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Posts by Gig

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  • Jackson Man Fights Order to Support Another Man's Child

    08/06/2003 9:51:02 AM PDT · 5 of 264
    Gig to TheSpottedOwl
    "Just a damn shame..." But all too often the sad reality.

    Child support enforcement is one of the most mis-used and abused government programs. They often ignore the truly bad fathers and instead jump on the "easy pickin's" with both feet.

    A government totally out-of-control.
  • Then and Now: Lessons Unlearned

    03/31/2003 9:20:28 AM PST · 8 of 13
    Gig to pa_dweller
    First, this isn't a civil war. Iraq has been at war with the U.S. for over a decade; 911 just woke SOME of us up to it, that's all. So, we're fighting for our security, not just the "innocent" Iraqis'.

    Second, how do you win a war when the innocent and the evil all look the same? Unfortunately for the Iraqi people, it's going to either be A BUNCH of American Soldiers in body bags OR A BUNCH of Iraqis wearing all kinds of clothing in body bags . . . guess which choice we SHOULD MAKE?
  • Hell is coming to Saddam (Amen Alert)

    03/25/2003 9:24:37 AM PST · 15 of 18
    Gig to Hila
  • Anti-gun SB1 Moving in GA Senate (Republicans Stab Gun Owners in the Back)

    02/21/2003 10:29:48 AM PST · 21 of 26
    Gig to backhoe
    Interesting developments in Georgia.

    Republicans, the "staunch supports of individual liberty", sweep into the Governor's mansion and take over control of the state Senate; they also have a near-balance in the state House.

    The "democrap" Lt. Governor Mark Taylor, effectively neutured by the the Republican majority in the state Senate (I see that the Lt. Governor presides over the state Senate in Georgia) was and is the politician of choice by the NRA. Too bad Lt. Gov. Taylor did not have the muscle to staunch this move in the state Senate!

    Wow! Imagine that . . . a Democrap being MORE conservative than a Republican!!

    11/19/2002 9:22:05 AM PST · 90 of 159
    Gig to All
    Let us assume, just for the sake of example, that the federal government decided to {pick a few of these} -
    * do random searches of homes, looking for suspicious items or activities.
    * do a search on each citizens' bank account that purchased any type of firearm or ammuniition and then search their homes.
    * outlaw any private ownership of firearms.
    * do traffic blockades with searches of any vehicle deemed "suspicious."
    * arrest citizens and not give them due process of law, but put them into makeshift "camps" until the "truth" could be sorted out.

    What would the citizens of America do? I don't mean what you'd like to see happen. How do you think America would react and what would be the steps that would be taken, and by whom? Not pretty, in my opinion.

  • Prayer Request for my son

    10/16/2002 11:41:27 AM PDT · 28 of 195
    Gig to PoisedWoman
    May the Lord give you and all of Bill's family peace, may he touch Bill with His healing, and may He use the doctors, nurses, and other caregivers as His divine instruments.

    Give praise to the Lord.
  • Whoa, Big Brother

    09/23/2002 11:03:42 AM PDT · 11 of 17
    Gig to Asmodeus
    Oh, but surely you understand that "driving is a privledge, not a right!" Therefore, you should feel fortunate that our magnanimous government officials even allow us to drive on their roads!!
  • Do state trump Bill of Rights on firearms?

    09/20/2002 9:17:06 AM PDT · 100 of 456
    Gig to sheltonmac
    Over half of the states STILL have an organized, state-recognized militia: These are usually called State Defense Forces and they mirror your words down to a "T". The volunteers even have to buy their own uniforms and supplies, in many cases.

    Too bad these State Defense Forces aren't turned into the force they should be! Many people would gain a whole new perspective on the RKBA!

  • Do We Really Need An Office Of Homeland Security?

    09/20/2002 9:00:36 AM PDT · 9 of 17
    Gig to az4vlad
    There has not been a more important time for a resurgence of The Right To Keep And Bear Arms since the War for American Independence was fought.

    Sadly, it sure seems that most politicians do not or will not see it that way.
  • Florida Group Calls On Parents To Keep Homes Gun-Free

    08/13/2002 3:51:32 AM PDT · 6 of 29
    Gig to Vigilant1
    Well said, Vigilant1. Good rebuttal.
  • Pistol Fires at Event for Rep. Barr

    08/07/2002 9:33:55 AM PDT · 23 of 105
    Gig to Lazamataz; All
    First, let's give Barr a round of applause for even being in the same room with a gun, loaded or otherwise!

    Next, the lobbyist Widener was the one who was responsible for "safing" the weapon as he was the one handling it prior to Barr.

    Sheesh, maybe FR folks would rather Barr was an ANTI-GUNNER!
  • Can We Maintain American Freedom Without The Posse Comitatus Act?

