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Call to action: Possible Action Items for Regional FReeper Conventions
Feb 18, 2009 | Jim Robinson

Posted on 02/18/2009 12:01:18 PM PST by Jim Robinson

Just throwing out a handful of ideas for discussion:

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; News/Current Events; US: Alabama; US: Alaska; US: Arizona; US: Arkansas; US: California; US: Colorado; US: Connecticut; US: Delaware; US: District of Columbia; US: Florida; US: Georgia; US: Hawaii; US: Idaho; US: Illinois; US: Indiana; US: Iowa; US: Kansas; US: Kentucky; US: Louisiana; US: Maine; US: Maryland; US: Massachusetts; US: Michigan; US: Minnesota; US: Mississippi; US: Missouri; US: Montana; US: Nebraska; US: Nevada; US: New Hampshire; US: New Jersey; US: New Mexico; US: New York; US: North Carolina; US: North Dakota; US: Ohio; US: Oklahoma; US: Oregon; US: Pennsylvania; US: Rhode Island; US: South Carolina; US: South Dakota; US: Tennessee; US: Texas; US: Utah; US: Vermont; US: Virginia; US: Washington; US: West Virginia; US: Wisconsin; US: Wyoming
KEYWORDS: convention; conventions; fr; frconvention; frconventions; freeperconvention; freepmeet; meetup; region; regional; regionalconvention; tristatechapter
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To: GOP Poet; Jim Robinson
no new forthcoming GUN and AMMO ban laws or restrictions

no no no, respectfully, you're missing the point. Since DC vs Heller upheld private ownership, the head-marxists-in-charge are going to require $1 million dollar insurance policies to own a gun.

Watch this Glenn Beck video on titled "Taking Aim at Second Amendment". It's on the bottom left of the page. It's a popup, so you have to find the link.

This will effectively eliminate gun ownership without ever banning it. This abomination is the end-game strategery.

Why fight the incrementalism war on freedom and power. Just insure it out of reach.

141 posted on 02/20/2009 2:40:43 PM PST by SwankyC (Please stand by - The govt will be there to help you in just a few moments.)
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To: SwankyC

That will be someone’s line in the sand.

142 posted on 02/20/2009 2:44:09 PM PST by jusduat (wondering,questioning,searching)
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To: jusduat

Oh, you’re damn right about that. That is what Glenn Beck also likes to call the bubba effect. Someone WILL do something dumb and this government will come down like a ton of bricks - like those old fascist bastards Wilson and FDR.

143 posted on 02/20/2009 3:00:40 PM PST by SwankyC (Please stand by - The govt will be there to help you in just a few moments.)
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To: Bob Eimiller

Thanks Bob... Good to see you here.
Have you seen the noise I have been making?
Also new radio station on WECK 1230 AM broadcast from Cheektowaga. My friend Dave DiPietro has a show Thursday at 11 AM and Scott Leffler everyday at 9 AM.

144 posted on 02/20/2009 4:43:14 PM PST by The Mayor ( In Gods works we see His hand; in His Word we hear His heart)
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To: eleni121

Thanks, I had fun and will be on more often. I posted the Podcast in the no tolls website.

145 posted on 02/20/2009 4:44:25 PM PST by The Mayor ( In Gods works we see His hand; in His Word we hear His heart)
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To: AFPhys; DollyCali

No one really wants to be here, but here we are...

146 posted on 02/20/2009 5:20:53 PM PST by The Mayor ( In Gods works we see His hand; in His Word we hear His heart)
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To: NYTexan; metmom

Well you two have at least escaped Erie County....

147 posted on 02/20/2009 5:22:01 PM PST by The Mayor ( In Gods works we see His hand; in His Word we hear His heart)
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To: The Mayor

It was 70 today!

And I still don’t pay state payroll taxes!!!

Paterson is gonna nickle & dime y’all into the poorhouse...

148 posted on 02/20/2009 5:25:43 PM PST by NYTexan
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To: mc5cents

For a minute there I thought I was ion a movie or something like the rebirth of Buffalo. Of course like you I faced reality and knew I was still here.

We need a tea party here too, we should do one at the Erie basin marina. Or in to the new canal inlet.. : )

149 posted on 02/20/2009 5:34:41 PM PST by The Mayor ( In Gods works we see His hand; in His Word we hear His heart)
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To: The Mayor; AFPhys; DollyCali
Top Ten Reasons to Move to Texas:
150 posted on 02/20/2009 5:47:02 PM PST by NYTexan
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To: sasafras

***We are conservatives and constitutionalist, we must move the country by focusing on our freedoms, or lack thereof, not our political allegiance.***

You are so right. But, at the same time we must not lose the Republican votes.

Just off the top of my head, Conservative Republican Party. Any suggestions?

And also, your comment about. “The libs have been very smart in naming their organizations - of course they are ultra-leftist but instead use patriot type names,” is right on the money.

We’d better start thinking up patriot names for our organizations. Short, pithy catch phrases are what the average voter hears, and is impressed by.

I’m tossing in the following just to get other Freepers (and God knows we have a lot of solid thinking and creative ones here) thinking:

Vote for a conservative who will create jobs instead of raising your taxes.

Okay, that’s not the best phrasing, but on only two or three hours sleep last night. that’s the best I can do. Let’s hear from other Freepers.

151 posted on 02/20/2009 5:53:06 PM PST by kitkat (THE DAY WE LOSE OUR WILL TO FIGHT WILL BE THE DAY WE LOSE OUR FREEDOM.)
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To: Jim Robinson
I'm gathering all FReepers north of Houston, ie Spring, Tomball, Magnolia, Conroe.

