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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day...911 Week, Day ONE 09-09-02
Written by JohnHuang2 with Graphics and Layout by Billie | JohnHuang2

Posted on 09/09/2002 7:20:57 AM PDT by Billie


September 11th --
A Day America Must Never Forget

By JohnHuang2

It was early September 11, 2001 -- just another beautiful, sparkling summer morning in America. From Florida's comely, sandy beaches, across the Carolina Smoky Mountains, to sensual Mt. Rainer in Washington State, it was just another typical, uneventful workaday. The roads and highways bustling with rush-hour traffic, factories humming right along, tireless shopkeepers, vendors and farmers were busy as ever.
The imperturbable, mundane serenity augured not a clue of the nightmare to come.
The clock strikes 8:46 a.m. EST. Suddenly, seemingly from nowhere, a colossal, titanic explosion rips the heart of New York's financial center. A Boeing 767 passenger jet had just plunged into the World Trade Center's north tower. Instantly, a hellish fireball erupts, engulfing the skyscraper's upper-third, the towering flames scorching the morning sky. The explosion's unbridled power and fury were felt miles from the infernal epicenter.
Then, minutes later, yet another jet from hell rumbles over the trembling city, flying low as it eerily swoops towards the embattled WTC. At 9:03 a.m., the gruesome horror is repeated; this time the south tower is struck.
The world knew then this was no accident, no unlucky mishaps. This was terrorism -- the evil misdeed of savages.
But, more than that, these were acts of war. America was under attack.
As if to remove any doubt, reports of yet another kamikaze strike crosses the wires -- barely an hour after the south tower was struck. This time, the nation's military nerve center was the target. At 9:43 a.m., American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon in Washington.
Then, reports of United Airlines Flight 93, and still another hijacking. At 10:03 a.m. a Boeing 757, bound originally for San Francisco, slams into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, killing all 40 on board.
All told, the most barbaric acts of domestic terrorism snuffed out the lives of more than 3,000 men, women and children. These innocents became the war's first casualties.
The unspeakable horror and agony that day had broken the quietude and serenity we had long casually taken for granted.
America would never be the same again, her innocence ravished and raped that black September morning.
Suddenly, bursting before our eyes, what hitherto had seemed beyond unimaginable. The nation, whipsawed in terror and sorrow, stumbled and staggered.
Gone forever was our sense of sheltered invulnerability. The unfettered brutality and virulence (common-place in Bogota and Beirut, perhaps), could never befall on American soil -- or so we thought.
That indomitable aura of invincibility, like the World Trade Center itself, lay in ruins.
Amid the seared and parched remains, the smoldering corpses, the shrieks of agony and bellowing cries for help from under the sizzling rubble, as jolted rescuers, shrouded by plumes of blinding smoke, scurried heroically in search for survivors, the inevitable question "why?" ricochet across the lengths and breadths of our shaken land.
What kind of animals would deign to perpetrate such dastardly, despicable horror?
The answer would soon be forthcoming, as the trail of evidence pointed inexorably towards an all-too-familiar name, Osama bin Laden -- perennial enemy of the United States.
The shadowy, elusive Saudi national had long ago become a household name, having been the terror mastermind behind a deadly series of devastating attacks in the 90s, involving hundreds of casualties -- all under the unwatchful eye of the Clinton (mal) administration. The pathetic, halfhearted/half-baked 'military' 'retaliations' which followed would only embolden bin Laden and his al-Qaeda camarilla of war criminals.
While Clinton diehards deny it, September 11 has become an indelible blotch on the Clinton "legacy" -- a stain far more tarnishing than Lewinsky.
Today, exactly one year to the day after the harrowing carnage that awful morning, we commemorate the victims of 9/11 -- the more than 3,000 innocent men, women and children who perished that infamous day.
Three-thousand lives pulverized suddenly, senselessly.
Three-thousand hopes, 3,000 dreams, 3,000 candles of life extinguished, for no reason.
Among the victims, someone's father, someone's mother, someone's son or daughter, aunt or uncle or dear friend.
But all of them, fellow human beings.
A part of America died with them that terrible day.
September 11th was a cruel and vicious attack on all of us -- as Americans.
September 11th reminds us all of our shared humanity, and our common mortality.
The stupendous and miraculous out-pouring of love and support from people all across America during those darkest hours stands as living testament to the greatness of America itself. Our resilience as a people is what makes us uniquely American.
Our enemies may bomb us, hijack our planes, topple our buildings, but our shared sense of community, our effervescence and our love for each other can never say die.
This indomitable spirit moved the gallant heroes of hijacked Flight 93 to fight back, sparing the capital even greater carnage and destruction. Todd Beamer, who led the passenger revolt, epitomizes the courage and spirit and valor of America. This nation will never forget him.
The invincible spirit of the firefighters saved countless lives that day. The stories of heroism, of courage overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds would take more than a lifetime to recount. These brave men boldly defied death in the face that day, again and again.
Take the story of the men of Ladder Company 6. It's a story of how six New York firefighters were miraculously saved from the jaws of death -- all because of Josephine Harris, a woman they call their very own 'Guardian Angel'.

