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Cindy Sheehan: "My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel."
Cindy's Usenet Posts ^ | Various | Cindy Sheehan

Posted on 08/10/2005 1:47:20 PM PDT by Sam Hill

  To: ;

  Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
  Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:41 AM
  Subject: Re: Fw: Nightline Tonight Mon., March 14, 2005

  That was my son's unit. He was killed on that day 04/04/04. Here is a letter that I wrote to NightLine about the broadcast:

  Cindy Sheehan

  March 15, 2005

  To Whom it May Concern:

  Imagine my distress when I turned Night Line on last night and I was confronted with the gory details of my son's murder in Sadr City, Baghdad, Iraq on 04/04/04. Imagine, also, my sorrow and rage at the side of the story that you presented to the American public.


  I was on the Night Line Townhall Meeting in Washington, DC on 01/27/05. After I spoke (which I think was a fluke), Ted Koppel dismissed me as being "emotional." First of all, how can I approach this discussion without emotions, MY SON WAS KILLED, AND KILLED FOR LIES? Second of all, that show was not fair and balanced and I think the conclusion "Should we stay" was foregone.

  The show last night was also not fair and balanced. To see all the wives being interviewed who had not lost their husbands and to hear what "hard work" it is to be left behind when their husbands are at war. How hard to you think it is to have a child killed in an illegal and immoral war? In this "wonderful" group of families left behind, we had exactly ONE of the wives call us..she is Diane Rose who was my son's Colonel, Frank Rose's wife. The last time we heard from Diane was in October and we feel we have been left behind by anyone connected to the 2-5 Cavalry. Is support only given if your loved one stays alive? One wife was quoted as saying that Sundays were the hardest for the families left behind. My son was killed on Palm Sunday last does anybody think Sundays are for my family?

  Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full-well that my son, my family, this nation, and this world were betrayed by a George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agenda after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy...not for the real reason, becuase the Arab-Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy. That hasn't changed since America invaded and occupied fact it has gotten worse.

  It would be so amazing if your show would put me, or another parent who lost their child on who disagrees with the war and this administration: to have just an entire show..without presenting the false side of the debate. That would take a lot of courage and integrity. I hope your program will exhibit these qualities.

  I also think that Mr. Koppel owes me an apology for the rude way I was treated on his show. After I expressed myself about the war being based on lies and that the troops should be brought home immediately because the war was based on lies, I was not thanked for my comments, or my son's sacrifice. He just said to keep the discussion away from emotions. Then, the wife of a soldier who was killed was allowed to speak and she praised the policies of this deplorable and despicable administration, and she was thanked and praised by the panel.

TOPICS: Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: antiisrael; antisemite; antisemitewhome; antisemitiscm; antisemitism; antizionist; cindybuchanan; cindyonhercross; cindysheehan; communism; communist; dramaqueen; driveninsanebygrief; jewhater; jewhatingmoonbat; kookaid; koolaid; leftwingantisemite; leftwingracist; liberalantisemitism; liberalfascism; liberalkoolaid; moonbat; mothersheehan; sheehan; troll
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To: Age of Reason
Being dependent on imported oil was a new thing--until around 1960 or 1970, most of our oil was domestic.
There was a world-wide market for oil. WE were first a net exporter, and then as we used more gas and pumped less, we became an importer.

All we needed to do was stop wasting energy, lessen demand for energy by ending population growth from immigration, and develop alternative energy sources--which could have been as simple as bicycles or as complex as fusion reactors.
So we should have used the government to force changes of behavior on the American people (ie taxing oil).

The Soviet Union was much less of a threat than we thought.
Tell that to the people they enslaved.
I see no reason why they should not have continued to expand, if we did not confron them starting in 1947.

You seem to be Agrarian, not a Jeffersonian. Are you a fan of Russell Weaver?

761 posted on 08/10/2005 10:57:56 PM PDT by rmlew (
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To: Age of Reason
You're delusional.

The 9/11 terrorists thought of using crop dusters, but that wouldn't have worked in or near a city. OTOH, it would be VERY effective in very rural areas; or don't you plan on growing your own food?

Nukes are also WMD. And even dirty bombs will kill plenty of people who live in a no man's land of your own design.

What? You think that plague and small pox have never been found in rural settings? Are you for real ?

If EVERYONE were to leave the cities and disperse, just how much open space do you think there'd be then? The government owns a lot of our open spaces, large agribusinesses ( food farming as well as lumber ) own a lot of land, and there are great swaths of uninhabitabl land. So, just WHERE is everyone going to move to and still be so far away from everyone else, that your ridiculous scenario works?

