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Jewish Press,, C-SPAN, Richard Miniter, Carl Limbacher, bill/hillary clinton | 11.15.05 | Mia T

Posted on 11/15/2005 10:00:14 AM PST by Mia T

Yitzhak Shamir Validated:
[and to America and the world]

by Mia T, 11.15.05

"I view Hillary Clinton as a great danger to Jews if she is elected."


former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir
Jewish Press, July 2000


Clinton also referred to the Oslo peace process -- by any standard a total and abject failure -- "our best chance for a lasting and comprehensive peace."

I'm surprised he wasn't booed off the stage.

"If you work for peace and fail, fewer people will die than if you do not work at all," he said.

Tell it to Neville Chamberlain.

Clinton offered up a three-point peace plan:

  1. He suggested Palestinians "use their opportunity in Gaza to do a better job of fighting terror." A better job? How about any job?

  2. He suggested Israelis must find a way "to organize their politics" so that "their search for peace can continue." Isn't it time for world leaders to acknowledge that Israelis have done all they can -- that they have gone above and beyond the call of duty in working for peace? Am I the only one who finds such remarks rather insulting? How do Israelis view it?

  3. And he suggested that the "most important" step is that Jews around the world and friends of Israel "have a special responsibility to give financial, moral and technical support to the Palestinian people to help the Gaza gamble succeed and to the Israelis to give them time to sort through their political situation."

This is what passes for deep thinking among world leaders.

Jews have a special responsibility to come to the aid of their embattled, bleeding, battered brothers and sisters in Israel. Suggesting Jews should divert their support to aiding the budding anti-Semitic, terrorist state of Palestine is immoral and unconscionable.

It is like suggesting that the best hedge against the rise of Adolph Hitler in the 1930s would have been diverting financial and technical aid to Germany....

Bill Clinton did his level best to destroy Israel during his eight years as president. He twisted Ehud Barak's arm to the point that the former prime minister had virtually given his country away to Yasser Arafat. Only a strange twist of fate, in which Arafat rejected the giveaway, halted the process and saved Israel from the unimaginable horror of being sliced and diced.

When people like Bill Clinton talk about a "peace plan" for Israel, what they really mean is a "piece plan" -- in which Israel would be left with only an indefensible piece of its historic land.

That's not peace ... it's ethnic, religious and cultural suicide.

Clinton's Israel 'piece' plan
Posted: November 15, 2005
Joseph Farah

halk this one up to the ultimate clinton mulligan.

The clintons' photo-op trip to Israel this week was punctuated yesterday by the above statement, which was shameless, self-serving, stupid, anti-Semitic and perilous... even by clinton standards.

To fully appreciate the context of the clinton trip and statement, one must understand that both are:

  1. an extension of the clintons' arm-twisting, dangerous-for-Israel phony rapprochement in the Mideast.1

  2. confirmation that the clintons are a mortal danger for Jews2, for Israel, for the region, for America3 and for the world.

  3. an extension of the clintons' abject failure to confront terrorism, generally4

  4. all about the Nobel Peace Prize:

    the clinton years were about a legacy that was incidentally a presidency5

  5. the opening move in the Mideast to erase clinton's failure at both--his presidency and his legacy. (Hope apparently springs eternal for the snake-oil saleman from Hot Springs.)

It is not surprising that the clintons chose Israel to deliver the opening move. Israel is at once the clinton failure focal point and potential sore point in '08. Israel--and, as a brethren I am ashamed to say, the Jews-- have always been an easy mark for the clintons.

Continued Jewish support is essential if clinton is to pull off the ultimate mulligan, a do-over presidency and legacy, if you will.

The mulligan mechanism being deployed is, of course, the hillary puppet6, itself the vacant product 7 of the vacant twofer's inversion, a manuever that clinton would gladly avoid if he could--he made a fleeting, furtive attempt get rid of the offending 22nd Amendment several years back, as I recall.

Counterintuitively, the hillary puppet is the pernicious endpoint in the clintons' 30-year quest for power and treasure by way of--and in spite of--their abject, reflexive and continuous abuse of women.8

I think someone ought to clue in Susan Estrich.9 Gender feminism requires a functional female.



