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Why the Court has favored a mother making uses of her own children with out questioning?
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento, Case # 05FL04999

Posted on 02/26/2006 10:39:16 AM PST by moritz_cvg

To start, I have some thoughts in wishing to entertain you.

Understanding MATH

Uncertainty=how long your wife tells you she will shop before you both entering the mall Certainty=the actual time you two leaving the mall Unknown and independent variables=what your wife wants next Dependent variables=what you must do next Implied number=the correct way to understand what she told you Step functions=her way to indicate a numerical measurement from times to times Imaginary objects=what she expects from you Absolute minimum=what you can expect from her

Superior Court of California County of Sacramento Case # 05FL04999

I am writing a true story telling you how a wife has ever thought of that) has torn down the life of her husband’s life, with her family involvements in several situations. With the similar personal characteristic her family members have, easily blaming others and hardly admitting their own responsibilities, it is positive that none of her family member has the consent that they had destroyed their son/brother in law’s his starting business that he had dreamed for years. However, with all of her consent, she has twice made her husband suffering the legal consequences for what he has never done. But for the wife, with all her consent and after she had been sorry and crying time to time for what she had done, she has done it again with all her effort, not only causing the legal harmful damages which the husband must tolerate, she has attempted to emotionally injure her him as she can.

Furthermore, while she only mistakenly did it alone in anger during an argument with her husband, it is more sarcastically, she has now deliberately done it in team while planning with all the hate for what she has done. In other words, instead of being responsible, she has blamed that her husband must be responsible because felling guilty for what she has done and not having the courage to admit.

But not because of avoiding being responsible continuing to hide what she has done were not the real motive for the woman to make him blamed and responsible for the legal consequences. She has the choice not to and she has not must go beyond what she need to. She has truly hated her husband and she desired to injure him as much as she can because he could not refuse the fact which she has always denied.

For how much she has hated him, she has never felt bothered in using her own children to injure their father. Has she ever thought of the negative consequences which the children must deal with because of what she has done? And has she ever thought that she has not gained any advantage but she rather has abandoned the peaceful part of her own life? I would like to leave these concerns for the audiences to think after getting more understanding of what has happened.

I am the mentioned husband. After briefly portraying what has happened, I will discuss various related issues, one by one. When it is appropriate, I will provide proves, mostly by scanning and posting the available documents, to support my statements. Also, my objective is seeking for justices, not creating personal criticism. Therefore, I prefer to keep anonymous for personal names, with some exceptions.

Furthermore, I am building up a personal web site for better publishing and distributing what I would like to tell as many people as I can. There are two reasons for why I see the need of the specific web site. First, there have been numerous issues to discuss which should be divided into sub topics for the ease to comprehend. Next, the main motive is to dedicate my wife for what she has done and deserved. Mean while, please visit this thread from time to time as I am continuously adding more information.

In summary, in late 2000, I was arrested and charged of physically assaulting my wife. I will come back with more details later. This is the point: I was charged for what I never did. I have never beaten my wife once. Later, in August 2005, I confronted with her(via phone) about the affair she had with another man and then requested for a discussion of the staying and visiting matters of our common children, now 7 and 5 years old sons, who were staying with mom during our separation. She refused my reasonable request with no explanation. Unable to reach her after making several telephone attempts and leaving numerous messages, I further contacted her brothers and sister to ask their helps in telling my wife to respond. In addition to the telephone calls, I also sent several emails to them, including to my wife. I did not receive any reply my wife or her relatives. In stead of a response, an explanation, I received a restraining order.

It has been a few days more than six months since I last had my sons in my arms, on 08/23/2005. Not only missing them, I have also been worrying for my sons, two young, innocent, and defenseless boy who are staying with a defectively minded mother who has been with a man who has shown several extreme violent and unreasonable behaviors.

Furthermore, not feeling satisfied with the restraining order, she has deliberately reported that I violated the restraining order, not one, but two times with fraudulent information

I do not have much more time now. Before stopping, I would like to present a few of several reasons for me to write this.

1-I will protect my sons and defense for myself with the best I can, all the resources I have, all the ways I can think of, all the cost I can afford, and all the patience I have which all legal rights I have in the legal way.

2-I would like to provide the truths and prove the untruths.

