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A Byrd's eye look at the historic 'Israeli - Arab conflict' towards Annapolis 2007

Posted on 11/30/2007 3:48:49 AM PST by PRePublic

A Byrd's eye look at the historic 'Israeli - Arab conflict' towards Annapolis 2007
Around 2,000 years ago, the Romans that have conquered Israel, the Jewish people, the Jewish land, (after killing Jesus) destroy Jews' second temple, massacre hundreds of thousands after a rebellion against Rome's oppression and prohibition on practicing Judaism and mass torture [an armed rebellion which was disapproved by the rabbis & any religious leaders], and expell majority of Jews out of the land [as was expected throught the Jewish prophets, because God expects from his people - the Jews much more than from other nations, still, the cruel Romans "carried" out the bad things].
The Romans have also renamed Israel as 'Palestina'. The land however was mostly deserted and mainly survived by some Jews who still lived there.

Many years later, at the beginning of the 600 BC an Arab named Muhammad will create a new religion called Islam, he will massacre the Jews of Madina for not following him, lead attacks on Arabs and on all who has not accpeted him, he will also claim that he had a dream that he was in the Jewish city of Israel: Jerusalem..

Meanwhile, in Christianity, Jews' refusal to change their religion to which [Jewish born] Jesus came up with caused resentment among Christians, and hatred brought rumors that it was the Jews who "caused" Jesus to die, then this fanatical religious hatred even gave birth to all kind of imaginary "theories", stereotypes and libels, persecution, mass murder, etc.
Later on in persecuting the Jews in Europe, they were expelled time and time again (often called to return after being expelled, for their urgent need of Jews' talent, intelligence and seriousness in life - vital for Europeans economy).
Many European haters have called upon them to return to their homeland Israel.
This traditional hatred was used by Adolf Hitler in his delusional "Aryan" supremacy to use Christians who still hold that hatred, against the Jews he was so obsessed with in his hatred, as he came up so far as implementing a 'final solution', aka, to exterminate all Jews (no matter if they are religious, or not, communist or not, Zionists or not, secular, atheists, Jews with no ideology at all, babies, all were doomed by the infamous criminal number one in history, that has caused 50 million deaths, whereas at least 6,000,000 were Jews, murdered for no other reason then for pertaining to one particular root, being, simply, Jews).
Meanwhile Jews started to return many times in groups, not always successful in harms way.
Jews were generally not persecuted under the Turkish Autonoman rule in Israel "Palestine".
In the late 1800's Jewish immigrants and Arab immigrants, both rose to a new level, as Zionists started to cultivate the land, in the early 1900's under the British colonialism & occupation, Jews were restricted in entry to their historic land but Arabs were not, a vicious rule that has continued during and after Hitler's holocaust, when poor Jewish victims tried to escape], this imbalance "policy" by the British which was pushed by the Arabs out of racism and bigotry to "others", has "made" the Arabs a majority for a while.
One of the main Arab racist & Islamic fascist agitators was Haj Amin Al Husseini the infamous 'Mufti', he was behind such massacres as in Hebron 1929 where innocent unarmed Jewish were sloughtered by Arabs Muslims, he was also behind the 'Farhud' pogrom o the Jews of Baghdad.

Priot to attacking the Jews, he participated in the Islamic genocide on Armenian Christians in 1915, where 1.5 million were murdered.