And since like Mao Tse Tong, you want to depopulate the cities and suburban areas, just were and how is there to be specialized hospitals, T.V. and radio shows, publishing houses,museums, manufacturing of things, etc.?

You really do come across as something rather like an old hippie back to nature lout/Marxist/Luddite/white supremacist combination. And like them, your views are unfeasible, ridiculous, and not at all well thought out. And, you are a coward to boot. Hardly what one imagines a Conservative to be, In fact, from your posts, I doubt that you are one.

762 posted on 08/10/2005 10:58:30 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: Sam Hill

Let me ask you this: on that show, did she stand up and say something really ugly? I think I remember her!

763 posted on 08/10/2005 11:00:18 PM PDT by Howlin
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To: Sam Hill

FR's infiltrated with anti-war weirdos. This thread is full of them. Taquinas and iconoclast are easy to see at a glance.

764 posted on 08/10/2005 11:01:12 PM PDT by Lauretij2
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To: Howlin

She's positively Bill Burkett-ish.

765 posted on 08/10/2005 11:03:15 PM PDT by Sam Hill
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To: rmlew
So we should have used the government to force changes of behavior on the American people (ie taxing oil).

Taxing oil would have been a great idea--

PROVIDING the extra revenue gained by the government would allow income taxes to be reduced in proportion--

But we know that part would NEVER happen.

But then they could have at least used the extra revenue to research alternative energy sources.

But they'd just steal the money, like they always do.

766 posted on 08/10/2005 11:04:03 PM PDT by Age of Reason
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To: nopardons
If EVERYONE were to leave the cities and disperse, just how much open space do you think there'd be then? The government owns a lot of our open spaces, large agribusinesses ( food farming as well as lumber ) own a lot of land, and there are great swaths of uninhabitabl land. So, just WHERE is everyone going to move to and still be so far away from everyone else, that your ridiculous scenario works?

Well don't blame me if we haven't enough room.

I've been railing against America's run away population growth from immigration for nearly half a century.

767 posted on 08/10/2005 11:06:43 PM PDT by Age of Reason
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To: Sam Hill
We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy...not for the real reason, becuase the Arab-Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.

No, it's Liberals who hate America for the foreign policy. The Islamofascists hate America for the simple reason that it isn't Islamofascistic.

And by the way... If the Iraq war was done to aid Israel, someone ought to tell Israel. Last I remember their gov't opposed the invasion.

768 posted on 08/10/2005 11:11:02 PM PDT by MitchellC (Foolishness isn't a mental disorder.)
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To: Age of Reason
Thoreau was a barking moonbat, whose friends thought he was nuts.

You may look up to St Francis and the hermits of long ago, some of whom lived atop huge pillars, many of whom lived in caves and were filthy, flea riddled, and depended upon others for their sustenance, but hardly anyone, then or now, wants to live like that. And in this day and age, since you are so miserable with your plight, that that is your own vision of perfection, I suggest that you follow your heart and try it out. As for it being the only good solution for everyone else, well, it isn't and that's that!

Not everyone, during the Black Plague, left every city it hit and went to live in the country. And yes,some of them survived.

In 1918, nobody left the cities, to escape the Spanish or Swine flu!

And during Elizabeth the first reign people were NOT running away to the country, to escape the many small pox epidemics.

And in a more recent time, people in America were not, not, NOT leaving cities in droves, to escape from wave after wave of polio surges.

A few people left lower Manhattan, after 9/11, but where did they go? Most went to the suburbs; either of N.J. or Conn., or even N.Y., though some did move farther away.

The Amish do NOT live in nowheresville. They live in clusters and rather densely populated villages.

769 posted on 08/10/2005 11:14:04 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: All

by CindySheehan [Subscribe]
Wed Aug 10th, 2005 at 22:37:45 PDT

Today started at 4am when the rain started blowing into my tent and my head and my feet started getting soaked and the thunder and lightening came over my tent. I was really frightened for my life, so I abandoned ship and went into Crawford.

CindySheehan's diary :: ::
By the time we made our way through the floods and got into Crawford, I had a fever, sore throat, and bad headache. So I was made to rest and not have any interviews until noon.

We had a little bit of trouble with locals today. We are beginning to feel a little unwelcome here. One lady almost ran over a film crew that was filming a commercial today. She screamed at us that the neighbors are really mad at we moved down the road to our closest neighbor who is very sweet. Her husband is a medic who just got home from Iraq.

Again, I did tons of interviews. It looks like I will be on the cover of People Magazine. Time Magazine, Vanity Fair and Oprah's magazine will be interviewing me also.