3-Why the untruths were used to judge me?

4-I am open for comments, feed backs, and advices.

5-I am fighting for justices. I should not be liable for what I had not done.

I will come back soon to continue.

Please refer to the following emails which I had sent for more information. I received no response.

Re: Second appeal. Judge William Ulman unjust decision

Dear Judge Ulman:

I am rushing to you this letter and the following incomplete copy of the letter with out knowing if I would be facing any legal consequences to write to a Judge such a letter because the lives, proper cares, and safety of my sons.

When I find no further reason to write, all information would be certified mailed to the court house for filing with the related documents. I would ask nothing but allowing me to finish before taking any legal action against me for my wrong doing from you kindness.

It could be numerous issues which I would like to present. Therefore, if sending you this formal letter of objections would violate any court rule, I would ask you a favor: please kindly wait for a few more letters so that you could bring me to answering before a court of laws for my wrong doing at once. I will partially submit the information I would like to furnish upon each daily completion.

I would like to try best to enclose herein the following information with proven evidences or concrete logical supports to be later provided:

1-Worrying for my sons have been often facing a dangerous person (my wife's boy friend), I am taking the risk of facing legal punishment to write to you as a concerning and responsible father.

2-I would hope this unexpected appeal would trigger your attention while all of my responses which I have furnished in accordance with the court procedure, my initial response to the court restraining order, my application for an ex partes (being denied), and the court hearing have all been trashed by either one or all reasons here: you are prejudice, your decision was a result of a routine task, or you are not a fair and good Judge.

3-I will later prove that you have made these decisions while you have not fully understood or studied the facts:

a-You had carelessly approved my wife's petition for the restraining order against me. I have highly believed that you had read very little or none of my wife statements to accuse me, the reason for you not seeing the contradictories in her statements.

b-You had ignored my response to the court's order.

c-You had denied my request for the ex partes with out reading my statements (you do not see that my wife and her boy friend are endangering my sons as I explained)

d-You had extended the isolation between my family and I with out sympathy, responsibilities, professional experiences and knowledge but rather with a fixed and ignorant mind. And you also made the decision with out understanding the matter (I will prove it later).

4-My wife and I, who has been the abuser and who has been abused.

5-How my wife and her side takers have, not only abused but also played jokes on, the legal system, the court, you, and I. And you have your choice to accept their jokes, but please do not take me along with your empowerment. I can't enjoys such jokes.

6-Besides orther reasons, my wife's has used the kids as her instrument to mentally torturing me (why, why , why???)

7-You had not fully understand my wife's statement which you used to make your conclusion in favor of my wife, but making you decision??? Your decision may not be meaningful to, but it if the lives of my two kids and I, Dear Judge Ullman. How could you be that heartless???

8-In your set mind, I could be a muscle type of people. I will prove that I am brainy person. And I wish to convince you that my brain is thousands times stronger than my muscle in responding to my wife's challenging with me. I can always keep myself in line with the law to strengthen my merit in the child custodian conflict by my logical reasoning, why should I act as my wife assumed and you were convinced by her accusations???

With more issues I would add later, I would like to prove item (d) of item (3) first since it was happening in the court room with several eye witnesses to support me later if you would bring me to trial for writing to you this letter, which may violate court's rules (I do not know, but just with common sense, a defendant should not contact the Judge for disagreements, I guess).

3d1: As you had considered that it is the right decision to remain the order against me, please provide any or all reason(s) what have made you believing that I am a dangerous person (leaving my wife's statements to be questionable until I would prove the lies for all of them)?

3d2- If I am not dangerous, was there another good reason to take me away from my own blooded children? And why?