Stationed in downtown Manhattan, Ladder 6 heard the harrowing explosion when the first jet slammed the north tower. "A plane has gone into the World Trade Center!", boomed the intercom.
Ladder 6 rushed to the scene. Three minutes later, they saw "pieces of aircraft lying on the sidewalk and there were computer monitors smashing in the street", firefighter Billy Butler told the Guardian newspaper.
Butler, a seven-year veteran on the force, recalls how they "waited for the debris to stop falling and grabbed our stuff and made a beeline for the front door."
Captain John Jonas told Dateline NBC that, as they entered "One World Trade Center, the [north] tower, there were two badly burned people right there at the lobby door."
"We were in the lobby when the second plane hit", recounted Sal D' Agostino. "You could hear a rumble and an explosion. And from the windows in the World Financial Center across the street, the reflection of the explosion came off of that, came off of those windows", he said.
Climbing stairwell B, each carrying 110 lbs of gear on their backs, Ladder 6 reached the 27th floor when suddenly they heard a "rumble that nobody's ever heard before -- a 110-story building coming down", Captain Jonas told Dateline. The south tower had just crumbled to earth. They were ordered to evacuate -- immediately.
It was then when Ladder 6 came upon Josephine, a Grandmother who had already climbed down 46 floors from her office at the Port Authority.
Captain Jonas described his reaction to Dateline this way: "And Billy's my biggest, and strongest guy. I said, 'Billy, just put her arm around you, and just, we'll do the best we can'. And she was having a hard time. She was elderly, and she wasn't walking very well."
"We started down with her and it was a slow process because she was extremely fatigued, her legs were collapsing," Billy Butler tells the Guardian.
Butler: "We made it down to the fourth floor. We took two steps down the stairs and the whole building started to collapse. It threw us down to half landing. I have never been in a tornado or an earthquake but I think it was like a combination of both. You could see the stuff coming down past your face and the next minute it was going up past your face."
"My lower legs were covered with debris", Butler added, "and as I picked it off I heard something. It was this woman Josephine, she was laying at my feet. Then some of the other guys started getting up. The dust and the smoke did not clear for an hour and half."
Mr Butler: "We didn't give a Mayday initially because we thought we could walk out of there like gentlemen. Then we gave a Mayday and nobody answered, we couldn't get a signal. The chief finally ... got a message out. Captain Jonas told them that they were in the north tower's stairway B. The reply came back, 'where's the north tower?"
Richie Picciotto, the Batallion Chief, told Dateline that "there was no way out. We were encapsulated. So even though we were alive, there's 105 floors above us."
In fact, as Dateline reports, little did they know "those 105 floors were now in pieces all around them. The men of Ladder 6 had survived the collapse but were now marooned in one of the few fragments of the building still standing -- a darkened stairwell. And surrounding them, a craggy wasteland shrouded in smoke."
In his Mayday call, Captain Jonas kept "telling them, 'we're in World Trade Center One. You enter through the glass doors, you make a right, stairway B is the first stairway on the left. We're on -- between the second and the fourth floor. And my five year old daughter could follow those directions."
But Butler has a better idea. He borrows a cell phone from a Port Authority police officer hunkering with them and calls home.
Bill Butler: "My wife answered the phone. She said how are you doing. She was asking a lot of questions. I said, listen to me. And she started to whimper a little bit, and I said, ‘You can’t cry, do not cry right now.' She actually is writing this stuff down, so I just told her call the fire house and tell the guys where we’re at."
Then, suddenly, miraculously, "everything cleared just for a moment. And we could see we were at the top of this debris pile. And I'm thinking, this is going to be OK, you know? This, we're going to be OK here."
Richie Picciotto: "There’s light there. I thought it was an optical illusion. There’s light, we’re safe. There’s life. There’s light."
Dateline recounts how "Chief Picciotto followed the light to an opening they had not seen before, climbed out and secured a rope to show others the way. Still sounding his bullhorn siren, the chief was soon discovered by the men of Ladder Company 43. The firefighters could now climb out. But what about Josephine Harris?"
"I knew that we couldn’t get Josephine out by ourselves", Butler recalls. They stayed with Josephine till she was rescued.
Butler explains the remarkable irony to the Guardian this way: "This woman was soooo slow, but she was a guardian angel sent to us. It was because she slowed us up that we ended up in that void. If we had gotten out of that building we may have sought refuge in our fire truck which was flattened. I saw it the other day and it's just one twisted piece of metal."

