Kerry 34% Bush +26

Punditry: It was not all that long ago that Oklahoma was showing signs of being competitive. If that was just a pair of funky polls or if it was real, it no longer appears that there is any chance of Oklahoma being anything but a rout.

SurveyUSA, in their writeups, usually shows the results for both certain voters and probable voters, with them combined to make likely voters. Bush gets 10% more support from certain voters than from probable voters.

Safe for Bush.

F Michigan
Electoral Votes: 17
2000 Result
Gore 51%
Bush 46%

Background: 2-5-3 in the last ten elections. Without Perot, it likely would have been 2-6-2. Since Lyndon Johnson, only Reagan in his re-elect has approached 60%. Michigan has gone from leaning Bush to having a slight advantage for the Democrats. Republicans have 9 of 15 Representatives, Democrats hold both Senate seats, while Republicans hold both houses of the state legislature. The state executive is split; Democrats hold the Governor and Lt. Governor positions while Republicans have the Secretary of State and Attorney General slots.

Michigan has gone from leaning Bush to having a slight advantage for the Democrats. Republicans have 9 of 15 Representatives, Democrats hold both Senate seats, while Republicans hold both houses of the state legislature. The state executive is split; Democrats hold the Governor and Lt. Governor positions while Republicans have the Secretary of State and Attorney General slots.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
5/26/03 Epic/MRA Link 400 RV 5% Bush 48% Unnamed Democrat 41% Bush +7
9/21/03 Mitchell Research Link 600 LV 4% Bush 44% Unnamed Democrat 49% Dem +5
12/10/03 Survey USA Link 724 LV 3.7% Bush 53% Kerry 43% Bush +10
2/3/04 Survey USA Link 724 LV 3.7% Bush 46% Kerry 51% Dem +5
2/22/04 Epic/MRA Link 600 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 49% Dem +4
3/1/04 Mitchell Link LV 4% Bush 40% Kerry 46% Kerry +6
3/14/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 44% Kerry 48% Kerry +4
3/14/04 Marketing Resource Group Link 600 RV 4.1% Bush 47% Kerry 45% Bush +2
4/1/04 Epic/MRA Link 600 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
4/4/04 Survey USA Link 536 LV 4.3% Bush 41% Kerry 51% Kerry +10
5/2/04 Survey USA Link 536 LV 4.3% Bush 43% Kerry 47% Kerry +4
5/12/04 Mitchell Link 413 LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 40% Bush +4
5/24/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 4% Bush 41.2% Kerry 49.5% Kerry +8.3
5/31/04 Survey USA Link 567 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 47% Kerry +4
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 47% Kerry +6
6/6/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 2.6% Bush 45.1% Kerry 49.1% Kerry +4.0
6/6/04 Epic/MRA Link 600 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
6/21/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 3.2% Bush 46.8% Kerry 46.1% Bush +0.7%
6/23/04 Fox Opinion Dynamics Link 750 LV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 40% Bush +2
* Zogby Interactive polls involve a self-selected group of respondants, and as such are highly suspect. They are considered extremely little (if at all) within the ECB.

Punditry: Also playing into my thinking are some of the Rasmussen premium numbers. Michigan is polling extremely tightly, fluctuating around the dead-even mark. Tossup.

F Pennsylvania
Electoral Votes: 21
2000 Result
Gore 51%
Bush 46%

Background: Democrats have won this state 6 of the last 10 elections, with the first of Clinton's wins being attributable to Ross Perot being on the ballot (19%). Typically, the races in the Keystone state have been close. Pennsylvania started as leaning Bush last time, but has drifted to where it has a slight advantage for the Democrats. Republicans hold a 12-7 advantage in the numbers of Representatives, and hold both Senate seats. They also hold both chambers of the state legislature. The Democrats hold the major executive branch positions except for Attorney General, and have a significant registration advantage (48%-42%).

