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Hillary Clinton- archives, comments, and opposition research
various FR links and stories and posters | 12-07-03 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 12/07/2003 3:44:56 PM PST by backhoe

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A Very Hillary Christmas

December 21, 2007 02:43 PM by Michelle Malkin...We elves at Hot Air (hee-hee-hee) re-cut Hillary Clinton’s Christmas ad. Enjoy!17 Comments

--So Hill-Dawg thinks that as President she should be Santa Claus and give the people all these things as presants, hmmm? These should just be gifts from our benevolent leader? Who is going to pay for all of those things?

1,021 posted on 12/21/2007 12:41:06 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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To: backhoe

A treasure trove!

1,022 posted on 12/21/2007 12:43:04 PM PST by petercooper ("Daisy-cutters trump a wiretap anytime." - Nicole Gelinas - 02-10-04)
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To: petercooper


1,023 posted on 12/21/2007 12:59:16 PM PST by Unicorn (Too many wimps around.)
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To: petercooper

Thanks for looking. I’ll update it as long as anyone’s interested.

1,024 posted on 12/21/2007 4:00:20 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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HRC staff ordered to lower expectations

1,025 posted on 12/21/2007 4:21:43 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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Halleluiah!... Hillary's Jesus Moment Is Staged...
Hillary Clinton Embraces Her Husband's Legacy [the Co-Presidency]
Robert Novak: Clinton Discord
A Very Hillary Christmas

1,026 posted on 12/22/2007 4:59:25 AM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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Putting Out The Fire With Gasoline?

Published by Gaius under Politics

Victor Davis Hanson, over at Real Clear Politics, takes a look at exactly the same issue that the Washington Post did in my previous post: Bill Clinton charging to the rescue of the Hillary campaign and claiming that theirs was a "co-presidency." Hanson thinks this is an enormous mistake for a number of reasons. Do read it all, Hanson has still more reasons why he thinks having Bubba on the trail this way may actually end up hurting Hillary - potentially very badly hurting her. The more Bill Clinton talks, the more it looks like he is angling to get a third term in office and is just using his wife's candidacy as a vehicle to do so. 3 responses so far

 Posted by Ed Morrissey on December 22, 2007 9:23 AM | Comments ( 17)


Hillary's "Experience" Getting Her into Trouble in Campaign

The Mistress of the "politics of personal destruction" can't seem to help herself!

With the Norman Hsu/Chinese funny money fundraising scandal as a backdrop, I visited Little Rock, Arkansas in September to retrace the steps of other Clinton scandals, particularly with an eye to Hillary's participation in them.

What I learned was that Hillary's fingerprints were all over the misdeeds that ran all the way to the White House. No wonder she hasn't wanted anyone to see many of her records in the Clinton Liebrary.

Hillary's "experience" with campaigning has also drawn a fair amount of attention in the past few weeks. Voter's across the country are reminded that this was the woman who said that any criticism of her or her husband Bill, or any attempt to hold them accountable to the same standard they daily demand of others was an example of "the politics of personal destruction."

And yet, when it comes to the slime ball politics of personal destruction, no one does it better than Hillary.

Anatomy of a Clinton Smear

Here's the modus operandi for the Clinton attacks. The candidate herself is not the one seen to be doing the sliming. A second or third tier campaign advisor does the deed and is prepared to fall on his or her sword and resign after making an apology that also restates the original smear.

Obama A Drug Dealer?

The best illustration of the Clinton "experience" in this brand of slime politics is raising questions about Obama's admitted drug use. In New Hampshire, Bill Shaheen, husband of the current Governor, himself a candidate for U.S. Senate and a National Co-Chair for Hillary's campaign raised questions with a subliminal racist undertone by wondering whether Obama sold drugs. All the while insisting that his comment was not an attack, but that the Republicans would be making it an issue if Obama was the nominee!

Oh those wrascally Wepublicans! They made him do it!

The comment made the earlier Hillary campaign questions about Obama's essay in Kindergarten (in INDONESIA, a largely Muslim nation...) seem mild by comparison. Hillary rushed to apologize to Obama personally and her campaign put out this statement: "Senator Clinton personally apologized to Senator Obama this morning, and reiterated that this was not anything that came from the campaign or that we condone," Clinton's New Hampshire spokeswoman Kathleen Strand said in a statement.

And yet, that same day, Hillary's Chief Strategist Mark Penn was on the MSNBC show Hardball and again referenced the charge by using the word "cocaine" twice. Here's a short clip of that video.