Folks, the story of Ladder 6 is the story of America, a tribute to this great and wonderful country of ours.
'But that was a year ago', the cynic scoffs. 'Today, that spirit is dead'.
America is roaring back, thanks to the leadership of our President, George W. Bush. And thanks to the courage and bravery of the troops he leads, our enemies are either dead, captured or on the run.
"We'll succeed," thundered the Commander-in-Chief at a White House ceremony in March marking six months since the September 11th attacks.
"There will be a day when the organized threat against America, our friends and allies is broken," the President continued. "I see a peaceful world beyond the war on terror, and with courage and unity, we are building that world together."
Over the site of the World Trade Center, two beams of light tower defiantly into New York's night sky, a touching memorial to the victims of 9/11. But more than just columns of light, those beams piercing boldly the darkness are unflinching towers of courage, towers of strength, towers of firmness and undaunted resolve. To our enemies, these poignant symbols send a message, loud and clear: You will never defeat us, we will never surrender, through fire and water we will triumph over you, whatever it takes.

To the victims and heroes of September 11th; to the firefighters, policemen, emergency/rescue workers -- to all who were taken from us that day -- these radiant beams illuminating the heavens are our way of saying, 'We will never ever forget you.'
America must never forget. ~ JohnHuang2


09-07-02 through 09-08-02 ReCap of the Week's Threads

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KEYWORDS: freepers; fun; military; patriotism; surprises; veterans
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To: Pippin; Billie; Chairman_December_19th_Society; dansangel; All
Pippin, I'm sorry to say that I missed that interview. Maybe they'll replay it this week or I can read about it on FR.

Thanks for sharing your memories of that day, Pippin, dansangel, and Chair.

I only lurked on FR last year and as was my routine, I headed first thing for my favorite thread on FR, "Senate Held Hostage" (now "America the Right Way".) Miss Marple had just posted "A 737 has crashed into the World Trade Center!!! Turn on your TV's if you have them!!" I turned on FOX news and watched the replays in shock and horror and then saw the second plane hit. We now knew this was no "accident" and I started praying the hardest I had since election night 2000 and its aftermath. I felt like I was living in a nightmare.

I had to help get my boys ready for school but kept running back to the T.V. every chance available. Needing to share my feelings and fears with a fellow believer and with tears streaming down my face, I took a moment to run over to my neighbor's house to see if she had heard the news. We hugged and cried together as we shared our disbelief about what was happening and agreed that this must mean war for America. Back home, I e-mailed my husband the news at work in case he hadn't heard. My sons and I prayed together before I took them to school and I urged them to pray for our nation and our President throughout the day.

I remember feeling so fearful for the safety of the President and Vice-President. They were constantly in my prayers. I spent the rest of the day glued to the T.V. and F.R., anxious for every tidbit of information, crying and praying all the while, enraged and incredulous when two more planes went down. I remember the media's unbearable sniping at the President for not immediately returning to the White House when it could very well be a target. It was outrageous and of course, they kept it up for days.

It is hard but necessary to relive these feelings again. How the liberals can be so nonchalant about the attack on America and so quickly have forgotten the terror and outrage of September 11, 2001 is absolutely amazing.

Senate Held Hostage!!! (Day 97) [AMERICA - The Right Way!! (Day 234)] September 11, 2001

161 posted on 09/09/2002 11:55:44 AM PDT by Lorena
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To: daisyscarlett
Hi, daisy! Love the photo and the newsclip about Merrill Lynch! Thanks for the most special words, too. Love you, partner!
162 posted on 09/09/2002 11:56:34 AM PDT by Billie
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To: Joe Brower
Oh, thanks for another graphic. I remember seeing the one of the flight paths of the four planes.
163 posted on 09/09/2002 11:58:53 AM PDT by Billie
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To: Mama_Bear
It's my other beautiful partner with another beautiful post. I love you!
164 posted on 09/09/2002 11:59:47 AM PDT by Billie
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To: Pippin
Hi, Pippin - yes, a new look for this week - thought we'd replace the original thread this week with the special tribute John wrote, and wanted to concentrate fully on 911 with our openings all week.
165 posted on 09/09/2002 12:02:19 PM PDT by Billie
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To: Teacup
Hi, Teacup - I'm glad you could be here. Thank you for the prayers.
166 posted on 09/09/2002 12:03:26 PM PDT by Billie
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To: blackie
Thank you for the ping-a-ling 911 Bump! Or rather, thank you for the 911 Bump, Ping-a-Ling! Hi, blackie!
167 posted on 09/09/2002 12:05:00 PM PDT by Billie
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To: ohioWfan
Your post just gave ME goosebumps all over! How wonderful for Eric he got to have this NASCAR 911 ceremony experience! He's doin' you so proud, Mom!
168 posted on 09/09/2002 12:08:11 PM PDT by Billie
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To: eagle
Waking the Eagle