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
5/13/03 Quinnipiac Link 952 RV 3.2% Bush 56% Kerry 34% Bush +22
10/9/03 Quinnipiac Link 1,116 RV 3% Bush 50% Kerry 43% Bush +7
11/23/03 Muhlenberg College Link 430 RV 4.7% Bush 47% Kerry 40% Bush +7
12/14/03 Quinnipiac Link 1,092 RV 3% Bush 50% Kerry 42% Bush +8
2/18/04 Quinnipiac Ling 1,356 RV 2.7% Bush 45% Kerry 50% Dem +5
2/22/04 Keystone Poll Link 392 RV 4.9% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Dem +1
3/?/04 Muhlenberg College Link RV ?% Bush ?% Kerry ?% Push
3/3/04 Pennsylvania Public Mind Link 1750 Adults 2.4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
3/11/04 Survey USA Link 802 RV 3.5% Bush 47% Kerry 49% Kerry +2
3/15/04 Qunnipiac Link 1,022 RV (Nader not given as an option) 3 Bush 44% Kerry 45% Kerry +1
3/15/04 Qunnipiac Link 1,022 RV (Nader given as an option) 3% Bush 44% Kerry 40% Bush +4
3/16/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 44% Kerry 45% Kerry +1
3/29/04 Keystone Poll Link 565 RV 4.1% Bush 46% Kerry 40% Bush +6
4/19/04 Quinnipiac Link 769 RV, Nader not an option 3.5% Bush 46% Kerry 42% Bush +4
4/19/04 Quinnipiac Link 769 RV, Nader an option 3.5% Bush 45% Kerry 39% Bush +6
4/25/04 Pew Research Link 867 RV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 42% Push
5/3/04 Bennett, Petts, And Blumenthal (D) Link LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 49% Kerry +6
5/7/04 Susquehanna Polling (R) Link 650 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 44% Bush +2
5/14/04 Muhlenberg College Link 400 RV 5% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
5/24/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 3% Bush 42.6% Kerry 50.8% Kerry +8.2
5/25/04 Quinnipiac Link 701 LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 44% Kerry +3
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 45% Kerry 44% Bush +1
6/6/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 3.6% Bush 44.9% Kerry 51.5% Kerry +5.6
6/9/04 SurveyUSA Link 684 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
6/21/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 3.4% Bush 44.7% Kerry 51.7% Kerry +7.0%
6/22/04 Quinnipiac Link 839 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 44% Kerry +1
6/22/04 Quinnipiac Link 839 RV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 49% Kerry +6
6/23/04 Fox Opinion Dynamics Link 750 RV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 41% Bush +5
* Zogby Interactive polls involve a self-selected group of respondants, and as such are highly suspect. They are considered extremely little (if at all) within the ECB.

Punditry: Also playing into my thinking are some Rasmussen premium numbers. The picture in Pennsylvania is fuzzy, with the center point being a tie. Tossup.

F Wisconsin
Electoral Votes: 10
2000 Result
Gore 47.83%
Bush 47.61%

Background: I got the *BLEEP* kicked out of me in Wisconsin. Oh wait, sorry. Stripes flashback. Reagan won here twice. Nixon won here three times. LBJ and Carter (against Ford) won here, and then the Democrats have taken the last four elections here. The first of Clinton's wins would have been a loss for him without Perot.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
5/03 Badger Poll Link Adults 4% Bush 53% Unnamed Democrat 42% Bush +11
10/28/03 Badger Poll Link Adults 4% Bush 46% Unnamed Democrat 45% Bush +1
1/27/04 Badger Poll Link Adults 4% Bush 38% Unnamed Democrat 54% Dem +16
3/24/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 43% Unnamed Democrat 46% Kerry +3
3/31/04 Badger Poll Link 500 Adults, Nader not an option 4% Bush 47% Kerry 41% Bush +6
3/31/04 Badger Poll Link 500 Adults, Nader an option 4% Bush 49% Kerry 45% Bush +4
4/21/04 Wisconsin Public Radio / St. Norbert College Survey Center Link 358 RV 5% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
4/28/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV, Nader not an option 4.5% Bush 42% Kerry 50% Kerry +8
4/28/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV, Nader an option 4.5% Bush 41% Kerry 45% Kerry +4
4/28/04 Badger Poll Link 511 Adults 4.5% Bush 50% Kerry 38% Bush +12
5/9/04 Lake, Snell, Perry & Associates (D) Link ? ? Bush 40% Kerry 49% Kerry +9
5/24/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 3.4% Bush 43.7% Kerry 51.9% Kerry +8.2
6/6/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 3.9% Bush 44.5% Kerry 50.4% Kerry +5.9
6/8/04 LA Times Link 694 RV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 42% Bush +2
6/21/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 4.0% Bush 46.2% Kerry 50.6% Kerry +4.4%
6/23/04 Badger Poll Link 504 Adults, Nader an option 4% Bush 46% Kerry 42% Bush +4
* Zogby Interactive polls involve a self-selected group of respondants, and as such are highly suspect. They are considered extremely little (if at all) within the ECB.