3d3-I wish you still remember, I asked why as you decided to remain the restraining order. You said that because I contacted my wife. I then explained that I previously discussed the contacts before I received the court's order. You then brought up one of my wife's accusation to use as it was supporting for your conclusion. As I tried to explained, you stopped me and I had to accept your (un)judgment. This proves the followings:

*You were unsure of the reason to remain the Court's order. *You had not pay attention to my explanations. Even when I try to present the confirmation of the Ice Cream Vending owner’s to prove that I picked up the kids on 08/23/05 while my wife's had altered it to 08/22/2005 to deny her affair and to chain me with her untrue information of the reason I borrowed her money: for cocaine, not for ordering ice cream, you never ask me to present the written confirmation. I made several copies for submitting to you and delivering to my wife as the court's requesting and then they got discarded??? *What made you accepted my wife's statement why I believe that she would have a hard time to provide the proves, but you denied my explanations as I make the evidences available? *You had stated that you wished you could read Vietnamese to understand the emails which I had written to my wife. What is your support to make the decision while you had not known if I was making email threats to my wife or not? Please have all emails translated. And that was just 1/3 of the emails I sent. I would be willing to submit them upon request for further evidences. Believe me, my wife selected the ugliest ones to submitt, the one I wrote in anger. What make me a dangerous person to use email to ask my wife not to hide and face me for a family discussion???

I have not yet finished the previous section, but I would like to discuss issue (7), my wife’s accusations against me which you used to conclude the hearing after the previous reason not standing.

I have to send the 1st part before continuing. As other consequences I have suffered because of your improper way to carry out your responsibility as a Judge, there are a few concerns I would ask for your answers, if your decision is still valid for me to wait for the trial in Dec. 2005.

A-If some thing bad happen to my kids where my wife and/or Tony is related before the final conclusion reached, who should I blame for? For instant, can you assure that Tony would not beat my wife and/or my children some day (he was so ready to enter the fight with me on 08/23/2005)???

B-This was an essential damage. On 09/20/2005, after the hearing, my car got broken down at a near by deli restaurant. I had no choice but leaving the vehicle in the restaurant parking lot as offered a ride home. I my wife is the best person for me to ask for help was no longer available, I could not go back to take care of the vehicle until a neibourgh gave me a ride back to the restaurant days later to find out that my vehicle was towed. As the value of the vehicle could be far less than the fine, I have no choice but deciding to abandon the vehicle. My ice cream truck is now my personal Mobil with lots of disadvantages.

I would like to know how you would response to the above fact since it would not happen if you carefully reviewed my wife's initial petition to catch the lies, if you reviewed my explanations in the ex partes application, or you take my response to your order into your considerations. Am I right or wrong, dear Judge Ullman??? Or do you have any advice for me???

While I would continue later, I would like to unclose what I might do next, if you would not help to reconsider for a fair judgment soon as I have reached my optimum tolerance. Similar statements in my emails were considered acts of threatening by my wife. What is wrong if I disclose my future efforts? You have the choice or I? If you know the computer language, what I had written to my wife were just the simple IF and THEN logical arguments. Should I consider a street warning sign as threatening act of the law enforcement agency?

I hope you will help for me not going further. Your consideration is my most preference.

Attachment 1: References of how serious my wife and her side takers have legally violated in all actions against me since 08/23/2005 (not including the code for kid napping intents) and how my Civil Rights had been violated after you decisions in the matters. Amendment XIV TITLE 42 CHAPTER , SUBCHAPTER I § 1981 Civil action for deprivation of rights Equal rights under the law TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21 SUBCHAPTER I § 1985 Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights TITLE 28 PART IV CHAPTER 89 § 1443 § 1443. Civil rights cases

Attachment2: In the case that you will consider that your decisions were made with the best efforts and no adjustments needed, I am concurrently looking for professional help and chance to appeal my dilemma before the US Supreme Court.

Re: What to do as The Judge's decision is clearly prejudiced and ignorant.

Dear Sir/Madam:

I far as I understand, it is almost impossible to recover monetary damages from a Judge. However, with substantial evidences of civil right violations resulting from a Judge's illogical decisions, it is possible to obtain relieves such as declaratory relief and injunctive relief in equity against the Judge through civil rights actions.

Due to either or both political and economic involvements, it is hard for a person who does not have the financial support to cover the Attorney's fee to find a Representing Counsel in such cases.

I was hopeless and helpless carrying out my objections to the County Court Judge's unjust decision myself until I run across Title 42 US Code § 1983. The Plaintiff's Attorney can recover the fee from the Judicial Defendant as the Attorney can provide a recorded time sheet for his/her works. With that in mind, I am looking for your help and/or advice with the possibility of presenting my case(s).

Attachment 3: My third choice. I am parallel preparing to file the appellant by myself if there are no interested Lawyers.

