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Posts by HighlyOpinionated

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  • Newt Gingrich: I am the 'legitimate heir to the Reagan movement'

    01/29/2012 2:57:07 PM PST · 2 of 22
    HighlyOpinionated to VinL

    LoL ...... Mewt Ringrich an insurgent? That’s a laugh. He’s part of the problem ... lobbying ... Ethics Violations ... womanizing ... he’s been INSIDE the Beltway too long ... he’s just like Nitt Gomney ... EXCEPT he can sweet talk people into believing he’s an ‘insurgent’ and the disciple of Reagan.

    If Ronald Reagan was alive, he’d be pointing at Rick Santorum NOT and Mewt or Nitt.

  • Gingrich Vows Long Fight and Gets Cain’s Backing

    01/29/2012 2:52:33 PM PST · 3 of 3
    HighlyOpinionated to Clintonfatigued

    I hope this is not a case of “takes one to know one.” Newt’s capable of sweet talking Herman Cain into thinking that “like Herman, he was falsely accused” by all the women volunteers he sweet talked out of their clothing.

    I think Mr Cain made a major mistake doing this.

    I think ANYONE would be well advised to wait until closer to the RNC Convention to declare support for a candidate. There’s a LOT of trash that hasn’t been sorted through yet.

    I lived in Georgia for 18 years ... Georgia didn’t support Newt after the ETHICS VIOLATION for a reason. He still doesn’t think he did anything ‘wrong’ ... he continued doing the same type of behaviors after he was KICKED OUT of the House.

    Mewt Ringrich and Nitt Gomney supporters ... all I can do is ask you to either wait a while to commit or be willing to change your mind if you commit early.

  • Sarah Palin Urges Newt Vote in Florida, Says Gingrich Will 'Clobber' Obama

    01/29/2012 12:51:51 PM PST · 2 of 63
    HighlyOpinionated to 2ndDivisionVet

    Newt can sweet talk a woman like no other since Bill Clinton.

  • Paul To Skip Florida, Look For Delegates In Nevada, Minnesota [Helps Gingrich?]

    01/22/2012 12:29:24 PM PST · 31 of 39
    HighlyOpinionated to Steelfish
    Nevada ... is Harry Reid's son still in charge of the Voting Machines? Is there a Ron Paul / Harry Reid connection?

    Follow the money and the marijuana.

    Minnesota may backfire on him ... if it's Michele Bachmann Country, it could well be Rick Santorum "Reagan before he was REAGAN" Country, too.

    Ron Paul should pack it up. He's the Marijuana smokin' Ross Perot of politics. Messes it up just to mess it up. What we call a spoiler. AND a spoiled brat.

    He's a MALE GYN ... Moslems will probably put a FATWAH on him for daring to touch WOMEN ... but not until AFTER he's spewed more anti-Israel venom.

    REMEMBER ... whenever Newt says "let me make this perfectly clear" he's using the same Clinton phrase [an Alinsky Tactic right out of Rules for Radicals] and when Bill Clinton used it, 'you all' had the reaction that Bill Clinton was lying through his teeth. Y'all want to believe in Gingrich so much that you don't look at the whole man ... the whole cloth of the man. Chris Christie is correct when he says Gingrich is an embarrassment to the GOP.

    If a Football Coach is caught molesting players, are his actions ignored because a group of supporters believe he's a great coach, great speaker, great motivator?

    Then WHY are 'y'all' so gung ho for Newt Gingrich?
    He's a womanizer ... and he'll make it perfectly clear [Alinsky Tactic] that he's not ... but Georgia residents know what he is ... he smooth talks the young women volunteers ... he did it with many before Marianne and he did it while married to Marianne and he used his mesmerizing ways with women volunteers with Calista ... and she won't be the last. LOOK AT HER when she thinks she's off camera ... her stress is already showing ... she's not a "Jackie look alike" because Jackie Kennedy never allowed the stress to show. Me thinks the "Jackie Look Alike" Newt Gingrich was hinting at when he spoke of Calista was Jackie's ability to ignore and hide John F Kennedy's 'quirks' until AFTER he passed away ... ?

    The only truly virtuous man left in this GOP race is Rick Santorum. He may well be the 'dark horse' and the "Reagan before he was REAGAN candidate." Take another look. Santorum is not the 'perfect' candidate, but then, even Reagan was considered imperfect until he became RONALDUS MAGNUS REAGAN.
  • I would like my fellow FreeRepubicians to offer up a list of ALL "establishemnt" GOP/RINOs...