Punditry: Interesting writeup by the Journal-Sentinel:

In key respects, the race is almost exactly where it was three months ago.

In a Badger Poll done March 23-31, 46% of Wisconsin adults thought President Bush was doing a good or excellent job.

Today it's 47%.

Back then, 45% said they would like to see Bush re-elected.

Today it's 43%.

Back then, 52% had a favorable impression of Bush, 41% unfavorable.

Today it's 52% favorable, 42% unfavorable.

Back then, 37% had a favorable impression of John Kerry, 34% unfavorable.

Today it's 36% favorable, 36% unfavorable.

Back then, in a three-way matchup, Bush had a small lead over Kerry - 47% to 41% - with independent Ralph Nader at 5%.

The new poll, of 504 voting-age adults surveyed June 15-23, is almost identical: Bush 46%, Kerry 42%, Nader 5%. That lead is within the margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Why is this interesting? Because it totally ignores the fact that the March 23-31 survey was not the most recent Badger Poll. Either that one was an outlier, as many believed, or the story is that Bush had grabbed a big lead that has shrunk back. I think they went with the right story, and that poll was an outlier. Either way, this confirms the L.A. Times poll that suggested that Bush has improved his standing in Wisconsin (the Gore state that Larry Sabato says is the one most likely to go to Bush this time). Slight Advantage for Bush.

Electoral Votes: 9
2000 Result
Bush 51%
Gore 42%

Background: Colorado is generally considered to be winnable for the Democrats, but historically this has proven to be a solid GOP bastion. Only three times since Franklin Delano Roosevelt was President has a Democrat carried this state (Truman, Johnson, and Clinton against Bush- with a big thanks to Perot taking 23% of the tally).

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
9/8-10/03 Colorado Democratic Party NA RV 4% Bush 42% Unnamed Democrat 35% Bush +7
12/15-16/03 Public Opinion Strategies NA LV 4.9% Bush 46% Unnamed Democrat 36% Bush +10
3/16/04 McLauglin & Associates (R) NA 500 LV 4.5% Bush 46% Kerry 42% Bush +4
4/2/04 Public Opinion Strategies Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 49% Kerry 40% Bush +9
4/14/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 49% Kerry 44% Bush +5
6/18/04 Mason-Dixon Link 500 RV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 43% Bush +5

Punditry: A five point lead in a registered voter poll suggests that Colorado, despite some media play, has not really moved since 2000 and remains Leaning Towards Bush.

F Mississippi
Electoral Votes: 6
2000 Result
Bush 58%
Gore 41%

Background: Mississippi is a southern state first, second, and last. JFK finished behind Henry Byrd here. George Wallace won the state by more than a 2-1 margin over the second place finisher. The only Democrat to win since 1956? Jimmy Carter over Gerald Ford-- and Carter came very close to beating Reagan here. But as the Democrats have moved left, Mississippi has been willing to cast votes for Yankee Republicans, as Clinton lost both times here.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
12/22/03 Associated Press Link RV 4% Bush 49% Unnamed Democrat 29% Bush +20
4/21/04 Mississippi State University Link 300 LV 5.8% Bush 61.2% Kerry 30.0% Bush +31.2%

Punditry: It is a huge margin of error, and it is already slightly dated, but even with those factors it reinforces the obvious: Bush is going to win Mississippi. Safe for Bush.