    Why did clinton ignore terrorism?

    Richard Miniter's account of clinton's utter failure to combat terrorism provides a clue. (C-SPAN interview and LOSING BIN LADEN: How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror)

    The answer was inadvertently if somewhat obliquely provided by Madeleine Albright at the cabinet meeting that would decide the disposition of the USS Cole bombing by al Qaeda [that is to say, that would decide to do what it had always done when a "bimbo" was not spilling the beans on the clintons: Nothing]. Only Clarke wanted to retaliate militarily for this unambiguous act of war.

    According to Albright, a [sham] Mideast accord would yield [if not peace for the principals, surely] a Nobel Peace Prize for clinton. Kill or capture bin Laden and clinton could kiss the accord and the Peace Prize good-bye.

    WASHINGTON -- Two Norwegian public-relations executives and one member of the Norwegian Parliament say they were contacted by the White House to help campaign for President Clinton to receive this year's Nobel Peace Prize for his work in trying to negotiate peace in the Middle East.

    Clinton Lobbies for Nobel Prize: What a Punk
    White House Lobbied For Clinton Nobel Peace Prize Updated
    Friday, October 13, 2000
    By Rita Cosby


    There's been speculation in the last few months that Clinton was pursuing a Mideast peace accord in an effort to win the prize and secure his legacy as president.




    At the time, clinton observed: "I made more progress in the Middle East than I did between Socks and Buddy." Retrospectively, it is clear that clinton's characterization was not correct.

    Mia T, Buddy Death Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers


    Pathologic self-interest (Nobel Gas)

    If clinton liberalism, smallness, cowardice, corruption, perfidy--and, to borrow a phrase from Andrew Cuomo, clinton cluelessness--played a part, it was, in the end, the Nobel Peace Prize that produced the puerile pertinacity that enabled the clintons to shrug off terrorism's global danger.

    Was it simply the constraints of his liberal mindset,
    or was it something even more threatening to our national security?

  2. clintonism and the theology of contempt

    by Mia T, November 2000 (sometime before the-first-Tuesday-after-the-first-Monday)


    hillary talks: On Ethnic Slurs

    (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)

    "I view Hillary Clinton as a great danger to Jews if she is elected."

    former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir
    Jewish Press, July 2000


    I... underestimated the propensity of my people for narrow-mindedness and self-destruction (the Jewish vote for Mrs. Clinton was about 70%)....

    Some anti-Semitism is irrational, founded in ignorance, as in Hillary's case....

    But other forms of anti-Semitism can be earned, giving folks legitimate grievances against a people because they do crazy things like EXTEND HILLARY CLINTON'S POLITICAL LIFE!

    This is not to cast the entire blame on Jewish New Yorkers; they alone couldn't have elected her. In my initial optimism, I equally underestimated the urban pseudo-intellectual's high-mindedness, as well as the Everyman's yearning for celebrity in his midst.

    Julia Gorin, Getting used to Hillary
    Jewish World Review
    Nov. 27, 2000 / 29 Mar-Cheshvan, 5761

    Let us hope that the rabbi's question was merely rhetorical. . . Let us hope that Rabbi Potasnik, and by extension, New York Jews, are not as credulous and obsequious and passive as they appear. . .

    The simple answer to the rabbi's question is that the corrupt, self-serving, anti-Semitic, power-hungry harpy cannot be trusted.

    Weren't we to never forget?


    The Holocaust must remain, for Jew and Gentile alike, a constant reminder that mass credulity and obsequiousness and passivity are necessary for the demagogue to prevail.

    To remember that six million Jews died in the Holocaust is to understand that centuries of anti-Semitic attitudes made this horror possible. We must ask ourselves what role our society played through the centuries that in any way contributed to the atmosphere that made such a genocide even thinkable.

    Which brings me to the clintons and clintonism. . .

    Senator Patrick Moynihan proffered one of the more incisive operant definitions of clintonism -- "defining deviancy down."