United States District Court Third District of Appellant Sacramento, California Civil Docket No. 05 FL 04999 DC Plaintiff vs. VERIFIED COMPLAINT individually and in his/her official capacity as Justice of the Superior Court) of California, Sacramento County, Judge William Ullman

JURISDICTIONAL BASIS I. Plaintiff claims federal jurisdiction pursuant to Article..... which extends the jurisdiction to cases arising under the U.S. Constitution. II. Plaintiff brings this suit pursuant to Title 42 U.S. Code § 1983 for violations of certain protections guaranteed to him by the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments (select which apply) of the federal Constitution, by the defendant under color of law in his/her capacity as a judge in the Superior Court of (****) County.

III. Plaintiff , DC is a natural person residing at XXXSacramento, CA XXX IV. Defendant is a Judge presiding at Sacramento Familly Court , Following this you must now describe your claim in detail, giving legal and factual basis for your case. This portion of the case is entitled "Statement of Case" What kind of factual pattern would give rise to a successful claim under the federal civil rights law? Title 42 U.S. Code § 1983 reads as follows: Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress. The burden of proof is upon the plaintiff to show that the defendant judge acted unconstitutionally or outside of his/her jurisdiction. If the judge engaged in an egregious discrimination against males in a divorce court, minorities in state criminal cases, members of an unpopular religious group in confrontation with government authorities and treated suspiciously in court or members of a "fringe" political group, these situations can give rise to a claim of denial of equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment. If a judge permits an ex parte attachment, i.e. seizure of real estate without giving you notice of a hearing in a state court proceeding, this is a deprivation of property without due process, violating the Fifth Amendment as well as the Fourteenth Amendment. Ex parte restraining orders forcing men or women out of their homes based on abuse allegations in state courts are a primary and rampant example of violations of constitutional rights today, and certainly actionable in federal court. The first ten amendments of the Bill of Rights are self explanatory. Violations of any of the rights described in these amendments give rise to causes of action, both against state judges under Title 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and arguably against federal judges in Bivens actions. Third Appellate District (Sacramento) 900 N Street, Room 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 654-0209

Re: Second appeal. Judge William Ullman unjudged decisions. SUMMARY In responding to my telephone and email messages for a family discussion, my separate wife had filed a restraining order against me at Sacramento Superior Court, Family Division while I have not violate any law or shown any violent action to be harmful. Civil Docket # 05 FL 04999 As a result, I have never heard or seen my two blooded sons, 7 and 5 yrs of age since our last seen on 08/23/2005. I have enough reasons to believe that Judge Ullman has improperly carried out his decisions with his lack of responsibility and understanding of the nature of the matter. I am looking for Judge's William Ullman to respond to the following concerns: -With my wife's untrue statements which lots of unmatched facts, Judge Ullman approved her petition for a temporary restraining order against me on 08/30/2005. --Ignored my respond to the Court's order filed on 09/15/2005. -Denied my Ex Partes application filed on 09/15/2005 as I submitted several proves of my wife wrong doings and I had not had any violent attempt nor have I been violent oriented. -Extended the Temporary order on the 09/20/2005 hearing until the future trial date on 12/08/2005. -I am expecting Judge Ullman to either request my wife to show causes, provide evidences of any of my violation fro his decision, or immediately issue a relief of the restraining order. -To respond to all mental and physical damages I have suffered since 08/30/2005 upon his unfair careless decision in missing the questionable and unreliable information which my wife had submitted. -If Judge Ullman can't prove his point, I might have no choice but refusing all further legal complications which are related to the case. Please consider these: Why I have to be responsible for what I have not done??? And why can't I be a father and responsible for my own sons??? I hope that Judge Ullman would understand that I have excessively done what I had had to in responding to the case. I hope that Judge Ullman would understand how I have been angry, extremely disappointed, and sad for his lack of considerations and what my wife has done to me. I also hope that Judge Ullman would understand that there is nothing wrong to be extremely angry but not losing control. Please help all you can to relate this message to Judge Ullman as I have no resources to forward this email to Judge Ulman. Please help me with all what you can do for a desperate father who has been unjust and unfairly treated. Very truly yours, DC

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: bunnymeetpancake; kittychow; psycho; soapopera; soapoprah; verygoodlyengrish; vikingkitty; vk; wasteofspace; wgaf; whereisthejustice; whereisthemoose; zot; zotalicious; zotmebeforeigomad
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To: moritz_cvg

IBTZ..... homo!