Electoral Votes: 11
2000 Result
Bush 57%
Gore 41%

Background: This is a Republican state. While LBJ did beat Goldwater, you have to go back to Franklin Roosevelt's second election to find another instance of the Democrats carrying the state. With significant help from Perot, Clinton twice got within 6-7%, but beyond that the closest it has been is when Carter was within 8% of Ford.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
2/15/04 SurveyUSA Link 525 RV 4.2% Bush 51% Unnamed Democrat 45% Bush +6
3/24/04 Bellwether Poll Link 600 LV 4.0% Bush 52% Kerry 37% Bush +15
5/19/04 Selzer & Co. Link 540 LV 4% Bush 54% Kerry 33% Bush +21
6/21/04 Bellwether Poll Link 600 LV 4% Bush 52% Kerry 36% Bush +16

Punditry: Essentially unchanged from the March Bellwether poll. When the results are limited to those who are certain about who they will vote, the results are even more stark: Bush 44%, Kerry 27%. Also notable in this poll: Mitch Daniels has opened up a 5 point lead over Joe Kernan. Safe for Bush.

Thanks again to BlackRazor who has been making my job here incredibly easy.

Electoral Votes: 27
2000 Result
Bush 48.85%
Gore 48.84%

Background: Despite the best efforts of the results-oriented Florida Supreme Court, Bush held on to win the state in 2000, just as every recount conducted afterwards validated. Did you know that since 1948, though, that only three times has Florida gone for the Democrat candidate? Johnson got 51%, Carter got 52%, and Clinton (2nd term) got 48% (with Perot taking 9%). More times than not, the Republican has come closer to 60%. Why Bush underperformed here to such a degree is something his campaign must rectify.

In the first ECB of 2000, Florida was listed as a battleground with a slight advantage to Gore. This time around, it is starting with a slight advantage for Bush. Florida has 6 Democrat Representatives and 18 Republicans. Both chambers of the state legislature are controlled by the Republicans. Republicans control most of the executive branch. However, both Senate seats are held by Democrats. As of Dec. 1, 2003, the state registration was 41.9% Democrat and 38.6% Republican.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
4/29/03 Mason-Dixon Link RV 5% Bush 53% Unnamed Democrat 38% Bush +15
12/3/03 Schroth & Associates Link 800 RV 3.5% Bush 43% Unnamed Democrat 37% Bush +6
1/15/04 Rasmussen Reports Link LV 5% Bush 47% Unnamed Democrat 45% Bush +2
2/27/04 Research 2000 Link 500 LV 4% Bush 47% Kerry 42% Bush +5
3/4/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 45% Kerry +1
3/4/04 Schroth & Associates Link 800 RV 3.5% Bush 43% Kerry 49% Kerry +6
3/14/04 Rasmussen Link 400 LV 5% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
4/1/04 Mason-Dixon Link 625 RV 4% Bush 51% Kerry 43% Bush +8
4/13/04 Rasmussen Reports Link 500 LV 5% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
4/21/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 45% Bush +1
5/9/04 Hamilton, Beattie and Staff (D) Link 1000 LV 3% Bush 47% Kerry 50% Kerry +3
5/19/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 47% Kerry 46% Bush +1
5/24/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 3.4% Bush 47.6% Kerry 49% Kerry +1.4
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 46% Push
6/6/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 2.9% Bush 47.9% Kerry 49.5% Kerry +1.6
6/14/04 SurveyUSA Link 723 LV 4% Bush 50% Kerry 43% Bush +7
6/21/04 Zogby Interactive* Link LV 2.6% Bush 50.3% Kerry 46.1% Bush +4.2%
6/23/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
6/23/04 Fox Opinion Dynamics Link 750 RV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 38% Bush +10
6/27/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,209 RV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 44% Kerry 46% Kerry +2
6/27/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,209 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 43% Push
* Zogby Interactive polls involve a self-selected group of respondants, and as such are highly suspect. They are considered extremely little (if at all) within the ECB.

