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Is this really it? (re: possible Obama's Kenyan B.C. - Attny Taitz) Click on the link ^ | 8/2/2009 | rxsid

Posted on 08/02/2009 1:35:53 AM PDT by rxsid

Edited on 08/06/2009 12:10:02 AM PDT by John Robinson. [history]

Attorney Taitz filed a NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Expedite authentication, MOTION for Issuance of Letters Rogatory for authenticity of Kenyan birth certificate filed by Plaintiff Alan Keyes PhD.

Barry's Kenyan B.C.??

Special Motion for leave (site has been the target of hackers, proceed with caution — John)

TOPICS: Heated Discussion
KEYWORDS: armedcitizen; article2section1; awgeez; banglist; barackhusseinobama; barackobama; barackobamasr; bc; believeanything; betrayed; bfrcolbtwawlol; bho; bho44; birthcertificate; birther; birthers; birthplace; ccw; certifigate; changeamerica; citizenship; colb; commonlaw; conman; constitution; democratssuck; devilspawn; donofrio; dreams; dreamscopyright; dreamsfrommyfather; emerdevattel; emerichdevattel; englishcommonlaw; enoughofthiscrap; fakenews; fauxbama; founders; framers; fraud; georgewashington; gottrolls; greatpretender; hailtothekenyan; hawaii; headinthesand; hermaphrodite; hoax; honolulu; honoluluflimflam; hopespringseternal; hussein; imom; indonesia; johnjay; kenya; kenyabelieveit; kenyaman; kenyan; keyes; leodonofrio; lgfequalsdailykos; lgfhateschristians; lgfracist; lorettafuddy; lucyhazfootball; m0mbasa; marxistusurper; mas; mikeshusband; muslim; naturalborn; naturallaw; nbc; nothingburger; obama; obamabio; obamanoncitizenissue; obroma; ods; openyoureyes; orly; orlytaitz; orlytaitzpatriot; philberg; polarik; potusbogus; prezzot; qanoncrowd; repository1; rkba; rosemarysbaby; stalinistusurper; suckers; taitz; texasdarlin; thekenyan; thistimeforsure; tinfoilhat; trump; ukc; unpresident; usurper; vattel; vips; wakeup; washington; zulu666
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To: SE Mom; afraidfortherepublic

My take is, in any given situation, I not only look at what is said/done, but what isn’t.

In this case, the wholesale silence of the GOP to squeeze Barry to produce his Birth Certificate is extremely suspicious, almost to the point of diabolical. It is no coincidence. Something is up and the GOP is in on it someway, somehow.

What I heard from Doug Hangmann isn’t surprising, about the threats etc. But the so called signed statement by a major anchor/host won’t really matter much, whereas a solid piece of paper evidence will.

At the same time, it is also showing that public pressure is real and working, and we should keep it up.

I have stated this before, my gut hunch tells me at this time the more reliable source of information would be from the Indonesian source, old marriage certificate, birth certificate, immigrant visa information, adoption record etc., basically every piece of paperwork that had to have gone thru for “the new family” to live there for a few years. The Indonesian government probably has a lot of paper trail.

We have the power to keep them spinning too.

8,201 posted on 08/08/2009 3:24:38 PM PDT by m4629 (politically incorrect, and proud of it)
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To: MHGinTN; David

It has been said by David (courtesy ping) (my understanding, not his words) that those who can do something about 0bama need to wait until such time as public opinion is more “agin” than “fer”. I do think that time is almost here.

8,202 posted on 08/08/2009 3:25:24 PM PDT by little jeremiah
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To: little jeremiah

Perhaps..but I will never believe that President Bush and VP Cheney would allow a known marxist usurper to go that far if they had the proof that he wasn’t even eligible to begin with. I know it’s popular to besmirch Bush around some parts of our own party, but I never will...not his integrity for sure. He is a good and decent man. If something like that is proven down the road and President Bush was involved in hiding the would have been because he was afraid of mass riots and blood in the streets. President Bush did do his best to put this country first....ALWAYS. I don’t see him being blackmailed or bullied easily

8,203 posted on 08/08/2009 3:29:13 PM PDT by penelopesire ("The only CHANGE you will get with the Democrats is the CHANGE left in your pocket")
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To: penelopesire

I made those comments when I read that (some) of the Bush administration assisted, or whatever the notes said.

After that I read that Bush himself assisted in this. I suspend any thoughts or judgements until the truth is out. I know there were (and are) Bush haters here and elsewhere; I am not one of them. There is much about his administration I am not happy about (borders? ilegals?) but also know that one President cannot do everything; and with the scum in Congress, often can’t do much, even if he is a good and wise man.