    Defining deviancy down, indeed.

    clintonism has made personal and public perversions, personal and public predations, not merely thinkable, not merely acceptable, but de rigueur. Watch us spin.


    clintonism is the theology of contempt. Not only toward "f***ing Jew-bastards," or "dumb n***ers" or "extra-chromosome right-wingers" but toward any of us whose ideas are different from those of the clintons, Gore, and their acolytes.

    So the real question to be answered is this:

    "What fair-minded, clear-thinking person would want to continue


    with its theology of contempt?

    What fair-minded, clear-thinking person would vote for hillary clinton or Al Gore?" 


    by Mia T, 11.14.05

    Was it simply the constraints of his liberal mindset, or was it something even more threatening to our national security?

    by Mia T, 8.18.05

    (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)
    thanx to jla and Wolverine for the audio


    "I remember exactly what happened. Bruce Lindsey said to me on the phone, 'My God, a second plane has hit the tower.' And I said, 'Bin Laden did this.' that's the first thing I said. He said, 'How can you be sure?' I said 'Because only bin Laden and the Iranians could set up the network to do this and they [the Iranians] wouldn't do it because they have a country in targets. Bin Laden did it.'

    I thought that my virtual obsession with him was well placed and I was full of regret that I didn't get him."

    bill clinton
    Sunday, Sept 3, 2002
    Larry King Live

    "Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in '91 and he went to the Sudan.

    We'd been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him [bin Laden].

    At the time, '96, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America.

    So I pleaded with the Saudis to take him, 'cause they could have; but they thought it was a hot potato. They didn't and that's how he wound up in Afghanistan."

    bill clinton
    Sunday, Aug. 11, 2002
    Clinton Reveals on Secret Audio:
    I Nixed Bin Laden Extradition Offer


    I M P E A C H M E N T
    h e a r --c l i n t o n --l o s e --i t

    by Mia T, 11.11.05

    This legacy confab is in and of itself proof certain of clinton's deeply flawed character, and a demonstration in real time of the way in which the clinton years were about a legacy that was incidentally a presidency.

    Madeleine Albright captured the essence of this dysfunctional presidency best when she explained why clinton couldn't go after bin Laden.

    According to Richard Miniter, the Albright revelation occurred at the cabinet meeting that would decide the disposition of the USS Cole bombing by al Qaeda [that is to say, that would decide to do what it had always done when a "bimbo" was not spilling the beans on the clintons: Nothing]. Only Clarke wanted to retaliate militarily for this unambiguous act of war.

    Albright explained that a [sham] Mideast accord would yield [if not peace for the principals, surely] a Nobel Peace Prize for clinton. Kill or capture bin Laden and clinton could kiss the accord and the Peace Prize good-bye.

    If clinton liberalism, smallness, cowardice, corruption, perfidy--and, to borrow a phrase from Andrew Cuomo, clinton cluelessness--played a part, it was, in the end, the Nobel Peace Prize that produced the puerile pertinacity that enabled the clintons to shrug off terrorism's global danger.


  6. MAD hillary series #5
    by Mia T, 8.03.05

    how the clintons are handling the hillary dud factor

    They turned our bridge to the 21st century into a tunnel back into the 19th century. Back us out of that Republican tunnel, fill it in, go back across the bridge.... We'll have a giant celebration when we come back to Columbus in 2020. There's nothing more wonderful than making dreams come true.

    hear hillary clinton
    address to the
    Democratic Leadership Council
    Columbus, Ohio

    Missus clinton is a dud.

    I could say she has all of bill clinton's baggage and none of his charm, except I don't find bill clinton charming. What she lacks, in my view, is lubricant. Snake oil. She grates.

    It's more than simple dislike. You don't want to see her; and you definitely don't want to hear her.

    Missus clinton is everyman's worst nightmare: ex-wife, fishwife, frigid wife, mother-in-law; worse, the abusive Nazi commandant in the Lina Wertmuller masterpiece. When she humiliates, which is always, she dons the military-issue undershirt, she grabs the whip.

    The clintons are clearly aware of this problem and are attempting to mitigate it with veneer.

