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Official Request byCongressmen to See Obama's Birth Certificate-Straw Which Breaks This Camel's Back ^

Posted on 12/04/2009 4:47:27 PM PST by cycle of discernment


Political analysis by John Charlton

Obama's presidential campaign was hailed for its forceful imagery, but after 11 months the public has come to understand the undisputed facts about him, don't fit the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.

(Dec. 4, 2009) — Georgia’s representative in the U.S. House, Nathan Deal announced in early November that he and 10 House colleagues were going to sign a joint letter, asking Obama to publicly reveal his birth certificate,.

The simple enough question was rebuffed and ridiculed by the Main Stream Media, and even the Savannah Morning News, as if a birth certificate was some sort of private journal or diary of past affairs.

The mere fact that the liberals and progressives ridiculed Nathan Deal — whose only interest is to quiet the nation — shows that they have no substantive reason to oppose the request. It further shows that they know that Obama cannot oblige Deal and his co-signatories, for in Democratic circles nothing is a secret.

What will Obama say to Nathan Deal? The answer must come soon. Deal said that he was to send his letter after Thanksgiving. Any delay on the part of Barack Hussein Obama to oblige Deal, will only further erode his political influence in Washington, D.C..

Obama has been effectively checkmated by the concerted effort of public support, publicized lawsuits on the eligibility question, publicity campaigns such as those of World Net Daily and Charles Kerchner to put the issue in the face of liberals on a constant basis, and blogs and bloggers the world over.

If Obama obliges him, then the online image of a Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) provided by his campaign will be proven a forgery, according to the consensus of opinion of citizens who have studied the images posted on the net and found some images of the allegedly same document, contain a HI State seal and some do not.

If Obama does refuses, however, it will only further confirm that he has something to hide.

Palins remark that it is a valid issue and Ogden’s resignation as Deputy U.S. Attorney General in the same week, following the sending of Nathan Deal’s letter, appear to be diagnostic signs that the political establishment understands the risks and imminent crisis about to break. The publicity garnered by the testimony of the U.S. Marine, who goes by the nik, Race Bannon, only further tilt the Obama regime towards political implosion.

Even the pulse of Obama’s political support on the net tells the tale: a lull and quiet among them posting comments at opposition blogs is noticeable. There remain only the violent, the perverse and the somewhat mad to carry on the cheers of “Change,” which were the mind numbing drum beat of the Obama for American campaign, just 14 months ago.

The political momentum of the nation now follows diverse roads to the same destination, and the resulting fireworks are going to be much brighter and invigorating than those of any Fourth of July in many a year!

TOPICS: Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 111th; article2section1; bho44; birthcertficate; birthcertificate; birthers; certifigate; citizen; citizenship; deal; eligibility; hawaii; honolulu; indonesia; ineligible; kenya; nathandeal; naturalborn; naturalborncitizen; obama; obamacrimes; obamafamily; obamatruth; obamatruthfile; passport; usurper
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To: cycle of discernment; RaceBannon
The publicity garnered by the testimony of the U.S. Marine, who goes by the nik, Race Bannon, only further tilt the Obama regime towards political implosion.

Did I miss something? Which testimony and when?

321 posted on 12/07/2009 10:49:05 AM PST by 6ppc (It's torch and pitchfork time)
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There were no prohibitions, true. However, American citizens were strongly advised by the State Department NOT TO TRAVEL TO PAKISTAN at that time!

Even if that were true (and it's not), so? How exactly would it prove Obama isn't eligible to be president?

322 posted on 12/07/2009 10:49:58 AM PST by curiosity
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To: 6ppc

a paper I wrote that was intended to be just a private letter that someone posted

I never thought it would be popular~! It is only based upon a memory from 1980.

Easy to pass a lie detector because I believe it, but I have no proof

323 posted on 12/07/2009 10:53:37 AM PST by RaceBannon (OBAMA'S HEALTH CARE IS SHOVEL READY...FOR SENIORS!!:: NObama. Not my president.)
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Except his paternal grandma who was at his birth in Mombasa, and his sister (who said it was a different hospital).

Neither of the above is true.

His paternal grandma (step grandma, actually) never said he was born in Mombasa. In point of fact she stated on numerous occausions that he was born in Hawaii. You obviously did not listen to the entire McRae tape.

And no, Obama's sister never said he was born at Queens hospital. That rumor got started because some student, writing in an article for a school newsletter about Maya, plagiarized a Wikipedia entry that erroneously listed her borther's birth hospital as Queens.