Befeathered now, the tiny warrior
In triumph dances round the blaze,
Filling the night with chants of vict’ry,
In laughing songs of boastful praise;
“I’ve climbed the heights where the Eagle,
Mighty Eagle, found her rest!
“And snatched from there an egg and feather
While she slept upon her nest!”

But then the wise man comes rebuking,
“Do you know what you have done?
“That sleeping Eagle posed no danger,
But with the coming of the sun
“She’ll wake and see and know her loss;
With dreadful cry she’ll voice her pain,
“Then turn her eyes to seek the villain:
Vengeful gaze fall on this plain!”

“I’m not afraid!” the youth responds,
With haughty voice filled with disdain.
"The Eagle’s bloodied, I took her feather:
She’ll not be able to fly again!”
“Not afraid?” the old man counters,
“You think one quill will steal her might?
“The Eagle’s feathers all united
Will bring her here with deadly flight!”

“Lightening filled, a storm of anger,
With dark resolve she’ll fill our skies:
“Mother’s strength will launch her upward,
On mighty vengeful wings she’ll rise!
“That sleeping Eagle, you’ve awakened,
Will haunt our heavens till you die:
“Foolish one, too late you’ll realize,
It’s best to let the sleeping Eagle lie!”

by Robert D. Wilson

169 posted on 09/09/2002 12:08:58 PM PDT by lodwick
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To: ClancyJ
Thank you, Clancy - good to see you. I wish I could hogtie JH2 and get him to write more and more for us!
170 posted on 09/09/2002 12:09:14 PM PDT by Billie
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To: ST.LOUIE1; JohnHuang2
Oh, it's the LouieWolf with another bluebird for me! YEA!!!

And what a cutie she is! Thank you so much, TLL - you think we can hire John to work for us? Will pay him double what the three of us are getting! :)

171 posted on 09/09/2002 12:13:06 PM PDT by Billie
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To: lodwick
I'm really enjoying your wonderful posts and graphics. You add so much to the thread and your patriotism shines bright. God bless you.
172 posted on 09/09/2002 12:14:01 PM PDT by Lorena
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To: Billie
Never To Be Forgotten

FR's Favorite FReeper

Barbara Olson

She was the wife of U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson,
but she was better known as a frequent commentator on CNN and other news networks.

Barbara Olson was aboard American Flight 77 from Dulles International Airport
when it crashed into the Pentagon.
She twice called her husband as the plane was being hijacked
and told him the attackers were using knife-like instruments.

Olson was a chief investigator for the House Government Reform Committee in the mid-1990s.
She later became a lawyer on the staff of Senate Minority Whip Don Nickles,
before branching out on her own as a TV commentator and private lawyer.
She was a frequent critic of the Clinton administration
and wrote a book about Hillary Rodham Clinton.

173 posted on 09/09/2002 12:16:30 PM PDT by ST.LOUIE1
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To: JohnHuang2

174 posted on 09/09/2002 12:18:20 PM PDT by Billie
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RE: 173

Ooops! You blew the HTML, Louie. : (

175 posted on 09/09/2002 12:18:41 PM PDT by ST.LOUIE1
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To: Pippin
Thank you, Pippin, for your very moving post. I'm glad you shared it with us.
176 posted on 09/09/2002 12:20:10 PM PDT by Billie
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To: lodwick; JohnHuang2
Thank-you both for your kind words.

177 posted on 09/09/2002 12:20:55 PM PDT by dansangel
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To: ru4liberty
Well, your post made me cry. It must have been hard for you to tell your dad what happened, and then, still crying over the 911 events, you lost your dad, too.
178 posted on 09/09/2002 12:22:45 PM PDT by Billie
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To: Billie

179 posted on 09/09/2002 12:23:20 PM PDT by GailA
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To: Lorena
Good afternoon there - nice to see ya. It's a pleasure and honor to be here surrounded by friends and patriots on algore's wonderful internet. ;-)
180 posted on 09/09/2002 12:23:29 PM PDT by lodwick
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