    Their first ploy is to pushpoll to artificially jack up missus clinton's numbers; this is a relatively easy task, given a compliant press. This illusion of electability is intended to fool the voters, activate the herd mentality and ultimately fool the smart money of the David Geffen-Harold Ickes stripe.

    It won't work. Missus clinton has 100% name recognition. Any vote she doesn't already have, she won't get. Conversely, many voters have 0% information on the clinton abuses of power and utter failures. From this it follows that many votes she has today, she won't have tomorrow.

    Their second ploy is to conflate "bill" and "hillary." "The clintons" become a single construct. Missus clinton arrogates bill's "bridge to the 21st century " as "theirs." And, by lifting the lyrics straight from Pinocchio, she becomes "the man from 'hope'."

    The danger here for missus clinton is that with the bridge and the hope come the abuses and the utter failures.


    Who in heaven's name is writing missus clinton's speeches? They make her sound like a cross between Pinocchio on Halcyon and a clueless tourist from Park Ridge, Illinois driving into Manhattan during rush hour. Oops.

    And the plagiarizing... I mean, the clintons are shameless. And it isn't only Pinocchio.

    In 2002, I wrote that the bridge to the 21st century was, arguably, clinton's most delusional conceit, that it overshot the mark by at least 1400 years.

    To be fair, missus clinton's 19th-century reference is to that <yawn> retrograde 'retrograde Republicans' cliché, whereas my 7th-century reference is to the retrograde-in-fact islamofascist terrorists, whose jihadi declarations and acts of war against us the clintons willfully ignored for eight long years--allowing al Qaeda to grow exponentially in strength and reach, setting us up--very nicely, thank you--for 9/11 and its cataclysmic aftermath.

  7. MAD hillary series #4
    by Mia T, 7.31.05

    the danger of the unrelenting smallnessof bill + hillary clinton

    Ian Hunter recently observed that our leaders are shrinking. "From a Churchill (or, for that matter, a Margaret Thatcher) to a [pre-9/11] Tony Blair; from Eisenhower to Clinton; from Diefenbaker to Joe Clark; from Trudeau to Chretien -- we seem destined to be governed by pygmies."

    Mindless rhinestone-studded-and-tented kleptocracy
    Mia T, November 1999

    Our leaders are inexorably shrinking.  According to current mathematical models, they are shrinking at a rate of 6.7 per linear dimension per election cycle per terrorist attack.  At this rate, most leaders will be nanoleaders by the 2020s.

    The leader-shrinkage function is discontinuous for
    1992 =< t <= 2000 and continuous for all other t.

    The 1990s saw in America a sudden, discontinuous drop in leader size, a drop that retrospectively, post-9/11, has been theorized to be its greatest lower bound.
    (Can anything be lower than a clinton?)

    "Two for the price of one," the clinton pitch in '92 -- (Did the clintons understand at the time that one was not enough?) -- only made matters worse. Missus clinton in the West Wing actually added to this discontinuous decrease in leader size.

    History will record, therefore, that the clintons--the twofer, (1992-2000), were America's first nano-president.

    The clintons continue to imperil virtually every sector of society, indeed, continue to imperil America and the world, with their exponentially increasing facility in manipulating electoral/policy matter and energy at ever smaller scales. Their "school uniforms" of the '90s became "nanotech uniforms" today; both are proxies for "fight terrorism," which the clintons have neither the stomach nor the know-how to do.

    The twofer construct, transposed to circumvent the 22nd Amendment, is now poised to retake power. A self-replicating, Constitution-specific pathogen, the clinton nano-presidency, post-9/11, is a danger that we cannot -- we must not -- abide.



  9. the principal being more worthless even than its phantom proxy, both alike unsubstantial, and the former shapeless to boot

    --Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    For the most part, missus clinton operates in absentia, by proxy.

    You rarely see her. You almost never hear her. (Think of it as the hillary! 2000 'listening tour' extended ad nauseam.)

    And in those rare instances where she does actually speak, the 'event' is always prearranged, prescripted, prepeopled and preprogrammed by the clinton political machine.