Punditry: An argument could be made for designating Florida a tossup at this point on the basis of this poll. However, the Quinnipiac poll is of registered voters, and registered voter polls generally understate the Republican performance by a few points, due to the fact that the groups that are least likely to turn out on election day (the poor, the young, and minorities) tend to be Democrat supporting groups. This is especially true in Florida, a state with 300,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans yet only three times since 1948 has gone Democrat (Johnson, Carter, and the 2nd Clinton term). I know the readers here who support Kerry are not going to like this call, but Florida remains a Slight Advantage for Bush. That said, it sure looks to me like something was not quite right with the Fox Opinion Dynamics poll.

Addendum: If one uses the percentages for each partisan designation and treats them as independent strata, and then weighs the strata by the registration percentages in Florida (42% Democrat, 38% Republican), the result is a tie in the two-way race, 46-46. If one assumes the party representation shown by the 2000 Florida exit poll (40% Democrat, 38% Republican) then Bush has a 1-2 point lead.

Electoral Votes: 10
2000 Result
Bush 51%
Gore 45%

Background: Since Harry Truman, only Bill Clinton (during his re-elect) has carried the Grand Canyon State for the Democrats. Clinton also made it close with the help of Perot in 1992. Other than that, things have been surprisingly one-sided. Arizona has 6 of 8 of its Representatives and both of its Senators from the GOP. The GOP also controls both chambers of the state legislature. The top of the executive branch is run by Democrats, with Janet Napolitano being a first term Governor and Terry Goddard being the Attorney General. Most other top executive offices are held by Republicans. Republicans have a 41% to 35% lead in voter registration.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
7/18/03 Behavior Research Center Link 701 Adults 4.3% Bush 55% Unnamed Opponent 41% Bush +14
1/11/04 Behavior Research Center Link 641 Adults 3.9% Bush 50% Highest Ranking Democrat (Dean) 38% Bush +12
2/19/04 SurveyUSA Link RV 4.3% Bush 52% Kerry 44% Bush +8
2/22/04 Arizona State University Link 430 RV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 46% Dem +2
3/18/04 Survey USA Link 634 LV 4.0% Bush 51% Kerry 42% Bush +9
4/26/04 Arizona State University Link 410 RV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 38% Bush +3
5/4/04 Behavior Research Center Link 555 RV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 46% Kerry 42% Bush +4
5/4/04 Behavior Research Center Link 555 RV, Nader an option 4% Bush 45% Kerry 37% Bush +8
5/23/04 Arizona State University Link 377 RV 5% Bush 43% Kerry 38% Bush +5
6/13/04 Market Solutions Link 600 LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 41% Bush +3
6/27/04 Arizona State University Link 400 RV 5% Bush 47% Kerry 35% Bush +12

Punditry: Is this poll an outlier, or has the President opened up a comfortable lead in Arizona? And if the latter, is it just a result of McCain coming out more forcefully for the President (and ending the flirtation with the Kerry campaign), or is it indicative of a more widespread trend? It is too soon to tell on these questions. However, what can be told is that the series of poll releases in Arizona have all been favorable to the President, with a handful approaching double digits. Arizona solidly is Leaning Towards Bush at this juncture.

F Connecticut
Electoral Votes: 7
2000 Result
Gore 56%
Bush 38%

Background: 3-5-3 in the last 11, with Clinton's first being probably due to the Perot factor.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
3/11/03 Quinnipiac Link RV 3% Bush 37% Unnamed Democrat 51% Dem +14
7/31/03 Quinnipiac Link RV 3% Bush 37% Unnamed Democrat 51% Dem +14
2/26/04 University of Connecticut Link 448 RV 4% Bush 36% Kerry 49% Kerry +13
3/28/04 University of Connecticut Link RV 4% Bush 33% Kerry 52% Kerry +19
4/27/04 University of Connecticut Link 501 RV 4% Bush 33% Kerry 51% Kerry +18
6/1/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,035 RV 3% Bush 36% Kerry 46% Dem +10%
6/28/04 Quinnipiac Link 929 RV 3% Bush 32% Kerry 50% Dem +18%

Punditry: I've seen all I can stands, I can't stands no more. It does not look like Connecticut wants to break the 20 point margin in the polls, but it is coming close enough often enough that I am throwing it over the fence to the Safe for Kerry designation.