It was great having the other GSFP and MFSO there to help me with interviews and greeting all of the hundreds of people who came out from all over the country to be with us today. We were hassled by the Sheriff because there were too many cars out there. Our little Bush Town has grown to full capacity. The town Sheriff said we can put up tents and RV's in the town stadium. There are wall to wall sleeping bags here at the Peace House.

Due to the generosity of you all, the Crawford Peace House has gotten over 30,000 dollars and GSFP has gotten a lot of donations too. I got about 2 and a half dozen bouquets of flowers from all over everywhere. I am so amazed and overwhelmed by the support and love we are getting from everywhere.

As for Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, Matt Drudge, etc...nothing you can say can hurt me or make me stop what we are doing. We are working for peace with justice. We are using peaceful means and the truth to do it. I guess the truth frightens people. It frightens them so much, they have to resort to telling lies to rebut my arguments. They are despicable human beings and not even worth our concern. Bill O'Reilly had the nerve to invite me on his show again today. But, Dolores Kesterson, another Gold Star Families for Peace member who also had a terrible experience with meeting George and she kicked his butt.

Tonight we are still on arrest we shall see.

Peace soon.

770 posted on 08/10/2005 11:15:53 PM PDT by Gracey
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To: Age of Reason
Keep right in talking, Chairman Mao!

When are you going to suggest the need for RE-EDUCATION CAMPS?

771 posted on 08/10/2005 11:16:50 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: Howlin

She's crazy as a loon....and she's here in Texas...gack!

772 posted on 08/10/2005 11:18:05 PM PDT by Jrabbit
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To: Age of Reason
But we did...we had nuclear power plants, which the lefties shut down or still want to.

How have you managed to stay this long of FR and still know and understand virtually no history at all?

773 posted on 08/10/2005 11:20:39 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: nopardons
And since like Mao Tse Tong, you want to depopulate the cities and suburban areas, just were and how is there to be specialized hospitals, T.V. and radio shows, publishing houses,museums, manufacturing of things, etc.?

The hospitals and some factory production--providing we reverse offshoring--could be a problem.

But probably could be gotten around.

Perhaps just the hospitals could be placed in underground bunkers.

And much manufacturing, publishing, entertainment, etc., could be done at home (desktop publishing, podcasts, home-made goods, made better than ever thanks to modern tools and computerization).

Although I personally could do without most of those things, anyway.

But don't get me wrong, we would also attack terrorists who attack us, but we should otherwise avoid making other people mad at us.

Most likely the 911 terrorists--most of them Saudis; none were Iraqi--attacked us because they saw us as propping up a dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.

And so we also become the targets of Saudi Arabia's revolutionaries.

Imagine how the Thirteen Colonies would have felt about any country who aided King George against us.

774 posted on 08/10/2005 11:21:35 PM PDT by Age of Reason
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To: Gracey

OMG...she and her whacked out followers are too close to Bush. Now they're letting them set up camp! WHY???

I guess I'll have to go down there on Sat. If thousands don't show up, I'm gonna be very cranky!!

775 posted on 08/10/2005 11:22:43 PM PDT by Jrabbit
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To: Age of Reason
You've got yours so nobody else should have any; is that it?

When did your ancestors come to America?

Have you always been an anachronistic member of the long defunct KNOW NOTHINGS?

776 posted on 08/10/2005 11:22:51 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: nopardons
The Amish do NOT live in nowheresville. They live in clusters and rather densely populated villages.

But it would be easier for them to spread out a little more, than for modern city dwellers.

777 posted on 08/10/2005 11:23:24 PM PDT by Age of Reason
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To: Gracey

And there are people on FR defending this media whore, who desecrates her own son's memory with every word she speaks and writes. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh!

778 posted on 08/10/2005 11:26:29 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: Gracey; Mo1; Sam Hill
By the time we made our way through the floods and got into Crawford, I had a fever, sore throat, and bad headache. So I was made to rest and not have any interviews until noon.

HTG, I just cannot take much more of this woman.

779 posted on 08/10/2005 11:28:16 PM PDT by Howlin
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To: nopardons
But we did...we had nuclear power plants, which the lefties shut down or still want to.

I didn't say shutting them down was a good idea, did I?

However, now that you bring the matter up, I do not believe in building any more atomic power plants than would be absolutely necessary,

And that means we must stop wasting energy and end immigration, for the more people we import, the more atomic power plants will be needed.

And I am definitely against building nuke plants to meet the added power consumption caused by immigration.

Conserve and end immigration, and I would not begrudge you your nuclear power plants.

780 posted on 08/10/2005 11:30:17 PM PDT by Age of Reason
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