8,204 posted on 08/08/2009 3:37:15 PM PDT by little jeremiah
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To: little jeremiah

I am glad you aren’t one of them. It pains my heart everytime I see Bush bashing posts on FR. Believe me...he is a good man.

8,205 posted on 08/08/2009 3:43:34 PM PDT by penelopesire ("The only CHANGE you will get with the Democrats is the CHANGE left in your pocket")
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To: m4629; afraidfortherepublic

Thanks for your answers :)

I’m holding off on believing this for now- though it definitely has me curious. I simply cannot believe that that MANY people could/would keep quiet about this if it were true. That is the one reason I’ve never given conspiracy theories much credence- human nature.

Meantime- we still don’t have a real, actual birth certificate.

8,206 posted on 08/08/2009 3:54:51 PM PDT by SE Mom (Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
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I am listening to it now. I had NO problems pulling up the mp3 first hour. So it’s not being blocked. OBTW, the web page doesn’t pull up MP3 starts in my media player once I clicked on the link.

8,207 posted on 08/08/2009 4:06:16 PM PDT by shield (A wise man's heart is at his RIGHT hand;but a fool's heart at his LEFT. Ecc 10:2)
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To: little jeremiah; LucyT
It has been said by David (courtesy ping) (my understanding, not his words) that those who can do something about 0bama need to wait until such time as public opinion is more “agin” than “fer”. I do think that time is almost here.

Well that's a little different than what I thought I said--maybe I misspoke.

With respect to a direct legal action seeking relief having him declared ineligible to be President, I don't see anyone presently pursuing an effective suit--yet. For a variety of reasons. Procedural legal issues; lack of a real substantive claim; and inadequate counsel being three of the most important at the moment.

I think the pending suits are helpful because they get facts demonstrating the merit of the claim before the public; in aid of a significant objective. Making the electorate aware that Obama is in fact not the President.

I view the current economic condition as involving seasonal factors and artificial stimulus none of which addresses the underlying debt problem and which is likely to end rather abruptly, probably in September. In conjunction with developing dissatisfaction with his policies, I think he is likely to wind up in a defensive political posture which will make it easier to bring the legal status to a head.

And the legal is not hopeless. There are persons with substantive standing to attack actual Presidential action. And further, I think there is a large body of military who clearly have standing and who are genuinely prejudiced by the absence of a Constitutional Commander in Chief.

The ideal military plaintiff would be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I doubt we have any chiefs with the requisite political fortitude or commitment to their oath. But events may force action. I continue to have real difficulty understanding how the military chiefs think they can continue to run the military under the circumstances.

8,208 posted on 08/08/2009 4:08:24 PM PDT by David (...)
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To: penelopesire; little jeremiah

I have faith in Bush too, but I know that he is a man who was raised to be gracious and to give people the benefit of the doubt. Hagmann was unclear in his charges — just that the Bush admin. “and Bush, himself” applied pressure to keep the chatter about this topic down. Hagmann also used the word “colluded”. (from my notes) Afraid of a Constitutional crisis on top of the monetary crisses? Who knows?

Furthermore, Hagmann also has an affidavit from a support person employed by a major TV network who was in a position to interact with guests and to be present in the green room before the show starrted. This support person was present on March 24, 2009 when the topic had previously been announced that the host and the guest would discuss Obama’s eligibilty and the lawsuits that were in the courts. Management entered the green room and told the host and the guest that they would not be allowed to discuss that topic on this show or they “would be in a world of hurt”.

Hagmann wouldn’t reveal the name of the show or the host but said that it would be easy to figure out by going through past schedules.

8,209 posted on 08/08/2009 4:08:27 PM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
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To: MHGinTN; Pmb09

All 3 are opening up for me .. I’m on an
older version of Firefox .. 3.05, I think

8,210 posted on 08/08/2009 4:12:18 PM PDT by STARWISE (The Art & Science Institute of Chicago Politics NE Div: now open at the White House)
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To: Fractal Trader

It’s not referring to a book title. The original Constitution as written capitalizes various nouns because that was the style then. You are sadly mistaken if you think it is referring to a specific book title. Find one single reputable source that believes that. You cannot. Do your own research. Stop believing things you hear and verify what you read. Verify what *I* say.

8,211 posted on 08/08/2009 4:17:16 PM PDT by Technical Editor
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To: afraidfortherepublic

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter and some clarification on the show.

8,212 posted on 08/08/2009 4:22:07 PM PDT by penelopesire ("The only CHANGE you will get with the Democrats is the CHANGE left in your pocket")
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To: penelopesire

Pres. Bush is an exemplary man of integrity,
devotion to country ... and of the highest moral
character and ethics.

The only threat to which I could see even the
hint of his succumbing to evil intimidation or
threats referenced is that of ANY hint of harm
to those he loves or deadly attacks again here.