    If you stop and think about it, the American voter hasn't ever had the opportunity to see, hear, examine the actual merchandise...much less contemplate the return policy.

    There are three principal reasons for this clinton scheme.

    1. To conceal the hillary dud factor. (See SCHEMA PINOCCHIO: how the clintons are handling the hillary dud factor)

    2. To shield missus clinton from questions concerning clinton corruption, clinton abuse of women, clinton abuse of power, clinton utter failure to confront terrorism, etc.

    3. To allow missus clinton to pose as a moderate without overly enraging her radical leftist comrades (Cindy Sheehan excepted).



    The clintons, as is their wont, are now taking this proxy scheme to even more outrageous extremes. The latest: an actual hillary clinton proxy presidency, populated on both sides of the camera by assorted rodham and clinton ex-staffers, sycophants and would-be felons, witness the latest hire.

    'Commander-in-Chief,' a show that sets out to crown a 'queen,' instead exposes the kitschy simplemindedness of Hollywood fantasy and the special sway and shortsightedness of the pathologic ego.

    Mia T, 10.27.05
    Bill O'Reilly chews up and spits out the hillary clinton candidacy
    (clip included)

    It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem.

    G. K. Chesterton

    Reviews of "Commander-in-Chief" mislead; they suggest that this new ABC offering, this electuary of suds and psychologizing, is optional for missus clinton, that Rod Lurie's latest clinton agitprop is nothing more than the icing on missus clinton's inaugural cake.

    The reviews miss the point of the show, (i.e., the show is not optional but necessary (though hardly sufficient) if clinton is to prevail), because the reviews fail to identify missus clinton's problem in the first place. And circular reasoning compounds the error.


    While America appears not to be ready for a female president under any circumstances, the post-9/11 realities pose special problems for a female presidential candidate. Add to these the problems unique to missus clinton. The reviews make the mistake of focusing on the problems of the generic female presidential candidate running during ordinary times.

    These are not ordinary times. America is waging the global War on Terror; the uncharted territory of asymmetric netherworlds is the battlefield; the enemy is brutal, subhuman; the threat of global conflagration is real.

    Defeating the enemy on the battlefield isn't sufficient. For America to prevail, she must also defeat a retrograde, misogynous, troglodyte mindset. To successfully prosecute the War on Terror, it is essential that the collective patriarchal islamic culture perceives America as politically and militarily strong. Condi Rice excepted, this requirement presents an insurmountable hurdle for any female presidential candidate, and especially missus clinton, historically antimilitary, forever the pitiful victim, and, according to Dick Morris, "the biggest dove in the clinton administration."

    It is ironic that had the clintons not failed utterly to fight terrorism... not failed to take bin Laden from Sudan... not failed repeatedly to decapitate a nascent, still stoppable al Qaeda... the generic female president as a construct would still be viable... missus clinton's obstacles would be limited largely to standard-issue clintonisms: corruption, abuse, malpractice, malfeasance, megalomania, rape and treason... and, in spite of Juanita Broaddrick, or perhaps because of her, Rod Lurie would be reduced to perversely hawking the "First Gentleman" instead of the "Commander-in-Chief."

    Mia T, 10.02.05


    (viewing requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)

    STEP 1

    see descriptor morphs

KEYWORDS: binladen; clintonmulligan; hillary; hillarypuppet; israel; legacy; losingbinladen; terror; terrorism; terrorist; utterfailure
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To: Windsong