    01/22/2012 11:59:38 AM PST · 86 of 166
    HighlyOpinionated to US Navy Vet

    You can start with those who supported SOPA ... found here:
    Sponsor: Rep. Lamar Smith

    27 Co-sponsors: Mark Amodei (NV), Joe Baca (CA), John Barrow (GA), Karen Bass (CA), Howard L. Berman (CA), Marsha Blackburn (TN), Mary Bono Mack (CA), Steven J. Chabot (OH), Judy Chu (CA), John Conyers Jr. (MI), Jim Cooper (TN), Ted Deutch (FL), Elton Gallegly (CA), Robert W. Goodlatte (VA), Tim Griffin (AR), Tim Holden (PA), Peter T. King (NY), John B. Larson (CT), Ben Ray Lujan (NM), Tom Marino (PA), Alan Nunnelee (MS), Bill Owens (NY), Dennis Ross (FL), Adam B. Schiff (CA), Brad Sherman (CA), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL), Melvin Watt (NC)

    And then there’s PIPA ... found here:
    Sponsor: Sen. Patrick J. Leahy

    34 Co-sponsors: Lamar Alexander (TN), Michael Bennet (CO), Jeff Bingaman (NM), Richard Blumenthal (CT), Barbara Boxer (CA), Sherrod Brown (OH), Benjamin L. Cardin (MD), Bob Casey (PA), Thad Cochran (MS), Christopher A. Coons (DE), Bob Corker (TN), Richard J. Durbin (IL), Michael B. Enzi (WY), Dianne Feinstein (CA), Al Franken (MN), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Lindsey Graham (SC), Charles E. Grassley (IA), Kay Hagan (NC), Johnny Isakson (GA), Tim Johnson (SD), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Herb Kohl (WI), Mary L. Landrieu (LA), Joseph I. Lieberman (CT), John McCain (AZ), Robert Menendez (NJ), Bill Nelson (FL), Jim Risch (ID), Charles E. Schumer (NY), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Tom Udall (NM), David Vitter (LA), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)

  • Giffords to step down from Congress

    01/22/2012 11:32:43 AM PST · 23 of 194
    HighlyOpinionated to Keith in Iowa

    At least SHE cares enough about this Country to know when to step aside ... there are about 400 other Congress members who should do the same ... on both sides of the aisle.

    We have to stop paying their salaries ... the original intent was not to make SERVING in Congress a life-long profession.

    My gggggreatuncle had to pay his own way when he served in the House representing Virginia and later, Kentucky. Let the States that elect them support them ... with NO contributions from lobbyists or businesses, people, nations. Their pay should come from the people who elected them not from outside their district or State.

  • Activists Hold Rally for Mexican Grandmother Facing Deportation

    01/21/2012 5:31:29 PM PST · 10 of 42
    HighlyOpinionated to moonshinner_09

    No sympathy ... if she has family here LEGALLY, then they know how to get her here LEGALLY.

    Round ‘em all up ... just because someone covets what another person has, does not give the Church or any segment of society a right, rhyme or reason to defend the one coveting IF that person BREAKS THE LAW because of covetousness.

    Broke the law to get here illegally, breaks the law by driving when she’s been told time and time again not to drive.

    NO excuses ... it may appear to be ‘minor’ but the LAW is not minor.

    Round them up, get DNA, deport them. Simple.

    The cost of rounding up and deporting every illegal alien in this Country would pay for itself in less than two years. And the LIVES saved ....

    Think about it ... this ILLEGAL DRIVER is an Auto-Accident away from killing a US Citizen. THEN ... she’s not a victim of immigration policy, she’s a perpetrator of homicide and all those Church people will look like the fools they really are.

    I am sick and tired of the Church trying to make US Citizens feel shame for wanting our Constitution upheld. They should be preaching to the ILLEGALS and reminding them that covetousness and theft is SIN and they should go back ‘home’ and follow the rules to come to the USofA lawfully.

  • 3 Things Missing From Obama's Campaign

    01/20/2012 3:11:10 PM PST · 24 of 26
    HighlyOpinionated to NormsRevenge




  • Newt Gingrich’s woman problem [I push leftist propaganda on FR and all I got was this zot]

    01/20/2012 3:00:50 PM PST · 88 of 250
    HighlyOpinionated to americanophile

    I was married to a Womanizer ... these mental illnesses start in childhood and they don’t just ‘go away’ because one finds a “Jackie Look Alike” [which Calista is definitely NOT with that weak chin line] or because one converts to a specific religion [to which I converted in 1992].