He was the one Arab leader that made a pact with Hitler and led an SS Bosnian Muslim division to carry out atrocities against the Serb Christians and against Jews.
The United Nations was founded after WW 2, after 2,000 years of persecuting the Jews and  so many, millions murdered [before the six millions murdered by Germany's nazis, all throughout history in Europe there were countless victims], gave "permission" to the Jews to re-establish their homeland Israel, along side an Arab state, basically a two states solution.
The Jews agreed, all they wanted past and present, is to 'live and let live', but the Arabs refused, the bigots wanted all of the land for themselves.
1948 Israel is re-established, ALL Arab nations vow to destroy Israel, declare war on this little newborn state, Arab leaders vouch for genocide! to "Throw the Jews into the Sea".
Arab leaders call upon Arabs residing in Israel-"Palestine" to evacuate their homes for a while until "mission -- of throwing into the sea-- is accomplished".
Tiny Israel heroically defends itself and thwarts gigantic Arabs' attacks.
A phenomenon of "Arab refugees" is born, but also a larger refugees population, that from the Arab on Jews, around 800,000 Jews are expelled from Arab Muslim countries: Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, etc.
Their land, properties confiscated.
The contrast however how Jews dealt with Jewish refugees and how Arabs have dealt with Arab refugees is huge, Jews are completely absorbed into Israel, Arabs have rejected the Arab refugees, keeping them down, and using them as a foot ball against Israel.
As the Saudi Arab king Fahd said: "Next to the Jews, we hate the 'Palestinians' the most".
Arabs terrorize Jews, attacking the innocent, as Arab terror intensifies & Arab leaders thretaen again and again to annihilate the Jews, the 1967 war breaks out, Israel that had enough, succesfully conquers some Egyptian land and more land pertaining to Israel - historically and Biblically but not granted by the UN, though the Arabs illegally defied the UN in rejecting Israel and UN's two states solution.
The balance of world's powers plays out in the middle east, USSR supports and arms the Arabs, US is on Israel, [the surviving David vs Goliath] side.
The local Arabs [which most of their parents or grandparents have immigrated to the holy land] start to call themselves as "Palestinians" (PS no connection to Philistines" who were NOT Arabs, and are all gone, absolutely nothing remained from them).
Continued Arabs' attacks targeting untamed civilians, rose in the 1970, such as the massacres of school children in Avivim, Maalot and other attacks, more famous in the 1972 massacre of Israeli Athletes in Munich by the Egyptian born: Yasser Arafat, the leader (somehow...) of the Arab "Palestinians".
He is in Jordan and as a trouble maker creates the "Palestinian" intifada attack on Jordan's government, 1970 - 'Black September', but Jordan quickly oppresses even more the "Palestinians", kills many, makes mass arrests, in 1971 the PLO is expelled.
In 1973 Israel is again attacked by Arab nations, mainly by Egypt and Syria, a delicate date is chosen, the cruel Saadat and his advisers chose Yom Kippur a Jewish fast day, the vicious Arabs chose the time of day, towards the end of the day (before breaking the fast).
The attack was in a surprise, many were killed, although Israel managed to win the war (as all wars), still the Arabs saw it as "victory", as a blood thirst cult, for the simple reason that many 'Jews were killed'.
In 1976, amidst civil war between Christians and Muslims in Lebanon, the Muslim "Palestinians", PLO - Arafat, and the Syrians carry out the massacre of Christians in Damour, this was the reason for Christian Arabs massacring "Palestinians" in Sabra Shatila in 1982.
1978-1979, Israel's leader Menachem Begin & Egypt's Anuar Sadaat break a peace agreement in which Israel shall give back the land conquered in 1967, Sinai that is [which so it did], and the Arabs give nothing, just a "promise" not to attack, and so a cold peace comes in place between Israel - Egypt.
Syria refuses to 'sit down for any peace negotiations' and leads many in the Arab world against Egypt & its more moderate stand.
Goliath Arabs using it's oil power, intimidate nations to be against Israel in boycotts, and in the United Nations.
Basically hijacking the UN for the Arabist agenda, of bashing Israel no matter what it does.
This Arab control worldide intensifies as the years pass by and expands into all international bodies.
On another front, in Iran, the Shah rules, he is an ally of the United States but he is not exactly a democratic leader, US presidemt (called by so many the worstt ex president) Jimmy Carter pushes pressure on Iran.
In 1979 a revolution happens, not what the US wanted nior what most in the world have wish for, an Islamic revolution, a militant Islam, a Shiite extremism, headed by the Ayatollah Hummeini.
Immediately the American embassy is hijacked, the workers kidnapped for 444 days, until US has a bettr leader, a courageous Ronald Reagan.
Iranian Satanic Mullahs declare that the United States is the "big Satan" and Israel is the "little Satan'.
Millions of Iranians are oppressed under Islamic Republic, standing out even in the "usual' Islamic dictatorships standards.
Asides from killing of minorities such as Ahwazi, Kurds, Druze, which even information is so scarce out of that jail house known as state of Iran.
They are behind creating, training and arming the Islamic Hezbullah in Lebanon, the 'Party of Allah', whose goal is creating a militant Islamic Shia theocracy in Lebanon with [no Christians or any non Muslims' in Lebanon, and ultimately in the entire middle east including "liberating Jerusalem" as they call it], Hezbollah carried out terror attack such as on US marine barricades in Lebanon in 1983, the US was stationed there to keep peace between Christians & Muslims figting civil war.
Israel, being attacked by Arafat's terrorists based in Lebanon (as a practical 'Palestinian' army there), enters in 1982 to root them out, a long and bloody war, all while Syria still occupies Lebanon, PLO & [Iran's & Syria's backed] Hezbollah causes many deaths among all sides.
The main base of Arafat's terrorists infrastructure.
Yasser Arafat declares two "intifadas" (1987 & 2000), bloody violence on Israel's unarmed men. women and children, targeting the most crwoded places, in a clear attempt to cause as many civilinas deaths' as possible = Genocide bombings.
"Palestinian" mainstream and official media in demonizing Jews, in glorifying mass murder and "martyrdom" is full force, the death cult of camps for children to be 'human bombs' is greased by Saudi Arab oil with large payments for every parent that sends its kid to die via killing many innocent Israelis.
In order to create public sympathy, the Arab Muslim "Palestinians" make sure the kids are pushed on the front lines, often with "stones", to cover for adult terrorists with machine guns.
The tactics of using kids as human shields by "Palestinian" terrorists proved to be effected, as the global media rarely puts the blame on the Arab adults and leaders and not on Israel trying to defend, to survive.
Israel complies with UN's resolution for Israel to leave Lebanon and for the Hezbollah's army to dissolve, Israel exists bit the Hezbillah remains armed.