Think Connecticut voters were glad to get rid of former Governor Rowland? "By a 76 – 4 percent margin, with 21 percent undecided, Connecticut voters believe incoming Gov. Jodi Rell will be able to govern effectively, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Even Democrats say 71 – 5 percent that she can govern effectively."

F Maine
Electoral Votes: 4
2000 Result
Gore 49%
Bush 44%

Background: Despite having only a single more electoral vote than tiny North Dakota, Maine gets a bit more attention due to its proximity to the media hotbeds in New England. However, it is rarely listed as a swing state for the coming election, which is a mistake. Bush lost to Gore by only 5 points last time, and over the past 10 elections it has split evenly between the parties. The best way to describe Maine is streaky, as those elections have been Democrats for two straight, Republicans for five straight, and now Democrats for the last three. Perhaps it is because Nader picked up 5% that people assume that Maine will be less competitive this time.

Maine is currently a slight advantage for Democrats, which is a change from ECB 2000 where it started as a slight Bush advantage. While the Republicans hold both Senate seats, everything else is in the hands of the Democrats, who enjoy a 31%-29% registration lead.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
3/03 Critical Insights Link 600 RV 4.0 Bush 47% Unnamed Democrat 36% Bush +11
9/12-26/03 Critical Insights Link 600 RV 4.0 Bush 36% Unnamed Democrat 45% Dem +9
3/3/04 Omnibus Poll/Strategic Marketing Services Link 400 RV 5.0% Bush 38% Kerry 51% Kerry +13
5/20/04 Critical Insights Link 552 RV 4% Bush 39% Kerry 49% Kerry +10
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 35% Kerry 54% Kerry +19
6/12/04 Strategic Marketing Services Link 400 RV 5% Bush 41.0% Kerry 43.5% Kerry +2.5

Punditry: Something is afoot in Maine. This is not the only indication I have of significant movement towards Bush in Maine, even if it is the only one which I can publish. I was tempted to move this all the way to slight advantage for Kerry, but what can I say-- I am conservative not only in ideology but in temperment and will move it to Leaning Towards Kerry, with a hunch that there is about a 50% chance in the next two weeks it will be moved to the closer designation.

In this poll, the two were tied at 35.5% before leaners were added to the mix.

Effective National Popular Results: Bush 44.9%, Kerry 43.8%

Kerry E F Bush
Safe Strong Lean Slight Tossup Slight Lean Strong Safe
DC (3) DE (3) CA (55)
NH (4)
NM (5)
VA (13)
NV (5)
KS (6)
AK (3)
HI (4) VT (3)
WA (11)
WV (5)
OR (7)
AR (6)
MO (11)
SD (3)
ND (3)
MA (12)
IL (21)
IA (7)
- OH (20)
WI (10)
NC (15)
LA (9)
NE (5)
RI (4)
MD (10)
MN (10)
- MI (17)
FL (27)
TN (11)
GA (15)
WY (3)
NY (31)
- NJ (15)
- PA (21)
- CO (9)
SC (8)
ID (4)
CT (7)
- ME (4)
- - - AZ (10)
KY (8)
MS (6)
- - - - - - - - UT (5)
- - - - - - - - MT (3)
- - - - - - - - AL (9)
- - - - - - - - TX (34)
- - - - - - - - IN (11)
- - - - - - - - OK (7)
Kerry States Battleground States Bush States
61 37 102 9 70 56 61 49 93
200 135 203

* Indicates a Registered Voter poll as opposed to a Likely Voter poll.

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To: Citizen of the Savage Nation

I mean, it is CT after all, but MA is MA and look what is happening there. +8 to Kerry? Somethings fishy.