81 posted on 02/26/2006 12:15:11 PM PST by King Moonracer
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To: Slings and Arrows

LOL - exactly!

82 posted on 02/26/2006 12:16:00 PM PST by daybreakcoming (If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. A. Lincoln)
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To: DannyTN
The title "making uses of her own children" just drew me in

Yep that was me too - thought I could draw up a new list of chores for my kids.....but we went to the Mall Math instead!

83 posted on 02/26/2006 12:24:08 PM PST by daybreakcoming (If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. A. Lincoln)
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To: moritz_cvg
"Please help all you can to relate this message to Judge Ullman as I have no resources to forward this email to Judge Ulman."

And yet you posted here.

Image hosting by Photobucket

84 posted on 02/26/2006 12:24:12 PM PST by IYellAtMyTV (Workday Forecast--Increasing pressure towards afternoon. Rum likely by evening.)
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To: moritz_cvg

I don't think this is the proper forum for your personal business.

85 posted on 02/26/2006 12:26:37 PM PST by Not A Snowbird (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
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"generalized bike"

A "colonelized bike" would be fine.

86 posted on 02/26/2006 12:26:40 PM PST by jwh_Denver (Don't ask me any questions, I've lawyered up.)
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To: moritz_cvg; xsmommy; Dog Gone

Please tell me English is not your native language.

87 posted on 02/26/2006 12:30:42 PM PST by WhyisaTexasgirlinPA
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To: moritz_cvg

I like your use of § § §. They look kewl.

88 posted on 02/26/2006 12:30:48 PM PST by Drango (A liberal's compassion is limited only by the size of someone else's wallet.)
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To: moritz_cvg


89 posted on 02/26/2006 12:31:49 PM PST by Lady Heron
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To: LanPB01
Do any Freepers have advice regarding a good mountain bike? I'm thinking of getting one, but haven't actually been on a bicycle in years.

Tell me:

1. Price range

2. What type suspension? (Front, rear, both)

3. Where / how far do you want to ride? (Off of cliffs, dirt paths, on the road?)

Let me know & I'll try & rustle up some suggestions for you.


90 posted on 02/26/2006 12:35:02 PM PST by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
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To: xsmommy
Try handling pro se federal criminal Habeas Corpus appeals sometime. Unnngh.
91 posted on 02/26/2006 12:35:07 PM PST by martin_fierro (< |:)~)
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To: WhyisaTexasgirlinPA

Post 61 pretty much nailed it.

92 posted on 02/26/2006 12:37:02 PM PST by Dog Gone
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To: moritz_cvg
in before the zot and close to post100?

is this a moderator vacation day?
93 posted on 02/26/2006 12:37:24 PM PST by postaldave (democrats=traitorous b*st*rds)
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To: moritz_cvg
The judge is gonna whap you flatter than the Bunny Pancake.
94 posted on 02/26/2006 12:37:26 PM PST by Robert Teesdale
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To: martin_fierro

how did he do the section symbol, THAT was impressive!

95 posted on 02/26/2006 12:38:44 PM PST by xsmommy
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To: Dog Gone
Yeah, you are right

Geriatrically, TexasGirl

96 posted on 02/26/2006 12:40:04 PM PST by WhyisaTexasgirlinPA
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To: Dog Gone; WhyisaTexasgirlinPA

i love when they speak all broken like that. drives me wild ; )

97 posted on 02/26/2006 12:40:12 PM PST by xsmommy
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To: xsmommy

Hold down the ALT key while typing 167 on your numeric keypad, ya yunzer.

98 posted on 02/26/2006 12:42:02 PM PST by martin_fierro (< |:)~)
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To: martin_fierro

?? made a question mark for me. please tell me in broken english how to do it!

99 posted on 02/26/2006 12:43:49 PM PST by xsmommy
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To: moritz_cvg
Image hosting by TinyPic
"Couldn't think of anything clever to say, so I just drew these stupid flowers."
100 posted on 02/26/2006 12:50:33 PM PST by Old Seadog (Inside every old person is a young person saying "WTF happened?".)
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