8,213 posted on 08/08/2009 4:30:05 PM PDT by STARWISE (The Art & Science Institute of Chicago Politics NE Div: now open at the White House)
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To: penelopesire

I just was trying to provide a synopsis of the main points of the show because I thought they were food for thought and that not many would be willing to invest 3 hours in listening to it.

I’m not a good enough note taker to provide a transcript, but I think I got the gist of it down.

Hagmann went right from his comment on Bush into a discussion of the incident in the green room and then on to the Internet War Room. He also mentioned that name-calling (”birther”, “right wingnut”) was part of their strategy to marginalize the BC arguments. Their plants are on both the right and left websites.

Hagmann says that this conspiracy is more serious than Watergate. Phil Berg calls this birth certificate issue the biggest hoax ever pulled in out coutry. He recommended his own wevbsite: for explanations. I haven’t gone there — maybe later.

8,214 posted on 08/08/2009 4:34:03 PM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
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To: afraidfortherepublic

There are millions of Americans who would love all this to be true. I’m one of them.

But without evidence, unfortunately, nothing can be done.

Provide evidence. I’d scream it from the rooftops if I had it. I haven’t seen any yet, but I’m still looking.

You can assert and allege and speculate from now until 2012, but what sane person is going to be so stupid and brainless as to believe unsubstantiated accusations.

People with intelligence do not believe things simply because they want those things to be true.

8,215 posted on 08/08/2009 4:34:40 PM PDT by Technical Editor
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Pres. Bush is an exemplary man of integrity, devotion to country ... and of the highest moral character and ethics.

The only threat to which I could see even the hint of his succumbing to evil intimidation or threats referenced is that of ANY hint of harm to those he loves or deadly attacks again here.


8,216 posted on 08/08/2009 4:35:05 PM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
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To: Technical Editor

I’m just the reporter here.

8,217 posted on 08/08/2009 4:35:52 PM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
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To: Technical Editor

Adding — Hagmann says he has the evidence.

8,218 posted on 08/08/2009 4:36:27 PM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
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To: patlin

You said: “hahahahahaha, I luv it when a politician makes it so easy!”

I predict he will make it easier and easier to ridicule him.

8,219 posted on 08/08/2009 4:36:56 PM PDT by Technical Editor
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To: Fred Nerks; hoosiermama; LucyT; STARWISE
With everything else going on, I dropped the ball on getting this out a couple of days ago, Fred — sorry.

One VERY important tidbit not included in the Post #7170 regarding the NEVER BEFORE RELEASED Susan Blake interview:

Susan Blake said, then retracted, that she received a post card from Stanley (Ann Dunham) from a ship in February or March of 1961. When asked where it was headed, she said she did not know. Immediately in the next breath, Blake said she was just guessing about the ship. Then she also said that instead of a postcard, it was a actually a letter from Ann in Spring of 1961, stating she had been married and was expecting a baby, but didn't remember from where the letter was sent.

This information about the ship came about two-thirds the way in the interview. By this point, the interviewer had also been told that Ann said she was on her way out to Boston in August 1961 -- a year before Obama SR started attending Harvard -- and quite frankly, he began to think Blake was making things up “on the fly”. Because the interviewer was already dismissing parts of her statements by this point, and then she retracted this, he didn't think much of it (neither did I at the time). That's when the interviewer asked the "money question" about Obama's citizenship, and she hung up.

To add to this concept of a ship ride to Kenya, here's this from Michael Patrick Leahy book, “What Does Barack Obama Believe?” when he interviewed Blake in August 2008: "If Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, there is no indication that Barack Obama Senior was present at the birth of his third child. Stanley Ann's high school classmate Susan Blake had the impression that he was not there, and may not even have been on the island of Hawaii at the time..."

The address on the famed Honolulu Advertiser Obama birth announcement, 6085 Kalaniaole Hwy, is 15 miles from the University of Hawaii campus. It was an expensive area of the island, in an area not populated by students (as owning and operating a car on Hawaii was/is expensive).

Also, accounts indicate that Obama SR's family wasn't happy upon learning about Ann. They were said to be upset, in addition to other reasons, that he was not honoring the dowry of 14 cows given to Keiza's family when he married her in January 1957.

IF Barack was still in Kenya if he and Ann took a boat ride there in Feb-Mar 1961, and Ann decided to leave once she was permitted to do so after the baby was born, that could explain this part of the story about a possible ship-ride to Kenya, as well as a flight back to Washington state three weeks after Obama JR's birth (perhaps via Hawaii en route to file a Kenyan BC).

8,220 posted on 08/08/2009 4:40:08 PM PDT by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)
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