21 posted on 06/30/2004 8:27:48 PM PDT by Citizen of the Savage Nation
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To: Mudboy Slim

LOL We just got home from Innsbrook. Vother registration is going great.

This poll is crap!

22 posted on 06/30/2004 8:27:51 PM PDT by GottaLuvAkitas1 (Ronald Reagan is the TRUE "Father Of Our Country".)
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To: Dales
It is ironic that the party associated with conservatism, the Republicans, would benefit from change (in voters' perception of the state of the economy), while the party identified with progressivism, the Democrats, needs to fight against such change and maintain the status quo, and then some.

It's also ironic that Republicans are helped by the truth and that Democrats have to rely on a lie.

Wait a minute! That's not ironic!

23 posted on 06/30/2004 8:28:43 PM PDT by ScottFromSpokane (Re-elect President Bush:
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To: Lunatic Fringe
The winner will have to pull 2 of these 3.

Most likely but not necessarily. Either Bush can win NM and OR together, or even more likely, he keeps NH and WV in his column and wins NM, he can do it. The key is WI, it would be a nice pickup.

24 posted on 06/30/2004 8:32:04 PM PDT by Citizen of the Savage Nation
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To: Dales

One thing I have noticed over the recent weeks is, look at the center of gravity for Bush and Kerry. The CG for Bush is more safe while for Kerry it is weak. The dynamics favor Bush at this point.

25 posted on 06/30/2004 8:38:07 PM PDT by Citizen of the Savage Nation
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To: Citizen of the Savage Nation
They are reliable but you have to remember that theirs are registered voter polls and as such will overstate Democrat support, but by a fairly predictable amount (2-5 points).

Connecticut just went through a Republican Governor having to resign in disgrace, so movement towards the Democrats is not surprising.

26 posted on 06/30/2004 8:40:31 PM PDT by Dales
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To: Dales
These polls scare me to death.

PS: Great to see you, D.

27 posted on 06/30/2004 8:54:44 PM PDT by Deb (Democrats HATE America...there's no other explanation.)
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To: Dales

Problem is you *know* we need to win by a large margin, because the Democrats have deluded themselves into thinking they have a "right to cheat" this time around. We can't let them pull another Florida on us. The country won't survive a Kerry Administration.

28 posted on 06/30/2004 8:55:53 PM PDT by Fenris6
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To: Dales

add me to your ping list please...I really enjoy all these 'comparison' polls...You are a one stop shop! God Bless..

29 posted on 06/30/2004 8:56:05 PM PDT by BlessedAmerican (Pray for our President and those who are fighting to preserve our freedom!)
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To: demlosers

Why should Kerry be hitting the panic button? He is about to get his:

1. VP naming bump

2. Convension bump

3. Olympic bump

Now maybe the VP naming will not give him a bump. Maybe he really is better off when not campaigning and he will get a negative convention bump. But even in that case the Olympics will knock his coverage down for two weeks giving him another out of the limelight bump.

30 posted on 06/30/2004 8:57:18 PM PDT by JLS
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To: Dales

Great work! I love your analysis. The best that I have seen on the web. And I read the Battleground analysis before reading your writeup, and you are right on with that too.

If I can just ask one question: how does LA Times and CBS/NYT justify having so many more Democrats in their polling sample?

Please add me to your ping list. Thanks again.

31 posted on 06/30/2004 8:57:58 PM PDT by Cableguy
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To: Dales

Please add me to your ping list....

32 posted on 06/30/2004 8:58:43 PM PDT by Robert Lomax
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To: Lunatic Fringe
Kerry is no friend of coal, no friend of guns, no friend of religion, and no friend of the military. That makes him a tough sale in WV.

W has a better than 50/50 shot at winning there again.

33 posted on 06/30/2004 8:59:20 PM PDT by comebacknewt
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To: Cableguy
The LA Times tried to justify it, basically saying "we called them at random and that's how they self identified to us, so it is probably true." Which is nonsense.