In 2000, the most powerful Christian leader, the Pope has issues the Church's formal apology to the Jews of the 2,000 years of constant persecution and bloodhsed.

September 11, 2001, the Islamic attack that butchered 3,000 innocent people in the United States of America, reinforced the recognition of radical Islam's war on the west, their 'plan' for a global repressive Islamic empire (recognized even by left wingers such as Barack Obama in 2007).

So was the continuous Islamic massacres, including the one in Bali 2002 on Australian youths.

2005, Israel gives a big gift for Arab "Palestinians", sacrificing a huge steak, giving away of it's vital borderline own land, the Gaza strip.
The Arab "Palestinians" react very traditionally, the more you give them the more they get radicalized, they vote -- overwhelmingly -- for the Islamic Jihad party of Hamas, who does not "recognize" Israel, vouch for it's destruction and its members promise to "drink Jews' blood".
The civil war between Hamas & Fatah (who's still has under its wings the terror group 'Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade', but Hamas is still more on the extreme with it's genocide aims), intensifies in 2006 - 2007
2006 Iran & Syria decide to send it's Hezbollah Islamic army to attack Israel, a war breaks out, Israel hits Hezbollah which uses 'Palestinian' tactics of human shields to cause as many Arab kids' deaths possible, in order to create a media shift in the Arab world towards more Anti-Israelism.
In November 2007, there's an attempt by US' president George W. Bush to break a peace agreement between Israel and the Arab "Palestinians", Fatah is present, Hamas denounces.
The agreement is still based mainly on that first UN's resolution of 1948, a two states solution, which the Arabs ILLEGALLY have rejected then until now.

Not only are they exploiting again Israel's kindness and its urge to give for any chance for peace, but hese Arabs even make the Jewish eternal capital Jerusalem an issue for Muslims, as if this was 'always an Islamic thing'.

As it stands now, the main real issue Israel still struggles, is survival against the twin diabolical intolerance that motivated Arab Muslims, the Arab racism & Islamic Jihad. the Arab racism and Arabization also claims millions of victims in Africa, including Sudan, Mauritania, Chad and more, so are all non Arab minorities in the middle east paying the price of persecution, then the Islamic Jihad´s war on the world is the cancer everywhere on the globe, main victims are: Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and other non Muslims or 'infidels', or 'kuffars'.

Too late but better late than never, Arab 'moderates' start to realize that a nuclear Islamic Repulic of Iran is a danger for all.


Historical Overview - Second Temple destroyed; Roman exile begins, 70 CE  

Crash Course in Jewish History Part 6: Isaac and His Sons asp  

Jerusalem: Jewish and Moslem Claims to the Holy City, Jerusalem: Jewish and Moslem Claims to the Holy City With 3000 years of history behind it, Jerusalem is now thrust to the center of the Arab-Israeli ...
Jerusalem: Jewish and Moslem Claims to the Holy City - Israel Update, Jerusalem: Jewish and Moslem Claims to the Holy City.  

The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem -- saying that Jerusalem is as important to Jews as Mecca is to Moslems,Muslim sheik Palazzi concludes. ...  

The Moslem Claim to Jerusalem is False | Emet News Servicethere any foundation to the Moslem argument that this 'furthest mosque' (Al-Masujidi al-Aqtza) refers to what is today called the Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem?