And even now, Media Matters, the left wing media attack machine which Hillary Clinton claims to have started, is keeping the story alive with a Friday post on what is now an eight day old story.

If this wasn't such a nasty, racist smear we might almost admire the artful way in which the deed was done and the story given new life so that more and more voters will be wondering: "Did Obama deal drugs? Was he a Coke Head?"

What's next? Remember the Bob Novak November column that said Hillary's campaign is sitting on "scandalous" information but wouldn't release it? Will someone in Hillary's camp now leak it that Obama is currently still using drugs? Who knows.

Former Senator Bob Kerrey Endorses Hillary, Admires B. HUSSEIN Obama's Muslim Heritage

Earlier this month, not one, but two workers on Hillary's Iowa campaign were fired after sending out emails suggesting that Obama might be a Muslim and wondering if he was some sort of "Manchurian candidate" for Muslims.

Next, we get the campaign statement: "There is no place in our campaign, or any campaign, for this kind of politics," Clinton campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle said in a statement Wednesday. "A volunteer county coordinator made the mistake of forwarding an outrageous and offensive chain e-mail. This was wholly unauthorized and we were totally unaware of it."

Hillary Clinton looks on as former Senator Bob Kerrey "endorses" Hillary in Iowa, December 16.

Just this past week, former Senator Bob Kerrey (a member of the 9/11 Commission) endorsed Hillary Clinton, but went out of his way to praise Obama's Muslim heritage and repeatedly used Obama's middle name which is Hussein (same as in Saddam Hussein).

"His name is Barack Hussein Obama," said Kerrey. I know that middle name is seen as a weakness by Republicans, but I don't think it is.

Again with the Republicans. See a pattern here?

Hard to deny that such tactics are not fully authorized by the campaign when the candidate is standing next to you as you dish the dirt!

As with previous slimes, the the apology is the next step. Then, Kerrey went on televison and not only repeated what he said but also added that Obama attended a Muslim madrassa in Indonesia and repeated the Iowa line about an “Islamic Manchurian candidate” .

When it Comes to Slime, Edwards Gets a Dose Too!

In this same week, Elizabeth Edwards, wife of candidate John Edwards and herself terminally ill, said: "Republicans should scare us in a lot of ways." Perhaps she ought to worry a bit more about what the Clinton slime machine has in store for her and her husband if John Edwards starts to advance in the polls.

The Clinton slime machine effort regarding Edwards was cartoonish. Using the National Enquirer which is owned in part by Clinton backer Robert Altman, who worked in the first Clinton Administration and is hoping to be Treasury Secretary in a Hillary Administration.

The Enquirer story on Edwards was the usual sort of trailer trash gossip that might appeal to many Dem voters.

No apology this time. Just wait your turn John Edwards. The "experienced" Clintonistas will get to you when the time comes.

1,027 posted on 12/22/2007 4:25:44 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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Hillary's "Experience" Getting Her into Trouble in Campaign
 Clinton Foundation And Laundromat
IT'S ALL ABOUT BILL: "Just when I thought I was out, the Clintons pull me back into their conjugal psychodrama. . . . Maybe the Boy Who Can’t Help Himself is simply engaging in his usual patterns of humiliating Hillary and lighting an exploding cigar when things are going well."
Savior or Saboteur? (Clintons' inflict their eternal conjugal psychodrama)--Without handlers, Bill is little more than ego, feigned empathy, and horn-dog lechery.

1,028 posted on 12/23/2007 3:10:59 AM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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Bubba Fatigue

Published by Gaius under Politics

Michael Godwin has experienced an epiphany. It has suddenly occurred to him that he is utterly sick and tired of Bill Clinton. "But, as always, the game for him is about him. A vote for her is a vote for him. " Godwin isn't sure that this all isn't part of an engineered, Clintonian plan, however. 4 responses so far

Coded Racism?

Published by Gaius under Politics

The Washington Post points out that many people are seeing an undercurrent of racism coming from the Clinton camp aimed at Barack Obama. There are some very unhappy people as a result of this.

Hillary: How Do You Like Me Now? [Karl]

Sen. Hillary Clinton – the Great and Terrible — has been trying to get those early caucus and primary voters to like her, right down to offering them Christmas gifts — albeit gifts for which the voters would ultimately pay.  So, how’s she doing?