CBS/NYT said basically the same thing, but to be honest, theirs is not out of the realm I think would be reasonable. I wrote my reasoning why on my blog.

34 posted on 06/30/2004 9:26:24 PM PDT by Dales
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To: So Cal Rocket
If I ever get polled, I'm going to say I'm a Republican voting for Nader.

I've gotten on some pollsters list for state political polls. I like to mix it up, too. You might not know this about me, but I'm a far-left believer in the death penalty (I'm anti-gay marriage, too).

35 posted on 06/30/2004 9:34:13 PM PDT by randog (Everything works great 'til the current flows.)
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To: Dales; AntiGuv; AuH2ORepublican; ambrose; BlessedAmerican; BoomerBob; byu-fan; Cableguy; ...
Thanks, what a great bunch of information. I still think Michigan will go Kerry, but I hope not. I still believe that GWB will be reelected by a margin of at least ten per cent, and I think it's fair to say that most regard that as a pipe dream. Right now, the economy is improving, has been for a long while; gasoline prices are coming down; Iraq is in the Iraqi people's hands for the first time in decades; the US turned it over AHEAD of schedule; and Michael Moore (as the NY Times lamented, quoted in a thread around here) has churned out another propaganda piece -- and in my view has tipped the election in favor of Bush. MM will turn out to be the missing piece of the puzzle, regarded in the aftermath of the massive defeat of the so-called Democrats as the "Ralph Nader" of 2004.
George W. Bush will be reelected by a margin of at least ten per cent
posted to: Dales; AntiGuv; AuH2ORepublican; ambrose; BlessedAmerican; BoomerBob; byu-fan; Cableguy; Citizen of the Savage Nation; Coop; Corin Stormhands; comebacknewt; Deb; demlosers; FairOpinion; Fenris6; Flora McDonald; Galatians513; GottaLuvAkitas1; JLS; jla; jla; jla; Lunatic Fringe; Mudboy Slim; NautiNurse; Neets; narses; nevergiveup; Robert Lomax; ScottFromSpokane; So Cal Rocket; Sonar5; scan58; The G Man; Vigilanteman
36 posted on 06/30/2004 9:37:35 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Unlike some people, I have a profile. Okay, maybe it's a little large...)
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To: Lunatic Fringe
Forget West Virginia. That place is a democrat stronghold, and I am AMAZED it went to Bush last year. Probably as a result of the good economy and Clinton fatigue. West Virginia will go to Kerry.

WV is no longer a bunch of coal union guys. There have been substantial gains in the Republican suburbs as well, especially distant suburbs of DC. People there commute to closer suburbs, not to DC.

The gun issue didn't help Gore, but it wasn't the only factor.

37 posted on 06/30/2004 9:39:44 PM PDT by Koblenz (Not bad, not bad at all. -- Ronald Reagan, the Greatest President.)
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My question is...if terrorists hit us at Athens, who get the benefit? W saying"That's why we are at war" or Kerry "See, this is why Americans AREN'T safer around the world and if we had cooperated better with the Euroweenies, this wouldn't have happened."

38 posted on 06/30/2004 9:40:33 PM PDT by Keith (IT'S ABOUT THE JUDGES)
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To: Dales

Ah, of course that explains it and also shows that each state has their own dynamic that can change the course of the election independent of other states, ie Bush can win PA but lose OH.

39 posted on 06/30/2004 9:40:58 PM PDT by Citizen of the Savage Nation
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To: Dales
I'd like to be added to your ping list too, this is great work.

I am quite surprised that Michigan is a toss up, I would have guessed that Kerry would have come out with a lot more strength. I don't remember the 2000 history though and this may resemble what the Gore-Bush numbers looked like. The difference this time is that the former Republican governor here was a polarizing figure and probably helped the Dems motivate their voters. With that emotion out of the equation I'm not sure that Kerry's got the goods to create it on his own. The current Dem governor seems to get decent favorability ratings but as of now I see her as neutral in potential impact on the big race.
40 posted on 06/30/2004 9:40:59 PM PDT by Dolphy
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