    We do NOT need another Bill Clinton personality in the White House ... Newt is much worse than Bill ... at least Bill stayed married to Hillary ... and Newt sheds wives like snakes shed skin.

  • Last South Carolina Primary Simulation shows 14,000 vote win for Gingrich

    01/20/2012 2:54:59 PM PST · 14 of 27
    HighlyOpinionated to parksstp

    First off, Ron Paul should not be on the ballot. He may ‘say’ he’s a Republican but he preaches Libertarianism ... and the GOP is merely giving him a bully pulpit for his ideas and undermining their credibility when they treat him as a ‘Republican’ ....

    So without Ron Paul ... let’s have a re-vote count, please.

  • Romney's tax return headache

    01/17/2012 5:22:00 PM PST · 8 of 17
    HighlyOpinionated to Red Steel

    MAYBE where the IRS Tax form asks if a person is a US Citizen ... Mittens cannot answer YES?

    Just asking, nothing personal.

  • In Florida, Romney Clings to a 26-Point Lead, (Poll alleges)

    01/17/2012 5:19:04 PM PST · 16 of 51
    HighlyOpinionated to Halfmanhalfamazing


    This is the terminology of desperation not a winner.

    Once Romney releases his Tax records ... it may be that his 26 points slips down to minus numbers.


    Is this a joke or a liberal agenda to make Mittens the victim?

  • Obama Still “Focused Like a Laser On Jobs” – Plans Busy Weekend of Movie Watching At White House…

    01/12/2012 1:52:59 PM PST · 36 of 56
    HighlyOpinionated to Nachum

    We have a child in the White House and Congress is afraid if they confront him, he’ll cry “you’re bullying me, you’re mean.”

    I say ... arrest the traitor and try him for treason and then take him out in back of the White House and with all the Media cameras rolling do what Americans have always done to traitors!

  • Terror Plot In Tampa; CAIR Defends Suspect

    01/10/2012 9:29:33 PM PST · 7 of 11
    HighlyOpinionated to bayouranger

    Can We Ban Islam? - Legal Guidelines for the Criminalization of Islam in the United States

  • Obama stays cryptic, maintains wide stance on gay marriage

    01/10/2012 3:19:20 PM PST · 15 of 24
    HighlyOpinionated to Nachum
    This wide?

    Or this wide?

    Nope, can't make this up. Alinsky Tactic #5 ... RIDICULE!
  • Dogs cause three family arguments every week

    01/10/2012 3:08:23 PM PST · 24 of 56
    HighlyOpinionated to DeoVindiceSicSemperTyrannis
  • Dogs cause three family arguments every week

    01/10/2012 3:05:16 PM PST · 23 of 56
    HighlyOpinionated to DeoVindiceSicSemperTyrannis

    I live alone. My companion dog died in early September. I’d give anything for her not to have had cancer and not to have died at age 11 years.

    I think this is a bunch of British crap. What DO they call crap in ‘the King’s English?’ “Crawp?”

  • Final PPP NH poll: Romney 35, Paul 18, Huntsman 16, Gingrich 12, Santorum 11

    01/08/2012 8:36:56 PM PST · 4 of 112
    HighlyOpinionated to lilyfreeper

    Yeah, and I have a bridge to sell you.

    Who exactly do these pollsters ask?

  • Bachmann Likely to Retire from Congress

    01/08/2012 8:01:23 AM PST · 30 of 35
    HighlyOpinionated to ak267

    Michele Bachmann should stay in Congress. I believe she’ll have the momentum to become Speaker if the TEA Party Republican who is challenging John Boehner wins his seat.

    I’m not a Minnesotan but I’ve donated to Michele Bachmann’s campaign because she understands that her votes in Congress affect ALL of us and not just the voters in her district.

    Let’s let her know how much she means to us in Congress. Contact her ... donate.

  • They know who the real threat is (Team Romney attacks Newt, not Santorum)

    01/07/2012 3:50:27 PM PST · 7 of 7
    HighlyOpinionated to 2ndDivisionVet

    I’m not sure ... I’m thinking Romney knows he’s got a thousand times more money to spend for the rest of the Primaries and thinks the Dark Horse will founder before the final stretch, so he is attacking the person who may have the money to produce the advertisements which will be detrimental.

    I’ll wait and see ... tonight’s debate could be very revealing.