According to the latest numbers from Rasmussen, she is currently viewed unfavorably by 54% of all voters — the highest unfavorable rating for any of the Democratic or Republican presidential candidates.  But it is more than just a high unfavorable rating — she is tied with Mitt Romney for the highest level of core opposition among voters.  The results are particularly bad among swing voters:

Results among voters not affiliated with either major party show that 48% would definitely vote against Clinton. That’s the highest level of core opposition among unaffiliated voters encountered by any of the candidates in the survey. Giuliani is close—44% of unaffiliated voters would definitely vote against him.

Hope that a third-party candidacy might allow Hillary to win with less than 50% — as Bill did in 1992 — also take a hit when you see the high “anti” votes for Ron Paul and Michael Bloomberg. 

The good news for Hillary?  Bill has figured out the problem:

You become polarizing not because of what you do (but) because of what people say about you. That’s all that’s going on here.

Apparently, Bill is a believer in the “Big Lie” theory — that if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.  But you knew that, didn’t you?

1,029 posted on 12/23/2007 12:42:35 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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Elect me and oil prices instantly drop, says Hillary Clinton in Iowa (Yeah suuuuuuuuuure)--That’s what the Dems said during the last campaign. The price of gasoline has gone up by 50% since then.

1,030 posted on 12/23/2007 3:22:56 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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FROM THE RECORD: Whitewash: The racist history the Democratic Party wants you to forget
 "...How convenient to ignore that then Gov. Reagan had already been touting "States Rights" in Western states to stave off Federal land-grabs; how convenient to ignore the fact that the NAACP had to sue then Gov. Bill Clinton in the late 1980s for refusing to enforce the Voting Rights Act in Arkansas. ..."
"You and I have a rendevouz with destiny"---Ronald Reagan (1964)
"Vote for a Vagina" alert:
Clinton Makes Closing Argument to Women--Compilation of video, graphics and article of Hitlery:

HILLARY! UNCENSORED: Rudy Giuliani and FOX reporter Carl Cameron have the DVD

It's about Hillary, stupid

Hillary Clinton Tells Common Sense Media She Would Support Video Game Legislation

1,031 posted on 12/24/2007 3:42:50 AM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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A Time to Decide - Our Next President
Clinton in panic mode-- Using political surrogates, campaign apparatchiks, and an increasingly indignant, and impeached former president, the senator's nomination drive has engaged in a level of innuendo remarkable in its sleaziness.
Hillary Had No Role in Irish Peace--The "smartest woman in the world" is also the biggest liar in the campaign.
The Arrogance Of Hillary ~ predicted .. that just electing her President will cut the price of oil.
Even more commentary here:
Elect me and oil prices instantly drop, says Hillary Clinton in Iowa--She is going to allow drilling in ANWR? No, just your wallet... Hillary seems to be coming unglued since her lead evaporated in Iowa and NH... Now I know why Bill cheats - Hillary is certifiably insane.
Hillary Clinton's holiday hogwash --When I first saw it I thought it was a very nasty parody produced by one of her opponents. It is breathtakingly condescending.

How Clinton Lost Her Invincibility

1,032 posted on 12/24/2007 12:31:52 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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Hillary The Hatter

Published by Gaius under Politics

Time Magazine looks at how Hillary Clinton lost her title of Her Inevitableness and notices how Clinton has been trying on one hat after another in Iowa, trying to gain traction. The frantic scramble to find the right message and the right image for Clinton resembles a mad tea party.

"She has never really been ahead here in Iowa," says Arthur B. Sanders, a politics professor at Drake University in Des Moines and author of Losing Control: Presidential Elections and the Decline of Democracy. "Her national lead made it easy to assume she would win here as well, especially since her national campaign gave off an image of her 'inevitable' victory. And a national press that had not spent time here did not really understand how different the situation was here."

Clinton has also shaken up her message in recent weeks, trying on different hats: angry Hillary; warm-and-fuzzy mommy Hillary; commander-in-chief Hillary; insurgent change-candidate Hillary. "It's a very close race in Iowa, and quite naturally, the Clinton campaign has decided to throw in everything it's got, plus the kitchen sink," says Larry Sabato, head of the University of Virginia?s Center for Politics. "She?s both the candidate of change and the candidate of experience, the candidate with a hard side and a soft side, and the candidate of the establishment past and the progressive future. Maybe voters are getting confused, or maybe she?s patching together just enough voters to win or tie. We'll all find out together on January 3rd."

Her new message, to be rolled out after the holiday is "Time to Pick a President." Which falls a bit flat since it really is time to pick a candidate first. But then, it is all a bit mad, isn't it?