BTW the newspaper birth announcement listed a house where they never lived as their residence.

That is also not true. This link does a nice job debunking this birther rumor:

The tendency for bithers to believe nonsense without checking their facts never ceases to amaze me.

324 posted on 12/07/2009 11:01:06 AM PST by curiosity
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To: danamco
NOT grandma Sarah, who saw his birth in Kenya!!!

That is simply not true. She never said anything of the sort. Did you listen to the entire McRae tape, or did you only listen to the birther-edited version that cuts her off right before she says he was born in Hawaii?

325 posted on 12/07/2009 11:02:38 AM PST by curiosity
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To: El Gato
Having it presented before a court of law,

He hasn't had an opportunity to present it before a court of law because every single case against him has been dismissed before discovery.

rather than spending mucho dinero keeping courts from getting to "evidence".

And how, exactly, do you know he's spent so much money?

Preferably a copy that never went through his hands, but rather directly to the court. A certified copy of the long form would be better, since it contains information not on the CoLB, such as parent's birthplaces, witness to the birth, etc. All of which may bear on the question of "natural born".

How exactly does that extra information have anything to do with natural born status?

326 posted on 12/07/2009 11:06:14 AM PST by curiosity
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To: BuckeyeTexan
Rumor has it that Leo Donofrio and Steve Pidgeon have been retained by some auto dealers to file a quo warranto in D.C. Challenging Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of POTUS. If this rumor is true, this will be the first serious chance to get a SCOTUS ruling on the definition of NBC.

Can you explain why you think that this will be a serious chance to get a SCOTUS ruling on the NBC definition? How do auto dealers have any more standing than, say, active or retired military servicemembers? And how are they going to explain the connection between Obama's NBC status/eligiblity and what the bankruptcy court did - or even what Obama did? I'm missing something. As I understand it, they would have to demonstrate that Obama did what he did *because* of his NBC status. Stated another way, they have to show that the only reason Obama did [the long list of complained-of actions relating to GM/Chrysler] was *because* he was not an NBC. Otherwise, there's no connection between his role in the bankruptcy proceedings and NBC - which means that they will not be able to litigate NBC. If he did what he did because he's a [... insert favorite adjective here /socialist/communist/etc ...] liberal, then, NBC will not be at issue.

Additionally, how do they propose to get around the rules requiring that any quo warranto be brought by the AG? What's they're "special interest" that overrides the statute?
327 posted on 12/07/2009 11:07:02 AM PST by Sibre Fan
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To: El Gato
It would raise qustions of why would he have concealed a BC that doesn't show anything "bad" or disqualifying.

He hasn't concealed anything. He probably doesn't have a copy of his original BC. Many people don't. I don't have mine. It might be in a box somewhere in my Mom's garage, and it would probably take her a year to dig it up. So when I needed it, I ordered a COLB and have used it for everything.

In some states, they don't even give you a copy of the original any more. After my daughter was born, they just gave me a certified computer printout with the relevant information, and that's good enough for any purpose. I got her a passport with it.

Since it's so much easier to get a COLB from Hawaii than a copy of the original BC, and the COLB is accepted as proof of birth location at every government agency, and in any court of law, it's entirely reasonable to present a COLB rather than a BC.

It would increase the chance that the original was fraudulently filed,

How do you figure? Just because home births were rare doesn't mean they are fraudulantly filed. What makes you think fraud is likely in this case?

Thus it would cast more suspicion, and inquiry into the certificate.

On what basis?

328 posted on 12/07/2009 11:14:17 AM PST by curiosity
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To: BuckeyeTexan

Seriously, ANY American who thinks it is perfectly fine to have a complete BLANK SLATE who refuses to fill in any of the blanks about himself or his life to enable himself the very PRIVILEGE of seeking to occupy the office of President of the United States, fully fills the bill of being “Pathetic”. Utterly Amazing!! Just continue on and celebrate and argue for your own destruction. You won’t be busy for a very long time tho, as the destruction is happening at an absolutely dizzying pace. CO

329 posted on 12/07/2009 11:14:42 AM PST by Canadian Outrage (Conservatism is to a country what medicine is to a wound - HEALING!!)
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To: Red Steel
f Obama's birth certificate was obtained by witness affidavit, the birth witness very likely lied to the state of Hawaii.

What makes you think it would be likely?

Obama could NOT have been born in Kapi'olani hospital, now could he?