False Moslem ClaimsThe Moslem "claim" to Jerusalem is based on what is written in the Koran, which although Jerusalem is not mentioned even once, nevertheless talks (in Sura ...  

GAMLA: News & Views from Israel - Why Jerusalem is Not Holy to MuslimsWe often hear the Muslim claim that Jerusalem is their "third holiest city", after Mecca and Medina; and specifically, that this is because our Temple Mount ...  

F L A M E : Jerusalem (I): Whose city? whose 'holy city'is it? And the Moslem Arab claim to Jerusalem, based on the mosques on the Temple Mount, is just as untenable. Jerusalem has been the center of Jewish life, ...  

Jerusalem Not Mentioned in the Koran If Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran, then the claims of Islam over Jerusalem  

Jerusalem: "I Hate the Ground You Walk On" (Emanuel A. Winston ...Mohammed turned the quibla of Moslem prayers to Mecca and insured that Jerusalem was not mentioned even once in the Koran. Jews speak of Jerusalem ...  

Media Critique #14 - Jerusalem Rally on CNN Third-holiest to Moslems -- even though over the last 1500 years, Jerusalem has never been the religious or national capital of any Arab or Moslem entity. ...  

Jerusalem: After 3000 Years, Why Does it Matter? How can others claim ownership in the face of such information. ... Let us never forget that Christian and Moslem interest in Jerusalem exists ONLY because ...$.asp  

Reuters Ruins Rachel's TombShould the PA control the area, non-Moslems would be precluded from praying at ... In the world of Reuters, East Jerusalem was "occupied" only in 1967, ...  

Islam's War Against the Jews: Quotes from the Palestinian AuthorityJerusalem is a symbol... to the Moslems and to their war of Jihad forever and ever. .... Abraham whom they (the Muslims) themselves claim as their ancestor. ... Authority.asp  

Remember the BibleLatly, and I'm sure many point this out: Moslems think that God or Allah ... Christianity has Rome, let Israel and the Jewish people have Jerusalem! ...  

Crash Course in Jewish History Part 5: The Promised LandHowever, the Jewish people base their claim on God's promise. .... That is why Moslems are at war all over the world with those whom they live among. ... sp  

The Koran On Jews' Right To LandPalazzi cites Koran passages showing that the Land of Israel was given to the Jews, and that Jews would be brought back to Israel before the end of days, ...  

The Qur'an and the Land of Israel THE QUR'AN SAYS THAT ALLAH GAVE THE LAND OF ISRAEL TO THE JEWS ..... Koranic order (see Koran 8:61), and since, according to Islam, Peace is G-d Himself, ...  

Am Yisrael ChaiThey presented the negation of any Jewish rights to the Land of Israel as ... Holy Koran explicitly refers to the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel ...  

Islam 4 IsraelTHE KORAN SAYS - GD GAVE THE LAND OF ISRAEL TO THE JEWS AND WILL ... Arab Muslims in Israel Are the Arabs who live in Israel proper full citizens of the ...  

Even Muslim's Koran Quran advocates that Isarel is the land pertaning to the Jews  

... other than in Muhammad's dream? Believe it or not, the one and only source for the Muslim's claim to Jerusalem and the site of the Holy Temple, ...  

UN: Israel for the Jews, and another state for the Arabs. The Arabs rejected ... ed observer of this history, therefore, that it was not Israel that caused ...  


Sephardic Holocaust Project - Formerly the FARHUD Recognition Project
The Forgotten Holocaust Pogrom in Iraq ... Mufti & Hitler. Farhud. Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries. Failure of the U.S. Holocaust Museum ...

Italy and the Jews - Timeline
It reaches a membership of 2,000 clergymen. ... trip to Israel, Pope John Paul II apologizes for the Church's treatment of Jews. ...

Pope Offers Historic Mea Culpa, Apologizes For Treatment Of Jews ...
In a step decreed by Pope John Paul II as "essential," the Roman Catholic Church staged an unprecedented ... 2,000 years -- including its treatment of Jews, ...

Catholics, Jews, and the Prism of Conscience(PDF)
Pope into a hero of resistance on behalf of Jews, a dubious ... For 2,000 years, we Jews were without worldly power, especially on the political stage. ...

The Arabs in the Holy Land - Natives or Aliens? 

credible evidence for their connection to this holy site, other than in Muhammad's dream?

Islam rediscovered Jerusalem 50 years after Mohammad's death. ... thinkers believed that it was just a dream of Mohammed, that he was never in Jerusalem. ... 