2 responses so far

1,033 posted on 12/24/2007 1:14:31 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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It's the Clintons, stupid, part 2

Yesterday I noted Ms. Hillary's miraculous reunion with her former Chicago-area Sunday school teacher at a recent campaign event in Donnellson, Iowa. At Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft rounded up a full set of links, screen shots and videos to give witness to the miracle:

Update: With Video

It's a miracle!

Hillary got a "surprise" visit from her Sunday School teacher from the Chicago area while she spoke in Donnellson, Iowa. (Screengrab-AP)

It looks like Hillary's Jesus moment was likely another staged event for the Democratic front runner.

Here's the video clip so you can decide for yourself:

The AP has the full video of Senator Clinton's Jesus moment HERE.

The Hawkeye has more on the campaign miracle:

But, hold the canonization proceedings...
Sweetness and Light reported that it's not the first time Rosie made the rounds at a Hillary campaign stop. Rosie also made the barbeque back in April. (Wireimage)

This was also an event where Hillary was accused of planting questions.
The Obama '08 blog and the LA Times blog aren't buying Hillary's miracle moment, either.

Hillary better do some more preaching... Obama just pulled even with her in New Hampshire.

Doug Ross offers another take on Hillary.

UPDATE: This is odd...
Dan Riehl found the Confirmation photo from the campaign stop this week in Donnellson.

Hillary has already used her Confirmation photo (from March 22, 1959) and her "What Jesus Means to Me" confirmation essay in a New York Times article in July.

UPDATE 2: Patterico has the latest on this staged Jesus moment.


Over the weekend Jim noted the deserved recognition he has received from Chris Muir.


Posted by Scott at 10:09 AM | Permalink 
Clinton Sleaze, Lying, and even more Plants...

You could not make this stuff up, and be believed...

Hillary, the American Evita, is shooting herself in the foot, with every move she makes.

Bob Dole was a master politician by comparison...


1,034 posted on 12/24/2007 1:31:43 PM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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Merry Christmas! 
Ponytail Guy Lives: 'How Are You Going to Fix My Life?'-- Interestingly, if you search the PBS transcript of the 2nd Presidential debate (October 19, 1992), the part with the Ponytail Guy's question and the candidates' answers has been deleted from the transcript.
Clinton's secret weapon in Iowa Organizer's success proven in Wisconsin--I have compiled links, collected quotes and quips, and written about this ghastly parody of a candidate until I was blue in the face.

The Lady Macbeth of Little Rock has no friends- merely acolytes, hoping to bask in her reflected Glory...


1,035 posted on 12/25/2007 2:08:03 AM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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The Would-Be Commandress In Chief



Posted by Kate at 4:05 PM | Comments (18)  "btw, Bill Clinton bears a startling resemblance to infamous 60's cartoon character "Fat Freddie" of Gilbert Shelton's "Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers"."

1,036 posted on 12/25/2007 2:47:26 AM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T JUST SOUND LIKE A NANNY: Clinton Would Crack Down on Computer-Generated Cartoon Sex.
1,037 posted on 12/25/2007 5:29:01 AM PST by backhoe (-30-)
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New "Scared, Unquestionable Victim" news:
Dying Iowa voter confronts candidates--More manufactured “news” created specifically for the purpose of promoting a Liberal political agenda. Is there ANY victim they will not use? Is there ANY level below which they will not stoop?
 Clinton, Obama, Edwards Wage Door-to-Door Fight for Iowa Voters
Kernels from Iowa: Clinton, Obama play to different generations
Racial Undercurrent Is Seen in Clinton Campaign--It’s official: The American Evita! is no longer the Drive-By-Media’s golden child. Just Fool's Gold...

1,038 posted on 12/26/2007 3:13:26 AM PST by backhoe (A Nuke for every Kook- what a Clinton "legacy...")
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1,039 posted on 12/26/2007 6:00:52 AM PST by backhoe ("It's so Easy to spend somebody else's Money..."[ My Dad. circa 1958 ])
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FairTax Facts--The first income tax was 6% from $3-500,000. It was very simple. Then Congress started making it ‘fairer’. This is part of a larger fight, the fight between freedom and Socialism/Communism. The income tax is a powerful tool of the left, imposed by a President and Congress who did more to further Socialism in this country than any before it,
Fear Factor: 'Everybody Scared to Death of Clintons'

1,040 posted on 12/26/2007 7:25:46 AM PST by backhoe (Just a Merry-Hearted Keyboard PirateBoy, plunderin’ his way across the WWW…)
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