If you haven’t been following the farcical tragedy that is the redevelopment of Ground Zero in New York, please read Pamela Gellar’s excellent compilation of backstory on one sliver of the insanity.

It’s beyond ridiculous the Twin Towers were not rebuilt, taller than ever, as Donald Trump suggested, immediately after Muslims destroyed them on 9/11/01.  Next year will be the ten year anniversary of Islam’s most deadly attack upon the West.  Ground Zero is still a dusty hole in Manhattan.  For whatever reason, the bumbling Leftist bureaucrats in New York City haven’t managed to get their act together and remedy that.

Entering into this profound void of sense and leadership, Muslims have seized an opportunity to build a Mega-Mosque near the World Trade Center site, as a symbol of Islam’s conquest of America.

May 15, 2010 at 10:41 am

Posted this elsewhere too but it can’t be spread far and wide enough.


another religion of peace care bear...

May 15th, 2010 | 10:21 pm | #16

The lefties boycott Arizona for enforcing a law that has existed for decades. It’s time the rest of us boycott New York for planning to build a Mosque on the 9/11 site.

May 15th, 2010 | 9:36 pm | #13

Thanks, Dems, for harassing Sarah and staff with so many lawsuits it became too costly for her and her team to govern in Alaska.

What Alaska lost, the rest of America gained. She’s a voice for us, exposing your failures, and you can’t keep her quiet.