by Mia T
Act IV, Scene I:
The White House. In the middle a boiling Cauldron.
Thunder. Enter the three (unvetted) Witches.
FIRST WITCH. Thrice the brinded fat cat hath mew'd.
SECOND WITCH. Thrice and once the hobbled hedge-pig whined.
THIRD WITCH. Hubbelled Harpier cries: 'T is time, 't is time.
FIRST WITCH (a Democrat with conspiratorial leanings):
Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison'd records throw.
Foster, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.
Double, trouble TOIL for HUBBELL;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
SECOND WITCH (a Liberal Democrat):
Fillet of BURTON snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of NEWT, and toe of LOTT,
LIMBAUGH'S tongue, a forget-me-not;
THURMOND'S fork, and THOMPSON'S sting,
HELM'S leg, and QUAYLE wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, trouble TOIL for HUBBELL;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
THIRD WITCH (a stealth Conservative)
Scale of BONIOR, tooth of WOLF,
HILLARY'S memory, maw and gulf
A ravin'd salt-sea shark,
Ears of the MARTINS digg'd i' the dark,
Gall of BILL, and McCURRY'S slips
"Noes" of LANNY, and HUBBELL'S lips,
Finger of ICKES ditch-deliver'd by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a Chinese squadron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.
Double, trouble TOIL for HUBBELL;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Cool it with cash and blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.
Enter Lady MacClinton:
O! well done! I commend your pains,
And every one shall share i' the gains.
And now about the cauldron sing,
Like elves and fairies in a ring,
Enchanting all that you put in.
[Music, and a Song, 'Black spirits,' and company...
---------from MacClinton

41 posted on 11/15/2005 10:33:28 PM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T

<< The clintons' photo-op trip to Israel this week was punctuated yesterday by the above statement, which was shameless, self-serving, stupid, anti-Semitic and perilous... even by clinton standards. >>

Thank you, Mia. Another brilliant response.

Caught the co-serial rapists' latest self-serving Semitic-sacrificing soirée and Mr Farah's comments.

Even less encouraging than the Cli'ton half of Clinton/Gore having, like Al(Fredo) Gore(leone's) leopard, not changed its stripes, is that such a large percentage of Israel's increasingly self-serving secular "Jews" [An altogether different demographic, species even, from the Nation's Jews] would be more at home in ancient Masada's last days than where they are now located and are most needed: in Judeo-Christian/Western/Human Civilization's front lines' most exposed outpost.

42 posted on 11/16/2005 1:07:31 AM PST by Brian Allen (Patriotic, Immigrant & therefore Hyphenated-AMERICAN-American & Aviator by choice. Christian byGrace)
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To: Mia T

Eek! I take the quadruple bogey, thank you.

Morning BUMP

43 posted on 11/16/2005 5:12:34 AM PST by FlyVet
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To: JewishRighter

Right on, JewishRighter!

44 posted on 11/16/2005 5:24:50 AM PST by Convert from ECUSA (It really, truly is a "religion of peace", and the jihadistinian rioters in France prove it!)
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To: winker

Spot on, winker! On the money!

45 posted on 11/16/2005 5:26:01 AM PST by Convert from ECUSA (It really, truly is a "religion of peace", and the jihadistinian rioters in France prove it!)
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To: FlyVet

Given your soaring skills, i would have thought an eagle.... ;)

46 posted on 11/16/2005 6:07:04 AM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: winker; Convert from ECUSA

Charles Krauthammer: State's latest move will cost lives.

47 posted on 11/16/2005 6:10:17 AM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Brian Allen

thanx. :)

48 posted on 11/16/2005 6:11:03 AM PST by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T

Woof!! Good stuff, Mia - Thanks...............FRegqards

49 posted on 11/19/2005 9:24:28 PM PST by gonzo (K-Y Jelly???.........Nope! I can't think of any other use for it either!............)
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To: Mia T

Woof!! Good stuff, Mia - Thanks...............FRegqards

50 posted on 11/19/2005 9:25:23 PM PST by gonzo (K-Y Jelly???.........Nope! I can't think of any other use for it either!............)
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To: gonzo


It's 'FRegards'! It's not series or hugh, and no moose is biting my sister or eating cheese...

geez, I wish I could type.............FRegards

51 posted on 11/19/2005 9:31:35 PM PST by gonzo (K-Y Jelly???.........Nope! I can't think of any other use for it either!............)
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To: Brian Allen; All


Counterintuitively, the hillary puppet is the pernicious endpoint in the clintons' 30-year quest for power and treasure by way of--and in spite of--their abject, reflexive and continuous abuse of women.--

Mia T

Her head bobbed nonstop in servile compliance.... Her gaze was fawning, fixed on him.... Her mouth was frozen shut, corners upturned a carefully calibrated nine degrees above the horizontal.... Not a smile.... (Never a smile).... Just enough of an upturn to hide the always-present anger. His sock puppet was on display.... Finally....