Muhammad and the Jews(2) Allah tells Muhammad in a sura (chapter) revealed in Mecca that the ... The other Jews were also killed with one exception. Thus, Muhammad engaged in ...

Muhammad: Jews and the Jihad, When the Jews rejected his prophecy in spite of these practices, Muhammad changed them, and fixed the qibla (direction of prayer) to Mecca in place of Jerusalem 

Muhammad and Massacre of the Qurayza JewsThe aftermath for the Qurayza Jews ... Muhammad is ordered to fight the Qurayza Jews. .... No woman of Banu [tribe] Qurayzah was killed except one. ...

Anti-Semitism in Islam: Israel Didn’t Start the FireThen the apostle divided the property, wives, and children of B. Qurayza among ... actually be killed by Jesus, and the Dajjal’s dispirited army of Jews, ... 

From The Armenian Genocide To The Hijacking of The Arab World. Building Blocks ... the local Muslim vote, appoint Amin Al-Husseini as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.[The Mufti] Amin Al-Husseini. Born in Jerusalem under Ottoman rule
Husseini’s First Taste of Jihad
Allegiance to Ottoman Empire .
Amin Al Husseini: Ottoman Empire Officer. Amin Al-Husseini swears allegiance to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian genocide .
He is an officer stationed in Smyrna and participates first-hand in the Armenian genocide. One and a half million Christians are slaughtered under the sword of Islamic Jihad by the Ottoman Army. Allegiance to Ottoman Empire and Islamic world take-over will be echoed by Osama Bin Laden in his post-September 11th declaration

From Morocco to Montreal ...He did not want Canada to become 'the dumping ground for 800000 Jewish refugees'. Toward the end of the 1930's, Canada had two opportunities to help...

What happened to the Jewish refugees from Middle Eastern countries? In the years following Israel's independence in May 1948, 600000 to 800000 Jews from ...
Point of no return: Melanie weighs in on behalf of Jewish refugeesInformation and links about the Middle East's forgotten Jewish refugees ... draw attention to the Jewish refugees from Arab lands ? the 800000 Jews who were ... 
Who Are the Palestinians? At DePaul, Don't Ask and Don't Tell, Historically, the biblical Philistines were not Arabs but rather Mediterranean sea people, whose culture was influenced by that of Crete. ... 
[Islamic Sheik] Abdul Hadi Palazzi: The Jerusalem Report, The Koran contains no mention of Palestine or Philistines
Politically motivated mythology of Palestine, These Philistines were an Aegean people, driven out of Greece and Aegean islands ... Most Arabs do not admit so candidly that "Palestinian identity" is a ...
The History of the Words Palestine And Palestinians, The Philistines were not Arabs nor even Semites, they were most closely related to the Greeks. They did not speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnic, ... 
Libya?s Khadafy opens up to Jewish refugees; what?s his motive?
Advocates have been fighting for the rights of an estimated 800000 Jews who ... isplaystory.html
Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries
... appealed to U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall: ?Between 800000 and a ... Roughly half of Israel's 5 million Jews are Jewish refugees from Arab ...

From The Armenian Genocide To The Hijacking of The Arab World. Building Blocks ... the local Muslim vote, appoint Amin Al-Husseini as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. ...

Lebanese Civil War 1975 - 1976 Includes pictures of the Syrian-formed and -sponsored groups (Yarmouk & Sai'qa) attacking Damour city (January 1976).

Historical Fact: The Massacre and Destruction of Damour. Damour lay across the Sidon - Beirut highway about 20 km south of Beirut...

hobeika_damour ...Do you not remember Damour Lebanon. Let me remind you. Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and ...

Phalangist website - contains account and includes graphic photographs

Damour Massacre (1976)