You pick and choose what the 'facts' are you want to believe in ... followed your "infallible" logic.

No, I just consider the credibility of the source before I believe what I read.

As far as I can tell, there are only two news sources that reported he was born in Queens hospital: UPI and the Rainbow Newsletter.

The UPI has a history of sloppy reporting, and they actually corrected the story after it was pointed out to them that they were in error.

The Rainbow Newsletter is a school paper, and it's pretty clear that much of the article was plagiarized from a Wikipedia entry.

It amazes me how birthers seem to attach more credibility to the UPI and a plagiarzed article in a school paper than the director of the Hawaii Department of Health.

Fact: We do not know for a fact if Obama was born in Hawaii.

We have no less reason to believe he was born in Hawaii than we have reason to believe that GW Bush was born in Connecticut or that Bill Clinton was born in Arkansas.

330 posted on 12/07/2009 11:21:17 AM PST by curiosity
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To: null and void
The problem being that the same department can also verify that Chiang Kai-Shek was born in Hawaii, as it can also do for any number of foreign born children adopted by Hawaiians.

That is simply not true.

331 posted on 12/07/2009 11:24:16 AM PST by curiosity
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To: null and void
OBAMA released them? Source please.

Okay, you got me. He did not do it personally. His campaign allowed the COLB to be photographed, and allowed those photos tobe posted on the internet.

Big deal.

332 posted on 12/07/2009 11:27:00 AM PST by curiosity
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To: conservativegramma

Well conservativegramma, there appear to be an awful lot of folk who like those spit polished jack boots!! Deception is a terrible thing. CO

333 posted on 12/07/2009 11:29:14 AM PST by Canadian Outrage (Conservatism is to a country what medicine is to a wound - HEALING!!)
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To: curiosity

It would increase the chance that the original was fraudulently filed,

How do you figure? Just because home births were rare doesn’t mean they are fraudulantly filed. What makes you think fraud is likely in this case?

Thus it would cast more suspicion, and inquiry into the certificate.

On what basis?

SHEESH get your head out of the sand or wherever it is and open your eyes. Please don’t tell me you really believe what you just wrote!

334 posted on 12/07/2009 11:30:07 AM PST by rolling_stone (no more bailouts, the taxpayers are out of money!)
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To: Josephat

I agree with you completely. The One Worlders are a HUGE part of this abomination which, left to it’s own devices will produce an Obamaggedon. “You know the scripture “ the Kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force”. That simply means, that as a Nation, you must take this seriously and actually DO something about it. Yes, firstly in prayer, in fact, covered by prayer. But all of us Christians are scripturally bound to DO what is in the power of our own hand to do. Tyranny has never been thrown own by peaceful means. Not a single time in history. CO

335 posted on 12/07/2009 11:39:17 AM PST by Canadian Outrage (Conservatism is to a country what medicine is to a wound - HEALING!!)
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To: Principled

Knew him a Mercer U. Very smart man.

336 posted on 12/07/2009 11:41:23 AM PST by Vinnie (You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Jihads You)
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To: rolling_stone
Please don’t tell me you really believe what you just wrote!

Yes I do believe it. Now please tell me, what makes you think it is likely his BC was fraudulantly filed if it turns out it says he had a home birth? I seriously doubt it does say that, but I'm simply asking this for sake of argument.

337 posted on 12/07/2009 11:42:27 AM PST by curiosity
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To: Sibre Fan

It would certainly appears that the confiscated car dealerships have been financially injured, possible un-constitutionally and thereby have more standing to challenge the usurper’s eligibility question!!!

338 posted on 12/07/2009 11:44:04 AM PST by danamco
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To: curiosity
What makes you think it would be likely?

You've been trolling these threads for about a year and a half, you know.

It amazes me how birthers seem to attach more credibility to the UPI and a plagiarzed article in a school paper than the director of the Hawaii Department of Health.

The same Hawaiian DOH who won't give a straight answer to define their terminology they use on their issued COLB. The same Hawaiian DOH who parse their words and are evasive. They are not trustworthy. You put your trust in the Obama people for telling you the truth -- LoL!

339 posted on 12/07/2009 11:50:24 AM PST by Red Steel
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To: curiosity

Yes it is true, I have seen three different video where she adamantly claimed that your friend (your employer?) Barry Soetoro was born in Kenya. Two of those videos are now sealed also!!!

340 posted on 12/07/2009 11:50:50 AM PST by danamco
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