He spoke for both of them, alternating between oily racist and reliable misogynist.

Instead of striking out as her own person in this friendly venue--it was the Coretta Scott King funeral, for heaven's sake--she reprised their '92 electoral refrain. 'Two for the price of one' would be, as it had always been, the order of the day.


If they didn't know in '92 that one was not enough, they certainly know it now. (Refuting the axiom that 2 x 0 = 0), their 'twofer' construct remains the lifeblood of her electoral--(and, arguably, non-electoral)--life.

She of the 'plantation' blunder simply wouldn't play here. He, as First Black President?, was providing cover.

And still the central question remains: Can spilt oil raise a sinking ship?

by Mia T, 03.18.06

It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem.

G. K. Chesterton


... While America appears not to be ready for a female president under any circumstances, the post-9/11 realities pose special problems for a female presidential candidate. Add to these the problems unique to missus clinton. The reviews make the mistake of focusing on the problems of the generic female presidential candidate running during ordinary times.

These are not ordinary times. America is waging the global War on Terror; the uncharted territory of asymmetric netherworlds is the battlefield; the enemy is brutal, subhuman; the threat of global conflagration is real.

Defeating the enemy isn't sufficient. For America to prevail, she must also defeat a retrograde, misogynous mindset. To successfully prosecute the War on Terror, it is essential that the collective patriarchal islamic culture perceives America as politically and militarily strong. Condi Rice excepted, this requirement presents an insurmountable hurdle for any female presidential candidate, and especially missus clinton, historically antimilitary--(an image, incidentally, that is only enhanced today by her clumsy, termagant parody of Thatcher), forever the pitiful victim, and, according to Dick Morris, "the biggest dove in the clinton administration."

It is ironic that had the clintons not failed utterly to fight terrorism... not failed to take bin Laden from Sudan... not failed repeatedly to decapitate a nascent, still stoppable al Qaeda... the generic female president as a construct would still be viable... missus clinton's obstacles would be limited largely to standard-issue clintonisms: corruption, abuse, malpractice, malfeasance, megalomania, rape and treason... and, in spite of Juanita Broaddrick, or perhaps because of her, Rod Lurie would be reduced to perversely hawking the "First Gentleman" instead of the "Commander-in-Chief."

Mia T, 10.02.05
(see descriptor morphs)






52 posted on 04/13/2006 5:27:11 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Brian Allen; All



by Mia T, 3.22.06




illary-the-person isn't running. The idea of hillary is, the idea of hillary as put out on a daily basis by all manner of proxy, from simple spinner to elaborate Hollywood production.1

QUESTION: When was the last time you observed "the smartest woman in the world"2 partake in our process of political discourse, or, as Charles Kuralt once put it, relish in "the raucous give and take of American democracy?" ANSWER: Never. Hillary-the-person answers to no one.3

Hillary-the-person never shows her face. Hillary-the-person never talks. Part of the reason is substance-- or more precisely, the lack of it: The clintons are a truly banal bunch. But, as the husband amply demonstrates, banality, in and of itself, is not a nonstarter if you have a semblance of style. But, sadly, missus clinton doesn't have that, either.

The upshot of all this vacuity are positive numbers for hillary (such as they are) that are inversely related to appearance frequency, and, more specifically, inversely related to the following mouth variables: magnitude of agape, amplitude and frequency of effluvia.4


The bottom line is this paradox: In order for hillary clinton to have any chance of winning elections, she must all but vanish from the public stage.5

So when hillary-the-person has a problem, for example, she stays hidden and in her place dispatches her prevaricators to spin us silly. Harold Wolfson is the current model.



If the problem has already taken root, she plants false news stories about it. (Missus clinton's sorry sock-puppet status falls into this category.) 6

It is only when her power, treasure or freedom appears in imminent danger does she deign7 to put the lie10 in our face herself.8


53 posted on 04/13/2006 5:30:04 AM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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