Damour Massacre Slideshow

Account of Damour massacre at, a Lebanese Christian website

Human Shields: Palestinians Exploit Their Own Schoolchildren, This tactic of using one's own civilians as human shields is of course nothing new. Hezbollah used it to great effect in the war of summer 2006.
American Thinker: Palestinian Human Shields, On November 8th, at a mosque in Beit Hanoun, Gaza, the Palestinians used about fifty heavily-shrouded women as ?human shields? to provide cover for a few [terrorists]... 
'Palestinian' Arabs' vicious tactics of HUMAN SHIELDSHe denies Israeli accusations that the Palestinian Authority has placed children at the front of demonstrations to act as human shields for armed gunmen. ...
Palestinian human shields give Israel pause | The militants' new system enlists neighbors to protect homes from airstrikes ? and could force a change to Israeli strategy.
The root of Palestinian misery Palestinian suicide bombers would be stepping over each other in an effort to attack the target. "Human shields" work only when your enemy fights.... [humane...] 3979df37
Palestinians Shoot 15 Human Shields - IRIS Blog, Thursday, May 17. 2007. Palestinians Shoot 15 Human Shields. 200 Gaza residents decided their "human shield" tactics worked so well against the Israelis, ...
lPalestinian Human Shield Watch, GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Hundreds of Palestinians formed a human shield around the home of a militant in the northern Gaza Strip late Saturday to ...
On Video: Palestinian As Human ShieldThe terror-stricken 24-year-old Palestinian soon found himself forced onto the front lines of Israel's shadowy war against militants, a human shield as he ...
lgf: Human Rights Watch Condemns Palestinian Human Shield Tactic An interesting phenomenon is occurring, as Palestinians use women and children as human shields to guard the homes and ammo dumps of terrorists; the tactic ... 
"Brave" use of human shields

Photos that damn Hezbollah | Herald Sun, The release of the images comes as Hezbollah faces criticism for allegedly using innocent civilians as "human shields". Mr Egeland blasted Hezbollah...,,19955774-5007220,00.html

Hezbollah's human shieldsNor would it be enough simply to declare Hezbollah's cynical use of civilians as human shields to be a war crime. A multinational force must be empowered to ... 40

YouTube - Hezbollah's Human Shields In the recent war in Lebanon, Hezbollah used civilians as human shields.

Hizbullah's exploitation of Lebanese population centers and civiliansHezbollah's human shields, by Alan M. Dershowitz (National Post, Canada) · Hezbollah's propaganda tours - as told by a CNN producer ...

Children in a world of Terror

Palestinian Child Abuse ... A Special Photo Essay on Palestinian exploitation of children for armed conflict; “We teach our children to reach Shahada” ...

Palestinian Child Abuse Link to "Leave our Children alone" ... A young Palestinian child hugging a gun at a demonstration against the Geneva accords ...

0pal-child-abuse-1970.jpg. The cover of the June 17, 1970 issue of LIFE magazine shows how long Palestinian Arabs have been instilling hatred in the minds ...

The main solution is to:
Teach kids peace!

TOPICS: Politics; Religion
KEYWORDS: 70ad; arabracism; arabs; arafat; armenians; bosnians; christians; damour; fatah; genocide; hamas; hezbollah; history; hitler; holocaust; holyland; islam; islamofascism; israel; israelwar2006; jerusalem; jews; jihad; koran; lebanon; madina; mufti; muhammad; muhammadsdream; muslims; nazis; palestinians; pallywood; plo; quran; qurayza; romans; sabrashatila; ss; temple; ww2

1 posted on 11/30/2007 3:48:53 AM PST by PRePublic
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To: dennisw; Cachelot; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; Lent; GregB; ..
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2 posted on 11/30/2007 5:54:51 AM PST by SJackson (seems to me it is entirely proper to start a Zionist State around Jerusalem, T Roosevelt, neocon)
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To: PRePublic

A timeline of sorts.

3 posted on 11/30/2007 6:53:10 AM PST by Biggirl (A biggirl with a big heart for God's animal creation, with 4 cats in my life as proof. =^..^=)
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To: PRePublic; SJackson; yonif; Simcha7; American in Israel; Slings and Arrows; judicial meanz; ...
Good work!

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Christian Supporters of Israel ping list,
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There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had
spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass. (Joshua 21:45)

Letter To The President In Support Of Israel ~
'Final Solution,' Phase 2 ~
Warnings ~
The Nature Of Bruce ~

"The West has given more significance to the myth of the genocide of the Jews, even more significant than God, religion, and the prophets...."—Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Holocaust Chronicle ~

The future of Arab controlled Gaza.

" ... It's time we recognized the nature of the conflict. It's total war and we are all involved. Nobody on our side is exempted because of age, gender, or handicap. The Islamofacists have stolen childhood from the world."—FReeper Retief
"Palestine is the wrong name for their State. It should be called Anarchy."—FReeper sgtbono2002
"Then let's wait and see what the Arabs do after they take Gaza. There's nothing like Arab reality to break up a Jewish fantasy."—FReeper Noachian
A student told his professor he was going to "Palestine" to "fight for freedom, peace and justice,"—Orwellian leftist code words that mean "murder Jews."

4 posted on 11/30/2007 4:39:21 PM PST by Salem (What can men do against such reckless hate? ... Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them!)
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