    07/29/2002 9:56:18 AM PDT · 8 of 15
    Gig to Stand Watch Listen
    Of course!Repeal the Posse Comitatus Act. While they're at it, maybe our elected representatives will finally work up the courage to repeal the Second Amendment too! Then we'll be getting somewhere.

    After all, if we can get the guns out of the hands of those potential "Evil-Doers" - the American People, and put some real teeth in policing our streets, why, we'll ALL be SAFE then, won't we??????
  • Freedom

    07/29/2002 9:47:59 AM PDT · 16 of 33
    Gig to GmbyMan
    You said "If the FBI and the CIA had more power prior to 9/11, they may have been able to thwart that terrorist attack."

    May I suggest that the two agencies you name have not used their resources wisely? If you spent some serious time investigating these two organizations, I feel confident you would be amazed at the amount of waste and the number of stupid decisions that have been made, all in the name of career enhancement.

    Most of the people in the trenches are probably decent, hard-working Americans who love their country. But the polical leadership seems to always be willing to sacrifice anything to further their own power. So decisions are made that are bad for our country but good for the decision-maker's career.

    The politicians and beaurocrats have enough power. Don't give them any more!

  • Confederate flag issue sparks controversy

    07/08/2002 9:30:52 AM PDT · 22 of 51
    Gig to Vladiator
    "If you find the Yankee imperialist nation where you reside so stifling, please move out."

    I also find the "Yankee imperialist" direction of our government offensive. But I'm not moving out. You see, Vladiator, it was a free country before it bacame an Imperial one, so those that choose to support the Imperial direction our national government is taking should 'move out'. Better yet, military prison sounds better.

    Our government leaders, military, and law enforcement all ". . . swear to defend the Constitution of the United States . . ." Break the oath, go to jail. Simple.

    Or, do you believe the adage that "might makes right?"

  • FBI disinterest - Terror Evidence Ignored - Hard Drive Found - INSIDE the Beltway

    07/08/2002 9:04:01 AM PDT · 74 of 175
    Gig to Poohbah
    Sometimes . . . evil people do stupid things, just like good people. Don't discount the obvious.
  • Another idiot actor opens his yap...James Bond this time.

    07/03/2002 10:55:29 AM PDT · 45 of 79
    Gig to justshutupandtakeit
    Yep, you're right, he was correct. Do I think we should forget - He** NO!

    But on average, people in America have forgotten. They've become used to hearing about terrorist threats and they go about their daily lives. That's really not a bad thing, at least in part. We've got to keep "doing our thing" and drive the world's economy.

    What troubles me is that the American people don't see the bigger danger that is told every day in the news: The American government is going to sieze unprecendented power FROM THE PEOPLE because of 9-11. In a way (Lord, I can't believe I'm typing this), one could be tempted to believe the accusations of Rep. Cynthia McKinney! Who and what stands to gain the most from terrorist activity?

    Not the terrorists. They just get dead or hunted down and jailed. Who then? Who profits when the masses of people cry out in fear for protection? When the American people say "yes, search me and my house; search all my private documents and records. Just keep me safe!"

    Who gains?

  • Either You're An American Or You're Not -- Stand With Us Or Get Out!

    07/02/2002 9:33:18 AM PDT · 8 of 40
    Gig to Stand Watch Listen
    Yes, we should all be soldiers in this struggle for freedom. Sadly, most Americans don't recognize the REAL danger to our liberty: the lies and deceipt practiced by the institutional powers of our country.

    Our people awoke from their slumber for a brief moment on September the 11th, 2001. However, the masses were too quickly back asleep, believing in big government as our saviour.

    I love our country. There is nowhere that has the hope that America has. However, it is up to the masses to insist on a return to our foundations, both legal and spiritual. Without a determined chorus from the grass-roots, Washington will run amok. This is my fear: that for the hope of safety, We surrender liberty. Too much has already been taken over the past 90 years. We can spare no more.

  • The Founding Fathers On God And Religion

    07/01/2002 11:28:24 AM PDT · 17 of 36
    Gig to Stand Watch Listen
    Bump for a later read!
  • Tom Cruise Tells British Media That He Doesn't Like America!

    07/01/2002 11:24:54 AM PDT · 88 of 193
    Gig to MP5SD
  • Tom Cruise Tells British Media That He Doesn't Like America!

    07/01/2002 11:23:08 AM PDT · 85 of 193
    Gig to marty60
    No, I didn't miss the point of the critique. I simply used it as an opportunity to point out the truth. Here is TRUTH:

    We, the American people have had our liberty stolen from us because we have been dumb, fat, and happy. We got lazy and forgot that we have a responsibility to keep government in check. Also, we became arrogant and thought we did not need God.

    That is MY point and MY critique.