If you live in these areas and want to get active, FReepmail me.

152 posted on 02/20/2009 9:42:33 PM PST by Humidston (IT'S COMING...I SMELL IT.)
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To: Allegra; squarebarb

Thanks, Allegra.

You are on the Texas list, squarebarb...

Welcome aboard!

153 posted on 02/20/2009 10:52:00 PM PST by MeekOneGOP (2008: The year the Media died. --Sean Hannity, regarding Barack HUSSEIN ObaMao's treatment ...)
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To: squarebarb

Jim, we have an organization growing in PA - It is an independent group of people across the state that have never been involved in politics before and are disgusted with all the parties. In one month since it’s inception they have almost 600 members. I am involved with the SW PA chapter. Their goal is to create an army of volunteers that can take to the streets to do what ACORN does but promotes the return to the constitution. Members are pro-gun, pro-life, pro-limited government. They want to take over the PAGOP which has become totally corrupted by RINO’S and pay-to-play.

My job as a member is to educate. I am out to give Specter his retirement. It was me on the KDKA video. Sadly most in attendence thought I was crazy. They don’t get it. Of course with Comrade’s O’s brainwashing they are drinking the Kool-aid.

Everyone in PA has to work together to get rid of this man.

Gerlach is a moderate
State Rep. Sam Roher has been mentioned to go against him
Glen Meakem has been mulling it
Peg Luksik, Bill Russell’s campaign manager, has changed her registration back from Constitution Party to Republican thinking to take on Specter.
Lynn Swann has been suggested

154 posted on 02/21/2009 7:27:08 AM PST by mombrown1 (PA Coordinatior SAS The Second Amendment is the reset button for the Constitution)
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To: The Mayor; Jim Robinson

Keep me informed Mayor... I think a Tea Party in Buffalo would be a great organizer tool. We should be able to coordinate with the rest of the country very easily. Once an effective core is established...based on what I’m hearing it will grow like wildfire.
You have my email I think... I’ll send you my phone number.

155 posted on 02/21/2009 9:46:40 AM PST by Bob Eimiller (appeasement "it's the idea that if you feed the alligator he will eat you last." Winston Churchill)
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To: NYTexan

Texas has gorgeous women but... They sure talk funny...

156 posted on 02/21/2009 9:48:20 AM PST by Bob Eimiller (appeasement "it's the idea that if you feed the alligator he will eat you last." Winston Churchill)
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To: Bob Eimiller; NYTexan; TheMom; Xenalyte; Hap
Texas has gorgeous women but... They sure talk funny...

We do not! ;-)

157 posted on 02/21/2009 9:51:41 AM PST by Allegra
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To: Allegra

oops sorry but... I couldn’t understand what you said. Did you say.... “Waya do not” ? lol

158 posted on 02/21/2009 10:28:55 AM PST by Bob Eimiller (appeasement "it's the idea that if you feed the alligator he will eat you last." Winston Churchill)
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To: Jim Robinson; Alamo-Girl


Have been prayerfully pondering your items since you posted it.

The one I feel the strongest about is:

How to combat the Fairness Doctrine? Install offshore servers? Private BBS? Email/Phone/Fax lists? Shortwave radio? Local/personal networking?


Maybe all of those.

I realize there are hazards with such lists—but FREEPERS NEED TO KNOW WHO THEY CAN MORE OR LESS COUNT ON IN THEIR LOCALES as things get rougher.

AND we need ways to communicate from locale to locale as long as possible.

In principle, I’d be happy to encourage all the other political action items. However, national ones will have relatively little effect over the long haul. My reading of the Bible indicates that the satanic global government will not be stopped until Christ returns and defeats it at Armageddon.

I think local organizing and networking would be a better use of time and resources. AT LEAST SOME LOCALES will likely be safe-havens far longer than others.

We might do best to identify the likely areas and particularly buttress FREEPERS in those areas in every way possible.

I believe that God will preserve our Beloved Republic eventually in some form . . . but that effectively the globalists/Commie/socialist/satanic traitors will shred major portions of it through a list of long calculated and planned horrific means.

They really are serious about reducing the global population to 200-500 million. I have 0.00000% doubt about that after studying such since 1965. Check out our leaders’ quotes since 1900 in my tagline ref:

and you will then have a better understanding of what we’re up against. They have not been totally secret about their plans at all—just not overly brazen until this “election.”

I do think that one of the things that could be most helpful in . . . influencing many groups and individuals and our own personal networks of relatives, friends and co-workers . . .

would be for someone to step up to the plate as Alamo-Girl did with the Klintoons.

We need various sized documents, packets etc. documenting OThuga’s evils in the starkest ‘his own words’ forms possible.

We need stuff we can print and hand out easily.
We need stuff we can mp3 player share easily.

Given that Khomeni overthrew the Sha primarily with cassette tapes . . . I think the above materials could be the most powerful thing we could do besides PRAYER.

. . . imho . . . for now.



159 posted on 02/21/2009 10:39:26 AM PST by Quix (POL BOSSES say fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: Bob Eimiller

It is getting to that point where a tea party just may take off here. With everything that is going on with the state and county we could do it soon.

My blog is and that is where I will start doing something to organize this. You got mail.

160 posted on 02/21/2009 10:39:57 AM PST by The Mayor ( In Gods works we see His hand; in His Word we hear His heart)
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